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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Her plans went off without a single hitch, every manuever and feint perfectly timed as she scored hit after hit on her enemy and Delilah hit her stride as well, finding her own focus as the battle raged on and it looked almost as if it was over. And as far as Kylie was concerned, it was for hers, she had left that thick blade buried in the meat of her leg, the blonde woman wasn't dodging anytime soon because removing that blade would cause her to bleed out, leaving it in would cripple her movement and worsen the injury, and taking time to try and heal would leave her wide open to Kylie's continued assault.

Once again not noticing the others in the room, Kylie continued, until that look, and that damned smell filled the room, her nipples stiffening almost immediately as the smell filled her nostrils and Kylie saw the torture in her mind again, that horrifying memory forced on her once more as she was subjected to that damned essence. Shaking her head, she looked at Delilah, who looked far worse off then she did at the moment, and cried out. "Delilah! Fire, as hot as you can, burn this shit out of the air!" The words bursting from her lungs as she started to hold her breath, not wanting to pull anymore of the evil shit in as she refocused and continued her assault.

Knowing another feint wouldn't work as well, unless it was specific, Kylie darted in at her foe, that miserable bitch still the sole focus of her hatred as she charged and lashed out, not with her hands, which had been the sole focus of her attacks so far, but with a vicious kick to the dagger in the succubus' thigh, looking to worsen the injury and start the bleeding, knowing that limb was next to immobile right now unless the bitch had a pain threshold that was unimaginable... She was pretty sure that blade had nicked bone...
Last edited:
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie - 10 vs 9 Bhs, hit
Delilah - 19 vs 3 Rhs, crit hit for 2 FP dmg
Tina - 1 vs 13 Th, miss

Blonde haired succubus - 18 vs 15 Kylie, hit
Red haired succubus - 1 vs 20 Delilah, crit miss and countered for 2 FP dmg, killing her
Tentacle horror - 20 vs 17 Tina, hit

Kylie - 14 vs 17 Bhs, miss
Delilah - 16 vs 9 Bhs, hit
Tina - 6 vs 5 Th, hit for 2 FP dmg and killed

Blonde haired succubus - 16 vs 5 Delilah and 17 vs 16 Kylie and 12 vs 4 Tina, magic attack for 3 FP dmg, knocking out Delilah and heavily damaging Kylie and Tina

Kylie managed to get in close enough to give the dagger still lodged in the succubus' thigh a good kick, which caused her to cry out again in pain as she clutched her wound and yanked the dagger out, blood following the blade. Delilah then ran in at the red haired succubus and punched her right in the face, busting her nose and knocking her back where she hit the wall and banged her head, dazing her a bit in the process. Tina stepped away from Giselle for the first time as she swung her halberd again, aiming to take the thing's legs off with her sweep, however she ended up missing this time unfortunately as the thing stepped back just in time.

The blonde haired succubus jumped in and punched Kylie right in the face, the anger in her eyes letting Kylie know she meant to kill her once this was all over. The red haired succubus, still dazed from the blow Delilah gave her, stumbled towards the siren and tried to kick her back, however Delilah watched her coming and was more than ready for her, and so when she got close enough, she dodged the kick aimed at her midsection and punched the succubus again right in the face, snapping her head back and breaking her neck with a nice crunch. Tina glanced over out of the corner of her eye, noticing that Delilah had things well in hand over there, but while her head was turned she didn't notice the tentacled beast slammed her stomach with its tentacles, knocking the wind out of her and forcing her to one knee for the first time since Kylie had seen her fight.

Kylie tried to attack the blonde haired succubus once more, in an attempt to cut her throat or wound one of her vitals, but she ended up failing in her attempt as the succubus panted and flapped her wings to jump over Kylie's head. Delilah moved in as the succubus landed though and kicked her right in the middle of her back, knocking her away from them all. Tina meanwhile finished off the tentacled beast, swinging her halberd around in a wide arc, taking off both of its legs in one fell swing in the process, where she then stabbed it straight through the center mass.

The blonde haired succubus now stood alone against the three of them, and Kylie would see her building up some magic, a furious look on her face. Before Kylie, Delilah, or Tina could react, the succubus suddenly sent out a massive blast of magical energy that nearly deafened them with how loud it was, the blast sending Delilah and Tina both flying, with Delilah slamming into the wall where she then fell unconscious as she hit the floor, and Tina slammed into the wall where she looked like she was a bit dazed, and would be unable to help fight for a moment or two, whiel Kylie was thrown across the room as well, slamming into the bed and breaking one of the four posts off of it as she hit, where she then landed next to Giselle. Giselle's eyes were open Kylie would see as she landed next to her, letting her know that her lover was still alive at least, though it was hard to tell how much she could move if any at all, because of how exhausted she looked, but Kylie could see that she looked so happy to see her and was trying to speak, but couldn't, and Kylie herself was almost unconscious she was so exhausted.

"Y-You c-came for me..." Giselle whispered with tears in her eyes, barely loud enough for Kylie to hear after the loud bang from the magical attack on them all.

"I told you... I would make you pay for this... fool," the blonde haired succubus said, a livid look on her face as she slowly walked towards Kylie, a very menacing and evil aura emanating from her as she came closer to the young assassin.

Kylie - FP: 1/6, AP: 4/10
Delilah - FP: 0/5, MP: 0/3, AP: 8/10, KO'd
Tina - FP: ?/?, AP: 0/10, out of the fight for this round

Blonde haired succubus - 1/9
Red haired succubus - 0/8, dead
Tentacle horror - FP: 0/10, dead

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The battle was nearing it's end. As Delilah continued to push her advantage, and Kylie carried her onslaught against the blonde forward, the assassin had the delightful pleasure of noticing as Delilah killed her enemy with a neck snapping crunch, such a unique sound... And her plan to further the wound in the blonde's thigh worked as well, the dagger getting caught by the heal of her foot to damage the soft tissue it was buried in before the blonde shrieked in pain and pulled it out, the crimson spilling from the ragged wound flickering in the low light as Kylie moved in for the kill.

But she had neglected the wings, and as Kylie had managed this entire fight always coming from a new angle, that's how she herself was avoided now, the blonde flying over her as she lunged again and making her strike useless, Kylie getting punched in the face for her troubles as well. But it was Delilah who carried the follow through, kicking the last succubus in the back and sending her away from them even as their evil pet died as well.

And then it all went wrong, and Kylie made a decision that magic was a real pain in the ass. As the succubus built up an impressive amount of power, Kylie didn't have time to kill her before an explosion sent them all flying, Delilah being knocked out cold and even Tina being stunned for the moment by the force of the impact, Kylie thrown back into the bed with a sickening crunch as she snapped one of the posts, and slid down next to Giselle.

Seeing her still alive, Kylie coughed, blood spattering her lips for a moment before smiling, she answered. "Of course... I came... you Putz..." She panted out, the color of the blood showing internal bleeding, she was in rough shape. She'd been lucky so far, but that last attack would be awhile in the recovery, an impact like that not easy to get over. Shaken from her pain and her thoughts, the assassin turned her gaze towards the blonde, who looked just as bad, if not worse then she did, blood pouring from every wound that Kylie had inflicted, and even she had to admit, the bitch was tough, but her words made Kylie laugh, a wet, rasping bark of laughter as the Blonde promised some kind of impotent revenge.

"So, i'm going to pay am I? Look around, you've lost. your sister is dead, your pet is dead, and you are bleeding to death, I know my craft bitch. Go ahead and kill me, I'm going to make you so you don't have the time to save your own life"

That bright crimson, arterial blood, the succubus was bleeding out slowly but surely, and already badly injured, though it seemed she was hell bent on killing Kylie rather then saving herself. That dagger had been a fail safe, a way to ensure the job got done regardless, and the bitch was going to die one way or another. She couldn't help but watch as she spoke, the blonde moving closer with every step with lethal intent, her eyes locked on her own and an aura of malevolence palpable around her, so this was the final moment huh? Shit, well... in for a dime, in for a dollar.

Leveling herself on shaky legs, Kylie bunched her muscles up for one final pass, hoping to end this before something worse happened, or to stall until Tina recovered and finished the bitch off herself, and all the while the assassin's mind was whirring, spinning and turning to try and find the angle, the perfect blow. Her bow had been discarded early in the fight, her daggers were across the room, her hidden blades could work... and another feint was expected, probably counted on. And there it was... Like the stars aligning in a matter of seconds, Kylie saw the play, and made it.

Rolling forward, Kylie slid her empty quiver from her back, her arrows having long since been lost to her acrobatics and threw the empty leather bag into the succubus face, her muscles bunching underneath her as she lowered her hands, extended her blades, and made every advantage that split second of obscured vision granted count, her palm aimed to slam up under the succubus' ribs, and guide the blade straight into the bitches black heart...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie - 2 vs 5 Bhs, miss

Blonde haired succubus - 11 vs 1 Kylie, hit and KO'd... But...

"Ha... you think these little wounds will be the end of me? I have powerful magics under my command that you could only imagine, my sister's death will be avenged and you will be laying on the floor dead, with me standing over you laughing," the blonde haired succubus said with a cackle, a mad look in her eye

Kylie rolled forwards and as she did she threw her now empty quiver at the blonde haired succubus, trying to use that to distract her while she came in with her hidden blades. However the succubus ducked under the quiver and saw her coming rather than trying to knock the thing out of her face, then she caught Kylie's wrists, preventing the assassin from following through with her attack and finishing the succubus off. Then, before Kylie could pull away, the succubus kicked her legs out from under her, causing the human assassin to fall to the floor, with the blonde haired succubus on top of her. The succubus coiled her tail around Kylie's wrists and held her down, while her hands came around and down onto her throat where she began choking the life out of Kylie, the human's air supply slowly dwindling from her as she coughed and gagged, her limbs flailing wildly in an effort to get free.

While she lay there struggling futilely to get free, Kylie's vision would begin slowly blurring little by little until it was nearly black, and out of the corner of her darkening vision she could see Tina starting to get back to her feet, shaking her head some, but it clearly didn't look like she would get there in time to save Kylie.

"I've got you now bitch... time to die ngh..." the blonde haired succubus said, her grip tightening around Kylie's throat until her vision was all but black, then suddenly her grip loosened and Kylie could breathe again and hovering over the succubus' shoulder was Giselle, one of Kylie's steel arrows in her hand which she'd stabbed straight into the succubus' back and through her heart, a angry look on her face as she somehow managed to regain the strength to move and do this as she then shoved the blonde haired succubus off of Kylie.

"H-How d-dare you, t-try to... h-hurt my Kylie," Giselle panted, sitting there on her knees for a few moments before her strength gave out and she fell forwards right on top of Kylie, unconscious.

"G-Giselle? Kylie? Are you both okay?" Tina called as she rushed over to them both, kneeling beside the two with a worried expression on her face. Giselle was out cold, and didn't look to be awakening anytime soon, and her body looked very exhausted, making Kylie wonder where she'd gotten the strength to save her life a few moments before. Delilah meanwhile was still out cold herself, and now that Kylie could breathe again she could see that the battle was over now... they had won, and they had saved Giselle... hopefully before any permanent damage was done to her, but they had saved her nonetheless.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie's attack had failed, and as she was pinned and the blonde started to throttle the life from her, her eyes strayed towards Tina, and then the passageway, they had sent for reinforcements how long ago... Struggling to try and break the grip of the succubus, to try and end her life herself, Kylie was simply too battered and weak to do it at this point, and her vision started to fade. So she did what she had to, falling limp as she looked into the eyes of her would be killer and waited. Waited for Tina to recover, or for Shaela to bring the others, surely they hadn't come this far for it to wind up like this, but the knowledge that the slow method of murder this woman was taking would give Tina the time she needed was the comfort in the assassins mind. As she had said, one way or the other, it would end in their favour...

Kylie's vision continued to fade as her brain was deprived of oxygen, flashes of color flairing around the edges of her sight as she choked and waited for rescue, until it seemed that it was too late, noticing Tina still unable to rally herself enough to get their in time to save her. At least Giselle would be alright, and in what she thought were probably her last moments, a strange internal monologue seemed to form. "So this is how it ends huh, I barely even know who I am yet and I get choked to death by a demon for the life of another... It's alright, it feels alright... This is what assassins like me do in their lives, kill and die for others in obscurity... It's ok. Well Giselle, I'm sorry, i'll miss you, i'm sure someone else will come and take care of you like I couldn't... Goodbye.

And with that, her vision darkened one final time and she felt her heart slow, so this was the end... The end of her story and her plans for the village and the Tiara and Giselle... Every story had an end...

When Kylie suddenly pulled in a lungful of air, it was so painful that she actually thought she had died, and it was the last act of her body trying to hold out, but her vision cleared and she noticed a blurry outline that turned out to be Giselle, her lover coming to an unexpected rescue with one of her arrows... To say Kylie felt anything profound at that moment would be a lie, she was so shocked, and her brain was so fogged from being strangled that all she could do was look into Giselle's eyes and be happy that she was going to be just fine.

The problem with coming around from being strangled, and bludgeoned, and beaten, and exploded into a wall, was that all the pain that faded away with impending death flared back to life and as much as Kylie would have LOVED to pass out with her lover, she couldn't, gasping in pain as Giselle toppled on top of her and holding her tightly, starting to cry softly as she levered herself up and rocked gently, clinging tightly to Giselle and whispering soft words only for her unconscious friend as she stroked her hair.

And then Tina was there, asking if they were alright, to which Kylie only nodded, although any attempt to actually seperate the pair would be met with resistance at that precise moment, eventually, Kylie would relent her hold on her friend and allow Tina to check them over. There was no telling if anything permanent had been done yet to Giselle, but Kylie was probably going to be awhile in recovery, prodding around her chest revealing what felt like a couple cracked ribs from the blast, probably where the blood in her chest was coming from, but other then that, and an assortment of some nasty bruises, the assassin seemed to be alright everything considered.

Shooing Tina away to tend to her sisters, Kylie started limping around and collecting her gear, putting it all back into order, recovering what arrows she could, which turned out to be 7, the two used in the encounted having bent beyond recovery, and the wooden ones mostly having been shattered by the succubus' magic. She could always get more, it didn't matter. Recovering her daggers, Kylie looked at the blood smeared on one, and grinned before wiping it off on the dead succubus' shirt and sheathing the pair of blades. They'd turned out very useful, every tool had it's purpose, although she would have to rethink her strategies, she wasn't all that suited to open combat, not being physically strong or resilient enough to stand toe to toe for too long, she'd have to train.

After her gear was collected, and Tina was still seeing to her sisters, Kylie looked at Tina and nodded. "I'm going to go see if our help has arrived yet, I'm in no shape to walk all that far... or be thrown across a river" She said chuckling, wincing in pain as she did so and hobbling back to the door. Once she was there, she would take Giselle's spear and use the haft as a walking stick, moving to the front of the cave knowing Giselle was in capable hands and waiting for the others to show up and help them back to the village.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

After seeing that Kylie seemed to be okay for the most part, Tina didn't even try to move Giselle from Kylie's arms, letting her sister rest in her lover's arms for now. As she whispered to Giselle, the siren coos softly and stirred slightly but slept on, apparently too exhausted to wake back up despite what Kylie was doing. Tina lifted Delilah and carried her over where she laid her next to Kylie and Giselle, the middle sister still unconscious, but starting to stir a little bit. Once Tina had set Delilah down, she moved over and began to help Kylie check herself to see how badly wounded she was, and together they found that the human assassin hadn't cracked her ribs thankfully, though it was easy to see they were bruised, though how badly they couldn't tell right off themselves right now and would likely need Reina to check for them.

When Kylie got out from under Giselle, Tina helped her, laying Giselle down beside Delilah for a moment while Kylie went around and gathered her things together. It appeared that most if not all of her plain wooden arrows were nothing more than splinters, but there was a couple of pairs of them that were still intact and able to be used, and all of her steel arrows were good to be used still save for a couple bent at odd angles, but those could simply be melted back down and reforged when they got back. Her daggers were... well the one drenched in the blood of the succubus was just fine, but the other one was thrown across the room by her blast earlier and hit the stone walls, shattering the blade of it and leaving only the hilt. So she had 4 wooden arrows left, 1 dagger, and 7 steel arrows. Also in the room there was a chest sitting in the corner of the room, as well as other furnishings that Kylie could search in and around if she wished. All in all there was the chest in the corner by the bed, a dresser that likely held clothing of some sort, and there was also a desk that had a drawer on one side of it.

"No no Kylie, you're hurt more than I am. You stay here and rest with them, I'll go and look for the others. I'm not taking no for an answer this time, so come on, up on this bed you get," Tina said to Kylie before the human assassin could leave the room to look for Shaela and the help that was on the way. Tina wouldn't let Kylie leave the room no matter how much she wanted to, and if she did try to, then Tina would merely lift her up and set her down on the bed before getting Giselle and laying her right next to Kylie, and then getting Delilah and setting her there too to rest some.

With that, Tina would leave the room for a minute or so before bringing Giselle's spear into the room, setting it up against the bed post that was still there before she headed back out, leaving Kylie in the room with the unconscious Giselle and Delilah, the latter of which was starting to stir some more and looked like she may be getting up soon.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

There was treasure in here... She hoped, there really was no telling what a pair of evil sex demons kept in their chests and drawers... could be interesting, so after collecting her gear, and finding sadly that she only had a single dagger, the other having shattered, Kylie dug through the chest for what was hopefully more wealth, because ya know... you could never have enough. But her eyes soon strayed to the dresser as well, and she didn't have many clothes herself either... My word, was that even safe to look in? Fuck it. And with that Kylie continued to dig through the dead womens' possessions because well, they were dead, they weren't going to need them, and of course she took everything inside because wasting was just wrong, no matter what she found or how high her eyebrows got when she looked at them, she took them with. She wasn't greedy! Heavens no, just prudent, yea, that was it... Yea...

And then there was the desk, information perhaps? That was always useful... And in no time flat, Kylie systematically stripped the room of anything she could find before turning to leave.

When Kylie tried to leave however, She found that Tina rather insisted that she stay where she was, because apparently she was more banged up then Tina, which was rediculous, she was Kylie! She was invincible!!! ow.... even thinking that hurt... alot. Still, that didn't stop her from trying and with her tongue stuck out, she took her first steps towards the door, before she realised her feet weren't on the ground and Tina was holding her like some kind of misbehaving kitten. Swinging a little as the Siren lifted her up and looked at her, Kylie stared into her eyes, before... "Meow~" and batting her lightly on the nose as she was set in the bed and even halfway tempted to insist herself and get up, until Giselle was laid next to her...

Laying her newly acquired goodies near the bed for safekeeping, and stuffing the clothing in her quiver if she could, Kylie wrapped her arms around Giselle and held her close, once again just happy that she was okay and finally sighing and giving in, looking at Tina with a nod as Delilah joined them on the bed and Kylie snuggled up to her as well, she was just happy everyone was alright. Lying on the bed, Kylie continued to bath the pair in affection, humming a soft tune and waiting for Delilah to come around while Kylie stayed as close to Giselle as possible, wanting to hold her in her arms for as long as she could, so happy she was alive.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The chest had inside, not only a pile of gold and gems, but it also had something else that looked a little useful to Kylie, though she'd have to wait until later to put it on. It was a necklace with a crescent moon shaped emerald placed in it, and the chain was gold, and the gemstone in it was obviously magical in some way. Taking that amulet, Kylie would then look into the dresser, which had nothing really other than a bit of clothing which she could take if she wished, though there wasn't anything specific that she could take with her, just some simple silk dresses, lingerie, shirts, and pants of all different colors, but the sizes were a good enough fit that she could wear them, as one of the succubi had the same size breasts she did and all. The desk had a few things you'd normally find in a desk, though Kylie would also see two rolled up pieces of parchment that had an obviously magical feel to them which Kylie could feel and tell they were magical, but other than that there was no information she could see other than a couple of papers that had something on them about enthralling people, and the other had something about summoning different demons.


Tina couldn't help but giggle at Kylie's light bap on the nose she gave her, and gave her a soft smile as she set her down onto the soft bed, where Giselle and Delilah were soon placed as well, which kept Kylie there since her lover was with her. Kylie would see that Giselle had a little smile on her face as she pulled her over into her arms once more after she was placed on the bed and all as Kylie snuggled up to Delilah too, with Delilah unconsciously snuggling back, looking as peaceful as Giselle did and content.

A few minutes later, Delilah started coming to a bit as they lay there waiting for Tina to return, and when she opened her eyes and noticed where they were, and when she noticed Giselle there with Kylie holding her, her face broke into a happy smile.

"Oh gods... I'm so glad she's okay, or at least seems to be okay. I don't really care what was going through that silly head of hers to make her want to run away as long as she's okay," Delilah said, looking so happy and at ease now that she saw Giselle seemed to be alright.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was just... happy, in pain, and thinking about the needlessly sexy lingerie, but happy, but really, with Delilah talking about being egged earlier, and her lover being tentacle raped and Kylie admittedly being a perv, though a closet one, it was no surprise her mind wandered into the gutter for a moment. Shaking her head slightly, she looked at Giselle, and then Delilah, listening. "Ya... I'll fix the running, i have an idea, but that can't be allowed to happen again, I can't lose her, I just... No." Kylie was telling the truth, she wouldn't be able to tolerate such a thing again, that had thrown her through the emotional ringer for sure but now she was back, and they were safe.

"Let's just get home, and relax, and then you guys can help me think of a way to haul up more treasure before someone else does, I'm planning on building a home, as well as some other things." She said, happy to focus on her plans for now as she gazed down at Giselle's sleeping form, the siren obviously completely exhausted as she waited for the others to show up even as she pulled Delilah in closer. They were practically fucking family at this point.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Yeah, some rest and relaxation would do us all some good after this. And I think once Giselle is back to normal that she needs a little bit of a punishment from you... maybe a spanking or something. But as long as she's with you, I doubt she'll mind much," Delilah said with a giggle, flashing a soft smile at Kylie for a moment, now looking less worried about her sister now that they had her back with them. "I'm glad to hear that Kylie, and I'm sure Giselle will be happy to hear it as well. Do you plan on her moving in with you then? Once your new home is complete here on the island I mean," Delilah added, snuggling closer to her friend and possible sister in law someday soon.

While she lay there, Delilah gently caressed Giselle's cheek, brushing her hair out of her eyes. When she did this, Kylie could see Giselle's face more clearly than before and would see her lips had a couple of little cuts on them, likely from her biting them in ecstasy or something. Looking her over though, they wouldn't see any actual wounds of any kind at first, but they would see her butt was very red, as if it had been spanked quite a bit. After a little more looking her over, they would see a bite mark on her neck, as if someone gave her a hickey and bit her hard enough to make it bleed, which was the only place the blood on her clothing earlier could have come from, as there was no other places on her body bleeding, save her lips.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Yea, i think so too..." Kylie said chuckling as Delilah mentioned a spanking as she figured out where to build in her head, she had an idea, but it would take time and would require some work, which was perfect in her opinion, nothing like hard labor for good physical training. And there were just too many damned trees where she wanted to build. Delilah chipped in yet again, mentioning Giselle moving in and Kylie sighed, looking over her lover and smiling. "Yes, i think that would be best, im going to get her a gift so she always knows exactly where I am, and vice versa, she'll never have to be afraid of being abandoned as long as I'm alive, never again." She said softly, kissing her cheek before turning to Delilah.

"Although I'm torn, between a ring and a collar or anklet" Kylie said laughing, regretting it immediately as she grabbed her side and winced, fuck that hurt, "and you tina and I can get the treasure ourselves or i can do it myself but there's a slime that I may need help with."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I think it would be for the best as well Kylie. But getting her a gift like that would cost a lot, as it'd need to be magical so that she'll know where you're at," Delilah replied as Kylie kissed Giselle on the cheek, smiling at the sight before her. "For what? The item you'll get her so that she always knows where you're at? And don't worry about the treasure, we'll help you when we all get to feeling a little better and after we're sure Giselle will be alright," Delilah added, laughing along with Kylie.

A few minutes later, Kylie and Delilah saw Tina returning to the room, with Shaela, Ilyana, Hazel, and a half a dozen others, all of them armed in some way save Hazel. The others consisted of two regular elves, a neko, a high elf, a human, and another succubus, all of them armed with bows and shortswords. "Oh good Delilah, you're awake. Ilyana sent word to the others to head on back to the village," Tina said, heaving a sigh of relief.

"Come on, the two of us will fly you and Giselle back to the village Kylie, Reina needs to have a look at you both," Hazel said to Kylie, coming over and scooping her up in her arms like she was nothing, while the other succubus did the same to Giselle, and then the two began carrying them out.

"Don't worry about this stuff here Kylie, we'll make sure it's brought back for you, as you did claim it and all as part of the victory," Delilah called to Kylie as Hazel carried her out of the room and then out of the cave.

As soon as Hazel and the other succubus had the two out of the cave, they took flight, carrying Kylie and Giselle home... to Kylie's new home, where she would be surrounded by friends. "Hey Kylie... I want to apologize about yesterday. I'm sorry, because of me Giselle tried to run away and ended up getting taken by those two back there. I... I promise that I won't interfere again if you don't want me to. But I was just... trying to bring you two closer together is all, and Shaela too of course, because she needed a good lay, and you're very cute and I thought you'd like a couple of hermaphrodite girlfriends that would do anything you asked them too, and would wait on you hand and foot," Hazel said as they flew just above the treeline, no giggles coming from her serious looking face. Kylie would see the glimmer of tears in Hazel's eyes as she spoke, apparently taking it rather hard that her friend was nearly killed, or worse.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie looked up at everyone as they entered, and frowned as she waved slightly. "O look, the Cavalry is fashionably late, Like always" She said, suddenly breaking out into laughter at the joke, admittedly in bad taste, but she made no moves to resist being carried, though she did demand that Hazel flew close to the other succubus so Giselle never left her sight.

When Hazel started speaking however, Kylie flipped into her serious self for a moment, and thought about the words. Wiping the tear from Hazel's eye, Kylie had her stop in the air for a moment, and turned her head to stare into her eyes. "I will forgive you in entirety, if you swear right now, NEVER to use Essence in my presence again. For reasons I don't feel like explaining, I will never tolerate it. Please understand how important that is. This may change later, but right now... I can't cope with it." She said quietly, gesturing for Hazel to continue flying.

"Besides, you're way too good with that rope for me to stay angry at you for long" She said with a wink and a soft chuckle, cuddling in closer to Hazel as she looked around at the landscape, having never in her memory flown before. But being up high like this set her at ease, she really liked it, the peace and quiet up here.

As they came into sight at the village, Kylie had Hazel head over to Giselle's house first, collecting the satchel with her wealth inside. "Please take me to someone that can craft magical jewelry. I need this made as soon as possible, it cannot wait." she said smiling. And if Hazel did this for her, she would make sure that Giselle's gift was ready at the soonest possibility, Never wanting this situation to repeat itself. Whoever the person she was brought to may be, Kylie made sure she was very clear about what she wanted, a pair of very strong, locking anklets that let the wearers know wherever the other was, day or night, without fail, so Giselle would never be completely alone again. And they had to lock, because she wasn't about to let Giselle take it off... Ever.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Of course of course, we'll stay close for you, but you don't need to worry so much now, she won't let anything happen to our little Giselle," Hazel replied with a smile when told to stay near Giselle.

When Kylie wiped Hazel's tears away after having her stop for a minute or so, Hazel smiled at her and continued on flying like she was told. "Well, I won't use it on you again until you're ready. But I can't stop using it altogether, it goes against my nature, but I'll refrain from doing it to you. I can do it in front of you all I want and just direct it away from you though, so you don't have to worry about some stray essence hitting you or anything like that. But I hope you'll come to trust me enough someday soon that you'll tell me about it and that we can have some fun again. Also I don't have to use my essence when I have sex, I just do sometimes to make it more fun, so others can last longer... long enough that I can get satisfied. It's one of the curses of being a succubus I guess," Hazel said, explaining a little about her essence to Kylie and promising not to use it on her until she was ready for it. "Well that's good to hear sweetie, because I'd hate for you to hate me. Because then we couldn't have sex again sometime, and if you want I'll show you how to manipulate the rope like I did," Hazel added, giving a giggle this time now that she was sure Kylie wasn't still angry with her.

A few minutes later, they could see the village in the distance and when Kylie told Hazel to head down to Giselle's house first, she nodded and told her okay, but that she was taking her to Reina's as soon as she was done with whatever she wanted to do,while the other succubus took Giselle off to Reina to be checked out. "I could take it for you if you really want it done dear," Hazel commented as she flew Kylie into the village, landing next to a building where she set Kylie down so that she could walk while leaning on the succubus' shoulder.

"The elf woman inside can make most magical equipment, but it depends really. You'd have to talk to her about what all she can do," Hazel said as they went towards the door to the building.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was just glad that hazel was doing as she asked, and she wasn't in any immediate danger it seemed, just banged up. "Hazel, I trust you... Just, I can't take that effect right now, use your essence all you like, just... Not on me. Please. " Kylie said quietly as they landed, heading through the door to the woman inside and looking around.

"Umm, Hello? I was told someone here could make a special set of items for me... Hazel? Are you coming in? Come on."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmm... yes please come on in, I'm a little busy at the moment, so just make yourselves at home for now okay and I'll get out there as soon as I can," Kylie heard a female voice call out to them from behind a counter, a bell jingling a little bit as they came through the door.

"Don't worry dear, I'm not leaving you alone," Hazel assured Kylie.

Hazel helped Kylie to limp over to a sofa that was set at a fire place, which had a nice little fire burning in it. Behind the counter sat what looked to be an elf woman with golden blonde hair, though there was little else Kylie could tell about her appearance as she was sitting with her back to them, though it looked as if she were around five feet tall give or take, though it was hard to tell since she was sitting on a stool and humped over a large table with several pieces of jewelry on it, as well as weapons and a couple of suits of armors.

"That's Serena, she's really good at what she does, and pretty much everyone comes to her for enchantments on stuff. She can do most of them, but not all. There's this one girl I know of in the village to the northwest of here that can do any enchantment imaginable, but she's about two days flight from here, so I doubt you want to go traipsing through the jungle to get there in your condition," Hazel said as she eased Kylie down onto the sofa in the place, where she then sat beside her friend and put an arm around her while watching the fire.

"Alright dears, now what did you need?" Serena asked, turning around from her workshop table now and looking over at them. Kylie could see that the elf woman stood a lot taller than she'd originally been able to tell, standing only a couple of inches shy of 6 feet tall, with breasts about the same size as Kylie's were though slightly smaller, she had one dark green eye and one ocean blue eye, the long pointy ears of a high elf which told what kind of elf she was, and she had a few piercings on her, both ears had several, her bellybutton was pierced, her right eyebrow had a little hoop, and her nose had a little diamond stud in it.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was more then a little grateful for the help because she WAS limping, she just wanted this seen to with haste before she went to get looked at and probably passed out. Looking around as Hazel led her to the sofa, Kylie sat down rather gingerly and kept her eyes on the woman. She was cute... Waiting for her to finish, Kylie listened to Hazel and even snuggled against her a little to relax, Hazel warm and oddly enough comforting after the mess in the cave, letting the assassin hold out long enough to get this done before becoming a useless mess.

As Serena finished whatever she was doing, Kylie fingered through her satchel, setting aside specific things, but also laying out the Tiara as an additional request to be made while she was here, because she had no idea how to destroy a magical item safely, and this thing... well, it was her mission, she was going to trash it one way or another and put it behind her.

Looking Serena up and down, Kylie was pleasantly surprised to see her original assertation was correct, she was indeed cute, and seemed to know her craft as well and Kylie hopefully had every bit of value she needed here in her satchel of many treasure to make sure this was done, and quickly.

"Hello, Serena is it? My name is Kylie and I'm sorry to show up unannounced, let alone a little banged up, but I need two things done, and with as much haste as possible. I need a pair of anklets or collars for myself and my lover Giselle, that tell us both exactly where the other person is at all times. So I know if she runs off again, and she never has to be afraid of being abandoned again. She'll always know exactly where I am. And I need this Tiara completely destroyed, enchantment and all. I have coin..." Kylie said, holding up the satchel and smiling.

"And this is annoyingly enough, a rush job..." She added, blushing slightly, knowing she was being extremely rude like this.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Serena listened to Kylie's 2 requests without speaking, letting her finish before she said anything herself. "Oh don't worry about any of that, I can make most anything. But... a collar or anklet seems... too much like you're trying to enslave this lover of yours. And I abhor slavery altogether, because my mother was a slave to a demon long ago before I was born, she broke free and moved to here and settled down. So I'm sorry I cannot be persuaded to make a collar or anklet like that, but I can enchant something that has what you want on it. Is a necklace or some sort of bracelet acceptable? Or maybe piercings of some sort? A piercing would likely be better and easier to do in any case, as it's smaller and all that. About the price though... well if you can provide the jewelry, then I can give you a discount, but if I have to provide it then it'll be three hundred gold for either one, so six hundred for the set," Serena said, sounding quite business like and a little stern when it came to an anklet or collar, stressing that she wouldn't make either of those into what Kylie wanted. Kylie would see her beautiful eyes had a tired look in them and they were a little bloodshot as well, indicating she'd been staring hard at whatever it was she'd been working on for way too long.

"Let me see this tiara, I'll need to know what kind of enchantment is on it before I try and destroy it," Serena said as she took the tiara from Kylie and began looking it over. "WHOA! T-This is... an empathy enchantment. Miss... c-can I have this? I've been trying to find something with an active empathy enchantment on it so that I can learn how to make them myself, but I've never been able to get my hands on one before. The enchanters in the other villages won't let me see their works enough to figure them out. Miss if you'll give me this, then I'll provide you with the jewelry and the enchantments on them, and I can have them done in a day for you to pick up tomorrow morning," Serena added after a few moments, apparently able to detect just what kind of enchantment was on the tiara, and she looked absolutely giddy about it, as if she was staring at something she'd been trying to find all her life.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie listened, nodding slightly and a little bummed out about her specific request, but understanding completely and she had another idea that would work just as well in that regard. But when Serena spoke about the Tiara, Kylie's eyes took a dangerously hard look and she eye'd Serena carefully before she spoke and this time, Serena found that although she was willing, there was an incredibly high cost.

"Miss Serena, About the Tiara and yes, it is an empathy enchantment. You have no idea what I went through to get that, and my sole mission currently in this life is to see that it is NEVER abused based on what it is. Now if you're telling me that these enchantments are common place here, and it's the truth, then fine, I'll accept realism. HOWEVER, if you take that Tiara from me as payment, I need your word that the original work, THAT specific Tiara will be destroyed, Completely and that you never sell such an enchantment to someone not from this island. I will not risk such a dangerous tool falling into the hands of those who could abuse it nor will I tolerate that happening in any way. Moreover, you will bring me the remains after you have destroyed it for safekeeping. I think there's more to it then that one enchantment. As for the jewelry, that's fine. These rings will suit, but they need to be completely irremovable except by the person wearing them, because if they're stolen, or removed by someone with ill will in mind, then they will never serve their purpose and that is simply unacceptable to me. I will not risk losing Giselle again."

Kylie was a little surprised, given her fatigue, at how stern an attitude she had suddenly taken, and she would not relinquish her hold on that Tiara unless her conditions were met. The rings in question, were the platinum one she had planned on giving to Giselle as a gift, and another, a golden band with engravings etched into the metal depicting the sunset with a small ruby set into it's center and black stone set into the engraving. An admittedly unique and difficult item to craft, but Kylie suspected the black stone set was onyx...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well they aren't all that common on the island really, but I don't know what it takes to do it. I'd like to though if you would allow me to have that tiara. I'll also promise to destroy it once I've learned all of the enchantment and bring you the pieces. I just... I just want to know how to make it, it's... one of my passions, and to destroy knowledge like that goes against everything I stand for. I'm a collector of knowledge you see, enchantments in particular," Serena replied, taking the two rings from Kylie and nodding when she was told how she wanted them done. "I can make them like that yes, and I can still have them done by tomorrow and all that too, just hold onto that tiara until you get the rings and I'll take it then," Serena added, nodding a couple of more times as she took the rings from Kylie.

Serena started back over to her worktable where she placed both rings on it and sat back down, beginning to tinker with the two pieces of jewelry. "She'll keep to her word Kylie, don't worry about that, so come on and let's get you to Reina and make sure you don't have any broken bones alright," Hazel said, lifting Kylie back up and carrying her out, then through the village and to Reina's house.

"Reina... are you here?" Hazel called out to the healer woman.

"Yes Hazel, I've got Giselle in here. She seems to be alright, but very very exhausted. She'll need at least a couple of days of bed rest before I think she'll be well enough to move about on her own, possibly longer. We really won't know until she wakes up, which I'm hoping she won't do for until at least tonight at the earliest," Reina said as they came in, glancing over and noticing Kylie sporting a few hurts of her own. Reina immediately moved over to Kylie and gave her body a look, having Hazel help her to strip the assassin down to nothing but her panties so she could check her properly.

"Well Kylie dear... your bottom two ribs on the right here are badly bruised, but that's nothing I can't heal with my talents. However it's this cut here on your back I'm concerned about. Looks like you've got a splinter in here from something. I'm going to have to dig it out of you, because if I don't it'll get infected, Just tell me when you're ready and I'll start digging," Reina said, pulling out a needle, a pair of tweezers, and a bottle of what looked like moonshine of some sort, which she used a little of to disinfect the tools she had.