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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A sinking feeling overcame the heroine as she read the last line... no. The heroine quickly dropped the letter asid eand was about to rush out the room, but a stray, but fairly genius thought crossed her mind "Rhea! I need to reach Kirkston city, how close can your transmition magic get me?" the Kitsune only needed to know of the place and she could travel there. Chances were she's never seen the manor, but perhaps her magic could cut Rikke some travelling time.

Luna had supplied her with a few potions just incase and she had beauty taken great care of by the Wargs. By all accounts Rikke was ready to leave immediately, but perhaps she shouldn't go alone. It was all up to Rhea.

Whatever the case, Sara was the one most influenced by the master, perhaps even more so than Rikke and Jess ever were. If he made his return the girls would be his targets. The Manor the heroine saved on her grand adventure! Could it really have fallen to the same evil as before!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke rushed over to where Rhea left only to find the exhausted kitsune asleep. She could walk her and set out immediately or she could let the woman rest and get some herself. It had been a trying day full of highs and lows not to mention she should really gather up more supplies than just a few potions and her weapon. She was combat ready but was she travel ready?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke almost busted in and shook the Kitsune awake, but she didn't have the heart for it. Rhea was working far beyond even her capabilities and quite frankly Rikke was flatout not ready for travel... not during the winter.

The new clothes would arrive first thing in the morning, but could the heroine actually sleep. Her lover kidnapped by her nemesis, the closest thing to family she had possibly in danger. The hours left till morning seemed like an eternity away.

The rogue stuttered briefly, but lower her hands. If Rhea was going to move her a longer distance the girl would need all the energy she could muster. Most of her friends had already dropped by, but perhaps there was something she could still do. It was just a random thought, but... Rune had connections with mages, if the heroine was going to be facing demons once more. Perhaps a skilled demonologist could offer her useful advice, be it how to resist their influences... or seal a powerful demon away forever.

Double check the gear Rikke has on her.
Go find Rune and ask about demonology.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully Rune was burning the midnight oil. She sat at a desk with Janet in deep conversation about some matter. Thankfully Erica was the one at the door and let Rikke threw with no hassle. As she got closer Rikke could see maps of Endus all over the desk some with lines with numbers written on them. Janet was the first to see her and quickly got up and hug Rikke without saying a word. Her embrace was tight and warm despite all the armor the girl favored. After a moment she let Rikke get by an address Rune. "Rune I need to know some information about banishing demons." Rune looked up at Rikke. "Well what specifically do you want to know Rikke?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would smiled at the knight girl warmly, perhaps a paladin could be fairly useful in the journey ahead... "I'm okay, Jan."

With her audience with Rune 'allowed' the heroine would approach the mage "I know who has Jessica..." the heroine allowed that to sink it "It's a demon I've defeated a year or so ago. He's back and he'll keep coming back if I don't stop him for good." the heroine sat down "I wanted to know if there's a way to trap him in a object or just destroy his essence" in other words, the girls goal was clear to KILL the Master, not banish him.

"Also... I..." the girl glanced to Rune, unsure of what she was about to say "I may be 'influenced' by him. I'd need some way to resist or fight back his influence." lest the girl actually gave in... she spend quite a few nights masturbating to the thought of actually fucking the Master, the heroine didn't even notice how the mere thought of him made her stir.

If asked Rikke would tell about the events in the manor related to the Master and how she through his corruption gave way to her inner succubus to manifest... but not mention any of the dreams/fantasies she had of him
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet looked at Rikke and frowned a little. "If you kill him his soul will be sent to the Aether never to return after all you said you defeated him once I'm I correct?" Rune got up and moved to a bookshelf and pulled down a single tome and flipped threw a couple pages. "Though if you only banished him the first time then he could be brought back to life much like our enemy Reginald was...... the only way to truly defeat the demon is to destroy his soul though I can't help you do that." Rune shuddered a little a chill having run down her spine. "Another soul eating creature like a demon or alien could do it however." Rune closed the book and set it down on the table. "I could craft an item to store its soul much like the statue you found on the island but that would take time."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Oh no... there was no way anyone could consume The Masters essence and still remain who they previously were... "How long?" if she was going to win this battle she'd need some way to contain his essence, though time was something the girl did not have.

"I know of a place where time warps. Jessica and my family is danger, I'm affraid I can't wait for the statue..." every hour of inaction was tearing at Rikke, but if Rune was given time via Senas plain. Perhaps she'd have the artifact ready before she left...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rune frowned "You can't rush creating relics and such it would take months just to research what was needed to make it." Rune sat back down hand on her chin. "What do you mean a place where time warps?" Rikke quickly explained the situation and about Sena's realm. "I see I could do the research there but making the vessel would still take time. Time we don't have hummm." Rune though a moment more her face getting a squished. "OH! Rikke I got it! We could use the island as a transfer point by using your stone! I had a portal designed at our house on the island that leads to the here so you can hop back to get the item."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes light up at the idea, OFCOURSE! The girl had a stone to warp in and out of the island, she didn't really need to travel with the artifact, she could just drop by and pick it up! "But how would I know when it's ready?"

The plan was perfect except for this one detail. "What about something to block demonic influences? Surely the mages have something. Right?" perhaps this 'secondary' objective was actually a fairly major issue Rikke had to adress. A way to contain the Master would do little, if the girl succumbed to become his concubine...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"A warding spell should take care of that. What type of item where you thinking about using to bind the demon Rikke?" That was a good question it had to be something not easily noticed or common so no curious persons accidentally released the demon from his binds.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Anything heavy enough I could throw off into the depths of the sea." Rikke nodded firmly "Or something small, maybe a pendant or a ring. So I could hide it or seal it away somewhere." the heroine most certainly was no expert in demon seals, but these seemed like the most reasonable choices to make. Whichever seemed better was up to the mage to decide.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Okay I'll make arrangements and get working on the research. Rikke please be careful." With that said Rune got up and hugged Rikke tight holding her an extra few moments. Their embrace parted and Janet saw Rikke out following her to her room. "Rikke..... the goddess will watch over Jess don't fear to much have faith." Janet smiled at Rikke and stood their a few awkward moments.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I hope so Janey." Rikke smiled at Janet warmly, but... what was with the akward stance "What is it, silly?" she snickered lightly. The girls spirit was higher than ever before, if she had rushed out there and then - this object, this improv prison against The Master would've never seen light.

If Janet didn't asnwer Rikke would just kiss her on the cheek and smile at her "I'll be back before you know it." with that the heroine would return to her room, a little time with her thoughts would do her good.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke moved in for the kiss she suddenly found Janet kissing her deeply and in the middle of the hallway. One of the more crass Wargs gave a sharp whistle but was quickly silenced by his fellow with a quick jab to his ribs drawing an "OOF!" from the fool. Janet held the kiss for a long moment even invading Rikke's mouth with her tongue before letting the rogue go. "I just wanted to thank you for everything.." With that Janet turned sharply and made her way back to Rune's room.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blushed lightly at the sudden passionate kiss, but would answer it lightly she just couldn't bring herself to anything else... though she wans't just gonna let her walk away like that, before Janet went out of sight Rikke would say one more thing to her "Janet... I may need a knight at my side. There's noone else I'd rather have with me." perhaps Rikke shouldn't go alone on this. Janet was a knight of Venus, if she accepted the girl might be a boon against the demons.

Still Rikke would leave her with that thought and part offer to think over. Whether Janet would answer the call to assistance would come tommorow. The rogue moved throught the HQ, smiling warmly at the jolly laughter of the guys having fun and exhcnaging battle stories. Who could've thought the heroine would find such solace among a band of rag-tag Mercenaries.

Back in her room Willow would instantly meet Rikke, running around her happily letting out the very occasional bark of joy. Rikke leaned down and ruffled the pup playfully, she indeed had the allies and soon enough the means to win this.

The heroine jumped to her bed and looked out the window, her thoughts drifting off to Jessicas kidnapping. It all happened so suddenly... Jessica was away out there somewhere. Likely in some dungeon tied up and abused repeatedly... though perhaps not. While Jessicas sister showed little in the way of empathy, they were still sisters... maybe they wouldn't be so cruel to her.

Though perhaps the most important figure was still the amply named "Master". Rikke shifted in bed unnervingly remembering her last victory over him, if it wasn't for Emmas holy magic the girls would've never won... and that was just one of his apparations.

Rikke closed her eyes and tried to grab some shuteye... the Master. The heroine recalled his huge dark form as she first saw him, she was still fresh from corruption and he came to inspect her. The heroine hand unwillingly slid down her body, as shifted lightly in bed some worried thoughts in her head... and in the back of her mind 'Rikke...'
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A large rough hand caressed her body appreciating every curve. "Rikke my newest whore how do yo feel?" Their was a harsh slap to her rear that made her loins tingle. "Just perfect Master please abuse me today" Rikke spread her legs and lifted her ass presenting herself to her master. A slow chuckle echoed from behind her as she felt a heavy burning cock rest between her ass cheeks. "I knew I was right about you. Such a willing whore you should have never opposed me. Should I punish you whore?" Rikke felt shame and excitement from disappointing her master and being punished for it. "Yes Master punish this unworthy whore!" A deep laugh echoed threw the dark room. "Your wish will be granted!" Rikke felt the the massive cock invade her dark hole that wasn't ready for her master. The pain was nearly unbearable as she felt like the massive prick was tearing her in half. Not satisfied with such a basic intrusion the master grabbed Rikke by the tail and hefted her up for better leverage. It hurt but it felt good at the same time as Rikke's sex erupted in juices covering her legs and the ground. "Orgasaming from me just penetrating you HA your such a dirty whore I love it!" Soon enough the master grabbed hold of Rikke's waist as he began to work the whole girls body like one massive cock sleeve.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Each forceful thrust down the cock caused the girls D's to bounce violently as she cried out, her long purple hair following the concubines each and every motion "AH~~ Master~~" though the sex was cruel, dark perhaps even violent the girl was about to come once more just from the sheer sensation "I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" there was no room subtelty here, the creature who at first seemingly tore her apart was soon enough starting to feel like a exceptional, but very tight fit. Each thrust bring even more dark delight, her dark purple eyes shined bright and long whip like tongue hanging freely.

If she could the girl would reach back to the demons body and hold onto it tightly, just enjoying the perverse sensation. She wouldn't oppose the Master, looked like he caught her instantly, but how she longed he'd focus on her more ready and juicy sex.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke didn't have to wait long as the first massive orgasam from the master hit her. Loads of his thick black seed pumped into the succubus so much it seemed she could taste it in her mouth. With out much care the master simple pushed Rikke of his cock and to the ground. Turning around Rikke could see her masters cock in full glory its redskin full of little nodules the massive prick gleamed from the fluids it had just ejected but was still firm and strong. The master moved and pulled Rikke's legs aside opening her damp treasure. "Are you ready for your Master?" He of course didn't wait for the answer as he shoved himself in as far as the girls body would allow causing the succubus's stomach to distend from the massive prick. Again he began to thrust into Rikke the massive prick wrecking any tightness the succubus once had but it didn't matter Rikke new that after a moment her body would return to it is perfect sinful shape and tightness.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The girl shivered in dark ecstasy as the demons spunk filled her up, before she was pushed off. Her whip like tongue loose from her mouth the succubus panted lightly before turning around around to reveal the full glory of her Master.

What seemed previously to only be figments of what she imagined, now had taken solid and clear form. The cock twitched with anticipation, as Rikke slowly opened her legs to reveal her soaked sex. By the gods, yes... this is exactly what she longed for so long. The Master took a step closer spreading her legs wider still, before he slammed the massive prick into her.

"AHHH~~!" Rikkes eyes shot awake, some purple mist dispersing right before her. The girl quickly crawled up against the top of her bed and shivered strongly... her sheets were a complete and utter mess, the girls folds spread apart as if she was really well fucked just now. What just happened?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke's sudden movement disturbed Willow who looked up at the rogue and yawned before setting his head back down on his paws to rest. Venise however didn't shrug it off and instead wrapped her arm around Rikke trying to comfort her. "Its okay Mistress it was just a dream the master really wasn't here your safe now get some rest.