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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I want children as well Giselle, just not right away, there are still so many things to do that I promise to explain later, then we can have kids, you and I. Kylie said happily, smiling brightly as they walked, though she did enjoy the backpatting and general love from the towns people, however she did pointedly Ignore any glances at the rings, seeing that as specifically their business and theirs alone. it was going to be interesting when Giselle figured out what the magic did though, hopefully it would put any fears she had lingering to rest.

As they approached the smith, Kylie carefully held onto the folded sketch of her bow, which was detailed with incredible care with measurements and scales included, as well as a request about the strange silvery metal she had seen, hopefully it would work out, that Mithril, but she'd see for herself.

Entering with Giselle, Kylie took in the situation, and then saw the man haggling for the shield before sighing softly and approaching the Smith directly. Hello again sir, I'd deal with your assistant, but I have a bit of a special order here, if you look it over it should pique your interest, its a design for a weapon I lost and need remade. She said quietly handing him the paper.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I understand Kylie, just... tell when you're ready okay, and... I'll be ready," Giselle said, unable to suppress a naughty grin as she gently squeezed Kylie's hand before they went inside the blacksmith.


"So back again I see. And a special order huh, let me see this," the blacksmith said as he took the paper from her and looked it over. "Hmm... yes yes, I believe I can manage it. Never really made a metal casing for a bow before, but it shouldn't be too hard really. The problem is preventing the wood from burning and such when I fix it onto it. What kind of wood for the bow do you want exactly though? I mean it'll have to be a good strong wood of course if you want me to do it like this, and I'm assuming you'll want the mythril to be the metal and all, as it is the strongest we've got in our village. Of course I have heard of another metal, don't know the name of it really, but I've heard of it before. Said to be even stronger than this here mythril, and literally unbreakable, but you'd have to get a dwarf to tell you more about it, and there aren't any here in our village," the blacksmith added after a looking the paper over, sounding a bit eager, yet a little unsure of attempting this.

"Wow, do you think you can afford mythril Kylie? I mean it's supposed to be pretty expensive, I mean you had to have paid a fortune for this ring for me and all," Giselle asked, looking at Kylie with a look of wonder on her face.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie simply smiled softly when the smith, and Giselle asked about the money, deciding that answering all the questions at once was probably best. No one needs to worry about any funding, there's plenty of gold, and you and me Giselle, we'll go and make sure to collect it here shortly. As for the wood Yew is a personal favourite, as is redwood. Both are highly resistant to heat and should do nicely. As for affixing the metal to the wood it needs to be done carefully. If the wood is soaked in water just before, the metal will boil it out of the wood, condensing the wood and locking the pieces together quite nicely. Then these pieces here and here can be adjusted with a small set of screws.

That taken care of Kylie was starting to really feel the fatigue, though the talk about weapons and everything else was keeping her wide awake. She knew she'd feel better inside and away from people for a moment, barring the certain few she'd come to know and trust. Her paranoid side was starting to run rampant and she was seeing shadows with daggers in every corner.

Would you mind overly much if we headed back to the house Giselle, to rest I'm not feeling all that well. Kylie said quietly, a pleading look to her eyes that said quite plainly "Get me out of here and back inside Please" She felt unusually uncomfortable out here among these people. Maybe it was all the backslapping and well wishing, all the attention, But Kylie felt VIOLENTLY out of place right now.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh I know what all to do and how to do it lass, so have no worries there. It'll cost you though. I can do it for around a thousand gold, depending on how much mythril I end up using in the construction. But it'll take me a few days to do it properly regardless, so I hope you had no pressing plans to use it for," the blacksmith said, nodding to her and letting her know that he knew what he needed to do. "I'll get started though right away, since I finished all of the steel arrows the village guard wanted. So I can make some of those you were talking about later if you'd like, hell I can make those mythril too if you'd like, that way they wouldn't really get bent or damaged so that you could recover them afterwards, I'll also fix the bow up with a reinforced string as well, because to be able to pull it back and it metal and all, you'll need a much stronger than normal string," he added, staring at the paper she'd given him some more to learn the specs she wanted.

"Alright then, come on, let's get you back to Serena's for now, and don't worry about a thing, I'll stay with you until you feel better, no matter what," Giselle said, squeezing Kylie's hand a little before taking her back to Serena's place to await the destruction of the tiara.

"Oh hey you're back. We were starting to get a little worried about you two. Come on in, Serena said she's almost done, just another couple of minutes," Delilah called to them when they reentered the enchanter's house/shop. Giselle would lead Kylie over to sit on the sofa again, gently easing her down into her lap after sitting down herself, where she began nuzzling Kylie's neck and kissing it softly while they waited, kind of indulging in the closeness of her beloved Kylie.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie smiled gratefully at Giselle and they made their way back to Serena's to see that particular menace through to it's end, when this was done, she could FINALLY lay this damned task to rest and be in a position to watch out for future problems that may arise from the enchantments use. But her mission had not been to watch over the enchantment, but the Tiara itself, so once it was gone, in reality, her obligation to it was over and her job was complete.

Sitting in Giselle's lap, Kylie literally curled into her lover, breathing her in and calming down slowly as she watched Serena work, perfectly happy being doted upon like Giselle was doing and making a happy little purr in her throat as she relaxed. She still wasn't sure what had set her off, but it had, something her subconscious had noticed certainly, that was usually what a gut reaction was. But given her fractured mental state, that didn't mean much to her logical mind.

Smiling at everyone in turn, Kylie just waited for this chore to be done with, feeling more and more at ease with each passing moment, as if she had avoided some misstep or danger before.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Sitting there with Kylie in her lap, Giselle continued nuzzling and loving on her while they waited, and it was obvious that the young siren could tell she was putting Kylie's mind more and more at ease and calming her down, as she pulled her up to face her where she stared straight into her eyes. Kylie would see nothing in Giselle's eyes save unconditional love for her before she smushed Kylie's lips against her own and kissed her, then she maneuvered Kylie around and laid her head down on her breasts as she leaned back, giggling softly a Kylie purred.

"Are you alright now sweetie? I don't want you to feel bad in any way whatsoever," Giselle whispered in Kylie's ear, kissing her on the cheek as she spoke.

After Kylie answered Giselle, Serena would suddenly let out a loud sigh of relief. "Finally, I've done it. Been working on that for a while now. Now, to get rid of this thing, because it's not needed any more, and then you all can head on and do whatever," Serena said aloud for Kylie to hear, taking the tiara off of her desk and bringing it over to Kylie. "Now I can destroy the whole thing if you want, or... I can just disenchant it instead so that you can keep this as a trophy or something if you'd like," Serena added once she was standing next to Kylie and Giselle, the tiara in hand.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Destroy it, Irrevocably Kylie said quickly, eyeing the thing with nothing short of utter conviction, she wanted this thing over with, to be able to let go of that worry once and for all. And well, if some other asshole came looking for it, she'd happily toss them the trash along with an arrow for disturbing her peace.

After this was done, they could go back and rest and see the children and let the worries fade away, at least for now, content to simply let the day ride out from here once that fucking Tiara was deat with, although looking at it from another angle, if the Tiara hadn't been her mission, she'd have never met these wonderful people, or found her home here. Surely her order wouldn't grudge her her happiness, and if they did... Well, she'd just have to fight to keep it, because now that she had it she wasn't about to give it up.

But such thoughts were for later, there was so much warring for supremacy in her mind that it would make anyone else spin and faint on the spot, but it was a normalcy for her, her mind never really rested unless she was having one of her ditzy fits, like that part of her that could be regarded as normal and functioning seized control and led to laughter and smiles and a quiet, peaceful mind. But no, not yet, the Tiara yet lived, it had to die.

Once it was done... Then and only then Kylie could rest.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Very well then Kylie. Though after the enchantment is gone there isn't any real reason to destroy it, though it wouldn't be worth very much afterwards anyway so it doesn't really matter either way. Just don't see the point really," Serena said with a slight sigh. With that she took it over to her desk once more and got out a pouch of some sort, which she reached inside of and grabbed a handful of some powdery substance and sprinkled it onto the tiara where she mumbled some words under her breath, then she took the tiara over from there over to a pedestal behind her counter where she then lifted something that caused her to grunt as she lifted it, and she then set an anvil onto the pedestal with the tiara on top of the anvil. Once that was done she pulled a large hammer out from under her counter and hefted it over her head where she then brought it down onto the tiara, quite literally smashing it to pieces with a clang of metal striking metal.

Once Serena had done this, she collected the few pieces that had shot out from under the large head of the hammer, placing each and every one of them onto a cloth which she then wrapped up and brought over to Kylie, handing it to her. "There you go then, I'd really have preferred to leave it intact, but you're the boss with it, so there are the pieces," Serena said after handing them to Kylie, where she then went on back over to her counter to start on her next order, which looked like a necklace of some sort.

"You ready to go back to Reina's then? Cause I'm pretty sure that she won't let us go back to my place for another day or two at least... no... back to our place. It's as much mine as it is yours now, to me at least," Giselle asked Kylie while the young assassin sat there in her lap, and if Kylie said yes it was time to go, then together with Tina's help, Giselle would get Kylie back onto her feet where they would head on back to Reina's clinic.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie watched with unmatched attention, not letting the Tiara leave her field of vision until it had actually been smashed into literal pieces, which were then picked up, wrapped, and given to her personally as she had requested. So it was all done then, this was finally taken care of. Holding the pieces in her hand, and looking at them, Kylie breathed a soft sigh and nodded at Giselle.

Of course Giselle, it's time to go, thank you Serena, I'm sure i'll find something else to pester you about soon enough Kylie said rather happily, before Tina helped her up and they took off towards Reina's for some more rest and most likely to be jumped on by tiny alraune children.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Serena nodded to her as she went back to work on her next order, pretty much leaving them to their own devices. After leaving the enchanter's place, with Tina helping her to walk from one side, and with Giselle clinging to her other side and holding her hand. Once they arrived back at Reina's with quite a few people not so much staring at them, but giving them some glances and smiling at the two lovebirds as they passed by, they would find the dark elf healer tending to a young okami woman that looked like she was in her early twenties.

"Alright Momo, as far as I can tell yes you are pregnant. Here, take a few of these potions with you, they'll help you with the morning sickness alright. Just drink one in the morning when you first wake up and it should keep you from feeling too sick to get up except to go throw up or anything," Reina said to the okami girl, who smiled giggled excitedly as she placed her hands over her belly and gently rubbed them across it, looking very happy to hear that she was pregnant.

"T-Thank you miss Reina, for the potions, and for the fertility potions too. It... it's kind of hard to believe that I'm actually going to have some little ones. How can I ever repay you miss Reina?" the okami girl said, a dreamy look in her eyes as she glanced back over to Reina.

"Oh dear you don't have to repay me any at all, I do it because I enjoy it. Now run along and go tell your mate the good news okay, I'm sure he will be thrilled," Reina said, patting the okami girl on the head as she showed her out, motioning for Tina and the others to come on in and have a seat. Kylie and the others could see the okami girl looked extremely happy and giddy as she went past them, caressing her belly as she did.

Once Reina was back in the room with them she told them to have a seat and she'd get some tea to drink. Unless Kylie had any objections that is they would all sit down, with Tina easing Kylie down onto the quite soft sofa where they would sip at their tea once Reina had brought it in. Now all they had to do was await the alraune to arrive, and from the way Delilah and Tina spoke earlier they would be here any minute.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie smiled warmly as the pregnant wolf woman wandered off, wishing her the best silently as they headed inside for a soft couch, and tea, which meant quite happily that there were no objections, although kylie did have the urge to do jumping jacks for no apparent reason whatsoever.

Sitting down and sighing happily, smushed between Giselle and Tina, Kylie had the thought of a threesome and then a full blown orgy with the three sisters and blushed, before screwing up her face and shaking the thought away, drinking her tea and cuddling into the pair in an adorable, yet annoying fashion.

And then they did indeed play the waiting game for the youngsters, who Kylie was quite sure would be ecstatic to see Giselle and herself, because you could never get enough goofy playmates really, and they were just so damned cute. Really, what wasn't to love.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie snuggled up to her, Giselle giggled happily, and though Tina didn't look quite as thrilled about it as Giselle did, the older sister at least put forth the effort to enjoy it, for the sake of her baby sister. Giselle noticed Kylie's blush and grinned a little at her, almost as if knowing what she was thinking, but it turned out in fact that she didn't seem to know what she'd been thinking it seems.

"What is it? Come on you can tell me. I promise I won't laugh," Giselle asked her lover, gently caressing Kylie's cheek with one hand as she spoke while they drank their tea and waited for the baby alraune.

Kylie would only have a few seconds to answer before they heard a knock on the door, and if she did end up answering, whether before or after Tina got up to go answer the door, then Giselle would giggle softly and whisper back to Kylie that her sisters had helped her in the past when it came to her over active libido. That she'd had the same thought of a threesome and or a foursome before with Kylie and either one or both of her sisters, stating that the people there in Feynrial were very open about things and it wasn't very very uncommon.

After that, regardless if Kylie answered Giselle or not, Tina would open the door and they would hear her speaking to someone before she came on back in leading a pair of red skinned women bearing spears, behind them were a pair of green skinned alraune who were carrying a basket in either hand and, which were filled to the brim little alraune. There were more than they had rescued a couple of days before, at least two dozen of them with the larger alraune. Among the little ones there were an even number of the different colors of alraune and the were giggling and chattering among each other while they rode in the baskets. Kylie would spot the ones they had rescued though in their own little basket, and riding on top of the head of Ayane who came in next was the little one that Kylie was so worried about. Her little arm which had been broken and her leg as well were in little makeshift splints as she sat on top of Ayane's head, looking very happy to be riding where she was.

"Ah Kylie, I'm glad to see that you're up and around once more. Delilah and Tina told me and the rest of us what had happened, and we brought the little ones to cheer you and Giselle both up," Ayane said, bringing the little one on her head over after pulling her down to carry her.

Ayane sat down next to Kylie and Giselle with the hurt little one in her lap, who was looking around the room curiously. Giselle looked so happy to see the little alraune that she had tears in her eyes. All of a sudden the little one extended a pair of tentacles from over her shoulders which wrapped around Kylie's neck and pulled a little bit, lifting herself up and over into Kylie's lap where she then pulled her thinner tentacles back, caressing Kylie's cheek with one as she drew them back in.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Tina was getting a fucking snuggling whether she liked it or not, because Kylie was a cuddler and that's what she fucking did, at least today, and as she relaxed and Giselle coaxed a whispered answer from her, her blush went from a tinge to a deep shade of red before she actually flailed around and forcibly shook the thought away. nonononononononononononono not today or tomorrow or... no besides Tina doesn't like me very much.

Caught in a mental rock and hard place, she was rescued by the arrival of her good friends, the Alraune, who had brought the young ones, and more of them no less, in baskets, which was disgustingly cute to start with and Kylie found her eyes getting all big and soft as she waved like a dabble headed dipstick, so happy to see the little ones that she felt her heart near to bursting.

It did burst however, when she saw the little injured one, Riding on Ayane's head, and the look of love that came over her face, and relief, was powerful indeed. Scooting over to make room, Kylie watched the little splinted creature before it decided she wanted to scoot into her lap and used it's little tendrils to do just that, taking a seat and stroking her cheek, the little tendril catching a tear as they started to fall silently from her eyes and she stroked the little creatures head with a finger tip, impossibly gentle.

It was several moments that her and the little child shared, just like that and all was well in the universe for Kylie, really, the day was something from a dream to her in this moment. but, they had 24 children to entertain now... And that meant rediculous mischief. "Hey guys~ Kylie said to the children, her face covered in mischief as she practically grew whiskers... You know what the three blue haired ladies really like? They LOOOOVE to be tickled! GET EM! And the cry to battle was sounded as the inevitable release of 24 rambunctious children joined the fray, although the little injured one that Kylie was no doubt doting on exclusively, was very gently lifted in her hands, and kissed on the cheek, before being set safely up on her head in her soft mousy hair.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh Kylie don't say that, Tina does too like you. She's just really protective of me is all," Giselle whispered, giggling softly as she did.


The little alraune looked up at Kylie when she caught the assassin's tear, she looked up at Kylie and smiled sadly, but when Kylie stroked the little one's head, she cheered up and giggled a little bit, wrapping her one good arm around Kylie's waist a little bit in a hug. When Kylie placed the little alraune girl on her head, the little one giggled as the rest of them poured out of the baskets at the three siren sisters, pouncing all over the three of them and snuggling, tickling, cuddling, and all of the above. Giselle, Delilah, and amazingly Tina all three began giggling like mad, unable, or rather unwilling to fight back for the moment.

Giselle's eyes lit up like fireworks as she sat there, giggling and being tickled by the little alraune, which she barely resisted at all, merely laying there after being pretty much pulled into the floor by a dozen of them that were wrestling around with her. Delilah and Tina both only had half a dozen on them each, but Delilah was fighting back, grabbing some of the little alraune and tickling them back, which they squealed and giggled happily about, while Tina was smiling and giggling uncontrollably while they tickled her and the older sister looked for once to Kylie to not be so serious looking and was... relaxed.

Giselle looked like she had multi colored skin from the amount of little alraune on her, and she had a look of pure joy on her face. Finally, after a few minutes of giggling and tickling from both sides, Giselle raised up and smiled up at Kylie where she was still sitting on the sofa with the hurt one on her head, and she got up and sat next to Kylie once again, pulling a as many of the little alraune up into her lap with her. Once she'd done that, Giselle reached over and lifted the little one off of Kylie's head and pulled her over to set her down in her lap, where the rest of the little ones maneuvered out of their way so that Giselle would be able to sit their hurt sister down. Once Giselle had the hurt little alraune sitting down in her lap, a couple of the others sidled up next to their hurt sister and hugged her and she used her one good arm and hugged the one on her right side back while the rest either sat all around Giselle or climbed up on her shoulders and such, or crawled over into Kylie's lap and all over her in the same manner.

"The little ones here were very happy and eager to come and see you all when I told them who we were coming to play with," Ayane told them from where she sat in a recliner that Reina had in her living room.

"I'm so happy you brought them miss Ayane. And I'm really glad to see that she's alright now too, or at least recovering anyway," Giselle said, bouncing the hurt little one on her knee, which made the little one start giggling as she waved her one good arm around.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Really miss Ayane, thank you so much, I knew it would be a bit of a chore coming this way with the little ones, but it's really made my day to see them all, Especially you! She finished, puffing out her cheeks and tickling the little knee bounced Alraune for a moment as she smiled and laughed. Thinking about the rather insane series of days here since her arrival, and the ensuing emergencies and solutions, it really was a marvel that this little moment of peace was theirs to enjoy together.

Getting up and stretching, Kylie talked to the other adult alraune about the happenings at the springs and how all the young ones were doing, when her favourite little flower had woken up, and how overjoyed everyone must have been, just burning time for a bit as she smiled and basked in the moment. Although at one point or another, she had sat back down with Giselle, and dozed off without realising as a yawn turned into a short nap.

Waking up, literally covered in poking prodding children, Kylie giggled and then suddenly remembered the other jobs her and Giselle had taken from the bounty board a few days ago, having never completed them, probably much to the annoyance of the posters. They should really think about finishing those at some point provided the chance. However, given Kylie's groggy state, and the children, and everything else, Kylie was quite happy to burn the rest of the day accomplishing exactly nothing, and occasionally slipping in and out of consciousness.

Although painfully obvious how tired the assassin was, she stalwartly refused any and all attempts to get her into bed to sleep, refusing to let the moment with the children slip away, playing catch, tag, and a half dozen other games before simply turning into something between a pillow and a jungle gym for the kids. Regardless, if anything else happened, it was up to the others, because Kylie was content exactly where she was. And of course that damned architect had never shown up, much to her annoyance, though the day was technically still young to regular human beings and their patterns and days.

The hours whittled away in this strange moment of bliss and towards dinner as the sun began to set, others would see Kylie, her eyes close, snoring softly with an Alraune under each arm, probably a few more on her shoulders and head, and another yet curled up on her stomach. She'd been complaining about fatigue, but it seemed it had finally, and completely caught up with her, and she was out for the count, a light smile on her lips, head resting against Giselle's arm.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh it's fine Kylie, it was no trouble at all. We've got more than just the five of us that brought them outside in the town, we told them to stand guard and look around in the market for things we could use to better defend the beds for the seedlings. Really though it's no trouble at all to be honest," Ayane said, trying to get rid of any fears that Kylie had.

When Kylie tickled her, the little hurt alraune giggled ticklishly and squirmed a little bit on Giselle's knee. When she finally fell over back onto Giselle from laughing so hard, and when Kylie finally stopped tickling her, the little hurt alraune sent a pair of her little tentacles out to grab hold of Kylie again around her neck where she then pulled herself over once more. Kylie would then find the little one giving her a one armed hug around her neck while holding on with her tentacles, giving Kylie a little kiss on the cheek. Another thing that Kylie would likely notice is that while the hurt little one could grow the tentacles like she'd done twice now, the rest of the little ones could not do so, and if asked why then Ayane would reply that it was because they hadn't taken root yet and the hurt little one had.

"Well everyone back home is doing just fine at the moment, and these aren't all of the little ones. There were some that were too young to bring, some that were a little sick that didn't feel like coming. These ones were most of the ones you played with the other day, as well as a few others that were napping then. And she woke up yesterday at around sunset or so in a cold sweat, mumbling something about the nice lady that helped save her and her sisters," Ayane said, scooping up one of the little ones as she ran by chasing another, the little alraune she'd grabbed giving a little "Eeek!" as she was scooped up and tickled.

The hurt little one held onto Kylie's neck with her tentacles while the assassin got up to stretch, apparently liking where she was at with Kylie it seemed, and when she went back over to sit down with Giselle once more and took herself a nap, the hurt little one lay there with her on her chest, snuggled firmly between her breasts after climbing down into Kylie's shirt. Giselle saw how tired she seemed to be and pulled her down so her head was laying on her lap where she softly caressed Kylie's head until she dozed off for a little bit, a few little alraune gathering on her.


When she next woke, Kylie would find herself covered in the little alraune, her favorite of them still laying where she'd gone to sleep at on her chest and there were a few others clustered around her, a couple laying on either shoulder, a couple on her stomach, one curled up on her head, and a couple of more laying on the tops of her legs. They were mostly asleep until she giggled and started to raise up and remembered the other job posts they'd taken, though the posters might have gotten someone else to do it all for them by now. When she'd gotten on back up and all, Kylie played with the little ones, most of them wanting to play hide and seek inside the large house as there were so many places to hide in, and one they got tired of that they played tag outside in the backyard, and then they came back inside for snacks and refreshments around lunchtime, where while it was being made for them and all, Kylie had the little alraune climbing all over her.

While they climbed on her, a few scuttled up the insides of her pants legs, tickling her as they went, while some climbed up into her shirt. While inside her clothing, Kylie would feel the ones in her shirt poking her breasts and a couple of them gently poked her nipples some, and another two or three of the little ones that had wormed their way into her trousers started prodding and poking around in rather naughty places, teasing and tickling Kylie's more sensitive and precious places. One of them was even brave enough to reach out and grab Kylie's nub from its little hood a couple of time, but when Kylie's knees nearly buckled from the sensations the little ones all stopped teasing her in such a way.

"Now little ones, I know you're curious, but don't do that sort of thing to Kylie, she's still hurt after all," Ayane said to the little ones, some of their heads poking out from Kylie's waistband and the bottoms of the pants legs of her trousers and from the top of her shirt.

After lunch was over and done with, Kylie's prayer of the architect coming by would be answered as he did so. About twenty minutes or so after lunch was over they heard a knock on the door and when they answered it they would see a man and woman standing there, both plain old elves like Serena the enchanter was. The woman was carrying a handful of scrolls and other papers while the man was carrying a satchel of some sort with various drawing supplies and other things.

"Ah, Delilah, where is this... Kylie you told us about yesterday? We're here to do as asked. Sorry it took a little longer for us to get here, but we had a couple of other people that were... very nit picky about their house plans and it took us a bit longer than we would have liked," the elf man said as Delilah led them in where they sat down across the dining table from Kylie and set their things down. "Now miss Kylie, we've got a few different blueprints here for you to look through and give us the best... general picture as to what you want in your new house," he added after they sat down with Kylie and Giselle, setting several sets of blueprints onto the table for her to look at.

The first blueprint wasn't exactly what she was originally wanting, though it was a quite large and spacious, and it was a 2 story building as well, with a half a dozen bedrooms. The second one was a smaller house that was only one floor and it only had 2 bedrooms, but it was set up so that much more could be added on later. The third one was more to Kylie's liking though, being very near what she'd drawn herself earlier that morning with Giselle, though without the small tower she'd wanted, but it had a basement that she could easily convert into a training room, plus it had a second room in the basement as well that could be used to store things, much like a small vault, and it was also a 2 story house like the first one she'd looked at, but it had 6 spare bedrooms and one master bedroom.

"I... I really kind of like this one here Kylie. It's really nice and kind of what we were wanting I think, at least from what we were drawing earlier that is," Giselle said as they looked at the third blueprint on the table, looking like she really really liked the third one.

"Ah that's one that we made as a concept a month or two ago, the only problem is the space needed for it. We'd have to clear off around four thousand square feet for the building itself, and then for the yards we intended for it to have around the same for the front yard, and about double that for the backyard. The cost would be around seven thousand gold give or take for all of the material and another three thousand at least for the labor. So all in all you're looking at a ten thousand gold job for this particular one, but if you're wanting a custom job, then I'll have to charge a couple of hundred extra to make the blueprints and such. The reason this particular one costs so much is because it's mainly made out of oak wood which is a bit harder to come by in this area of the island, as this is more jungle than anything. And it'll also take around a couple of months to fully complete, give or take depending on the weather, that's including the clearing of the land," the elf architect man said, rummaging through his satchel a bit and pulling out some papers and bottles of ink and sketching pencils in case Kylie wished for him to draw up something specific, though if she gave him the papers she drew herself then he would look them over very curiously and then tell her that he thinks that he could merely change and add a few things to the blueprint that Giselle chose a minute or two before and it'd come out to the same price he mentioned and that it'd take the same amount of time give or take, depending on the weather.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, throughout all of this rediculousness, was eeping and wriggling as the mischievous munchkins set about rummaging around her clothing at one point, and while the mild prodding and teasing was easy to ignore at first, her face was soon flushed and the attention her bud got almost had her knees buckling in an instant, not sure how to react as she looked to Ayane for help.

The matronly alraune was quick to oblige and soon enough the molestation ceased at some point and Kylie was free to blush rather profusely without having to worry about moaning lewdly if it continued. The question about the little ones tendrils was quickly answered as well, and Kylie had no desire whatsoever to remove the tiny thing from between her breasts. If that's what the little thing wanted, then that's what it would get.

Throughout all the Insanity, the Architect and his companion did in fact arrive, and set out a set of blueprints for several homes that came close to what she herself had drawn, the third one in particular coming so close that it was rediculous. And much to her chagrin, was both Huge, and expensive. Which was perfect, though it would probably wipe out her hidden fortune between itself, and the bow. Which she supposed was fine. Turning to smile at the architect, Kylie would flesh out the details, penciling in a small sketch here, or a specific door there etc, but in the end they reached an agreement.

Your payment will be duly handled, although it wont all be in gold, there will be several extremely valuable gems as well as part of the overall sum, and you can start immediately in this area. Kylie said, before pointing out how important the chosen building are was, and that it was more then spacious enough to set the foundations of the home. She also knew it would take quite a bit of time.

As for the actual delivery of your payment for this job, I'll be off to collect it when I've more properly healed, or my own recklessness gets the better of me. And then we can make sure you get what you need. Although if I had to say anything about the construction, I'd like to discuss the building of some features whilst on sight later and in great detail. Some things should never be on a blueprint.

To be honest, there wasn't all that much else to cover, though the tiny alraune were starting to get rambunctious again, Kylie found out that much to her chagrin, that the more she tried to deny any further molestation, the funnier they thought it was. And soon she had them all sat in a line as she poke and prodded at them in turn. Thankfully none of them had any tentacles, so she didn't have to worry about them insisting on a little experimentation, and the idea of midgets swarming with binding materials had her blushing again. WHY WAS SHE SO PERVER.... GODDAMN SUCCUBI!

Cursing them in their shallow graves, and her own libido, Kylie stashed the thought away for later, and sought about playing again.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The hurt little alraune was taken away by Ayane whilst Kylie and Giselle were talking with the architect and his wife, so that they would have all the privacy they wished, telling Kylie that she would bring her back in once she was through and all to see her some more. When Ayane picked her back up and pulled away from Kylie though, the hurt little one looked up at Kylie and kissed her on the cheek before she was pulled away, her little tentacles clinging to the young assassin as she was pulled away and taken to the other room, looking sad that she was taken away for now, but promised that she would bring her back.

"Oh however the payment comes is alright, gemstones or gold either one are fine, as long as it's real. And just pick out a piece of land and work out the details with the village elder and all that and we'll begin as soon as you'd like for us to. Also I understand about some things on site, though if you'll just tell me what you like, I'll make sure it gets done for you whilst you heal up. This wouldn't be the first confidential secret for a home I've had to keep and all that, I give you my word that any secret about this you tell me is safe with just me and my wife here, as she is the one that keeps a catalog of all of my workings," the elf man said, giving his word that anything she wished to add would be kept between Kylie, and the two of them.

"Are you wanting to add in like fake walls and hidden rooms Kylie? That's so neat and cool," Giselle asked, looking a little giddy at the thought of having secret rooms and such in their house.


After they got through talking about the house, the elf architect and his wife left them and told Kylie that she could come to their house later if she wished to so that they could speak more about what she wanted a little more privately, and also after she got a bit of land granted to her from the village elder if she was wanting a place in the village proper, though Giselle explained where they were wanting to build the house, which wasn't really far out of town as it was just up the hill from Giselle's current house which was on the southeastern edge of town. Giselle's special place was on a hilltop overlooking Feynrial and was within stones throwing distance from the top of the hill where their house would be to a few of the houses below.

After the elven couple left, bidding them all farewell for now, Kylie was soon all but trampled by curious little alraune again, some of which were trying to wriggle their way up her pants once more and down in her shirt, though were stopped after Ayane returned to the room and stopped them, while the hurt little one used her tentacles once more and pulled herself over to Kylie, seeming to like her quite a bit and appearing to like hanging off of her as well.

Once the little ones had been told off for trying to molest Kylie once more, they returned to play mode and played with Kylie and the others for a little while longer before Ayane and the other alraune began rounding them all up and collecting them back into the baskets, telling them that it was time to leave for the day. They all looked sad about not getting to play longer, but they listened to Ayane and the other alraune and got ready to leave, though the hurt little alraune didn't seem to want to let Kylie go and held onto her when they all hugged the girls goodbye. When Ayane tried to pull her away from Kylie, her little tentacles coiled around Kylie's arms and shoulders and held on tight, not about to let go of the young assassin that she seemed to be attached to, shaking her head no that she didn't want to leave.

"(sigh)... little one, you're roots aren't here alright, and you're still healing after all. You need to go home and rest okay, you can come and see her again tomorrow or the next day, I promise," Ayane told the hurt little one, though she was still being a little difficult and wouldn't let go, her one good arm around Kylie's neck as she held on to her.

(Just so you'll know what all she's got.)
Kylie's Inventory:
1. 12 bottles of alraune nectar. (drinking or applying to a creature's body by rubbing it on them will increase their AP by 3 and then has a 50% chance of increasing it by 1 per turn until they've had an orgasm, and can be applied to weapons to coat either one blade for a battle, or 10 arrows.)
2. 1 potion of healing. (fully heals all FP when drunk)
3. 1 bottle of succubus essence. (drinking causes the drinker to instantly take 10 AP dmg, can also be applied to weapons)
4. 4 regular wood arrows.
5. 7 steel arrows. (gives a 50% chance of +1 FP dmg with every shot)
6. 1 golden engagement with a beautiful heart shaped diamond set in it surrounded by six rubies. Has an enchantment to let the wearer know where the wearer of the opposite ring is in the pair and if they're okay. (Wearing, and is the other ring of the pair with Giselle's ring)
7. 1 pair of mythril hidden blade gauntlets. (+1 to attack and defense rolls when only wielding these weapons)
8. 1 Displacer beast fang. (just a fluff item really, but you never know it may come into play one day)
9. 1 dagger
10. 2 unidentified scrolls
11. 1 unidentified magical amulet
12. 1 black pearls (a special quest item)

Gold: 1500

1 satchel filled with various kinds of jewelry and many different gemstones.

Gems in the satchel:
1 diamond (5000 gp)
1 ruby (2500 gp)
4 emeralds (1000 gp)
2 aquamarines (500 gp)
7 turquoise (100 gp)
12 amethysts (100 gp)
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was practically heartbroken when the little Alraune showed quite clearly that she didn't want to leave, and that left Kylie with a few options. But one and only one would show Giselle how precious her gift was and why and how it was enchanted, because she still didn't know. For some reason, this entire day had gone by and it hadn't been mentioned, but of course it had been an incredibly busy day, and already Kylie had wracked up an 11,000 Gold tab for a house and a weapon. Granted, she was pretty sure that the satchel she had could cover most of it outright, and another trip to the ship would easily sort out the rest. But she was uneasy about that, because even with the travel times of most ships ranging in months, it still wasn't safe.

There was of course the knowledge that it was hard to retrieve what with the monsters that had already been guarding it. However, she made up her mind right then and there to make sure it was retrieved in bulk tomorrow, injured or not. Hell, sea water was good for wounds. Bad for sharks, but good for wounds, and of course, she didn't actually need to do the work herself, she was more then certain that Delilah and Tina could easily handle it.

Not about to lose her newfound fortune, the decision was made to go in the morning for the gold, but the squeezing of the small Alraune brought Kylie out of her musings fairly quickly. Giving Ayane a slight look of understanding, Kylie gently lifted the little thing up to her face and kissed her. Now now little one, I would be so sad if you didn't get the rest you needed. Tell you what, How about I come by and visit you tomorrow at your home this time, and we can play in the water! But you have to promise to go and rest with your roots so you can grow up big and strong. Okay? Kylie said, smiling brightly and tickling the little Alraune gently. Go on now, go home with momma Ayane and I'll come see you tomorrow

Hopefully that settled things, but if it didn't then Kylie would simply resign herself to spend the night at the lake with the Alraune, and let Giselle figure out the enchantment, because it would definitely be a surefire way to demonstrate it's purpose. But hopefully that wasn't called for.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie lifted the little hurt alraune up and kissed her, the little one giggled and kissed her back, then it would finally dawn on Kylie that she didn't know what this little alraune's name was, or if she even had a name. When Kylie was through speaking and tickled her, the little one giggled again and tried to push Kylie's hand away from her little belly, and when Kylie finally stopped tickling her she looked up at Kylie for a moment, then over to Ayane, then back up to Kylie again, where she smiled brightly and hugged her one last time before allowing Ayane to take her off of Kylie's hands.

"Come now little one, it's time to go home. Also Kylie, if you were wondering by chance. Her name now, as we hadn't named her yet, is Hope," Ayane said, first to the little one and then to Kylie. "The other little ones haven't been named as of yet, but, their naming will come soon enough, we thought Hope an appropriate name for her though," Ayane added as she placed Hope the little alraune back up on her head, where little Hope's tentacles stretched out and wrapped around Ayane's shoulders to hold her in place so she didn't fall.

With that, the other 2 green alraune that had been there with them lifted the baskets up that were filled with little alraune of all colors, where they all then set off... after corralling a couple of rather curious and brave little alraune back into the baskets that were exploring some more. As they left, Giselle, Delilah, Tina, and Reina, along with Kylie of course, all came out to see them all off, waving to them from the edge of Reina's yard, where Kylie and company saw at least another dozen red alraune coming out of the trees around them.

"Wow... I guess they really did come prepared to fight just in case," Giselle said as they saw the escort for the young alraune as they traveled back to their springs.

After they were out of sight, with the 5 girls waving to them and all of the little ones waving back, Hope from her perch and the rest from their baskets, Giselle looked over to Kylie and hugged her, and then she hugged her sisters and Reina also for good measure. "Thanks girls... all of you. Seeing them again, it was really nice, and made me happy," Giselle told them all, moving to hug Kylie again where she kissed her on the lips lovingly before she wrapped an arm around her and they went on back inside.

"Alright everyone, I think that we should let Kylie and Giselle choose what to eat tonight. And that we should get Hazel, Shaela, Ilyana, and Kagome over here for a nice big dinner amongst friends. What do you two think? Both for dinner and extra company tonight," Reina said after they got back inside, seeming to be wanting to start dinner now.

"Well... I'm not really picky about food, and I don't mind if the others come and eat with us. It'd be nice to enjoy a nice big dinner with all of my friends and family, and... the one I want to start a family with someday. But... if Kylie would rather not then I'm fine with that," Giselle said, ending with a blush as she glanced over at Kylie, seeming to give her the final say on what to eat and if they should invite the others over.