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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Laughing loudly at the fact that her future Wife was more hung then the man she had been fighting, Kylie let her light spirits take over and resumed her conquest to scare the crap out of Yuki, which worked Brilliantly.

Giggling madly at Yuki's reaction, Kylie whipped the underwear off of her head, and helped her clean up, humming happily to herself the entire time and occasionally poking Yuki in the ribs when she wasn't looking, enjoying watching her jump now and again.

I refuse to Not scare you ever, you and Maria are both utterly adorable when you jump 10 feet into the air. Kylie said, sniggering before hearing where the others apparently were. It would be incredibly rude to interrupt prayers... Usually Kylie wouldn't mind... but Gods and Goddesses had become a little too real lately...

Bouncing along, Kylie pouted a little at having to wait, but was determined to enjoy her reunion with Ilyana, having not seen her in quite awhile, not since her first day at the house with Delilah, and it was going to be fun, and if it wasn't, she was going to make it fun... Or Else!
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Each time Kylie poked Yuki in the ribs while they picked up all of the clothes she'd flung everywhere, the priestess edged a bit further away, likely only to have Kylie edge further along with her so she could continue doing this. "I... I don't appreciate being scared like that, especially not in the temple itself when there are worshipers about, they might get the wrong idea and stop coming," Yuki said, obviously worried that this might actually happen.

When Kylie and Giselle followed Yuki out to the backyard to meet up with Ilyana, Kylie would see the dark elf's back as she held a large greatbow that was damn near as tall as she was about 3 inches over five and a half feet tall. She looked taller than the other day, by about 2 or 3 inches, and when Yuki called out to her as they came out, the dark elf turned around to look at Kylie and Giselle and Kylie would see that this wasn't the Ilyana she knew. "Kylie, Giselle, meet Ilyana, she's one of the priestesses here, our resident priestess of Kord to be exact, the god of battle and lightning. She is extremely good with a bow, learned it from her father," Yuki said, gesturing at the drow girl before them as she headed on over to do the laundry.

"Ah hello there, auntie Amara told me and the others that someone arrived that wanted to meet us by the name of Kylie. I take it that's you?" the drow girl said cheerfully, holding out a hand to shake Kylie's. Looking over this new Ilyana, Kylie saw she was about 5'8" tall, had beautiful deep forest green eyes that anybody could get lost in, she had ample and perky D-cup breasts that jiggled a bit with every movement she made, and she had an earring chain on her left pointy ear that had a dangly lightning bolt hanging from it a little bit, and she could also tell just by looking that this girl was in as good a physical shape as she herself was. When Kylie looked over at the target she'd been shooting at, which was about 25 to 30 yards off, she could see a dozen arrows in the thing's center mass and four arrows in the head. One of the arrows in the dead center of the chest area of the target dummy had even been split by another arrow that drove through it so hard it stuck through the dummy's chest as well. Then when she looked a bit closer at the bow, Kylie would see that it was a very ornately crafted mythril greatbow, with runes engraved all over of various things, some elven runes, a lightning bolt on either side of the handle, and it was larger than her own bow, and likely had a harder punch in the arrows it shot, but Ilyana here seemed to be wielding it as if it were as easy as breathing. "Oh forgive me, I'm Ilyana Lynn Ashford, but you can call me Ily if you like. I am one of high priestess Amara's many nieces. Her big sister is my mama Elena, who is dad's... second wife. My mom is dad's third wife, Celine Genaus Ashford. Dad's got a lot of wives... like... nine or ten I think at least, but he loves them all equally and they all love him too, and I'm one of his many children, mostly daughters," Ilyana went on to say after a few moments, seeming to have forgotten to introduce herself at first but quickly remedying that by doing so.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie refused to stop, giggling madly each time she managed to score another poke in on Yuki until she met Ilyana... Again... Wait a minute, this was a different Ilyana... That was kind of annoying. Contemplating thinking up a nickname for this new one, Kylie stopped when she saw her weapon and chuckled.

Reaching out to take the offered hand, Kylie continued to look at the bow she was wielding. Well... Congratulations Ilyana, between the two of us we've frozen hell over. Two women doing what most men deem either impossible or not worth the time and effort. Using a bow made of metal. Something you need to work at for years to do at all, and more to do properly, consider me impressed. Kylie said, glancing between the weapon, and the target.

Who was the more accomplished archer would probably never be learned, considering that while both weapons were similar, they were different, where Ilyana's had more range and power, Kylie's was faster and more maneuverable... Kylie sincerely doubted Ilyana could fire it in a tight space, or during acrobatics. But she was also certain that Ilyana could hit her target from further away... It was an interesting weapon, but in her opinion, taken to too far of an extreme...

Continuing to study the weapon, Kylie took the time to look at her arrows, again different... Well then.

Halting her study of the other archer's bow, Kylie shrugged, as if answering a question she had silently on her own, and left it at that.

Before turning suddenly and regarding the target again. Why are you practicing on a target you could strike at quarter draw with that weapon? When you know full well that a bow of that material and size could strike a target with a lethal blow at well over 200 yards considering it's draw has to be well over 400 pounds much like my own... She asked curiously. A weapon with the kind of range hers and Ilyana's shared was wasted on such a short range target. A weapon taken to it's extreme like Ilyana's was more suited to the very back lines of a marching army, striking from well out of retaliatory reach, and firing arrows far larger then the ones she was throwing.

Even Kylie's were made of a dense steel, both to bring the range down to a controllable level, and to prevent her wooden shafted ones from exploding under the tension... Kylie was sorely tempted to draw her own bow and fire Through Ilyana's target and into a tree 30 yards behind it just to prove a point, a point she was well aware Ilyana knew... And it was again confusing. It was as if Ilyana was simply wasting time. She was not practicing her balance, her adjustments for wind and angle..... Wait... Was she only ever taught to fire at this range? Could such a thing have happened!?

Kylie was now so confused by all of this that her own bow slid off of her back and into her hand, the plainer, though no less magnificent weapon comfortable in her hand as she put one of her steel wide heads to string, sighted, and, aiming at the target's neck, Decapitated it.

As Kylie watched the target's head spin off into the air a short ways and fall to the ground, Kylie again looked at Ilyana's bow, still confused. I Honestly Don't Know if you're Practicing, or simply Wasting Arrows... I mean no insult, I'm completely perplexed. she said quietly. These bows can send a steel shaft through wood, walls, armor... anything short of magic or stone, can shatter bone, and sever limbs entirely and I cannot understand why practicing on striking a target at such a simple range with such a powerful weapon would be something you'd spend your time on when you can do it as easily as blinking. Kylie continued. Her understanding of training had always been Improve, no matter what, go farther, shoot with more accuracy, study anatomy to practice hitting lethal targets under flesh no larger then a coin, or to destroy joint and ligament to keep a target alive, and she was seriously starting to think at this point, that although Ilyana had been trained, had become comfortable and strong enough to use her bow, that she hadn't been drilled in the intricacies of long range combat, and Precise shooting... Kylie could make the shots she was making at this range upside down hanging from a single leg while whistling...

Apologies, Seems I forgot my own proper introductions. I am Kylie of the Steel Rose. She added as an after thought, looking out at the target and still looking confused, and even a little insulted, as if Ilyana out here shooting was all a ruse.

Although a little presumptuous to assume that Kylie's shot would hit, Her hitting a Non moving target while under no stress at a distance of only 60-90 feet would be considered Child's play considering her skill level, as well as Ilyana's, as far as both myself and therefore Kylie's understanding goes. Though it is entirely possible that although ilyana possesses a weapon much like kylie's, that she hasn't trained as extensively as a professional assassin would. But I don't know, I'm not the GM so Ilyana is a mystery to me, and confusing as FUCK to Kylie XD
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Heh, there's some men that don't consider it a waste of time, my dad for one. But it is true that not a lot of them use metal bows, then again not many women do either. And the reason I'm shooting at only twenty five to thirty yards is because it's just practice to keep fingers exercised for when I need to really fight, but it's also training to an extent because it's much harder to do that at a farther range. And I can hit shit at about three hundred to three hundred and fifty yards off pretty accurately, so don't worry about that," Ilyana began saying when Kylie stepped forward and pulled her own metal bow out and fired one of her steel arrows at the target, taking its head clean off.

Ilyana looked on a bit disappointed at Kylie's actions, though not angry. After Kylie was done with her lecturing and introduced herself, Ilyana nodded her head in greeting to her. "But I was still trying to improve a bit at least, look at how I was shooting the arrows," Ilyana said to Kylie when she saw the look on the girl's face.

When Kylie looked back at the target when Ilyana had pointed at it, she'd see that Ilyana's arrows stuck in the chest of the target dummy in the shape of a heart, ten of them surrounding the eleventh which was split and the twelfth one in the center of that. "I often do that when just doing a bit of practice like this from shorter ranges, making shapes and letters, spelling out words sometimes when I shoot more. And the only reason I'm using bamboo arrows right now is because they're cheap and easy to make, and bamboo is like the only wood strong enough to not splinter or shatter when I use this bow. I can do this at longer ranges, but I'm not doing it to improve, just to keep my edge," Ilyana said to Kylie as the young assassin beheld the priestess's handiwork on the dummy target. "I was going to make a face on the head there, but you kinda took it clean off," she added, putting her bow over her shoulder into the holder for it there where she then went over to inspect her target and where her arrows had struck it. All had splintered into the thing and were unusable, but the arrowheads were still alright, which was what she was collecting it seemed as she pulled each and every arrow out as best she could to do so.
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie followed Ilyana up to the target, not commenting on the pattern or her lost opportunity when Kylie had severed the head, simply "Hmmming" thoughfully. Different people have different routines I suppose... It just seems too lighthearted for me... Maybe I'll understand it later after I get to know you better, but it's never been my way, Still, I wont deny the precision required. She said softly, running a finger along one of the splintered shafts, regarding her own fired arrow as a lost cause as the impact would have deviated the path.

Well, on to other things I suppose, the target is dead Kylie said matter of factly, shrugging. I'm planning an on foot journey to Tear Cove and would appreciate the company of an experienced hunter if you've the time. I was always trained to fight in a city, admittedly, in the jungle I'm sometimes at a disadvantage... and a recent run in with a Minotaur has me thinking twice about traveling alone... I'd prefer a companion more suited to skirmishing then outright fighting because the front rearguard standard is what got Miu hurt... Kylie said simply, laying the situation out without any hesitation and raising her eyebrow.

It would be safer to dispatch enemies and possible threats from a hidden distance rather then risking a full on fight... and two archers would make fast work of most things unless they ran into an organized force...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well like I said it's just to stay in shape, I do other practices to get better at other times, this is just early day practice since I'm cooling down after a long job, where I had to fight a wyvern, and let me tell you doing that is tough with only three people, especially when only two of those people are capable of fighting it while it's in the air," Ilyana said, shrugging her shoulders, when Kylie moved on to saying where she was going and whatnot, Ilyana looked intrigued. "So you want me to go with you huh. Well sure I don't mind going, but I wish you'd have waited another day or two honestly for me to rest, but I can handle it so no worries. My dad taught me to always be ready to travel, as well as how to hunt and use a bow, this kind specifically. And he also taught me to be very good with it at any range really, even if my foes are only a few feet away I can still fire accurately without getting in a hurry, because firing an arrow from a bow like this takes patience and precision," Ilyana added with a nod, looking very proud of how she'd been taught and by whom. It was obvious that she had a lot of respect for her father, which was probably a bit strange to Kylie considering the drow's matriarchal society and ways that she'd always been told about, where women were the top dogs and men treated almost second class by them.

"So when did you plan on leaving hmm? In the morning, tomorrow night? That way I'll be able to prepare better and help you to prepare better since you're not as good in the jungles and forests as I am, wouldn't want you grabbing the wrong things or trying to eat the wrong plants or anything like that," Ilyana then said after retrieving her arrowheads, a total of 16 iron arrowheads. Ilyana then looked over at Giselle and nodded to her. "So are you going to be coming with us miss?" Ilyana asked Giselle.

"It's Giselle, and no I'll be staying here this time, though I may go the next time Kylie does. I'll be getting us some stuff packed up to take to Hespera though when she gets back, since we're gonna head down there after she gets back and all," Giselle said, introducing herself to Ilyana and shaking he hand.

"Oh you're heading down there when you return eh... I might just go with you, that way I can see mom and dad again, it's been a while, and plus I need to take a break after all these jobs around here as a priestess," Ilyana said, nodding her head like she'd made up her mind about what to do after they got back.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I plan on leaving tonight as soon as dusk hits properly, and traveling at night for the entirety of the trip since we have to cross certain high risk areas. Proper cover at night will let us get through or out of certain situations without any bloodshed. Kylie said in answer to Ilyana's question, smiling at Giselle when she said she'd be preparing for Hespera, clearly excited about the vacation.

You can prepare all you like I suppose in the hours before night hits, or you can stay here, but the departure at this point is pretty set and I have no interest in staying around after saying my goodbyes. Realistically I just need to grab a coil of rope from the house and I'm set to leave immediately considering the abundance of resources here as well as trouble. Food and fresh water shouldn't be any forseeable problem if we're honest. And... As much as I pretend I'm invincible and undefeatable, that's simply not the case, so an extra set of eyes and ears would be appreciated. I don't plan on stirring up any trouble on the trip, but that doesn't mean it wont find me. Kylie continued, shrugging before randomly flopping off to find Miu.

On her mighty hunt for Miu, Kylie kept her eyes and ears open for the catlady, prepared to give her the biggest squeeziest hug possible before she left, still feeling guilty about what had happened.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmm, I doubt that we'll make it without any bloodshed at all, but you never know we may get lucky. But don't worry, I can be ready, just come and get me whenever you are tonight and we can set off, just make sure you bring some extra rations enough for about three or four days or so, because it's a good long trip in the best of conditions, but we can get more along the way in one of the alraune towns," Ilyana said to Kylie, suggesting she get some food rations for them both to last a few days.

When she went on to look for Miu, Kylie would find her sitting in bed in the neko's bedroom reading a book. She looked none the worse for wear really considering what'd happened the night before, though it was obvious that she was still in a bit of pain and her waist was bandaged up quite a bit under the small tanktop she was wearing. She looked up when she heard the bedroom door open up, looking at Kylie as she stepped in. "Oh hey there Kylie, coming to check up on me? Oh I guess you are," Miu said as Kylie hugged her tightly, though Miu struggled futilely against her for a moment before just letting her hug. "Thanks for coming to see me, I wanted to tell you not to worry about this, I'll be just fine. It was just stinking rotten luck I fell like I did and landed on that arrow," Miu said as Kylie hugged her, the neko hugging back after a few moments.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Then I'll see you at sunset Ilyana. Kylie said softly, nodding her head as she left to find Miu.

Finding Miu in bed, resting, Kylie refused any struggling whatsoever to make sure Miu got a hug, before pulling back and grinning. I Know, but you're still my friend, you're still getting a fucking hug woman. Besides, wanted to make sure I wished you well before I ran off to Tear Cove with Ilyana on foot. Kylie said, letting the last parts slip out with a mad glint in her eye, knowing Miu was going to get jealous.

I mean, if you really wanna come you can ride in the carriage with the others, though it leaves in the morning. But that's up to you and Amara I suppose... But then, who would all my little Alraune children play with~ Kylie added, cackling for a moment before stopping suddenly.

And hey! This injury isn't fair! You missed my fight with Hiro! She said just as suddenly as she'd frozen, puffing out her cheeks and stomping a foot like a child before grinning. Just... heal up Miu, I can't hunt with you like this. Kylie finished, sticking her tongue out before dashing away, laughing madly as she rushed around.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Alright, seeya later. I'll try and meet you out at the front gates of the temple at about seven o'clock, if I'm not there then I'll either be up at the shrines or getting the last of my things ready," Ilyana told Kylie, waving to her as she left to go find Miu.

"Just so long as you're careful out there Kylie then I won't have to worry about you any I think. But I think I'll stay here for the time being and go next time you might go, besides I did promise to keep an eye on Bob for you after all," Miu told Kylie with a wink after hugging her. "What's this about a fight though with Hiro? Did you win? Not many people can say they've beaten Hiro. Hell he's even tried to court me before, as well as most of us priestesses. Heh, he tried courting Maria last year, but she refused and put him on his ass when he challenged her to a duel for it," Miu went on to say with a chuckle.

"When I get better and you get back, we'll go hunting again, this time I'll get my hunting spears out so I don't get stuck with an arrow again," Miu told Kylie before the young assassin left her.

After heading on back out, Kylie would find Giselle talking to Hazel about something, with Hazel looking extremely happy about something as she was smiling and her wings had perked up. "Of course Giselle, I'll definitely go. But I'll have to return home first to get Elise and the others, because it's been a while since we've had a vacation in Hespera. I've been wanting to go talk to mom and dad soon anyway about some things," Kylie would hear Hazel saying to Giselle. It seemed Giselle had invited Hazel to come with them to Hespera when they went after Kylie came back from Tear Cove.

"Oh good, I can't wait to meet the matriarch. Could you tell me where any good places to stay are by chance?" Giselle said as Kylie came over to them, where they both noticed her and Giselle pecked her on the cheek.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie nodded to Ilyana before making a mental note of the time they would be meeting, and continuing on to Miu. Finding her friend, getting all forced hugs out of the way, and other such things, Kylie brightened up when Miu mentioned many people not besting Hiro.

Laughing at that, Kylie nodded. I did beat him, dislocated one of his shoulders, he wanted to duel Giselle for a moment for me, but when I pointed out just how serious our relationship was, he backed down on that front. Still, he's fun, especially in a brawl, and I'm going to pester the hell out of him as soon as I get back from my trip. As for Bob... That sly squid is smarter then he looks, I swear... Kylie said, seeming to glare back at the house from the temple, remembering his playful spank for a moment.

Hopefully I'll be back in time for the eggs to hatch, I bet tiny darkmantles are adorable. And thank you for keeping an eye on him, bringing him back with me has worked out wonderfully, and if they can be properly domesticated, think about how much easier guarding places like the Mine could be. And it's not like we have a shortage of people who'd mind overmuch about entertaining them, I could probably open a monster Brothel here. Kylie said, laughing loudly at the thought.

Still, I'm jealous, you'll get to see the young Lamia before I will, they're due to hatch before I get back, Tina and Selara are thrilled. But yea, rest up so we can hunt again when I get back, lord knows the area needs it and we both enjoy it. Just... no more mishaps please... May not be a bad idea to get us both some thin armor, just in case... Take care Miu. Kylie said in parting, rushing off to find Giselle.


Finding Giselle chatting with Hazel, having apparently invited her to Hespera as far as Kylie could discern from her place, overhearing, Kylie paled for a moment at the idea of Elise coming as well, wondering just how heated that joining could get if her temper got the best of her. She wasn't sure it would, considering she'd helped her with Reggie's death, but still... Kylie was uncertain.

Shrugging to herself, Kylie kissed Giselle back and smiled her best. Yes, It'll be a welcome vacation after the business trip to Tear Cove, which I'm almost certain will wind up as stressful as it will entertaining. I'll have to be careful... Regardless! We should do our best to have fun, and we'll have no shortage of coin in either place for either trip. So we should be bringing back plenty. O Giselle Dear! I'm leaving at around 6:45 tonight, I'll be meeting up with Ilyana here, and then we'll be headed out. The carriage will be waiting for the others tomorrow morning, and I'll have a bag of gold and the like sorted to be brought with them. So now it's all settled. We should have a special dinner for tonight, Invite everyone I met here on my first day, That includes you Hazel. And we can have a grand time of it before I leave. Kylie said, smiling brightly at the idea of having the house Packed with hungry people again. Still, most everything was taken care of, All Kylie had to do was get a HUGE amount of coin ready to depart, probably mostly in gems, and make sure NO ONE knew it was in the carriage. Which shouldn't be all that hard as long as her companions didn't go telling everyone with ears they were traveling with a fortune...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well I'm glad someone put him on his ass again, wish I could've seen it myself so I could laugh. And to even dislocate his arm in the process, you must have really gotten a good hit on him. And sometimes monsters are a bit smarter than we think, but as for the eggs, both the lamia and darkmantle eggs, I'd say if you're quick about it then you'll get back before either hatch. As for the monster brothel... well it could work you never know. But I doubt having many in the mine would be good because nothing would ever get done. And I'll look into some hunting armor for us for when you get back," Miu told Kylie before she left.


"Hello there Kylie. Are you feeling alright right today?" Hazel said after Giselle kissed Kylie, smiling at the two of them as Kylie returned Giselle's kiss. "And don't worry you two I know a few places you can go that'll be nice and cozy for a couple of lovers on the beach for a week or two. I on the other hand won't be staying with you, unless you accept Elise's inevitable invitation to stay with us that is. We'll be staying at Neris manor ourselves. And of course I'll be there for dinner tonight Kylie. In fact while you are gone Kylie, since I trust Ilyana to be able to keep an eye on you and all and handle herself and that you can handle yourself with the dangers of the island now, I'll go back home for a few days and inform Elise and the others that you arrived and everything so that'll all be cleared up and out of the way. And it'll give me a chance to persuade Elise to take a vacation. Heh, shouldn't be too hard considering all we've got to do to get her to listen is tell her we won't have sex with her anymore," Hazel went on to say, assuring Kylie she'd be there for dinner and telling her that she would go back to mainland Crimea and talk to Elise and whatnot, chuckling when she mentioned the last bit about persuading her to take a vacation with them all to Hespera.

"I won't bother you both though if you're wanting some alone time while we're all there, because that's just rude no matter how curious I am," Hazel then said to Kylie and Giselle both, nodding her head proudly.

"Alright sweetie, I'll see if I can get everyone else together, though if I can't then don't be sore at them for not coming. And I'll pack us together some good sexy clothes for the beach and stuff while you're gone, because Hespera is... hehe, because Hespera's a nude beach," Giselle said to Kylie after that, looking extremely giddy as she talked of Hespera's nude beach.

Once Kylie was ready to leave after that, Giselle would come along with her, muttering about what they should eat that night and about how much she'd have to get and whatnot. "Hey Kylie, what should we eat tonight in that case? Steaks would be good, but getting that many good cuts is gonna be tough I think. What do you think about some pulled pork?" Giselle asked Kylie, suggesting something that they could do, but ultimately leaving it up to Kylie to decide since she was the one wanting to invite everyone.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Yea, I'm fine Hazel, as for telling Elise anything, be discreet, the fewer people who know I'm alive or around, the better and I prefer it that way regardless. I'll bet you anything, if word gets too far spread, some of the more experienced members of my chapter will be sailing over here insisting I keep them around for extra protection. As much as I wouldn't mind the extra muscle, Garellia's chapter needs the manpower more then I do right now. Kylie said simply, shrugging before leaning into Giselle and starting the trip home.

Nude beach huh? Sounds like fun, or trouble. I promise to relax there, I may have some business there as well, but it will primarily be a vacation for us. Kylie said, smiling up into the trees before perking up at the mention of dead animal for dinner.

Pulled pork sounds wonderful, and would be good for Tina, get some strength back in her after the birthing. She's probably still weak as a kitten and we can't have that at all. Kylie said, still unfocused but happy. Tonight would be a wonderful affair, and then Kylie would finally be on the road to Tear Cove, a journey she had been pressing forward for awhile. She was twitching to get it started, everything was in place and ready... So many plans would be set into motion in Tear Cove... Her revenge would start there... she was certain of it.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I'm glad to hear it, and don't worry Elise is the only one that'll hear of it, and she's waaaaayyyy more discreet than I am. Be sure to have fun on your trip too though and get stronger," Hazel replied to Kylie, assuring her no one else would hear about it before Kylie and Giselle went on.

"Good, I was hoping you'd say that. I'll go get us a pig to cook up or at least a good slab of pork to cook up if not a whole pig or half of one," Giselle said as they walked onwards. Once they got back to the town proper, Giselle mentioned heading over to the butcher to grab what they needed for the evening meal, where they managed to get a whole half a pig to cook for dinner, which Giselle thanked the middle aged man that worked the place and paid him before heading onwards towards home.

After they got back, Kylie would see that Tina was up and walking around now at least, as she and Selara answered the door, though she was still obviously very weak and Selara had to support her a good bit as she stumbled every few steps without her help. Delilah was somewhere around here with Palla most likely, though obviously not in at the moment. "Come on in you two. And jeez sis, what have you brought in this time?" Tina said, pushing her glasses back up into place from where they were nearly hanging off her face.

"Are you alright sis? You're obviously tired and still weak. Why don't you go rest for a bit until dinner okay, I'll wake you when it's time," Giselle replied to Tina, patting her big sister on the shoulder with her free hand before taking the stuff on to the kitchen.

"You know I think I'll take you up on that offer Giselle, thanks," Tina mumbled sleepily before heading over to the couch and laying down on it.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

That would be half a pig Kylie answered, peeking from behind Giselle to wave at Tina with a smile. We're getting everyone together for a big proper dinner with all the fixin's. So! We needed MEAT! Kylie added, giggling and dancing into the living room and hugged Selara.

Waving goodbye for now as Tina went to lay down, Kylie rushed around the house to find everyone else, but only wound up managing to run face first into a wall, klutzing about. Rubbing her forehead, Kylie sprung back up to her feet and cackled as she charged out into the backyard where she knew Palla and Delilah were lurking.

Looking around, Kylie prepared herself to tacklehug the pair of them, laughing like a maniac the whole time.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmhm, I can tell that it's half a pig Kylie, I'm only still a bit weak, not blind, and having everyone over sounds wonderful I think," Tina replied with a smirk as she giggled at Kylie's words. "Can you help me over there Selara... whoa..." Tina then began saying before Selara scooped her up and went over to the couch to lay her down on it.

After thumping into the wall and getting back up, with Giselle pulling her to her feet again and telling her to be more careful, Kylie went out back and found Delilah and Palla both sitting on the ground facing each other with their legs crossed and their hands laying in their laps as they meditated. It looked like they were clearly focused quite a bit and that Palla was for once not looking like she was ready to fight everything in front of her, she looked almost at peace actually... or at least calm.

As Kylie began rushing over towards them, she'd notice Delilah open her right eye as she glanced over Kylie's way, where she idly waved her hand towards Kylie as she ran towards them. This caused a small stick to roll out right in front of Kylie's foot, which caused her to trip a bit, where instead of tackling both of them, she only ended up landing on Delilah. The middle siren sister took the tackle without making much noise at all, hell she didn't even yelp out. When Kylie looked at Delilah, the siren sister would hold a finger up to her lips indicating to Kylie to be quiet, then she would point over at Palla who was still meditating.

"I've finally gotten her to meditate properly Kylie, please don't ruin it with acting goofy," Delilah whispered to her, almost begging her to not disturb Palla as she went.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Delilah's words were lost entirely on Kylie as she rolled along the ground straight into the Siren, squeezing her and licking her face lewdly before turning and glaring at the offending stick.

Lowering her voice to a dread whisper, Kylie glared at the possessed wood. I knew one day you would betray me... she hissed silently, on her hands and knees, ass raised in the air like a stalking cat, swaying back and forth at Delilah before pouncing on the stick.

Scooping it up in her mouth, Kylie rolled around on the ground with it, flailing wildly, albeitly quietly, as she savagely gnawed on the stick, determined to slay her attacker before darting up, stick still in her jaws and rushing away and up into a tree in the backyard. If there was no tree, then she would nimbly scale up the corner of the house, call THAT a tree, and continue to kill her prey.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Delilah giggled ticklishly at Kylie's licking attack on her cheeks, lightly spanking her on the butt as she did so. Then she giggled in amusement as Kylie let go and went after the stick she'd tripped over like a cat stalking its prey. "Hmhm, if only you'd drank a neko shapeshifting potion beforehand you'd look perfect Kylie," Delilah chuckled as Kylie pounced on the piece of wood she'd tripped over.

The stick continued being just what it always and forever would be as Kylie attacked it... a stick. As it turned out there was a couple of good sized trees in the backyard for Kylie to climb, though one of them was further out in the yard while the closer was back towards the house. After she made her way up into the tree, Delilah merely watched her from where she sat, obviously quite amused at her actions.

After a minute or so of biting the piece of wood, Kylie's strong jaws and teeth managed to snap the thing in half, which she would likely be pleased about as that meant her prey had been annihilated. When she was done, Kylie would notice Palla had woken and was no longer meditating, looking like she'd woken from sleep, but she looked almost totally at peace. "Oh yes Kylie... why had you come out here by the way? Sorry about that, but Palla was finally able to meditate and everything and I didn't wanna break her concentration," Delilah said to Kylie when the young assassin came out of her act of destruction on the stick.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I AM VICTORIOUS! Kylie cried loudly as the stick snapped, throwing up her arms and swinging around wildly on her chosen perch, only to wind up hanging upside down by her legs, looking at the others.

Tilting her head at Delilah, Kylie shrugged, an odd thing upside down. I'm not even going to pretend to understand, but good for you guys! forcing calm is no fun, finding it is good though, especially for napping. She continued, sticking out her tongue playfully at the pair.

O yeah! I came out because we're having a big dinner tonight, and I got excited... Then I was attacked by that rogue stick... Stupid stick. Kylie said, glaring at the stick's corpse before dropping down to the ground. Freezing, Kylie suddenly looked around the backyard, before glancing up at the house.

Throwing out her arms, Kylie cried out in a hysteric panic SOMETHING SHINY! GET IT! Before dashing into the house, cackling as she charged after the shiny thing, it's identity a mystery even to her. So, in an odd twist of tactics, Kylie, darting around the house, started to collect or steal every shiny thing she could find, coins, silverware, particularly shiny buttons, and marbles, and carrying them downstairs to the basement, dodging nimbly out of the way of anyone who tried to stop her, and indeed, it seemed the only way TO stop her would be to restrain her somehow.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmhm, you do realize that I magicked that stick over so you'd trip on it don't you Kylie? And yes I wasn't forcing her to calm down, merely showing her how to do so so that when she needs to calm down she can," Delilah replied with a nod of her head as she patted Palla's shoulder, looking quite proud of her progress over the last few days. "I suppose Giselle wants me to go find the others... or as many as I can at least, so I'll go ahead and do that then," Delilah added before nodding to the two and heading off to do just that.

As soon as Kylie darted off to find the shiny things she saw back towards the house, she would find out that what she'd originally seen was merely the sun shining and glinting in the windows of the house, but other than that she'd find several things in the house that were quite shiny enough to snatch up and do what she would with them. When she went into the kitchen and started trying to take the silverware down to the basement for the gods only knew what after taking a few other various things down like candlestick holders and buttons, things like that, Giselle would wrestle her away from it all and stand in front of the drawers that held it all at the sink counter. "No, bad Kylie. We need this to eat unless you want to eat that pig like a pig," Giselle scolded her, wagging a finger at her in the process. "And don't you take any of our good family heirlooms down there for Bob to get all slimy either or I'll have to spank you tonight before you leave," Giselle added, sticking her tongue out at Kylie, though she looked quite serious about her not taking their family items that held a lot of sentimental value to her and her sisters.

Bob noticed her coming downstairs though each time she brought more, a tentacle gently coiling around her waist on the first time back own after Giselle's scolding, almost like he was hugging her or something. The eggs she'd notice were still there and Bob it seemed had decided to bury himself in the cool coinage they'd brought from the ship, only his tentacles visible and what passed for his face for him to breathe.