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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino awoke, not in her harness, but in a bed with Rolas, the succubus gently stroking her back and massaging her limbs, the bondage having left it's mark as she was sore all over, Mino melting in the skilled massage as Rolas helped her recover. "You... Are really a treat Mino~ I really do want to keep you" She said smiling, slowly working all the tension out of her body to get her completely ready to move again. Leaning down, Rolas kissed Mino on the forehead, something felt marking her very slightly. "Invisible to all but other demons, you need never fear another of us again, and I'll always be able to find you" Rolas said quietly. It was quite the gift, a way out for Mino no matter how bad things got as long as Rolas was free. "I owe you my life, Tassadar had no intention of ever letting me go, I heard it from his own lips, I will always watch over you Mino" She said stroking her hair.

"By the way, you really slept hard, we only have an hour left in this crazy place, O~ And I got more of that coating from Tassadar, a lot more, as well as a.... More restrictive version, amazing stuff really~" She said giggling.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Yawning and waking up, Mino sat up, no longer in a tight bind, she smiled as Rolas complimented her and told her she had more of the gel, after Rolas massaged her Mino hugged her tightly and said "Mistress...i love you so much~"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Rolas smiled and gave her a light flick on the forehead. "I shall endeavor to return your affection my little Mino, I swear it." Standing up, Rolas set the leash on her collar again, though this time, the lock was smaller, and a shining silver, made of an incredibly precious metal that Mino already knew was special. A way of a Mistress telling her pet she was loved in return, and she knew this because for a moment, Rolas linked their minds and she felt it coming from her in waves before she hid herself again. *You will always be able to speak to me this way, we are linked now, you and I, we shouldn't dally, Tassadar will be wanting to get more data out of this last hour with you, as it's your price, you will guide me from this place* She sent over, standing and giving a playful tug on the leash. "Hahaha, seeing eye minion"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Nodding, Mino got up and walked out of the bedroom with Rolas, then taking the exit door as she was told to do.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The next room was simple, although admittedly goofy. The room was... A bouncy castle with a ball pit in the middle!? What the HELL! Rolas, having never seen anything like it, looked around at the many colours and hopped a little on the bouncy floor before starting to jump and giggle, and then Tassadar hopped in laughing, the real Tassadar, hopefully. "Yay~! You made it~! Because I'm an idiot and forgot daylight savings time~!"

*Don't correct him! Just benefit from his insanity!* Rolas said staring at the mad man.

Tassadar suddenly stopped and looked at them. "Rolas dear~! I see Mino chose to rescue you~! She really is a sweetheart isn't she. Very kind, although conflicted. I suppose I must let you go if she let you out, too bad, you were such a good test subject, and immortal too. LeSigh~" Reaching into his pocket, Tassadar hit a switch that opened the left wall, revealing an elevator. "You're done, you can leave now~! Have fun~! O! And don't hesitate to ask for help!"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Thankfully Mino had found the exit room, Rolas directing her to leave, Mino nodded and left the room via the recently opened exit, sighing in relief from finally being out of the mad place.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The elevator couldn't be normal, that would be too nice. As Rolas hit the button, the thing flew upwards at a pace again to a rocket at take off, pinning them to the floor until it came to a screeching halt and it used the momentum to launch them out of the roof to land inside Lake. "Hello you two~! I just met someone asking about you~! She's over there!" Lake said happily, hugging them both. "Love the new look Mino, that leash suits you" She said snickering.

At the edge of the lake was an older woman in a long purple robe with a pointy hat, paddling her feet in the water while she sipped on tea, or... Wait, that was Sake right next to what looked like a horned woman, but she only had one horn, right in the center of her head. "OOooo An Oni, Drinking contest" Rolas said snickering, starting to paddle to a spot to the left of the two drinkers as they talked and matched drink for drink in a language that Mino couldn't understand, several empty bottles laying nearby. Getting to the shore, they watched the woman in purple, who had bright red eyes and white hair that fell down her back, match the green haired muscular woman drink for drink for drink, before the Oni passed out, falling backwards to snore loudly. "I win again~!" The woman shouted triumphantly, falling backwards into the grass as her hat fell away. Seeing the pair, she looked at them smiling widely, very drunk and waved. "Helllllllooooo~! *hic* Rolas and company! Waitsh, your Mino! the lit, the... that lady who escaped the fairies... Ooo I'm drunk! Nice to meet you~!"

The only response Rolas gave was to smack her forehead with her palm hard enough to leave a red mark. "Damnit Charlotte! How many times do you have to beat Grenny until you stop this stupidity!"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

After a wild series of events that could have only been in a really bad movie, Mino found herself back with lake and sitting next to two onis, getting into a conversation, Mino smiled and hugged Charlotte, saying "Yes im that girl~ Im mino!" in a very out of character happy tone, right now she would just be shaking and barely speaking, but due to past events the opposite had happened.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino noticed that Charlotte didn't have a horn, wasn't a demon, and much more likely a witch. The last witch that had been spoken of to her previously by Tassadar. She was right here, apparently back for a visit. Laughing, Charlotte hugged her back, starting to tickle her as Rolas facepalmed again with a loud smack. And then Charlotte spoke. "So you're the human from the plane crash. Tell me child, do you want to go home? Or stay here in this glade forever. It's a special place between worlds, a kind of limbo. Regardless of your decision, there will be work on both sides. I need to know child, and I need to know now." She had sobered in an instant, and her words made Mino shudder as her two personalities merged for one single instant. And then fell back to their current state as soon as she had answered the question.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was asked if she wanted to return to the real world or stay here, blinking, her personalities both had equal arguments, the lewd side didnt want to leave out of all the monsters that could be here, and the shy side didnt want to leave because of all the friends she met, she decided to ask "A-Are there a-any of those m-monsters i-in the real world?"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Charlotte smiled sadly, understanding in an instant. *She's reading your mind little Mino* "Some dear, but not nearly so many and in such variety. The places of legend have faded to protect themselves. This place is called Bergeron, it's sister realms are Albion, and Babylon. The only creatures I have heard of in the real world anymore are werecreatures, ghosts, slimes, and demons. Just to clarify, your friend Sarah is not a werecreature, she is what as known as a beast soul. A loving and respectful creature who chose their form."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

As much as Mino wanted to return to the real world, she knew that it would be harsher and she was pretty much lost in the wilderness, it would be very hard to find food and drink and she would be leaving behind all these people that helped her here, her old personality faded back into control, she simply stated "I.....Im g-going to stay here..." looking up at Rolas, she smiled, hugging her.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino had made her decision, and Charlotte smiled. "Alright Dear, then stay you shall. There's one little problem with that. In order to do so, you cannot stay human, and I don't mean your body, your soul HAS to change, and completely, you must join the ranks of the magical. Harvish will try to stop you, as will Chrysta and several others. This place is jealously guarded, as are the other two. You MUST journey to Albion and Babylon and pay homage to the respective guardians. It wont be easy I can promise you that. I am the guardian of this place, and I give you my blessing" She said smiling, placing a hand on her chest, a small tattoo with a sigil twisting across her flesh, the size of a quarter, a strange and twisting mark. "I know your reason is pure, the others do not, nor do their subjects. I do not believe in reigning mine with an iron fist, but in order to leave, you need to get to the Archway to Albion from here. It's guarded by Harvish..." Charlotte looked deadly serious again, before flopping back in the grass, drunk again.

Rolas looked at Mino, and kissed her deeply for what she had chosen, happy, blissfully happy. "Thank you, my Little Mino..."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Smiling, Mino now had to go and find a gateway to albion, the only problem was that she had to get through Harvish, which would be troublesome if Mino wasnt prepared, thankfully she had Sarah and Rolas backing her up, she blushed as Rolas kissed her and she returned it, not out of lust but also from happiness, not crossing back into her lewd state.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

And then whatever troubles awaited her in the other two realms, and she had to do them or she couldn't stay. It was going to be some rough times... But now it was time to plan, probably to try and get Charlotte sober, and to talk with Ryan as well as Lake, see what her options were. This was not going to be easy, and for meek Mino, no fun either, Lewd Mino however? She'd have fun... Regardless, they had to sober Charlotte first, Ryan would probably know a way.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Getting up, Mino looked at Rolas and asked "D-Did you keep sp-spare clothing for me i-in your...d-dimensional space?" she asked first.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Rolas nodded and reached into her space, pulling out a bottle of that strange covering, before shaking her head, "That's not it..." Reaching back in, she came out again with Jeans and a t-shirt "No panties, sorry... I've never had a need for them" Rolas said chuckling as she handed to clothing over to the leashed girl, watching her get dressed as she popped back into her dress.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Getting back into her regular clothing, Mino gave a small sigh of relief, looking around she said "I-Im gonna pop back to a-a friends house, i t-think he might b-be able to help out", she wanted to at least have Ryan assisting before they made a move to get to Albion
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Rolas smiled and hopped up immediately, "I haven't seen Ryan in years! Let's go~!" She said, letting Mino lead the way, since she had completely forgotten where it was, and then Sarah bounded through the woods, dick bouncing around as her tail wagged and she dove on Mino. "MINO~!~!~!" she shouted hugging her before hopping off again and dashing towards Ryan's cabin, apparently going to meet them there.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was surprised by the sudden appearence of Sarah, then her sudden departure, running back to the cabin, she knocked on Ryans door rapidly to try and get him to answer.