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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Deidra purred at her touch as Sera moved to inspect the rest of her home. Finding the rooms that girls had prepared Sera found them to be in excellent condition and well furnished. It seemed the cat girls took up three of the four rooms with her guard ladies settling in one of their own. Their room however seemed cramped and whne Sera asked Feris would explain that the girls in their condition needed more room than her girls who have been in the feild before and could deal with some discomfort for a little bit at lest. This left her to explore the library. Here she found the two girls at work cleaning tomes and organizing the shelves. Smiling everything seemed alright. This just left her room. Heading up to the third floor and right to the master bedroom Sera found June, Crissa, and Ivy waiting for her. Each dressed in a sleek and revealing nighty. As she approached the girls opened the door to reveal her room which seemed drapped in silk with a large plush bed rested. Plenty of furnishings filled the room but from the hanging silk it seemed that this room was not only for sleeping.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Speaking with Feris and listening to her, Sera nodded before looking back to her. "Well tomorrow we'll get you girls set up in a better room alright. I won't have any of you sleeping in a way that'll give you a bad back or anything like that okay," Sera told Feris with a pat on the large girl's shoulder before she moved on to inspect the library.

"Wow girls, it's coming along nicely. Keep at it, but don't stay up too late okay, you need to rest for the babies too remember," Sera told the girls in the library, petting both of their heads and reminding them to make sure and get some rest, all the while praising them on such a good job of cleaning the library up.

After that, she headed for the master bedroom to see what it looked like. Seeing Crissa, June, and Ivy all there waiting for her, Sera smirked a bit and let them show her inside, where she went over to the bed and undressed before laying back onto it. She idly wondered what else the room was for aside from just sleeping, for she noticed the way it was furnished and laid out that it had other uses. "Say girls, is this just a bedroom or what? It's... very nice and all," Sera asked them curiously as she lay back on the bed fully nude while they came in wearing their revealing nighties.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

From the placement of furniture and over all decore it looked to be a combined living room/ bedroom, however to those with a slight bit of perversion the layout looked to cater to every position one could think of. Still she had little time to think on it as Ivy closed the distance quickly and snuggled next to her. Immidiatly she started to kiss Sera as her hand began to teas her right breast. This was quickly followed by June who moved to the left breast and began to suckle as a free hand teased Sera's femine folds. This left Crissa who started to give her a handjob as the other girls teased her.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

She barely had time to even get her questions out before Ivy snuggled up to her right, June to her left, and Crissa right between her legs... all three taking another naughty bit of her and teasing it thoroughly. She gasped at both Ivy's and June's actions, while letting out a full moan of pleasure at Crissa's handjob she was giving the horny angel. "Mmm, that's nice girls... feels so good. If any of the catgirls come in though they'll be all horny too, so we've got... a couple of choices here. Do I fuck you all good for a while and relax until some or all of them show up? Or do I go fast and hard to finish you all off quickly so we're done before any of them show up so I'm not totally drained dry again, hmhm?" Sera said to the trio surrounding her, not trying to stop them or have them do anything different than they were already doing, giggling as she asked her two questions at the end of how to take the three of them and waiting for their answers as they teased her more, sighing softly in between her words.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Crissa smiled at Sera as she contuined to work the thick rod with her hand. "I told the girls to take the night off so its just us three. Besides most of them are pretty wore out from cleaning today." Ivy stopped a moment to kiss Sera on the cheek and speak. "Yeppers besides its been to long sense I've had fun with my mistress." June didn't speak but instead focused on suckling Sera's breast which in term started to lactate maybe a after effect of the cursed bra she had barrowed.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Ah... well that's good then I guess. That way they won't be all tuckered out and trying to please me too. They need their rest since they're all kinda... well... pregnant and all just about," Sera replied to Crissa and the others as she lay there getting her body teased by her three lovers. When Ivy spoke up, Sera giggled at her. "Hmhm, we just had fun night before last though if I recall correctly Ivy. Not that I'm complaining or anything," Sera said to her friend, leaning over to return the kiss she received from her.

After that Sera looked down at June, smirking a bit at the young human girl as she teased her angelic breast. Cooing softly at June, Sera caressed the human girl's head and brushed her hair back, scratching her catlike ears some as she felt her breasts begin to lactate some, which June lapped up quickly. Sera's hips would twitch a couple of times, humping the air some as her dick slid up and down Crissa's hand, and with her right hand she pulled Ivy down to her other breast that June wasn't working on to drink of her milk. "Oh girls... that feels so good. I've been bad though, taking all those poor catgirls and making them a part of my harem. I deserve a spanking for that I think, and then you three should tease me more," Sera sighed softly to the three of them, wiggling her hips a bit as she said what she did about deserving a spanking and should be teased more, her cheeks flushing pink with arousal and embarrassment at saying such.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sadly Sera was in no position for a spanking just yet but Crissa did her best to tease her cock. "Then I shall punish Mistress for doing such things. Bringing her head down her steward eveloped her member in her mouth teasing the senstive head of Sera's cock. Ivy and June seemed to get the message as well as they stopped suckling and nibbled her senstive nipples slightly.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Yeah... I deserve it Crissa. So tease me good," Sera cooed as Crissa began suckling on the incredibly sensitive head of her penis while Ivy's and June's lips latched onto her sensitive nipples and nibbled them softly as well.

The pleasure threatened to overwhelm her already, but Sera held back, wanting to savor the teasing they were giving her, as the thrill of it just felt too good to pass it up when they were doing such a good job of it. As she neared her climax rather quickly, despite all attempts to hold back, Sera would let out a soft cute squeal that none of the three of them would have heard her let out before, and they'd likely easily be able to tell that she was feeling really good with their actions. When they did find out and everything, Sera would stop holding back and let them bring her to a powerful climax, her seed spurting wherever Crissa decided to aim her cock at, be it Crissa's face or tits, or Sera's own, she didn't care at that point and would simply be begging them to make her cum as hard as they could.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Just a Sera reached her limit all three girls stopped refusing to push her over. "Mistress said to punish her." Stopping her at the cusp seemed more torture than anything but as soon as she calmed some they began again teaseing her some more and repeating the process untill Sera took control of the situation.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Feeling the girls stop just as she was about to cum, and cum hard, Sera whined pitifully as they teased her in just the right way to get her to give them a pitiful look and an equally as pitiful whine. "Oh please girls, tease me more... I deserve it. D-Don't let me cum until I've been sufficiently punished okay. Deny my climax until I either beg you for it, or until you believe I've been punished enough okay," Sera told them, with tears already starting to form in her eyes from the teasing they were giving her.

She'd allow them to tease her for the next 20 to 30 minutes or so, and after the 30 minute mark if they hadn't decided to give her the sweet release she so desired, then Sera would squeal pitifully in ecstasy and pant, saliva leaking from her mouth in 2 little strand that ran from the corners of her mouth. "Oh please girls... please I beg you, make me cum, milk my balls dry, lick it straight out of them Ivy, I know you can make you tongue able to do that. O-Oh gods, t-they're so sensitive... I can feel s-so much c-cum building up in them," Sera would beg them after half an hour, if they hadn't given her that beautiful climax she wished for.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Teasing her for yet another hour the girls finally let her cum before settling in for the night. The next morning Sera awoke to find everyone but June had gone off to do what they did. June however was snuggled up to Sera her arms wrapped delcicatly around Sera's exposed breasts. Laying here a moment Sera had the choice towake June or try to slip out. Outside she could hear some of the guard girls likely practicing while sweet smells wafted from the kitchen in the house. It seemed Susan was baking a pie... cherry from the smell of it. Intermixed with the drills going on outside Sera could hear Gem and her competetor arguing on the best way to give a blowjob while the sound of furniture being moved echoed even further in.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

When the girls finally gave her the sweet release she so desperately wanted, Sera came... quite hard. It was enough to nearly knock her out cold, but she managed to stay conscious. After they finally drained her balls dry... well dry enough for her penis to go limp on her, Sera snuggled up with the girls after cleaning up a bit, where she snoozed soundly through the night with the girls.


Waking up the next morning groggily, Sera raised her head a couple of inches and yawned as she looked around to see only herself and June in bed. She smiled at June and decided to lay there for a couple of more minutes before slipping out quietly, kissing June on the cheek as she got up. Quickly washing herself off after getting out of bed, Sera checked on June again and if she wasn't awake yet then Sera would just let her sleep, figuring that the poor thing needed it. She'd head downstairs after that and smell the pie baking in the oven, overhear Gem and her fellow prostitute chatting about blowjobs and the best way to give one, something she might have to let them practice on her later.

"Hey you two. What are you up to this morning?" Sera would say in greeting to the pair of catgirls, smiling pleasantly at them and waving them off if they tried to jump up and bow or anything like that and telling them they didn't have to or anything like that.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June seemed to frown as Sera left her side. The girl missing the warm body that was next to her. It was just too cute. Heading down Sera heard her protistues discussing technigue. Still the pie seemed to drive her on as she quickly rounded the corner to the kitchen. Opening the door she Susan wisking something in a large bowl while Windy struggled to balance a mash of cookware comically the whole pie shifting as she moved nearly tumbling to the ground.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

She waited only a few moments to hear the two tell her what they were discussing a bit better as the smell of that pie drew her into the kitchens where Susan was working on it. When she saw what Susan and Wendy were both doing, Sera smiled, moving over to help Wendy when the girl seemed to almost trip and fall down, catching her and helping her do what she was doing while Susan continued working on whatever she was working on.

"Careful Wendy, you don't want to fall now dear. Because then you'll have to redo everything that's messed up. But don't worry dear, we'd help you even if you did," Sera told Wendy as she helped her. Then she looked over at Susan as the other catgirl maid continued working. "Hey Susan, what all is for breakfast?" Sera asked her.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Mistress we have eggs over easy with light toast, bacon, and fresh squized orange juice." Steading Wendy and her pile of cookware Sera was free to move on. "I kept breakfast light untill we get settled in this way clean up will be fast and easy and I can get to work in the manor faster." A moment latter an eek echoed out as Wendy finally toppled over with her dishes. "Mistress.... we need one or two more maids... Wendy is just.... not ready yet."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Ah, good good. It sounds wonderful girls, keep up the good work. And that sounds like a good idea Susan, I don't mind eating lighter breakfasts. I actually don't need to eat nearly as much as I do, but some food just tastes so good that I can't help myself," Sera told them as she steadied Wendy and all before starting to move on.

She then heard Wendy let out an eek followed by the clattering of what she was carrying, telling Sera without even looking at the poor thing that she'd tripped and dropped everything she had in her hands. Sighing, Sera went over and helped her start getting the stuff picked up as Susan spoke. "Aye, but practice makes perfect though. So don't worry so much about it Wendy, you'll get better with time and experience alright. Don't think too much on this and focus on bettering yourself at this," Sera said, patting Wendy on the head with a soft smile.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Wendy beamed at Sera's gentel nature but shrinked away as Susan approached. She looked cross but kept her voice calm. "Wendy you are trying to do to much at a time. Come on silly girl sit up. You didn't hurt your belly any did you?" The cat girls ears drooped. "No Headmaid Susan." Susan sighed. "Wendy stop calling me that your not at the castle anymore you don't have to worry about her......" This seemed to ease Wendy some and the girls where soon back to work.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Patting Wendy's head one last time as she and Susan helped her up, Sera looked over at Susan and pat her head to to calm her down some too. "It's alright Susan, it's to be expected from her because she's so young and new to this occupation. I'm not saying to coddle her, but it's alright to be kind and gentle about her teaching," Sera told Susan kindly as she pet her head too. "But... who were you talking about though Susan? Who is her?" Sera asked softly as they got back to work with Sera deciding to help them both out a bit while she was in there.

Once she'd gotten her answer, Sera would continue to aid the pair until breakfast was done, which she'd sit down to enjoy with everyone, going to wake June first if she hadn't already woken up just yet by the time breakfast was ready. She'd chat with everyone at the table, getting to know them all a little better and whatnot as she did, idly wondering about her meeting the night before with the spirit being or whatever it was that talked to her. She could only think to speak to Jolynn about it for now, which she'd inform her of all that was told to her. But for now she enjoyed breakfast, which was her favorite meal of the day overall, though some foods at dinner were enjoyed by the young angel just as much as breakfast.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Susan stiffened a little at Sera's question but the rubbing soon had a calming effect. "The head maid at the palace. She is very strict with her teaching. I was beaten once for spilling some wine." Susan pulled her dress down a little revealing some old scaring on her back. " Shes a mean despicable woman and told us if we ever said anything to anyone she would hurt the Matriarch. " Bother girls seemed to frown at that but Sera doubt the woman would even be capable of such a feat. It was likely more of an empty threat to keep the girls in line. Still if Jolynn knew...... it would be bad for the person in question. Her thoughts where interrupted again by Wendy seeming to panic a little. "You told her you told her now the Matriarch will be hurt." Susan reached over and thoped Wendy on the nose. "Wendy the woman was lying she could never hurt the Matriarch.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Listening to Susan telling her about what happened between her and the old head maid at the palace, Sera narrowed her eyes, and even had a bit of an angry look on her face when she saw the scars from Susan's beating. "Hmm... that's no way to teach someone properly how to do things. You teach not with fear, but with inspiration. That's also how you earn the respect and love of those you teach," Sera said to Susan and Wendy, looking upset about all this as she looked to the two. "I'll tell you girls that you'll never have to worry about that around here with me. And if anyone ever does that to you again, then tell me, and I'll deal with it like it needs to be dealt with. Now tell me girls, what was her name? I need to speak with the matriarch today anyway for a few things, one of which is to ask for a couple of more handmaids to help you both out, so I think maybe I'll have a word or two about this very cruel head maid as well with her. Because there's no way Wendy that Matriarch Jolynn would allow anyone to bring harm to her when she can easily outweigh them in power. I'll make sure that she leaves no more scars on anyone of such beauty as you both are again," Sera went on to say to them both as she pulled them both against her in a hug, kissing them both on the forehead.

"Now girls, go ahead and finish up in here okay. And Wendy... just try to relax alright dear. The more you relax, the better you'll do with your maid work. And I know that you'll be an exceptional maid soon enough, you just need to have confidence in your own abilities," Sera told them both, then looked at Wendy and tried to give her confidence in herself to maybe help her along in being a better maid.

With that, Sera went to find the other catgirls that had been at the palace for whatever reasons, where she'd ask them if they also knew about the head maid of the palace or if they'd also been accosted by her. Sera knew how she'd ask Jolynn about this as well when she asked for another handmaid or two to bring down to help Susan and Wendy out, a couple of more experienced ones.