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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke Attacks lighting strikes: 75, 64, and 57 vs 45 all hit
16, 16 and 16 after armor
Demon Flees

Rikke ran down the rubble clearly surprising the vile demon and let into him with 3 quick and deadly slashes. Each slash cut threw armor and drew vile blood from the creature. He stumbled back from the onslaught holding very deadly wounds.

"Not bad for a backstabbing thief sweet lips. You've caught my interest. We will meet again." The demon smiled and dissapated once again into a swarm of vile wasps. Which quickly fled threw the hold in the roof.

4xp for almost killing the bad guy
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly lunged from side to side, her sharp blade smashing even piercing the demons armor with each feat of agility. With her combination of slashes finished the rogue turned back to see the demon rather gravely injured.

Spouting out one last goodbye and promise of meeting again, the creature began to disperse into numerous wasps, much to the heroines dismay she slashed at the wasps to the best of her abilities, but only hit a dozen or so.

Still she actually did it... she beat the demon knight! A feat the rogue couldn't even believe herself she pulled off! With a smug smile Rikke leaded the swarm away and sheath her blade "It's safe everyone! SYLPHIE, RUNE! WHERE ARE YOU?!" the battle was won, now to check if everyone was okay.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Over here Rikke!" Rikke saw the wall move as Sylph unfolded herself from around Rune her color changing back to her normal blue. "Sylph keep Rune safe!" The slime girl was all smiles and seemed all to pleased with herself.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Thank goodness!" Rikke quickly ran up and hugged both girl, not caring for any ooze she'll get covered in "I knew I can trust you Sylphie!" the heroine nightly nuzzled the slimegirl... "Let's show everyone we're safe, they must be worried sick." with that Rikke would lead the two girls over the debris and back to the group. There was likely a lot to discuss... and with the demon tending his wounds DeGravil lost his frontline monster.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

After Rikke and crew got back over the Ruins they where greeted by Rhea and several armed Wargs. Throwing all pretense aside Rhea rushed up to Rune her motherly instincts kicking into overdrive. "Are alright are you hurt let me look at you!" The leader of the Wargs held her girl close and looked her over greatly embarrassing Rune. "Mom Im okay really Rikke and Sylph kept me safe." Seeing a hug in progress Sylph moved to join in but Jess intercepted her. "No Sylph not our hug okay?" Sylph looked confused but then smiled and then hug Jess tightly.

Rikke looked over the scene glad that every one was okay though the demon seemed to know way to much about her and Jess and it some how knew that they would be here. Something wasn't right and as long as DeGravel and his pet Demon where about none of them where safe.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke didn't rush Rhea, afterall it was her daughter that was almost kidnapped by a high tier demon. Still after a brief moment of Rhea and Rune rejoicing, the heroine would approach Rhea and speak in a stern voice "Rhea we need to talk..." the rogue knew that not only something smelled fishy, but with the demon wounded it would be a perfect opportunity to strike back. After 'the smell' was taken care of.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea looked at Rikke a slight glimmer of a tear in her eye. "Yes lets Rune I need you to return to the warded sanctuary and take your father with you he needs his rest." Rune was about to interrupt but Rhea quickly put it down. "I will not take no for an answer now go take the venus girls with you." Rune skulked off clearly unhappy. "Okay Rikke to my office just you, Jess, and Sylph.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke nodded firmly as the two adventurers and oddly enough their slimegirl ventured onwards towards the office, most of the girls with fairly serious stature expect for Sylph who curiously looked around, while tightly holding Jessicas hand. Seemed most of the officers and staff were either at the walls or busy getting patched up.

The moment the group entered the room, Rikke instantly closed the door behind them "That demon knew exactly where Rune was and who we are... even things of that caliber cannot see through walls, not would risk an uncoordinated attack..." what Rikke was hinting at was obvious, there might be DeGravils infiltrators among Rheas ranks.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea looked at Rikke and Jess before speaking. "I agree the only issues is who? Only You and Jess as well as the the Venus Girls even know that Rune is next in line. So either one of them is the spy or we have an infiltrator among us."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

What?! One of Venus girls working for DeGravil? That just can't be can it... the thought didn't even cross Rikkes mind. "You really think one of the Venus girls might be a rat, Rhea?" it was a possibility, but with the Wargs open door policy to all recruits one of the guys being the infiltrator wouldn't be a surprise.

"You're the commander in charge. How does one flush out a rat? I may have a few ideas, but I'd rather first hear your word." Rikke wasn't experienced in such matters, but she was above all things - creative.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I doubt the Venus Girls are the spies. After all I just sent them to here to stay." Rhea frowned thinking. "He could have a high level mage on the payroll that could scry on Rune. Or like you said its a spy in camp."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Riekk tapped her lip for a brief moment "Alright, so first we need to find out, if there really is an infiltrator among the ranks, how is he getting the message out. If it's magic Saul should be able to sense it or something, dunno mages aren't my specialty... otherwise you have some special way to send message or letters out? More importantly do you keep track who sends the messages." knowing how it is possible to communicate the plans would be the first step in catching the spy.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well any I don't take myself I send armed messengers in pairs and all of them have returned so Im not so sure its someone intercepting our communications." Rhea thought her looke deep when Sylph spoke up. "Maybe they are shadow men?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"m?" Rikke turned to Sylph "Shadow men?" the heroines guess was she just meant other rogues dressed in black, but perhaps this wasn't the case.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yes shadow men they look like shadows. They would follow me around some times. They left me alone so I never hurt them they didn't look like good yums anyway."
There it was again Sylph just mentioning how she eats things. Though her shadow men did intrigue both her and Rhea.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Did you see any shadow men around metal men camp Sylphie?" it was a stretch, but a positive answer would solve the who's the spy dilema the girls had "Shadow men easy to spot someway? How did you notice them in the ruins Sylphie?" Rikke leaned closer to Sylph "Shadow men may be causing lots of hurts and troubles for friends... think Sylphie."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"No I havn't seen any shadow men but I haven't been looking." At Rikke question about spotting them Sylph turned her thinking blue. "Shadow men look like shadows but no one to make shaodows." Seeing the confused look on the faces of her friends Sylph thought again turning her deep blue once more. "Oh see four shadows no extra's no shadow men." Sylph pointed out everyone's shadow counting four.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"So that means they're invisible?..." Rikke leaned out, either another creature adopted this kind of skin or they were dealing with Seve-kin... but they didn't seem smart enough to act as infiltrators, not to mention their dormant lust and bloodlust "I know of only one creature that could be invisible... Rhea were there any reports about slaughtered animals nearby?... missing women?"

"Sylphie, do shadow men have LONG arms and BIG spiky fingers? How do the shadows look?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rikke this close to the ruins someone always gos missing or some poor animal gets slaughtered and not always from random creatures in the ruins." That wasn't helpful. Sylph on the other hand was thinking hard if the color of her goo was any indication. "Sylph think so." she wasn't sure but it was better than nothing.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rike facepalmed lightly in distress, just great... the camp was likely watched by deadly invisible predators. Though judging by everything there was a very small, perhaps even only one of the opponents otherwise they would've striked.

"Let me think..." the heroine half-sat on a nearby table looking up lost in thought "The thing is if these creatures really are stalking the camp. Why hasn't anyone caught sight of anything... not to mention why didn't they just strike..." the rogue turned to Rhea "At you. They're exceptionally deadly and amazing ambushers, if they have the positioning to collect info, they should be able to slip wherever they wished and kidnapping Rune instead of sending big daddy demon would've been a much more sound move..."

"No I don't think that's our problem. Our target is likely a simple man... Rhea when I said the messengers I didn't mean missing I meant who collects the letters and then hands them over to the boys to deliver. You have a mailpost of sorts?"