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RPG Patreon Active Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [SHOEGAZER] Dungeons and Prisoners (RJ113419)

Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

hmmm is it possible to have armor break by HP loss but not have the armor repair by HP? and only repaired at blacksmith/armorsmith or a closet?
or is that too troublesome for you?

This is a pretty tricky thing to pull off, usually requiring special scripts, or to have the whole game based around this mechanic. At this point in Ill's development, it'd likely be next to impossible. He'd have to rewrite many scripts. To pull this off, it'd likely be delayed until December or next year, and no one wants that.

It's not something this game will have, which is fine. It'll be fantastic without it. And, don't get me wrong, I love the clothing destruction thing. From what I've seen, pretty much the only thing this game doesn't have is the clothing destruction.

And, once again, fantastic work Ill.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

In any case, my next game relase after end of NFL seasnon.

I hope the San Francisco 49ers win the Super Bowl, and your next game will be released immediately after. 2014 would be a wonderful year for me! XD
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Armor break make her DR and AC loss and own risk to rape.
it's too mach good concept for H-RPG.
but I do not want to add Simple HP loss by Armor break concept to DnD or any other TRPG rule...

What if each armor have a value for how tough it is

and certain enemies have attack that can break armor
using some calculation to make it exponentially harder when the values are low, maybe something like

(enemy's power / armor's toughness)^2

So for example, if an armor toughness is 4, and an enemy use an attack with 1 breaking power

(1/4)^2 = 1/16 chance of breaking

and if that do happen, the armor is turned into 'broken' state (which reduces the DR/AC) and has to be repaired via blacksmith?
Such as taking the alchemy/combine page, call it Repair, and make it only shows broken armor + material to fix
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

This is a pretty tricky thing to pull off, usually requiring special scripts, or to have the whole game based around this mechanic. At this point in Ill's development, it'd likely be next to impossible. He'd have to rewrite many scripts. To pull this off, it'd likely be delayed until December or next year, and no one wants that.

It's not something this game will have, which is fine. It'll be fantastic without it. And, don't get me wrong, I love the clothing destruction thing. From what I've seen, pretty much the only thing this game doesn't have is the clothing destruction.

And, once again, fantastic work Ill.

Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I hope the San Francisco 49ers win the Super Bowl, and your next game will be released immediately after. 2014 would be a wonderful year for me! XD
Ow. sorry about last year. I'm a Raven. but yeah 49ers have a chance to winning this year. or several year.
What if each armor have a value for how tough it is
and certain enemies have attack that can break armor
using some calculation to make it exponentially harder when the values are low, maybe something like
(enemy's power / armor's toughness)^2
So for example, if an armor toughness is 4, and an enemy use an attack with 1 breaking power
(1/4)^2 = 1/16 chance of breaking
and if that do happen, the armor is turned into 'broken' state (which reduces the DR/AC) and has to be repaired via blacksmith?
Such as taking the alchemy/combine page, call it Repair, and make it only shows broken armor + material to fix
Yes. it is possible. but all of my problem is told by doob420.
However, writing script is not to difficult. most problem is time of graphics making.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

OK thank you. Repped both people who answered my questions :) I'll mess around with it tonight.

Do I get options to do stuff once her desire is higher? I noticed a lot of stuff I can't seem to interact with atm.

Oh, one more question...it looks like there is a place beyond the area where the plants and faeries are...is that just the name of the area, or is there a way I have not found past the plants/faeries zone?

You have to get captured by the bandits to get the "sex skills" from high desire. Having high desire before capture does nothing (in the demo)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Ah, in the town to the south? I've never managed to escape from them but will try again. (unless you mean different bandits)

This is quite helpful, thanks.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Ah, in the town to the south? I've never managed to escape from them but will try again. (unless you mean different bandits)

This is quite helpful, thanks.

You don't try to escape them, thats how you get desire up. Get raped like 4-5 times (enough for the screen to go black from passing out) and you start getting desire skills. (So far only 3 desire skills, accept pleasure, grind hip and spread legs)
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

OK cool thanks will give it a go. I was afraid it was an endless loop. I'd rep you again but no can do.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Whoa, interesting. Can you tell us more or is it secret for now?
I don't know any details :eek:
only known it's a H game and using Unity engine.

I don't have a certain evidence but maybe this game
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

As far as I know, Unity is pretty developer-friendly and allows for some cool stuff. Wasteland 2 and Shadowrun Returns are some of the games that are using Unity. Though it also probably means that it's going to be 3D which for the most part looks ugly in h games.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

OK, it worked, she has all three skills, still trapped tho, maybe desire not high enough/not broken yet.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

OK, it worked, she has all three skills, still trapped tho, maybe desire not high enough/not broken yet.

hmm not exactly sure what you wanted to do overall...?

You asked earlier how to get desire up, so there you go :p

Higher desire does not get you more skills, the demo only has 3. As far as getting out of the place, you will need to be like Lv 6-7+ and "very lucky" to avoid joker until you can kill the ruffian with the key, to get your gear to fight Joker to escape.

(would recommend saving per turn to achieve this)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Ah OK.

Mostly, to try to see the game with high desire see if I could get more encounters. Had heart for the dragon but could not do anything, thought I saw something about fucking the kobolds, and saw a few situations with men she quickly withdrew from, was not sure if high desire would change it. I misunderstood that messing with the rufficans would possibly unlock that stuff

I appreciate your working with me, sorry I was expressing myself poorly.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

if i recall correctly on of the kobalds can blind you (out of combat)

whats up with that?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I want to comment about the clothing-hp concept. I don't see why clothing should be proportional to hp. Plus, I would actually enjoy it more if they were independent since you can be healthy when naked (like during summer) and unhealthy when wearing coats (winter).
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

if i recall correctly on of the kobalds can blind you (out of combat)

whats up with that?

It's a explain of a you never suffer blind state by back attack.

Clothing. do not add ripping effect or new cloth but NPC wearing equips, cloth and inner at next demo.
they don't drop equips, it's a almost flavor.
however, you can indify Lucia's pantie.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I want to comment about the clothing-hp concept. I don't see why clothing should be proportional to hp. Plus, I would actually enjoy it more if they were independent since you can be healthy when naked (like during summer) and unhealthy when wearing coats (winter).

Just touching on this.

Odds are most games do that clothing state is proportional to HP because it's just the easiest way. Making it separate, means you need more scripting work. Just tieing it to HP is just having the game change images whenever HP falls below a threshold, which is something RPGMaker can do natively I think.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Just touching on this.

Odds are most games do that clothing state is proportional to HP because it's just the easiest way. Making it separate, means you need more scripting work. Just tieing it to HP is just having the game change images whenever HP falls below a threshold, which is something RPGMaker can do natively I think.

In a lot of games it's actually event based ( like Saki Quest). Still, either way, we've already gotten our answer about all this :p