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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie raised her eyebrows but otherwise didn't comment on her buttpinching further, and it seemed to abate for the time being as they headed towards the architect's place. Upon knocking, they were greeted by a friendly woman named Shana and things progressed fairly simply from there. For the moment, Kylie had once again become completely mute, and it was less she wasn't speaking, but more that she couldn't, like the words couldn't make it between her brain and her mouth.

This of course led to Kylie listening and nodding, before taking the pen, and drawing out new dimensions and a scale in rather rapid fashion. He would find that the 30% increase in overall ground coverage would allow more freedom in the design, and fix the cramped problem rather nicely. Next to the new measurements, kylie left a symbol for coin, a question mark, and after what looked like a terrific struggle, the actual word "morning"

Sighing softly, she gestured for the coin to be dropped off, and flipped the bags open with a thumbs up to the architect, making a hasty exit, blushing furiously, embarrassed that this had happened in public. If anyone asked what was wrong, Kylie would turn and gesture her hand across her throat with a slashing motion, before shrugging. This was supposed to be a problem from her childhood! The fact that it was still haunting her was both confusing and extremely embarrassing for Kylie who just kept heading towards the blacksmith next, glad at least that her rear wasn't under attack anymore.
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie didn't answer verbally to Merril's questions, Giselle became visibly concerned, looking curiously over at Kylie as she took the quill and made a few modifications. Merril also seemed to notice her temporary muteness and also looked concerned, though he didn't say anything to her about it while she finished up with her writing. He also seemed to have gotten the idea for what she seemed to want as after she drew the coin to indicate money, and managed to say the word "Morning", nodding his head. "Yes yes, I'll get it to you first thing in the morning miss Kylie, a full thirty percent increase will likely raise the price around between two to three thousand possibly, but it depends really. I'm certain that you don't want me cutting any corners, so it may all total up to quite a lot after this, and if you're wanting your little tower in back as well to be tall and broader in the same manner, then that could raise it as high as fifteen thousand, as the labor involved would be tough to get up that high to build it, but it can be done, so no worries," Merril said, nodding his head a bit as he explained it all to her, shaking her hand as she left and getting back to work.

Giselle, Delilah, and Tina all looked more than a little concerned about Kylie, and Giselle was clinging again with a worried expression on her face. "Kylie... are you alright? What's the matter hon?" Tina of all people asked, glancing around at her face from the right side, which was opposite of Giselle. Kylie would then feel a lighter pinch on her butt than the previous two, and this time she would notice that it was Tina doing it this time, doing it almost like she'd done to her earlier that day and the day before.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie grimaced slightly as everyone of course look concerned for her and when she didn't have a proper answer for them it only made her blush slightly as she shook her head and shrugged. She knew what she WANTED to say, but she couldn't make it happen for several minutes, wrapping her arm around Giselle and kissing her cheek.

When she finally did manage to find her voice again several minutes later, she didn't even notice that she'd started speaking again but she did seem a great deal more relaxed when her voice reached her ears I don't know why, or when or any reason for it in particular. It just happens sometimes. Been happening since I was very young. My brother didn't hear me speak until I was far passed my youngest years. She tried to explain, hoping that was enough for now.

So far, they'd had no trouble paying anyone, and with only the lightest satchel left, and her own small one for the random purchase here and there that meant that the load of carrying 10K gold and platinum pieces was passed thankfully. Who knew, it had been a few days, maybe she could see the progress on her bow when she got there. She was excited about having the proper weapon back to fit her hands, that haunting memory of steel strapped tight and ready always made a shiver travel up her spine.

Mute sequences will probably be showing up every time I need to use my phone to post since I cannot utilize colors.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

After bidding farewell to Merril and his wife Shana, Kylie and the others left, with Giselle holding Kylie's hand the entire way until she started talking again, an obvious look of concern on her face. "Oh thank gods you're talking again sweetie. I was beginning to really worry about you there for a minute," Giselle said, looking relieved that Kylie was talking again and taking the kiss she gave happily. Once Kylie had found her voice again and they went onwards, Giselle hugged her tight, as did Tina from the other side, while Delilah did so from behind.

"Well we can help you try and figure it out Kylie, and help you overcome it," Delilah said, kissing Kylie on the cheek as they then made their way over to the blacksmith to properly pay him for Kylie's new bow.

When they arrived at the blacksmith with the gold to pay him, the man was in the back forging something, so they had to first speak with the same girl that was working as the cashier for him. However as soon as they told her what they were there for she went and got him, with a loud hiss of steam coming from the back of the place as he slipped a sword down into the water.

"Aye, I figured I'd be seeing you either today or tomorrow lass. Hang on a moment and I'll be right back," the blacksmith man said, a slight grin on his face. He soon returned with a case in his hands.

"Now I had Serena come over here last night and do the enchantment on this thing for you. All of my bows come with twenty arrows too, so here they are as well," the blacksmith said, handing Kylie a finely crafted wooden case with that had her bow inside, which was sitting on a silk cushion like bit, and a nicely made leather quiver that had different designs on it. "You're lucky that I managed to find the wood needed and a bit of mythril that one of the other villages sent for trade, so I bought up a few pounds of it and used a bit on your bow," the blacksmith added, a quite smug smile on his face as he finished speaking.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie giggled softly as all three sisters hugged her and she blushed right up to her ears. Really guys, it's ok, its something from my past, when I was very very young. But I can't make out the details. I'm almost all the way there, almost whole again and from the memories I've recovered I can tell you that it's happening less often then before, please don't worry about it or I'm going to worry about you worrying and I'm gonna be a wreck Please. She said, hugging them all back tightly before they made their way to the blacksmiths.

It was that same girl from before behind the counter, not bad looking but a little shy and more interested in her work then anything else, and when Kylie told her what they had come for she rushed right off to grab the smith. With a boil of water and a hiss, a sword came to life as the fire that birthed it was extinguished and the steel took true form. It was a beautiful thing to Kylie, weaponscrafting, something Gestalt had made sure they all learned a little of, should they ever need to improvise a weapon. It would tell them and teach them what to look for when you had to think on your feet.

Chuckling as the blacksmith said he had anticipated her arrival, she just grinned widely and waited for him to present her with a scene straight out of her graduation, of that day in the dark passages during her initiation, and the gift that Gestalt had crafted for her. The case was very similar, a beautiful lacquered piece that Kylie lovingly slid her hands over, giving the Smith exactly what he would appreciate most, Respect for the gift of his craft.

She was silent again, but it wasn't mute, it was simple reverence as she lifted the case, and drew out the weapon, running her hands over the wicked curves and subtle lines that made this weapon truly hers. Given her talent for drawing, and the sheer exactness of the measurements she had provided, it was utterly and perfectly fitted just for her. Almost as tall as she was, with a slanted grip at a grueling 52 degree angle, even the finger groovings were placed exactly where they needed to be. The additional prongs that ran the length of the bow from it's center were to shield it from impact, and were crafted entirely from metal with distance and yardage slants carved into the shining and unforgiving metal.

The weight was different, but almost negligable and the braided and admittedly sharp chord that held the taught and resistant weapon in balance was exactly as she remembered on that day, the braided metal humming with tension, and a life all it's own, begging for her guidance. The smith had every right to be proud, and Kylie actually shed a tear as she hefted the weapon and tested the tension. She still couldn't speak, to do so would shatter the blessed moment of weapon and master moving again as one. And without a seconds hesitation Kylie shouldered the Quiver, a work of art all on it's own, and the weapon, both resting happily, Kylie beaming with pride.

I... I know this work was not easy for you, I know that what you have made for me is one of a kind, and I know that never again will you craft another exactly like this. You've done a kind thing weaponsmaster, bringing the tool of my craft back to life and shining as it never did before. A simple thank you is not enough, Truly and respectfully from the bottom of my heart, Thank you. I wish only that the fires that burn in your forge continue to burn as strongly as those in your heart, because nothing else could have produced such a beautiful instrument. Kylie said, Bowing slowly and presenting the payment.

As he had presented the bow, Kylie presented the gold, opening the bag, and revealing the large amount of coin that was there, along with the gems that amounted to the sum. Inside he'd find there were actually 1500 Gold pieces, the extra 5 coming from a pair of large Sapphires that were of exquisite cut, resting peacefully upon the mound of wealth.

Turning to her Qoute unQoute Family, Kylie smiled at all of them. I feel whole again, this was never a simple weapon for me. It was the mark of my growth and to be without it pained me. I couldn't have regained this piece of myself without your help. Truly, Thank you. Kylie said, forgoing the bow and hugging all three of them fiercely. She only had a few other things to acquire, some proper clothing for combat, and a fe... No... She didn't need poison anymore, she didn't need a shroud for the night. She was free of that life for now, and she would bask in it. It no longer mattered that she had shed her armour in the sea, or that the world she had known laid far beyond its watery borders. She was home.

Offering one last bow to the blacksmith at his door, Kylie finally left, and started to make her way towards the Alraune encampment before they missed their chance. She wanted that peace, and the sound of happy children around her... And then the sudden thought, that she wanted children of her own, struck her hard. But not quite yet, the house first, the marriage, not yet. A few last things to be settled, and a body to retrain and rehone. Now! Let's go tickle us some Alraune's, and make sure to give the Matron a headache by getting them riled before bed! Kylie said, laughing loudly and starting to jog. Wanting to feel the air move around her.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie admired her bow that the blacksmith had made for her, he smiled happily as she did so. "Twas my pleasure miss Kylie, and it's always nice to see someone respect and admire a good weapon. And while yes it was a bit difficult to work the mythril for it and all that, I was able to manage it easily enough. I'm probably not quite as good at it as the dwarven smiths in Solana, but I do know how to do it of course. The lady blacksmith in Taltoa to the northwest however is the best one on the entire island as far as I know, hell she can work anything you ask, and Taltoa is the biggest of the villages here on the island... well here on the south of the island anyway. There is a slightly larger town of about... almost a thousand people on the far north coast of the island, but hell it takes damn near forever it seems to get there, so only the flyers around the villages here in the south head up there for the most part unless its a little caravan heading up that way. the lady blacksmith in Taltoa though, she gets a lot of her stuff from the town up north, but it's rare that anything more than mythril on occasion makes it down here. If you ever want to upgrade that bow with something else or make another one with the even stronger and lighter titanus then you should head up there to her," the blacksmith said, nodding his head as Kylie gave him the payment, where he noticed the extra tip she gave him as well and looked quite pleased, giving her some more information about the island, such as the names of the other villages and the knowledge that there was more to the far north of them. "Oh also, you never have to worry about oiling that metal, it won't rust, it's incapable of rusting because of the bit of magic in the metal, and thank you for the kind words, as well as the tip. As soon as you get the other design for those arrows you mentioned the other day I'll see what I can do about making them for you," the blacksmith guy added as an afterthought to Kylie.

When Kylie pulled the siren sisters all into a hug, they all returned it and Giselle kissed her on the lips passionately, clinging to Kylie for a few moments after her sisters had let go. "You're welcome Kylie, and I'm happy that you're getting happier here. Now though we gotta go and get you some clothes, because these ones are a bit beat up after earlier and this is your only good clothes other than those you were wearing when you got here, and they aren't in much better shape to say the least really. But that'll have to wait until tomorrow at the earliest, because you're right in that we've gotta go tickle some little alraune," Giselle said, giving a little tug on Kylie's shirt which was a little torn and stuff from the fight earlier and had a bit of blood on it from the kraken.

Waving to the blacksmith, and in Kylie's case bowing again, to which he waved back to them as they left, they left. Then, unless Kylie wished to go through town and stop at the tailor to have her measurements taken for some clothes to be made, then they went on towards the alraune home, which all in all wasn't too far from where her's and Giselle's new home was going to be, being only about three miles outside of town and only two from where their house would soon be, which was just on the edges of the town and since it was going to be on top of a hill it could be seen from the town. There was of course still the fact that Kylie and Giselle needed to speak with the village elder about getting the land first before they could have their home built there, but Giselle seemed to be sure that she would allow them to do so.

Assuming they didn't stop first at the tailors, the girls soon were able to make their way to the alraune village. Once there, they could see several of the little alraune bouncing about, playing with each other, some wrestling, some playing tag or hide and seek, some sitting around eating dinner, which consisted of mostly vegetables and fruits found around the village, though there was amazingly some fish in the mix as well that had been grilled over and open fire. Some of the little ones that were eating seemed to be more playing with their food rather than eating it, as their faces were smeared with various bits of the food on their little wooden plates.

"Oh... hello there girls. Are you all feeling well this evening?" one of the red alraune guards said as they closed in on the village, stepping out to greet them along with a couple of others, where she then led them all on into the village proper.

"We're doing fine thank you for asking. We're here to see the little ones as we promised them yesterday," Giselle replied to the red alraune as they got into the village itself.

When they got closer, Kylie would be able to see that the majority of the little alraune that they had played with were all still close by playing, though with the exception of two or three which were still eating, but she would also be able to notice that there were a few more even smaller alraune around, that instead of being between about 10 to 18 inches tall or so were about only six inches tall and there were a dozen of the fragile looking little things and each of them were sitting on the lap of a pink alraune who were each feeding the little ones. They had a thin pink tentacle stretching out which Kylie could see was one of their roots that they'd detached from their plants somehow or another and had them up at the little ones mouths, where the little ones were suckling on the tips of the tentacles as the appendages oozed out what looked like root juice into their little mouths. It was almost like a baby suckling on a bottle or her mother's teat for milk in a way from the looks of it.

"Oh my gods they're so little... and adorable," Giselle said, moving over to where the circle of them were at around a couple of camp fires to keep them warm. One of the littlest ones that was only half a foot tall or so finished up with her own drinking and looked around the place, her little head turning to look over at Kylie and the girls as the approached, a look of wonder on her little pink face.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was beaming from ear to ear as they made their way out and at Giselle's comments about her shirt and needing more clothes, she just laughed and shrugged it off. We can go clothes shopping Tomorrow, Promise, but children first, then sleep of the dead. O wait, damnit, my stitches THEN sleep of the dead. She said, chuckling as they made their way to the camp.

It would be incredibly nice living so close to their friends the Alraune, when they had their own children they could play tog.... NO! BAD OVARIES! NO! Kylie thought, glaring at her hips for a moment as they walked, her face quite rediculous. If questioned she'd just pinch her belly and go I think I'm getting fat. And lazy Before darting off like a spazz.

The sight that greeted them once again filled Kylie with a jumble of warm fuzzies, and she couldn't deny that she was distracted by the absolutely tiny Alraune, the greeting of the reds almost a blank spot in Kylie's mind so intent was she on seeing the little ones and she had to agree with Giselle. They were the cutest tiniest damned things she'd ever seen. yes Love, they are adorable... Almost, Too adorable... She said, making a goofy face and raising her eyebrow at the tiny things.

AND THEN IT HIT HER! LIKE A LIGHTNING BOLT! Standing bolt upright and sniffing the air, she looked at the little playing Alraune she was more used to, apart from the goofs still eating/painting their faces with their food. Now... Now I hunt! She cried, chasing the playing youngsters and laughing as she scooped one up and blew a raspberry on it's belly. She was after Hope, she'd know her when she saw her, and there would be a tickling! High and low, the snagged Alraune on her head, Kylie searched until she had found her prey, Hope~ Where'd you go~ Kylie's here~ She called, looking around for her tiny tentacled friend, because this hat just wasn't the same.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle kissed Kylie on the cheek when she replied, saying that they were almost too adorable. "Ah yes, they just sprouted earlier today actually, sometime just before noon actually," the pink alraune that was holding the little one looking at them said.

The little pink alraune looked up at Giselle as she squatted down next to them, with Giselle looking to the pink alraune feeding her. "C-Can I hold her?" Giselle asked, to which the older pink alraune replied that of course she could. Giselle then reached out and picked the little pink alraune up, who began giggling a little bit when Giselle took her index finger and gently tickled her little bitty belly.

The little tiny pink alraune wriggled around for a moment or two to try and get away from Giselle, and when Giselle stopped tickling her and pulled her up next to her face to kiss her on her tiny head she reached out and grabbed Giselle's hair. "Oh you precious little thing you. Here go back to your mommy so she can take care of you," Giselle whispered to the tiny alraune, handing her back to the older pink alraune, who took her and held her.

When Kylie went off to play with the other older little ones, the one she grabbed cackled and laughed when she tickled her, wriggling around to try and get free, but couldn't do so because Kylie was so much stronger and larger than she was. After she put that little one down, the little alraune would run off to play some more. It wouldn't take her very long to spot Hope after that, who was sitting alone on her little island in Ayane's lap as Ayane fed her with a tentacle in much the same way as the pink mother alraune was doing with her little one earlier. The only real difference was that Hope was larger and older than the little pink alraune, that she was of course green instead of pink, and that she had taken root and such. When Kylie approached the little island, Ayane noticed her, but before Kylie could speak and let Hope know she was there, Ayane held a finger up, motioning for Kylie to wait a moment as she finished up feeding little Hope from her own roots. Hope she could see still had a little splint on her broken arm and leg, but that didn't seem to hinder her ability to guzzle down the root juice that Ayane was feeding her, as Hope was suckling at the tentacle like a baby on her mother's teat.

"Alright Hope, good girl. I hope that you're full, because look who's here to see you," Ayane said as soon as Hope was through drinking her fill, turning the little hurt green alraune around to see Kylie, where Kylie would see her little eyes light up like a child on yule morning when they saw their presents.

Ayane didn't stop Hope as the little thing extended her little tentacles out to Kylie, wrapping them around her neck and shoulders and pulling herself across the stream towards her, giggling happily as she did so. Kylie would easily be able to catch Hope with her honed reflexes to keep the little thing from hurting herself by slamming into her, and when she got over to Kylie to do so, Hope wrapped her little arms and tentacles around Kylie as tightly and far as she could in a loving hug, like a child would give their mother.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie smiled and nodded, waiting for Hope to finish eating. She thought it a little odd that Hope was eating like this, instead of with the others, but she could almost garauntee it had to do with her being rooted so early, and being hurt. Besides, dinner came before hugs. That was just the law of the universe.

It was the look on little Hope's face when she saw her however that made this entire trip out here, later in the evening, more then worth it, her eyes lighting up like a present had landed in her lap, and with tentacles and limbs flailing, she shot over to Kylie like greased lightning. Kylie, already spreading her arms, snagged the little alraune out of the air gingerly and spun her around, holding her to her chest as Hope hugged her as tightly as she could and Kylie laughed at loud, smiling brightly. I missed you to! Have you been being good for Momma Ayane? Kylie asked, kissing her little cheek as she wandered back to the island, sitting next to the Matron.

Cuddling Hope, Kylie was pretty sure the others were too busy being complete spazzes at the moment, so she was safe doting on Hope and spoiling her rotten while she chatted. It's been a good day Ayane, for everyone it seems. I noticed the newborns, adorable little things, and I promised Hope here I'd come by because she couldn't stay with me last night. Can't go breaking my promises can I! She said, tickling Hope's sides and laughing again.

I take it Hope is cared for differently because she's hurt and rooted? Well, can't be helped, just having her here is enough, but judging from how good a hugger you are, you're gonna grow up to be trouble, I can already tell. Kylie seemed to be finishing her sentences by aiming them at Hope, before tickling her again, or blowing a raspberry on her somewhere, but eventually, it just devolved into a relaxed snuggling as she talked.

Hey, remember the Tickle the blue haired girls game? She said, snatching another of the playing Alraune nearby out of the water and setting the little thing on her knee. Get em! She whispered, pointing to the Siren Sisters, shooing the child off again as she watched, stroking Hope's little head with a finger slowly, the child once again not wanting to relinquish her deathcuddle and Kylie not caring in the slightest.

All the madness aside Ayane, I'll be healed up tomorrow morning, and I can start training and working again. But what of my little sprout here? How long before she can run around with the others instead of having to watch? I have no problems making sure she gets all the extra attention she needs. This place is going to be close to my new home, but it still makes me a little sad. I'm sure she'd have fun, ya know?
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As she hugged and cuddled against Kylie, Hope seemed to understand her words when asked if she'd been a good girl for Ayane, as she shook her head up and down, letting her know that yes she had been a good girl. "Yes she's been a good girl for us all here, and yeah the newborns sprouted around noon, but I wasn't around at the time unfortunately," Ayane said, smiling as Hope giggled a little when tickled again, the little green alraune wriggling around wildly to try and get away.

"Yes she must be fed this way because her roots need to grow strong because she's so young and all, and since she's hurt she can't eat very well on her own. This way she can get enough nutrients and minerals in her body and in her own roots so that soon she can be alright on her own. And thank you so much for coming, she seems to greatly enjoy having you around, so it's good that you are as kind as you are taking the time to come and see her," Ayane replied after Kylie blew a raspberry on Hope's belly, Hope giggling like mad again as she brought one of her tentacles around and tickled Kylie back, the thin tentacle tickling Kylie's belly a little, wriggling back and forth across it.

When Kylie finished tickling Hope and another of the little alraune, a blue one, came swimming by in the water along with a couple of other blue ones and was scooped up by Kylie and given orders to go tickle the sirens, Hope giggled along with the little blue alraune, the blue one of which dove back into the water with her fellow sisters where she pointed over at the siren sisters. They giggled with each other and waved at Hope before swimming off back to the shore, where they rounded up as many of their fellow sisters as they could and started over at the siren sisters, all of them creeping up towards them as the sirens all cooed over the tiny little alraune being fed. Then... they struck, diving out all over the siren sisters legs and climbing up them where the siren sisters all fell to their knees as they were all tickled, Giselle and Delilah both giggling mirthfully and pulling as many of the little alraune off of them as they could to hug them before being swarmed and taken down, giggling the whole time. Tina meanwhile was swarmed and taken down quicker than her sisters, but didn't seem to mind and just let herself be swarmed by the little huggers, hugging as many back as she could manage, laughing the entire time. It was much easier for the little alraune to take them all down as there were more of them than at Reina's house the day before doing so.

"Well I'm not quite sure how long it'll take for her to fully heal up, but hopefully not too great a time, it's one of the reasons I was feeding her personally actually. But... well about what you said before..." Ayane replied to Kylie's questions, trailing off a bit before leaning over close to Kylie and whispering in her ear. "I'm... not her momma actually, her actual mother was already very old and Hope was her first and only seedling, though I am also getting quite old myself of course, I'm not quite as old as she was. Her momma was... about seventy five years old when she went, but we alraune don't show our age like a human does, our skin simply starts changing color from green or whatnot to brown, as if we're wilting like Hope here did the other day. And also, were you asking if she could be moved to your new home?" Ayane added in as low a whisper as she could before Kylie couldn't hear her.

Have you perhaps ever read the manga To Love-Ru? Hope is like Celine from To Love-Ru in my imagination, just so you know.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie listened to everything, carefully, as always even as the war upon blue hair continued, the sisters being dragged to the ground and under attack in record time as the little Blue Alraune sounded the charge, the three women laughing and squirming under the pile of children much to Kylie's never ending amusement.

But certain facts screamed out at her, and to be honest, if they hadn't been present, Kylie's decision may have been different. That she was an orphan was a surprise, much like she was herself, just unlucky. And that really was a tragedy in and of itself. At least Hope had these wonderful people to care for her, but what would she think when she found out the truth? That she had never and would never know her real mother. Or that Ayane, the devoted foster was her real mother.

It all made Kylie think and before long, her bright mood was turned to one of pain, shared pain as she only cuddled Little Hope closer, and tighter, kissing her cheek. setting her in her lap, Kylie just held her and hummed softly for the moment before the question Ayane asked shocked her to the core. She had remembered asking no such thing, at all. But now that she thought about it, was that such a bad thing? Hope clearly loved her, and She did Hope. it was strange, but there, as were many things on this island... She could. And they'd never be far from the Alraune settlement either.

It took several moments of quiet pondering, to puzzle everything out, before she looked at Ayane, and covered Hope's ears for just a moment. I'd love nothing more Ayane, then to take her with me... But.. Could I? if it's possible, if it wouldn't hurt her, then Yes, that would make me happy. And she'd be surrounded by the other women there, kind and considerate, and we'd never be far from this place either. But I wonder... Would Hope, learning everything that the other races live by? Would that be better for her, then growing up here? I think it would, she's green much like you are, calm and collected, a leader and a survivor simply by birth... Gods, I'm rambling. Kylie's hands had moved from hope's ears to gently stroke her head and shoulders as they spoke though her voice had dropped to just as low a whisper now.

Yes, i'd like that... For Hope to learn all of it, and to live in both worlds, gods know I did. She finally finished, having made up her mind. Orphans together huh? This would be interesting...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Hope giggled at Kylie's kisses and hugs, her little tentacles and her one good arm hugging back with as much strength as her little body allowed, a bright, cute, and innocent smile on her face. Hope sat there on Kylie's lap and when Kylie finally finished pondering her answer to Ayane's question and covered Hope's little ears, Hope giggled ticklishly, but didn't try and stop her, merely looking around the village, a slight look of longing as she watched the other little alraune children running around and playing.

"Well it is possible, we'd merely have to dig her roots up and transport her plant over to wherever afterwards. It's a simple, yet tedious task is all really. But regardless, it'd have to wait until she's better at least, and we'd like to keep her here for a little while longer afterwards, to teach her some necessary things that she'd need in order to live away from us. But... once she's able to talk maybe, then yes, if she wished to leave and live with you we would allow it, and we would even have someone go with her in order to keep her safe until she came of age," Ayane replied to all of Kylie's questions about Hope moving over to their new house. "And don't worry about rambling so much Kylie, you don't need to be sorry about who you are," Ayane added, patting Kylie on the head.

With that, Ayane stood up and helped Kylie up, with Hope in hand, where she then gestured towards the rest of them. Kylie would notice that Ayane's own root tentacles detached from her own plant, wherever it was, and came over to her, where they reached down into Hope's little plant and pulled her roots up, detaching them from her plant for now. "She'll be alright as long as she doesn't stay detached for more than a day at a time, and our kind only have to stay attached for about an hour or two give or take, depending on how much we need to rejuvenate ourselves and all," Ayane explained when Kylie undoubtedly asked or looked questioningly at her and what she was doing. Ayane then led Kylie on over to where the others were at, carrying Hope herself unless Kylie wished to do so.

When they arrived over where the others were all at, Tina it seemed had fared the best and was merely sitting there, with about a dozen or so little alraune climbing all over her, their hands roaming all over her body, save in her trousers, which she had apparently already stopped them from doing more than once because Kylie would see her do so again, telling the little one that tried to reach down in there that that was a naughty place and not for little kids like her. Giselle and Delilah meanwhile were being trampled still by a couple of dozen others, most of whom were focusing on Giselle, and a couple of which had somehow managed to make their way down onto her trousers and were poking at what they could only believe was a suspicious bulge in one of the blue ladies pants. Giselle for her part was withstanding the assault quite well all things considered, as she wasn't looking aroused, more teased than anything, and Delilah was just cuddling with all of the little alraune she could grab herself.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie nodded calmly I agree entirely, still a little ways off for sure, and I'm glad this has already been thought through so much really... Yes, I'd like to.. No! My Hope! Kylie said, putting Hope in her proper place on her chest, holding the little Alraune close and refusing to let go of her until she absolutely had to.

When they came upon the waylaid sisters, Kylie couldn't help but burst into giggles, before she noticed Giselle's predicament Get outta there you mischievous little monkeys! Only I'm allowed to go diggin in those Trousers! She said in mock annoyance, coming to her lovers rescue by fishing Alraune out of Giselle's pants.

You.... You're too cute to be mad at! This isn't fair! Kylie whined as she held up one of the offenders, before setting it on the ground and flopping down like a lump. Ahh, just wait until their all bigger! If it's chaos now, I can only imagine how bad the shenanigans will get She added with a chuckling sigh, shaking her head slowly from side to side.
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Ayane giggled a bit when Kylie held Hope against her chest, the little alraune clinging to the young assassin when she reached to take her and carry her over to where everyone else was at around the campfire, nodding her head to Kylie and instead merely leaning over and kissing Hope on her little head. Once over to where the others were all at and after Kylie fished the one little pink alraune that was in the process of climbing down into Giselle's trousers as she and one of her pink sisters were poking at Giselle's bulge in her pants. The little pink alraune looked so innocent as Kylie held her up, giving one of the cutest and most innocent faces Kylie had ever seen in her life.

When Kylie said what she did and sat down next to Giselle, who instinctively slipped an arm around her lover while the little pink alraune and her other sister climbed back into Giselle's lap, curiously inching their little hands closer to the suspicious bulge again. "Yes... the young alraune can get quite... rambunctious and they get into any and everything that they can. It honestly is quite the chore to take care of them all, but we do so not only because we must in order to keep them safe, but also because we love them all, each and every one," Ayane said, smiling and chuckling a bit herself at what Kylie said about the little alraune growing up some. "Usually though when they are the equivalent of a twelve to fourteen year old human, then they will start listening and stop getting into pretty much everything there is to get into," Ayane added after taking another moment to chuckle a bit more.

"And... maybe one day, one of the next batches of little alraune can play with our child if and when we have one... or more," Giselle said, adding in her own little comment on the matter of children, leaning her head over onto Kylie's shoulder in a half hug, the young siren futanari seeming to be trying to simply ignore the curious little alraune group gathering around her crotch until they actually tried to do something more than simply poke at it through the cloth of her trousers.

Tina meanwhile had laid back and was letting the little alraune with her simply climb all over her, not seeming to mind the attention she and even some of her more private areas were getting, and amazingly not looking aroused in the slightest at their tiny caresses and pokes and prods. Delilah had sat up and was urging all of her little group back, where after they did so the middle siren sister performed a bit of magic to get some giggles and bring smiles to their faces as she made a little firecracker pop in the air just above her hand. Delilah's display of magic made a few of the little alraune jump back in fright, the little things falling on their butts, while the rest squealed with delight and tackled Delilah, obviously wanting her to do it again for them all, which Delilah of course did so after getting them back some again.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie laughed and nodded, understanding, though the continual references to children from Giselle had her raising her eyebrows. Really want little ones badly don't you Giselle, Well currently I've managed to avoid impregnation by everything here, talk about a feat. As for our own, well, Soon. Just relax. Kylie said, smiling and poking her lover in the side.

As Delilah put on her impromptu fireworks display for the little ones, Kylie just smiled and watched, still going the extra mile to reach over and remove the Alraune from Tina's crotch almost absentmindedly and shooing them from Giselle's. She could only imagine what the older ones were like, she doubted they were any less trouble, just smarter about it.

Still, it was saddening as the sun started to sink, they had gotten here rather late, and evening was fast turning to night. As Dusk set in fully, and the sky darkened, the moon baring it's silver face, Kylie sighed and stroked Little Hope. Time for bed little one, come now, I'll tuck you in. That goes for all of you rapscallions I'm sure! Off with you! Kylie said, puffing out her cheeks and helping the elder Alraune herd the little ones along.

Once everyone was settled, and Hope was kissed goodnight and seen to, Kylie would sigh, and begin heading home, sisters in tow. It was time to get to bed themselves, Kylie walking, new bow in hand, if only to admire the craftsmanship, and the weight of the weapon.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well yeah I kind of do, but I wasn't trying to push you into it with what I said or anything, I was just commenting on someday when we do have children, then they could play with some of the little alraune and stuff is all I meant by it," Gisellle said, giggling slightly when poked in the side by her lover.

Tina merely nodded at Kylie when the young assassin got the little alraune off of the eldest siren sister's more private areas, smiling a bit as well in the process. Then Tina rounded up all of the rest of the little alraune that were on her and pointed them over to Delilah and her fireworks display, where they all gasped and jumped off of her to go over and watch. While they watched the fireworks display, Hope clung to Kylie as she did herself, looking at the whole thing with a look of wonder on her face, save when the fireworks popped and crackled, which caused little Hope to jump each time with fright, though she giggled afterwards each time a little bit. Every time they popped, Hope would bury her face in Kylie's shoulder after letting out a little gasp and subsequent "Eek!", peeking out from her hiding spot to look again and giggle some more.

When the sun finally began going down though and all though, and Kylie caressed Hope's little face, telling her that it was time for bed, Hope looked a little saddened by it, but didn't try and grumble about it this time around like the night before back at Reina's place. She did however cling to Kylie a bit, hugging her close with her tentacles and on good arm as she took her over to her little island to sleep for the night.

"Don't worry Kylie, we'll help too with getting the rest of them, you just get that little cutie pie over to her bed, m'kay," Giselle said to Kylie, heading over to begin rounding up the rest of the little alraune along with some of the older green and red ones while the pink ones took all of the little tiny newborns to sleep.

While Kylie put Hope to bed with Ayane, the girls and everyone else managed to handle getting all of the others to bed, though not without a little difficulty as some were still wanting to run around and some were trying to get Delilah to show them some more magical fireworks. The middle siren sister didn't though, promising them that she would show them some more magic later on the next day.

"Lay down now little one, it's time to sleep so that you'll get better. And when you do, you can run around and play again, alright sweetie," Ayane said to Hope as Kylie set her down onto her little island for bed, where Ayane then helped her to get under her little moss blanket for bed. Once under her blanket, Hope wriggled around a bit trying to get comfortable while Ayane reconnected her little tentacle roots into her plant.

After kissing Hope goodnight, and after Hope returned the kiss with a little hug with her one good arm, Kylie and the others bid farewell to everyone and headed on back to their own home. Giselle and the others noticed Kylie holding her bow in her hand as they went and were unable to suppress a smile.

"So, are you two going to sleep at home with us, or at your little house for now Giselle? We've still got your bedroom fixed up and everything sis if you want to stay with us," Delilah asked Kylie and Giselle, seeming to be trying to persuade them to come and live with the two of them until the new house was built and all.

"Well... we can if you both really want us to, and I don't mind, especially if Kylie wants to. But I would like for us to have our privacy and everything," Giselle replied, sounding like she didn't mind as long as Kylie didn't, but having second thoughts about getting their privacy with living in the same house with Tina and Delilah.

"Well we don't plan on just jumping into your bed or anything you two, you'll have your privacy at night, unless you want us to join you that is. In which case all you have to do is say so, and if you want us to ever leave the bedroom, again all you've gotta do is say so," Delilah said, giggling a little bit.

"Well in that case, if Kylie wants to, then sure I don't mind," Giselle replied, glancing over at Kylie to see what she wanted to do.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie REALLY didn't want to leave Hope, and honestly, when she was asked where she'd prefer to stay, she had to stop herself from saying 'curled up around Hope on her island'. But, thinking about the question seriously for a moment, she grabbed Giselle around the waste and kissed her cheek. I think, sisters, that I would very much like a couple days and nights with just my lover~ There's something to be said for the quiet of an emptier home. We'll be sure to swing by in the morning but I think just some time to ourselves would be lovely. As for inviting you both into our bed... Well... I have no issues with that, but I'm a perv Kylie said, chuckling before moving back.

walking along the darkening path, Kylie fully planned on training in the morning, she was properly healed up, she had her weapon in hand, and she had space. Even stranger, apart from clothes shopping tomorrow, she didn't have anything else to do. So she had time to fill, maybe she'd find other interesting things in the market in the morning. Maybe the apothecaries had some interesting potions for sale as well, gods knew she'd seen some that she'd though impossible already, like the birth control... Of course... not having parents... sex ed was rather hit or miss...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"That's fine with us Kylie, you should have yourselves a bit of time alone with just each other I think," Tina said with a smile, apparently happy now that her baby sister had someone that actually wanted to stay with her and had said that she loved Giselle.

"Yeah, and we've gotta get you some clothes tomorrow too, and we've also need to talk to the elder of the village and clear it with her about the land and all to build the house on, though I'm quite certain that she will say to go ahead and build it whenever we want and all," Giselle said, slipping an arm around Kylie and pulling her close as she held her. "And Kylie's right, we can stop by in the morning for breakfast or something, I mean the old house is only like a two or three minute walk from my little place," Giselle added with a nod of her head, as if that finalized that particular bit of their conversation.

They headed onwards back to the village as the dark began setting in real nice and soon made their way back to the gates leading inside the village, where the three guards that were there this time ushered them on through, telling them that they were cutting it close and that the night predators were just starting to come on out for the night. Once they got to the little crossroads of the road leading into town where it branched off and went separate directions, Delilah and Tina hugged them both and kissed them both on the cheeks, bidding them farewell for the night, leaving just the two lovers alone now.

"So... what'cha wanna do love? I'm up for anything at the moment really, if you want to just go and have some dinner at our little place holder of a house, or we can go into the village to the tavern and get a bite there instead if you don't want to have to help me cook anything, and who knows, we may end up seeing the village elder there, because she goes there often to get a drink or two before bed," Giselle asked Kylie, bouncing on her feet as they decided on what to do. Giselle seemed to be wide awake at the moment and ready for anything it looked like, so it was really up to Kylie on what to do at this point.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Well then, lets go get a drink, you know how much I appreciate a good one, and if the Elder is there, even better. Kylie said, after wishing the sisters a good night, pinching their asses with a chuckle before wrapping her arms around Giselle.

And just think, that little house of yours all to ourselves~ And empty.... with us all alone... Hrm, I may just have to walk around naked constantly Kylie added, kissing Giselle passionately for a moment, before sauntering off, her hips swaying teasingly for her lover. She was fun to tease, she really was.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The only reaction Kylie got from Delilah from pinching her ass was Delilah cooing and giggling, giving just a little surprised jump, while Tina meanwhile let out a little "Eek!" and jumped a bit more so than Delilah had, blushing slightly as she headed off, bringing giggles from Giselle and Delilah both and likely Kylie as well.

"Alrighty then sweetie, I'd love a drink if you would. Let's go, the tavern is this way," Giselle said, gesturing towards the main part of town. "I usually go about naked myself when I'm there alone," Giselle added when Kylie spoke about walking around naked, accepting Kylie's kiss and going a little weak in Kylie's arms before watching her sauntering off, licking her lips a little bit before rushing to catch up.

Running to catch up to Kylie and wrapping her arm around Kylie and leading her on into town, Giselle led Kylie past the blacksmith's shop and on to a rather large building that Kylie remembered passing by when they were doing all of their running around the village over the last couple of days. The tavern was painted white of all things and had a sign on the top of it that said 'Bella's Tavern' and there was a smaller sign beside the door as they went in that read 'Don't cause trouble in my tavern or I'll sick a bunch of succubi on you to hold you down and fuck you silly, after I knock the hell out of you that is.'

"Yeah Bella doesn't like people fighting in the tavern, she makes anyone take it outside that has a drunken brawl, but then again she can usually beat the hell out of anyone trying to start anything within... because she's an okami. So you don't want to be on the wrong end of one of her punches or anything or else you'll probably go down with one hit, because the okami are so damn strong that they can usually take someone down in a punch or two at most. As long as you don't catch her in a bad mood though she's as sweet as a puppy for the most part and when she's in a really good mood she cusses like a sailor. There is one bad thing though about her, when she goes into heat and me or anyone else like me is around that she knows of, then she'll just grab us sometimes and drag us off to her bedroom upstairs, sometimes two or three of us poor herms at a time, and she's almost as insatiable as a succubus at all times," Giselle said, giving a bit of explanation about Bella before they went on inside the tavern, a half smile on her face as she seemed to be reminiscing about something, likely some time in the past she probably spent with Bella in bed or something.

Inside, the tavern wasn't exactly full, but nor was it empty. It was around a third of the way full at best, with a good dozen or so people inside. At the bar on a tall bar chair was a very matronly looking drow, likely at least a hundred years or so old, then behind the bar stood an okami woman probably in her late twenties give or take and a fairly young human girl that looked about in her early twenties give or take. Also at the bar itself on a chair was a familiar looking elf that Kylie would immediately recognize as Serena the enchanter, who was sipping on a glass of fine elven wine. Around the bar there were a couple of okami men sitting at a table by themselves that looked like they were armed, likely guards that either just came off duty or something. There were also a trio of nekos, two women and a man, all of their tails swishing around behind them as one of the female nekos was sitting in the lap of the man, rather hanging off of him while the other neko girl was just sitting there talking and drinking with them. All of the rest of the patrons that were in there had a larger table to themselves and were all drinking from their drinks and playing cards at the same time, laughing and chatting whilst they played and drank, there were a pair of human men, one drow woman that Kylie would recognize as Ilyana, a nymph that she would recognize as Ilyana's sister Shaela, along with a high elven woman that looked quite beautiful. Also in the tavern was another girl, this one a kitsune, who was wandering around serving drinks to those that ordered them and were at tables instead of at the bar itself, her beautiful fluffy orange furred tail swishing about behind her as she went.

Shaela and Ilyana both glanced over when they came in and gave a friendly wave to them, though not actually gesturing them over unless they wished to come and play with them all. Giselle took Kylie to the bar first after waving back to Ilyana and Shaela, a quite happy smile on her face as she approached no only the bar, but the matronly looking drow woman sitting there as well, taking the seat right next to her and patting the one on the opposite side of herself for Kylie.

"Kylie, that's the village elder right there, the other drow woman sitting there at the bar. Her name is Talia by the way, as I don't think I ever told you her name exactly," Giselle whispered to Kylie as they approached the bar, informing her that the village elder was indeed there.