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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm


Tentacle God
Sep 1, 2012
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Amasael was walking down the road after consuming the soul she had taken from the spirit wielder. She was at a bit of a loss for what to do, her demon lord had unexpectedly died, and it was as if a wall had fallen away from her, freeing from the duties and obligations that had bound her previously and opening up a whole new world of possibilities for her. Of course as one door opens, another closes. With her master dead, she couldn't return to her home in the demon realm, she was effectively stranded in this place, isolated from her brethren, for better or worse.

She had a good deal of time as she walked to gather her thoughts, though eventually she found herself at the gates to a small city called "Larice." If memory served, it held roughly five thousand souls. Not large by any standards, but it still provided anonymity, especially in the fractured land of Badaria in which the city was located. Able to walk through the main gates without incident so long as she did nothing to draw attention to herself, the succubus found herself in the main square. Glancing around, she saw a number of places of interest. There was a blacksmith, an apothecary shop for potions, a number of bars, a few of which likely had rooms to rent, as well as signs pointing the way towards a residential area, the government buildings, an industrial area, and a refugee camp. It was up to her where she wanted to go.
Larice City Map you're in the red area now.
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Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Amasael walked about the city of Larice trying to remember any details she could as it had been awhile sense she was here last. Was it ten years twenty? she couldn't remember after all time is really no concern to immortal creatures. Noting the various shops and inns as well as taverns Amasael was impressed. Not many towns or cities for that mattered had survived the death throws of the empire and those that had quickly fell to infighting amongst themselves which lead to a fairly rapid conquest by the orc hordes. Still it seemed that Larice survived and was even beginning to thrive. Refuges and trades men abound as well as soldiers and peasants. Yes this would be a good place to start anew to lay the foundations of her legacy. As to what she wasn't sure. She would have to play it safe building up her power before making any power grabs not to mention forming an actual plan wouldn't hurt. First things first though she needed to find out more about life in Larice and the best way to do that was to head to a tavern and listen to the common folk.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Quickly finding her way into an average tavern, Amasael saw it was only one quarter full. Considering it was only midday, this wasn't much of a surprise to her. Most of the patrons were rather poorly dressed, seemingly not very well off. It didn't take much for her to place them as refugees.

Whenever she chose to got a drink and sit somewhere, she would hear them gripe about how overcrowded they were in the camp set up in old city park, how there wasn't enough work to go around in most cases, things that refugees generally complained about. Though from what she picked up, it seemed the city layout was about the same as it was the last time she was here.

There were a few things of interest that Amasael picked up from listening in. Though local laws were generally fair and people weren't usually mistreated, the public still had a general underlying fear of both the local government, especially the governess, as well as the higher-ups of the local churches. The second thing was that there was that it was fairly easy to find cheap rooms in the city taverns as most refugees kept to the camp so as to not have to spend money on a room. The final thing she learned was that their were task and bounty boards set up around the city. Task boards had job postings that required special skill sets rather than being common unskilled labor jobs. Bounty boards were pretty straightforward. They were set up by the government, wanted persons were displayed on the board with a reward that could be claimed at the bounty commissioner's office after the capture, or in some cases killing, of the fugitive.

The group Amasael had been listening to departed, she could either see about following up on one of the things she had heard about, or she could just go explore the city some more.

Unless otherwise noted, Amasael doesn't know the locations of specific buildings, but she does know the general districts that are indicated on the map, so it wouldn't be too difficult for her to get around. Also, task and bounty boards are set up so they are easy to find. If you want to visit one, you can just say that you go to one and she would find it.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Amasael took the information in as she sat at her little barstool trying to look provocative well not that she really had to try to hard. While the group of refuges had some insight into the town it was hardly enough to build a complete picture of things. Maybe she should get out a little and check out one of the message boards she had heard about or even explore some of the other districts a bit. Reviewing her options a little she decided that checking out one of the boards would be good before exploring the rest of the city just yet.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Stepping out of the bar, Amasael had a fairly easy time finding the task board. It was right in the middle of the town square, next to a bounty board. Looking at the various tasks, the ones that caught her eye were:

A construction listing: Help build a house in the lower class district!

A help wanted ad for a part time job at a high-end store as a store clerk!

A plea for help! A refugee needs someone to track down her little brother!

And lastly: A poorly written note inviting "All LadieZ to please come for inspecshun"....okay that one didn't seem too legitimate, that was probably going to be removed by the guard pretty soon. Still, it detailed a location in the woods outside of the city if she wanted to go...

Regarding jobs:
I will list jobs that you have the skills necessary to do, so it is possible for your character to do all of these jobs, though she may not have time to do all of them before someone else takes them.
For example: Amasael's telekinesis will help her with construction, her major good looks and succubus powers will help with being a store clerk, the refugee one might be a little tougher, but she could manage it.

In terms of payment, you will find out about pay once you meet with people to talk about the job. You could expect the high end store clerk to pay the best, the construction job to pay decently, and the refugee job to offer the least monetary reward...perhaps the sister would be willing to pay you some other way...?

Anyway, have fun choosing!
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Amasael looked over the task board eying each task and weighing the options. No doubt the construction job would pay a hefty sum but the thought of getting all sweaty with out having fun didn't appeal to her. Her looks could probably help her with the store job and depending on the customers she could probably sell them anything she wanted. The missing little boy held little interest for her other than exploiting the fact that the sister would no doubt be indebted to her. The posting for "inspecshun" made her giggle lucky for the inspector Ama was not feeling to hungry though another thought did come to mind. Looking over at the wanted board Ama searched for any mention of rapists or pictures of criminals.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

As a matter of fact, there was a lone rapist on the bounty board. Mad Merve as he was called. He looked thin and seedy, with beady little eyes, bushy eyebrows, lots of stubble and crooked teeth. It seemed he had claimed a couple of victims in the lower class housing area. He seemed a despicable sort, and apparently nobody else thought much of him either. There was a 40 denarii reward out for him. Dead or alive...
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Humph well that thought didn't last. She doubt Mr. Mad Merve would be as stupid as to announce his presence to the guards. Though she would have to keep an eye out for him after all for her he would be easy money. Looking over the notices at the work board one last time Ama decided to head for the shop though a quick duck into a secluded alleyway to change her appearance might be in order maybe a busty redhead with green eyes or a brunette with chocolate colored eyes. Settling on the red head for now Ama made her way to an alleyway to do the change out of sight before heading to the shop in need of an Assistant.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Amasael was able to shift un-bothered in the alleyway. When she reached the store, she found it to be a women's clothing store featuring everything from fancy underwear to nice dresses.

A cheery young brunette at the counter smiled at her as she walked in. "Hello! I'm Claire, the store manager. How can I help you today?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Amasael smiled at the woman her eyes evaluating the woman judging her body. "Hello Im Amy. Im new in town and saw the posting on the jobs board that you needed help." Ama looked about the shop judging its suitability for a hideout. "You have a wonderful store Claire its probably the best store I have ever been in."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

A beaming Claire replied, "Well Amy, I'm glad you like it! I do what I can to make it work, I've just found myself getting increasingly busy these days and haven't had any time to get away from the store. To that end I'm looking to hire a store clerk to help me out during the afternoons. Do you think you would be comfortable as a salesperson? You really just have to be good at talking to people while they shop, the clothes kind of sell themselves for the most part."

And the same could be said for Amy's clothes, Claire thought to herself. As long as this girl had a few interpersonal skills, she would be a great hire. She looked fantastic, and she definitely had great taste in clothing. If nothing else, Amy would draw a crowd of admirers which would be just fine for business. All the while Amy looked on cheerfully, happy to finally have someone interested in taking a job here and helping her get a break from time to time.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"I've never sold things before but with an expert like you to give me pointers Im sure Ill get the hang of it in no time." Ama smiled yes she thought to herself well get to know each other really really well.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Oh? Well as long as you're eager to learn, I think you will make a great addition! Starting wages are fifteen denarii a day, when can you start?"

The young brunette was ecstatic to finally have someone to help her out, and she certainly didn't pick up the more ominous undertones and thoughts running through the Amy's mind. It would be great if Amy would start work today, but she wouldn't pressure her.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama clapped with excitement though hers was for a different reason than Claire's. "When can I start Ms Claire?" Ama drew closer letting her pheromones wash over Claire it was the first step to get her in the right mood.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Claire beamed at the positive response. "Well if you haven't got any other plans, I can start you today and you can get used to the store> Does that-ahh- sound okay?" She took a deep breath as the pheromones hit her at the end, clearly surprising and puzzling her, as she found herself looking somewhat differently at the attractive red-head in front of her.

"Let me just show you around the store..." She gently put a hand on 'Amy's' shoulder and guided her around, showing her the casual wear, formal attire, the more daring casual outfits that showed off a little more had their own section, their was a very expensive line of magically enhanced clothing and clothing for mages, as well as some very nice lingerie. "So, anything catch your eye? Any ah...questions? And please...call me Claire, no need to be so formal." Claire was still a little off-balanced by the pheromones, but she couldn't figure out why.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

So far so good it seemed Claire was suitable to her pheromones which would make things so much more easier later. Ama drew closer to Clair almost to close for personal comfort. "Ms Claire is their a place we can sit if we need to have a break or a private room for customers that need fitting?" After her question was answered Ama felt she was ready and told Claire she was willing to try a few sales.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"I-um-of course, break room is in the back on the left, and their are a couple of fitting rooms on the back right." When Amasael, henceforth referred to as 'Amy', indicated her readiness to learn, Claire showed her how to ring items up and stood off to the side to watch her work.

Her first customers were a pair of giggling young girls dressed in daring outfits. They looked fairly young, likely eighteen or nineteen, both blonde and fairly curvey, just on the dividing line between adolescence and adulthood.

They approached the register and asked, "Excuse us Miss... Could you show us your lingerie section? We would like to try some on for a...party later." It seemed as though the pheromones were affecting the girls lightly, however they weren't standing too close to Ama just yet.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Amy secured her register and spoke to the young girls. "Hello my name is Amy glad you could visit us at the shop today. If you two would follow me I can show you the items you wished to see." Amy lead the girls to the lingerie section making sure they got a potent whiff of her pheromones. Thoughts on what she would do two the girls if given half a chance raged in her mind but she had to control herself if girls started disappearing people would take notice and her mission would be over before it even started. Still it didn't stop her from day dreaming or planning.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

As Ama lead the two girls to the lingerie section, the girls giggled a bit more as they caught whiff of her pheromones, and they definitely were eyeing her up a little bit more. When they got there, the slightly older blonde picked up a pair of lacy black see through underwear. The younger girl picked up a yellow thong.

"Could you take us to wear we could try these on please?" The girls giggled again. If she looked over at Claire for permission, the woman would simply shrug as if to say, 'What's the harm?'
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Amy lead the two girls to the assigned dressing rooms and waited making small talk with both of them. Eventually she would approach the question of the party they where going to. "So girls if I may ask what type of party are you going to?" Giving the choice of undergarments Amy had an idea what the party was about though she is a succubus her idea of parties tended to be a bit lewd.