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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle giggled when Kylie kissed her, apparently liking the attention before watching Kylie head to the door and following her. "Alright alright I'm coming, wait up hon," Giselle called to Kylie, jogging after her.

When they went outside and Kylie suddenly stopped, sniffing the air and looking around for Hazel, she wouldn't see nor hear the large breasted succubus around her with that giggle, though that didn't mean that she wasn't around somewhere. If she looked back though at Giselle, she would notice the young futanari siren was staring at her butt, which answered the question as to who was doing the staring at her ass. When she was noticed staring at Kylie's ass, Giselle blushed a bit and looked away. "S-Sorry about that... but you've got a really nice ass Kylie," Giselle said softly.

As they moved on towards the blacksmith, Giselle once again moved up beside Kylie and wrapped an arm around hers, pulling her close as they went. When they got to the blacksmith and they went on in, she would see a lady standing behind the counter now instead of the blacksmith man from earlier. When she asked her question the cashier lady told her to hang on and she'd get the blacksmith, who soon came out to talk with her.

"Hmm... yes I can make you some arrows like that, I actually had an order for some from a few of the guards to make some of those. So I'll just make extras. How many you want? About the bracing bars for an old bow... well I'd have to see it first to tell you that, because I need to know how to make them before I can. However we have plenty of bow here if you'd like one, I can even bring in a mage to enchant it for you too if you'd like. It'd be between ten and fifty gold for the bow, and then another two hundred to five hundred for a basic enchantment to put on it, which you'd have to discuss which kind with the mage in question. I've got shortbows, longbows, recurve bows, and greatbows to choose from," the blacksmith told her, pointing her over to the large rack of bows for her to choose from if she wished. There was also a shelf full of different types of daggers for her to choose from if she wished.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Interesting, it was all interesting, and Kylie found herself staring at the bows for a moment before shaking her head. "I'll bring it in thhen, its very important to me, that bow, and ill bring in a drawing for the arrows, they're rather specific, but your blades are impressive" Kylie said, picking one up and gingerly fingering the edge before laying it flat in her palm. On a sudden impulse, Kylie spun the blade in a circle on her palm before twisting her wrist, the dagger turning full around her hand before spinning again and coming to rest, blade down. "Nicely balanced" she said, slightly shocked herself at the odd feat of sleight of hand.

She was pleased to see the dagger had a twin, and purchased them both as well as a belt and holster so the blades would rest at the small of her back, turning and smiling. Looking at Giselle, Kylie smiled. "The rest is yours to spend, I have a feeling more coin will be coming our way soon, as for the arrows" she said turning once again to the smith, " 10 of what you're already making would be fine for now. I promise to be by tomorrow and we can discuss it, maybe even see about getting the guards set up with something formidable indeed, I have no intention of keeping secrets that could help everyone" she said smiling.

Waiting for Giselle to get what she wanted, Kylie kept looking around for pursuers, and bunny ears because the idea of some sweaty sex was starting to appeal and the stress relief of a little release would be great.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Very well, you can also have it enchanted if you'd like, same prices and such. As for the arrows, I can make whatever design you bring me as long as it ain't something to complicated. You want something very complicated you'd be better off heading to the village off to the northwest of here, they've got a better smith than I am. And thanks for the compliment about my blades, I do my best," the blacksmith man said, thanking Kylie for her compliment.

Kylie soon found a pair of daggers that she liked and the cost of the two of them together along with the belt to put their sheaths on came out to 30 gold, and the 10 arrows came out to another 20, bringing her total up to 50 gold for all of it. When she told Giselle the rest was hers to use as she wanted to, the young siren cutely blushed again and gave her a smile, going off and grabbing a naginata that she had apparently been wanting and bringing it over to pay for it.

"Wow, you sure you want that one lassie? it's enchanted and all that, so you know it's going to cost you. Comes out to two fifty if you can afford it," the blacksmith asked Giselle with a curious look on his face, almost as if amazed that she would want to buy it.

"Y-Yeah I want it," Giselle replied, handing over 250 gold to the blacksmith who added it in with the 50 Kylie had given him and putting it all into the money box.

"Here you go lasses, I've got most of those arrows done already, so you can go ahead and take ten of them, the guards request for them didn't need to be fulfilled until tomorrow, so I've got time to get the done. And thank you for the offer, if these new ones you're suggesting are easy to make and that much better, then it would benefit us all," the blacksmith man said, thanking Kylie again before going to the back and bringing out a small quiver of arrows, which he handed over to her. They were basic steel arrows, that would likely give her a bit more damage with every shot until she ran out.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie thanked the man for his help and the arrows while Giselle picked out a massive weapon that was also apparently enchanted, it looked like the girl had had her eye on it for quite some time. Having seen her fighht first hand however. Kylie trusted her to know which weapon would suit her best even as she continued to twist and flip one of her daggers, still amazed that she could do this so easily.

Looking at Giselle, her prizes secured, Kylie was almost entirely at a loss as to what exactly to do, although Giselle had fancied something of an orgy it sounded like when her tastes had made themselves apparent over lunch.

"We're properly armed for trouble, i have a new smithy friend and a plan, and we have an itch that needs scratching" she said as she twisted around, noticing they still had quite a bit of gold left. Pondering that for a moment, Kylie looked around lazily for anyone selling large coils of rope because rope was fun, although admittedly she'd rather be on the recieving end right now. Almost off handedly buying some if she saw it while she talked. "So you said their were creatures that would steal you away to their lair for keeping, what creatures do that and why?" Kylie asked curiously, starting to make her way towards the large house where'd they'd all eaten lunch yesterday, wondering if everyone was their again.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well we were properly armed before, but we're better armed now... and... y-yeah about that itch. K-Kylie... d-do you think we could... you know... h-have sex sometime tonight?" Giselle said, ending in a small voice as she asked her question, pushing her index fingers together as she waited for an answer while they walked.

After answering Giselle's question, Kylie would indeed see someone in the market that was selling strands of rope, strands of hemp rope that were anywhere between 5 feet to a 100 feet in length, as well as smaller thinner ropes that looked to be actually made for tying a person up with, almost as if the villagers had thought of everything when it came to pleasuring each other and such. If she wanted to buy any of the people tying rope, then she could get a whole set of it for another 10 gold, which came with several 5 and 10 foot strands of the thin hemp rope.

"Well there are a few that do that... mostly for breeding purposes. I've known of some of the larger bug types to do that, save the honey bees that are around, they usually won't come out in search of females to do that with, but they have been known to before," Giselle said, clearing her throat a little before continuing as they started towards Ilyana's and Shaela's home where they'd had dinner the night before, "Other than that, there are harpies that'll carry you off back to their nests for breeding, as well as most of the reptilian monsters around too. Then there are some of the wild succubi and evil ones, the wild ones just living in the deeper jungles to carry you off to their places and turn guys and girls like me into their cum dispensers while they feed on your spiritual energies, and if you're just a regular girl then they'll turn you into a futanari like me. The evil succubi will carry you off and do pretty much the same thing, except instead of just draining you of cum and your spiritual energies, they'll drain your soul energy too, which isn't pleasant at all from what I've heard. There's plenty of other monsters though that'll carry you off and make sweet love to you and stuff in their lair."

After a couple of more minutes they made their way to Ilyana's and Shaela's house, and when they knocked on the door they found that it was only the younger nymph sister that was there at the moment, with Ilyana being out helping the village guard as she was apparently one of the squad captains and was on a mission. "If you want to come on in though then I can make you both some tea. It gets a little lonely when sis isn't here and has to go out on guard duty and stuff. Hazel was here earlier but she's already gone, said something about going to look at cute girls butts or something as she fluttered off," Shaela said to them, likely making Kylie a bit suspicious about the strange feeling earlier that someone was watching her and staring at her butt.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Sure Giselle, we can have sex, and watch out for succubi I don't know, giant bugs, reptiles, harpies, and several other things that will just keep me around for my womb, gotcha" Kylie said laughing, wondering at that odd little possibility, it was no wonder people here were careful, turned into a incubator? That would just mess with your head, and if the Viera were so fertile then they probably had to worry more then the rest!

Laughing at the thought, Kylie did indeed buy some of the thinner rope, smiling at the possibilities and her own kinky bent, she really did have some odd tastes, she could never seem to decide if she was a sub or a dom, enjoyed both, and lost her marbles whenever she was getting any action, she'd probably make a terrific breeder... probably best to avoid that, getting out on her own would be hard...

As they arrived at Ilana's place, Kylie grinned and stepped inside, "tea would be lovely, as for Hazel...HAZEL, GET OUT HERE AND STOP STARING AT MY ASS!" She suddenly called behind her, grinning as she looked over her shoulder "if you want to have some fun then you have 10 seconds to impress me with this rope" she added teasingly, holding up the coils in plain sight and just being a horrible tease. Seriously though, if hazel was going to spy on her then she was going to make the succubus make herself useful for herself, Ilana, and Giselle.~
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

At Kylie's shout behind her, Giselle giggled and turned just to see if Hazel was indeed spying on the two of them. Sure enough Hazel fluttered down behind Kylie and Giselle, wearing a wicked grin on her face as she eyed the coils of rope. "Are you sure you want me to make myself useful cutie hmhm?" Hazel asked, giggling as she finished speaking.

Then, before Kylie could even think of anything to say, Hazel snapped her fingers and the ropes suddenly sprang to life, flying out of Kylie's hands and coiling around her limbs, tying her hands behind her and her ankles to them, causing her to fall forwards where Hazel scooped her up and carried her inside and set her on one of the sofas in the living room, all of this taking place in about ten seconds from the moment she showed herself to Kylie and the others.

"Well Kylie... looks like you've got yourself in a bind now don't you," Giselle said, giggling a little bit at Kylie's predicament now and looking rather aroused at seeing Kylie all tied up like she was, like the human girl had done to her the night before.

"Okay then cutie pie, what do you want me to do now hmm?" Hazel then asked, giggling again and still showing a bit of a wicked grin.

Shaela also looked rather intrigued about what all was going on, appearing to want to get in on any action if there was to be any as she came into the living room and undressing in front of them, apparently not embarrassed any at all to do so as her slender yet curvy body appeared from under her robe she was wearing.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie's AHA! Of triumph turned into a startled squeek as Hazel did something to the rope which promptly hogtied her all on it's own, her momentary struggling amounting to nill as she flailed around before falling forward. Tightly bound and set on the couch, Hazel said something she didn't hear because she was staring and blushing as Shaela walked in and stripped, showing kylie that this was about to get interesting, there was still rope left, she was on the menu, and Giselle was going to stick the dick of hers somewhere.

Wriggling around a little and testing her bonds, Kylie was a little embarrassed that Hazel hadn't bothered to straighten her skirt and her bare ass was on display while they all eyed her like a piece of meat, which given her mindset and her already slickening folds, she basically was, literally ripe for the taking. Laughing as she tried to roll a little, Kylie decided to answer Hazel by sticking out her tongue

"Well... walked right into this one didn't I... and like I have any say in the matter Hazel" she said, still blushing and squirming a little, wondering what the three women had in mind for their new toy.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Shaela stripped to nothing, Kylie saw that she was rather well endowed with the same kind of tool that Giselle had, save that her's was even larger than the siren's, being a whole foot long instead of a couple of inches shy of it. Giselle also stripped down to nothing now, her own member already stiff and ready for action while Kylie tried and failed to roll over after testing her bonds, which were very tight, yet not enough to hurt her, though they didn't allow her any movement at all almost.

"Hmm... now what to do with you... and no you don't, today I'm going to at least watch you have sex if I don't join in. But... I'm in need of feeding a little bit myself, so I think I'll join in as well, but I want to taste you, so I think I'll need one of these to go with theirs," Hazel said, giggling still as she stripped down to nothing, her large globes bouncing out and wobbling dangerously in front of Kylie, where the succubus then placed a hand over her crotch and muttered a couple of words and then pulled her hand away from herself, a fully formed cock following her hand that was around the same size as Giselle's, which was a couple of inches shorter than Shaela's.

"Now I'm going to need either this right here," Hazel said, running a finger up and down Kylie's slit, then she continued speaking, moving her finger to teasingly circle Kylie's soft pucker, "Or this hole right here. Which would you prefer to feel me in?"

"Well I want her pussy you two, it just looks so... delectable for this monster, and it throbs so badly when I stare at it, which tells me that it wants to go in there and fill her up with as much of my stuff as I can squeeze in there," Shaela said, stroking her massive prick as it reached full attention and possibly frightened Kylie a little from its massiveness.

"Then I'll take her ass, Giselle you'll get her mouth... or her breasts whichever you prefer," Hazel said with a excited giggle as she snapped her fingers again, untying Kylie's legs and letting them down, as well as her wrists, though the ropes then retied her wrists around in front of her so that she could use them, but only a little. After that, Shaela and Hazel both slipped an arm around Kylie and led her to Shaela's bedroom, which had a rather large bed in it that could easily fit all four of them in it. They set Kylie on the bed and climbed in after her, surrounding her with large cocks as the three of them were on their knees on the bed, while Hazel pushed Kylie down onto her hands and knees in front of them, stroking her cock while the other two did the same.

"Now Kylie, do you want to get straight to it? Or would you rather get us all nice and warmed up first with a blowjob each?" Hazel asked Kylie, not giggling this time, but instead merely smiling and stroking her conjured cock in front of Kylie. "Because after the first one we're going to switch positions and everything until we've each had a go on every hole you've got and filled and drenched you in cum," Hazel continued, snapping her fingers once more and uncoiling Kylie's ropes completely, though before they let her wrists go the ropes pulled her hands apart and forced her right hand around Shaela's cock, and her left around Giselle's, both of which began throbbing in her hands, while Hazel pulled Kylie's head forward a little so that her own cock was mere inches away, then and only then did the ropes let her go. Giselle was giving her a needy look, as was Shaela and Hazel The decision laid with Kylie on which path to take with this.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie gave a visible shudder as Hazel teased her, still unable to quite draw her eyes away from the aptly named... Monster, because that cock was an insult to living men everywhere on size alone, like something out of a teenagers nightmare and now probably aimed... yup shaela wanted to screw her puss. Shit. Listening to the three of her picking favourite spots, Kylie had to admit she was slightly glad that huge thing wasn't aimed at her ass, at least her slit was naturally designed to stretch right? RIGHT!?

Feeling her hands rearranged, and them being moved and tossed onto a large bed, there was some more talking, which she only half heard before she realised she was the one being spoken too, not quite figuring that out until she had a cock in each hand and Hazel's was right in front of her mouth, wait... Hazel had one two???! Was normal pussy just imposssible to come by around here!?

Noticing she was now untied, but certainly having heard Hazel's promise that all three of them were going to at least fuck each hole she had once, Kylie groaned in defeat and started to stroke the pair in her hands bbefore opening her mouth for Hazel, which the succubus happily took, sliding into her hot mouth and starting to slowly thrust, delighted to find out that with a little effort, Kylie could take her straight and deep into hher throat as she bobbed her head and ran her tongue down her length, swirling it around the shaft as she worked hard at pleasing the stalker succubus, who she was mildly annoyed had needed an invitation to make a move.

Groaning and wishing her lower end was getting attention, Kylie continued to deepthroat Hazel as she stroked the other pair until she was reward by a throbbing length and a hot burst of seed in her mouth, gulping as she swallowed it, before pulling back and panting softly, pulling Shaela over next just to find out if she could even fit that thing in her mouth. Much to her surprise, she could, and she started bobbing enthusiastically, glad to be able to lean forward on her free hand as she worked, bobbing in long, slow motions as her tongue dragged around the head of the massive length, Kylie still in shock at the sheer size of the thing.

Never breaking that slow and tortuous pace with Shaela, the nymph didn't last as long as Hazel did, but Kylie found out she couldn't swallow all of the massive load from her peak, althought the siunds of Hazel and Shaela cumming definately had her so riled she'd do just about anything to get them to fuck her properly.

Giselle was last and Kylie spared her no effort as she gently slipped her lips over the head of her length, her tongue rolling around the head as she slowly took her deeper, some of Shaela's cum still dripping off her cheek as she moaned softly around the length and gave her friend her treat as wellm swallowing again once Giselle had finished and looking between the three as she laid forward on the bed, catching her breath, wondering what was next.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giggling at Kylie's shuddering, Hazel smirked as Kylie all but gulped at Shaela's monster cock that looked more at home on a horse than her, and Kylie's eyes likely got even wider when she noticed that Shaela also had more manly equipment down there that she just now saw, as just under her massive prick there was a pair of large billiards ball sized testicles hanging there, full of the nymph's seed to fill her with. After they got her to the bedroom, Hazel giggled when Kylie leaned forward after letting out that defeated groan and began sucking on her conjured cock, throwing her head back and letting out a happy moan. Licking her lips, Hazel began thrusting forward a little to meet Kylie's own bobbing head, her's, Giselle's, and Shaela's moans all filling the room at Kylie's ministrations. It didn't take too long before Hazel was throbbing in her mouth and after that it wasn't but a few seconds more that she exploded in Kylie's mouth, the salty taste of her spunk as she swallowed it tasting heavenly. As soon as Hazel was through spurting her seed into Kylie's mouth, holding her head there and forcing her to swallow every drop of it whether she wanted to pull away or not.

After catching her breath for a moment when she was finally let go by Hazel, Kylie then moved on to Shaela, with Hazel sitting back after she'd gotten done with her and watching as she went on to Shaela. Shaela giggled excitedly as Kylie leaned in at her, still looking shocked at the sheer size of her length. Shaela let out a soft pleasant sigh as Kylie took her length in her mouth, amazed that the young human girl could manage to fit it in there as her face looked like she was in heaven. When she began taking Shaela's long thick length deeper into her mouth, Kylie would feel her jaws popping a little as she opened wide to accept it, not truly being painful, but probably making her feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Oh gods... y-you're the first p-person that's ever been a-able to take me like this. O-Or rather the o-only one that's e-ever been w-willing to give me a blowjob... o-other than I-Ilyana," Shaela sighed, her eyes half closed as she began running her fingers through Kylie's hair, gently rubbing her head as it bobbed up and down on her already throbbing member, moving Kylie's free hand down to fondle her balls some while she sucked her off.

As Kylie went on with her, Shaela moaned lewdly, the sounds of Kylie's sucking on her cock filling the room and building her closer and closer to her peak. Kylie would notice that Shaela seemed to greatly be enjoying the attention she was getting from the human assassin girl, and before long Shaela was arching her back as she let out a cry of ecstasy, her balls tightening against her body as her climax washed over her. Shaela let loose with her spunk, filling Kylie's mouth to the brim on the first shot from her massive prick as her eyes crossed from the bliss of it all, before Kylie could even swallow half of the first shot Shaela was filling it with her second shot, overfilling her mouth with the thick potent tasting spunk as some of it gushed out of the corners of her mouth around Shaela's length as she desperately pulled back, allowing all of the rest of it to splatter all over her face, drenching it, her neck, shoulders, and breasts in Shaela's cum.

"Ahh... that was great, Ilyana is the only other one that has ever been willing to suck my big old dick, and having someone new do it is just great," Shaela sighed as her climax drew on and on, looking blissful as she stroked Kylie's hair and cheek and shot several loads of cum out, pulling Kylie up into a deep kiss and tasting her own spunk in the process, apparently not caring if she tasted it or not.

When Kylie finally moved on to Giselle, with Shaela's climax finally ending after nearly a dozen massive shots of her thick salty spunk, with Giselle looking almost sad that she'd been forced to wait until last for her own blowjob, as the nymph herm sat down beside Hazel where the large breasted succubus reached over and grasped Shaela's balls in her hand where she began gently fondling them, as if coaxing them back to life to fill once more with seed to launch out and into Kylie. Anyway though, when Kylie began giving Giselle her blowjob, the lusty young futa nymph sighed pleasantly as Kylie began bobbing up and down on her member, some of Shaela's seed still dripping from her face and some of the rest of her as well. Giselle lasted only a couple of minutes before cumming, grabbing Kylie's head like Hazel did as she began eagerly thrusting to meet Kylie's face as she impaled the curvy human assassin's face, moaning loud for all to hear as she did, apparently not caring if anyone outside overheard them all or not. When her climax ripped through her, Giselle arched her back and thrust forwards, burying her cock in Kylie's throat one last time and pulling back just before she exploded while her friend/lover gave muffled moans as she sucked her off, filling Kylie's mouth to the brim as her seed as the amount of it splattered out around her lips some while the majority of it was forced down her throat as she swallowed.

"Oh gods Kylie... t-that was great... m-more, give me more," Giselle said, giving her a lust addled demand as she fell back onto her butt as her cock fell from Kylie's hand as the human girl fell forward onto the bed, trying to catch her breath as she prepared for whatever was to come next.

What came next came only after Hazel thought that Kylie had recovered enough to continue, which was only after a couple of minutes or so. When the time came though, Hazel and the other two moved in on the vulnerable Kylie, their cocks all standing at full attention still, never truly having gone soft on them as they waited for Hazel's signal to advance on Kylie. They maneuvered Kylie around and lowered her down onto Hazel's cock, which was aimed at her soft tight pucker, the appendage slick and lubed up with several different liquids as it easily parted her buttcheeks and slid inside of her rectum. Then Shaela got herself ready, bringing her massive prick down and lining it up with Kylie's tight pink little flower that was already all but sopping wet and ready to accept it, where she then slowly pressed forwards and split her open, not stopping until she hilted herself inside of Kylie, the head of her massive cock pressing hard against the entrance to her womb that's how far inside she was, letting out a mewl of pleasure as Kylie's pussy tightened around her cock and instinctively began milking it for all its worth. The two of them began thrusting in and out of Kylie, never letting her be unfilled with a cock as they alternated thrusts, Shaela thrusts in and Hazel pulls out, then Shaela pulls out and Hazel thrusts in. While the two of them alternated thrusts in and out of Kylie, driving her that much wanted and much desired pleasure deep into her very core, Giselle climbed atop her and straddled her chest, where she placed her member between Kylie's breasts and squeezed them together and began thrusting wildly, the head of her cock poking at Kylie's lips and almost begging her to suck on it.

"Oh wow, Kylie you feel so good. I can't believe that it. Now to taste you," Hazel said, apparently liking Kylie's body quite a bit. As soon as Hazel finished talking, Kylie suddenly felt a pleasant tugging in her chest, as if her heart were fluttering from something. It didn't hurt any at all, and to be honest it felt quite nice, however she would slowly come to realize that her strength was slowly leaving her, not a lot, but noticeable enough to let her know it was happening. As time went on she would start to feel just a little weak, like she'd just run a mile or so, though she wasn't panting because of the draining her body was undergoing. "Ahh yes... you do taste delicious... so good... but I shan't take too much. Don't want you fainting on us now, not in the middle of this," Hazel said after a minute of draining Kylie, apparently liking her very much now that she had as she put it, tasted her.

"Y-Yes... Kylie dear... you're wonderful... my cock... it feels so good. F-Fits just like a glove around me... soooo goooood," Shaela said in between her own sweet moans, complimenting Kylie on her tightness and apparently also loving her body.

"Yeah she is... really good isn't she. I love her... she's amazing. J-Just last night she tied me up and fucked me silly... it was... incredible, especially after not having any for six months," Giselle panted in between her moans of pleasure, her cheeks rosy red from the lust filling her mind.

"W-Well that's your own fault Giselle, I've offered you several times to just fuck me silly, but no... you said you wanted to wait for the right one to come along. I guess Kylie here is that right one?" Hazel said, seeming to think Giselle's abstinence and reason for it funny as she giggled once more.

"W-What's it m-matter? She... she makes me feel... so good," Giselle replied with a cute moan, a look of pleasure painted on her face as if she were struggling to hold back the torrents of seed bubbling inside of her, just dying to get out and drench Kylie in it.

After nearly three minutes or so, Kylie's body was being overwhelmed by the pleasure the three of them dealing her, her climax fast approaching her as her body shuddered and began going more and more numb with every thrust from any of the three of them. Kylie could also feel all three of the cocks in and on her starting to pulse and throb, with any of the three girls they belonged to moaning sweetly for Kylie to hear, likely exciting her to know that she was making them all happy. Shaela's monster was throbbing in her pussy as the head of it bumped rather hard against the entrance to her womb, her large balls slapping against her taint and Hazel's member as it thrust into her ass. Meanwhile Giselle was pinching and pulling Kylie's nipples as she thrust her large cock between her breasts, her thrusts starting to slow a little as she neared her climax, which Kylie could tell wouldn't take much longer for her to reach. On one particular thrust from Shaela, she felt the nymph herm simply thrust into her and hold there for a few moments, stopping for a moment to catch her breath so she didn't pop too early, and while her cock was buried inside of Kylie, the human girl could feel Sheala's balls twitching against her skin until she started thrusting again.

Finally after another couple of minutes, Kylie would feel the knot that was slowly forming in her belly burst as the pleasure that her three lovers brought her completely overwhelmed her and she cold hold back no longer as she felt herself climaxing. As she reached her own climax, Shaela, Hazel, and Giselle all reached their own mutual climaxes at the same time. Shaela's orgasm hit on one of her back thrusts from Kylie's tightening around her like a vice, her seed blasting out of her monster cock and filling Kylie's pussy and womb completely after only two or three spurts of the very potent stuff, however that wasn't the end of her orgasm as she continued spurting away inside of Kylie, causing her belly to bloat to accept more of the thick cream, however even then she couldn't hold it all as it began spilling out around Shaels's massive dick. Once Shaela felt her seed beginning to leak out around her cock she pulled it out of Kylie and continued shooting off, drenching her entire lower body in the thick spunk, her inner thighs, pubic area, her belly, and her legs, with much of it drenching Hazel in the process though the succubus didn't seem to mind. Hazel's own seed spurted out and into Kylie's ass, filling her bowels to the brim and more as her belly bloated even more to accommodate it all, making her now look at least 7 or 8 months pregnant as Hazel pulled her cock out of Kylie's ass and Shaela helped lift her up so Hazel could drench Kylie's ass in her own cum. Then Giselle's orgasm washed over her and her own thick potent seed spurted out of her, drenching Kylie's face once more with the first couple of shots as Giselle pulled her cock free from Kylie's breasts and stroked herself off while she spurted the rest of her cum all over Kylie's upper body, the lusty futa siren grabbing Kylie's head when she was finally done spurting all of her seed and pushing her cock back into Kylie's mouth.

"Come on Kylie... c-clean it off since you made it all messy like this," Giselle timidly ordered, holding Kylie by the back of her head and pushing her cum dripping cock into her mouth some, almost as if she were a little scared of trying to force her do what she ordered.

"Give us all a moment to recover from that one Kylie dear and we'll carry on. In the meantime, Giselle you don't sound all timid like that, you order her to do it and then force her to," Hazel said, giggling a little bit at Giselle's timidness in forcing Kylie to suck and clean her cock off of the cum dripping off of it.

"Yeah, you force her to like this Giselle, here let me show you," Shaela said, pushing Giselle out of the way after pulling her cock out of their little cum dumpster's mouth and pushing her own monster cock in there, where she pulled Kylie's head forwards and began forcing it down Kylie's throat little by little, caressing Kylie's head as she did, saying, "There you go dear, now start licking and cleaning it off like a good girl," Shaela would moan softly as Kylie began cleaning her cock of the cum that drenched it still, giving her hair a little tug if she didn't do it at first to give her a bit of motivation to do so, holding her cock as deep in her throat as she could for a few seconds, cutting off Kylie's air supply for that few seconds and likely making her struggle a little bit and panic, however she wouldn't move until she was satisfied.

The nymph herm would finally pull her cock out of Kylie's mouth once it was fully clean, allowing her to breath once more, where Hazel would step up and force Kylie to do the same thing after she'd caught her breath, though she wouldn't go as far as Shaela had and cut off her air supply, however that was more from the sheer size of the nymph herm's dick than anything. Once Kylie had cleaned their two cocks, they would pull Giselle over and hold Kylie's head up and force her to do the same for Giselle. Only after she had cleaned all three of their cocks would they give her any semblance of rest as they all stroked their cocks, waiting for her to recover enough to start back up again.
Last edited:

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, her face and chest dripping with Shaela's cum was only allowed a slight moment to recover before the three women moved in on her, and between the three of them, Kylie was next to powerless as Hazel laid down and the pushed her down onto the succubus' waiting cock, the length pushing into her ass and making her gasp and squirm lightly in their grip, her hips rocking a little on their own before Shaela took her position, and this time, like before, Kylie wasn't sure if that monster cock of hers would even fit.

Arching her back as she she was proved wrong however, she felt the nymph take her all the way to her core, her inner walls spasming around the thick member as her body shuddered and she mewled, her hips bucking between the two as she fought off a rapidly approaching climax, soon cumming loudly as she reached back to tangle her fingers in Hazel's hair and cried out in bliss, only bucking all the harder as her lower holes clamped around the invading members like a vice, shaking and moaning lewdly as Giselle took her place straddling her chest and started to thrust between her orbs..

Forced to stare at Giselle's thrusting member, even as she rolled her hips between the alternatively thrusting Hazel and Shaela, Kylie found much to her enjoyment that she was very sensitive after having sucked all three of them off and her second climax was already building, although the mammoth cock in her folds was probably also to blame. When Hazel started to taste her however, Kylie froze for a moment, forcing herself to calm down as the sensation almost threw her into a panic, momentary struggles halted by her own will as she let it happen and wound up still pinned as the center of attention for all 3 women.

Enthusiastic at the start, but lethargic after the draining, Kylie still did her best to please all three, her face moving forwards as she grabbed Giselle's hips, taking the head if her dick into her mouth as she sucked and licked eagerly, slowing Giselle's thrusts for a moment at the end of each one to give the extra attention as she faded into her own lust completely before her second climax bolted through her and a second, weaker scream of bliss followed.

She had no idea how long they would last, or even when this day was going to be over, but she had a feeling despite anything Hazel said, that she was going to pass out before it was over even as she felt Hazel's and Shaela's lengths begin to throb within her, and knew their first peaks had to be close... and it was going to get messy...

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

And indeed it did, as Shaela stopped thrusting for a moment, Kylie gave a frustrated mewl around the head of Giselle's length, rolling her hips encouragingly, her third release close as the first two had made her unusually sensitive, and she was easily excited to start with. Clenching her quivering folds around Shaela's monster, Kylie gave a little gasp and a lewd moan as she resumed her thrusting yet again, starting to drive Kylie towards a far more powerful climax then the first two had been.

Bucking and shaking in the grip of the three women, Kylie gave another loud scream of bliss as she felt Shaela and Hazel erupt inside her, her body literally stretching to acommadate it all, which was in honesty quite shocking, shhe was impressively stretchy it seemed. Shuddering and mewling weakly as she felt the heat within her and upon most of her body, Kylie was a literal quivering mess, her eyes glazing over as cum leaked from her lower holes and she twitched in their grasp. It seemed it wasn't quite over however as Giselle pushed her length back into her panting mouth and weakly demand she clean her off.

Shaela however fixed this slight problem, moving Giselle out of the way before pushing the mammoth length into her throat and pinning her there until she complied. Unable to breathe, and starting to struggle, Kylie hurried to do exactly that, just to get her to pull back before Hazel did much the same, and then the pair forced her to clean Giselle properly. This accomplished, Kylie laid there limply, panting raggedly as she tried to recover, a cumsoaked leaking mess. When Hazel said they weren't through, she knew they wouldn't stop abusing her until she passed out, and she didn't care...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Tut tut Kylie, no fainting before we've had all our fun with you that we said. Drink this," Hazel said to Kylie, getting up and going over to her clothing and pulling a potion out of her discarded robes, then bringing it over, popping the cork and pouring the contents into Kylie's mouth, making her swallow it. As soon as she'd swallowed the potion, Kylie felt a bit of strength returning to her body, though that was all it did, the arousal burning brightly within her body was still burning just as bright.

"Now that that's done, you'll be okay enough to go some more I think. So this turn I'll take this lovely pair of breasts of yours and your mouth, while Giselle gets her lover's pussy once more, which I guess she's all happy about. And I guess you know what that means... that this monstrosity gets to go up in that tight little ass of yours. But don't worry though, that's why I had your ass first, to stretch it out a little so that her monster there wouldn't tear you apart," Hazel said with a giggle after she'd made Kylie drink the potion.

After that, they maneuvered Kylie around a second time... or a third time rather as they'd moved her earlier into position to suck all of them off. This time they moved her around so that she was sitting on top of Giselle, this time facing towards the one she was sitting on top of, where she would feel Giselle's shaft piercing her depths and hilting just short of the entrance to her womb, giving Kylie the pleasant feeling of her friend/lover's cock inside of her. After she was down on top of Giselle and fully impaled atop her, Shaela bent her forward and began prodding at her soft pucker with her massive member, where she then slowly pushed forward. When Shaela began splitting Kylie's ass open with her huge length, the young human girl would feel very... full. There was a slight tinge of pain at first, but Shaela stopped when she heard Kylie moan and whimper in pain, doing so to make sure she didn't hurt Kylie. Only once she was sure that Kylie's ass was adjusted to her a little more would she start pushing in some more, filling her ass with her meat more and more until she was finally hilted in the depths of Kylie's ass.

After the two of them were finally hilted inside of her, Kylie would see Hazel moving up where she sat on Giselle's face, planting her pussy right on Giselle's lips and wiggling her hips a little bit, smearing her juices around on Giselle's face some. Once there and on her knees well enough so that she didn't smother the young futa siren, Hazel pulled Kylie down and slid her cock up between Kylie's breasts, where she reached down and spanked her across the ass, hard enough to leave a little red imprint of her hand, but not hard enough to truly hurt her, the spank to give her incentive to begin stroking her cock with her breasts and licking it to pleasure her.

"Hmhm come on Kylie dear, make us cum again. Here I'll give you a dose of succubus essence to help you along and make you want it more, that way it'll feel even better," Hazel ordered Kylie with a giggle. Then suddenly, Kylie would feel what could only be described as a wave or blast of something, something which she could smell as she breathed in and the whatever it was that was wafting in the air, the sweet fragrance filling her nostrils and making her entire body extremely sensitive to the touch, making every little touch her three lovers gave her an almost orgasmic experience. If Kylie hadn't already started pleasuring Hazel as best she could at this point, then she was now forced to as her body all but moved on its own, as if possessed by her lust, which was making her do this lewd act and was making her love every second of it in the process.

Apparently Giselle and Shaela could smell it as well, because if she glanced at their faces any she would see their eyes go half lidded as their members twitched and throbbed greatly within her, and if she thought for even a moment or two she would realize that her own eyes were the same way and her mind was being filled with lustful thoughts even more so than it already was, and making her hornier than she already was as well. As her inner lustful flames were stoked by the succubus' essence, Kylie would feel all three cocks in and on her throbbing more and more as time went on, another climax welling inside of her. Hazel could tell that they were all about to reach a massive climax with each other and they suddenly smelled another wave of the strong sweet scent wafting from her, which spurred them on down the final stretch as their bodies all but went into autopilot mode as Giselle and Shaela began thrusting as deep and as fast as they could into Kylie's holes.

Finally, Kylie's three lovers all let out loud lewd moans of ecstasy along with her as Giselle and Shaela hilted inside of her, where she would feel many spurts of their boiling hot seed gushing out and into her, both of their eyes crossing from the pleasure overload they were experiencing, lewd fucked silly looks on their faces as their tongues hang out, their cocks spurting load after load out into the also fucked silly Kylie. Meanwhile Hazel had pulled her cock out of Kylie's mouth enough so that only the head of it remained between in warm wet lips as she spurted out her load, spurting a few times in her mouth before pulling out at the same time as Giselle and Shaela did, with all three of them drenching Kylie in their seed once more, and leaving her even more coated in their spunk than she was. Once all four of the girls orgasms had died down and the three cocked girls spurted their last squirt of cum out of their members, they moved over and each of them rubbed the tips of their members off on Kylie's face, Hazel on her lips, and the other two on either cheek, smearing all of their seed around on Kylie's face.

After they were done with that round, the three of them fell back onto their butts on the bed, as if waiting for her to recover. Kylie meanwhile would still feel horny as hell, the two doses of Hazel's succubus essence in her system playing hell on her mind. She didn't feel quite as tired as she did earlier, despite that rather rough round she'd just gone through. When she glanced over at the three of them sitting there, their juicy, tasty cocks all three still hard as rocks, she would feel the urge to crawl over to them and beg for more, for them to fuck her even sillier than they already had and impale her upon their rods. Whether or not she did this however would depend on if she could resist that urge though, so she may instead just crawl over and happily impale herself upon their cocks, it was up to her really at this point.

"Come on Kylie... won't you come on over and play with me some more," Hazel said enticingly to her with a lusty wink, trying to entice her over to her.

"No why don't you come and fuck my big old cock some more, you know you want to," Shaela said, stroking her massive cock which looked so yummy to Kylie as she tried to entice the horny young human to her.

"Oh Kylie, why don't you come and have me some more. We're lover aren't we?" Giselle said in a bit of a whiny tone, pouting a little, though it didn't look as if she were truly serious with the pouting as she tried to entice Kylie to her instead of the other two.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, repositioned once more after being force fed something tthat gave her a measure of strength back, was still compliant in every way, not even showing a reaction as it was Shaela's turn with her ass. Moved to straddle Giselle, Kylie gave a long, lewd moan as she felt her member enter her cum stained body, her inner walls rippling around giselle's length deliciously as Kylie murmured a quiet oath before feeling Shaela take her place behind her, the head of that monstrous shaft pressing into her rear and causing Kylie to whimper in a moment of discomfort.

Shaela, apparently knowing how big that thing was, was kind enough to let Kylie adjust before hilting herself, Kylie shuddering as she felt unbelievably full, her lower holes clamping around the rods within her as her hands fell to Giselle's chest only for Hazel to take her position and rob Kylie of her lovers succulent orbs. Moaning and obediently sucking on the head of Hazel's length as the succubus used her chest, Kylie's eyes fluttered as she caught a scent that drove her absolutely wild, starting to buck between the three women with a passion even as she screamed in pleasure around Hazel's cock, her eyes screwed shut in bliss as she shuddered.

With all of them under the powerful affect of Hazel's drug, this round progressed with a fervor the other had simply lacked, Kylie's mind blanking completely as the whit hot bolts of ecstasy shot up her spine. When everyone came again, )Kylie would have passed out were she not drugged as she was, as they all were, instead whimpering pathetically in her release as she was filled and coated again..

She hadn't even noticed the second dose, her mind retreating from the carnal as her body took over, and as the three women tried to entice her over, Kylie simply lept at giselle, her cock swalloweed in an instant as she turned her hips towards Shaela and spread her folds for the nymph, her hips cocked sideways, her ass on display for Hazel. Her mind had no say in the matter and her body demanded all three as they happily obliged, stuffing her holes again as she moaned and screamed around Giselle's length buried in her throat, the siren learning this time as she slid back and gripped Kylie's head, tilting it back so she could simply thrust into her mouth as her lover gulped and swallowed around her shaft, her tongue working along the length even as her inner walls sought to milk Shaela's monster again and her pucker squeezed around Hazel's cock like a vice,despite any stretching, Kylie's body in fantastic shape and able to take the punishment in stride.

Kylie lost all sense of time like this, repeatedly screaming and cumming again and again until finally passing out, still impaled by the three women as the flooded her body once again with their hot seed, so covered in cum by now that it was a a glaze over her flesh, her chest heaving and her body shaking in bliss, even in her sleep.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

After all of the enticing from the three, Kylie picked Giselle and dove at her, swallowing her still stiff member in one gulp as she began sucking on it with vigor. When Shaela saw Kylie offering her pussy back to her she happily obliged and from in front of Kylie as the human girl lay on her side, Shale laid down and thrust back inside of her sopping puss, the incredible feeling of being spread open by Shaela's monster cock feeling like heaven to Kylie and forcing her to moan around Giselle's member. Then Hazel joined the mix as Kylie's ass was wiggled at her for filling and was almost immediately obliged as Hazel snuggled up behind her and slipped her still hot hard dick back inside of Kylie's asshole, which she moaned as it tightened around her like a vice and cooed in Kylie's ear, letting her know that she liked it.

"Oh yes Kylie, you're amazing... no you're incredible. Oh I can't believe how good you are. Look at Shaela... I think she likes you a lot too, probably as much as Giselle does if I had to guess. I think you've got two lovers vying for your attention now if I'm right about her... and I'm almost always right when it comes to things like this hmhm," Kylie would hear Hazel say, though it appeared neither Giselle or Shaela heard her speaking and merely continued their own thrusting, Shaela's balls slapping against Kylie's inner thighs and her ass with every thrust.

After a short time Kylie would feel all of their lengths beginning to throb greatly again inside of her and Shaela filled her again as she hilted herself inside of her again, her testicles shuddering and clenching against her as her eyes rolled up into her head. Giselle let out a lewd moan as she reached her peak as well, her seed spurting out a couple of times before she pulled out and spurted a few more times on Kylie's face before leaning down and pulling her into a lewd kiss and tasting her own spunk as she licked Kylie's face clean. Hazel also came as well, firing her load directly into Kylie's ass and filling her bowels with more seed, pulling out and wiping her member off between Kylie's buttcheeks.

After that, Shaela and Giselle pulled away from Kylie to rest for a couple of minutes, while Hazel decided to have another quick go, rolling Kylie over onto her back and aiming her dripping member at Kylie's pussy, taking her turn with Kylie there. As Hazel knocked away at her pussy, Kylie would feel her breasts dangerously swaying back and forth and rubbing against her own much smaller pair of breasts, their pert nipples rubbing against each other as Hazel's length throbbed inside of her, already about to release another load inside of her. Kylie would feel another orgasm shoot through her as Hazel hilted herself and gave a cry of passion as she filled Kylie's pussy with her seed for the first time during this whole orgy. Once Hazel was done, Giselle moved over and took her place, taking yet another turn, her cock starting to go limp a little, but it still had enough stamina left in it apparently for one more go.

"Oh... K-Kylie... I love you... so much. Y-You're amazing... so good... g-gonna c-cum," Giselle panted in between her sweet moans, her face full of love as she stared at Kylie, her body tensing as she released her seed one more time.

After she was through cumming, Giselle finally relaxed completely, her member now completely limp as she rolled off of Kylie and to her right, panting madly and looking in total bliss as she watched Shaela move up to Kylie once more, with Hazel sitting to the side, merely watching now as Shaela lined herself up with Kylie once more, her own member starting to go a little limp as well. Shaela thrust forward, burying her monstrous cock inside of Kylie again where she began thrusting feverishly into the human girl, sweat dripping from both of them and her balls slapping against Kylie's ass as she pounded Kylie's pussy for all its worth.

Soon enough, Shaela's body tensed as she hilted in Kylie again and filled her again, leaving her pussy completely filled with the mostly Shaela's and Giselle's seed. Once she was finally through spurting all of her seed, Shaela shuddered once more as she rolled off of Kylie to the opposite side that Giselle did. After Shaela rolled off of her, Kylie would barely be able to feel herself being rolled over to face the lusty nymph herm, where she was then pulled close, apparently their orgy over now as they noticed that not only were their own cocks not up to the task any longer after cumming so hard so many times, but they also noticed that Kylie didn't look to really be in any shape to have any more fun at the moment without a rest either.

"I think my work here is complete, I've made you all feel really good, and I've found someone else for you to have fun with Kylie... someone that I think really likes you a lot by the looks of it, probably as much as Giselle does, hmhm," Hazel said aloud to the three of them, leaning down over them all and caressing their cheeks gently as they all drifted off to sleep together, with Kylie snuggled firmly between Giselle and Shaela, with the siren laying behind her and the nymph in front, both of their now limp members pressed against Kylie's body as if they were her's and nobody else's to have, Giselle's laying firmly between Kylie's buttcheeks and Shaela's laying against her belly. Hazel took the blanket of Shaela's bed and lifted it over the three of them and set it down, kissing them all on the forehead before she magicked her conjured cock away, pressing her index finger to it and pressing it back into her body before she redressed and left the room with a happy smile on her face.


Some time later, Kylie would awaken, her senses coming back to her as she opened her eyes, feeling so great after the magnificent sex earlier that her body was still totally relaxed even after going to sleep and waking back up and she would also find that she couldn't move any at all, as Giselle and Shaela's arms still wrapped around her as they cuddled while sleeping. Kylie would find the two looked very... peaceful as they lay there lovingly holding her together, both of them apparently liking her quite a bit after what they'd all done together, blissful smiles on their faces, both of them still sound asleep.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie didn't care if anyone liked her at this point, she was a sweaty, cumdrenched, spunk filled mess who was more then happy to take all three women again at once without a seconds thought, moaning and writhing like the whore she had become so quickly in this moment between the three and cumming again and again and again as they continued to use her, even after finishing their last threesome, each woman taking a turn with her abused slit and giving her a fresh batch. Practically mindless with lust at this point, there wasn't even much to observe between the blinding pleasure, the narcotic coursing through her system from Hazel, and the feel of their bodies moving against her cumstained own.

As she blessedly and finally passed out between Shaela and Giselle, part of Kylie was simply too exhausted to even be happy or sad about it, her mind having long ago shut off, although a part of her had hung on rather desperately vowing a silent revenge on Hazel for being degraded like this no matter how much she had enjoyed it. What had really bothered her more then anything was the essence, the blatant manipulation of both her mind, and her body for a favourable result rather then the natural and that had struck a deep chord in her that was going to be slow to get over.

It was enjoyable, very very enjoyable, but Kylie was too nervous and uncertain to be forced out of her own shell in such a manner for Hazel's enjoyment, no manner what kind of sub she may be and wouldn't be even close to ok with that until she was more comfortable with the town and it's people on a whole. Giselle was fine, being around the people were fine, everything had been just dandy until that shocking even had taken place and as Kylie felt her mind return, she felt an odd kind of shame and embarrassment and even anger over how it had come about. No matter what this place was used to, she simply wasn't so it was with these thoughts in mind that Kylie vowed to live on her own and get used to this place at her own pace without exception.

Waking up between the pair, Kylie was still too numb to be entirely sore yet, though when she found she couldn't move, she wasted no time in waking both women up, writhing and pocking between them, licking them if she had to. "I need a bath, and probably something for pain, and I'd prefer both quickly" She said quietly, unable to really meet their eyes properly before eventually forcing herself free, still furious with Hazel and casting her eyes around for her new daggers along with her clothing as she stretched and tried to get the blood flowing.

Although her annoyance was plainly evident, her reasons were not and wouldn't be made clear until she laid her eyes on Hazel if she did at all, and if neither of the girls awoke, Kylie would move to the kitchen and clean herself off with a rag, and water just enough to not be a different colour before pulling her clothes, on, belting her daggers into place, and heading for the door, asking the first person she saw if their was anywhere she could bathe and soak, gesturing to the dried cum in her hair and seeming very annoyed as well as short tempered.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

After a bit of poking and nudging from Kylie, she found that Giselle and Shaela both were rather easy to awaken, despite how exhausted they must have been after all of the sex earlier. The two both rolled away from Kylie a bit as they stretched along with her, bringing the blood flow back to their muscles. Giselle yawned a bit before turning her gaze to Kylie where Kylie would see her pretty face turn white as a sheet, losing all of its color as she let out a soft gasp, her eyes going wide as well for a moment before she teared up with a frightened look on her face.

"Oh gods... K-Kylie... I'm so sorry. Oh man... t-this always happens to me. I bring someone over that I like and Hazel interferes like this and they never want to come near me again if they can help it," Giselle said after a few moments, her voice very tense and terrified of the consequences of what happened earlier as she held her hands on either side of her head, shaking it back and forth.

"I'm... terribly sorry about this too Kylie, I just... well I can only think with one head at a time, please forgive me. I hope this doesn't make you hate me, or Giselle," Shaela said once Giselle was through talking and went into a panic, while Shaela bowed her head to Kylie and continued, "I must say though that I... kind of liked... no, I really liked having sex with you, and I hope we can do it again sometime. But if you wouldn't be comfortable with doing that then I'd understand. I hope this doesn't mean the end of our friendship, and could possibly mean something more later between the three of us here. If there's anything you require of me to make it up to you then you need but ask." Kylie would see easily be able to see that Shaela was genuinely sincere with her words, and had apparently liked having sex with her very much and wanted to again sometime if Kylie wished.

As she would start to answer Shaela, the nymph herm and Kylie would both see Giselle starting to hyperventilate from her panic, with Shaela quickly moving into action and pulling Giselle into a hug, stroking her back with her hand and trying to soothe her. "Shh shh Giselle, it's okay it's okay. Just calm down sweetie," Shaela said as Giselle mumbled something to the effect of Kylie hating her now and never wanting to see her again, sounding about to start sobbing because she was frightened Kylie was angry with her.

After a few minutes, they were able to calm Giselle down, the whole thing happening even sooner should Kylie pitch in and tell her she wasn't angry with her. Once they had the futa siren calmed down, and after she'd come up with an answer to Shaela's words, Shaela would get up and wave them both to follow her, saying, "Come on, we can take a bath here. And I've got something for the pain that'll eventually come just in here."

Shaela led them through the kitchen and stopped along the way to grab two potion vials, handing them both to Kylie. "That blue one there is for the pain, it'll lessen any and all pain you've got for several hours, you can get them dirt cheap in the markets, but I've got a few more I can give you later before you leave. And that black one there is... well to make sure neither me nor Giselle put a bun in your oven there to put it bluntly, because I'm... pretty potent, as is Giselle, so you may want to drink it unless you don't mind having a baby by one of us. I don't know exactly what goes into it, but they call it a birth control potion and someone made them a long time ago so their lovers didn't get pregnant until they were ready," Shaela said, gesturing first to a blue potion which when Kylie drank it she would note it tasted like strawberries, then she gestured to a black one which if Kylie drank it tasted somewhat like dark chocolate. After Kylie had drank the two potions, she would feel a slight tingling in her belly around her womb, as well as the pain that was starting to form in her nether regions to disappear, then Shaela would lead them on down a set of steps past the kitchen towards a bathroom where Kylie would see one of the largest baths she'd ever seen in her life. The thing must have been at least a dozen feet across and long both, filled with warm steaming water, and it looked pretty natural all things considered, as if it wasn't man made. Before she could ask about it, Shaela told her, "It's a natural hotspring, and our grandparents had our house pretty much built over the thing, but we still let people come here when they want to relax."

Giselle and Shaela both set to work cleaning their beloved Kylie, insisting that she let them clean her since they dirtied her up so much like they had. If she agreed, then they would both grab a loofah and begin soaping her body up gently, taking extra care not to scrub too hard or anything as they washed her. Once they had washed her once, they would do so a second time, being very thorough in their cleaning of Kylie, then once they had rinsed the soap off of her a second time, then they moved on to her hair, rinsing out all of the dried cum that was in it and picking it out before shampooing it and washing it properly, gently scrubbing her scalp and getting her all clean before repeating the entire process on themselves and making sure they were all three clean.

"Kylie... please don't be too angry with Hazel, it's her nature to do this kind of thing as it is with all succubi pretty much, as they're all very playful and naughty and curious of new people. Now that she's gotten it all out of her system she shouldn't do it or anything like it again unless you ask her to, and even then she wouldn't go as far as she did. She'll apologize if you ask her to and tell her that you didn't appreciate it any," Shaela said to Kylie while she was washing herself, seeming to want Kylie and Hazel to get along and be friends with the succubus. Kylie would also notice that Giselle seemed to be very quiet since being calmed down, almost like she didn't trust herself to speak, and she was staying rather closer to Kylie than she had been up until now.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Both of you calm down and stop being rediculous, if I was angry at either of you I'd have told you immediately, if you know anything about me Giselle it's that I tell you rather plainly how I feel about things, I like you both very much, I'd be lying if I said that hadn't been pleasurable, and the only person I'm angry with is Hazel, who'd better steer wide of me for quite awhile" Kylie said as Giselle went into a full on panic and Kylie had to help Shaela calm her down. Mind altering substances in general seemed to really set her off in the worst possible way the Ochu excluded as a mindless beast to Kylie, Hazel's sin doing it consciously for her own gain.

Bathing quickly after drinking both potions, and glad they were there, Kylie continued to fume until that same odd calm settled over her and she finally relaxed. Looking at Giselle, Kylie smiled. "If it's all the same to you Giselle, I plan on staying out in the jungle near the Alraune on my own for a bit, I'm still adjusting and need a little space to be honest so I can get my head straight and wrapped around this place on my own, come to terms with a few things and get a proper feel. It was a mistake on my part to try and settle so quickly and that episode with the Alraune, and then this proved it to me. I care about you very much, you know I'm telling the truth and you'll see me every morning bright and early to make sure you don't oversleep" She said smiling, giving Giselle a huge hug and a passionate kiss before getting out of the water and getting dressed, honestly impressed with the bathroom, or natural spring but needing to get clear of this place before she started to fume again.

Honestly still shaken by how everything had happened, Kylie grinned and hugged Shaela, whispering in her ear "Do me a favour and keep my favourite nervous nelly from overreacting please, it would mean a lot" With these words spoken just between the two of them, Kylie turned, dressed again and armed with her blades and left, waving to the pair with a smile before departing the house quickly before she had the unpleasant situation of running into Hazel which was certain to end violently no matter how profusely the succubus apologised if she even bothered. There was a deeply buried memory in here somewhere, but it currently escaped her which was all the more unsettling and this had deeply shaken her trust in Hazel on a whole despite anything the others had said, nature be damned, a friend controlled their nature.

Striding away from the house with or without an altercation, Kylie would make her way towards the Alraune's spot in the jungle after picking up her bow, not walking, but jogging at a fairly steady and athletic pace, wanting to check up on the little one regardless of the time, and giving her some much needed distance, as well as the presence of a group of people that respected her wishes if nothing else.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

(Did Kylie allow them to wash her off?)

Despite Kylie's words when the two were calming her down before the bath, Giselle continued to shudder in fear and sadness in Shaela's arms for a couple of minutes as she mumbled almost incoherently before they were able to calm her down enough to bathe. Once they had gotten into the bath and had begun cleaning up and everything, Giselle sat there kind of stunned as Kylie spoke to her again, apparently still reeling from the whole thing even though Kylie was smiling at her, yet not looking too scared anymore thankfully. However that changed when Kylie said she planned on leaving to go into the jungle by herself to stay, saying that she was going to stay near the alraune for a while, the young siren hanging her head slightly and slumping her shoulders until Kylie hugged and kissed her, which Giselle returned as if it were the last time she would ever see her, but when she let Giselle go the siren's eyes teared up again after Kylie had turned her back, where she didn't see them.

"Yeah... t-that's okay... t-take your time Kylie," Giselle said once Kylie had spoken to her before getting out of the bath, her voice not sounding very lively as it normally was.

"I... I'll do my best, though it... no you know what it doesn't matter, it's not important right now, just... go, and do be careful," Shaela whispered back to Kylie, the look on her face being a mix between pity, sadness, and a slight bit of anger, though she didn't say anything else and let Kylie leave, and when Kylie waved to the two of them, she'd notice that Giselle had turned and was looking the other way while washing her hair, while Shaela had returned to the water and was wading towards her rather quickly, though she did notice and waved back.

Kylie was left relatively alone as she traveled to Giselle's little house on the far edge of town, where she then gathered all of her things together. As she lifted her backpack up Kylie would see the other two slips of paper from the other two jobs that Giselle had grabbed, which she'd set in Kylie's backpack earlier after starting the alraune job. Kylie would also see that Giselle had also placed a package of some sort, or rather it was really just a large slip of thick paper wrapped around something and tied neatly on top, with a note slipped into it that read "I thought you needed something extra to wear, so I got these for you to have". When Kylie looked inside of it, she'd find a nice white silk shirt with a pair of silk pants that fit to her very well and were both neatly folded inside of the package, there were also a pair of silk socks and a little pair of moccasin boots that were Kylie's size stuffed down in the package as well.

After that, when she left the house, Kylie wouldn't run into much of anything as she started towards the alraune camp, save the birds chirping and the bugs buzzing. As she neared the camp, Kylie would see a couple of red alraune step out from behind a pair of trees with spears in their hands and pointing their weapons at her for only a moment until they recognized her, where they then lowered them. "Miss Kylie... what brings you out here again so soon? Have you come to check up on the little one?" one of the red alraune asked her. After a moment of looking at her, Kylie would notice that she was one of the red alraune that had brought her and Giselle the gold and alraune nectar earlier.