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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As they went over to the alraune village to see Hope, Giselle stayed with Kylie the entire time and simply watched from afar, not pushing and deciding to give Kylie the time that she needed this time. She didn't say anything at all, for fear of saying the wrong thing, aside from asking if Kylie was ready to leave after a short while.


As the week passed by, Giselle brought Kylie all of her meals down to her and stayed with her, the others returning after a couple of more days, with none of the ones that had been carrying Eileen's eggs still carrying them. Palla looked a little bit chubbier in the belly and breast areas Kylie noticed as soon as she saw the goliath girl, but other than that everyone was back to normal.

Kylie could tell that Giselle was hurting, but she was putting on a brave face in front of everyone else, keeping it all to herself for now. This let Kylie know that Giselle was strong indeed, and that she was willing to wait for her to come to terms with whatever was bothering her. It was taxing though on Giselle, and she did cry herself to sleep the night Kylie finally emerged from the basement, where Bob and Wraith and the rest had been with her, with Bob not prodding her sexually, as he could sense that she wasn't in the mood for it at the time.

As Kylie sat there with Giselle, who was sound asleep at this point with Hope laying on top of her chest asleep too, the slap that struck Kylie snapped her out of any reverie she might have been in as the two unknown ladies began to argue back and forth. With Kylie simply sitting there too stunned to really do much as they argued, barely speaking at all aside from asking about the baby, they vanished not too long after.

"W-What the hell? What's going on? Who was yelling?" Giselle groaned sleepily, holding her head and the smell of alcohol on her breath, and Kylie noticed the overturned glass on the floor that had a bit of scotch in it.

Giselle conked back out within a minute, pulling Kylie over against her as Hope's little tentacles wrapped around them both as she snuggled herself in between Kylie's breasts to sleep the rest of the night away.


When Kylie woke back up the next morning, it was to something tickling her cheek that felt like a feather, and she heard Hope humming a song softly that sounded similar to one of Giselle's songs from her perch on Kylie's chest.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie woke up slowly and smiled as she heard hope, opening an eye and snuggling the little alraune before looking around for Giselle, if she wasn't there she'd use her ring again just to get an idea while she tickled Hope and hugged her, just letting her flop around on her front. Hello little one. Where did Mama Giselle go? she asked her, tickling her until she got an answer and seeming in much better spirits. Though she was wondering what had been tickling her face.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As she opened her eye to see Hope, Kylie saw a little quill in her hand and there was ink in it as she tickled Hope. She'd spot Giselle sitting in one of the recliners next to the couch rocking back and forth with a mug of coffee. "Mama Giselle is there, and I'm drawing," Hope said, giggling like crazy and drawing some more on Kylie's face.

Giselle raised up a hand mirror as Kylie looked around at her, where Kylie saw that Hope had been drawing doodles on her face. She had a mustache that curled up on the tips, a crescent moon on her left cheek, an eye patch over her left eye, and she had been drawing a cat on her right cheek. "She's been drawing doodles for about... half an hour now," Giselle said with a chuckle, smirking at her before offering a mug of steaming hot coffee to Kylie to help wake her up.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie took the coffee and snorted as she saw the doodles on her face, sighing and assuming it was some kind of playful revenge from Giselle for the last week. She didn't blame her and she just let Hope keep drawing. Why not. They had Soap. If it was Tina or Delilah there's already be something obscene on her face like "Dick goes here" With an arrow pointing to her mouth.

After a few minutes, Kylie leaned up and licked Hope before starting to drink her coffee, tickling the little thing with one hand on the couch to get the quill away from her. Hmm hmm, so you think I look good with a mustache huh? Am I sposed to be a pirate? Yarrr! she asked, continuing to tickle Hope before raising her hand up and curling her fingers. Her comes The Claw!!! she said playfully, before attacking Hope's belly.

She wanted to apologize to Giselle, but the little one was here. Wraith was probably in trouble somewhere with his little squidlet playmates. He could only hope they'd moved on to tormenting Tina or something, since Wraith was getting to that age it seemed and the others likely weren't far behind him.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle simply smirked and didn't say anything, which told Kylie all she needed to know that Giselle had let this happen on purpose. "Mama's a Piwate, and... EEK!" Hope began saying before Kylie attacked her belly with tummy tickles.

Hope cackled and squirmed around all over her, trying to wriggle free from Kylie, but unable to manage it. Suddenly, Kylie heard squeal from the bathroom and saw Tina rushing out, dripping water and butt ass naked with Wraith and three other squidlings chasing her. "No... I don't have any milk dammit. Just because they're big doesn't mean I have milk," Tina cried as she ran past.

"Milk!" Hope said suddenly with a hopeful look, flinging her tentacles out at Tina and grabbing hold of her as she pulled herself over, where she latched her little mouth onto one of Tina's breasts and suckled.

Giselle got up and moved over to the couch, wiping Kylie's face off of the mustache and starting on the eye patch while Tina scrambled around trying to escape the squidlings. "Hope please, auntie Tina doesn't have any milk," Tina groaned while Wraith was slowly catching up to her as she looped around the house.

"Mmm, auntie Tina lied," Hope said grumpily, letting go and hopping off, her little tentacles catching Wraith and pulling her up on top of him. "Catch auntie Tina, tickle her!" Hope cried out.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie just let the shenanigans continue, mostly because she was too busy laughing as Giselle sat down with her, Kylie wrapping her arms around her and pulling her close, hugging her tightly. Sorry. she whispered, kissing her cheek, and leaving it at that, before she continue to watch Hope and Wraith punish auntie Tina for lying, along with his other two cohorts, one she definitely recognized as being little Ghost, while the third was a bit of a mystery.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I'm sorry too," was all Giselle said in reply, hugging Kylie and kissing her on the cheek as the craziness continued.

The group had managed to catch Tina, where the little darkmantles wrestled her to the ground along with Hope's help. They all began tickling Tina, with Hope focusing on Tina's belly and underarms, while the squidlings focused in more lewd places such as her breasts and nipples, and Wraith between her legs, though thankfully Hope didn't see what he was doing as she cackled madly and tickled Tina's belly.

Tina was laughing aloud, wriggling and trying to get away from them before finally realizing that she was bigger and stronger than all of them. At that point, she grabbed Wraith with both hands, but just as she did this, he used his slimy body and slipped out of her grasp as a pair of his tentacles wrapped tightly around her wrists and held them down so they could all continue tickling Tina. Tina cried out and looked to Giselle and Kylie for help, with Giselle smirking and glancing at Kylie before shaking her head.

"No Tina, you lied to them, so now you've got to pay the price," Giselle told her eldest sister, who groaned and kept cackling until suddenly they all stopped to give her a breather... before starting back up again.

They kept tickling her until she literally almost peed herself, with Tina begging them to stop before she actually did, at which point they did finally stop, leaving her face red as a beet with embarrassment and the ones doing the goosing looking amused.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie just laughed along with everyone else while Wraith proved he was a fair bit smarter then Tina gave him credit for while everyone tickled and goosed and otherwise were great unruly little pests.

Once it was done, Kylie scooped up Wraith before kissing him on the head and tickling him, before letting him go. What? all done with her? She's all helpless now. Kylie whispered to him while getting Hope back into her lap and bouncing her for a bit.

Handing her off to Giselle after a quick kiss on the head, Kylie muttered something about needing non week old clothing and a shower herself, moving to take Tina's place in the bathroom now that Tina was busy with other things. Like Not showering. Hey Wraith! bet if you got all the other mantles together you could get Tina to visit Bob! she called with an evil cackle, heading in to get cleaned up herself.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Wraith looked back to Tina as she lay there panting up a storm while Hope waddled over to Giselle again, who was getting some paper for her to doodle on. Wraith floated back down and poked Tina's belly softly, where she whimpered a little before he looked back up at Kylie, as if to say, "But she'll pee herself,"

Instead, Wraith and his brothers all managed to get Tina moving back towards the bathroom, where Kylie heard a soft sigh coming from there a few moments later before she herself went to get in the bath. "You know, Hope here needs a bath too, she's got a little inky on her hands and tummy somehow," Giselle said, scooping Hope back up and following Kylie to the bathroom as Tina came out past them, looking like she'd gotten some much needed relief.

Wraith didn't let Tina get dressed though, no, he and his two brothers flailed at her and wrapped her arms again and dragged her off upstairs, where Kylie heard Tina let out a moan just as she got inside her's and Selara's bedroom, indicating that Wraith had done something lewd to her.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, sensing a disturbing in the force, made a beeline upstairs to see what Wraith and the others were doing to Tina, letting Giselle handle the inky. And she was a child, of course she was going to get ink everywhere. Kylie was basically a pirate!
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The trio had herded Tina onto the bed, where she fell onto her hands and knees, and since she was naked this made her lower holes both easy targets for the probing tentacles of Wraith and Ghost, both of whom wriggled their largest tentacles, which happened to be their breeding ones, right into her pussy and ass. Wraith, being the larger of them, took her pussy, and Ghost her ass. "O-Oh fuck. Wraith... you little... bastards," was all Tina managed to say before the third of the small darkmantles slipped its breeding tentacle into her mouth, where Tina sucked hard on it.

Kylie could see Tina's ass cheeks tensing up with every thrust into her, which let Kylie know that it wasn't only Giselle that suffered any, as the rest of the house could sense the sadness in the air and didn't want any. This was likely why Tina wasn't struggling any at all, or rather that as well as her own weakness to tentacles was the reason why. Wraith and his siblings had apparently been watching Bob intently and learned a lot in Kylie's absence, and were only now large enough, or brave enough, to try it all out for themselves. Wraith was wrapped around Tina's waist, Ghost her ass, and the other her head, and Tina was moaning around the one in her mouth and rolling her hips back in perfect time with Wraith's and Ghost's frantic thrusting, which told Kylie that they had no experience.

Tina suddenly reached down and grasped Wraith's and Ghost's tentacles inside of her, spitting the other out of her mouth for a moment and motioning for that one to stop. "Hey guys, slow down alright. I'm not going anywhere, you caught me after all fair and square. Take your time, make me enjoy it. You'll have far fewer girls struggling to escape you if you do that," Tina told them, actually teaching them how to please her and guiding their thrusts, starting with Wraith. "Now you can't go too deep in a girl or it hurts. So stop around... yeah right there buddy. And grind against a girl's g-spot too and it'll really make her squeal," Tina instructed Wraith before looking to Ghost.

"Now for anal sex... it's kinda the same thing you just need to be a little more careful and not as rough... at least I don't like it as rough there, but some girls do. Take it easy at first, and build up to a faster pace, you don't want to go all out first thing, because then you guys will tire out too quickly and your girls might not cum very good," she instructed Ghost before turning to the other. "And you... I'll call you Shadow because you're a dark smoky color. For oral sex stuff, don't just go wild in a girl's mouth or you'll choke her and could knock her out or worse kill her, and then you'll get nothing out of them. Give them a pace they can withstand, and don't just go as far down as you can at first," Tina told the third one, whom she named Shadow, as she pulled his breeder tentacle back into her mouth and sucked on it a few times before deep throating it.

With that, the trio began to move in a less frantic manner and more methodical. Soon enough, Tina was moaning with much more pleasure than before, her eyes rolling up as Kylie saw her body trembling in climax. The three little darkmantles all blew their loads right along with her, Tina managing to coax one out from each of them as she smirked around Shadow's breeder tentacle and winked at Kylie over her shoulder as she noticed her in the doorway.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie chuckled as the darkmantles and Tina seemed to be getting along just fine. Kylie winking back before heading back down to get cleaned up. And then it was super happy bath time! \o/

There was soap and bubbles and giggles and cleaning and more giggles and less cleaning and Mostly giggles, and then Kylie was magically standing outside of the bath again with towels for all! She was Towel-Clause. Patron saint of bathtime.

Once everyone was cleaned up, she'd head back to her actual bedroom, and skipping out on clothing, just grabbed a little green slime and flopped it onto her back above her ass, deciding on a green sun dress cos why not.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Mmm, that was good you little buggers. And oh no you don't. You've just gotten me all riled up, now you've got to deal with the problem that you helped cause," Tina told Wraith and the others as they all flopped down on top of her cum covered body, where she had them all switch positions and took Wraith in her mouth, Ghost in her pussy, and Shadow in her ass.

When she got back to the bathroom, Giselle already had Hope undressed from the little one's tiny green dress that matched her skin, with Giselle sitting in the bathtub and Hope on her knee. "Hmhm, come on Hope, let me scrub your belly, please," Giselle said softly, apparently having trouble getting Hope to let her wash her tummy clean.

"It tickles mama Giselle," Hope said in her high pitched little voice, her hands covering her belly.

When Kylie came in though, Hope brightened up and Giselle took that opportunity to wash the little alraune's belly off of the ink that was there. Hope giggled like crazy as Giselle struck, but since it was already being done, Hope didn't try and stop her now. After Kylie got in, Giselle wiped a handful of bubbles on Kylie's mouth, giving her a bubble beard to go with her proclamation of being Towel-Clause when she made it. "There you go," Giselle giggled, looking much happier now as she kissed Hope on the head.


When their bath was done, with much laughter involved, Giselle took Hope with them upstairs and together they all got dressed, with Kylie noticing that Hope had grown a bit more in the last few weeks and was now nearing two feet tall. Giselle picked out a little white dress for Hope to wear, one that fell down to her knees, and a little pair of panties that Giselle had obviously made for her. Hope of course didn't want to get dressed just yet and scrambled around the bedroom while Kylie got dressed, with Giselle chasing her until Hope made a beeline for the bed and dove under it, crawling until she was out of reach of Giselle's arms. "Hope, come out from there and get these clothes on," Giselle said softly, remaining calm and not raising her voice.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Hope doesn't want to get dressed? Well... Suppose I'll eat all this honey myself then, all sticky and sweet. Kylie said slyly, making slurping sounds to lure Hope out from under the bed. If that didn't work Kylie would just lift the bed up... cos...cheater.

But everyone would be presentable! For what she wasnt sure but it was happening. Meanwhile Tina was getting a second round out of the little mantles, which was funny. And she was wearing Jelly. She didn't really have any room to talk about clothing considering she was pretty sure hers was alive.

Of course around the room her little spiders seemed to have made themselves pretty damn comfy, all picking an odd time to sleep in a small hammock in the corner, one poking a limb out to wave at her, before returning to the cuddle pile. And then Kylie saw it resting on the bedside table.

It was the Collar that Giselle had had comissioned for her before everything had gone tits up. And to top it off, her gauntlets from Orin were there as well, modified and ready. But rather then go straight for the shiny weaponry, Kylie added the new collar to her dress and opted to go around today completely weaponless.

Wearing Slime...


Giselle's Slut on the nametag...

She'd Missed this! This was shaping up to be a Great day!

Wearing the collar, she looked at Giselle and gestured at it, before opening her mouth in an ENORMOUS smile, and gave her two thumbs up.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Honey... honey honey," Hope said, whispering as she crawled towards the edge of the bed.

"Gotcha you little runt. You're not getting away from mama Giselle this time," Giselle said, wrestling around with Hope and tickling her before putting her dress and panties on her.

When Kylie looked around and saw her spiderlings all cuddled up in the corner, with one waving at her from their mass hammock, she couldn't help but chuckle at how comfy they'd fit in here. Her collar didn't look the same as she remembered, as this one was the special one Giselle had ordered for her. It had some magics in it, but the subtlety with which it was all put into the thing kept Kylie from sensing much of it.

"Hmhm, I thought you'd like that. Oh and before I forget, watch this," Giselle said, then snapped her fingers.

Kylie's collar glowed softly and her butt sprang out a little, and she felt her knees buckling and forcing her down onto all fours. Giselle snapped her fingers again and Kylie felt the bodily compulsion cease that urged her to remain in that position. Giselle then snapped the fingers on her left hand instead of her right, where Kylie's mouth opened and her tongue lolled out slightly, inviting Giselle to take her mouth as she wished. "Those are just a couple of my special features. This way if I want your mouth I can have it, or if I want somewhere else I can have it, and my pet needn't even beg me for it and just point, then all I need do is snap my fingers, hmhm," Giselle said, snapping her fingers again to let Kylie up again and close her mouth. "There's more, nice features too, but I'll surprise you with them when I feel like, hmhm," she giggled at Kylie.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie eeped as her knees buckled when Giselle snapped her fingers, stuck on her knees, moaning before Giselle snapped them again and her mouth opened. Raising her eyebrows and wiggling her ass a little, Kylie wasn't entirely sure what to do about any of this apart from be turned on a bit by how much control Giselle had over her...

Yeah, this was awesome. Being allowed back up, she giggled, blushing while she reached up and ran her hands along the collar only.... It didn't have a latch any more. Another small bit of magic it seemed, the latch was missing, it was a solid and snug band around her throat. She couldn't take it off. She rubbed her thighs together as Giselle said there was more but she shook her head to clear it and then scooped up Hope.

So! Tiny Monkey. Lets go see your sisters so you can play with them for a bit today and see Mama Ayane. Ok? And we'll get you some honey on the way. Kylie said, turning her mind away from the collar and Giselle for now to stay focused on the little one, heading for the door so they could take a walk in the early morning and stretch a bit. As well as drop off hope to the babysitters so to speak so her and giselle could have some alone time.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"But you aren't without power yourself, because I got something that gives you a tiny bit at least," Giselle said, producing a ring that was too large for her fingers. "It's attuned to you. I went back the other day while you were fishing down in Hespera to have this special one made for myself. It works like the other cock rings, but only for you, on whoever is wearing this or its sister ring, because the crazy old coot that made them made two instead of just the one," Giselle said, showing it off and handing Kylie one of them to hold onto while the other went into their jewelry box.

"Oh and only I can take the collar off for you, and only commands from me work on it. So no one else can make you do things other than me. And only when I'm horny," Giselle said as an afterthought as Kylie took Hope.

"Yes! Honey, and play with the sisses," Hope said, cheering a bit before they headed out of the bedroom.

They made their way downstairs once more, passing by Tina's bedroom where a moan came from the eldest siren sister. Giselle stopped along the way and grabbed them both a large apple and orange a piece and carried the uneaten ones while she and Kylie both munched on the others. When they arrived at the alraune village, the other little ones were all there, and already playing. Hope struggled to get down and ran over, coiling a small tentacle around Kylie's wrist and dragging her along. "Mama's here to see erryone!" Hope told the others of her little group.

"Oh Kylie, it's wonderful to see you out and about again," Ayane said, hugging Kylie before the other little ones dragged her down and trampled her with hugs and kisses.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie managed to get a good hug in on Ayane before she was swarmed by the children, cackling as they all flopped on and around her, tickling, hugging, snuggling. All the Ings and she just flopped down and took it, snuggling them all and giving kisses for a good long while, just playing with the children and enjoying herself.

Once the mass anarchy had subsided, she sat up, panting and rolling the various children around. She'd missed this, all the little ones and the jungle. She'd only been gone a few days and she'd missed this so much.

She eventually wiggled her way back into Giselle's lap though, laying her head there and looking up at the trees, the mass of children all snuggled up to them. Been awhile since we bothered to do anything with the job board. Or we could do something else, what do you fancy? Kylie asked her, nuzzling into her lap a little more.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As the little alraune all flopped around with her and Kylie and Giselle both rolled with them and tickled all of them as they could, with more than just Hope's group coming over to them and joining in. Once they were done playing with the little alraune, Kylie and Giselle both lay back and relaxed with the little ones running all around them, sometimes climbing over them as they chased one another and played tag.

"Yeah, we could go check out the job board. There's always something that needs doing. Besides, it beats just roaming around looking for something to do," Giselle said, looking around at Kylie as Hope scurried along and hopped up onto Kylie's stomach and over it as Lauren chased her, being it at the time.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mmm, tempted to have us wander and play with this shiny new collar. Kylie said, chuckling. Honestly don't want to fight anything, didn't bring any weapons either. Just me and you and the forest... Kylie said, continuing to grin. Besides, been in the basement forever, love the fresh air. Hope little one, cmere. Me and Mama Giselle are gonna go do a job. Can you be good for Mama Ayane while we do? she asked her, kissing her before letting her continue playing with all her sisters, rising and pulling Giselle with her.