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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha squeezed the breast gently her hand remaining on it for the rest of the ride. Thankfully their trip on the ice raft proved uneventful and the soon found them selves on the opposite end of the marsh. Sara was the first off the raft quickly followed by Asha who was rubbing her bum rather fiercely. "How are you feeling do we need to rest or should we just find a camp sight?
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Stretching, Sara replied, "As long as we can set camp before nightfall, I don't mind one way or the other. Though I would like to get away from this marsh a little bit before we make camp, hopefully find some place a little drier. Besides, all the water will make this place even more cold once the sun sets. We don't have to go far, I'm sure your poor butt is ready for it's massage, isn't it?" She gave a very suggestive look to Asha before readying herself to set off to find a better place to make camp.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Thankfully they didn't have far to go before reaching the shelter of the woods. Once again the trees made it near impossible to stay close to each other causing Asha to frown slightly. "I think this forest was planted." She stopped next to one of the trees and examined it. It had a very thing trunk maybe four or five inches in diameter. Bending down Asha dug a small hole with her hand scooping up some soil and looking at it in the faint light. Unsatisfied with merely taking a look at it Asha brought it to her nose and sniffed. She got a disgusted look on her face before dropping the dirt back in its hole and brushing off her hands. "Well that tells me one thing. A forest fire happened here some time ago and it looks like the local loggers tried to replant the forest. Despite their good intentions these trees are to close to really grow well." Asha looked over at Sara and smiled however. "That dose mean that a settlement may be close. Do you want to check it out or make camp here for the night?" The sun was getting low and there was no way of telling how far the settlement might be.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara shook her head. "That's too bad. I'm sure this was a beautiful place before the fire. Though I'm amazed you can tell there was one. I would have had no idea."

When Asha asked what she wanted to do, Sara replied, "Well, there's no telling how far out we are from the settlement, or if it's even still inhabited. I say we make camp here tonight, if we try to find the settlement, we risk losing the sun, that could prove fatal out here. The good thing about these trees being so close together is that it will make it easy to hide our campsite. If you want to pitch the tent, I will start the fire. Then you can cook us some nice hot food while I move some dead brush around our camp to block us from any prying eyes."

Once again, Sara would use her powers to make the workload easier, getting a nice fire going fairly quickly, then spending more time moving logs about to make it tough to spot their fire, as well as making a blanket of leaves and small brush to camouflage their tent. When she was done, she would sit as close to Asha as she could without actually being in her lap.

"Brrrrr...." She shivered. "It sure is chilly out here. Glad I have someone to cuddle up with!"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha would have none of that however and pulled Sara into her lap when she moved to sit down. Wrapping her arms around her Asha hugged her. "I want to thank you for today if you hadn't been their I would probably be in some dirty goblin gave getting rapped repeatedly." Asha held onto Sara awhile like this just enjoying the fire. Though thats not all Asha had in mind to enjoy. She quickly slipped her hands under Sara's robe and began to message her breasts her hands slightly cold where a little bit of a shock. "Sorry my hands where cold and I figures Id warm them up a little." Asha once more had the playful tone in her voice as she began to slightly play with Sara's hardening nipples.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara giggled as Asha pulled her into her lap, falling in sideways and throwing her arms around her companion as she nestled her head on her shoulder, smelling the sweetness in her hair and feeling the soft skin of her neck. "Well I am with you, so don't even worry about it. I'll fight off a thousand goblins, and even worse things if that's what it takes to protect you and rescue your daughter." She ended this with by gently kissing the nymph's neck and then settling in to enjoy the fire.

Asha's cold touch caused her to shiver, let out an audible, though pleased groan, and forced her to snuggle closer to her lover. "Ohhh... Somebody's gotten bolder... Oh don't worry, I don't mind a bit. I need your hands nice and warm for later, after all." Now Sara was content to stay there and rain kisses on Asha's neck while she was groped and caressed. All thoughts of dinner were forgotten, so chance are Asha would have to remind her of the food being cooked.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha played with Sara's breasts while watching the stew she had been preparing sense they made camp. Soon she was kissing Sara's next and nibbling at her ear before letting out a sigh. "I better get the stew before it burns." Reluctantly she got up and freed herself from Sara's embrace and headed for the pot above the fire. If left uninterrupted she would have two steaming bowls of stew including some meat ready for them. Sitting next to Sara she would eat a little stew occasionally looking out past their campfire.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara was sighing happily and beginning to pant as she and Asha sat by the campfire making out. When the nymph disengaged, Sara pretended to pout, but let her go. She smiled when Asha brought back the soup. "Mmm...smells good! I'm glad one of us was paying attention!" She grinned happily at Asha before tucking into the soup.

Eventually she caught Asha staring out past the campfire. Though she was curious as to whether she was keeping watch, or wrestling with her own thoughts, she decided not to pry. But she had finished her soup, so she had a free arm to put around Asha so she had some comfort at least, offering a gentle smile if she looked at her.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha leaned in on Sara as she offered her arm resting her head on the woman's shoulder. "I think we should find the town tomorrow sell some of the extra loot we have to lighten our load. It should take to much time away from our journey and we could use some warmer furs. I feel the winter is gonna be a fierce one this year." Asha stopped a moment giving enough time for Sara to ask a question before she spoke again. "Also I need to teach you some basic tips on tracking it should help if we are ever separated from each other."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara stroked Asha's hair gently as the woman laid out a plan. "Sounds good to me. You definitely know more about these things than I do. And of course I'm always ready to learn how to track! Hopefully we won't get separated though, we won't if I can help it." After a second she piped up again, "Are you finished eating? I'll clean the bowls tonight since you got them last night."

She smiled as she cleaned the dishes off and when she finished she called out to Asha, "Say Asha, any chance I could give that scented water a try?" Certain...intimate thoughts were creeping back into her mind. After all, she had promised Asha a massage, and that she would help her relearn the intricacies and intimacies of sex and the female body.
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Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Sure" Asha moved to her small satchel she carried with her and began to sort threw it. "Ill warn you a head of time it has a bite to it and don't swallow it. You might get sick." Asha fetched it the small vial and handed it to Sara. "Im running low I will have to make more." Asha waited a moment while Sara examined the small vial. It had a pinkish or red liquid in it and was mostly empty. "Now just put it in your mouth swish it around for a minute or so and spit it out. Its all natural so you don't have to worry about it poisoning anything and remember don't swallow." If Sara braved the strange concoction she would find it smelled of flowers and alcohol. Putting into her mouth made it burn slightly and started her eyes watering. It fuzzed and bubbled in her mouth being midly annoying but the burning was the worst part of it. After a minute or so she spit the concoction out of her mouth her eyes still watering. Asha was standing nearby and offered her canteen. "It takes a little bit to get used to it here take some of this to rinse your mouth out it helps."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

It was difficult, but Sara managed to refrain from spitting out the liquid, holding it in her mouth for a minute before spraying it onto the local plant-life. In between panting coughs she managed to get out, "You...you can make that....yourself? It's...strong..."

Finally, her coughing subsided and she got her breath back. Regaining some of her composure after rinsing her mouth out, she boldly strode up to Asha and stood breast to breast with the woman, reaching around her to grope her ass one hand while the other wound up around her head. Without further ado she tilted her head up to Asha and kissed her fully, with nothing held back. It was something nice to take the edge off of their long day. "So...did it work?" She really hoped her breath smelled like flowers after that concoction. Really nice flowers.

After hearing what Asha had to say, Sara gestured to the tent. "Shall we? You've had a bad day, and I seem to remember promising you a massage. Besides, it's getting chilly out here..." With a mischievous look she dumped a pile of dirt on the fire with her mind, protecting the coals for the night, but stifling the flames and making it clear that she was ready for the both of them to take it to the tent.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Yeah Farnel taught me after we had a very strong onion soup. I refused to kiss him till the smell went away." Asha smiled for a moment before frowning slightly. "He always liked the smelly food."

Asha had little time to reflect as Sara kissed her deeply. Smiling Asha simply replied. "Yes it did" before reaching around and returning the grab. Taking her by the hand Asha lead Sara to the tent a blush on her face. It looked like she was just as ready as Sara for the nights activities.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara smiled as Asha recounted how she had learned the trick from Farnel. She hadn't meant to make her relive her past husband's legacy. Maybe it was good for her to, but Sara didn't know one way or the other. She didn't have much experience losing people close to her so she didn't really know what would help and what wouldn't. Though now that she thought about it, she didn't know if Asha and Farnell had actually married or not. She didn't know if nymphs even did marriage...

She pushed the thoughts from her mind as Asha returned her kiss, as well as her groping. Such thoughts could wait. In the meantime, she pressed her hips into Asha's. "Great! Why are we still out here then?" Sara giggled as the blushing nymph lead her by the hand into their tent.

Once the flap was secured behind them, Sara had Asha kneel down on their bedrolls, one good thing about their intimacy was that they could double up their bedrolls when sleeping together, making for a far more comfortable evening. "Just relax Asha, let me undress you." Sara cooed gently in her ear as she knelt down behind Asha, straddling her legs. Her hands went to work removing the nymph's top. "I'll take care of everything tonight. All you have to do is let me make you feel good."

Working with nimble fingers and a soft touch, Sara had soon bared the nymph's torso, then had her lie down while she removed the woman's footwear and pants. When she finally slid Asha's panties down her smooth thighs, Sara smiled warmly, but not lustfully...yet. She bade Asha to roll over onto her front, baring her back for the young woman. Then Sara disrobed quickly sitting beside the elder nymph. She gazed appreciatively at the figure lying before her and gently ran her fingertips over her bare back, occasionally trailing back to Asha's firm, bare, buttocks. "Mmmm...Asha you're so...tense...Tell me, where are you sore? How are your wounds, do they trouble you?" She delicately ran a finger over where she remembered Asha being shot earlier that day, looking to see if the healing had left a scar. Her fingers were gradually making their way lower and lower on the nymph's body, running over her butt and down her thighs, reaching her calves, ankles, and gently running over her feet.

Right now Sara was just trying to warm Asha up, get her to relax with some gentle touches.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara's exploration didn't reveal any scars its seemed Springs magic healed her completely leaving no trace of what had happened. However her touch did cause Asha to shiver a little and bring a small sigh. "They feel alright nothing a good message won't fix." Asha sighed again apparently liking the delicate touches Sara was applying. Though Sara did find some scars from past injures as well as a curiously shaped burn scar on her ass.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Smiling as she continued to gently caress Asha, Sara replied, "Well that's what I'm here for." She giggled and continued to gently run her fingers over Asha's back, her hands and fingertips gliding over the smooth skin and toned muscles. Right now she was just doing some light caressing, finding where there was tension in the nymph's back. She was also tracing the old scars with a single finger. There was probably a tale to go with each of them, but Sara didn't ask as she didn't want to disrupt the mood.

When Sara's fingertips found their way to Asha's butt, she stopped and gave the odd burn scar special attention, outlining it first with her fingertips, then bending down to kiss it. Since she had promised Asha a butt massage explicitly, she decided to start getting a little more vigorous here. She didn't increase her strength or pressure much, not wanting to cause any pain or discomfort, she merely kneaded the nymph's smooth, firm ass cheeks, thoroughly enjoying playing with the plaint flesh. "So what's the story behind this one?" She gently traced the odd burn scar again so Asha would know that it was what she was referring to.
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Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha was silent for a moment before speaking. "I .. don't always win... but I least I have always escaped..." She left it at that leaving Sara to keep up her massage. "Umm your very good at this. OH OH OH right there yes umm right there."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh, I see..." Sara didn't press the issue of the scar, figuring it wouldn't help the mood. Instead, she focused on relaxing Asha's muscles with the rather erotic massage. "Why thank you Miss Asha, you're very nice to practice on. Oh you like that spot do you? She applied a little more pressure to Asha's rump. "Is your poor bum sore from today?" Sara was talking in a very sympathetic tone, doing the sexy caregiver routine.

"Well Miss Asha, we'll just leave that alone for a minute and come back after I work your legs." True to her word, Sara moved down to the base of Asha's legs and started gently rubbing her way up. She gently took hold of one calf with both hands, rubbing her thumbs into it, working out the tensions that came from traveling. After repeating this with the other calf, she moved up to Asha's thighs, getting a little more vigorous in her workings as she pressed with the heel of her palms to work the tightness out of the thighs. Though she was careful to mix in some gentle rubbing, caressing the inside of her thighs, going almost high enough to rub the nymph's pussy, but stopping before she reached there. "Goodness gracious Miss Asha, you're so tight..." She spoke in a sweetly innocent voice, though it was fairly dripping with innuendo.

Once she had finished both thighs, it was time to work on Asha's cute butt again. "Alright Miss Asha, time to work all the knots out of this cute little butt you have." Since she had already worked on it that night, she went in with some more vigorous strokes, starting at the top, where the small of her back met the beautiful curves of her cheeks. Straddling the nymph's legs, she lay down and pressed her elbow in, moving it around and using the bony point to press out the knots that had formed their, and then she began working it into the tight muscles of her butt cheeks. She was content to sit and keep this up for a long time, whatever it took to fully relax Asha's toned butt.

When the sensual massage was finally complete, Sara would slide up the nymph's back and just lay there, spooning her lover from on top, with her mouth close to Asha's ear so that the nymph could feel her warm breath on the sensitive flesh of her neck. "Do you feel better now, would you like me to do your front, my Mistress?" As she asked, she ran her hands up and down the side's of Asha's torso, feeling up the sides of her boobs with a pleased sigh in the process. Right now she was being completely subservient to Asha, wanting to please and pamper the woman any way she could. That said, since she was being submissive, if Asha had other plans, Sara would follow along without resistance.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara felt Asha tense at the word Mistress but let it slide. Turning over she pulled Sara in for a kiss and gentle loving embrace. "That had to be the best massage Ive had in years." Her tone was genuine her smile bright. "Would you like one as well?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Feeling Asha tense up, Sara decided to ease up on the submissiveness since it seemed the nymph wasn't too into it. She happily let herself be brought into an embrace, kissing back before breaking it to stare into Asha's eyes while she gently ran her hands up and down her back. "Well thank you Asha, I'm glad I can make you feel so good."

When the nymph offered to return the favor, Sara gave her another quick kiss, taking advantage of her flowery breath again. Breaking the kiss, she grinned happily, leaning her head in so that their foreheads and noses touched. She puckered her lips for a quick peck on the lips, giggled, and finally replied, "Well since you offer, yes, I think I would like that very much. I'm sure all of your work with the bow has given you strong fingers, and a talented touch." Sara allowed the nymph to disengage, then stretched herself out for the nymph, positively buzzing at the prospect of a massage from Asha.