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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmm... oh hey Kylie. What brought that on?" Delilah replied, brushing her hair in front of a mirror that was hanging on the wall in there as she glanced back at Kylie before going back to doing what she was doing. She could tell Kylie was troubled about something though and stopped humming and turned to look at her after setting her brush down. "Well we live... usually at least... for about four hundred to about six hundred years on average. It's the same as nymphs really. Those of us that are more magically inclined generally live longer than the average in most cases, but not all, when we use a lot of our power and throw it around too much we'll generally kind of... exhaust our life forces. Tina will too for all that added strength she has. She's literally pushed the limits of her body too much, so I know that she might not even make it to our average for life span, and it's more likely she'll barely make it to about two hundred and fifty years old. It was her decision though and she knows the consequences of pushing her body past its limits to become stronger like that," Delilah went on to say to Kylie, telling her the average lifespan of her race give or take, depending on the individual.

"Since Giselle is neither strongly magically inclined, nor has she tried to force her body beyond its normal limits though, she'll probably last around the average though, possibly more or less, unless something drastic happens to her before that. While I will probably outlast both of them unless I throw around my magical powers a whole lot, enough to exhaust my own life forces, which likely wouldn't ever happen, but it has been known to happen from time to time with mages of any kind, when they try to do spells their bodies aren't prepared for and things like that," Delilah added as an afterthought with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Is there any specific reason why you wanted to know by chance Kylie? Is something bothering you still? I'd hoped that some good sleep might help with that, but I guess I was wrong yet again," Delilah asked her after a few moments pause, looking troubled that her advice had apparently not helped in the least to ease Kylie's troubled mind any.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

So i'll be a footnote then... I doubt my own children would remember me before too long... just... a ghost blowing around in the wind... Kylie murmured, looking at her knees before standing up. She had made a grave error with Giselle... There was no happy end to this that she could think of.. not in the long run, not for her, having to stare at the reminder of her own mortality and the knowledge she would be forgotten, and not for Giselle... Having to watch Kylie grow old and die before she herself was even middle aged. So that was it then... And it was a tragic truth... no amount of consolation or reassurance would change the cold reality of the situation to a doomed family.. So that was the truth of things... even her happiness had been a lie... no wonder it tasted so bitter in her mouth, regardless of what her heart had to say on the matter... Humans truly were wretched creatures... Candle flames before a strong wind.

Compared to the siren sisters... Kylie was more weed then flower, something that would be nothing more then a pain and to be forgotten as the flowers all moved on... It also didn't help anything that she had so much set out before her to accomplish, the list long for even the longest lived of humans given her own lifespan...

And what of herself? If she became immortal... Which she knew was not an impossibility... what would happen to Giselle? That would crush her as surely as the current situation was going to, and was already pressing on Kylie like the grim weight of the executioners Ax.

Kylie's hand strayed to the ring on her finger as she mused, as her mind ran utterly rampant and her heart screamed in pain.. There was nothing to be cherished anymore that she could see... just... poison in an old wound. As she had been left alone by fate and blinded for time, her own child would be left alone by circumstance and blinded By time... to her memory at least.

The knowledge that she would never be happier then with Giselle, only confirmed that no other love would be like this either, and that made it worse. She'd never be able to move on knowing that if she left Giselle behind seemingly to spare her, that it would kill her... And to stay and watch the grim play that unfolded in her mind, unbidden and unwanted... would kill Kylie herself as surely as the ticking clock did.

Her mind continued to spiral, to unravel, to unwind as pain and loss continued to tear at her like wild animals... She couldn't even try to see the glass as half full or half empty, it was just broken shards. Hazel didn't care, Hazel and everyone else... she was surrounded by these creatures who could view her as nothing more then a storm during a year, something that would shortly pass.

If she had been depressed before, Kylie was fully slain now... There was no silver lining to her clouds anymore. She'd take off the ring if she hadn't sworn not to, if only to keep Giselle from feeling her pain at this moment, as she surely must be... And without knowing the why, only that Kylie was weeping bitterly, sobbing inside as the young woman that had met who had tried to change because of what she had given was strangled by the killer that didn't know how to feel this kind of pain anymore...

Kylie's tears fell silently, before her body grew rigid, and then stilled again, her eyes drying, her hands unclenching, and the ice that had wrapped around her heart so long ago, that had been momentarily melted by the short time she had spent here, became that unfeeling glacier again. Kylie stood, got dressed, and took care of herself as if she were a machine, a tinker construct made by dwarves and gnomes, her eyes dead, her heart smothered, and her mind dark, and as hate filled as it had ever been.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"What are you talking about Kylie? Of course yours and sis's children would remember you. You'd be their mother after all so how could they forget you, even if they ended up living for a thousand years they wouldn't forget you. They couldn't," Delilah said to Kylie when the young human spoke up again, with Delilah looking saddened at Kylie's words.

Delilah stepped over to Kylie and hugged her, holding her tightly before she could leave the room after she'd stood up. "Don't ever think that kind of thing Kylie. You'd never be just a footnote, not to me, or Tina, or especially Giselle. I've never seen Giselle as happy recently as she has been with you, and she knows that you're a human and won't live as long as we will, and she's accepted that. We all have. You have a lot of people here who care about you, whether you think you do or not," Delilah told her as she hugged her. "And I know that you love Giselle too, because I've noticed the look on your face when you look at her and stuff, it's obvious that you do," she added with a kind tone to Kylie.

If Kylie tried to leave though and pushed Delilah away, then the middle siren sister would let her go for now, letting Kylie be alone for a little while, but telling her to not feel so down about things like that. Though Delilah would give her a sad look that she could easily read that said to please don't go away from them.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie did push Delilah away, albeit very gently before turning and looking her in the eyes, and there was no hiding how dead and flat they had become in light of this news as surely as Delilah couldn't hide the kind tone in her voice.

Will you feel the same way when Giselle watches me die, and still has 500 years to live without me. It wasn't a question. She left Delilah to think on that, getting dressed and heading downstairs, Wraith tagging along behind her as she ordered a plain meal and scotch. A lot of scotch. her drinking wouldn't effect Eggs, that was something at least, and Kylie was 3 glasses of netherworld scotch down before anyone had even joined her, a 4th being poured, and the bottle sitting next to her.

The young assassin exuded a murderous aura, it told in her face, her posture. She was too far gone right now to put the mask back on, she couldn't hide anything behind a slapstick smile or a pointless lust or a need to have fun... Not yet. She'd hide it from Giselle, when she could, and after her talk with Oren, she was likely to head home, at least that was where her plans were taking her... And then this ridiculous trip to Hespera where she'd fake her happiness more times then not, and try to lose herself in her senses like she was now.

She'd heard of humans defying mortality, both in rumor, and in the old Assassin's texts, and others. There was always a legend or two. The Crimean Matriarch seemed to have discovered that secret, if she was even human... But none of them had spoken of how to grant that gift to a whole family, not without risking undeath, a line not even Kylie would cross in her desperation. At least she wasn't one to simply sit and wait... she'd find a way... somehow... to grant that gift to herself, to Giselle, their children... Hope.... She'd discover this if only for Hope in the end...
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I just told you that she's accepted that you're human Kylie. And yes I would still feel the same way, because it's her choice to love you, she chose to love you. I don't know why but she did, and all I can do is support my sister," Delilah said to Kylie as she left the room to do whatever she'd planned on doing after getting out of there.

Delilah didn't follow her though, seeming to feel that she wanted to be alone right now and so letting her. Wraith floated along behind her, though he didn't flop onto her head or anything like he usually did, seeming to also feel the anger and everything else about her in an aura that said to any who looked her way, "Don't fuck with me right now, leave me alone,".

She was left in peace to eat her food and drink her sorrows away in her netherworld scotch, which was starting to do its job after the fourth glass of the stuff, as she was beginning to feel a buzz at that point. Eventually after some time, and another couple of stiff drinks of the powerful scotch that left her even more buzzed than before and feeling quite nice actually, someone sat down across from Kylie. "You look incredibly pissed about something. I'll tell you though, the scotch is only a temporary solution. And... next time, I'm going to win," a familiar voice said to Kylie and when she finally looked she'd see Hikari sitting there in plain clothes instead of her assassin's garb, looking quite... exhausted and sore despite obviously sleeping for quite a while through the night. "I find it best to face your problems head on without such a pissy mood. It makes those around you feel better to know that their friend won't just turn on them and attack or smack them and shit. I dunno what's got you so pissed, but if you want my opinion or anyone's for that matter, you shouldn't let shit bother you so much hon. It only pisses you off that much more I think," she went on to say to Kylie, not seeming too bothered by her aura of various emotions.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie's ears twitched, as much as a humans could that is, when Hikari started speaking, now taking it a bit slower on her drinking because she was obviously getting to where she wanted to get.

Looking up, Kylie just shook her head and chuckled Don't count your future win yet, I wont be pregnant next time. But the lesson for the day is Guard Up wherever you go. As for what's got me pissed off.... I'm mulling over a way to fix it... the plan is insane at best, and I need access to the archives in my branch. Maybe yours as well, we'll see. But if you're in the mood to be helpful, think you could fidget yourself in to see Cosimo in Garellia? Or Gestalt? There's a tome or three there on Tattoos that have been forbidden on our fellows for a long, long time... It might be time to break that taboo and come what may. Kylie said, her eyes finally finding Hikari's and pointedly not taking her advice on not dwelling on it. She would fix this, no matter how misguided, insane, or suicidal the task might be.

She'd planned on having magic inked into her flesh, but now... Now she was wondering what made Man, Man. And whether she could infuse so much power into her very flesh and bones that she could match Giselle's lifespan, or at least buy herself time to find the true answer... No matter what anyone said on the issue, She wouldn't be able to stomach it, at the end of her short life, leaving her family behind like that. She wouldn't do it, not after she had been left alone by happenstance, pain, and downright bad luck. She'd find a way...

And if your friends upstairs are still a bit worried, know this, from one sister to another. I will be indefinitely postponing my ill gotten plans involving Elise of Crimea until this is sorted. And further, that if Elise can help me, as she is a founder, that I'd be willing to forgive and forget. Kylie finished, pushing a full glass towards Hikari.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Heh, I only had my guard down a tiny bit because I was going to do a prayer or two before we did our match. Though I should have expected you to do something underhanded, since we're both in the same business and all. And we have some of those magic books in the Crimean archives too, likely the same ones if they're supposed to be magical tattoos and all. But I'm not high enough ranked to look at them myself," Hikari replied, looking like she was pondering something for a few moments while Kylie thought about things. Then after Kylie spoke up again Hikari looked as if she'd decided to speak up again herself. "I might however know some people who might be able to get you access to our books on the arcane stuff we have back in Crimea if you want, though I'd be having to call in quite a few favors for it, so you'd owe me one or two in return. And it'd take me a bit of time to talk to them and see if they can either find what you're looking for or if they'll let you look at the stuff yourself. That okay with with you? And it would have to wait at least until after we're done with our mission. Also I can't guarantee you'd find any tattoos or anything like that, but you never know, you could find at least a lead on whatever it is you're looking for. As for getting into the archives of your branch, well that'd take me probably a bit more time at least and I don't know if I got the pull for that, so... yeah," she added after Kylie was through talking, looking a bit skeptical on her odds of getting access to the Garellia branch's archives.

Hikari took the glass up as Kylie slid it over to her, taking it and gulping it all down in one go. "If I knew more about what you're wanting though it'd make it a helluva lot easier to tell if I can help you or not, and it wouldn't take nearly as long most likely because you wouldn't have to look at the books yourself," Hikari said after downing her glass of scotch.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

That's the true horror of the situation. I don't need to look at them... I need to take things from them. Maybe the entire tome or tomes whichever the case may be. There's a lot that needs to be done, as if I didn't think or say that enough already. But for the time being, I've traded one insane vendetta for another.. Seems to be my thing. O well, I was hoping you could just save me a trip, you could likely easily get in with my say so, that's all. So Garellia would be a cakewalk. What I was interested in is your archives, since it's in the country where one of the founders is, it may have something older, and I don't know who to talk to there. Kylie explained, just holding herself at a decent buzz.

She knew she'd be officially drunk the moment she stood up and all the blood rushed to her head, but sitting, that she could do, and the whole bottle was hers, so fuck it.

Either way, I'm drunk today and tonight and probably tomorrow morning until we leave, and I'm hoping to leave tomorrow, and then wait out these eggs, and then... Well, then things are going to get more interesting then anyone is going to like. Kylie finished, pouring Hikari another glass if she had finished hers, and doing the same for herself.

I'd tell you what I'm planning, but you'd think I'm more insane then you already do. Kylie added as an afterthought, crinkling her nose up in an annoying smile before going back to being cranky. And then she'd drink until she passed out...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well if you're needing some form of magic out of them, then you'd need to have some form of magical talent to perform it anyway. My suggestion would be bring a strong mage with you to look at them if I can get you access to ours in Crimea. That way he or she could actually do the things in them and they wouldn't be totally worthless to you. And I'm sure I can get into Garellia's with some careful planning, but since Crimea and Garellia aren't on the best of terms right now I'd have to go alone, and I'm with lady Brianna right now on a mission, which I can't really talk about in any detail at the moment. But if we head up that way I'll see what I can do about getting access to theirs," Hikari replied to Kylie, looking deep in thought, likely about how she'd get into Garellia to look at said archives.

Hikari had indeed finished her drink and accepted the refill Kylie offered, taking this one a bit slower. Kylie meanwhile was spiraling down into a state of drunkenness that would likely end up with her getting into some form of trouble or another. "Heh, how could I think someone in the same line of work is even more insane than myself hmm? And besides, if I know what I'm looking for it'll make things a lot easier to find for you. Again though there's no guarantee that I'll even be able to manage a looksie at the archives in Crimea, just a good chance if I play my cards right," Hikari said when Kylie was through talking again, taking a gulp of her drink and downing about half of it in one go.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

If that's the case... Before I'm too far gone... You will swear to secrecy... Kylie said, her eyes still that dead cold, shards chiseled from ice torn from a glacier before the world.

I am looking for Magic that was so dangerous it became outlawed everywhere. It was like these guns, magic in the hands of even the untalented. The Tattoos. To burn and Ink magic into your flesh and bones. I'm looking to do something only a few have ever tried before at a risk I can barely conceive. Kylie said softly, her eyes were getting hazy though, and she was pretty sure she was starting to slur.

There aren't many that would approve, but I don't really care... As for what no one would guess, and what you're sworn against sharing... Is to what degree... Assassin's don't normally mark themselves just because it's identifying, or someone looking for magic can sense the tattoos. By the time I'm done... I don't plan on even being Human anymore... Kylie managed to finish, before the booze had it's say, and she blacked out, the rest of the night a mystery.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Swear to secrecy? Please learning secrets and keeping them for a rainy day is what I do hon. It's my specialty in the Rose. Just like you have a specialty too I'm sure. But you can trust me to keep your secret Kylie, we are comrades after all, and you're obviously hurting about something, so I want to help," Hikari said before sitting back and listening to all Kylie had to say without interrupting her.

When Kylie finished, the alcohol had indeed taken its toll on her and her vision was blurring to the point that she could barely recognize Hikari. She did see the neko get up and dart over to her as she began to slump over to the side and out of her chair, catching the pregnant human before she hit the floor. "Hang on hon, don't worry I've got you," Hikari told her before Kylie fainted the rest of the way.


When Kylie next woke up, she came to in their room at the inn, with Delilah sitting next to her on the bed reading a book, and she had several other books sitting next to her on the bedside table, as well as about another dozen strewn across the bed. She didn't notice Kylie had woken up, and there was nobody else in the room with them. If Kylie looked closely, she'd see that the book Delilah was currently reading said on the cover. "Age & the Arcane."

Delilah was so focused on the book as if she'd been pouring over it and all the rest in there for hours, and Kylie could see her eyes were terribly bloodshot, and she looked very tired, as if she hadn't slept in days.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When kylie came back around, she did the first thing anyone who had drank themselves into literally passing out would do, curse the light, and anything that had ever decided light was a good thing, as well as flail around an arm for a glass of water she knew was SOMEWHERE in reach. It always was.

Once that was taken care of however, she turned to Delilah, and the book she was holding, and the other books all over the damned place.

Delilah... 3 questions. What are you doing. When was the last time you slept. And how long have I been out..... Did I pull a coma again? she asked, rubbing her eyes, before reaching over and plucking the book away from her future sister in law.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

There was a glass of water on the bedside table on the side of the bed Kylie was on, and after guzzling it down she felt a bit better, having something other than alcohol in her stomach in the last few hours. When Kylie pulled the book out of Delilah's hands, the siren gasped, as if she hadn't realized Kylie was awake, and she looked at her with a puzzled expression. "What do you think I'm doing? I'm trying to help you, since it's bothering you so much that you won't live as long as sis and us will. And you've been out since late yesterday morning, early yesterday afternoon sometime, and it's about nine in the morning now. While I've been at these books since about... half an hour after Hikari brought you up here yesterday. If you're going to be self destructive like this because of a single little thing that we already told you doesn't matter so much, then all I have to do is fix it and make it so you can live as long as we do, and you'll be back to your usual self," Delilah said, her last sentence sounding a bit panicked as she took her book back and began reading it again.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Ok, you've obviously forgotten who I am. Kylie said in reply, flicking Delilah on the back of her wrist to slack her grip, before yanking the book away again, dogearing it, and closing it with a snap.

I love you all to death. I appreciate that you love me. But you will never stop me from being reckless. As for living as long as you do, that means becoming something other then human correct? People have been seeking immortality for as long as Magic has been a factor in this world, which is to say, since people realized that such things existed. Most of what you'll find in traditional magic like that is probably bunk hearsay, or worse, things that court Undeath. If you want to help, I'll let you help... to a point Kylie said, shaking off her hangover, or perhaps being straightforward on this rather then close-mouthed BECAUSE of the hangover.

I'm going after tomes back in my own Order, but I know only enough about magic to avoid certain things, and things like "If the air is on fire, you should be running." So Ill need your help to find what I'm after. I'm going to try something so insane that it borders on Sanity but I have to point something out. If you're so dead set on helping me? That means quite plainly, that you saw that what I said is true. You may not care now... But you will, mark my words you will. And as someone who practices bloodmagic, you may be the perfect person to help me, because that's what I'm doing. So, when we're ready to leave, I need a gate to Hazel, then we need to use the Gate she has to get to Garellia, and THEN we need to go to Hespera, and see what can be done, as well as Destress. So, get some rest. I need to go see Oren, and I doubt anything you'll find in these books is going to be helpful. We need magic that's old, Forbidden, and likely in places normal magicians can't get to. Because if every mage and spellcaster could just pick up a book and become immortal, there'd be a real fucking population problem. Kylie said, pulling Delilah into a tight hug as she spoke.

She wasn't in much of a better mood herself... but she was functional at least. and she'd see Giselle soon, and no matter what the situation, that would always brighten her spirits. She had a plan now, and that would be enough...

Once Delilah had calmed down, Kylie would take care of her business, put the exhausted Siren to bed, and get dressed, standing guard over Delilah for a bit just in case to make sure she got to sleep.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Delilah huffed a bit at Kylie taking her book again, but let her do so without much fighting, though there was a bit of grumbling from the siren sister. "Hmm... well being immortal doesn't necessarily change your very race and stuff. It's... kinda like... how to put it... just becoming something more than you are in a way. But... I honestly don't want immortality myself. Because I don't want to watch my family die out and then I'll just keep on living on and on. But I am wanting to help make you and sis happy, and I know that if you're not happy then she won't be. She'll be wanting to come with us too though you know, and Tina will likely wish to as well to protect both of us, but I know that one or both of them will need to stay home so that Hope and any other little ones aren't left alone," Delilah replied, flopping back and rubbing her strained and bloodshot eyes with the backs of her hands. "As for helping you do any spells, I can do magic pretty well, but if it's blood magic... well I'm not very versed on sorcery like that, but lady Hazel is. She's one of the best that I know of. But there is another one, an elf, she's really good with it too and is much more willing to take an active roll in things, and she lives in the netherworld nowadays since she abdicated her seat to her daughter and so forth," Delilah went on to say, scratching her chin as she mentioned this elf who might help if Hazel can't or won't.

"Lady Hazel should be able to help us out though I'm sure. Unless she's busy with something that is. And while I did research how to make you live longer or just anything like that, I did make some other use of my time and learned how to do portals to the set locations of teleportation circles and actual fixed portals. Took me eight or nine hours to both read and imprint it into my spellbook here, but all the same it'll make travel much easier once I've fully mastered it," Delilah said after a few moments, taking a drink of water in the meantime before she spoke up again.

Delilah was obviously tired, but she looked incredibly concerned about this whole thing that Kylie was worried about. One of the books that was laying there on the bed was bigger than the rest Kylie would see, and on the front of it she saw the title, which was a bit smudged but she could see it well enough. "Delilah's Spellbook!" it read on the over, the whole thing having thick parchment for the pages instead of paper that was tattered in places around the edges of the book's pages, but it was obviously precious to the siren because it was sitting between her legs, which were stretched out now around it while it lay on the bed there between them.

Delilah seemed to have calmed down for the most part, yet she was still visibly worried a little bit, but she'd calmed down enough at least to lay back and put the book down to rest. With that Kylie had the opportunity to go do her morning business and whatnot without any troubles, though she had to take Delilah's book away from her when she came back out for she'd pulled it back over to read another page or two while Kylie was doing what she had to in the bathroom. She would relent and give up the book to Kylie, and she'd let her move all the rest, however if Kylie tried to move her spellbook she'd tug it back and away from her, not willing to give it up and not taking no for an answer as she slipped it under the pillows next to her own before laying her head down to sleep.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

See? Already being helpful. Sleep for now. Kylie said, once more taking the books away and tucking Delilah in before turning and heading for the door. Hazel wouldn't help her with this, not even out of guilt... At least Kylie didn't think she would, this was bordering on flat out sacrilege. And she had a feeling the Raven Queen had an idea of what she was up to if she turned her eye her way... that would be bad, O wait, there wasn't shit she could do about it. The Gods Didn't Get Involved...

As for the Fey Gods and Goddesses. Well, they had Kylie's back at least for now, she'd see how long that held out. She had a feeling she dropped in and out of favor as often as her moods switched. She stopped just outside her door, shaking her head at the thought with a laugh. She wondered if Kord liked her, she certainly loved a fight....

Still, she was headed to Oren's place, her order should be done by now, and she was tired of not having her gauntlets, still, today she had her bow, and her arrows, and her knives, if anything she looked ready to travel as she headed towards Oren Stone's Workshop.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Alright alright, but my spellbook stays with me and I'm not taking no for an answer. It's mine and someone might take it or something," Delilah said as she curled up with her spellbook in her arms.

With that, Kylie was able to move on out where she could head to Oren's place and pick up her new gear, if it was ready that is. Delilah was pretty much out by the time she'd shut the door and headed out it seemed, leaving Kylie no worries behind on that front. Along the way, Kylie moved through the few small crowds around town as she made her way over to Oren's, without too much trouble, though at one point she ended up having to make a detour around one street because of a carriage that had a broken wheel right in the middle and was clogging the whole thing up with people that were steering to the sides of the road.

Finally though after a couple of extra minutes, Kylie made her way into Oren's place, where the dwarf man was working away at something that looked much like her gauntlet he'd promised. He glanced over at her when the door swung shut before looking back to his worktable. "Ah thought you'd be showing up soon. Actually thought you'd come yesterday to see how far along I was. Kinda glad you didn't though, let me focus better on what you wanted and what all we discussed I could add onto this gauntlet here," Oren said, picking up her gauntlet and setting it down on the counter in front of her. "I got that garrote you wanted, and I managed to do it without losing you hidden blade too you lucky little thing you. Just be careful which hole you try to reach into and grab the thing inside, else you'll come back with a bloody nub of a finger alright. And, if you don't mind waiting an hour or two, I can attach your little crossbow dart gun thing here onto your left gauntlet you got there. The one you wanted that could fire the poison tipped darts or the glass pellets like a slingshot, it can be cranked all the way for the former, and halfway for the latter. I tinkered around and found a way to mount it while not sacrificing too much in the way of stealth. Just don't try and pull your sleeve back down over it without breaking it down and taking it off first or you'll probably break it okay. I'm going to put the mounts onto the top of the gauntlet, which you can then easily put the thing onto and aim and fire. Shouldn't take but about... I dunno, ten to twenty seconds or so at most, probably shorter as you get better at doing it," he went on to say, offering to fix Kylie's other gauntlet up with the dart gun/slingshot weapon she wanted, though it was nowhere near exactly how she wanted it of course, but it would suffice until he could make her new gauntlets he'd promised her.

"Oh also, thank that Eileen friend of yours why don't you. She's such a sweetie, bringing me the ticket for those minks she hunted down yesterday and the day before. And those minks are being made into the fur coat I was wanting," Oren told Kylie after a few moments with a happy smile.

It seemed that while Kylie was out, Eileen had continued her work to get the minks she'd promised to get for her. Maybe Kylie should thank Eileen when she saw her, but that would come later, for now she had a decision on whether or not to accept Oren's extra bit of work on her gauntlet she still had.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

That'll do just fine for now, Go ahead and leave it broken down, and I'll tinker with it myself when we have more time. As for Eileen, yes, she's a sweetheart. As for the minks, that means I've upheld my end, and I'm calling on you master dwarf to uphold yours, you don't have to pack up or anything, and we'll go over more particulars later likely through a third party if I'm honest. Regardless Oren, I have to leave for now, and I'll be back for about a day in a few weeks, maybe sooner, maybe later, to pick up my order. You can think things over while I'm gone, if you're still in for our agreement, I'll pay for that agreement, if not, then just for this order. You'll be pleased to know I'm heading to Hespera to meet this blacksmith of yours, take care. Kylie said, picking up and putting on her gauntlets, storing the launcher away carefully on her weapon belt, and readjusting her bow as she got used to the added weight, as well as taking special note of where the Garotte was. It would be a handy tool, picking up several darts and glass orbs loaded with the sleeping toxin, Kylie paid for those as well before heading out.

Hands properly re-armored, and Oren paid for his work, Kylie headed for the Inn, eager to get resituated to leave, making sure everything was properly in it's place, and knowing it was the best place to keep track of, and get ahold of, her friends.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Alright then lass, but at least let me write down and give you the instructions on how to attach the bits for the launcher okay. It'll take me a few minutes to write it down. I won't take no for an answer with this, because it's my work and I don't want it being faulty if I'm going to work for you and make your favorite equipment. That's one of my stipulations for you being my boss, you'll have to deal with it because we dwarves take great pride in our work, so if it screws up on you in the middle of a fight, you'll have nobody to blame but yourself," Oren said, raising an eyebrow at Kylie with a smirk on his lips.

The garrote was stored about an inch to the left of the hidden blade in a secondary little hole that was carved into her gauntlet, and there was no other special bits for it that were visible aside from a small hook that had no sharp edge or point on it to speak of that could cut or anything, simply being there to pull the thing out with and hold it, while an inch or so below that down the gauntlet was a switch that when flicked would hold the thing in place so Kylie wouldn't have to hold it out at whatever length she wanted.

"That's a steel cable there, should be more than enough to hold your weight and a bit more to accommodate your gear too, and in an emergency it ought to be enough to swing around with once you anchor it around something. Now I guessed at your weight okay, so forgive me on that regard if I got it wrong, but from looking at you I wager you're about... what one hundred and ten, one fifteen at most? But give it a try a few times on low hanging trees or something like that to make sure it'll work before you try to swing somewhere with it," Oren said as he counted up how much gold he required for the additional stuff she was getting, which ran about 20 extra for everything else she got. "Remember, the poisons you'll have to supply yourself okay. Because I don't carry any myself, wouldn't know where to even begin honestly, but it shouldn't be too hard to get some in there surely, because you can screw them apart in the center of them, but they'll shatter easily enough on impact to get whatever you want to splash out," Oren added as he put the small hollowed glass pellets into a small box lined with silk and cotton to cushion them so they didn't break before she wanted them to.

Leaving Oren's shop, Kylie made fairly good time back to the inn, where she found Delilah still sleeping soundly, though on the way she passed Scarlett along the way as she rode on a horse around in some thicker robes and slightly wider chainmail that fit down over her belly so she could move about without showing that she was pregnant. More than likely so she wouldn't seem a target to anyone since it was her job to help safeguard the town and all.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie tucked the instructions away, and listened carefully before taking her leave. Passing scarlett, Kylie didn't embarrass the paladin by drawing undo attention to her with a greeting, happy for her that she'd decided to work rather then stay laid up and waiting. She'd be just fine.

Delilah was still sleeping, which was perfect, but Palla and the others were still nowhere to be found, likely doing their own thing out and about the town. Wraith finally wriggled his way back to Kylie, unburying himself from the blankets he'd still been curled up in, and flailing his way over, Kylie eagerly scooping him up and kissing him. Ilyana and the huggers were nowhere to be seen again, the huggers probably off mousing or something, whatever they did for fun apart from pester Ilyana.

There was the issue of Hikari, but that could wait, she'd come through for Kylie, or she wouldn't, She'd finished her business dealings here in Tear Cove, with an order for her gear and an artificer on her bankroll... She missed Giselle and Hope and maria and everyone... It was too bright out to cause real trouble and from what she had seen, this city didn't have as dark a side as she had expected. Nothing to do now but wait, and then leave.