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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Rolas looked at them, and the attendants who were slowly walking towards them, hands outstretched and backed up slowly, untying Mino's hands, she didn't have time to get the key and unlock the leash itself. "I think if we don't do something, we're going to find out..." Rolas said quietly as the attendants were still about 16 feet away and moving slowly.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino blinked and started to panic slightly, looking around she saw the door on the other side, she looked at Rolas and whispered "W-we should make a run for the door...", if Rolas nodded, she would count to three in her mind before sprinting for the door, trying to not trip or be caught in the attendants grip, if Rolas shook her head, she`d wait for what she wanted to say.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 1
Rolas 5
Robots 3

Rolas 19
Robot 1 7 Robot 1 2/3
Rolas looked at Mino as she hastily coiled up the leash and handed it to her so she wouldn't trip on the thing still locked to her neck. "I vote run!" She said going around the wall towards the left and making a sprint for the door, Mino expected to do the same. Which utterly failed in the execution, because although Rolas got all the way to the door, Mino tripped over her own feet and landed flat faced on the ground, one of the attendants seizing the leash and starting to pull her towards the machine.

Noticing she was alone, Rolas turned and started to head back towards the grabbed Mino, her nails growing into razor sharp claws as she lashed out at the things arm, leaving long scratches and freeing her from its grip, backing away with her.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Almost as if she expected it, Mino tripped over herself and was immediately seized by one of the robots, thankfully Rolas didnt leave her bind and freed her from the robots grip, pulling her away, however they still had a hold of her leash, worrying Mino somewhat as she tried to pull on it to get the robot to let go.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 1-1=0
Robot 1 1-0 =1 o_O
Mino is realed in
Robot 1 9
Mino 8
Mino is ensnared 2
Robot 2 7
Rolas 5
Rolas is grabbed
Rolas 2
Robot 2 10
Rolas cannot escape

Mino's pulling against something that had machines for muscles was fruitless as it continued dragging her in by her neck until it could reach out and seize her wrist in it's cold grip, Rolas grabbed in the same manner from behind as she moved to help Mino again, both of them twisting and writhing in the grip of the robotic attendants.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Trying to pull away did nothing, as Mino was only reeled in closer and her wrist grabbed, giving a small yelp of fear she tried struggling out of the robots grip to try and get away again.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino another natural 1
Robot 1 9
crit fail
Rolas 10
Robot 2 16

Robot 1 16
Mino Another natural 1 O_O The Hell! these dice hate you >.>
ensared 3, dragged towards the machine, starting to force her into it.
Robot 2 13
Rolas 7
Ensnare 2

Mino was in serous trouble as her pulling and frantic attempt to get away backfired and a hard tug on the leash, and her arm over balanced her, the robot twisting her first arm behind her, and seizing her other wrist to join the first, holding tightly as it marched her towards the machine and pushed her front down onto it, the grooved center easy to fit into, her chin on a small pad and her legs hanging to either side. If she didn't escape, right now, those bindings were going to seal her ankles, and the robot was going to force her arms into the tendrils and it would be too late.

Rolas was having similar luck, trying to lash out at the creature again and missing as her other arm was seized as well, the robot having a harder time with her in general as she shrieked and kicked
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Minos attempt to escape backfired as she was placed on the strange machine, whimpering somewhat she tried to struggle out of the robots grip again to get free.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 2
Robot 1 5
Legs locked. Fight is over for Mino. Next post gets you the chance for Rolas to beat both of these and free her as the machine gets ready, and a smut wall regardless
Robot 1 11
Mino 9

Rolas 19
Robot 2 18
Ensnared 1
Robot 2 20
Rolas 17
Ensnared 2

Mino just couldn't shake the attendant as it pinned her arms with one hand and forced her ankles one by one into the manacles of the machine, the metal bands snugging around her ankles and locking them down to either side before shoving her arms into the tendrils waiting below which wrapped around them completely, pulling her body tightly against the machine, her rear slightly raised as she saw the front of the machine slowly rise, 2 wide limbs and a shackle for her neck suddenly lunging forward to clamp over her mouth below her nose, the collar locking around her neck as a thick length pushed into her mouth and began to roughly thrust into her throat. Behind her, something similar with 4 limbs was starting to rise behind her, but was much slower. Mino had no doubt as to where it was going.

Meanwhile it looked like Rolas would actually manage to struggle free as she kicked the robot, but as she was turning to get her other hand free, the second robot joined the fray, only to get slammed in the chest with a bolt of flame, staggering it back, but getting her arm seized again in the process.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Minos struggling was for naught as the machine kept her tied down completely, leaving her unable to fight, Mino could only give out muffled cries for help as a tentacle started to thrust into her throat, making her face red with embarrassment and arousal.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino could feel the thing behind her moving into position even as she watched Rolas fighting with everything she had. Her thoughts were driven from the battle going on however when she felt it's limbs lock around her waist and thighs, pushing the flat metal over her lower holes before they were teased and then suddenly filled, the thrusting matching the length in her mouth perfectly. On the wall across from her, she could see a display on the wall with a counter that read 00 at the present moment, wondering what it was for, and panting and writhing in her bindings, her legs flexing uselessly against the shackles and her arms so tightly bound she couldn't move them, all she could do was lay still right where she was and take the gentle pounding she was currently getting. Moaning and writhing lewdly after only a minute or so of having all of her holes steadily penetrated, Mino hit her first climax, and Rolas was finally pinned to the ground, the robots holding her there while the machine had it's way with Mino. As her climax washed over her, she saw the display on the wall tick up from 00 to 01. The damned thing was keeping score!

And that wasn't the half of it. As the lengths continued their thrusting and she hit her peak, she felt them speed up a little and each one spat a hot, sticky fluid into her mouth and lower holes, forcing her to swallow the tasteless substance as the pleasure only increased with the pace of the machine. There was no getting loose and soon enough, Mino had completely surrendered, her more lustful side not fighting, but welcoming the feeling of being so thoroughly used. Rolas watched her in mute fascination, pinned under the attendants as Mino was forced through her second climax, the ticker rising again, and her holes being given another dose of the fluid even as her own juices gushed out around the length in her flower, and again the pace increased. The machine used her, and dosed her until the ticker finally hit 10, her body feeling full and bloated, and too weak to move, her last orgasm being a weakly whimpering and shuddering affair as the machine had ruthlessly pounded into her without mercy and the grove she had laid in had started to vibrate against her entire body, making her nipples echo with arousal until her body had all but given out. Watching the display as the tendrils stopped their thrusting, the number being 10, she saw something saying the information had been saved and recorded as "Limit Mino 02" as she felt the tendrils pull out and the machine released her.

Rolas was next. As one robot carried her from the machine and set her against the wall to watch, the other pulled the kicking, biting, and thrashing succubus over to the machine and forced her into it the same way it had secured Mino. And watching the beautiful woman as the shackles took her ankles and her wrists were bound, after having just gone through it, made an aftershock of pleasure run through her body, especially after noticing that the tanks of fluid, one the machine? They were half empty. The realisation that the machine had pumped that much into her, without knowing at all what it did gave her another little thrill, still too tired to have looked closely at her own body. But she did get to watch what happened to Rolas...

Unable to tear her eyes away, Mino watched the counter roll back to 00, and for the face portion to lock itself onto Rolas, the thrusting already beginning as she glared angrily, but was still blushing furiously with arousal herself. The hip portion came a minute later, everything following the same pace as it had with Mino, and Rolas giving a muffled scream of pleasure as both of her holes were filled and the real trial began. Rolas bucked and thrashed against the machine and her binding as her body almost immediately betrayed her, her own lustful nature giving in frightfully quickly as she came loudly, her eyes screwed shut as she bucked and screamed again, her holes clenching around the tendrils and the ticker keeping score as before, the machine picking up the pace, and a small bubble showing in the front tank as the first dose was fed to her, another climax, another dose...

It was at the 5th Climax that Mino actually saw a change, as the odd offwhite fluid was pumped into the panting and moaning succubus' body, she saw it bleed out of her lower holes slowly, and like Mino, Rolas didn't notice, too caught up in her thorough pounding to care. Inch by inch it slowly spread over her body from her lower holes and mouth, slowly giving her a thin, pearly coating over her entire body, but unlike Mino, the machine didn't stop at 10. It was about testing their limits as well as this odd machine's primary function. Mino, looking down at her own body, realised her lower holes were held lewdly open, and she couldn't completely close her mouth either. She could move, but it seemed she had been primed for the next thing that wanted to abuse her. Her petals spread to reveal her even more thinly coated inner walls, Mino reached a hand down as Rolas hit climax number 13, her body starting to get tired, already fully covered in the substance, the tanks empty. Her folds were just as sensitive, if not more so then before, and her interior had been completely coated. Her pucker, hadn't been held open, but it was as thoroughly coated as the rest of her, and the ease with which a finger entered her rear was utterly astonishing. There was nothing to be done about her mouth. She couldn't even speak, not really, and no matter what she did, she could not completely close her jaw. She could come close, but the thin coating had spread there as well.

Mino was, if caught, the perfect toy to be played with. But as Rolas finally hit her limit, apparently 18, Mino saw a new message on the display after Rolas' information had been saved. "Testing. Gel Coating. 1 hour Durability." So this stuff lasted for an hour, and then presumably sloughed off and away. Well, the next hour was going to be interesting, because given her situation, lewd Mino was most certainly behind the wheel again, and Rolas wasn't fairing much better, laid next to her and still twitching and panting, reaching over to grab the leash and hold it as she recovered.
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Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

As much as she tried to struggle, Mino couldnt get herself free as she saw a screen pop up near her, realising what this was for almost immediately as she was penetrated, Mino could only lie and let herself be thoroughly fucked by this strange machine, which was starting to line Minos body with a strange gel as well, after her tenth orgasm Mino was taken off the machine and placed on the ground, sitting and panting as her entire body was bright red from the arousal given to her, watching Rolas go through the same experience and have the same gel covering her, Rolas was placed beside Mino, who scooted up to her and hugged her, smiling in a slightly lewd way.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Rolas was still panting raggedly next to Mino as she was hugged, twitching occasionally and exploring the coating on her own body, and then Mino's, trying to say something and failing utterly without the full use of her lips. Flailing slightly in annoyance, Mino felt something brush against her mind. *I'm... Going... To Kill Him...* Rolas said directly into Mino's mind. There was a small amount of emotional feedback through the telepathic length, and Mino could tell that as annoyed as she was, she was just as aroused by the strange situation as she was, being vulnerable and exposed like this turning her on as she slowly stood up, stretching. *We can wait this out... or keep going.* She said holding the leash, although Mino could tell she was only just barely behaving, the thought of being filled with this strange coating on heavy on her mind.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was ofcourse skimming the lines of obeying thanks to her arousal, as Rolas got up she stood up as well, feeling completely exposed didnt really effect Mino as she held Rolas hand, still smiling as the two made their way to the exit door.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino followed Rolas in tow, apparently enjoying being leashed and lust heavily on her mind given her decision to continue without complaint. Walking through the next door was like a torture chamber for their current problem. Strange devices meant for two, or rather... for one person to place another in. There was one of the crosses again from the first room, although this one had a console, and there was a rack and an array of different toys and devices, including some that Mino had never seen before, as well as an Iron maidon, sans the spikes, well, lethal spikes. This was one filled with a rather impressive array of dildos instead evenly interspaced. There was also a large cupboard filled with rope, straps, gags, collars, and shackles in various shapes and styles. And in the center of all of this rediculous perversion, was what had to be the goofiest impression of an executioner Mino had ever seen. Tassadar, still in his labcoat with a black hood on. And then Mino noticed the blinking under the hood, that asshat had built a robot of himself. "Welcome~! You can enjoy this room, or simply leave~! The current time left for you in this complex is... 11 hours~~! Through the door on your left is a sleeping area~! And the door on your right is a kitchen~!. Also in your sleeping area, you will find a bottle that will allow you to extend the life of your coating for an additional hour if you decide you enjoy it! one for each of you~!"

It wouldn't be so annoying if he didn't sound so damned pleased with himself, but he did, it looked rediculous, and Rolas couldn't help but chuckle at it all as she stood there holding Mino's leash. *Last chance Little Mino~ Submit to me, or Make your own choice* she said into her mind, grinning widely.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Blinking and still in her lust induced state, Mino simply looked at Rolas, tugging on her hand she walked over to the cupboard and opened it, pulling out a lot of rope, Mino wondered if this would work, she tried sending her thoughts to Rolas as well saying *How good are you with rope~?*
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Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Rolas watched Mino curiously, following her and seeing her grab a ton of rope, getting her message loud and clear, Rolas smiled. *O you are in for a treat my Little Mino~* She sent across, unlocking Mino's collar to set it aside for now as she retrieved a large coil.

Moving behind Mino, Rolas had her stand still and hold her arms loosely folded behind her as she pulled a doubled length across her chest above her breasts from behind, the rope feeling delightful through the coating as Mino's skin was revealed to be just a little bit more sensitive because of it. As the rope slid behind her, she felt it pulled passed itself and linked as it made it's way back around, below her breasts before being pulled snug and the cinch knot in one end tightening, meaning Rolas now only had to work with one double cord rather then both at once. Diligently she threaded the rope over her shoulder, to slip under the loop above her breasts and over the one below in the center of her chest as it made it's way back up and over her other shoulder, forming a V between her breasts between the two lines framing her chest. Then it was to her back again and around the center knot before it came back over her shoulders at a different angle and repeated on the other side, once again sliding under and over certain lines as it made it's way.

The last set of coils was felt wrapping around her arms and then all of the accumulated rope across her back in various places before Rolas gave a good tug, tightening everything and binding her arms behind her as Rolas wrapped the excess around the rope at her back again in several coils until it was used up and then she knotted it tightly. Looking into a nearby mirror, Mino had to admire the work, even as Rolas did, grinning and kissing her neck.

*Answer your question?* She said teasingly into Mino's mind as she raked her fingers over her stomach slowly, letting her just admire the work for the moment.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino smiled as Rolas set to work answering her question, almost expertly binding her upper half with ease, seemed like Rolas really did know everything, smiling Mino said in reply *Yes~ Go as far as you like, i dont mind~*
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

*As far as I like~? That's a dangerous thing to say to a demon~* Rolas said as she ran a hand up Mino's thigh to drift a finger through her spread folds, sending a powerful bolt of pleasure up Mino's spine, her hands reflexively pulling on the rope binding them and finding the rope more then secure, the only thing really moveable being her wrists and fingers as she shuddered in arousal, Rolas' other hand sliding up her front to pinch her nipple gently. *Do you have any idea how smooth your skin feels like this~* Rolas said, her own arousal pounding across the link, *I could get more of this stuff from Tassadar and make this little coating of yours permanent, and maybe a little thicker, trapping you and using you as my personal fuck toy forever Little Mino~ A constant source of food for me... * She teased as her hands continued to toy with the bound girls body. Running her hand from her breast up her neck to her face, Mino felt two fingers slide into her folds so easily it was astounding, her inner walls clamping around the digits in an instant climax as her finger drifted around her lips, slipping into her open mouth to tease her tongue.

Rolas continued to simply finger her folds and tease her mouth for a few more moments before looking in the closet for other fun toys. Gag's were useless as were more restraints, but toys... Well, those could be fun... Still. Rolas pocketed just about everything they weren't currently using and stole it, putting it in her little dimensional pocket for later, grinning. Taking another coil of rope, Rolas tied it to her wrists and let it hang down before Mino felt a thick vibrator slide into her folds from behind, pushing deep into her as it was set to low and held there while Rolas brought the rope up between her legs and tied it in, the rope sliding past either side of Mino's clit, her every motion making the vibe shift within her folds and tease her jewel as Rolas made her kneel. Walking in front of her, Mino could see she had grown her dick again, the coating actually stretching around it, only to split at its tip, the head of Rolas' length actually free from the gel. Putting her hand on the back of Mino's head as the vibe and rope tormented her, Rolas groaned happily as she slowly pushed her dick into her mouth, slowly making her take every inch before drawing back and starting to gently thrust, moaning lewdly as she gladly did whatever she wanted to Mino's bound form, using her hand to move Mino's mouth along her length and causing the harness to shift, moving the vibe within her, pleasuring them both. Guiding Mino, Rolas roughly fucked her throat until she gave a loud cry and came, the first spurt sliding down her throat as she pulled back, the rest spattering across her face as Rolas grinned down at her.

Smiling evilly, Rolas got into full swing, moving down to lay Mino on her back, seizing her legs under her knees to push them to her chest as she pushed her length straight past the rope and into her pucker, gliding in as if it was covered in lube before starting to thrust wildly, pounding into her rear even as she turned the vibrator up to it's highest setting, the pleasure radiating through Mino's body as Rolas took full and utter advantage of her state, her tongue hanging out of her mouth as she panted raggedly and continued to slam into her, reaching between her legs to seize the vibrator and slip the rope out of the way, thrusting it into her slit in time with her pounding, bringing Mino through several orgasms until she came again, filling Mino's rear with a flood of heat before pulling out, breathing heavily. Her stamina was a thing of legend as she pulled the vibrator and tossed it away, immediately pushing her large length into her folds and pulling her on top of her, straddling her hips as she sat up, lifting her smaller body up and down on her length, actually using her like a toy as she pressed her mouth against Mino's kissing her, her tongue gliding around Mino's own as she moaned and bucked her hips up into her body.

It was bliss for the submissive Mino who had seized control in her lust, cumming again and again until Rolas suddenly pulled out and came across her chest and stomach, screaming in pleasure. Admiring Mino for a moment, Rolas grabbed the rope of her crotch rope and removed it, before binding Mino's ankles tightly together and looking at a clock on the wall. 45 minutes had passed. Winking at her, Rolas ran off and came back with a small bottle, force feeding her the contents. *1 More hour~!* She said gleefully as she watched, before unbinding Mino's legs and walking her over to the Iron Maiden. Pushing her inside, Mino recoiled for just a moment as she felt the several lengths push against her form before Rolas pushed her the rest of the way in, a length finding her pucker. But this one was strange, as were all the ones at the back she could feel. rather then simply being a smooth and predictable shape, these were all a series of bulbs that slowly got wider, but the center width never changed, meaning each bulb stretched her a little wider. It was a curious and amazing sensation as Rolas continued to force her back until she had taken each and every one, Mino actually finding it a little difficult to pull away from without yelping and moaning in pleasure, watching as Rolas closed the door. As it swung closed, Mino felt the other lengths pushing against her, a length finding her mouth and slit easily, filling her completely as others slid around her body, one sliding between her breasts as the door closed completely and she heard the heavy, metal latches locked into place. Every hole was filled, and she only had enough room to buck her hips and pleasure herself with her own motions, her lust skyrocketing as she saw Rolas watching from the small slit at eye level.

Mino was able to see out of it as she watched Rolas walk over to the hooded Tassadar, telling him something before he moved off to grab several things. He came back with the cross, locking Rolas into it and turning it on, hitting several buttons on the console as not one, but two of the powerful vibrators kicked on and slid into her, her body thrashing against the bindings as her eyes rolled and she screamed in pleasure, before the robot hit another button and the two vibrators started to thrust into her quickly. Walking away, Tassadar came back with one of the crabs and settled it over her face, letting it gag and throat fuck her for Mino to watch from her prison, the entire second hour spent just like that, watching Rolas scream muffledly through peak after peak, the robot occasionally coming over to give her something to keep her awake, and doing the same for Mino, an odd spray bottle that he misted over them, Mino's being delivered through the slot in her prison.

When the hour was up, Mino felt her coating slide away, literally sloughing off even as she bucked herself into yet another screaming climax. And then, she heard the latches release, the robot letting her out before going to do the same for Rolas, who collapsed on the floor, panting and shuddering, her body twitching all over. *Bed now?*
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Rolas warned Mino as the succubus prepared to have a bit of fun with Mino, who seemed to be looking forward to it, Minos mind started to change a bit as if her lewder personality was replacing her shy one in being the default personality, Mino was put under a lot of sexual positions in about a hour, sucking off Rolas and taking it in both her holes, being placed in a iron maiden that felt absolutely amazing, even though she had suffered many climaxes and was slightly tired, Mino shook her head, simply wanting to experience more of Rolas bondage techniques, who was all too happy to oblige, picking up some more rope, at this point Rolas realised there were a few hooks on the ceiling, grinning she tied the rope around Minos neck collar and set to work creating a even more elaborate harness technique, after she finished and admired her handy work, Rolas made sure Mino was hanging quite a few feet off the ground, Minos legs were forced in a cross legged position in mid-air, Rolas had forced a vibrator into both her lower lips and her pucker, keeping the setting set on maximum, Mino was blindfolded as well and the harness was pulled tight, keeping the vibrators deep inside her, Minos entire body was vibrating and shuddering from this position Rolas was happy to leave her in as she went off to sleep, even Mino couldnt take this much and she happily passed out after another orgasm, in a almost constant throe of ecstasy.