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Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

The children were nudged aside by the simple wind, too stunned to react, except for the collared child, who suddenly glared at Nysa as if she were the single focus of his hatred. The runes set into the sealing collar flared to life, the air around the metal starting to crackle dangerously. Whatever spell it had been, if it had been a spell at all dissipated into the air, but now they both knew the collar was certainly not for show, and this was from a child that didn't even have the strength to stand on his own. But the way was clear and the other children were watching.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

And with that simple action and those hateful eyes the child likely doomed himself. Nysa smiled earnestly at the hurt child and was about to use her magic to heal him, but then the sudden shock of the activated collar and those hate-filled eyes completely change her plans. Not to mention stopped the healing magic

For once the Kitsune was kind, warm, giving (if one excludes Emi owe'ing her one), and what was the response from the child? A hatred filled gaze and a spell to harm her! Nysas eyes quickly sharpened and changed to hateful aswell, answering the childs glare "FINE! Nysa won't help you then! Enjoy dieing, you stoopid poopyhead!" competely outraged Nysa stuck her tongue out to the collared, quickly stood up and walked away, her tail not even swishing or the like as her wind magic followed her out of the bunch of children. The kitsune turned to Emi with absolutely furious and boiling eyes, the freakin nerve of the brat! "Emi we're leaving!!"
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

In a calming a voice as Emi could muster she spoke. "No Im staying you can leave if you want I won't stop you but these children need help. Now I know what your thinking that these little brats don't deserve your help after they where mean to such a pretty and lovely kitsune. But think of it from their perspective they have been taken from their parents chained to a wall. The young man in the middle probably did his best to protect his friends right." Emi looked right at the boy with the sealing collar. "They probably beat him for it and then we come in. Strangers covered in blood trying to do something to their protector. How would you react Nysa?" Emi looked over at the assembled children. "Okay little ones how can I prove Im not here to hurt you?" Emi didn't blame Nysa for her reaction after all there had been plenty of times where her helping hand had been slapped away. It stings but if you stop offering it what hope was there.
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Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

As if reason ever worked with the Kitsune "You're not Nysa's family, Emi! Stoopid poopyheads don't need Nysas help, NOR did they ask YOU for help stoopid Emi. Stoopid, stoopid!!" Nysa just turned away and continued to walk away from the samurai girl and the children.

The Kitsune seemed to not only keen on helping the kids, but flatout against it. Unless there was a proper response from the children to keep the Kitsune from walking away, she had no problem turning her back from this... and forcing Emi along via the anklets painful effects.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

A proper response, from terrified children and their protector, who had been beaten so badly that he probably couldn't even see straight, Nysa was asking for a miracle and the only response she got from the three that could still stand was one girl moving over the boy as he coughed up a lungful of blood and passed out, looking at the selfish kitsune furiously. "Why would we want your help? So you could just pretty us up and sell us like the last strangers? Maybe you'd like to murder our parents again, or break more of Guile's ribs! Would that make you happy! He can't even speak any more, they cut his throat and healed the wound and still he tried his hardest!" She screamed, tears running down her cheeks, the other two cowering behind her and looking at Emi. These kids were just convinced that their saviours were just more slavers, complete strangers that had come to make everything worse, and why should they think any different after what had happened.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Well that was one way to stop the Kitsune. Nysa stopped dead in her tracks and looked back "NYSA! Tried to HEAL YOU!..." Oh now they did it "Nysa, used magic to save you from fire! Nysa took an arrow to her belly to kill bad men, holding kids in building! NYSA ALMOST DIE TO SAVE DAY! And when Nysa want to HEAL you and give you apples you insult and hate her?! WHY WOULD NYSA HELP?!" to be fair in the Kitsunes eyes it was the honest truth. The only truth and scenario of what happened.

Nysa crossed her arms and looked away "Say "Sorry" and "Please Nysa help"" chances were the children were in no condition to do any of that... though seeing the girl scream her pain and heart out softened Nysa up greatly, perhaps she really should help these kids... The Kitsune continuous casted glances at the children in peril.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi felt a twinge of anger at the children but quickly let it fall away they where scared hurt and who knows what else. Pulling up her pant leg Emi showed the children the metal anklet she now wore. "Dose it look like Im a slaver to you? Besides that how many of you can treat wounds? How long will your friend have before your left with no protectors? Let us help him and then we will leave you be if you so desire."
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

None of the children spared Nysa another word, or even looked at Emi, because the girl that had bent over Guile was quietly sobbing, and reached up to grab the rags of the one that had screamed at Nysa, tugging gently and shaking her head. All of this bickering, and arguing, and Nysa's reaction to a spell that hadn't even made it passed the collar of a frightened and injured 8 year old child, had taken too much time. "He's dead Sue" She said quietly.

It was the truth, the children moved aside for Emi to check his pulse herself, it had gone still, as had his breathing. Sue stomped up to Nysa, and spoke quietly, her fists clenched in their chains in a voice that sounded far to old for that of such a small child. "On your hands... My little brothers death is on your hands." Turning to walk away and hide her tears, she led the children away, barely older then the rest of them towards the anvil of a smithy the pair could see a short distance away, and stoically refused any help of any kind from the two women, refusing to even speak to them. Any further bickering between the two women was interrupted by a bitter voice cutting through the air that they both recognised, and that sent a chill down their spines, because the fury in it was apparent, even if the words were spoken with a calm that only reminded them of the eye of a hurricane...

"So... I see it was a painful mistake to even think about letting you atone for your abuse of power on your own, and it has cost the life of a child. That little girl is only half right, the life of this boy is on my hands as much as yours. I see now that I was far too lenient, Thinking you could learn a lesson rather then simply keep doing what has gotten you in trouble in the first place." Each word was spoken with a finality that more then anything made Nysa cringe, because they were levelled, one and all, at her.

Nysa couldn't run, or even move, her body was frozen in place by his stare alone as Emi's anklet detached and fell away, Gregor floating it up to his hand as it spun in his grip and grew into a collar far more elaborate then the one the child had worn. "I will not have the life of another child on my hands" He said dangerously as he strode forward and snapped the metal around Nysa's throat. There wasn't even a lock, it was perfectly seamless and Nysa could already feel her power barred from her.

"I wash my hands, of both of you, and that collar will morph as you do, so don't try slipping it. I sentence you to live or die on the power of your muscles, and the grace of your friends alone. Only an Angel may remove that collar, Pray it isn't one that has heard of your pathetic selfishness here, because they'll kill you for it. Emi dear, you're free to do whatever you want after you reach the desert, I hold you partially responsible, you will complete your assignment"

Gregor spat on the ground before walking away and vanished in another thunderclap, the lightning striking as before and leaving another scorch mark where a man of power had once been.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

"So thats it then? All your magic and power and it comes to this. You could have intervened and saved the child's life when you knew that Nysa was unwilling to do so herself. Maybe you should be wearing that collar as well." Emi waited for what ever backlash would come from the mage if at all before turning to look at Nysa. "If I had one ounce of your so called power that child would be alive right now whether or not they had insulted me." The last comment was directed at Nysa though the woman hardly need any further insult. Heading over to the dead boy Emi closed his eyes. "I'm sorry young one may what ever spirits guard you led you to sweat rest." Emi stood she still needed to head to the desert though what awaited her was not clear. Though perhaps she could do one thing to those who lost so much. Searching the dead bandits for the keys to the shackles Emi would be sure that the children had some way to free themselves before she continued on her way.
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Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

"B-but Nysa didn't mean it! HONEST!" the girl struggle against the collar as the man turned his back absolutely disgusted and furious at her "Please don't take Nysas magic away! Nysa will always help, give her another chance!" tears flowed down the girls face "PLEASE! Nysa wanted to help! She did! Kids just hurt her feelings! Don't do this!" loud heartbreaking sobs echoed through the town. Though the man didn't seem to care for either comments as he disappeared just as he appeared.

The Kitsune quickly fell to her knee sobbing loudly "Nysa didn't mean it!" she really was going to help, but that hateful glare... those hateful eyes, how could she do something so against her nature? It was the Kitsune way to help those that truly seek their aid, not those that hatefully refuse it "Give Nysa one more chance~~! PLEASE~" tears continued to flow down the Kitsunes face, her cries almost breaking her voice.
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Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi did manage to find the key in the lead slavers chest pocket, and several others as well as a map that would take a little bit of deciphering to properly read, but it looked like it had the town on it, and a few nearby area's carefully marked. Nysa's cries went utterly ignored, and she knew that Gregor could hear her if he'd been watching this entire time. It appeared he had meant everything he had said and was going to stand by his decision until Nysa managed to find an Angel willing to let her have her power back, and knowing Gregor, he was going to inform the angels himself of what had happened, wanting to make this punishment as severe as possible for the kitsune...

Emi, heading over to the smithy just as Sue was levelling a hammer at the other boys chains, got their attention, Sue holding the hammer like a weapon and looking just as furious as Gregor had been, only, her eyes seemed so cold... There was no child left in Sue, that much was apparent. "What more could you want, Leave us alone. Please..." She said, the last word a whispered plea as a single tear rolled down her cheek before her face froze into the dead mask again.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi simply eyed the girl her stance was all wrong. "Put that hammer down before you hurt yourself or someone else." Emi tossed the keys at the feet of the girl. "I know my word mean little to you right now but Im truly sorry we didn't save your brother." Emi turned on her heels and began to walk away but stopped. "If your going to protect these children you need learn how to use that hammer." With that Emi opened the map and looked it over. While moving towards Nysa. Kneeling down next to the Kitsune Emi put her arm around her. "Come on Nysa up and at em crying here won't fix anything."
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysa continued her sad sob throughout, crying her eyes out. Tugging at the collar occasional to absolutely no effect. Her wonderous magic... what was she going to do now. Why did this happen to her?

Sooner or later Jenny got closer to the sobbing Kitsune "Come on Nysa up and at em crying here won't fix anything" though such a simple nod to action would not bring Nysa back from her sorrow "Emi~ Nysa so sorry! Nysa didn't mean it! I didn't want kid to die~ *loud sobs* Nysa just- just... waaah~~" the poor Kitsune couldn't really finish her own sentence in grief.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

"I know you didn't want him to die but it can't be helped now. Dry your tears Nysa Ill help you find a way to fix your magic." The girl needed a hug and Emi gave her one and did her best to comfort the woman until her crying stopped. Emi wanted to check out the area's marked on the map but with Nysa unable to defend herself the chances of doing so where not good still she could at lest scout one and find out info and still keep Nysa safe.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysa looked at Emi with big wides surprised at the generous offer, before jumping up into Emi's hug crying on her shoulder "Thank you! Thank you! Emi~ *sniff* Nysa will let you have all the apples. Maybe even pet her tail~!" even at this point... petting her tail was still a "maybe"... the Kitsune finally cried out the last of her tears as she wiped off the final teardrops from her cheeks smiling widely at the generous samurai girl.

"Emi lead, Nysa follow." the Kitsune nodded at girl strongly and would follow her around.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

"Okay Nysa stay here a moment Im going to get something from the bandits." Emi headed over to the dead bandits and gave them a once over looking for coin and what not before grabbing a blade and a bow and plenty of arrows before heading back to Nysa if she stayed where she was. "Okay Nysa take the bow and blade for now. Youll need them to defend yourself until we can get your magic back. Don't worry about not knowing how to use them I can teach you the basics." Emi looked at the map one more time while Nysa got acquainted with her new kit to see which of the marked locations was closer.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Giving Nysa a bow and sword was like giving an overactive child a pair of scissors. Disaster in the making. Still the Kitsune needed to get armed and surprisingly she held the blade right on her first try!

While the pointy sword was obvious, the bow was a different story entirely. "Oh~Emi, why is there a string here?" was she supposed to strangle someone with this?... While Emi was busy actually doing something productive, Nysa tried out ALL the possible ways how to use the bow and arrows. Perhaps it was one of those Boomerangs the Kitsune heard so much about, but throwing the darn thing gave lackluster results and a very confounded look from the samurai girl. Then perhaps the pointy small sticks were thrown spears?! But if she didn't brake the darn things outright the results were disappointing to say the least.

Be it fortunate or not, Nysa soon found the she could pull the string! Cue her playing it like a horrendous harp... It would be a long day for Emi...

For the love of god find a pistol or crossbow... she'll poke her eye out.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi chuckled to herself she was going to have to be exceptionally patience to teach Nysa anything but sadly at their current rate of travel it looks like she'll have plenty of time to do it. "Well first of Nysa you need to hold it like this." Emi walked over to Nysa and guided her into her stance standing close to the kitsune. Using her own body as a template Emi brought the kitsune (if she was willing) into a good stance. Guiding her free arm to grab an arrow Emi showed Nysa how to hold it to the string. "Now pull the string back as far as you can and hold it. Next look down the arrow at what you want to shoot and let the arrow go. Lets try that house over there. Ready aim fire."
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysa allowed Emi to show her the ropes, this was a rather fun little game. With emi's blessing it was Nysas turn to show off her mastry of the bow.

The Kitsune placed the arrow, just barely pulled it back and let go! Sending the arrow flying in circles to the ground. Nysa frowned at the contraption, but she wanted to try once more. Just place... pull back... and fire! The arrow barely flew a few feet, obviously Nysa was struggling to actually pull back, she never was particulary strong. Heck she never needed to be, she's a mage darn it!

"One more try, Emi!" this time she would pull with all her might, the Kitsune stuck her tongue out and really gave it her all! Nysa placed the arrow aimed to the target, pulle--- fired? "AAAH~~!!!!" the poor girl pulled so hard that the darn string slipped out painfully running across her fingers! "Owie, owie, owie!" Nysa threw down the bow disappointed in the darn thing "Nysa use pointy stick better!"
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

"Not bad Nysa you should have seen my first attempt to use a bow. I had a big bruise on my arm for a week." Emi picked up the bow and walked back to the kitsune again. "One more try for me please?" Emi offered the bow to Nysa knowing full well that a pointed stick would do the frail mage little good if it came to a fight. "Okay steady your breathing. Good! Now pull the string back carefully and hold it. Now hold your breath and fire!" Hopefully the arrow went straight on target. This time with a little expert guidance the arrow flew true well true as any apprentice archer could muster. "Good job if you keep practicing you'll be better than me in no time."