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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie's memories about her past began resurfacing because of the fairly traumatic sight she was seeing, she suddenly saw in her mind's eye the sight of her holding her bow and aiming an arrow at someone. She was on a ship, sailing across the high seas, in the distance not too far away she could make out an island of some sort, and she remembered that she'd been sent to kill someone and had been given a picture. The picture was that of the man in front of her, and he was wearing a captains hat and was in uniform, giving orders. Kylie was looking down at him from the crows nest as she aimed her bow at him. Then... she loosed her arrow at him, the plan going off without a hitch as the arrow soared through the air, slamming into the back of her target's neck, piercing it and going straight through the other end because the tension on her bow was so high and powerful, the arrow skipping off the deck and off into the ocean. Then all hell broke loose as the rest of her plan was enacted and suddenly the ship lurched to the side and the rest was black.

(Kylie gets +1 to all attack rolls as she remembers something of her past assassin self.)


Kylie - 19 vs 3 BA, crit hit for 2 FP smg, +1 FP dmg from fire arrows
Giselle - 7 vs 6 BA, hit

Black Alraune - 11 vs 18 Giselle, miss

Kylie - 17 vs 2 BA, crit hit for 2 FP dmg +1 FP dmg more from fire arrows
Giselle - 8 vs 3 BA, hit

Black Alraune - 9 vs 19 Giselle, miss

Kylie felt herself coming back to reality as Giselle charged down the hillside at their target, her fury giving her the sight of an eagle as she aimed her bow. When Giselle got close, Kylie had sighted her target and loosed a fire arrow at it, which stuck it in the leg and set it ablaze, the flames starting to travel up its legs a little as she tried to put them out. Then as Giselle broke out through the brush and closed the distance with their target, hurling her spear at the black alraune, where it hit her in the side as the black alraune howled in pain. Giselle then dove and rolled at her foe, and ripped her spear out of where she'd thrown it and hit her target, a gush of black blood rushing out to greet her.

The black alraune flailed about in agony as the flames licked up her legs and she tried to put them out. A handful of tentacles shot out of the ground at Giselle, which the young futanari siren easily dodged by cartwheel flipping out of the way, showing Kylie a feat of acrobatics that she probably wouldn't think Giselle could perform as she readied herself for another round.

"Take that you evil bitch, today you die for your cruelty," Giselle shouted at their foe as she readied her weapon for the next bout.

Kylie then launched another arrow at the black alraune, which pierced her right shoulder and set it ablaze as well, causing their foe much more harm, which likely delighted the human assassin girl to no end. Then Giselle rammed her spear into the black alraune's other shoulder, though the black alraune was able to catch it before it went completely through and pushed it back out, though she was still wounded by it. Then the black alraune tried to slam her tentacles into Giselle's gut, but the young siren again easily dove out of the way and dodged them, looking absolutely furious with their foe.

Kylie - FP: 5/5 AP: 0/10
Giselle - FP: 5/5, AP: 0/10

Black Alraune - FP: 4/12

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie watched with a grim satisfaction as her first arrow scored the perfect hit to limit their foes mobility and give more purchase to the hungry flames that began to devour thee alraune. Giselle was impressive in her own right and kylie made a mental note that she was very flexible and agile to boot, apparently no stranger to combat either. Her second arrow was just as well aimed and between those shots and Giselle's own strikes, the Alraune was crippled before the fight had even had a chance to really begin. It was time to finish this.

Knocking her 3rd arrow, kylie drew back, sighted, and loosed what would hopefully be the last shot of this fight, but on the off chance that it wasn't, her hand moved with blinding speed to snatch up and fire the 4th.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie - 12 vs 5 BA, hit for 2 FP dmg with the fire arrow
Giselle - 3 vs 16 BA, miss

Black Alraune - 15 vs 13 Giselle, hit for 2 FP dmg

Kylie - 7 vs 10 BA, miss
Giselle - 8 vs 7 BA, hit

Black Alraune - 17 vs 14 Giselle, hit for 2 FP dmg

Kylie - 6 vs 8 BA, miss
Giselle - 16 vs 15 BA, hit and killed, winning the battle

Preparing her third arrow, Kylie launched it straight down and into the black alraune, this one not hitting as neatly as the first two had done, yet hitting all the same, this time piercing the black alraune's right foot and setting it on fire now, burning her target more so. Giselle however missed the black alraune this time around as she thrust her spear out at the thing's throat, only to miss the smaller target unfortunately. The black alraune flailed its tentacles at Giselle, as she was the only one of the two close enough for it to attack. The things slammed into her gut and knocked her back, knocking the wind out of her and forcing her to take a few moments to recover. It however did not deter her any at all despite the pain as she grasped her stomach for a couple of moments before readying her spear again.

Kylie notched her fourth arrow and lit it up, then released, the sharp slick piece of wood soaring through the air straight at its intended target. The arrow however missed and thunked into the ground right next to the black alraune, the fire on the end of it going out almost instantly. Giselle had a bit better luck this time around though, canceling out Kylie's missed shot somewhat at least as her spear was rammed into the black alraune's left side, bringing another cry of pain from their foe. The black alraune then slammed her tentacles into Giselle again, this time forcing her to one knee as they shot out and one stabbed into Giselle's shoulder, piercing her there and causing her to start bleeding a bit.

This likely enraged Kylie to see her friend/lover being impaled by a tentacle in a not so pleasing way, and as such her rage and anger caused her to miss her next shot, the arrow going wide and hitting the tree behind its intended target. Giselle However, from where she was on her knee with a tentacle stabbed into her shoulder, lunged forwards, causing the tentacle to force its way further into her shoulder, yet it allowed her the perfect opportunity to thrust her spear at her target. The sharp tip of her weapon went straight into the black alraune, aimed straight into her target's throat and piercing it, coming out the back as the black alraune's eyes went lifeless as she fell over and slumped to the ground, her tentacles going slack as the one in Giselle's shoulder slipping free and out of her.

Looking around after the thing was dead, Kylie would notice the little green alraune still laying on the ground where she'd fallen a minute or two before, laying face down, while the rest were still huddled in their cage, unable to really move all that much. "I-I'll be fine, let's check on them first. I've had worse wounds than this before Kylie... don't worry about me," Giselle said to Kylie when the human girl undoubtedly came down the hill and into the area, the young siren moving over to the little green alraune where she'd fallen after being thrown and hitting the tree.
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Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"If you say so" Kylie said, hesitantly leaving giselle to look after herself and the tiny injured seedling, instead moving to the cage and breaking it open."come with us little ones, back to your family" she coo'ed softly, ushering them up into her arms after shouldering her bow. "Giselle, we shouldn't linger here, maybe the alraune can see to your injury, but bleeding freely in a jungle is never a good idea" she said quietly, getting the young all settled and starting to move, wanting to put some distance between the smoking corpse and her memories, the clash making her a little uncomfortable.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle barely heard Kylie as she reached down and lifted the little green alraune up in one hand, rolling her over a bit as she did. She saw that the poor little thing was still breathing, though in short little pants, as if she were badly hurt. Her skin was all scratched up and one arm was bent at an odd angle as if it were broken, and a leg was the same, and she looked like she was struggling to breathe now and Giselle looked like she didn't know what to do and was starting to panic a bit. She looked over to Kylie desperately as the human girl opened the cage holding the rest of the little ones. "K-Kylie... she's really hurt. What do we do? I... I don't know if she's going to make it if we don't do something now," Giselle called out to Kylie, looking near tears as she laid the little alraune back down on the ground.

As soon as Kylie let the rest of the little alraune out of the cage, they all rushed over to Giselle's side where they huddled around the other little one where Giselle had laid her down at. Of the rest of the little alraune there was a red one, two pink ones another green one and one blue one, and as soon as they got over to Giselle and their little companion the red one pulled her little head up and set it in her lap, gently caressing her head and looking worried, while the others all gathered around her looking extremely worried.

"K-Kylie... go and get the alraune from earlier, because I'm afraid to move her any, hurry... maybe they can help her... and me. I'll bandage this as best I can until you get back," Giselle said as soon as the little alraune were all gathered together in front of her as she plopped back onto her butt, clutching her shoulder as she reached down into her pack and began pulling out what looked like bits of cloth, which she then put onto her shoulder and began applying pressure to try and stop the bleeding.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie flew into action as soon as she heard how dire the situation was. "Giselle, get half her legs under water while you hold her, if she stop breathing, very gently press her chest a few times and breathe for her, be very careful not to move her back and neck!" She called out as she tossed all but a single arrow.and her bow away and started sprinting with her own natural grace and agility towards the other gathering, leaping along the ground like a gazelle, treating the ground like she would any city backstreet or rooftop as she ran. If she stumbled she rolled straight up back to her feet. Nothing would stop her as she tore through the underbrush like a woman possessed, whiplike lacerations showing on her bare skin.

Moving with incredible haste, when she reached the other alraune, she'd shout out what had happened and personally escort them to the injured and the young, refusing to spare even a single moment, gods above help whatever got in her way...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle nodded at her friend/lover as Kylie rushed off through the jungle with only one arrow to shoot from her bow, with Giselle moving over to the pond and submerging the little alraune's legs from the knees down into the water. As Kylie rushed onwards, nimbly jumping over roots and overturned trees and ducking under low hanging tree limbs, she found that nothing really got in her way. She did trip a couple of times along the way, but her assassin reflexes allowed her to simply roll and then flip back up, continuing her run. When she made it back to where all the alraune were in their camp of sorts, the matronly alraune noticed her sprinting towards them all and stood up.

"What has happened dear? Have you destroyed that vile black alraune? After what she did to our young I hope she burned and suffered incredibly," the green matronly alraune asked as soon as Kylie was close enough to hear her, looking a bit worried.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I did, she did, she's dead, no time for that now! A young one is dying! Follow me!" Kylie panted out in a rush before motioning for someone to follow with all haste and starting the trip back, surely someone could keep up, or had something they could give her! Anything damnit!

"Come on! We don't have a lot of time!" She shouted angrily
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Hearing Kylie's urgent answer, the matronly alraune nodded and quickly ran over to near the stream and grabbed what looked like a flask of some sort. Then she and a half a dozen others, 4 red alraune carrying spears, 1 green alraune carrying a staff, and 1 pink alraune that had no weapon. They ran as fast as they could, though they weren't able to match Kylie's pace completely, however they were able to keep her in sight thankfully.

A few short minutes later, Kylie and the alraune made it to the clearing where Giselle and the other little alraune were waiting for them all. When she noticed them, Giselle glanced over her shoulder at them all and hurriedly waved them closer with her hurt arm, a grim look on her face. When they got there, Kylie would see the little green alraune's breathing had slowed dramatically and she looked more pale than before. The matronly green alraune knelt beside Giselle and took the little one from her hand and laid her in her lap. She began checking her over for wounds and sighed sadly as she looked back up at Kylie and Giselle.

"I wasn't aware that that vile thing had taken some of our younglings or we'd have sent everyone we had here to deal with her and rescue them all," the matronly alraune said, tears forming in her eyes that started streaming down her cheeks, "I... I don't know if she'll survive you two. But... thank you for taking care of this and trying to save her. What happened exactly?"

"Well... we saw her bite that bitch's hand when she tried to eat her, so she threw her and she hit that tree there. After we killed it I checked on her and she just... she's so little, I was amazed her hitting the tree didn't kill her instantly considering how hard she hit," Giselle said, now starting to cry a bit too.

"I'll do what I can for her, but it can't be here, we must hurry back to our home, that's the only place I can truly help her at," the matronly alraune said, looking very scared for the little one as she gently lifted her up and rushed back to the alraune camp, not even waiting for Kylie and Giselle.

The red alraune split up with one rushing after the matronly one to protect her, while the rest of the ones that came with her gathered up the rest of the little ones and carried them back, while Giselle struggled back to her feet, ignoring the pain for now from her wound as she pressed the bloody cloth to her shoulder and followed them.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie listened to everything with the same grim expression she'd worn since this debacle had started, it had gone from bad to worse so quickly and kylie found herself glad that they had started this job so soon, but still there an ember of rage burning for this tribe of alraune. If they could have handled it themselves and saved the young ones life rather then lazing in a pool... crushing that rage down with the cold professionalism that she had momentarily regained, Kylie did the only thing she could, retrieving her arrows and running ahead with the reds, doing anything in her power to speed the journey in any way possible. The traumatic day had already spurred her mind, she didn't need a further jogging so soon based on the death of what she saw as an infant, it would not stand. So it was with burning torches that she ran, to light the way herself and make sure their path was true.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Running ahead of the rest of the group, as she was much faster than they were thanks to her training that was slowly coming back to her, Kylie made her way through the jungle, lighting their way even though it wasn't dark yet. They ran as fast as possible, though the matronly alraune had to go easy so as not to jostle the little one too much in the process. Eventually they arrived and the whole camp as it were was bustling like crazy, everyone was moving around and doing something.

"Come on little one... hang in there okay, we're almost there," the matronly alraune said, taking the little one to the stream and setting her down on a little island in the middle of it that stuck out a bit from the water.

As soon as she had set the little one down, the matronly alraune pulled the flask up and dipped a little mouthful of the liquid into the little one's mouth and got it down her throat. After that, the matronly alraune said a few words in a language unknown to Kylie and Giselle, and as soon as she stopped speaking, several little tendrils began sliding up out of the ground and wrapped around the little one, while four of them ended in what looked like needle points as they gently inserted themselves into the littler one's body, one in either arm and one in either leg. Kylie and Giselle would see something beginning to be pumped through and into the little one's body, which was starting to bring her color back just a little bit, though her breathing was still ragged and in short little pants... even shorter now than before.

While that was going on, the matronly alraune pulled her little arm that looked to have been broken back around, giving it a little jerk as they heard a little pop and crack, indicating that it must have had a bone of some sort in there. Then she did the same thing for her leg, which popped a bit louder than her arm did. Once she'd set her little broken limbs, she placed her so that she would be in a comfortable position as she poured another drink of whatever was in the flask down her little throat. Her breathing remained steady at where it was at for now, which seemed to be good, as it meant that at least her breathing wasn't slowing down now.

"All we can do now is sit, wait, and hope for the best. We've really done all we can by letting the earth take over, hopefully she'll be able to take root here, but... with one so young... I just don't know if it'll work and she'll be able to take root, but at this point I believe it's her only hope, considering how hurt she is and all," the matronly alraune said aloud, kneeling in the stream next to the little island where the little one was where she started praying.

The rest of the alraune around them did the same thing, kneeling down where they were and beginning to pray. Kylie would see Giselle do the same thing, still ignoring the pain from her wound for now, yet still holding the cloth over it. "Do you ever pray Kylie? If so then now would be a good time I think," Giselle asked from where she knelt, glancing up at Kylie. Kylie would see even the little alraune were kneeling where they were standing at on the bank of the stream, looking out at their sister before hanging their heads sadly.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie watched, its what she did, and everything that passed before her eyes did not go unnoticed, she knew in her gut more then anything that the little one being tended now was as strong of will as any adult, and had fought her fate to the bitter last moment before it had fallen into their hands. When she was asked if she prayed she shook her head slowly, almost sadly. To her limited memory she never hd raised her lips to a higher powerbut she did so now and with a fervor. She had survived whatever had happened aboard that ship at the end the same way this little one had until now, by refusing to give in and she prayed that the little one before her would find just a little more strength to do the same. As if to sanctify what was happening with the strength of her own will, Kylie slashed the palm of her hand with her last arrow and let the blood drip into the pool almost as if in offering to whatever spirit haunted the world of the living to collect the souls of the dead, almost as if she could turn its gaze to her rather then to the tiny creature fighting for its life even now. And that was all the more she could do...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As they watched and waited, the entire camp nearly out there praying now even as the sky began clouding up in the sky and a soft rain started, they all looked on as the little one's breathing slowed more and more until it had almost stopped. The camp was deathly silent with praying as they watched on, Giselle starting to cry a bit herself that they hadn't gotten there in time to rescue the little one. The little one's body was jerking and twitching slightly, as if she were shivering cold and she was sweating like mad. So the matronly alraune laid a soft blanket of moss over her as she herself began crying silently and leaned down to kiss her little head. After that she pulled back a little bit and laid her head on the little island next to the little one and gently caressed her little head for nearly an entire minute before she watched as the little one finally breathed her last breath and exhaled as her body stopped twitching... no longer shivering as she wasn't cold any longer, her color changing from a very pale green to a mottled brown color almost like rotted wood. The matronly alraune raised her head up and looked down at the little one for a few moments before she tilted her head back and let out a wail of anguish, which the rest of the camp picked up along with her, some crying, some screaming, some merely beating their fists into the ground and asking the gods why they would take such an innocent life.

"Oh gods Kylie... if only we'd been quicker..." Giselle cried as she grabbed Kylie from behind and hugged her, burying her face against Kylie's back as she started crying uncontrollably now as her sobs trailed off for a moment before she whimpered, "(Sniffle)... A-At least... at least she isn't... c-cold anymore... the poor little thing."

Then Kylie took her arrow and slashed her own hand open, causing a little bit of pain as her blood dripped into the stream in offering to the higher powers. The blood mingled with the water some as it clouded towards the little island, where suddenly the little island was bathed in sunlight as there was a small break in the clouds above and the rain stopped, the beam of sunlight shining straight down onto the little one where she was laying. The whole camp went silent again and looked on as the little one suddenly took a deep breath and let it out, her color slowly changing back from the mottled brown back to a pale green, then she took another deep breath and her color darkened a bit more, closer to what the matronly alraune's was. After several more breaths like that, the little one's color was nearly as green as it could get and Kylie would be able to see a little tentacle sprout out of a small plant that suddenly started growing under her, which then slithered its way down under the mossy blanket and attached itself to her just above her butt, like a tail almost.

The matronly alraune stood up and turned to the rest of the camp with an ecstatic look on her face, her tears of anguish now changed to tears of joy as a cheer rang through the entire camp. "The gods have given her another chance at life. We shall not allow her to be taken from us again so easily. From now on anytime any younglings are taken or there is a black alraune nearby... we don't wait any longer, we destroy it, and find the younglings," the matronly alraune said aloud for all to hear, with all of the alraune nodding their heads in agreement.

After that the matronly alraune waded through the stream back over to where Kylie and Giselle were sitting, Giselle having let Kylie go and crying tears of joy now, her wound bleeding freely now as she'd dropped the cloth when she grabbed hold of Kylie. "I must thank you both again, for coming when you did. I'm Ayane by the way, I just realized that I never did tell you my name earlier when you first came here. You two, bring some of our bottles of nectar for them, the best we've got, and some of that gold we have, they could use it more than us," the matronly alraune said to the two of them, introducing herself before glancing at a couple of nearby red alraune, whom she ordered to go and get them what they'd originally come for.

"T-Thank you miss Ayane, I'm glad we could help you out with this," Giselle replied, bowing her head a bit to Ayane, wincing in pain as she could no longer ignore her shoulder and the shape it was in.

"Come... we have healers that can tend to you... both of you," Ayane said as she led them both to what appeared to be a tent made from only things found in and around their camp. Once inside, a couple of the blue alraune noticed them entering and when they saw Giselle's shoulder they immediately moved to action, much unlike any of the blue alraune Kylie had seen thus far. They began properly tending to Giselle's shoulder and amazingly enough they used magic to heal it, and then they applied a salve of some sort to it and bandaged it up. Then they moved on to Kylie's hand and tended to it as well, using their healing magics on it and then bandaging it up like the did Giselle's shoulder after applying the same salve.
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Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

A break in the clouds to herald life returned, the reaper turning his gaze towards her in exchange for the offering of her own blood perhaps. Kylie was at a loss for words as she watched a dark situation only get worse before her own bloodletting changed the tide somehow and the world bent to her wish for life in the child. She was overjoyed, but could only bring herself to smile softly as the young alraune took root and she knew everything would be okay.

Getting hugged from behind by Giselle however broke her from her own musings as she looked at the sky and Kylie responded by hugging her back before prodding her wounded shoulder. "Get that tended to, its bad enough you waited this long" she said before hugging giselle fiercly and kissing her, "go on" she said quietly, shooing her towards the apparently summoned healers and went to go see the young one for herself. Looking down at the tiny thing, Kylie knelt down, a tear still shining in her eye as she kissed the alraune on the forhead and turned her attention back to the matter at hand, leaving her own bloodstained arrow on the island as a reminder to whatever had been watching, about what had been traded for this small childs life.

When the healers came to her, Kylie let them heal the wound, but refused to let them doing anything about the scar, keeping it as a reminder of this day, which had seared itself into her mind and soul as an important moment in her life, simply shooing away further efforts or fussing over her hand or the odd pale line across the palm, and approaching the matron. She was certain that her eyes told the matron what she didn't trust herself to say, that odd look of anger and joy all smashed into one that said quite plainly, "you're incredibly lucky this worked out in the end, don't let it happen again" and with that silent message shared from one powerful woman to another, Kylie returned to her friend as they collected their payment. Saying goodbye one last time, and staring softly at the young creature, Kylie headed back towards the village with Giselle in tow. "I'm sorry about your shoulder, but you were something else to watch fight, i was impressed" she said quietly, walking mainly in silence as they drew closer to the village with their hard won spoils.

With each step, Kylies mood seemed to lift, and before long she was skipping and whistling that same comforting tune, seemingly back to her old self as they headed back. they would collect the payment for the job, and then Kylie was going to eat and drink as if today was her last alive.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

(Sorry this one took so long, and also if it seems a bit weak after that last one.)

After setting the bloody arrow on the little island and then going on to the healers, she would see one of the red alraune take the arrow and stick it point first into the ground, leaving it there for all to see from wherever they looked at the little island from. When she kissed the little one on the forehead she stirred a little, but didn't wake up, and Kylie could see that her little arm and leg were both still hurt, but she seemed to be alright now all in all and just needed to heal up. Then after the two of them had been healed and their wounds sealed up and bandaged just in case, the two red alraune that Ayane had sent off to get their payment brought not just the two bottles of nectar they were supposed to get, but a dozen more, as well as a sack of gold, which held a total 500 gold pieces.

"I understand you miss Kylie... and don't worry, this will not be allowed to happen again," Ayane replied to Kylie when she'd given her that look, apparently understanding what she was telling her without the need for words.

After getting bandaged up and everything, and after Kylie returned from finding Ayane and giving her the silent message, Giselle handed her the sack of money and put the bottles of nectar into Kylie's backpack, as she didn't think she could carry it all in her own. "Thanks... but I'll be alright hon, besides... it was worth getting hurt for what we ended up getting out of it. We saved a child's life, and we got paid for it," Giselle said to Kylie when the human girl spoke to her friend/lover, letting her know that she was alright, or at least would be.

As they walked onwards back towards the village, to Giselle's house in particular, Giselle moved up beside Kylie and wrapped an arm around one of Kylie's staying close to her as they walked, looking really happy when Kylie was back to her old self and started whistling again. It didn't take them very long to get back to the village, and nothing happened along the way to prevent them from getting there. They took a couple of the bottles of alraune nectar to the person that put up the request for it, with Giselle telling the guy that they had brought what he'd asked for, which he thanked them for and handed them a sack, which had a bit of gold in it, as well as a couple of potions, which he told them one was a healing potion, and the other was a bottle of liquid succubus essence.

"It's kind of like the alraune nectar, but from a succubus instead. It's a liquid version of what Hazel wanted to blast you with and then fuck you silly. A succubus' essence makes anyone that breathes it in really really horny, depending on how much they've been hit with," Giselle said, explaining what succubus essence was as they walked on back to her house to rest and everything for a little bit and have some lunch before they decide on anything else.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie listened to Giselle speak, looking at the scar across her hand before glancing up at the clouds again while they walked. She still wasn't sure if she trusted herself to speak plainly but she tried, and found the words found their way passed her tangled emotions. "It's fortunate Giselle, and this will probably be the last important thing I say for awhile. Blood should only be traded for blood, never cheapen it because it is far more valuable then gold or silver. When I remember more of my past well talk about it again, for now... just remember those words, hold then close when you fight." She said quietly.

As they collected further payment, Kylie walked over to any blacksmith she could see and perused the daggers a little, the shorter heavy blades looking as if they'd feel natural in her hands, as did the longer blades. She'd return to talk to the smith later, she knew there was somethibg missing from her bow that had made it so powerful before, it must have gotten lost during the ship incident.

Picking up the tune again, Kylie discovered she actually had an ironclad memory, and started to sing the same song the sirens had on her first visit to their home, singing softly, looking for some comfort against concealed pain and hoping Giselle would raise her voice with hers. She was driven rather forcefully from darker thoughts however as they neared giselle's home and her stomach gave a loud and rather embarrassing rumble, and Kylie remembered her shirt was in complete tatters as well. Blushing, Kylie looked at Giselle. "Lunch?" She asked smiling, very hungry.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I understand you Kylie... I think. But we might as well take the money when it's offered, because we can't buy food with blood," Giselle replied, looking like she understood Kylie's words.

After leaving the guy's place when they got their payment for bringing the alraune nectar and as they traveled back through town, Giselle followed Kylie into the blacksmith in the village and simply stayed with her and looked at the weaponry along with her. Giselle was eying a strange spear while Kylie eyed the daggers and swords, the nagging feeling in the back of Kylie's mind that her bow lacked something that she'd had before.

When they left the blacksmith and started onwards again, Giselle did indeed pick up the tune with Kylie and started singing softly when they neared Giselle's place. The sound of Giselle's voice began soothing Kylie's mind, and before she knew it they were both back at Giselle's house, with the young futanari siren giggling at Kylie's belly growling.

"Don't worry about it Kylie, let's just get something to eat," Giselle said, still giggling a little bit after they got into the house and she went to the kitchen to start getting some lunch ready.

After almost an hour or so, Giselle called to Kylie that the food was ready, unless she'd been helping her to cook it all, regardless Giselle starts bringing out a few plates of food and sets them all on the table, then sits down and starts piling a bit of food onto her plate. It was a rather simple lunch, only some porkchops, mashed potatoes, and a bit of bread, with some orange juice and or water to drink.

"You wanted to go check out some of the weapons at the blacksmith in a little bit didn't you?" Giselle asked Kylie, continuing after taking a drink, "Because if you do then I don't mind going with you. I was thinking about getting me an upgrade on my spear, maybe an enchantment or something."

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie had no issues helping with the cooking and that also gave her an excuse to nibble on things while they cooked, keeping her from simply snacking Giselle out of house and home, although, they didd have a lot of gold... gold was nice for things.

As they sat down to eat, Kylie had been strangely quiet for quite awhile, like she was still trying to make sense of it alll, when in reality there was just a bumblebee flying around where her brain should be! And probably making honey, which of course immediately drove her thoughts towards finding honey somewhere until Giselle refocused her on the odd little moment with the weapons stall.

Nodding at the question, Kylie spoke "yea, there's something i need, but I can't remember what it is yet. Still, something tells me a pair of daggers would do me good until I have my bow properly sorted. Meh, maybe if I bang my head on something ill remember more..."

Thinking again for a moment, Kylie had an odd littlee idea, "we should invite one of the viera to bed with us, or find something to have fun with, blowing off the steam would be good after today, also remember we need to annoy tina... just because, and then I need to go on a run and probably some more exercises, sitting still is driving me crazy for some reason. Hrm... Oooo! Do we have giant bee's here? That make giant honey!? I love honey... I love honey..."

This fantastical sidetrip into her head and out of her mouth aside, Kylie demolished her food per usual, asking mundane questions about the different races and monsters around the island, and realising with a nasty sink in her stomach, that if there were other survivors from the ship on the island, then she would have to do something about them if she wanted to start over properly here, and looking around... she had no desire to leave for any reason, she was happy here.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

With Kylie's help, Giselle got the food cooked quickly and on out to the table, where they began eating, Giselle smiling that Kylie seemed to like her cooking enough to just obliterate her food. After asking her friend/lover if there was anything in particular she wanted, Giselle listened to Kylie's reply, nodding to her when she answered and then she blushed a little when she suggested they find a viera to play with.

"Y-Yeah... playing with a viera or two would be really fun. Or maybe a succubus or two... or maybe a neko, they can be really fun," Giselle said, still blushing a little as she continued eating, swallowing a bit of food before continuing, "And yeah there are giant bees here that make large things of honey, though it can be a little dangerous to get some because they'll sometimes try and grab people that try and take their honey without giving something in return. Usually it's girls that go to get it, because they usually have to bear some eggs for them in return for taking some honey, but they don't usually hurt people unless they try and take it without asking or attack them first."

As they finished up their food, Giselle told her some more about the village, and the other villages as well. Kylie learned that the other villages had much the same people that the village they were in had, though she did find out that there was more elves of all kinds in the one to the northwest, and more succubi and the shifter races in the one to the east.

"Yeah we've got more a good balanced mix of everyone here in our village, though it's the smallest of all three of the villages on this continent that we know of. There may be other villages that we don't know of even further to the west of here and past the other villages," Giselle explained as she finished up her last bite of porkchop and guzzled down the last of he orange juice.

After they finished up eating, Giselle washed the dishes and cleaned up, telling Kylie the quicker they got that done, the quicker they could go out and do more stuff. Once they were done with cleaning the dishes and cleaning the table and such, Giselle looked over to Kylie. "I'm ready when you are cutie," Giselle said, winking at Kylie.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie raised her eyebrows a little when she heard about the bees and their... price."that's some pretty pricey honey" she said starting to chuckle. No wonder they'd been given so much gold! The coin of the realm was crotch!! Laughing at the thought, Kylie listened about the other villages and helped clean up, responding to Giselle's wink with a kiss before bouncing towards the door. "Come on" she said excitedly, there was still plenty of day/moonlight left in the day and they had stuff to do!

Looking around outside suspiciously, Kylie sniffed the air before tiptoeing outside and glancing around again. "I smell a spy" she said quietly, pretty sure Hazel had gotten bored and come snooping along with someone else. She didn't know how she knew, she just had that feeling that said her ass was being stared at, granted, if she could in this skirt, she do so herself. Her shirt, torn as it was exposed most of her midriff but Kylie didn't care, she planned on buying a replacement at the marketplace, she liked the fabric.

Still, she couldn't shake the feeling she was being watched so her usual bouncing had taken an odd 360 degree skip to it that looked both fun and rediculous as they made their way towards the market. Once they got there, Kylie would sort the blades first, looking to buy 2 very sharp short blades and the leather belt to hold them,. She had left her bow back at the house and posed a question to the smith. "Would it be possible to fashion heavy arrows made entirely out of steel with very flat, wide heads? And bracing bars for an old hardwood bow?"