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Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Haruka looked a little tired still when they'd set out, but she all in all looked like she was good to go as she held her weapon and leaned on it a little bit for a couple of minutes while she followed Karrie along the corridor. "Alrighty then, let's be careful though, cause I don't think Haruka can take another round like that again," Vanessa said, looking up the northern passageway as they began moving up it with Karrie, Vanessa taking the rear so that Haruka could stay in the middle for the moment so that she could stay a little safer until the soreness went away a little bit for her.

After a short ways up the northern passageway, the sound of moving water got louder and louder, until eventually they came to a large room with a stream flowing through it. The stream looked about 20 feet across and deep enough that they would have to swim it. There wasn't anything that they could see inside the room to indicate any sort of enemy like the slimes from before, but the room being so empty like it was had Haruka and Vanessa looking very uneasy about it.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Seemed like they had to swim through a stream in the room in order to get across, the room itself was empty, prompting some paranoia from the group, Karrie uneasily looking around the room for any kind of give away sign this might be a trap, regardless of whether she saw anything or not, she would first kneel at the bank of the stream and use her war axe to test how deep the river was to see if it would be safe to get across.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

The water seemed quiet, and though it was deep enough to come up over their heads, it didn't seem as if it was too deep, maybe about 8 feet or so at most, and it didn't look like it would be hard to swim across it thankfully. The current wasn't too strong either, though it was still moving a bit. "So you think we should risk trying to cross it?" Vanessa asked, wary of whatever might happen.

"Regardless, I think the cool water will help my uh... penis out some and cool it off and soothe the ache in it," Haruka said, still looking like there was some discomfort in her groin. Haruka, not seeming to be too scared about it dipped her toes into the water. "It's cool but not too cold, oh I really need this, here hold my clothes you two," Haruka added after a moment, stepping back out of the water and undressing herself where she then handed her clothes to Karrie and her weapon to Vanessa.

Karrie would hear Haruka let out a soft sigh of relief as she stepped back into the water a little further out, where she lowered herself down into it slowly and looked as if she were in heaven. The water trembled around her as she moved around in it, but there was no indication that anything was within the water other than fish. After a minute or two, Haruka stood up and shook herself off a little bit and got her clothes back on and told the others she was ready to cross whenever they were if they still wished to do so.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie watched as Haruka stepped into the water, needing to cool herself off after that session with the slime, it seemed like the water was pefectly safe as Haruka was in and out again with no hassle, looking at the group, Karrie said "Crossing it, we'll need to keep our clothes and weapons above the water so it dosent get wet", thinking, she would check the water to see if this was possible, Karrie got undressed herself before stepping into the water, making a small squeak noise as she forgot the water was quite cold, shivering now she tried to see if she could keep her head above the water and hold the axe high out of the water.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"Yeah unless you two don't mind walking around a bit wet or anything that is. But I honestly don't mind being a little wet, as it'll keep my uh... thing cooled down," Haruka said, helping Karrie out of her clothing a little too quickly, almost as if she wanted to see her naked it seemed.

Vanessa took off her clothing and armor as well, holding it above her head as she bravely offered to go first. "Be careful alright, it's a little slick," Vanessa said as she made it about halfway across, having to switch to actual swimming now, which ended up getting her clothing and armor a little wet, though she didn't seem to mind too much.

Haruka giggled a little bit when Karrie jumped a little bit and began shivering from the cold water, and moved up behind her and kissed her on the neck. "Give me your things to carry my mate, and hold onto me, I'll keep you warm," Haruka said, letting Karrie cling to her in the water if she wished to keep warm, appearing to be concerned for her mate.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie kept shaking, but shook her head, she would need the exercise if she wanted to get tougher and continue to do well in combat as they continued to look for all the priests Shana knew, she continued to swim across, and if nothing happened to her halfway there she would climb out and sit on the edge of the stream, shivering to recover a little bit from the cold water.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Haruka respected Karrie's choice of swimming across herself, but she still took Karrie's stuff and carried it for her so that her mate didn't have to try and do so herself. When they all arrived on the far side of the underground river, Haruka shook herself off to fling the water off of her and dry herself off a bit. Then when she glanced over to check on Karrie and saw her shivering where she sat, Haruka came over and hugged Karrie from behind, pulling her close against her body, which was surprisingly still quite warm.

"Shh shh, don't worry my mate, I shall warm you up with my body. Come here Vanessa, I shall warm you as well," Haruka said, turning Karrie around to face her and pulling her into her lap to hold her, pulling her face down to lay on her shoulder. Vanessa came on over with them as well and hugged Haruka from behind, warming herself against Haruka as she and Karrie sandwiched the fox herm between them both in their attempt to get warm.

After a few minutes, Karrie was finally able to get warm enough to stop shivering so badly, and Haruka waited for Karrie to try and get on up herself before letting her back up for them to continue onwards. When Karrie was finally ready to move on, she would see there was a single tunnel path leading on and it was fairly well lit with torches all things considered.

"Well I'm ready when you two are," Vanessa said to them a minute later, after getting her clothes back on.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Thankfully nothing lurked in the water and descended upon the group while they crossed, climbing out the water Karrie got a quick hug from Haruka to warm her up, Karrie accepting it, however Vanessa hugged her from behind, sandwiching her between the two futas, Karrie blushed profusely as she felt the flaccid members rub a little bit on her bare skin, when Karrie was warm enough she got up and put her clothes back on, after waiting for her two comrades to get ready she would continue down the well lit tunnel, her guard let down a little bit after the brief cuddle from her companions.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

(It was Haruka that was sandwiched between Karrie and Vanessa actually, but don't worry about it.)

Moving up the tunnel a ways as it went up slightly, they noticed that a very small stream that was barely more than a ditch at most ran to the right side of the tunnel. After a short while they came to another chamber, this one quite large and well lit. Inside there was what looked like a pond sitting with several young women around it, each with what looked like a strange jellyfish attached to their chests or crotches, or some with a larger jellyfish that encompassed both their chest and crotch. On the far side of the pond there was a large treasure chest that was very ornately adorned.

"Oh gods, what are they doing to them?" Vanessa asked quietly, aghast at the sight of at a dozen different women, all of which were being milked in some way or another.

"These are milk jellyfish, they'll grab any women unfortunate enough to get close to them. They don't take just breast milk though, they'll take breast milk, cock milk, and pussy juices all. Girls unfortunate enough to already have a dick don't need to get grabbed or they won't get free for a while because they'll milk them dry. I suggest we head back the way we came, I mean I hate leaving those poor girls, but we'll end up just like them if we get caught too," Haruka said, rubbing her thighs together a little at the lewd sight of the dozen different women and herms being milked dry of all of the milk and cum they had.

It was totally up to Karrie of course, though Haruka looked quite scared and her member was pitching a tent in her shorts and she was a little bent over as it was a little painful for her. Vanessa also looked quite aroused at the sight of all the different women and herms, licking her lips a little before shaking her head and refocusing herself. "Yeah I agree with Haruka, let's head back and go the other way, because I don't wanna get caught like those poor girls," Vanessa said, shuddering a bit.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie had entered a room with what seemed to be strange variations of jellyfish that were made for milking people as opposed to what people usually expected, these ones seemed to be capable of flight which confused Karrie a little bit, Haruka and Vanessa were warning they should leave, but Karrie could see the ornate chest ahead of the jellyfish, Karrie wondered for a moment, she could run in and with enough speed and a bit of luck could push the chest out of the room, leaving her with a handful of loot and some very annoyed jellyfish, it was too good to pass up, she did feel a massive amount of guilt for leaving these girls though, she would probably return at some point if she and her comrades got stronger enough, but for now she was going to try something drastic, put her luck to the test, Karrie looked at Haruka, then Vanessa, sighing, she then broke into a sprint, the die was cast as she tried to dodge and weave around the jellyfishes attacks and then finally get behind the chest, then attempting to push it past the remaining jellyfish and out of the room, hopefully where Haruka and Vanessa would be ready to assist.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie's luck roll - 6 vs 4, Karrie makes it to the chest

Karrie's second luck roll - 9 vs 8, Karrie is able to get behind and begin pushing the chest towards Haruka and Vanessa, who are both ready to fight.

Karrie's third luck roll - 12 vs 12, tie... which unfortunately starts a fight, though since Karrie managed to get 2 out of the 3 rolls it's an easier fight.

When Karrie darted out towards the jellyfish in the room, Haruka and Vanessa both let out a gasp of fear. "Karrie my mate, what are you doing? Don't be a fool, you can't help them now until we get more help," Haruka called out to Karrie, which inadvertently alerted the jellyfish to Karrie's presence in the chamber, though she had to pass quite close to one of them and it would surely have seen her going past it anyway.

The jellyfish that weren't attached to any of the girls quickly moved at Karrie in an attempt to grab her, however she was easily able to dodge them an quickly made it to the chest, where she was able to get behind it and begin pushing it towards the others. The jellyfish drifted down after her as she tried to make good her escape, and though they managed to get a tentacle or two on her as she went past them, which ended up dissolving her clothing where they touched, they didn't manage to grab hold of her, though her clothing now had 2 tentacle shaped marks dissolved away from them across the right butt cheek of her shorts and her shirt around the small of her back.

"What were you thinking my mate? You could have been grabbed, and then what would I say to our little one? Hmm? Come on and let's get... out... of here. Dammit," Haruka asked Karrie, an obviously angered look on her face as they made their way back out into the tunnel, with both of the others helping Karrie push the chest out a ways. A couple of the jellyfish though had followed them out and seemed to be intent on bringing them back in to be milked along with the rest, and Haruka looked quite frightened, almost as if she knew what could and would happen if they were captured by the things.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"Well i was thinking if there was anything of use in here now it could help us save them later!" Karrie answered, getting her war axe out once a few jellyfish came back to probably try and secure the chest, in a fighting stance Karrie had drawn the chasing jellyfish into the much larger chamber with the river they had to swim across, because the tunnel would be near impossible to fight in, once she had a good chance she would bring a overhead swing down on one of the jellyfish, purposely avoiding the tentacles which could probably swiftly disarm her or grab her if they got the chance.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie - 4 vs 6 MJf 1, miss
Haruka - 17 vs 12 MJf 1, hit
Vanessa - 11 vs 11 MJf 2, hit

Milk Jellyfish 1 - 15 vs 11 Karrie, hit
Milk Jellyfish 2 - 11 vs 17 Vanessa, miss

Karrie - 12 vs 2 MJf 1, hit
Haruka - 3 vs 7 MJf 1, miss
Vanessa - 11 vs 18 MJf 2, miss

Milk Jellyfish 1 - 13 vs 4 Karrie, hit and grappled
Milk Jellyfish 2 - 4 vs 3 Vanessa, hit

Karrie swung her waraxe at the jellyfish coming for her, trying to take out its tentacles so that it couldn't grab her, though her attack missed badly as it moved back out of her way. Haruka however moved in and swung her large axe down on the thing, hacking off a couple of tentacles in the process and forcing the jellyfish back some. Vanessa swung her greatsword at the other jellyfish, her blade biting deeply into its form and slashing through while leaving a streak of blood.

The jellyfish both attempted to retaliate against the girls, with one going for Karrie, its tentacles flailing about with one slamming into her chest, dissolving a little bit of her shirt in the front so that she showed a good bit of cleavage. The other jellyfish went in to attack Vanessa, but the farm girl was easily able to dodge her foe as she ducked and rolled away from it.

Then it was Karrie's turn for retaliation as she swung her waraxe at the jellyfish attacking her, burying the blade in it as she swung it down onto the thing. Haruka and Vanessa both however missed the jellyfish with their weaponry, the things managing to evade their attacks somehow.

The jellyfish Karrie was fighting though slammed a tentacle into her legs, knocking her down flat on her butt, where it then floated up into the air and swooped back down where it latched onto her chest and pulled her up off the ground a few feet, though not out of reach of Haruka and Vanessa, where it began wrapping its tentacles around her to gain a better grip on her. The other jellyfish swung a tentacle around at Vanessa, catching the farm girl right in the chest, and though it dissolved her loose robe a little around there, it did nothing to the armor, as the properties that dissolved things seemed to only work on clothes.

Karrie - FP: 3/5, AP: 0/10, grappled by Milk Jellyfish 1
Haruka - FP: 6/6, AP: 0/10
Vanessa - FP: 5/6, AP: 0/10

Milk Jellyfish 1 - FP: 4/6, grappling Karrie
Milk Jellyfish 2 - FP: 4/5
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

The fight got off to a great start as everyone was landing their attacks and avoiding the jellyfishes counter attacks, Karrie got hit once but was grappled and lifted a few feet off the ground, annoying her somewhat as she tried to hit the jellyfish with her axe to knock it off of her, at least they were out numbering the jellyfish so they had a better chance of winning...
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie - 16 vs 17 MJf 1, failed to break free
Haruka - 14 vs 15 MJf 1, failed to break Karrie free
Vanessa - 5 vs 1 MJf 2, broke free and hit

Milk Jellyfish 1 - 7 vs 2 Karrie, hit and stripped completely, taking 1 FP and 1 AP dmg
Mlk Jellyfish 2 - 12 vs 13 Vanessa, missed

Karrie - 10 vs 9 MJf 1, hit and broke free
Haruka - 17 vs 13 MJf 1, hit
Vanessa - 4 vs 16 MJf 2, miss

Milk Jellyfish 1 - 2 vs 9 Karrie, miss
Mlk Jellyfish 2 - 6 vs 19 Vanessa, miss

Karrie's struggling to get free proved fruitless for now as she struggled uselessly in the jellyfish's tentacles grip. Haruka was also unsuccessful in breaking her free any at all as she swung her greataxe at the thing. Vanessa meanwhile managed to break free of the other jellyfish which had a hold of her, swinging her greatsword at the thing and slicing through one of its tentacles that had hold of her, which made it drop her to the ground.

The jellyfish that had hold of Karrie lifted her into the air a little higher up so that Haruka would have a harder time freeing her, and then it raked its tentacles across Karrie's body and dissolved all of her clothing, leaving her completely nude save for her panties as it coiled another tentacle around Karrie's neck and began squeezing, cutting off her air supply in the process and she felt a bit weaker than before as it did this, and she could feel two larger tentacles with needles on the tips maneuvering around to poke at her pussy and ass through her panties, but they didn't try and force their way in just quite yet and just sat there wriggling around. The other jellyfish tried and failed to grab Vanessa once more, missing as the farm girl ducked and rolled out of the way.

Karrie was able to swing her waraxe around just as she noticed a buildup of electricity about to run through the tentacles poking into her pussy and ass, slicing across the two appendages and forcing them to release her as the rest of its tentacles did as well, dropping her to the ground about 7 feet below. Haruka followed up Karrie's break free attack and slashed the thing with her greataxe, hacking one of the needle tipped tentacles off in the process where a gush of greenish blood followed the appendage dropping to the floor. Vanessa swung her grreatsword at the other jellyfish meanwhile, missing badly as it dartrd into the air again, with Vanessa cursing at her miss.

The jellyfish fighting Karrie and Haruka tried and failed to grab Karrie again, as Haruka was right there beside her mate, waving her greataxe around and forcing it away from them, while Vanessa's foe also missed trying to slam her with its tentacles as she brought her large heavy blade up just in time to do so.

"These things are really intent on grabbing us girls... I'm assuming to milk us dry like you said Haruka," Vanessa said as she pushed the jellyfish attacking her away.

"Aye, they milk whoever they have and keep them well nourished until they can't produce milk any longer... of any kind, where they then set them free and wait for other girls and hermaphrodites such as you and I. They aren't called Milk Jellyfish for nothing Vanessa," Haruka called back as she protected Karrie from the jellyfish attacking them.

Karrie - FP: 2/5, AP: 1/10,
Haruka - FP: 6/6, AP: 0/10
Vanessa - FP: 5/6, AP: 0/10

Milk Jellyfish 1 - FP: 2/6
Milk Jellyfish 2 - FP: 3/5
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie was struggling her hardest but for now was unable to get free, after the jellyfish shed her of all her clothing except her panties she only struggled more, culminating in stopping the jellyfish from presumably electrocuting her as she landed on the ground, she herself was getting a bit tired but her team mates were not and the other jellyfish were weakened quite a bit, meaning she and her buds needed to land a few more hits to seal the deal of this fight.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie - 15 vs 9 MJf 1, hit
Haruka - 13 vs 3 MJf 1, hit and killed Milk Jellyfish 1
Vanessa - 13 vs 20, MJf 2, miss

Milk Jellyfish 2 - 5 vs 6 Vanessa, miss

Karrie - 19 vs 18 MJf 2, hit
Haruka - 17 vs 1 MJf 2, critical hit for 2 FP dmg and killed Milk Jellyfish 2, ending the battle in victory

Karrie was able to hack off a couple of more tentacles from the jellyfish as it floated towards her once more, one of which was its electrocuting tentacles. Then Haruka jumped into the air and slashed her great axe down at the jellyfish and finished it off completely, its blood spurting everywhere as she chopped it in half. Vanessa though was still having trouble with the other jellyfish, her great sword just not connecting with her foe as it dodged yet again. The remaining jellyfish was trying to wrap Vanessa again, but just wasn't able to manage doing so, seeming to fail just as much as Vanessa was herself.

The fight didn't last too much longer, as Karrie was able to move over and quickly slashed a couple of the jellyfish's tentacles off, while Haruka did much the same as she did with the first jellyfish, jumping into the air as she kicked off of a rock on the floor and tore through the thing, leaving it deader than a doornail.

"Oh thank the gods we were able to take them out, we should hurry and take whatever is in that chest and move on before more of them come after us. I seriously don't want to be taken by those things again," Haruka said after laying the second jellyfish to rest with her greataxe, looking over to Karrie and Vanessa.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

It took a couple more swings and deft footing, but they managed to finish off the jellyfish, making Karrie smirk and look at Haruka with a "Told you it would work" smug look on her face, there was no time to celebrate though as she opened up the treasure chest to see what was inside.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

As Karrie opened the treasure chest to see what was inside, she would notice that it was locked, but that was quickly remedied by Haruka's mighty axe slamming down onto the lock holding the thing shut. "That was still extremely dangerous my mate. What if it hadn't worked? My job as the alpha of our tribe is to ensure that everyone, especially my own mate, is taken care of and kept safe," Haruka said, still looking a little cross about what Karrie had done, but she didn't really look angry at her for it. More likely it was that she was simply very worried about her and afraid of her taking risks like that.

Opening the chest, Karrie found what appeared to be a pair of bracers, a ring, and a scroll, giving her quite the treasure indeed. "Wow, looks to me like it was well worth it to be honest. Glad you grabbed that stuff Karrie. I'm sure we can use it to our advantage," Vanessa said, looking down into the chest at what they had found with a smile on her face as she patted Karrie on the back.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"Yeah, sorry about that...just seemed like the reward was greater than the risk though" Karrie said, obviously having been a bit worried she might have been caught out too, after the chest was opened up Karrie was greeted with a ring, some bracers and a scroll, she curiously picked up the scroll and tried to see if there was anything written on it, while allowing Haruka and Vanessa to inspect the ring and bracers respectively.