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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Didn't Rhea tell you? I'm in the dome with Jess." Rikke glanced to the forest with a smile, before listening to the man out and making her request "Y-yeah... I'd come, but I might've... lost my clothes." she'd smile sheepishly even if the man couldn't quite see her.

While the clothes were modest it was better than going out without anything on "Hum..." unfortunately the clothes were far from the elegant or promiscious kind she was used to but... with a white tanktop hugging her upper body tightly and some oddly colored baggy pants in place she was all set!

"See you in a bit, Jess! Make sure Yunies doesn't do anything I wouldn't." she'd wave the forest goodbye and headout to join in the rank recouperation. First stop - the Admin building.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Getting changed and heading out of the doom Rikke saw that most of the debris had been cleaned up. The larger chunks where still present and Chu was busy running to each salvaging what he could. A whole new string of dog tags hung off the end of Sophia's cannon their glare almost blinding as the wind turned them lightly. Her ride the previous day still sat where it had stopped though there was a noise coming from it. "Owww damn IT!" A moment later Ann popped out of the turret hatch sucking on a finger. "Okay try it now." Seemingly not seeing Rikke the girl put her hands down to steady herself as the turret slowly turned with a dull click click click. Still Rikke had little time to wonder about her efforts as she was needed at the admin building.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Trying to get it to work again?" Rikke approached with a bright smile and adderessed the engineer. The rogue would glance to the wreck that Chu was working on "I think there might be a helper over there who might assist you. He managed to turn on the artifact on his own during the battle. Saved me and the girls from being mushed by Brutes.'

Honestly the rogues interest or knowledge didn't extend to the machines of war, thus leaving her with little to discuss or offeer to Ann. Either way she'd listen to out to whatever the girls reaction or thoughts were, before saying her goodbyes... it was best not to leave the 'Admin guys' waiting.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Anna looked down and smiled at Rikke. "I wish that was the case. Sadly her hull is cracked and beyond repair. Though with her munitions and other parts we might get Sophia working again. She patted the side of the tank. Candace still has one more thing to give us." Anna looked almost sad her hand brushing some of the dirt off. Only then did Rikke see a name on the turret Cpt Anna Willix. Turning about she headed for the admin building and was quickly greeted by Rhea who had a fresh bandage and a few bruises from the fight before. "Oh good your hear I just woke up I was really really tired fighting just tuckers me out." Moving in and seeing the scars of battle still present in many places Rikke was led to the command center where Saul sat looking rather tired. "Good you made it. Rikke I have a lock on two targets. Obviously we can't go to both at the same time so you need to pick. There is one just north of Endus and another on the border between us and the Bardia. I figure we can send a standard team to the Endus location while you and Janet can got to the border."
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"'kay! Good luck Anna!" the rogue smiled to the girl earnestly and headed out to the admnit building, the machinery of war just were not part of the rogues interests at all...

Shortly upon entry Rhea of all people appeared, her eye still bandaged "So... are we going to have to start to call you Pirate Rhea?" she'd jokingly remark at the bandage, though clearly not meaning any ill-will. Whatever the battle-wounded kitsunes answer was the duo soon enough approached Saul, who had a new mission briefing?!

Rikke blinked at Sauls right to the point attitude "Hey... wait wait... Saul. We were just attacked? I mean I'm not sure half of this stuff even works. And you really want to send us out to the field already?" she'd turn her head and sharpen her eyes "What if they return? Heck why were we even attacked in the first place?" with the bloodstains still fresh in the halls, Rikke above all else had quite a few questions.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I can have a local team in endus pick up the other while we recoup. Besides even if we did lick our wounds I doubt we would survive another attack. Instead we should reach our goal before the enemy strikes again. They think they have us crippled. But they have no idea how close we are to victory. Rikke just think about it. Either way the missions will happen its whether or not your along with them."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked seemingly gobsmacked at the mans words "Saul! Whats going on?" she'd look to Rhea as well clearly confused "With or without me? Leaving instantly? What has gotten into you?" she'd step closer and look to him firmly "What victory? Who were the attackers to begin with?"

The rogue frowned darkly "I'm not some unknown military asset, I won't jump the moment you tell me to without knowing why or where." Rikke crossed her hands "If you want my help, I suggest you slow down and calm down."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saul looked at Rikke a moment before sighing. "Obviously the demons where the ones to attack us. It was likely another bid for the egg. Rikke we only need two more items to finish this. We can stop the demons cold. No more deaths.. no more hopeless fights. Its just as you told us in the nest. We can stop this from ever happening." Rikke couldn't help but notice how tired Saul looked nor could she miss the seemingly fresh strands of grey in his hair.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke shook her head lightly and sat down "Well ofcourse I'll help... not sure if you could collect these items without me anyway." she'd rest her head on her hand "But you can't just brush everything that happened under a rug and hope I won't care. Whether the events can be completely stopped or not, they're still attacks on my friends, here and now."

The heroine looked over the mans situation "What are the two new targets?" honestly, by his tone and mannerism, Saul seemed perhaps more effected by the attack than some of the crew here. The wounds, however were best left for Rhea to mend.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saul looked up at Rikke with weary eyes before speaking. "A shrine in Bardia and some quaint looking neighborhood near Endus. As for what exactly Im not sure both teams would need to use Mana detectors to find them." Just then Ida interrupted their conversation. "Saul you have 10 minutes before the cargo Vital leaves. I know you wanted to see them off." Nodding Saul got up showing off his dress uniform. Rhea moved over and tidied it up a little before giving him a hug. "Sorry Rikke I got to see the boys off one last time Rhea can fill you in on anything else."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ofcourse. Take it easy, Saul. Let's not stumble at the finish line 'kay?" Rikke gave the man a reassuring smile, peacing together why Sauls attitude shifted so much. still the rogue would make sure she understood what sort of cargo was in question only after the man left "... cargo?" she'd look grimly to Rhea.

Either way with the two of them back, maybe atleast Rhea could give Rikke a bit more details about the previous attack, the operations in question and... Sauls current state.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"The Wargs that fell in battle are being sent home today." Rhea looked out the window and gave a sharp salute before turning back to Rikke. "Okay Rikke where should we start?" Seeing the look on Rikke face Rhea spoke of Saul first. "He gets like this after every battle and the casualties come in. You have to understand Rikke he hand picked each and every Warg. In a way he feels responsible for their safety and when one falls he blames himself."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue gathered as such, she'd only give a solemn nod before turning the discussion to the culprits "So what the heck happened here?" she'd sit down nearby "Start from the beginning."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well you know Saul was worried about a spy among us and well his fears turned out to be true. At first he thought it was one of us but it was far more insidious. I'm sure back in your time they are known to you but this is the first time we ever encountered a shadow demon. Needless to say if you cannot see it you cannot catch it." Rhea moved to sit on the desk crossing her legs as she did so. "As for why they chose now to attack I'm not sure but their goal is always the same. Every attack has always been an attempt to get to the egg.. to get to Jessica and now we know why. Had we known she was a living breathing entity we could have done more, but as they say hindsight is always 20/20." Rhea looked over at Rikke deep in thought a moment. "The attacking forces where heavier than last time and what little warning we got was covered up by their spy. Thats how I got this." Rhea pointed up at her still bandaged head.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke listened to the recollection, piecing together the events that transpired "So this shadow, do you think it knows what we're up to?..." the rogue paused "Although even if they knew, why would the demons even try to disrupt what we're doing..." the motives for the constant attack on the 'egg' were still a mystery for the rogue, were they really throwing so much resources just to have Jess for their own?

"And what of their leader, Ella?' Rhea seemed to have not mentioned one of the sisters... or well just Ella at any point during her brief debriefing.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Who?" Rhea seemed genuinely confused. Maybe they didn't know who the leader was. "As for the shadow maybe but I put it down so any information it had died with it." Rhea got up and looked out the window her face grim. "Ida bring up the information on our combat readiness please? We need to get a mission planned and underway. Hopefully Saul can get us some reinforcements." Out of the corner of her eye Rikke saw Ida bring up info on a nearby screen it read. Nest combat capability negligible. "Okay Rikke Ill work up a plan for a mission so unless you got some more questions I need to get some work done."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Maybe it wasn't just everyone wanting to brush the whole incident away or underinform the rogue... perhaps everyone was just scared. Scared at being forced into a corner and running out of time. Rikke paused as the thought crossed her mind "I'm certain it was Ella, a reborn exceptionally powerful shadowmancer from my times." the rogue would sit down nearby "A Shadowmancer would explain your found 'spy'..." the rogue placed a finger on her lips clearly in thought "And hey, Rhea. I noticed the Brutes... don't die normally. Most of the demons I fought bleed and die as normal, but these things just collapsed to small objects. Know anything about it?" the heroine listened out on the intel Rhea had, before giving a firm nod "But yeah, I'm positive this was Ella. She was flying midair overlooking the battle below."

"Infact, unless you have tech creates these shadow spies... a few mana detectors wouldn't be a miss." the rogue glanced throughout the shadows of the room "Especially when talking tactics you know." still if Rhea reassured Rikke they were safe she'd listen out the two mission details "So what do we have? Anything nearby?" it was best not to delay, if they collect the artifacts then all the wargs that died and will likely still sarcrifice themself will have made sure these events... this uncertain future would never come.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ella you say........." Rhea sat back in the chair and thought a moment. "As far as I know the only thing like that we can make is like Ida. But this shadowmancer ..... if she can create stuff like this... then yeah a few mana detectors should be brought in. Ida link my scanner into the room sensors and scan for hits." There was a chiming noise as Ida completed her task. "Scan complete only mana source is coming from Rikke." Nodding Rhea turned to Rikke As for the brutes, from what our sources and historical documents state they've always done that. Why do they do something else in your time?" Rhea listened to Rikke if she had any comments on it before pulling up a small file. "Okay so what we have are two hits. One near Endus and the other a small shrine in Baridia. We should be able to enter Baridia with little difficulty as they are our allies in this fight even if its in name only. I don't expect any trouble here...... but given the recent attacks I wouldn't be surprised if we found something. The other seems to be in a suburb of Endus. A small strip mall probably a pawn shop. That one will be easy to get."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Mana source? "Oh..." the rogue blushed subtly "I er... recharged recently." she'd smile sheepishly as Rhea explained the Brutes "Well... usually you just stab them and they die, just like anything else. Never seen them react like this." admitedly the rogue didn't fight brutes like these too much even in her time.

"As for our relics... if it's in town we could send someone else. One agent should be enough. I can go where we expect trouble. That should save us some time right?" Rikke smiled to Rhea "The Nest took some damage, so you can focus on recouping. I can take this assignment alone.'
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"No you won't, Im not sending you in on your own what if something happens? Besides you'll need to fly and the only thing left in the inventory is knight and Widow. Knight is a single seat while Widow is a two seater. Janet can fly and you can get their in record time." Rhea looked up at Rikke in a serious manner. "Ill send the prep orders so you will have some time just make sure you see Anna soon so you can get fitted you don't want an IS to be hastily put on. They can chafe badly." Before Rikke could protest Rhea spoke up. "Don't worry Im still certified I can pilot Knight if we get attacked." Unless Rikke had anything else to ask or say she had some time to get ready.