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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

It was odd, through all the screaming, or singing, or cursing of her previous fights, Kylie didn't make a single sound as she went about her attacks, though her first one was annoyingly blocked by a waving tendril. Still unable to cause enough pain to get the creature to release Tina, she could do nothing but notice her friends plight, her cries of pleasure, and her explosive peak in time with the creature filling her with it's seed. It was shocking, to see it herself this time, as it had been with Giselle, and the scent in the room coupled with the scene caused her to shudder slightly in a strange type of anticipation. Though she suspected this was due to her own dirty mind then any outside influence, given she still wore the amulet.

Shaking her head to clear such distracting thoughts away, Kylie reared back, and landed her second blow directly into the eye of the creature, FINALLY getting it to let go of Tina, who fell to the ground, a cum filled mess. And then... there was shouting. The fuck was going on up there? And then an explosion that shook the very foundations they stood upon. OI! DON'T SINK THE SHIP! KNOCK THE SLIME INTO THE WATER! Kylie shouted, after she had recovered from being thrown across the cargo hold.

Fuck her back hurt, she had stressed her stitches... but she hadn't torn them, excellent, she could be raped, impregnated, beaten, drowned, or any combination of all of the above, and she was STILL more worried about the beating Reina would give her if she reopened her wound. She shuddered to think of the pain a healer could inflict in the name of punishment...

Maybe her shout would put at least Giselle's worry to rest, hearing that her lover was still okay, but she had more important things to handle, such as continuing to keep Momma Kraken busy while Tina recovered, she was certain the mad Siren's halberd would do far more harm then her little blades, no matter how well aimed her strikes were.

Rolling forward a little, Kylie used the leverage of the wall to vault towards the Kraken, light on her feet as she dodged, ducked, dipped, dove, and dodged again to close the distance, eager to sink blade into flesh once more...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie - 20 vs 3 MK, crit hit for 2 FP dmg
Berserk Tina - 20 vs 1 MK, crit hit for 6 FP dmg killed the Momma Kraken and ends the battle

Kylie was easily able to dodge all of the kraken's tentacles as she jumped at it,stabbing her hidden blades into the base of two of its tentacles, rendering them useless as she cut the nerves that made them work. Tina however raised up, panting like mad, her chest heaving like crazy and making her quite large breasts jiggling a little as she panted, which were larger than Kylie had originally thought. There was a crazed look in Tina's eyes as she grabbed her halberd up and let out a war cry and charged at the kraken.

Kylie barely had enough time to get out of the way as Tina charged at the thing, her halberd coming down in a one handed swing at the creature, which sliced right through it like a hot knife through butter, cleaving it in two as its blood splattered all over the place. Tina however didn't stop there and simply continued swinging her halberd at the thing over and over, hacking at it until it was sliced up well and good enough for them to eat practically. When she was through hacking the kraken to pieces, Tina merely stood there drenched in kraken blood panting madly, her chest still heaving and making her breasts jiggle slightly, a half crazed look on her face.

Above them they heard Delilah cry out and then another boom sounded, though this one a lot less loud, and then they heard a loud splash and something banging on the side of the ship a few times before it quit. "Ha, take that you bastard. Try and rape my little sister will you," Kylie would hear Delilah say, sounding quite smug.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie remembered more of her skill every day, using her small hidden blades in the manner of a surgeons scalpel, striking vital nerves in the kraken's tendrils, and leaving them useless on the wood, but then she glanced, and swore. Tin...OMYGHAD! was basically what came out of her mouth before she scrambled like a squirrel to GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY!

And Tina ended things in a horrifically brutal manner that had Kylie impressed, disgusted, and... well. Wow. Letting Tina vent her fury at being raped, Kylie knew better then to get anywhere near her for the moment, knowing the bloodlust that pounded through her body right now even as she registered the sound of Delilah and Giselle's victory up above.

Approaching Tina very carefully, and slowly, Kylie circled around in front of her, her hands in plain sight. Tina dear, Tina... Sister! Come on, it's me, it's Kylie, calm down, it's dead, you killed it, so just... come here...

Kylie would patiently call her name, and coo and whisper soft support for Tina until the siren would allow her to get close enough to properly embrace, the touch of another, calm, breathing human doing wonders for someone still gripped with absolute fury, and Kylie wouldn't let her go until everyone had calmed her down.

Only after that was accomplished would Kylie's mind turn towards the treasure, which, judging from the guardians, was just fine...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie came back over to Tina after jumping out of her way and allowing her to slice the kraken to pieces, she would notice tears streaming down Tina's cheeks... tears of anger, but mostly... tears of shame from what she could see. Tina dropped her halberd down into the knee deep water where it landed with a quite loud splash and thud as it hit the wooden floor, though it was only knee deep where they were standing at in the room, and was nearly neck deep or higher on the side of the room where the treasure room/armory was at.

When Kylie called her name, Tina reacted with a flinch, then when she felt Kylie's touch as she hugged her, Tina gasped and sniffled as she fell to her knees. Tina burst into anguished sobs as Kylie held her, sounding like a young girl again, and she wrapped her own arms around Kylie to hug back, and Kylie likely expected Tina's grip to be so strong it nearly knocked her out, but it was not to be like that, as Tina's grip was soft and gentle, like nothing more than that of a young girl's would be. Tina buried her face in Kylie's chest and sobbed after a few seconds, any and all signs of anger now gone from her as she trembled in Kylie's arms, very unlike the Tina she knew and loved.

"K-Kylie... is everything alright down there? What happened down there?" Delilah called down to them. "Hang on we'll be down in a minute, that slime managed to grab hold of Giselle and yanked her bikini off and started... well it started trying to rape her, but I blasted it off into the ocean before it got too far. She's alright now though, so don't worry too much. But she's a bit aroused though, so try not to stare," Delilah added, then Kylie heard their footsteps above as they went back to the steps leading down, without waiting for Kylie's answer about what all happened and if the two of them were alright.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie didn't react at all to Tina's violent change in character, she had several guesses and all of them amounted to great jolly fuck all. What mattered now was the girl in her arms, and Kylie held her close, stroking her hair gently and whispering to her as she started to rock back and forth. Shhhh shh shh shh, It's alright Tina, you're okay, it will all be fine, I've got you, Delilah and Giselle are both okay, they're coming down to. They'll be here in just a moment, shhh shh shh... I've got you.

She could only hope that the gentle words would help the Siren cope for the moment, because this was a rather powerful reaction, like Kylie's own really, just in the complete opposite direction. Where Kylie had gone numb to the point of losing it and passing out, Tina's was like a raw wound screaming at her. There was a story here, it seemed none of the sisters had had decent lives. No wonder Tina was so protective...

More then anything else though, Kylie suspected badly wounded pride was the culprit here, and probably shattered for the time being. But Kylie never let her go, whispering those same words over and over again as she glanced over Tina's shoulder to see the others coming. Hey~ Look who's here, your sisters are right here with you as well, come now, calm down, we've all got you.

It was obvious that Kylie would not be moving until this was handled, it was such a painfully rare showing from Tina, this kind of vulnerability, the real person underneath all the anger and the bullshit and the muscles. Now, here was the Tina that was probably hidden away, and Kylie could understand all too well, she suspected they all could. And they were here just for Tina when she needed them.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

While Kylie held her there in her arms, Tina sobbed pitifully, it was a very sad sight to see really, the great and powerful Tina reduced to little more than a young girl crying her eyes out. Soon enough the others came in, with both Giselle and Delilah practically sprinting over and grabbing Tina from behind and hugging her along with Kylie and whispering to her that everything was alright. After a couple of minutes of simply holding her and giving her the calming touch of another, Delilah and Giselle looked up at Kylie.

"I won't ask what happened, because I'm already positive what did. Come with me over here and I'll explain alright," Delilah said, kissing Tina on the cheek and rubbing her face against her older sister's before letting go and leaving Giselle to handle calming her down.

Delilah motioned for Kylie to follow her and led her back out of the room and up the steps a little bit, having to move around a little debris in the process before they started on up the ship a bit. "Alright Kylie, about what happened with Tina back there. I've seen her like that a few times before, and she's going to be a little upset for a while, especially since it was you who saw her like that," Delilah began explaining, sighing sadly for her sister before continuing on. "She's... (sigh)... Tina's weakness and fetish is tentacles. You see, she was raped by an ochu when she was only thirteen years old, for almost three days off and on she was raped and seeded by the damn thing, and when mom, dad, and the guards that went with them finally found her she looked horrible, and to put it simply she was quite fucked silly and her young mind nearly broken. And the only real reason they found her was because of the seedlings that sis kept birthing every few hours and all of her cum and the ochu's cum that was splattered all over the place on their trail. After they finally saved her though, Tina was quite... sensitive and kind of sex crazed a bit, I remember more than a few times hearing mom scream when she went in to check on sis, and Tina was masturbating like crazy on her bed," Delilah continued before stopping to take a breath, peeking back into the room to see Giselle had finally managed to coax Tina to look up at her instead of just sobbing pitifully.

"After a while though and a lot of help from mom and some family friends, she finally managed to calm down and was able to... you know, be normal again, but she's always been a little weak against tentacles ever since then when they grab hold of her and get her naked. And when they start raping her she just goes into a panic for a minute or so before she just goes limp and lets whatever the tentacles are attached to just plow her until it gets tired," Delilah said after checking on Tina, turning back to Kylie. "She's very prideful though and she's always trying to keep up a strong front for everyone, and she was really wanting you to see her as this strong unbeatable big sister so that you would always look up to her, and be a little scared of her as well, likely so that you wouldn't hurt Giselle, and also so that you would never have to be afraid because you would have her to help you. Anyway though, tentacles are her biggest fetish, and have been for a long time since that then, and after she came of age I know of several occasions when she went out to hunt and or go on a job of some sort to make a little money for herself that she would come back knocked up by something that managed to get the better of her, though she never looked angry about it and I always suspected that sometimes she would just let whatever get a hold of her because some of the things she birthed had little tentacles," she said, continuing her tale before stopping to take another breath, not showing any signs of stoping just quite yet.

"After mom and dad died though, she... changed, a lot. She stopped having sex with any and everything, whether it was people, monsters, it didn't matter, she stopped sex altogether cold turkey. It took her almost a month to, you know, get over the cold turkey thing... but after she was over it, Tina started training to fight. She told me to handle the cooking, cleaning, and taking care of Giselle, who was still really little at the time as you've already heard, while she herself said that she would handle getting us any money we needed to get food and stuff," Delilah said, looking back in on her older sister with a look of pride and love. "She trained so hard after that to become strong so that she could protect and take care of us, working all the while and doing whatever she had to in order to make sure we were fed, and all she would ever say when I asked her why she did it was because she didn't want what happened to mom and dad to ever happen again. She had to do a few things that were... you know, more than a little distasteful to her, especially after swearing off sex like she had, but for us she was willing to do anything to make sure we were taken care of. She only really got all of that monstrous strength about a year and a half or so after mom and dad died. But I'll tell you that sometime later, or she will. She's never really told anyone save a couple of people exactly what she went through with that ochu, other than me, and she won't tell Giselle about it at all. Anyway though, every time something manages to get the better of her she cries like that in battle, which is very very rare to say the least that something beats her like that, mostly because she feels that she let us down and failed mom and dad for not being strong enough to keep herself safe let alone us. It's usually worse when she gets raped and either me and or Giselle do as well with her. (Sigh)... I'll talk more about it after we get out of here, so for now let's just help her calm down and get her back to the way she should be," Delilah said, finishing her story about Tina and gesturing Kylie back into the room as she went on back in.

Giselle meanwhile seemed to have calmed Tina down quite a bit, and though she was still sniffling and crying softly, she wasn't sobbing any longer. Giselle was sitting there smiling at Tina and talking to her. "It's okay sis, Kylie doesn't care about any of that, she won't look down on you or any differently than she already does," Giselle said, obviously having a lot of experience in calming Tina down.

"A-Are y-you sure... s-she won't G-Giselle? S-She saw me... j-just let that thing take me. I... (sniffle)... I just... let it fuck me stupid," Tina replied to Giselle, sniffling and stuttering in between half of her words, looking up to her baby sister as she trembled in a mix of fear, shame, and a little bit of anger that was mostly directed at herself.

"I'm positive sis. Look here she comes now, you can ask her yourself okay," Giselle said, glancing over Tina's shoulder at Kylie and Delilah as they re-entered the room.

Tina flinched as she gave a little gasp upon hearing that Kylie was coming back in. Then she slowly turned her head to look at Kylie, tears in her eyes about to start streaming out again. "D-Do you... t-think I'm nothing... (sniffle)... m-more than a w-whore Kylie? A-Am I still... the same i-in your eyes? I t-tried to f-fight it... I swear I r-really did... but it..." Tina said, breaking into a couple of soft sobs, unable to finish her sentence as she buried her face in Giselle's shoulder and cried a few more anguished sobs of shame.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie listened to everything passively, refusing to show any sign of surprise or true reaction as Delilah told her what had happened, and what had come of it. In truth, she wasn't surprised, at all. It took a shock to push someone to the level that Tina was at physically, all that training. Everything Tina claimed as hers was hard won, and that she had a fetish for tentacles. Well, who didn't have a fetish for something. Kylie suspected that all her shame, and her pain, was from trying to deny something that had literally become a part of her personality, and she'd never get over it without accepting it. The problem there was, that Tina was the complete opposite to Kylie. Where Kylie was Cynical and adaptable, Tina was Rigid and Stubborn, believing that she was doing the best thing possible for those around her. Kylie would need to jade her a little if she hoped to help her. and that was entirely doable, but she suspected it could be highly dangerous.

thinking all of this through, Kylie swore to leave this one alone for now, and handle it later over drinks, and personally to take whatever beating Tina laid out, because some things were going to be said that were going to get Tina mad enough to actually hit her. O well. that was the way of things, and Kylie was okay with it. Turning to look at her, and hearing Giselle and Tina speaking, Kylie walked over to her, and got on her knees in front of the pair, a smile on her lips.

reaching out gently, Kylie put her finger on Tina's chin, and gently turned her to face her, looking into her eyes and speaking softly. Hey there. You know what I think of you? The same thing I did when i first met you. Look at this beautiful strong woman here. I can trust her, surely. And I still do. You're not a whore, and I know you tried. See that rope over there, coiled up in the corner? Kylie said, pointing slightly. My achilles heel, right there. Not a thing in the world could ever change that weakness I have. And it makes up a part of who I am now. Proud, strong, beautiful, these are the only things I see when I look at you Tina. And they always will be. I know you love Giselle and Delilah, I know they love you, and that's all that matters to me in the end. Kylie then slowly leaned in, to kiss Tina on the forehead, ignoring the blood that was of course, fucking everywhere.

Standing up, leaving that issue for now, because she knew that too much coddling would only further damage Tina's pride, Kylie looked around, there were the boats, there was the glittering, and there was her own greed, but it was chivalrous greed! Right, yea, that was it... Now ladies, here we stand amidst our defeated foes. How about we get this stupid amount of wealth home, drink to our victory here, and laugh it all off as another good day. Because we won. Come Sisters! today we return to the village as Kings!

All of this was said with a rather rediculous flourish of Kylie's hands and a lot of posturing, because humor was simply Kylie in it's own way, and because well, a distraction would do them all some could. besides, this was what they'd come for right? If anything else told Tina that they'd won the day? It would be more gold then the girl had ever seen in one time, in her life. Who wants to see what all this trouble was over? Hrm? I KNOW you all do~ She said, striding to the treasure room, all smiles and cat whiskers.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie spun Tina's face around to look at her's, Tina was still quite teary eyed, but she listened to Kylie's words without speaking, and when Kylie finished talking to her, reassuring the older siren sister that she didn't look down on her and such, Tina wrapped her arms around Kylie in a tight hug... like that of a sister. Kylie could feel Tina still trembling a bit, but she wasn't sobbing any longer thankfully, however she was still sniffling. Tina even smiled a little bit at Kylie's kind words, and she didn't look angry.

"T-Thank you Kylie... I... I'm glad that Giselle met you. And I'm really glad you think that highly of me. I'll... try and... stay strong, for you all... my sisters," Tina said, sniffling a little and kissing Kylie on the cheek, which was another thing that was a little weird about Tina, as Kylie hadn't seen her kiss anyone save Giselle when they rescued her and when she woke up.

Seeing Kylie pretty much prancing about the room, proclaiming their victory and stating that they shall return to the village richer than they had ever been or known anyone could be seemed to brighten Tina up a bit, as it dawned on her that with the gold here she would be able to take care of her sisters for the rest of their lives. Tina stood up once again, wiping the remainder of her tears away before she realized that she was still nude, where she quickly threw her left hand down over her crotch, which was still slowly leaking the kraken's seed, as her right arm came up to hide her breasts, the older siren sister looking quite shy and embarrassed as her body turned pink with shame. However after a few moments, it was as if Tina remembered that it was only her sisters with her, and her arms dropped back to her sides, though the blush didn't leave her cheeks any as she squatted down to grab her halberd. Giselle and Delilah were both giggling at Tina, who puffed one of her cheeks out a little bit, though she didn't look angry at all... in fact she actually looked as if she'd calmed down a great deal thanks to all that they did, and Kylie's actions after releasing her.

"Heh... I don't know why I'm even acting all shy like that... (giggles girlishly)... I haven't done that in years... not since dad walked in on us that time Delilah when we were taking a bath. Remember that sis? Me and you had just gotten out of the bath and were about to dry each other off and all of a sudden dad, without knocking any at all just opens the door and barges right in on us. And we both just let out an eek and he yelled as if one of us had shot him with a crossbow bolt right in the ass, and then he stumbled out of there with his hands over his eyes, saying that he'd gone blind," Tina said, giving a little story as she began laughing mirthfully, looking amazingly enough quite happy as she reminisced about the past with their family, almost forgetting what had happened, or at least trying to think of good memories or something to help her get past it.

When Kylie began heading on into the treasure room however, she would find that much of it was still under water, but Delilah stepped forward, still smiling from remembering the memory of her and Tina and their dad, giggling slightly as she placed a hand on Kylie's shoulder. "Don't worry about all the water, I can do something about it. Just let me wave my staff here a little bit, and..." Delilah said, pulling Kylie back slightly and then waving her staff around a bit, mumbling some words that Kylie couldn't quite catch.

With that, the water began receding from the room through a few cracks that were in the hull in the treasure room, and the water in the cargo room began receding as well a bit. "I'll get these boats on up girls and, hmm... wait... actually hang on a minute," Tina said, walking over to one of the port holes in the side of the ship.

While Tina was doing that, Giselle stayed next to Kylie and watched Delilah finish her magics with the water. Delilah it seemed was putting forth a great deal of effort with her magics and Kylie would hear her grunting in exertion as she forced the water out and began conjuring a barrier of sorts. Finally, Delilah's legs collapsed out from under her and she fell to her knees, a small stream of blood flowing from her nose and she looked more than a little tired as Giselle caught her, not looking overly concerned, as if she had expected this to happen. "V-Voila... the water's gone. We've only got about an hour or so at most before the barrier breaks and the water comes rushing back in, so let's grab all we can before that happens," Delilah said in a tired voice as Giselle helped her to sit on her butt instead of her knees.

"No no no, you'll stay right there and rest while we get all of the wealth inside. Come on Tina, help us get this stuff out... (Crash!)" Giselle began saying, a loud smash sounding behind them where Tina was.

Looking back, they would see that Tina had knocked a hole in the side of the ship and was pushing both of the boats in the cargo hold out through it, glancing back at them with an innocent look on her face. "What? It would take too long to haul it all back up and then onto boats, and then off the ship. I figured this would be quicker and easier," Tina said innocently, looking as if they'd caught her with her hand in the cookie jar as it were.

Giselle and Delilah both simply rolled their eyes at Tina as Giselle went on into the treasure room and began filling one of the treasure chests with gold, gems, and other assorted valuables, where she closed the lid on it and started dragging it out. There were more than enough chests, bags, and boxes with which to fit all of the wealth inside of. Tina shrugged her shoulders as Giselle went in and walked on into the treasure room as well, wrapping an arm around Kylie as she did so, leading her on into the room as well, looking much better than earlier, though her cheeks were still red from crying so hard and much, but she seemed to have calmed down a lot after seeing that Kylie thought no less of her after seeing her in such a lewd slutty way and after seeing her give in to the rape pretty much completely.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie hugged Tina back quite enthusiastically, fuck it all, she was still dressed, just wet. Laughing, Kylie pulled her shirt off and handed it to Tina to clean up with. I can clean that up myself whenever, besides, I think most everyone has seen me topless at this point, and if they haven't well... fuck em. She said giggling slightly. And if you think you're getting out of a little teasing and flirting later Tina, you are SOOO mistaken Kylie added impishly, winking at her before wandering into the treasure room, or rather, watching Delilah handle that particular issue.

Well color me fucking impressed Delilah! Holy hell and star fire... Seriously... wow. Kylie said, it was utterly beyond belief what Delilah had just done, from everything she'd seen, pushing back that much water, and the combined physical pressure of all of it outside the ship, plus the differential caused by the cracks size and shape, the amount of power used to shield them, to create those barriers, was phenomenal. Shaking her head, but catching Delilah as she all but collapsed, her impressive musing was broken by the crashing sound of Tina taking a shortcut. ha! I agree! yes. Do it that way, just... please don't sink us, all I ask.

Standing up, Kylie surveyed her fortune, still not believing that it was all still here, this entire time her heart had told her that her luck wouldn't hold, it never had before, not like this. And despite everything that had happened, until she had seen it, she hadn't dared truly believe it was there.

Seeing it now, realising that some Fate somewhere had been extremely kind to her, despite everything, Kylie actually fell to her knees and started crying, she couldn't stop herself. But what she could do was keep working, hugging Delilah tightly, Kylie kissed her on the cheek and went about helping Giselle, heaping as much coin as was physically carryable into chests, satchels, bags, and anything with a strap or a handle that she could get her hands on. Tears of disbelief and joy sliding silently down her cheeks as she made the dream a reality.

Coin was good, but Kylie knew that the true wealth her laid in the certain gemstons scattered around, each worth several hundred of the gold coins scattered about, so the assassin kept her eyes open as she rummaged around with haste to get things properly put away in the various containers she could find. Never did I completely trust this would all still be here. If anything has been eating away at me these passed few days... it was that I could get here to find it gone, that all my promises amounted to dreams in the air in the end. Thank you all... For everything. Kylie suddenly said, wiping her eyes and beaming at everyone.

Kissing her ring, kylie would work until they were done, she dropped, or the world simply denied she steal anymore of this windfall, but whatever happened, Kylie was sure she made the most of this gift. It was like all the hard work of her life had suddenly amounted to more then just lofty ideals in the shadows, or the gratitude of others that she would never know. No, this was real, material, and with it... the good she could do... it was profound. If anything had sealed her coffin here, that this was her home, it was this final occurence. It was like an omen that if she did anything here, that she was on the right track, that the river flowed only in one direction from this point on and that she should make the absolute most of it.

Family, Friends, Wealth, Happiness, it was all here for her taking, but she was certain that the good came with the bad, nothing lasted forever, she was certain that her final decision to walk away from her calling and her family now would have consequences... but this would give her a chance to prepare as well. She made the oath there, not to let these people down.

So sisters, tell me what it's like to be seeing, touching, and holding this kind of coin. Tell me your dreams for it and us, and lets make it all a reality here together.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Thanks Kylie... I don't exert myself all that much usually, but I can on occasion... take off the gloves in a manner of speaking," Delilah panted at Kylie's impressed words, smiling up at her a little.

They all looked worriedly at Kylie when she fell to her knees and began crying, but when she got back up and kissed the middle siren sister, Delilah chuckled softly when she did. When she thanked them all for helping her get all of this wealth, the siren sisters all chimed in unison with each other, telling her, "You're welcome Kylie,". Giselle smiled at Kylie as she came out and Kylie went in to start gathering stuff with Tina, setting the chest she was dragging out and coming back in where she when she saw Kylie kissing her ring, she came up and hugged Kylie from behind while she was bent over grabbing stuff.

"Oh gods I love you Kylie... and I'm only loving you more and more the longer we're together," Gisele said as she held Kylie, leaning her head around to kiss Kylie right on the lips and Kylie could see the love in Giselle's eyes practically glowing.

"And we love you as well... sister. Or should I say, soon to be sister," Tina said to Kylie with a smirk on her face, her pert nipples sticking outwards as Tina stood there unashamedly now as the love for her family pushed away any embarrassment and shame she had left in her.

"Yes, and I think we should save our dreams for when we get it all back home myself, but I personally want to see the house you two have been wanting to build myself, and... if it isn't too much trouble, I may live there for a while, or as soon as I have a niece... permanently maybe, so that I can dote on her all the time. Because I'm sure that her rich parents will want to have some time to themselves every once in a while, so you'll need a baby sitter. Besides... my camping retreat I've been on for the last month is getting old and I'm ready to come home," Delilah said with a tired smile, telling one of her apparent dreams.

After that it took them the better part of the hour Delilah said they had, but in the end they managed to collect all of the treasure that was there, load it into the chests, boxes, and bags that were laying around, and then Tina hopped down into the first boat and had them pass it all down to her, where she set it all up in the first little boat as much as possible anyway. Once it was filled up as much as they could possibly fill it, Delilah climbed down into it and paddled it back to shore to unload as much as she could while they loaded the second boat, then by the time Delilah had managed to tip the boat over and dump it all out onto the beach and come back, they had the second boat filled up and ready to go so she switched to it and paddled it on to shore. While she did that, Tina, Giselle, and Kylie filled the first boat back up again and got it all filled up a second time, where Giselle helped Kylie down into it and Tina set her halberd down in it while Giselle did the same with her spear, telling Kylie to take that on to shore as Delilah came back again with the second boat. All told they had to make 3 more crossings with both boats, and Delilah had to redo her barrier spell for another hour before they could get through with it all, which exhausted her quite a bit again and she sit there and let them do all the work, with Tina paddling the boats to shore after that each time, as she was strong enough to simply tip the boat with her bare hands instead of having to throw more than half of it out first before using some magic to tip it.

Finally, they had now gathered pretty much every last gold piece or gemstone that was on board the ship in the treasure room, and under one of the piles of gold that had dumped out of a chest, Kylie would see a list of how much was there. All told there was a total of 1.7 million in gold and platinum coinage, in 1, 5, 10, and 20 piece amounts of both kinds, and there was a total of 2.5 million in gemstones, as there were 100 astral diamonds all told, each one of which was worth 10,000 gold, while the rest was assorted diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, pearls, and other assorted gemstones, though it didn't specific amounts of any kind of gemstones that there were other than the 150 astral diamonds and 200 regular diamonds which totaled up to 2 million alone.

"Hey, I want to see the captains quarters real quick before we go alright, see if I can find a log of why they had all of this wealth on board exactly. I'll be back in a minute or so, just hang on alright, the barrier should stay up long enough for me to get back," Delilah said after she'd recovered and they loaded the very last of the wealth onto the boat, the middle siren sister running off up the stairs.

She returned a couple of minutes later just a she said, hopping down through her barrier which didn't prevent them from moving in and out, merely the water. She said that she found the captain's logbooks and that they could go on and try to figure out just how they were going to transport all of the wealth back, though she mentioned that she had one idea but it would take some time.

When they got back to shore and Tina dragged the boat on up out of the water, they got out and assessed all of their newfound wealth. "Even if we use both of those lifeboats and drag them filled to the brim with all this it'll still take us at least three or four trips, as we can fill them more now that we're on land. And I'm the only one that's strong enough to drag them anywhere," Tina said after they got there, the oldest siren sister still naked, though she was heading over to grab her clothing once more, as was Giselle, where they both redressed themselves.

"I said that I had an idea remember Tina. But in order for it to work, I'll need at to know where you wanna move it all first," Delilah said, seeming to have a plan for moving it all.

(Also for future reference, 1 platinum is worth a 100 gold just so you know. Just like in D&D.)

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was glowing herself, though at the sound of them all saying You're welcome in unison, Kylie had to stop and laugh, smacking her forehead with her palm as the rest of her gloom vanished, joyous though it was, and she went back to her old self, whistling as she hauled out treasure. She'd seen such troves before while she was working, but never in her life had she been in a position to make use of it, or even properly acquire it like she was now, this was a day that marked a serious turning point in the assassin's life, and she relished it.

It was over this odd thoughts about everything that had happened thus far, that she bent down to continue her work, only to be hugged from behind, and kissed, Kylie indulging the moment and returning the passionate embrace with a ferocity that told Giselle pretty clearly that she wanted to be fucked tonight quite thoroughly and didn't want to be able to walk when it was over I feel the same Giselle, and it will always be that way. Kylie answered softly, though the remark from Tina and her current state of dress had distracted for a moment. Ahh yes, Soon to be, we should celebrate that I think She added with an exxagerated wink, chuckling slightly. This kind of windfall, oooo yes, the sex would be had, and it would be glorious! She'd been waaay too horny and pent up these last too days and Giselle was going to catch the brunt of it, although she idly enjoyed the idea of teasing the other two sisters to join her. Sadly however, she knew that Delilah was pushing herself, and after all this was over, she was going to sleep the sleep of the dead.

Tina however... At the thought of the eldest sister, the remembered sight of her in the tentacles of the kraken made her flush slightly, she had thought there wasn't anything that would tempt the eldest siren so thoroughly, oOooo there was going to be some teasing later, it was going to be glorious! Or painful, either one! Both!

And it was back to work, she needed to stop getting distracted, though Tina standing there nude, and bold as brass made that difficult for a short moment. To say that the work was strenous was both accurate, and probably an understatement, as one boatload became two, became 4, became 6, and all in all, when it all seemed to be done, they found a manifesto for it all, denoting the approximate value of everything that was there, and it was staggering... 4.2 million... Kylie hadn't believed it when she did the math herself, but it was utterly incredible. All in all, it took them hours to finally load it all up, and ship it out to shore, and by then Delilah had already taxed herself further to recast the barrier that kept the water at bay.

Once on shore, Kylie looked at Tina and pouted a little when the eldest got dressed. Sticking her tongue out slightly in a childish fashion before flailing around excitedly, honestly having trouble on figuring what to do next, she had expected maybe a third of what they had actually collected, the sheer amount of it all not really clicking in her head until they actually had to move it, and now that it was on shore, Yes, it had to be moved. But! Magical Delilah had a plan! Probably with Magic, and that brought an incredulous stare from Kylie.

Do you even have any juice left to draw on? I mean.. .Don't hurt yourself to get this done Delilah, that would be plain foolish. However, if I had to think of a place to store all of this temporarily, it would probably be at Reina's place, in the basement where it wont draw too much attention, is within easy reach, and given the amount of people there at any given time, well watched over. If we paraded this through the streets, it could cause problems. And I think to my memory, that's the only place we could feasably store it all. When the house is built we can move it there, but for now, I think Reina's place is best.

Looking at Delilah a little curiously, Kylie knew that the girl was tapped out, or had to be very close to it, what did she have in mind, this was curious all on it's own really. Also, did you find anything interesting in the captain's quarters about all of this? This is insane, you could buy a country with this Delilah, I'm sure it wasn't gotten honestly, but hot damn this is nearing insanity. I just had a custom home built for 10k, and there's 4.7 million here. really. The Fuck. In fact, I rightfully have no idea what I can even due with this much coin! Fuck it, I'm sure we'll figure out some way to just flit it all away, and just think, I can get my own wardrobe made, proper armour, Ahhh, Even that insane basement level added to the house to my detail! But I have to wonder ladies, if there's anything you've ever wanted that was simply beyond your reach. Also, Delilah, I forgot to answer, because I had all this shiny stuff to stare at, but both of you are free to stay, visit, or even live in our home as long as it stands. Weddings aside, as far as I'm concerned you're all already family. Besides, 3 beautiful women in my house!? WHO WOULD SAY NO!

The last words in this statement were exagerated, full of Kylie's usual mischief, and ended with her doubled up in a fit of giggles for a moment. O god, we're throwing a party that will go down as legend, swear to the gods.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I don't have a whole lot left in me, but I believe I can teleport it all back to our house... mine and Tina's I mean. It will likely drain what little energy I have left and all, but... it will get it to our house without anyone else seeing it all. N-not that I'm trying to be stingy or anything with it, but you're right in that it would likely cause a ruckus if we did," Delilah replied, looking fairly certain that she had the energy left to do this, though she also looked fairly certain that she would faint afterwards. "Tina... is the cellar pretty much empty still?" Delilah added to Tina.

"Aye it is, I keep most of the meats and such in the back part of the cellar anyway, we only used the larger part for when mom and dad were still around and had their training room down there. We've still got some of their old equipment, but I've got everything moved out of the middle of the room. So you should have more than enough room to put all this stuff in," Tina replied, looking a little worried along with Kylie, as she knew it would likely knock her younger sister out in the process of doing this. "I figured why leave it all out so we don't have room to move around down in there, plus I remember you saying to leave the teleportation circle open down there that you made as well so that you could use it to teleport back to the house in a hurry if need be," Tina added.

"Alright Tina, thanks. I'm glad you had it all moved around enough for me, makes this a lot easier," Delilah said to her older sister, then she turned to Kylie. "And yeah, I found the captain's main log book in the chest that was buried under his bed and a few other things that had turned over. It said that they were taking all of this to a place called Caspia in the Isfalia region on the continent of Midgar. It says that the city state of Caspia, the city state of Mekhar, and the kingdom of Ectraba, and the kingdom of Garellia have signed a secret alliance with each other to invade the queendom of Crimea. It says here because of the matriarch of Crimea's slight against the queen of Garellia last year. All of this money here was to help in the funding of the invasion. And it also says on a later page that the Amaranthine Order of Mekhar are staged to aid in the invasion by taking out the Order of the Steel Rose's strongholds all over Crimea, which are some of the original strongholds of the order, saying that this will deal a great blow to the Steel Rose and possibly force them out of Garellia as part of a cease fire in which Garellia takes a portion of Crimea for themselves and gains a base of operations in Midgar," Delilah said, looking a little grave at what she'd learned of what the ship was doing exactly.

When Delilah got to the part about the Amaranthine Order, Kylie would recognize the name instantly as the Steel Rose's arch enemies. They were always trying to destroy the Steel Rose whenever they could and damage them. Kylie would also remember her adoptive father Cosimo tell her that it was the Amaranthine Order that captured her and tortured her until she gave up the information that ended up getting her brother killed. Memories about all she'd ever been taught about of the Amaranthine Order was they weren't always evil, but they had degenerated over the last 2 centuries into the cruel enemies of the Steel Rose, that were always trying to find ways to get the oath swords that a few of the Steel Rose owned and one of the queens of Crimea also owned if she remembered what her adoptive father Cosimo had told her.

"It also says that the Amaranthine Order said that they would help, but only if they could have queen Alyene and her oath blade as compensation," Delilah said after a few moments, giving Kylie time to go through her memories a little bit.

Kylie would then remember when she was in Crimea with Cosimo the year before and met Elise, the matriarch. Sitting on one of the slightly smaller thrones set up around matriarch's throne sat a high elf, that Cosimo told her that that particular queen's name was Alyene and that she was also the arch mage of Crimea. Though with the way matriarch Elise took care of her queens from what Cosimo told her anyway was that there was no chance that anyone would ever hurt them before she killed the one trying to do so.

"Well if you think you'll be able to manage it sis, then go ahead. But I don't want you hurting yourself any more than you already are," Giselle said, obviously concerned for her sister.

"Oh don't worry so much about me girls, I'll be just fine. Besides, teleportation rituals are much easier than barriers spells of the sort I used earlier. I can do a plain old teleportation spell, but I'll only be able to take us home, not us and the treasure, which is why I must do a full ritual for it, shouldn't take me but ten minutes or so though," Delilah said, assuring them all that she would be just fine in doing this. Then Delilah began preparing her ritual by drawing lines in the sand to encircle their mounds of money and gems, then she raised her finger and pulled the dagger she had on her hip out of its sheath and poked the tip of her left index finger and let 2 drops of blood drip down, one inside the circle and one on the circle itself, and then she told them all to enter the circle and await her to get done, then she sat down just inside the circle along with them and began mumbling the long incantation for the ritual. As she did this, Kylie would see Delilah's eyes had glazed over and turned a solid ocean blue, which Giselle and Tina neither one looked worried about any at all really, meaning it must be natural while she does her magics like this.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie's heart stopped cold in her chest for a moment as Delilah told her what she had found out in the captain's logbook, everything else being said fading into the background as the assassin literally froze, trying per her training to put all the pieces on the board as fast as she could, including herself, the wealth, cosimo, elise, and everyone other major player involved. And only after a few moments of organizing the gameboard, did all this start to make sense, she could start to see the beginning moves in a drawn out war, and could only hope that the way she was interpreting this all was correct.

The most logical place to start was with her, because her own motions were the only ones recently that she could be sure about, and then she had to string them together with the various memories she had, and only then could she move on with what she knew of the others, and it was admittedly little, but this was where her real strengths lay.

To start, she had her initial mission to recover or destroy a magical artifact being carried aboard this ship, specifically The CoralSeeker, and to eliminate it's captain, and to ensure his death and her own escape by any means necessary, unless her escape meant the failure of her mission. It was highly likely that this would be the case, given that a ship at see was a logistics nightmare, and she had known this going in. It was the reason she had started with her plan to scuttle the ship before trying anything else, and it was the reason she had sunk the damned thing in the first place.

So she had slain the captain, stopped the artifact, sunk the ship, and inadvertently stopped this rediculous sum of wealth from funding a war, and since Garellia did a great deal of their warring based on mercenary contracts, that was a major blow to their plans. More importantly, if that was the case, then Garellia would be forced to hang back a little, or make the invasion attempt near suicidal.. If Cosimo had had whisperings of all this... Fuck!, she'd been played!

It wasn't that fact that had upset her, not in the slightest, she was simply annoyed she hadn't seen this all before and put the pieces of the puzzle together BEFORE this had all happened. But she turned, and for one moment saw the real world around her, before smiling softly and sitting with everyone else, with a whispered word to everyone. When we reach the house, I must ask that no one touch me for a few minutes, just sit, quietly, and wait for me. I'm doing something in my mind, and it's important, I'll explain everything after. Just.... Does this for me. And with that, Kylie dove straight back down into her mind.

There were the various countries, and their dealings, the blockade placed on Garellia's trade ports, and portals, which would slowly strangle the country itself, there was the messenger, the steel rose, the Amarenth. And the immortals. There was Cosimo a force unto himself and his general Gestalt the Weapon's Master. But Elise, Elise was a WildCard for certain... And then there was Kylie once again, for the moment removed from the board, but not from play.

Kylie admittedly didn't give a flying rats ass if Garellia fell, as long as Cosimo was farsighted enough to get her family out, and on that she knew that he was for the most part. But the motions... If this treaty was based on coin, that meant that without it, and a great deal of this was probably Garellian, then at least a few of Garellia's allies would bow out, thinking that Kylie's attack was actually an enemy movement, and would think they had already been out positioned.

Garellia however, would likely move on it's own, Crimea having given them next to no choice considering the damage the trade was doing to her economy, so it was them, what allies they could still muster, probably the Amarenth for certain, as they had ulterior motives anyway, and of course, the Immortals, as they had little motivation for coin, and there was something else they were after.... This could be incredibly dangerous. As long as everyone thought she was dead, then she was fine. And she needn't worry about her family abroad, because she knew they would run and hide and under Cosimo's rule, would manage just fine. Kylie was a fine tactician and strategist, but there were others there who could claim mastery of the craft like Kylie couldn't.

Even now Kylie was certain she had already been outthought by several moves by some of her peers and her enemies, and especially by Cosimo, who had taught her this craft in the first place, but still, the thought of all of this happening made her blood boil for a moment. But it was her creed, to do her duty, as she had done, and then step back, the hardest part of her job admittedly was to let go once her part had been played.

She hadn't noticed when the ritual had finished, just noticed minor details, Delilah's blood specifically called out to her, and she could feel something reaching out towards it as well, ahh the forces that worked just under the surface. Magic, something she had never mastered, What a wonderous force. And blood magic, a strange thaumaturgical essence in it's own right. But this pondering, and all the motions, some moments just spent in silence, both physical and mental as the players danced around in her mind had taken a good deal of time, this was never a fast chore.... No.

When Kylie was done, she opened her eyes, and given the half hour she had just spent thinking, she saw the basement of their home, everything in it, and hopefully her friends waiting for her. Now was the time for some truth telling...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie froze up for a few moments after Delilah finished speaking, Tina and Giselle both looked worriedly at Kylie, but didn't say anything as they sat down on a couple of the chests of gold and platinum. When she spoke however and told them not to bother her or even touch her after they made it home, she would see that Giselle looked extremely hurt, the poor thing obviously worried greatly for the one that she loved more than anyone else in the world, Giselle however didn't attempt to touch Kylie while she was looking over at them all. Tina merely nodded, while Delilah completely ignored her altogether, as she was focusing on her magic ritual. As she closed her eyes, the last thing Kylie would see would be Giselle's face, her eyes shimmering slightly and she could see just the barest hint of her lip quivering as well because of her words.

All of the sitting there and thinking as her memories rushed through her mind was starting to make Kylie's head hurt a bit. While she sat there with her eyes closed, she would feel a sudden whoosh of wind along with a slight lurching that almost felt like she was being sucked into a hole or something. Soon enough it all stopped and she heard a little jingle as a small bit of gold fell out of one of the chests from the sudden lurch of teleportation. She wouldn't hear anything else for a few minutes as she went into deep deep thought, almost so deep that she fell asleep.

After a little while, Kylie kind of came to in a sense as she opened her eyes. When she looked to her left she would see Tina sitting where her and Giselle had been sitting before the ritual, though Giselle was nowhere in sight. Delilah was laying unconscious to her right, though she had what looked like Giselle's kimono rolled up under her head as a pillow. Then Kylie would suddenly feel someone's chin pressing down on her left shoulder and when she glanced over, she would see Giselle's face and then she would finally feel Giselle's arms that were wrapped around her waist that she somehow hadn't felt any at all while she was thinking so hard. Kylie could also feel Giselle's nude form pressing against her back, her fiance obviously not caring that she could feel her as such, and Kylie could also make out Giselle's semi erect member pressed perfectly between her butt cheeks as she held her from behind, though the youngest siren sister wasn't grinding or anything and merely holding for now.

"Hey... I was worried and a little scared after what you said. S-So I... kind of did the exact opposite of what you said and touched you while you were sitting there. I just... I had to okay, I love you. And I... I was worried about you," Giselle said, hanging her head sadly and a little in fear as she was obviously thinking that Kylie was angry or was going to be angry at her for touching her, but she had done it all the same anyway without caring of the consequences, only thinking about holding her beloved.

"Heh, you might as well get used to her doing the exact opposite of what you tell her like that Kylie, she's quite emotional at times," Tina said, smiling at how Giselle was desperately clinging to Kylie.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie came around slowly, and when it was into the welcomed, and to be honest, Needed enbrace of her lover, she coo'ed softly, listening to her before leaning back to kiss her passionately, lovingly. breaking away, her eyes lingered on Giselle's for just a moment, and there was a confused look there, slightly between happy for everything here, and very sad for something far away that she couldn't help, like a longing kind of regret that Kylie was even now putting to rest. She'd made her decision, currently, there was nothing she could do, for The Steel Rose, and if she couldn't trust them now, to look out for themselves, then she could hardly call herself family to that semi legendary fraternity of assassins.

Alright, That's fine Tina, to be honest, I need that more then anyone. Gods know I can act like a damned fool at times. Thank you Giselle Kylie said softly, smiling before continuing, Well, I promised you Truth time didn't I So here it is. We all know what the gold was for, But I don't think any of you know what the names mean, not to me anyway. My old Family? The Steel Rose, that's their name, and if this gold was all to fund a war and my family was on the wrong end? Then more to the better. I still don't have all the pieces, but I have been killing since I was 12 years old, maybe a little longer, and my training goes back even longer. Whether the fates meant it to or not, you have allowed, accepted, and even loved this cold... dangerous thing into your lives. And For that... I could never be more grateful. Ever, I'll owe you for that alone for all the days of my life because I never believed it possible. While were in the way of explaining things and truths, The reason I overreacted to Hazel, was because I was drugged, tortured, and interrogated in a similar albeit more painful manner, and my brother was killed because of it. I've made peace, but that one instance brought that memory far too close to comfort for a moment. So there's that handled. As for this, and us, and the situation, I... I will Not be leaving to help... I have to trust them to weather this on their own, so my plans here, uninterrupted, I find.. Now that I have what I thought wasn't possible, that I cannot give it up, nor do I want to. I know they'll be alright. And I know they think I'm dead until such a time as they prove otherwise. This is a game of gods and kings that they are playing, and simply by collecting this, I've done my part. So I can bow out of that grand show without a hint of regret. The other players, the Amaranthine Order, those are the ones to keep our eyes open for, they WILL want to know what happened here, because they hate my family with a surprising passion and have been trying to end us for longer then I can remember. Old enemies and strange bedfellows. So I suppose I will need a plan for all of us to leave, and quickly should they show up, and they very well might, it's about as likely as my own family to be honest, there's also the chance that this War of theirs will take up too much of their resources for them to spare a man. But on the offchance they send someone, hoping to recover all of this, then they will, an assassin's life is Risk vs Reward, and the reward here is considerable...

Kylie finished this with a longing in her voice that seemed to wish she could be helping and watching out for the other members of the order, but simply knew that it was a mistake. No, she would remain here, with her family as Cosimo would have wanted. As Gestalt would have wanted... as... as Regi would have wanted.

I'll do what I can to prepare, just in case, and hope I never have to implement any plans, but... No, I won't dwell on it further. All of you, to everyone else not of this place... I'm dead, I washed up on the shore, a blue haired and broken girl holding a shattered Tiara, and my body burned as is customary here. This is probably for the best if people you've never seen before come asking for me, I'll talk to the guards and the leaders of the village as well. I'll talk to Serena as well about a charm, see if I can live my life normally without donning a true disguise for the rest of it. This could very well all be paranoia, but I'd rather be safe then sorry. I used to have nothing to lose, for so long that was the case. Now... No, Now all of you, the people I love, this place. I wont dare risk it on a Maybe.

Hugging Giselle tightly, Kylie kissed her again before slowly standing, and stretching, which was now revealing itself as some kind of nervous habit, like many of the odd things she did, and her family here, those closest to her were starting to see it. shaking her head, she looked at Giselle and Tina. Now! How about we get Delilah here into a proper bed, and share the good news with the others. I need a Drink that's for sure. Kylie said with a laugh, feeling better for having gotten that dump of information off her chest, and thinking a little scotch wasn't a bad idea. Hell, it sounded like a fucking great idea, and slowly, over a few moments, they could watch Kylie forcibly drag herself away from any worrying thoughts, the fact that she'd made plans and considered things helping her considerably. An Assassin on a mission was a target that could be handled, an Assassin playing defense? That was an entirely different and dangerous monster that not ever the Amaranthian would take lightly.

Every assassin dreamed of 2 things, a perfect world, and retirement. She'd found hers, both of them, hopefully that stayed true and the world left her in peace for a time. But for now was the time for drinking, Alraune cuddles, eating, shopping, and LOTS of sex, with Giselle, with the other sisters, with anything else that struck her fancy, and anything that got the better of her, or... that she admittedly let, or pissed off until it decided she was now worth a good fucking. Talk about an odd priority list! Laughing at the idea like a schoolgirl, Kylie hugged Tina, pinched her bum with a wink, kissed Giselle like she wanted to be bent over the nearest hard surface, and then sought about helping everyone get Delilah into bed and spreading the news, and clothing? Screw clothing, she'd get dressed later.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle leaned into the kiss that Kylie gave her after speaking, though she went limp in Kylie's arms and allowed her to kiss her for as long as she wished to do so. When Kylie finally got through and pulled away from Giselle, the young siren just smiled at her, though she noticed that Kylie still looked a little saddened by something and looked a little sad as well because Kylie did. When Kylie launched into her explanation about everything, Giselle and Tina both listened intently, with Giselle squeezing Kylie a little tighter every once in a while throughout it all until she was holding Kylie's head down against her chest, crying softly at her beloved's story.

"Oh Kylie, I'm so sorry... and... gods I'm so stupid for doing what I did the other day. Please forgive me sweetie. I don't know what I'd do without you anymore. And... I don't care what you are as long as you love me... and you'll always have a place to call home here if you want," Giselle said with a sad look on her face, nuzzling against Kylie lovingly.

"Giselle's right Kylie, you're family here now. And we don't care if you're an assassin, a whore, or whatever. As long as you wish to live here, our home... is your home. Though... there is a likely little chance that anyone will come here, and even if they do... well as you stated, your hair was blue when you came here, and now it's brown. I very much doubt that they would recognize you surely, especially if by the time they do come, which is a very big if indeed, that you're pregnant and your belly is all bulging and such, or if you simply stay out of sight if they come," Tina said with a little smirk, looking certain that nobody would recognize Kylie even if they came to the island. "Also Kylie... Feynrial here will be safe regardless. Mainly because anyone from this... kingdom of Garellia wouldn't last ten minutes on the island before they are raped senseless by Ochu's and such that are in the jungles, and then even if they manage to break through the jungle to the villages, they would have to fight the guards and though the villages don't have very many in the way of soldiers, any enemies from Garellia would probably be too tired to attack the villages and would instead likely try and ask us to allow them to stay in and around the villages instead," Tina added, looking confident about the islands own natural defenses and that the villages would be just fine, though she didn't try to dissuade Kylie from speaking with Ilyana and the village guard.

When Kylie hugged her tightly and kissed her, Giselle hugged and kissed back passionately, standing along with her and watching her stretch with a smirk on her face. Tina returned Kylie's hug and gave a little eek when Kylie pinched her on the butt after standing up and stretching, a cute blush on her cheeks. "Of course we'll get Delilah bed, I'll handle that though, you two go ahead and go get started on some lunch alright, then we can wake her up when it's ready," Tina said while Kylie kissed Giselle, lifting Delilah up in her strong arms and carrying her off to a bedroom upstairs.

Giselle meanwhile held Kylie in her arms and dipped her back while kissing her deeply, her tongue invading Kylie's mouth and wrestling her tongue down. Finally after half a minute, Giselle let Kylie up, but she still didn't release her just yet and continued holding her. "So sweetie, what do you want for lunch? Before we... get a little messy. And... if it's okay with you, I think Tina still looked a bit horny fro those tentacles earlier if you want to tease her some, and she'd probably join in if you asked her to or told her it was okay for her to," Giselle asked, still smiling as she held Kylie and mentioned Tina's probably willingness to join in on their sex romp later. "I have... on occasion had to help her release some pent up stress over the last few years, so it doesn't bother me to sleep with either of my sisters, and before you ask yes I've had to help Delilah before too, and the both of them have helped me before to release some pent up stress," Giselle added, giving a little explanation.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was glad everything had gone over so well, and these people here, they reminded her of Regi in a way, of having that person, and the others around to confide in. It was bliss, though it turned into lust fairly quickly as Tina blushed and scampered off with Delilah before Kylie could molest her further, Giselle locking her into a passionate kiss that stole her breath away for a moment. Smiling at her Kylie pondered for a moment, thinking something perverted or clever would be great, but then her stomach decided the issue for with with an annoyingly loud growl.

Blushing and smiling embarrasedly, Kylie gave Giselle a peck on the cheek and slipped away from her, spinning over to the door. I love you as well Giselle, always and forever, but you're right that lunch should come before us, and Ahh, the fun that can be had with that one sentence. As for inviting Tina to join us, I'm sure she could use the release on her terms after everything, and she seems like she could be such fun to. It should be entertaining. But only one cock to satisfy two women Lover? You're going to be busy~ She teased before dashing up the stairs, laughing and still oblivious to being naked, though she was quick to remedy that problem.

Granted that remember simply involved tossing a skirt and a blouse on, because panties really were useless here it seemed, and dashing back into the kitching to ponder lunch. She hadn't cooked anything so far, because admittedly, she was a shit cook, but there was something even she could manage without making a useless mess of it. Poking around, Kylie did not surface until 3 things had been acquired! Meat, Bread, And Cheese!!!.

No idea what else were having, but I'm not all in the mood for something huge, maybe just a sandwich or 3 and something to drink, like that... damnit. I left it in the cellar. she said, pouting as she darted back down into the basement for the moonshine, and the scotch. Drinking alone was just rude.

Whatever else was made, Kylie had sandwiches ready for everyone, and a stiff drink as well, though there was the question of any others being around and Kylie did spend some time prodding around for Ilyana, Reina, Shaela, and Hazel, and anyone else she was possibly forgetting, because she was almost certain.. Kagome? Where were they all... Probably out and about doing villagey things that didn't involve huge piles of shinies.

Settling down now though, Kylie poured herself a drink, and leaned on the counter, sipping it slowly and smiling ear to ear. Now the question on her mind was completely nonsensical, and involved on how to ambush Tina with some light teasing, and then a little after swim recreation...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh don't you worry about me sweetie, because I've been handling the two of my sisters for years now, and sometimes the two of them, Hazel, and Kagome all together. I've got a good bit of endurance to be honest, mainly thanks to Hazel actually. Now as a succubus, she is almost literally impossible to satiate when it comes to sex, though I have given her quite a run for her money once or twice before," Giselle said, letting go of Kylie to allow her to get dressed real quick before they went into the cellar part of the basement and grabbed a bit of beef that was sitting next to a slab of the stuff, which Giselle mentioned something about making some steak and cheese sandwiches with it for lunch, getting a couple of bottles of booze that Kylie liked along the way back up.

Giselle told Kylie not to worry about making food, that she would handle it, and for her to just focus on getting the drinks ready and to set the table. While Kylie sat and got herself a drink, she could sit there and watch Giselle grilling the beef that she'd brought up and toasting the bread for the sandwiches, and cutting the cheese to pour onto the meat once it was all ready to do so. "Hey pour me a glass of that scotch please. I'd like a drink too," Giselle said, reaching for her glass as soon as Kylie had poured it for her and taking a drink.

Tina came in shortly afterwards, and poured herself a drink as well, of the moonshine instead of the scotch like Giselle had done. Giselle peeled some potatoes and sliced them up into fries and quickly put them into a pot full of cooking oil to fry them up. After nearly half an hour or so, their sandwiches and the fries were finished, with Giselle piling the cheese covered meat onto their toasted bread. "Ah, lunch is served you two. We'll let Delilah sleep an hour or so before waking her back up, she needs the rest after that I think," Giselle said, setting the platter down with their sandwiches on it, while setting down the bowl full of fries in the middle of the table for everyone to grab some.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was more then happy to let Giselle do the cooking, because really, she could handle burning food to edible status and beyond, and getting everyone liqoured up enough to tolerate it, but that was about it. her solution to washing dishes was not to use them, and the general understanding that being drunk enough would let you eat just about anything had gotten her by thus far, but here in this place, real food was a certainty! And she didn't have to do anything but pour the hooch! Well shit, that was just a win all around!

Pouring Giselle some scotch, and having a glass of the shine waiting for Tina already, Kylie was content to watch giselle cook, and polish off her first glass fairly quickly, finishing her first drink around the time that Giselle considered it time to eat and lunch was served, and really, compared to Kylie's idea of cold sandwiches, this was a feast!

Sitting down and chuckling, Kylie thanked Giselle for cooking and then set into her food with her usual frenzy and loving every bite, gods if she wasn't careful she was going to get fat and lazy unless there was enough sex to keep her insane calorie intake managable, if anything, staying active was just going to be outright normal. Considering that even as she polished off her lunch and leaned back, sipping on her drink, Kylie wasn't in much of a mood to spoil the oddly comfortable moment with any kind of speech for quite awhile, letting the alcohol sink in and a good buzz bouncing between her ears where her brain used to be.

chuckling slightly, as the fact that Giselle had spoken at some point sunk in, Kylie smiled and looked around the room, as if she were conspiring with the universe in a grand plot. Sooo. Giselle tells me she is possessed of impressive endurance, and I am.. Leaning in over the table, and glancing back and forth between the two sisters, she whispered to them both. horny. Yes. yes I am. Nodding vigorously and giggling again.

At the moment, I have no preference whatsoever as to how why or what gets me to release, at all. Only my friends, family, and love, that I do. And that is the long and short of it. At some point Kylie had refilled her glass, and it was half empty again. And these were decent sized glasses... damn, she was drunk. Ahh, the problem with being small, and drinking hard booze, although getting drunk was decidedly cheaper for her then say, a large man. But there were no men present! There was nothing to be done! wandering around, completely without her usual inhibitions, or desire to keep her true hidden pervert you know... hidden, Kylie stood up and wandered around slowly losing what little clothing she had. And then, as per her calling, Kylie vanished.

It was odd, her talent for stealth was so far completely unknown, and then the assassin was literally impossible to find, she had gone... somewhere, and no one could find her. Perhaps another talent only involved or utilized when drunk? Quite possible, however, she wasn't gone for long, and should Giselle use her ring, she'd know that Kylie hadn't gone far, at all, she was still within 10 yards of her most of the time and this had turned into a game.

Kylie had suddenly remembered she had bought a few things days ago that had only been played with once, and she was in the mood to really play now, so when she did turn up, rope was involved, as was her own terrifying talent for knots, and to be honest, she looked like a kitten who had found a ball of yarn, and had the blessing of a bent mind and posable thumbs, which is to say, she looked completely rediculous mainly for the fact that she couldn't stop wriggling, or laughing, though the blush painted all over her face as she literally hopped back into the kitchen betrayed her own arousal at the situation quite clearly.

What had occured, was that Kylie had indeed gone to find the rope she'd bought for just this kind of play, and with some clever use of a couple cinch nooses, and well placed coils, and tightly bound her own hands behind her at the wrists, and connected to a coil that ran over the back of her neck, and down to both ankles where three perfect coils wrapped around each, and everything was interconnected. Moving to step forced her to bend forward a little, which pulled on her wrists, forcing them higher and pushing her chest and ass out, essentially having somehow managed to force herself to trot, and given that the sliding knots she had used were well out of reach, she could not, without exception, free herself without help. Doubtful anyone was going to oblige, but that was the case.

As if to tie off this little display with an almost literal bow, there was one other part to this tie that drew the eye. The piece of wood Kylie had been chewing on earlier was now pressed between her lips, and bound at the ends, she had chewed groves into the wood at each end prior and so here was the proud assassin, naked, wearing a bit, and prancing around like a prize mare, and judging from the 2 foot length of rope hanging down the front, she could pretty much be forced anywhere with a light pull. Seeing the sisters, she grinned widely, and shook her ass a little for her friends, the muffled sounds of her own giggles coming from the bit pulled tightly between her lips. It seemed Drunk Kylie was more bottom then top, and right now she really didn't give two fucks, or rather, that's what she wanted.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle and Tina both ate along with Kylie, stuffing their faces with good food and good drink, and by the time Kylie next spoke, the two of them had a very good buzz going as well, though not quite so much as Kylie did. "Yes Kylie, my baby sister here was blessed to have... such great endurance in terms of... sex... (Giggles giddily)," Tina said, giggling almost like Kylie herself was, her cheeks quite pink again and her eyes Kylie could see even through her slightly drunken haze, were full of lust. "I've known of her to fully satisfy an angel before, one that was so... full of lust and passion Kylie, I'll bet you didn't know about that one... and she's even come close to satisfying a succubus completely before too. Why... sis here has even fucked me so hard and good before that she's made me scream and squeal for her for nearly an hour before I fainted," Tina added with another slightly drunken giggle, finishing off the last fry on her plate and downing the last of her third glass of the shine she was drinking and hiccuping, sounding like she was trying to tease Giselle all the while as she grinned over at her before looking back to Kylie.

Giselle in the meantime blushed red as a beet at their talking about her while she sat just right next to them both. "T-That's only because you... spiked my tea with two bottles of succubus essence Tina, it took me nearly two more hours of fucking you afterwards to work all that out of my system, and my dick and hips hurt for nearly three days afterwards from how hard I was slamming you," Giselle said, also sounding a little tipsy, but not sounding angry any at all really, but more like she was just trying to tease Tina back.

"Well there was that, which I don't regret any at all. Gods I'm so glad you were born with a dick sis. Because I don't know what me and Delilah would have done without you being like that. I'm also glad that you didn't get me knocked up somehow that day too, but I didn't and I'm glad, because that would have been a little hard to explain to the little one I think," Tina said, as much to herself as to Kylie and Giselle, as if remembering the time she was speaking of.

After they finished talking they sat there and Tina and Giselle poured themselves another drink while Kylie snuck up and out of the room without them noticing her leaving. When Kylie returned to the room with the ropes tied around her, Giselle's and Tina's eyes went wide as saucers. "Oh... so you like rope play huh Kylie. Well then... Giselle, I think she looks like she's horny as hell. What do you think?" Tina said when she saw Kylie in the ropes, her face turning into a lewd naughty grin as she glanced over to Giselle and back to Kylie.

"Y-Yeah... I can tell. I remember she tied me down the other night when she came home with me, which... really kind of gave me a thrill to be honest. But... I kind of like this too. Come on sweetie, let's get to a bed hmm," Giselle said, catfacing as she stood up and walked over to Kylie with a happy yet horny look on her face, and Kylie would notice that as Giselle stood up that the crotch of her kimono tented right in front of her eyes in the time it took Giselle to stand up and walk over to her, all in about 10 seconds, as Giselle stopped along the way to finish off her third glass of scotch.

"Bring her up to my room in a minute sis, I've got... a little something that I wanna try out with my soon to be new sister in law, to help us get... better acquainted with each other," Tina said, then dashed off out the kitchen and upstairs to where her bedroom was apparently.

Giselle glanced back over to Kylie and smiled lewdly at her. "I wonder what she's got in mind sweetie. I can't wait to find out, let's go on up and find out," Giselle said with a naughty giggle, grabbing Kylie's 'reins' as it were and giving them a little tug to lead her on up the steps. Giselle stopped in the living room where the steps were and walked around Kylie as if appraising her and also it seemed that she'd only just now noticed that Kylie was fully nude. Giselle had Kylie bent over the back of a rocking chair that was in there and stopped behind her in her appraisal, squatting down a bit to look at Kylie's nethers. She suddenly heard a deep intake of breath from Giselle and she could feel the barest of touches against her pussy lips from Giselle's nose.

"Gods... the scent coming off of you Kylie and the sight of how wet you are already is enough to make me so hard it hurts, I mean just look at what you've done to me... your poor Giselle," Giselle said after inhaling Kylie's sweet scent, getting up and walking around Kylie where she stood on the other side of the rocking chair and pulled her kimono off completely to reveal her painfully hard cock, which was twitching and throbbing already, as if it couldn't wait to touch the heavenly folds it was about to part soon. "Doesn't it make you feel bad for me, seeing me like this sweetie? I mean I haven't been this hard in a long time and it really hurts," Giselle added in a pouty tone after Kylie had gotten the chance to see her and the agony she was obviously in, reaching out to pull the little piece of wood out of Kylie's mouth enough for her to respond if she wished, replacing it once Kylie was done talking or if she didn't want to, the young futanari siren obviously willing to play along with what Kylie appeared to want to do.

Once Kylie had given some kind of response to her and she'd replaced the wood in her mouth, Giselle took Kylie's 'reins' again and led her on upstairs. Giselle opened a bedroom door and led Kylie in by her reins, where Kylie would be able to see Tina laying on her bed with a blindfold on over her eyes to replace the glasses that were sitting on the bedside table, and she was naked as the day she was born with a slave collar around her neck and a leash attached to it, as well as a pair of cat ears fixed to her head and it looked like there was a tail under he attached somehow or another. Giselle guided Kylie to the bed and lightly pushed her down onto it where she then went over to Tina's side and sat down where she reached out and gently placed a hand on Tina's belly and then ran it up her waist and between her large perky breasts and on up to her cheek where she gently caressed it and leaned down to passionately kiss Tina on the lips, who melted at Giselle's touch and let out a soft gasp before exhaling just as softly. Kylie could see Tina's nipples were hard enough to cut glass it looked like, while her pussy was absolutely flooding between her legs and there was a wet spot on the bed that was obviously there before they even entered the room.

Giselle glanced back over to Kylie and winked after pulling back and breaking the kiss she gave her sister. Then Giselle grabbed the leash attached to Tina's collar and pulled a little harshly to force her to sit up where she turned her around and had her bent over so that Kylie could see Tina's ass, where there was what looked to be some sort of dildo stuffed in her ass that had a cat tail attached to it, and Kylie could tell that the dildo in Tina's ass was vibrating at least a little bit, seeming to be magical in some way.

"O-Oh gods... n-now Kylie you... see me for w-what I truly am. A submissive sex slave... f-for whoever wants to f-fuck me... but gods I love it... and oh gods Giselle... don't make me w-wait please, h-hurry and stick it in my pussy already dammit," Tina said to Kylie as if knowing that she was there because Giselle was, her butt shaking back and forth slowly as she trembled expectantly as she demanded Giselle to fuck her.

"Quiet you... who told you you could talk hmm?" Giselle said to Tina, spanking her on the butt which made Tina squeal out loud.

"Y-yes m-mistress G-Giselle... your p-pet is sorry. Please forgive h-her," Tina said compliantly, falling into her role as Giselle's sex slave without talking back as she lowered her head down onto the bed and shook her butt back and forth for Giselle.

"Good girl my pet. Kylie, Tina here really likes being told what to do in bed as if you couldn't tell by that, and she loves being blindfolded because she likes how it takes away her ability to see it coming and how much it increases her other senses, so she is more sensitive for the pleasure," Giselle said to Kylie, beckoning her over closer and tugging a little harder on her reins to make her do so if she hesitated for more than a couple of seconds or so. "And she also needs to refrain from trying to order her mistress to fuck her, rather than begging her to do so. I'm going to have to give you a spanking for that pet, raise your ass for your mistress," Giselle said, winking down at Kylie as she waited for Tina to raise her butt high into the air where she shook it enticingly back and forth.

"Y-Yes mistress... punish this pet of yours... s-she deserves to be t-taught a l-lesson. P-Punish her good mistress... a-and don't hold back for your pet's sake," Tina said to Giselle, who then barely suppressed a giggle as she pulled her hand back and slapped it quite hard across Tina's ass, hard enough to echo around the room and leave a red handprint on Tina's ass as a result. Tina just squealed out lewdly a look of happiness on what little of her face that Kylie could see thanks to the blindfold, but there was a lewd happy smile there she could see. "Oh yes mistress... your pet loves it... this one loves being punished by mistress's fair hands," Tina then said after her squeal died down.
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