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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"R-Really? You aren't mad? Whew that's a relief," Eileen asked with an amazed look on her face, looking incredibly relieved to hear Kylie wasn't mad and had even enjoyed herself. Eileen waited in the bathroom with Kylie, turning away to give her some privacy but helping her afterwards to get back up and all. "Catnip? Okay, I can get you some. How much you need? Aw hell I'll just get you a few vials of the stuff, should be plenty for a single neko," Eileen went on to say, nodding her head eagerly that she'd get Kylie the catnip.

When Kylie mentioned waking the others for breakfast, Eileen nodded her head and lifted Kylie up and swung her around and over her back to let her ride while she went back to the bedroom proper where the others still slept. "Hmhm, yeah it's kinda hazy in my mind and stuff, but I do remember Angela shaking her ass at me a bit. A-And I remember Ilyana pretty much just laying there and happily taking it without any complaints and even fucking me back," Eileen replied with a giggle, seeming to remember a little bit of the previous night as she bit her bottom lip a little.

Eileen helped Kylie to rouse the others from sleep, where all but Ilyana groaned sleepily and tried to roll over and away from the pair, while Ilyana meanwhile raised up and stretched, looking... almost refreshed of all things. "Ahh, that was so much fun. Wow Eileen, you've got some hellish stamina. And you weren't too rough either, thanks for that. And I even got me some little driders to take home too," Ilyana sighed happily as she caressed her belly and looked down at it with a smile.

"Ugh... what happened? My head feels all fuzzy... a-and my stomach feels... ugh so full," Palla asked groggily as she started raising up to a sitting position, rubbing her face with one hand as she held herself up with the other.

"Oh... man, I feel like I gained twenty pounds overnight. What happened?" Scarlett said, equally as groggy as Palla.

Angela didn't say anything and merely groaned a bit as she lay there for a moment before rolling over onto her back and raising up a bit as she pushed their blanket Eileen had made off of herself. Then she let out a soft gasp and another groan. "Uh... Eileen you... you're more of a devil than I am you know that. I just had to come and try to have some more drink with you and catch up, stupid me," Angela said as she shook her head a bit, her head in one of her hands and looking as if she should have expected this.

"Oh... my... gods. My belly? W-What did you do to me?" Scarlett said, looking as if she was about to scream and she was panting a bit too.

"Oh shit... mine too. Eggs? Eileen's eggs? But I... I wanted... I wanted Giselle's child... because she's strong," Palla said after that, noticing her belly for the first time and rubbing it gently, looking disappointed and sad not that she was pregnant, but that it simply wasn't Giselle who'd done it.

"S-Scarlett... please don't scream okay... I'm so sorry. I was... I was drunk last night... and I w-wasn't in my right mind. P-Please forgive me Scarlett... please," Eileen said to Scarlett, stuttering a bit as she tried to apologize to Scarlett. In the end though Ilyana clamped a hand over her mouth before she could scream out and gave her a look and a shake of her head, as if telling her to hush up.

"Everything is just fine, we're all a bit bloated and whatnot... aside from Eileen. But no harm was done, save maybe a bit to some of our pride. They'll just be in our bellies for about four or five days or so anyway, so we'll manage until then," Ilyana said, not looking overly concerned about any of them being pregnant like they now were. "So how about we all get some breakfast, we're eating for not just ourselves anymore, and I know that I'm not going to punish the little ones for a mistake of their... hmhm... their papa," she added with a giggle as she gave Eileen a wink. Everyone could at least agree on getting some breakfast, so Eileen helped them all up one by one and to the bathroom before scuttling off to bring a waitress up to take their breakfast orders so they didn't have to walk so far just for it before bathing themselves, bringing a different waitress girl from the one that Kylie ordered from the night before, a brunette elf girl and bowed politely to them all and began writing down their orders, mostly bacon, eggs, and toast, and then she got to Kylie and asked what she wanted.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie watched the exchange, fairly amused, though Scarlett's reaction had her raising an eyebrow before Ilyana interceded. Ilyana is right, Me and Eileen were having some fun and she was pretty out of it, everyone else here was just unlucky, or lucky depending on how you look at it. Take my word for it Scarlett, when you see the little ones? Your heart is going to melt, you should be excited, not panicked. Realistically it's my fault, I worked Eileen up first. Just... don't go check on a drunken drider, never know if they're sitting on a full brood. Kylie explained, patting Scarlett on the shoulder and acting as if this was all entirely normal.

It took her a little while to get dressed, and a quick trip to her own room first saw her grabbing her large cloak and wrapping that around herself as well before they all headed down to get something to eat. She was hungry as always. Hopefully this catnip trick worked as well as everyone said it would.

Honestly, I was surprised Eileen had so many eggs built up, you should have said something dear, that had to be uncomfortable, I'm sure you're feeling better now. she continued to Eileen, patting her spidery rump again with a giggle.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I... but... my duties. I am the ranking paladin here in Tear Cove, if I cannot perform my duties then... then the mayor might ask for my replacement. I... I don't feel so good. I need a drink," Scarlett said, obviously overreacting as she began sweating, sitting back down on one of the actual beds in the room as she nearly hyperventilated on them, but Eileen brought her a drink of some hard scotch that was in her pack apparently, which Scarlett chugged down 2 large gulps and handed the bottle back to Eileen, her hand shaking as she did.

"Scarlett honey, don't worry so much about it, I'm sure he won't mind at all, especially since it was an accident in the first place. And Kylie is right, it was our own fault for coming up and in on them both in the middle of their fun," Ilyana said to Scarlett in a soothing tone, rubbing her back with one hand and her belly with the other, which seemed to calm her down a bit... or more likely that coupled with the scotch of Eileen's.

Eileen helped Kylie and the others get into their clothes before going downstairs to bring up a waitress, but again she stopped when it seemed that Kylie and the others all wanted to go down to get more breakfast and stayed with them all, fretting over them like a mother hen almost and helping them down the steps. "Y-Yeah, I'm as surprised as you are, I honestly didn't know. I mean I did feel a bit... bloated myself over the last couple of weeks or so, but... well I didn't think it meant I was ready for more eggs and all really. That last time I did find it out when those nymphs teased me at that revel under that pavilion and all and they told me that I was ready to lay my first eggs. But I had a few more eggs that time around and had been carrying them for over a month or so," Eileen said as they made their way down the steps, with her going up and along the walls while the girls stayed on the steps and held onto the rails, smiling at Kylie's pat on her big spidery butt. "And Scarlett... I'm really really sorry. I know I messed up, but... well I'll do what I can to make amends," Eileen went on to say to Scarlett, who sighed and seemed to lose any anger she might have had towards Eileen, who was giving her a pitiful look.

"Oh I can't stay mad at you Eileen, just... try and not get drunk like that again when you have eggs in you... or at least when you get drunk make sure you're locked up somewhere that you won't tackle people at random okay," Scarlett said after a few moments, smiling once again.

As they made it down to the bottom floor, Eileen hopped down and they made their way into the dining hall, where they saw Delilah sitting there already digging into her breakfast. "Oh my goodness girls. I didn't know you were all pregnant and had just been hiding it from me this entire time," Delilah said jokingly as she gestured them over to her as she moved over to a larger table for them all to sit at.

The girls all soon ordered themselves various things for breakfast and then it got to Kylie to order her's, with the waitress asking what she wanted before going and calling it all in to be prepared for them. Eileen was fretting around and making sure they all had cushions in their seats to support their backs and whatnot. She was absolutely adorable with how much care she was showing them and making sure they were comfortable. Soon enough their food would come out, with Kylie getting exactly what she ordered, assuming she'd not asked for anything too elaborate, in which case it would come out a couple of minutes later.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

MMM, She can stay locked up with me and Ilyana when she's drunk... Neither of us mind at all~ she teased, patting Scarlett on the shoulder and winking at Ilyana as they ordered breakfast.

Wraith, the little scamp joined them soon enough, flailing agitatedly as he zoomed down the stairs with the huggers in tow, which promptly leapt around the assembled group and proceeded to act like concerned idiots. Wraith for his part just flew smack into Kylie's chest and stayed there, wondering where Mama had gotten to all night. Calm down little guy, Mama had a bit of a tumble with Eileen is all. Eat up. she said, gesturing to her plate of hashbrowns and steak, cutting food up for him as always while the huggers said hello to everyone.

Yea Delilah, we're all very sneaky. Next time I'll show you how to do the magic trick to, I'm sure Eileen wouldn't mind sharing, would she Angela. Kylie replied, turning to the devil and grinning.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Nope, don't mind one bit. Just don't want little eggs in me every time... just some of the time," Ilyana added with a wink to Scarlett after Kylie finished talking to her.

Wraith floated down and directly into Kylie's chest as they sat there while their food came out for them all. He patiently waited for Kylie to get him some food cut off from her own, while only a couple of the huggers came down, the one which Kylie had named James curling up Ilyana's shoulder where its tail poked at her belly as if curious of what was in there, while Huggy being the other one that came down was curled up at her feet.

Wraith did indeed eat up as Kylie suggested to him while Delilah chuckled at Kylie's response to what she'd said before. Angela merely rolled her eyes and sighed again. "Can't believe this. I just wanted to have a drink with my friend, but no... I had to pay for that privilege first... and the worst part about it is I didn't even get to have the drink," Angela said as she shook her head slightly, a half grin going Eileen's way as she teased her while Eileen simply blushed and looked down at her plate, too embarrassed to respond.

Their food was delicious and Wraith gobbled up all put in front of him by Kylie, while Eileen ate mostly in silence, too embarrassed to talk with so many others around apparently. She kept looking over at the doors too, as if keeping an eye out for someone... likely her aunt Nina so she could run if need be to keep from getting fussed at.

"Well... it might be best to make a portal back to Feynrial if I might say suggest, since you'll have those eggs in you for a few days and all. Don't want you to risk traveling while they're in there, and having so many little driders with you, they'll try to wander off on their own and explore if you don't practically sit on them like a mother hen," Delilah said to those who would be going back to Feynrial with her.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

That's what the giant house I'm building is for though, they're will be plenty of space, and yes, we can take a portal back before me and Giselle head on to Hespera. Kylie said, smiling as Wraith happily ate everything he was served, Kylie ordering another plate and continuing to eat and share.

Seeing the huggers curled up around Ilyana, Kylie just shook her head. At least Ilyana, it seems our huggy little friends have decided you're the special one. I'm sure they'll keep you company for ever and ever. Remind me to set something special up for them later. she teased with a wink while she continued thinking about the rest of the day. Honestly, being filled with eggs didn't bother her in the slightest. She was just herself, as always.

She had a modified gauntlet to check on, Eileen would get her the catnip, a Neko to deal with, and then, really it was up to what she could find and remember. Either way, she knew she wasn't putting on shoes today. She'd had an odd dream last night, or memory. Either way, pregnant or not, she had a full day.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Mmm, it would be for the best I think since you're all so pregnant. Do any of you know how many eggs you each got?" Delilah said, then asked how many eggs each had, if they could remember.

"Hmm... If I recall correctly I counted twenty eight for me. But I dunno how many any of the others got themselves," Ilyana said, looking fairly certain about her own count, but apparently she hadn't watched closely enough to catch how many the others all got, and she wouldn't have known how many Kylie had gotten anyway since she'd gotten her's before they all even came inside. "And ha ha Kylie, please don't. I'll handle them in my own time if that's alright, because they seem to like me after all," Ilyana went on to say to Kylie, sticking her tongue out at her.

Soon enough their breakfast had all been devoured, with only a smattering of crumbs left on any of the plates, leaving Kylie to head out whenever she wanted. Wraith would go with her of course, laying on her left shoulder. Eileen came with her after Ilyana leaned over and whispered in her ear to do so apparently, and Eileen would scoop Kylie up onto her back and taxi her about Tear Cove, telling her to direct her where she wanted to go and she'd take her there, reminding Kylie of the promised catnip she'd said she would get for her to use later.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie wandered off as soon as everyone was done eating, barefoot, and silent, and happy to be so. It was nice to feel the world under her feet. It made her grin from ear to ear. Still, when she was scooped up and plopped upon Eileen's rump, Kylie giggled.

Well, since you're my ride today, I need the catnip for sure. Then we have a trip to a trap maker and artificer about a business deal, and then it's too the temple. We'll need to be careful on the last part though. Don't want to tip my hand, I'd just like to end the confrontation as one sidedly as possible, tell this young upstart my full name, and giggle. think you're up to it?
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Of course, let's get going then. I know where we can grab some catnip for certain. You want the really potent stuff? Or just some regular catnip? The really potent stuff might actually hurt a neko who isn't used to it and have some... lasting effects, but if you really want it I suppose we could grab some of it. You've got to coat a weapon with it after mixing it in some water, or blow it in their faces to administer it because it's a powder," Eileen said as they went out, her spidery legs carrying them along.

They stopped off at a store that was off the main roads of the city, but near enough that it wasn't a shady place. Eileen waited for Kylie to say which kind of the catnip to get before grabbing some, getting the kind she specified, or both if she wanted both kinds. "Alrighty hon, where to next? Trap maker or Artificer?" Eileen asked once the catnip had been purchased, both kinds coming in small vials in a powdery form for the stronger and both a powdery form and a liquid form for the regular kind. Once Kylie had told her which to go to first, Eileen would then take her to said place happily, a pleasant smile on her face, especially when a few passersby giggled as they saw the two, Kylie with her bulging belly riding on the back of Eileen, likely easily able to figure out what had happened between the two.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie chuckled, not saying anything as they picked up the catnip, though she immediately favored the more powerful kind. And although she wasn't sure if her neko opponent was used to catnip or not, she did know that like any assassin, she had some tolerance for more toxic materials, and more focus, so it wasn't even a choice in what she would be using. Still, she already knew her next stop.

Know a Dwarf named Oren Stone? That's where we're headed. it's this way. Kylie said happily, guiding her arachne mount around town and giggling herself at the amusement they were getting.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oren? Yeah I know of him. He did some work for me a few years back. Onwards to Oren's then," Eileen replied when asked if she knew Oren.

Soon enough the pair came to the dwarf's shop, where he could be seen inside, though the doors were still locked as it was still quite early in the morning, being only just after 9:00 AM. Perhaps he'd just gotten there himself or something is why the place wasn't open for business just yet. If or rather when Kylie pecked on the windows or the door Oren would turn and notice her, where he'd then wave at her before coming over to let her and Eileen in.

"Morning lass, I see you brought a friend too. I hope she's not here to... you know... do one of those accept your offer or else deals," Oren said to Kylie when the pair came in.

"Oh Oren, it's me Eileen. Surely you remember me. I mean it was like.. three or four years ago sure, but I'm like the only drider you've ever really done work for since you came here," Eileen said to Oren, crossing her arms and raising an accusing eyebrow at him.

"Oh yeah Eileen, I remember now. Forgive me lass I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. That chain still holding up? Was up late working. On Kylie's garrote she wanted actually, among a couple of others. Was working out how to go about making the stuff she wanted. And speaking of which Kylie, I figured out how to get you a small magazine of darts in that launcher set up you requested. Gonna be bloody hard as hell to make, but I think I can manage it. Would take some time to do though and get it right... and I might end up messing up your gauntlet there in doing so," Oren said, but it didn't look like he was through either as he went over to his work desk she'd talked to him at the night before and gestured the pair over. "These are some new hidden blades to add onto a new set of gauntlets I want to make for you. Just the first part I added in last night after getting the design I felt was right. They swing out the sides rather than under the hand, making them almost like a backwards scythe in a sense. These new gauntlets are a tiny bit bulkier than those two there, but I was able to get more into them than I ever could those without sacrificing stealth for you. I've come up with a partial mythril, leather, and cloth design. Cloth interior to be against your skin so it doesn't rub you raw, and leather to mount the mythril plates onto. With this design your gauntlets can even stop a blade coming your way, be it a sword, an axe, or even a spear if you can time it right, and then you can bat it harmlessly to the side," he added, showing Kylie the that he'd come up with for her new pair he apparently wanted to make.

"Now I can change them a little bit, but I won't skimp on the armor plating or anything like that. With this design though aside from that little hidden blade you've got in those gauntlets you already had I can add in three or four items for each instead of just a couple, because they're a bit bigger and have more space to work with, but don't impede your movements in the least. I have that new dart gun design you asked for, which was a sonofabitch if you want to know to figure it out. Then there's the whip scythe blade as I call it that upon hitting this little button here on the side of your knuckle on your index finger with your thumb swings out, which you can put back into place by pushing it back until it clicks. I also have the spring razors, the actual crossbow which I can make a magazine for it too like with the dart gun, that slingshot thing shoots those shattering gas pellets that I might be able to make into a dart gun design that can be used... but I doubt I could make a magazine for it with a spring easily else it might shatter one in the gauntlet when it knocks another one in to fire. That garrote I can do the exact same way I'm doing it in this gauntlet here for you, and the sword... well I figured you'd want a way to conceal it easily so I came up with this," Oren then went on to say as he flipped some diagrams over to show another one, in which was depicted the new gauntlet could instead of having the special whip scythe as he'd called it, her collapsible sword could be stored in one of those sections without looking any different from the other gauntlet should it have the whip scythe. "Is this to your liking lass? That's why I didn't get a whole lot of sleep through the night, but I didn't skimp on working on this one either. However I probably won't have it done for a couple of more days at least unless you want a piss poor and rushed job, and dwarves, if you know anything about us, don't do a piss poor job," he added with a rather pleased look on his face, as if he'd just come up with something that he knew Kylie would just love.

"Well now that you've talked Kylie here to death Oren, yes the chain is still holding up just fine, thank you for asking," Eileen said with a grin at the dwarf, who stuck his tongue out at her before looking back to Kylie, awaiting her reply.

OOC: [The pic of the gauntlets is just a rough example of what they'll look like without the attachments by the way.]
Last edited:

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie looked over the various ideas and designs that Oren had been toiling away on, impressed at the amount of work he had done and in such a short amount of time. Taken with the new gauntlet design, but eager to further customize, Kylie waited for him to finish, before swiping up a pencil nearby and flailing around for a fresh piece of paper herself. You know, it's very rare I get to enjoy this little talent of mine. So lets get this rolling. You said you could make a magazine for the dart launcher, which is great, fucking fantastic really, so lets focus on the left hand here. She said, pointing out the left gauntlet on the design, and proceeding to copy it by hand as she continued to speak.

Let's work it instead, in two directions. I'd imagine a dart magazine for carrying toxins, would be slender, and rotary, so maybe all told, if reinforced, would probably carry around 10 darts at the height of it's capacity. What if we made it even smaller, dropped it to 4-5, and then included two reels of wire. One for the garrote, obviously, short, small, and on a tight spring. And a much longer length, maybe about 50 feet, of something thin and very strong. I don't know personally if you can make adamantite wire, or titanus. But the stronger of the two would be best, something that wouldn't tear or break easily, and attach that second reel to a single barbed spike, something collapsible that was spring loaded itself in design. After it exited the glove it would flay outwards, or perhaps on impact, impact would be easier, it could be on a pressure switch on the front of the barb. These two reels could be set back further behind the wrist, and we could remove the smaller blade under the wrist to make the room for the launching area, and make these side blades here, reverse scythes you called them? A little larger, and much sharper. They could be used as a weapon yes, but they could also be used to cut the tether if I got attached to the wrong thing. she said, continuing to draw, and pointing out different areas on the gauntlet where she had her ideas.

As for the sword, we could put that on the right hand, and in this free space here on the left, instead of a sword, a narrow dagger, something for punching a hole in armor, another extremely tough metal, and in this case, heavy would be fine, since it would be smaller, and I'd have no intention of poisoning it. We already talked about the sword... and you have it placed... Here! Ok, lets remove the whip scythes from the right hand, and instead, reinforce the armor, make it a bit thicker, and more covering. It's my draw hand for my bow, so it needs to remain unharmed through a fight, no matter the situation, it's extremely important, and I don't need your fantastic little blades from catching on my bowstring, which is corded wire itself. Ok, so those are in. You said you could fit more in here... How about this, a set of hard tubes here in the gauntlet so I could carry my various toxins in the glove itself, applying it to the hidden blade under the wrist, or to the sword would be something I wouldn't need to worry about, I could do it more on the fly. she finished, comparing her own tweaked design to Oren's original, and waiting to hear his thoughts on the matter.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmm... well the darts themselves can be laced with whatever you want, just rub the tips into whatever toxins or poisons you prefer to use with them, load the magazine up with them, and then fire as you like. And... let me think here a minute..." Oren said about the first couple of things Kylie mentioned adding into the thing, then he held up a finger as if he had an idea. "What if instead of the barbed bit at the end, I fix up a grappling hook? And as for the barbed bits I can add those in on the other gauntlet, as there's not much need for two grappling hooks. Those whip scythes though won't cut through any sort of metal wiring though if it's adamantine, titanus, or anything like that, basic steel maybe, but that's pushing it. But I can manage this stuff with the basic little hidden blades still in, those aren't the problem. The main problem is getting adamantine or titanus into a wire form. That shit is bloody hard as hell to actually melt enough in order to make it in thin sheets, making wire is even harder and I don't have a forge hot enough here to do it, I'd need a damn fire elemental or an Azer to get one that hot for me," he went on to say, scratching his chin as he made the new suggestion, apparently thinking that Kylie might would rather have the ability to climb easier.

"As for an armor piercing dagger, that's a tall order for platemail, but I can manage it, would definitely have to be one of the stronger magic metals though along with an enchantment so as not to break on impact. The reinforcing of it, since you're an archer too, I can handle that easily enough, I can even add on a bit of extra coverage on your left arm gauntlet as a guard for it so the string doesn't catch it on you and rake the hide off, because I've seen it done before. And I can fix something up for you to hold your poison vials close and get to easy, I've already got something in mind since you want a tad bit more armor on them. As for administering them without taking the vials or even the blades out, that's way too precise work for me to do and not have your poison and toxin vials shatter and get all over your hands if you punch someone or guard against a sword strike with them, which you will be able to manage from the extra armor on them," Oren said after a bit more thought, seeming to have something in mind for holding her poisons and whatnot, but was against making said area able to coat her hidden blades in the fly without taking them out and doing so herself.

"So... could you make me some of these nifty gauntlets too Oren? They sound interesting with all those gadgets and things in them," Eileen asked, glancing at Kylie and giving her a wink and a slightly hopeful look on her face, as if asking Kylie if it were okay if she got some too.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I don't mind if you have some made Eileen, not sure what you'd put in yours, you carry a literal arsenal around, but I'm sure you could think of something useful. As for the grappling hook Oren, I don't actually need any help climbing anything. It's for a faster opponent, or something non specific so I can force myself to stay close or take someone's mobility out of the fight entirely. It's hard to dodge around when you're locked down to a lamp poast by a length of wire. But if we Sharpened the grappling hook... that could work. As for the wire, I mean, even if I tried to climb with it, it would either rip the gauntlet off, or slash through the leather with my weight on it. Kylie said, giggling at Eileen.

As for the dagger? I don't care how extravagant or expensive it is, I need it. I'm not about to be stonewalled by someone wearing more metal then clothing. it's the ace in the hold that could make every difference. Add in that it has the added utility of just being a sharp knife? it's so useful that I wont skimp on it. Kylie continued, trailing off, before grinning evilly.

About the wire my fine madman, What if I could arrange a trip for you to a forge in Hespera? I'm sure they have something Hot enough There... Think you could pull it off? And have you thought more on my offer? You wouldn't be alone, like I said, I'm collecting more skilled artisans to help me out. If that means buying a forge, or having one built on so grand a scale it even surprises you master dwarf? Then so be it. My name will be legend by the time I'm through with my plans. she asked with a smile.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well then this is the perfect thing then. It's simply a spike that works on a spring mechanism, that when it goes through either wood or flesh if you prefer and then it springs out four claws that act for the grappling part. And with these gauntlets on you wouldn't rip through, because there's gonna be small flexible mesh bits of mythril on the palm area of your hand," Oren replied as Kylie said what she did about the grappling hook and the wire possibly cutting through her gauntlets. "The dagger I can probably do here, if you can get me some adamantine to work with that is, but an upgraded forge would be very helpful. Just be bloody careful where you flash it out at, because any dwarf that sees it is gonna know what it is and might talk to the wrong people in a bar somewhere. Adamantine weapons aren't very common you know, compared to armor I mean," he added, giving a bit of warning about the dagger when he got it done for her.

"And there would be some forges in Hespera that could do the trick, like old Orik Oakheart who moved there many years ago. That would be a blessing from Moradin himself practically. Orik... that bloody dwarf, he could make some of the finest weapons and armor from the shoddiest materials, and they'd still be strong as if they'd been made with the finest quality materials," Oren then said, thinking for a few moments when Kylie asked if he'd considered her proposal from the day before. "I tell you what lass, if you can get me that upgraded forge, one like Orik's, and the materials to use, and if you can... get another little thing done for me too if it ain't too much trouble, then yeah I'll work for you. Also if you're going to Hespera yourself, I'll give you a list of things to get there for the new items you're requesting... boss. I can even make variations of the gauntlets for you that have different gadgets and stuff inside, and I can even give you a few little magic tricks with the help of a mage, so if you can recruit a couple of those to work here with me then you'd have yourself some of the best weaponry in the world," he went on to say, hinting at the thing he'd mentioned the day before about her getting done for him.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Haggling now are we? I can get the forge, I can get to Orik Oakheart, and I'll get whatever you're asking me to get, but materials will be up to you and your research budget, you sly thing. As for the Forge, I was going to need to have one built anyway. So it works just fine for me, but if you don't tell me what this job is, there's no way I can do it is there? And you'll have to wait for me to drop these eggs. I'm not working pregnant. She said, laughing and sticking out her tongue.

And please, the only people who see my weapons in full are the people I use them on. And maybe Eileen... and Ilyana... and the sisters... I gotta stop showing people things... she said confidently, before muttering the last part with a serious look on her face. Popping back to her cheery self, Kylie smiled and nodded.

But yes, so there's the deal, I'll visit when I'm not weighed down, and get that job for you. In the meantime, you have quite the work order on your table. I'll see about getting you the adamantite for the dagger. As for the initial spike and reel, we'll use steel and upgrade when we can. she said, excusing herself.

COME EILEEN! TO THE TEMPLE!!! I have a neko to embarrass. If she recognizes my name when she's done being high, she'll probably shit herself, that will be even more amusing.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Ho ho, you... can get to The Orik Oakheart? Well if you truly can lass, then go ahead, I won't stop you from trying. But he only does work for those that he believes truly needs his expertise... well that and for people he knows and people they refer to him for work," Oren said, looking a bit skeptical that Kylie could talk to this Orik Oakheart that he apparently thought very highly of. "And as for what I was needing you to do for me... well it's a bit of a personal matter actually. You see... there's this lass, and well, she may be a half-orc, but she's beautiful, and I... well I know that she likes a certain kind of fur... a lot you see. And uh... well I want to get some and give it to her, and ask her on a date. But I haven't the foggiest idea how to get said animal nor where they'd be around here and I've checked all of the clothing stores and the hunters lodges and none of them have any of the bloody fur. And I'm not a hunter really myself, and don't have much knowledge on the matter of it, but I do know that the fur she likes is mink, and if it's an albino then even better. Expensive I know, but all the same... well I have money, I just need someone to actually get it for me," he went on to say afterwards, speaking a bit hesitantly at first and looking... embarrassed if that was even possible for a dwarf.

"But you do what you gotta do for now and I'll work with steel until I can get the real good material to work with. I'll have that garrote fixed up in the next couple of days or so, but remember I do still have to fill other orders as well, so it could be an extra day or two," Oren said before Kylie and Eileen headed out, waving by to them and taking the papers he'd shown her back to his work table.

"Alright Kylie, let's go now. I still say though that you should just use the regular catnip on this neko you're going to use it on. That strong stuff if you hit a neko with a big dose like I know you're planning to do, well it can leave permanent effects on them," Eileen said as they trudged to the temple, where a duel awaited them. "Oh also you'll probably want to wear some baggy clothing to keep whoever it is from realizing that you're... a bit less mobile than before," she added, pointing at Kylie's cloak and gesturing for her to wrap it around her good so that nobody could tell she was heavily pregnant with Eileen's eggs.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Bah, Oren, you worry too much, I can get to anyone. Come on Eileen. Kylie answered, winking at the dwarf as they left.


Once outside, Kylie listened to Eileen and harrumphed, nodding as she wrapped herself up, obscuring most of her form even as she went over which catnip to use, finally deciding on a middle ground and mixing the two different doses gently. It would be strong, but it wouldn't be world ending, the more potent part of the mix dulled down by the mainstream catnip. It would still be a large dose, but nothing that would melt their neko's brain.

Still, they were on their way, even as Kylie started shaking the mixed vial gently within her cloak to mix the powders more effectively. It was going to be interesting. Still, she was bending her will to finding the neko before her opponent spotted her. It didn't matter how underhanded she acted, they were assassins, If the neko didn't expect an early blow, then her training or her personal defense was lacking.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh if you say so lass, I just dunno if he'd see you unless you knew someone that was a friend of his is all," Oren said with a shrug of his shoulders before Kylie and Eileen went on out.

Eileen said nothing else about the stronger catnip or about either catnip for that matter as they went, and soon enough they arrived at the temple, where Kylie saw no one that looked like the ladies from the inn the night before with Brianna. Heading on into the temple, which was much too large for just one deity, she soon saw that there were halls that led to various smaller temples within the larger structure, the first 2 being Pelor and Sehanine, while the next largest ones were to Melora, Lolth, Bahamut, and Erathis, and then there were the smallest ones for each of the other deities of the pantheon. down the side halls and whatnot.

"Well might as well go on over to one of the temples to pray a bit for your success I guess," Eileen said as she crawled on towards the temple of Lolth, which was not quite as dim and dark as the histories surrounding the spider queen suggested it would be.

She let Kylie climb down and off of her if she wished, but Eileen would then head on up to the altar and kneel down, which for a drider it seemed was quite tough, but Eileen did it anyway and began praying with a soft smile on her face. Kylie would hear Eileen mumbling for Lolth to always shadow Kylie in darkness against her foes and to grant her favor and things like that. Then Eileen got up and crawled out to the temple of Sehanine and prayed to her as well, thanking her for the great bounty of the night before with Kylie and the others and then for her too to give Kylie favor and aid her against her foes.

When she was done and they turned around, Kylie would see Brianna standing at the doors along with her ladies from the night before, all of them, even the drow girl that wasn't in the room the night before from what Kylie remembered. "Ah you're already here then. Well as soon as we've done our prayers you two can begin you duel then," Brianna said as she and the others walked in.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie didn't find who she was looking for immediately, and slid from Eileen's back smoothly onto her bare feet, the stone cool and inviting under her open soles. It was wonderful to feel this again, it was confusing to realize she hadn't missed it until she knew, and it was comforting to know that at least some of her skill was hers and hers alone.

As Eileen said her prayers, for Kylie of all people, the assassin quirked an eyebrow and wandered over to the shrine for Pelor, looking it up and down contemplating it. It was odd, that this shrine would call to her this time, not with any purpose, but with a strange energy that caught her attention. It made the hair on her neck stand on end, and then she sensed that same energy from all the shrines, except the one she couldn't see, the FateSpinner's shrine was silent...

As silent as a non audible shrine could be, but to Kylie's currently heightened senses, the assassin detected the shift. The gods were up to something, you couldn't be literally touched by one god, and blessed by many, without noticing, and Kylie grit her teeth and muttered what could very well be blasphemy under her breath I wonder if you all only interfere in the lives of people who don't want you. Or if I'm just Lucky. Still, her mutterings weren't entirely negative. Thank you all, for those that are standing behind me now. As bitter as I am, I have enough sense to be grateful.

As Kylie turned, she felt things shift again, and smiled as she saw the women from the Inn, her target included. Sure thing, I'll be waiting. she said with a smile, before slipping away as the girls went to pray. The funny thing about a silent person among many, was that it wasn't like complete silence, it wasn't unnerving unless someone was paying very very close attention. It was in fact, the most perfect form of protection... and in the span of a heartbeat, between one person obscuring their view of her, and the next, Kylie vanished.

More accurately, Kylie hadn't vanished at all, she simply shadowed a random person, staying out of view as she yanked her cloak off and quickly pulled it up over her head and around her face like a shawl, changing the way she walked slightly, and how she held her shoulders. The small touches were the most important. Where once they may have kept an eye open for a woman wrapped tightly in a shroud, now there was a woman, heavily pregnant, walking clumsily, and with her face obscured, head down as she shambled towards the shrines slowly, another faceless person in the temple, and in this city, the temple was busy.

Kylie now looked nothing like herself at a first glance, it would take a great deal more inspection to actually place Her with the woman wandering about now, slowly but surely making her way towards the neko, a vial palmed and hidden in her hand. Kylie even smelled different, She had been with Eileen all morning, she hadn't bathed properly, she smelled more of dirt, and Drider, then she did the assassin that had slipped into their rooms... Her breathing even changed, from the deep, slow, measured breaths of a trained fighter, into the harsh, ragged breathing of the ill or infirm. She took these few moments of disguise as seriously as she took the silence of her footsteps, and as soon as she found her chance, she took the entire mixed vial, and arched the contents into the air around the Neko who's name she couldn't even remember now... Now she was just a target.

She didn't wait to see if this sneak attack had worked, instead immediately sliding another vial into her hand, the remnants of her mixing, prepared to give the neko another dusting.