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ACT [Vosmug] Prisonkage

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Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Edit: Here you go. Go to the left in game to see the sample animation. Not much to it, but it's fairly good.
Wait, was this even necessary? I can't remember if the DL on his site still works or not.. Whatever. I already did it, may as well post the link. Lol.

Verry nize
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

File's gone :(
Anyway I think I'll just wait for the full one...
As long as it takes!!
Thats the true spirit of a guro fan!!!!
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

It seems like there has been a set back on the game, this is from his site.

Sorry i’ve been in an emergency trip out of town since last wednesday, by emergency i mean it wasn’t planned, i’ll be back tomorrow monday and i’ll retake work right away, next post will surely be the demo, so please don’t kill me.

I hope the wait and all this problems were worth it when you finally get to play it, and i hope i’m not driving people away, but man, you don’t know, you don’t know.

Also, a little bird told me this is also considered as a ryona game, didn’t know that, i guess i did but didn’t know the “genre” had a name.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

can some one post a link to the demo? it seems the old link on the blog got removed or pushed to a part i can't find.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

can some one post a link to the demo? it seems the old link on the blog got removed or pushed to a part i can't find.

There is no demo yet he is still working on it. But it should be out before the end of may.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

oh, i thought a preview was released that included 1 rape scene. dont remember where i read that. thx though
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

demo is out!
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

It plays pretty smooth.

I enjoyed the little I did play, and was happy to see some actual sex in here.

The chick's way too sexy not to be fucked in one way or the next.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Surprisingly hard
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

what's the mystery button do?

EDIT: this game seems to have a lot of really odd mechanics, like during the second "world" (where it says the tutorial was supposed to have started), you practically HAVE to get hurt to avoid the instant death plants, and the room right before the "blob raper" seems like you have to take damage in it no matter what: i've tried 8 or 9 times to get back to the beginning with the key and it's practically impossible, even with the heals.
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Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

what's the mystery button do?

EDIT: this game seems to have a lot of really odd mechanics, like during the second "world" (where it says the tutorial was supposed to have started), you practically HAVE to get hurt to avoid the instant death plants, and the room right before the "blob raper" seems like you have to take damage in it no matter what: i've tried 8 or 9 times to get back to the beginning with the key and it's practically impossible, even with the heals.

Yey I can finally help with something :D

Worms jump then are weak for a second after, step on them.

The jumper can be ignored when he's on the floor, mid air, he gets ya.


The floating blue things, crouching makes them, wander. Then walking slowly makes them freeze.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Well im at a dead end. Invincible green tentacles / THAT CAGE
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Well im at a dead end. Invincible green tentacles / THAT CAGE

Tip: When you're in that cage, just stick to your left all the way, take whatever hits you have to take, but just sit tight in that corner until the cage opens up. It's timed, not based on how many slimes you have to kill.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Tip: When you're in that cage, just stick to your left all the way, take whatever hits you have to take, but just sit tight in that corner until the cage opens up. It's timed, not based on how many slimes you have to kill.

I found it better to stomp them as soon as they land, as they are rarely likely to spawn in the same place twice

Im stuck on the giant axe now. I've tried taking the little tits thing with me, it just died > <

yeah yeah i threw it.

Now, this door one D: My guess is patience? Anyone know the answerr?

Great game > <
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Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Little tits thing, at a distance, throw it right? The door one? That's impossible for the moment, go back to the spiked door, and see the scene. :)
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

So I beat the double spike drill room, went back to the start, died, now it's restarting me near the tithugger thing.

What the hell do I do from here? Tried everything I can think of :/
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

maybe i just suck or something but how are you supposed to get the key on the spikes? i mean hell the other day i was playing mike tysons punchout on a nes emulator and was doing ok, but this just seems ridiculous
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

So I beat the double spike drill room, went back to the start, died, now it's restarting me near the tithugger thing.

What the hell do I do from here? Tried everything I can think of :/

When you exit the chest hugger room you can now go right. The next room has a tentacle plant thing tha you have to use that fire ball thingy on.

maybe i just suck or something but how are you supposed to get the key on the spikes? i mean hell the other day i was playing mike tysons punchout on a nes emulator and was doing ok, but this just seems ridiculous

Cat-like reflexes.
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