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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie reached an important realisation as she stared down at the dead ogre, whatever her plan was, charging straight at something was probably not a good plan, so that was out.. collecting her daggers, Kylie unslung her bow so it was actually ready from here on out, a steel arrow knocked and ready, as she pressed forward, just glad she hadn't had to deal with that things entirely too large cock. She really needed to get a chastity belt or something, or just bend over for everything, or keep killing them... whatever worked, she'd think of something, but now it was time to continue looking for Giselle

weak post is weak, sorry
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie took a moment to catch her breath before moving onwards, collecting her daggers and sheathing them once more, before taking her bow out and readying it with one of her stronger steel arrows. Heading on through the door leading forwards, Kylie followed the corridor down a ways before it led her into yet another room, this one with two doors in it, one leading straight ahead again, and one to the right. The door leading straight onward was locked at the moment, but the one to the right was unlocked and sitting wide open. Also in the room sitting in the corner of the room closest to the locked door was a spear that looked like it had been simply discarded for some reason or another.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Well this was odd, the first thing Kylie did after noting the doors was to move and collect the spear, wondering who would carelessly leave a weapon sitting out in the open seemingly without reason and picking over it for a closer look, making sure it wasn't one of Giselle's. And then she was given an interesting choice of locked door and not so locked door.

Moving to the locked door, Kylie banged on it several times with the spear, hoping to get a reaction from within to give her a hint, hoping that it was locked to keep Giselle in rather then to keep her out, because that would lower the list of current problems to just "locked door" and that would be nice.

But if she heard nothing at all, she'd head down the unlocked path to continue the search. There was of course one other option, that something unfriendly was behind the door so Kylie listened for that as well. If someone approached the door, she would set the spear on the ground in front of it, and wait for someone stupid to open it.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As soon as she knelt to look over the spear, Kylie would find it was indeed Giselle's spear, which likely set her heart racing with worry about her. The door she would find was locked from within rather than from without, obviously meant for keeping someone out of wherever it led. When she banged on the door however, Kylie wouldn't hear anything for several tense seconds until she suddenly heard a faint cry, one that sounded more of pleasure than pain. There was nothing approaching the door however from within, and there was no way she could see to open the thing at the moment either.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Sonuvabitch, it was her spear, and there was something going on behind that damned door, and kylie thought her mind yanked back to the story of the angel. She needed help, and she could only think of two people close by. Thank god they were together because Kylie doubted there was something that could handle them on it's own. Immediately tearing bacl the way she had come, Kylie took the right path at the entrance, moving as fast as she could to find Tina and Delilah...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Rushing off back the way she'd come after setting Giselle's spear back down, Kylie ran as fast as she could back through the hallways until she passed back through the entrance area and went down the right path, following that path down until she came to a room where there were literally a dozen dead and decaying human and elven corpses, their limbs scattered everywhere. Following the only path she could as there was only one other door to follow, Kylie would head onwards until she made her way to another room, this one did have the two sirens, who were locked in battle with what appeared to be a trio of snake women, or lamias if memory served Kylie correctly.

The three lamias were circling the two sirens, Delilah looking a little banged up but nothing too bad, and Tina looked as if she hadn't received a scratch since entering this place. One of the three lamias looked a little bit bigger than the other two, and all three looked as if they'd taken a hit or two themselves, but that larger one looked like it was quite strong. All five of the other beings in the room noticed Kylie as soon as she entered the room, having heard her footsteps as she came in.

"Kylie... we'll talk later, fight now," Tina called to the human assassin girl.

Kylie - FP: 6/6, AP: 0/10
Delilah - FP: 4/5, MP: 3/3, AP: 0/10
Tina - FP: ?/?, AP: 0/10

Large lamia - FP: 8/9
Smaller lamia A - FP: 4/5
Smaller lamia B - FP: 4/5
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

A great deal of panicked running later, and once again arriving upon something that made Kylie grateful she was fast, Kylie was greeted to the sight of 3 snake people and her friends, one noticably taller and larger then the others, nevermind the corpsess, they were non threats and therefore something like background noise to the fast moving assassin.

She never even stopped moving, sprinting to the side of one of the smaller Lamias and leading with her gauntlets, looking to take the creature under the ribs and help her friends, spinning to avoid a counter attack before whirlwinding out, both blades striking again as the full melee was joined, glad she had arrived when she did.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie - 13 vs 9 Sl A, hit
Delilah - 12 vs 19 Sl B, miss
Tina - 12 vs 7 Ll, hit for 2 FP dmg

Larger lamia - 8 vs 19 Tina, miss
Smaller lamia A - 16 vs 17 Kylie, miss
Smaller lamia B - 19 vs 19 Delilah, miss

Kylie - 16 vs 15 Sl A, hit
Delilah - 3 vs 9 Sl B, missed with magic attack
Tina - 6 vs 4 Ll, hit for 2 FP dmg

Larger lamia - 7 vs 15 Tina, hit
Smaller lamia A - 14 vs 14 Kylie, miss
Smaller lamia B - 20 vs 5 Delilah, crit hit and grappled, dealing 2 FP and AP dmg to Delilah

Kylie's rushing in proved successful this time as when she ran into the room at full speed, sprinting in to one side of the lamia to her left, where she then stabbed her hidden blade in, piercing the thing right under its ribs where she wanted to, however it didn't do quite as much damage as she probably wanted though, but still a bit in the end. Delilah moved out and towards the other smaller lamia that Kylie didn't attack, throwing her fist out at the thing's face and missing int he process. Tina though... she moved in just enough so that she could reach the larger lamia with her halberd, which she swung with full force with one hand, the at least twenty pounds used in its construction being nothing for the impressively strong siren, the tip of her weapon slashing her foe across the chest and causing the larger lamia to back off a little. The lamias came in after each of their respective foes, however Kylie was easily able to duck and roll under the punch aimed at her face, Delilah easily managed to jump back and avoid the punch aimed at her face, while Tina merely jumped over the tail aimed at knocking her down.

Kylie was then able to give another good stab with her hidden blade at her lamia foe, hitting her this time in the shoulder and causing her to bleed more than she already was. Delilah attempted and failed at using her magic, sending a firebolt at her lamia foe which missed as it soared past her and hit the wall. Then Tina jumped in closer to her foe, stabbing her halberd out at the larger lamia, then pushing her back and into the wall, quite literally putting her back against the wall. Kylie's foe again ended up missing her by throwing a punch that Kylie merely leaned back to dodge, using her reflexes instinctively to do so. Tina also ended up avoiding her foe again, who this time tried to grab her, the siren holding her halberd up and pushing the lamia back with her brute strength. Delilah though was unprepared for what her lamia foe did, which was slithering in at her and biting her right on the side of her neck as she grabbed her, the middle sister's eyes going wide as she let out a painful gasp, where her cheeks began turning pink with arousal afterwards.

"Oh... d-damn, c-can't believe I let this happen. G-Go on you two, leave me to them and go get Giselle, these ones will let me go after I bear their eggs for them," Delilah called to her sister and friend, imploring that they leave her behind to go and get Giselle instead.

"Hell no sis, I'm not leaving you or Giselle. That's stupid," Tina called back, raising her halberd to prepare to continue the fight, not willing to leave one sister behind to save the other.

"D-Dammit Tina... listen to me, just go on, Giselle may not have much longer. I'll live through this easy, I've done it before and I can do it again. Giselle may be in a lot of danger, so go," Delilah called to her sister once more while in the hold of the lamia that she was tangling with, looking desperately at her sister and Kylie with a look that told them to leave her and save Giselle.

Kylie - FP: 6/6, AP: 0/10
Delilah - FP: 2/5, MP: 2/3 AP: 2/10
Tina - FP: ?/?, AP: 0/10

Larger lamia - FP: 4/9
Smaller lamia A - FP: 2/5
Smaller lamia B - FP: 4/5
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Wellll Kylie was doing well against her own opponent, as was Tina, who seemed like some kind of titan given life as she wielded that monster of a weapon but Delilah seemed to be hitting some snags... Nimbly ducking under enemy blows and returning her own with those razors hidden in her gauntlets, Kylie was well on her way to killing her enemy outright until Delilah wound up snagged and started simpering about being left behind to save her sister even when she had to have known that wasn't going to happen, because that was insane.

Kylie couldn't get through that door on her own, and Tina wasn't going to leave one sister to save another, and Delilah was being a putz if she thought they were going to leave her here to get egged while they ran off to help the other.

Ducking another blow as Kylie preformed a back handspring, it was probably surprising to both sisters when rather then answer mid combat, Kylie started to sing, covered in blood and surrounded by the white silver flash of her blades as they whirled around her. "And here I stand upon lonely shores my head held high and my past no more~ That I think of the land upon which I stand and never shall I say die! For the blood I spill is of the wicked man and the life I steal is to end his plans and I fight until the reaper comes to call! ALONE AND TOGETHER, SEPERATE AND AS ONE, WE TURN THE WORLD AND WATCH THE WORLD UNFURL AND TODAY YOUR REAPER HAS CALLED!"

With these last words all but a melodic scream, Kylie lunged backwards and took her bow in hand, the draw smooth and with incredible power as the sound of her release screamed through the air like a flashing lightning bolt at the creature that had dared to think of getting between her and her rescue of Giselle, her own opponent. hoping the arrow that had ripped through the air towards her enemy had given the assassin enough breathing room to make a move on Delilah's enemy if not killing it outright. In her gut she knew that shot had been true to it's target and again she raised her voice. "AND KINGS WILL TREMBLE IN THEIR THRONES AS WE SEARCH THE SKIES AND CAST THE BONES AND EMPIRES WILL FALL TO OUR SOVEREIGN CALL AS WE GUIDE THE WORLD INTO DAWN!"

Now... Now it was Delilah's enemy who had reason to fear, because even if Kylie had not managed to slay her own enemy, Delilah's was the one now marked for death...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie - 18 vs 1 Sl A, crit hit and killed dead
Delilah - 1 vs 16 Sl B, crit miss and failed to break free, taking 2 FP dmg and knocked out of the battle, being too weak to continue
Tina - 11 vs 1 Ll, hit for 2 FP dmg

Larger lamia - 13 vs 1 Tina, hit
Smaller lamia B - 11 vs 14 Kylie, miss

Kylie - 14 vs 14 Sl B, hit
Tina - 11 vs 20 Ll, miss

Larger lamia - 10 vs 18 Tina, miss
Smaller lamia B - 4 vs 9 Kylie, miss

Kylie's arrow soared through the air straight at her foe, catching the lamia right in the throat as she turned and started towards the one holding Delilah. Delilah meanwhile continued struggling with her foe, but before she could really make any headway, the lamia brought her tail up and clocked the siren on the back of the head, not totally knocking her out, but dazing her so badly that when she let her go, Delilah fell to the floor clutching her head, obviously not in any shape to continue fighting for the moment. Tina slashed her foe once more with her halberd, swinging the massive weapon around and leaving a large gash in her foe's chest.

The larger lamia tried to swing her tail around once more at Tina, who quickly spun her halberd around and blocked it as it came in, preventing her from being hit by the thing, but that was merely a faint by the larger lamia as she then swung her fist out and put it directly into Tina's gut, causing her to let out a cough as she fell to one knee for a moment before pulling herself back up with her weapon. The other smaller lamia smirked at Delilah's falling down, where she then turned to Kylie and slithered towards her, jumping at her with her fangs bared in an attempt to bite her, however Kylie managed to easily evade her by ducking and causing her to fly over her head.

Kylie was easily able to slip around behind the other smaller lamia and stab her with her hidden blades, the sharp edges slipping into the flesh of the lamia's back with a cry of pain from her in the process. Tina though amazingly enough finally missed a swing with her huge halberd, the weight of it finally being a little much what with the wind being knocked out of her. The larger lamia then tried to hit her again in the gut, using her tail this time, but Tina was ready for her and literally snatched her tail out of the air as it came towards her, where she then threw it back at the lamia, giving a quite angered look at her. Meanwhile Kylie's new foe again missed her, not able to hit her still as the assassin girl was simply too fast for her to catch with Kylie flipping this way and that to evade her.

Kylie - FP: 6/6, AP: 0/10
Delilah - FP: 0/5 MP: 2/3, AP: 0/10, KO'd for now
Tina - FP: ?/?, AP: 0/10

Larger lamia - FP: 2/9
Smaller lamia A - FP: 0/5, dead
Smaller lamia B - FP: 3/5
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Her song continued, the blood continued to flow, and Kylie saw red again as Delilah was struck on the head, Kylie's own opponent gurgling it's last breath past the barbed arrow buried in the soft tissue of her throat. Tina continued to fight admirably against her own opponent, Kylie simply having no idea how much punishment the strong woman could take, but that didn't matter at the moment because Kylie had started the next verse, the song belting into the air as she ducked under a blow to lance her target in the back, both blades slipping into her with lethal efficiency before Kylie twisted her arms up and slid around the lamia again, refusing to let the snake woman so much as get another inch away from her as they danced around each other, blood dripping from Kylie's gauntlet'ed hands as she moved.

"And we call to the old gods to steady our arms, as we kill to keep the helpless from harm, and today your reaper has called. For the sins of your soul he will call you home for today your reaper has Called! THE GODS SAVE YOUR SOUL AS I SPILL YOUR BLOOD FOR TODAY YOUR REAPER HAS CALLED!"

Another blinding dance of agility and skill to be timed and kept by the songs meter, a set of steps, turns and counterbalances as the chorus reached it's peak and once again Kylie struck, her arms folded in front of her body as a makeshift shield as she spun to the Lamia's front, to strike unexpectedly at her chest, her arms whipping out as if her blades were attached to coiled springs and chains as her body windmilled down across the Lamia's front from left to right, all the while staying on the offensive, refusing to let the creature run or evade her as she danced around it, fury pounding in her ears.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie - 13 vs 10 Sl B, hit
Tina - 16 vs 8 Ll, hit for 2 FP dmg and killed

Smaller lamia B - 14 vs 9 Kylie, hit, dealing 1 FP and 2 AP dmg

Kylie - 2 vs 19 Sl B, crit miss and countered for 2 FP dmg
Tina - 20 vs 9 Sl B, hit for 2 FP dmg to end the battle

Kylie's agility brought her around to stab the lamia's chest easily, though she only managed to stab the right side of it, and didn't even manage to hit her opponent's lung sadly, but it still hurt her a bit. Tina swung her massive halberd again at the larger lamia, which unfortunately for the lamia had the sharp as razors blade come around and slice right through her neck, taking her whole head off in the process and decapitating the larger lamia, where Tina then turned to look at the last remaining one. The sole lamia didn't know her larger kin had been killed already as her back was to Tina and her, so she dove in at Kylie again and sunk her teeth down into Kylie's shoulder where it met her neck, almost like a vampire would or something. As soon as the venom got into her bloodstream a little, Kylie's vision momentarily blurred as the lamia was finally forced back and off of her, and Kylie's lower lips also began to moisten up a bit as well.

Kylie tried to swing her hidden blades at the lamia, but her vision was still too blurry for her to properly see it and as she swung, the lamia easily moved back and away from her to prevent being hit. Tina however moved in as soon as this happened and thrust her halberd at the lamia from behind, the spear part of her weapon piercing the lamia, which she then lifted into the air with her weapon and flung her across the room, where she slammed into the wall with a crunch as her bones shattered upon impact, ending her life along with her sisters, and ending the battle.

"Are you okay Kylie? Sis?" Tina asked the two as she helped Kylie ease down to sit for a minute for the venom to work its way through her enough so she could see.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie had things well in hand, and so did Tina, her sung punctuated with another blow from her razors even as she watched Tina utterly destroy her enemy. It was this momentary distraction however that caused Kylie's dance to be interrupted and she was bitten for her troubles, some kind of aphrodisiac venom being pumped into her bloodstream as the battle continued.

In the end it was Tina that slew her opponent, but that didn't matter, as long as it was dead and the reaper had taken the soul as part of his infinite collection and completing the deed. But it was during this short rest period that Kylie struggled to regain her mind, fighting the poison and the song pounding through her mind to the sound of slow drums as she sought to get the Sirens' attention.

"Giselle... Door... This way." She said, shaking off her wounds and heading back the way they had come, knowing that door was where her lover had been taken, or went, or whatever! It didn't matter! They needed to save her, even if only from herself!

Her pace had slowed to a jog before her head cleared of it's fog, speeding along the passageways towards the locked door. "We need to smash it open... Right Now..."
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"W-Wait Kylie, you're still poisoned, and Delilah has only just woken up. We need to regroup before we, aw to hell with it, come on sis," Tina said to Kylie, trying to stop her so they could catch their breath for a minute or two, as she merely sighed and hoisted Delilah up over her shoulder and followed Kylie, nodding at her when she heard Giselle's name.

Following Kylie as quickly as Kylie could go, with Tina easily keeping pace despite being weighed down by not only her sister, but also her halberd, which together had to weigh easily around a hundred and fifty pounds or so, but didn't seem to bother the powerful siren at all. When they arrived back in the room Kylie had left, she would hear the moaning and crying louder now, with Tina setting her sister down against the wall for a moment and letting her rest a little more before she went over to the door as Kylie told her they needed to get it open right now. Tina nodded to Kylie and passed her halberd over to her, the massive weapon nearly falling out of the assassin's hands from the weight of it. The thing had to be at least fifty pounds or more from the feel of it, probably making Kylie wonder just how the siren got that strong when she looked as small as she was if not smaller.

Tina took a few steps back and got a good running start at the door, where she put her foot into the thing, which went right through the wood, her foot aimed right next to the door handle. She pulled her leg back and out of the hole she'd made, where she reached inside of the door and unlocked it from the inside, opening the door for them to continue. Thankfully enough, just after Tina had gotten the door open, Delilah managed to wobbly get to her feet, her knees shaking a little from the effort, but she at least looked able to move now, even if she wasn't able to fight. When the door was opened they could hear the moaning and crying a little better, and Kylie could easily tell it was Giselle's voice within.

"Come on you two, that's Giselle's voice. I don't know what is in there with her, but we're about to find out," Tina said, the seriousness in her voice telling Kylie that she fully intended on killing whatever had her sister.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Agreed" Kylie said, moving to follow Tina, this time her bow to be used exclusively in this fight unless she had to change. "Make sure and stay behind us Delilah" She added, Happy to let the brutish Siren take the lead without a seconds thought because Giselle was the only thing that mattered right now. They didn't have any time to lose and after the Lamia's, Kylie doubted those moans were a good thing. Pleasurable? Probably, but not good....

Still, she couldn't stop herself from continuing to mutter the song that was pulsing through her mind, like a kind of battle hymn that refused to die or end. She didn't even know the lyrics! but her lips did. With Kylie and Delilah staying at a range, and Tina with her crazy strength in the middle of the fray, they should be alright. Tina was in the best shape of all three of them by a long shot, they just had to hold out a little longer.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Soon they picked their way down the corridor that they had entered until the found themselves in yet another room, the further they went, the louder Giselle's voice got with the moans of what could only be pleasure. When they entered the new room, they saw a large heart shaped bed on which lay a pair of succubi, while to the side of the room they saw Giselle suspended with her hands bound above her head while she was being furiously and brutally raped by tentacles in every one of her holes, even her urethra had a small tentacle raping it. Giselle's eyes were practically lifeless the three of them could see, the poor thing apparently having been raped for quite a while, which they could tell because her member was very red and very raw, and the youngest siren looked so exhausted she was barely conscious, and despite her member being limp as a wet noodle, she was still being raped, forced to climax long after he body wanted to allow her to continue.

After beholding her baby sister in the predicament she was in, Tina's face went from a worried expression, to a livid expression of pure fury that was so frightening that even Kylie's body would shudder in fear at the oldest siren sister. Delilah also had a terrible look on her face, every bit of fatigue she'd had vanishing in the blink of an eye as she adopted a look of fury along with her sister as she raised her hands, electricity arcing from finger to finger as she did so.

"Good good, just a little more and it'll have knocked her out and weakened her enough so that we can drain her soul and enthrall her, can't believe we found a siren of all things that's got a cock naturally and all, lucky us. She'll make a good slave, sister," one of the two succubi said while watching Giselle's brutal rape with a smile on her lips.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

And the walk continued, it seemed this passage was a lot longer then Kylie had originally guessed, and each step only made the sounds coming from Giselle louder and more noticable. This was bad... This was really bad, and her suspicions were confirmed when they came upon the scene of Giselle's repeated rape, the succubi commenting on how lucky they had been to find her, how they were going to suck her dry after she passed out, and simply looking at the state she was in, Kylie completely snapped, her head tilting to the side as her eyes glazed over and her breathing stopped, her heart stopped, and her soul turned as cold and as unforgiving as a glacier spanning the poles of the planet...

There was nothing to be done anymore, only death would come of this. The succubi thought they were lucky... they were FAR from lucky. Apparently having all their attention on Giselle, and the sounds she was making having muffled their approach, they were in a prime position to strike, and it was in this momentary position of power, that Kylie raised her bow, another of her brutal steel arrows drawn back slowly and with lethal purpose before she fired at the miserable bitch still speaking, daring to talk about her love like nothing more then a meal... She was going to do unspeakable things to both of the succubi... Their death's would be made as an example to any others of their kind, that Giselle was HERS!

Time seemed to slow as her breathing and heartbeat returned to normal as the bowstring launched forward and the arrow ripped through the air like the scythe of the soul collecter, aiming to bury the nasty barb in her targets throat, to steal her life as they had stolen Kylie's lover, and that arrow carried every ounce of Kylie's hate and malice.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie - 15 vs 2 Bhs, hit for 2 FP dmg with her steel arrow
Delilah - 14 vs 7 Rhs, hit with magic for 2 FP dmg
Tina - 18 vs 15 Th, hit for 2 FP dmg and forced it to release Giselle

Blonde haired succubus - 12 vs 16 Kylie, miss
Red haired succubus - 15 vs 4 Delilah, hit for 1 FP dmg and 2 AP dmg
Tentacle horror - 6 vs 4 Tina, hit

Kylie - 15 vs 18 Bhs, miss
Delilah - 19 vs 7 Rhs, hit with magic for 2 FP dmg
Tina - 4 vs 2 Th, hit for 2 FP dmg

Blonde haired succubus - 1 vs 19 Kylie, crit miss and countered for 2 FP dmg
Red haired succubus - 6 vs 4 Delilah, hit for 1 FP dmg and 2 AP dmg and grappled
Tentacle horror - 20 vs 16 Tina, hit

"Not much longer now for this one sister. What is it she keeps trying to say sister? I can't understand it because he keeps plunging that tentacle into her mouth before she can get it out," the red haired succubus said, being the one that Kylie wasn't targeting as the blonde one spoke first and drew her attention instead.

She motioned to the monster which pulled its tentacle out of Giselle's mouth, where Giselle mumbled something that none of them could hear. "What was that dear? You'll have to speak up some more, we can't hear you," the red haired said, trying to urge Giselle on.

"K-K-Kylie... I... I... love... you. I... I just... wanted to... be w-with you, p-please... forgive me," Giselle managed to say as tears streamed down from her broken and practically lifeless eyes and down her cheeks, her voice just loud enough for Kylie and her two sisters to hear her before she slumped forward, what was left of her consciousness slipping away from her as her body succumbed to exhaustion... so it looked like at least.

This sent the three girls into a fury like no other, the only thoughts now coursing through their minds being to kill these fucking bitches and their pet. As Kylie let loose with her arrow, the blonde succubus turned suddenly and just managed to lean to the left a little bit so that Kylie's arrow hit her right shoulder instead, with the succubus crying out in pain. Then Delilah blasted a magical icy arrow at the red haired succubus, which caught her in the side and brought a shriek of pain from her as well. Tina meanwhile charged in, heedless of the two succubi for now as she swung her halberd out at the creature holding her beloved baby sister which was raping her, her weapon cleaving through the tentacles and releasing her sister from the beast's clutches as it roared and the what looked like blob of flesh on legs with a multitude of tentacle extending from it stepped backwards and away from Tina's wrath.

Giselle fell from the tentacles and Tina jumped in and caught her in one arm while holding her halberd out and at the ready as she cradled her baby sister and gently eased her to the ground where she then stood over her like a mother protecting her child, daring anyone or anything to approach that she didn't want there.

The blonde haired succubus looked at Kylie with a angered look on her face and she yanked the arrow out of her shoulder and threw it down onto the floor, before she shot straight at Kylie, her wings unfurled as Kylie suddenly saw her fingernails extend a little bit into razor sharp blades, which she swung at Kylie in an attempt to cut her, but missed as Kylie did a back flip. Her red haired sister meanwhile flew in at Delilah and when she got close to the siren, her tail shot out, the spaded tip on it suddenly shapeshifting into a mouth on the tip instead, which bit down into Delilah's thigh, and the siren's reaction was instantaneous as she let out a soft moan as her lower lips began to moisten while a little trickle of blood slowly slid down her leg from the wound. The tentacled horror shot out its tentacles at Tina, apparently not liking the fact she'd stolen its play thing from it, but Tina stood her ground, taking the hit that came her way without budging an inch as it hit her right in the face, because she was protecting her sister.

Kylie's hidden blades came out as she swung them at the blonde haired succubus, but her foe was a bit quicker than she'd anticipated as the succubus swiveled her hips around rather sexily as she evaded Kylie's weapons. Delilah sent another icy arrow at her succubus foe, the red haired one jerking back in agony as the arrow of magical ice hit her in the shoulder, her eyes giving an icy cold glare at Delilah as the arrow melts to nothing. After taking the hit to the face, Tina swung her halberd at the tentacled creature and hacked off a few more of its tentacles, with it squealing in agony as she forced it back.

The blonde haired succubus spun around and tried to do the same thing to Kylie that her sister did to Delilah, her tail shapeshifting so the tip was a mouth, which tried to bite Kylie. However Kylie was easily able to evade this by grabbing the blonde's tail, which she yanked and pulled her towards her, where she stabbed her hidden blade into her shoulder, causing more of her blood to gush out and drench Kylie and the floor. Delilah saw the red haired succubus come in at her once more, where she grabbed Delilah by the wrists as her tail darted in and nipped at her neck, causing her to become more aroused than she already was as her body weakened a bit more. Tina once again stood her ground as the tentacles shot in at her, slamming into her chest and stomach and knocking the air out of her, but she didn't fall to her knees like when the lamia had hit her earlier, refusing to allow herself to be unable to protect Giselle.

Kylie - FP 6/6, AP: 0/10
Delilah - FP: 3/5, MP: 1/3, AP: 4/10
Tina - FP: ?/?, AP: 0/10

Blonde haired succubus - 5/9
Red haired succubus - 4/8, grappling Delilah
Tentacle horror - FP: 6/10
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Those words... those haunting words... they took Kylie from her cracked and insane state straight through to absolute hatred, and her arrow missed it's mark by inches as the blonde bitch turned, burying itself in her shoulder and likely stealing the use of that limb, severing muscle and tendon alike as everyone but herself and her target faded into the background and the blonde became the sole focus of her world.

In her hyperfocused state, Kylie seemed untouchable for the moment, sidestepping and dodging every attack as she bent every fiber of her being into killing her target and moving onto the next, capitilising on a failed attack from her enemy to strike again, kylie becoming drenched in the spray of the succubus' blood.

The battle had been joined and the call to war sounded and Kylie once again refused to back down from her target, sidestepping into a roll towards the wall the turned into a lunge, one arm forward as her other reached back for one of her daggers, the front arm only a feint as the dagger shot forward, looking to either bury it in her targets thigh before releasing the dagger and rolling passed. Coming back to her feet, Kylie leaped backwards as her other dagger was drawn and thrown at the succubus, once again more as a distraction then an attack, charging passed again like a woman possessed, looking to score another blow, to feel the blood of her enemy hot against her arms as her hidden blades arched towards the succubus' stomach, just under her ribs...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie - 15 vs 8 Bhs, hit
Delilah - 12 vs 11 Rhs, hit and broke free
Tina - 19 vs 6 Th, hit for 2 FP dmg

Blonde haired succubus - 9 vs 19 Kylie, miss
Red haired succubus - 3 vs 11 Delilah, miss
Tentacle horror - 3 vs 3 Tina, miss

Kylie - 10 vs 7 Bhs, hit
Delilah - 11 vs 11 Rhs, hit with magic for 2 FP
Tina - 11 vs 4 Th, hit for 2 FP dmg

Blonde haired succubus - 8 vs 2 Kylie, hit with succubus essence for 4 AP dmg, and healed 2 FP on the red haired succubus
Red haired succubus - 15 vs 13 Delilah, hit with succubus essence for 4 AP dmg
Tentacle horror - 8 vs 17 Tina, miss

Kylie managed to spin around and roll over to the wall, then kicked off and lunged straight at the succubus, where her dagger shot out and buried itself in the succubus' left thigh, bringing a gush of blood from the wound as the dagger hit. Meanwhile Delilah managed to break loose from her foe with a headbutt to the face, which forced her back and away from her, and also forced her to release Delilah. Tina swung her halberd around at the tentacled beast again, cleaving into its body and leaving a massive gash there as its blood literally poured out of it as the thing roared in agony.

"Damn you... I'll make you pay for this you bitch. She'll bring us lots of energy before we take her soul. So leave us and we'll let you live," the blonde haired succubus.

The blonde headed succubus then swung her fist out at Kylie, trying to hit her in the face, but Kylie saw it coming and was easily able to duck. The red haired succubus couldn't recover quickly enough from the headbutt to her face to get an accurate shot out at Delilah with her fist. Then Tina dodged the tentacles as they lashed out at her, the things flailing wildly in her direction where she merely had to lean back to dodge them.

Kylie then threw her dagger at the blonde succubus, who just like she'd wanted spun out of the way to dodge it, which brought her the perfect lunge opportunity as her hidden blade stabbed into the succubus' waist, bringing with her a shriek of agony as Kylie yanked the blade free. Delilah then hurled another icy arrow made from her magic at the red haired succubus, which pierced her leg and melted away, her blood dripping out to mix with the water on the floor. Tina meanwhile swung her halberd once more, taking off several more tentacles in the process and weakening the monster that much more, with it and the two succubi looking near death.

The blonde haired succubus suddenly took on a very serious look as she faced Kylie, then Kylie could all of a sudden smell a sweet fragrant smell filling the room, while she could feel her body begin heating up quite a bit. While Kylie was distracted by the blast of what she knew was succubus essence, the blonde haired succubus suddenly cast a healing spell on the red haired one. The red haired succubus then blasted her own essence at Delilah, who fell to her knees as they buckled from the powerful blast of essence. While they were busy with the two succubi, Tina managed to easily dodge the tentacles once more, which had dwindled down to only a half a dozen or so now since she'd started hacking away at them.

"Once you've succumbed to our essence, we'll make all of you our slaves, and we'll have our pet over there fuck you all silly, he'll fuck you so silly you'll be begging for more like a whore," the blonde haired succubus said with an evil smile on her lips.

Kylie - FP 5/6, AP: 4/10
Delilah - FP: 2/5, MP: 0/3, AP: 8/10
Tina - FP: ?/?, AP: 0/10

Blonde haired succubus - 3/9
Red haired succubus - 3/8
Tentacle horror - FP: 2/10