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Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

The sudden medding from that healer was not well taken, if Mithra werent holding her babies maybe she would had started to argue and show how right her point of view is about not see anything wrong to leave. The veteran warrior still remember the dark moments when she was trapped by the wolves or that demon, her village should have all ready for have a confortable birth and protection for a sweet baby like the ones of her, of course than she havent heard of how dangerous the first day is for them and she was sure than they could be teleported to their house if they cant go outside.

Mithra just remember how she let rest the others warriors when they needed to give birth, as she take extra hours to defend the area or do any other needed job for her village. She then just turn to Felicia, mostly trying to she have in mind about this little issue, after all she was the one than know how much theirs babies can handle, the elf was ready to leave if Felicia see it possible as she was sure than if theirs babies would be fine, she could easily move to rest at her own home, after all her training she would be fine. However that was not the case and she just sigh mostly to calm herself before turn to the healer

Understood, but its hard for me sleep more of five hours, maybe i could try to do some magic or a soft activity as i talk with my daughters and with the others. I suppose than all this will dont cause any difficulty. The swordswoman said to the healer, mostly trying to find out what she could do before get another negative, maybe she needs to find out how to make this place a more safe nursery or at least a little more pleasant nothing than some books could solve.

Thanks Lady Aezralia we will really apreciate it She answer back to the angel once te last issue has been solved. She then just dont pay attention to Evangeline, she could give to her her opinion once they leave the healer house. In some way Rose was at safe hands with all the sidhe of the winter tribe, so Eva have a lot of time to learn more about how to take care of a baby.

Dear, i have enough food for the three of you at the kitchen, i wanted to prepare you something special this night but we can postpone it for tomorrow and also i sew some clothes for the babies but i dunno if the clothes are of their size. Mithra said mostly inviting the three girls to rest at her house but it was more possible than the sidhe want to return to their land to give the news to their people. Mithra will try to talk and have an enjoyable talk with Felicia until it was time to the sidhe to leave, Mithra will invite Felicia for a goodnight kiss to her and theirs babies, easily Felicia could hold them for a while until she need to leave the three to rest.

Once at the night Mithra will try to find a confortable stance to sleep, using mostly her time to see her babies, if they werent so tired after the hard birth ordear Mithra could try to sing a lullaby or play with them. Fortunately she have two tentacles to aid her to carry them when nobody is looking them, like the healers.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine

The healer would frown resolutely at Mithra's unwillingness to cooperate. "Worry about entertainment later, rest now." That was more or less the final word on the matter, for they wouldn't take any other answer, and would threaten to get the elders if Mithra refused to cooperate.

"You needn't worry about clothing for them," Felicia would say reassuringly, "they are sidhe, and so will grow faster than you could make clothes for. We can handle that part."

Sindel, when asked to tell the child of her, would laugh lightly and reply, "oh she will know you, one way or another. You can relax about that, and she'll be taken to see you every once in a while."

With that, the night would drag on, their exhaustion catching up with Evangeline and Mithra, and the sidhe would depart for the night while leaving their children with them. They would return the next day, to go to Mithra and Eva's houses how they liked, and brought ample food for the three new mothers that was both excellent and restorative. They would gladly spend the day lounging around, Felicia being affectionate to Mithra while Sindel and Cremily were a bit more distant, and Aezralia painting pictures of them, but that night they would announce that they were taking their children, who had all grown significantly on the milk of their mothers and the magic that made up their beings. They would give them all a moment or two more, before Felicia would take their twins Daena and Mathra, Sindel would take Rose, and Cremily would take her daughter with Aezralia.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Mithra my friend, please stay and rest. There isn't too much we can truly do anyway I think, considering how exhausted our bodies are at the moment and all. We should rest so we don't risk hurting ourselves," Evangeline would say to Mithra to encourage her to remain in bed for the night at least.

Looking up at Sindel when she said what she did, Evangeline smiled up at her and nodded her head a bit. "Thank you Sindel. But I meant in the worst case scenario of if I died before I got to see her, then in that case would you tell her about me some, but I don't plan on letting that happen anytime soon, which is why I called upon you three back in that tower. And what's more we've dealt a huge blow to the aliens in this area, likely one that they won't be able to recover from too easily since it was one of their elder lords we took down," Evangeline said to Sindel, reaching up to take the other sidhe's hand and giving it one last squeeze before she left for the evening and with that Evangeline went on to sleep with Rose in her baby crib next to her bed.


The next day when she woke, Evangeline would lay in the bed and take care of Rose until Sindel and the others returned, at which point if it was okay with the healers, she and the others would take their new babies to their respective residences with the sidhe. Evangeline would gladly dig into the food brought by her kin, feeling quite hungry now that everything was over and done with, while Aezralia painted a picture of Sindel and Cremily while she held Rose and Aezralia's child.

"Come back soon and visit us if we're around alright you three, but if we're out and about you can still come to visit I suppose. Doesn't matter so long as we get to see you three and the children again," Evangeline would say to the three when they prepared later that evening to leave and take the children with them, with Evangeline hugging Rose one last time and kissing her on the cheek before handing her over to Sindel. "Take good care of them now you hear," Evangeline called to them as they went on their way.

After they were gone that evening, Evangeline would look over at Aezralia and smile. "Well, just us in here now. Let's get some good sleep in tonight, and we can cuddle close too since we don't have to worry about hurting the babies any longer," Evangeline told the angel, preparing for dinner unless they'd already eaten if their sidhe friends had brought enough for dinner that night too. Regardless though after dinner, Evangeline would let her food settle for a little while, taking the time to sit down and relax and maybe knit some with the supplies she'd gathered, finishing up with the wool scarf she'd started for Aezralia, which she'd give to her the next morning.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Certainly i apreciate your concerns Evangeline, but dont worry i know really well the limits of my body. Mithra answer back to the Sidhe who just a moment ago wanted to invite the others girls to her room to cuddle with her, the elven just suppose than Evangeline havent any experience like this.

Im sorry my love, i never expected than they could grow so fast, even then i would had loved to see them wear theirs cute clothes at least a time. I will have it at mind the next time than we conceive. Mithra was dissapointed with herself for dont expect how fast a sidhe child could grow. She should find how much they can increase their size per day to have a baby suit for her next children, for what it looks her best choice will be buy them some clothes once they stop to increase their size or when they come to visit her. She could also look for a dress of herself when she was a child, but it had passed a long time, maybe they were in bad condition or had been gifted to someone else, anyway looking around later will not be so hard.

Mithra decided to just focus on Felicia and theirs babies, as Evangeline chat was mostly Sindel's worries, even when Evangeline have her reasons to said it, it was not pleased talk of death in front of some newborns, certainly she should just focus on the joy of have endured the birth and have a healty baby with them.

The time to sleep come and Mithra endured all the time than she could to feed and take care of her babies until she really needed to sleep, even then she will be ready to awake and take care of her babies in middle of the night if it were needed.


The next day come and as usual Mithra made her best to awake as early as possible, taking her time to check her babies and prepare all to leave the healer house than she should find the way to prepare for her next birth or maybe find a better place could be the best, it was an honor than her childrens born at her natal town but if this could be risky for them then she should decide a batter place.

When Felicia come for them, Mithra dont care if anyne else could look at them, she hug her mate and kiss her giving her the good morning welcome than she deserve before they went to their home. The blonde elf had then one of the betters days of her life as she finally could enjoy of her babies and Felicia, just as a common family and also she tried to see anything than could give her a clue of their personality at the future.

Felicia and Mithra had the whole they to enjoy each other, talking about theirs cultures what they like as also any other topic at hand. Dear, can you please say me a little about how the childrens are raised at your land? I already hear than the whole comunity protect and see for them, i just wonder if they have any kind of ceremony or if they have are free to do as they wish. Ask the young mother really interested to know what her babies will pass without her.

The time to go to prepare the painting come and Mithra was ready to use her magic if Aezralia have problems painting the twins, maybe if all went right she could make an illusion spell and make the girls looks to be dressed with illusion clothes for the event.

The couple have a separated last talk before Felicia leave with theirs childrens, a little most emotive and lovely, Mithra give her a last charming kiss to her and prepared her babies for the long journey, looking at them a last time at their small age, she was sure than she will see them grow up soon and when that happens her sight full of love and pride to them will not change, even as mature womens they will always look like this for her. Take care my love, please return soon with them and give them all the love and care than they need, if is needed you can send me a message and no mather how i will go to find all of you. Its so soon, i wanted to make them a letter but is not ended yet, just say them than my thoughts will always be with all of you.

Mithra tried to dont cry and just show happiness to her family before they leave, always trying to have in mind than soon they will return, doing her best to hold that hope with all her heart.


Mithra once they leave return to her house, she decided to give to the others two of the trio have their time together as she prepare all for the winter, her body should recover her shape and even get better for what could come, now with a family to protect there was nothing than she wouldnt face for them.

Mithra will use examine spell to check her babies and peek at theirs inners abbilities than should still remain sleep.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine

Mithra's spell wouldn't reveal the potential of the undeveloped lives, the magic she used unable to tell such things about a normal person most of the time, must less a baby who had never had time to display any particular abilities. When she asked how their daughters would be raised, Felicia would explain that they would be raised as sidhe, the nobles of the faerie court, and that they would be taught what little would not come naturally to them thanks to their fey blood.

To Eva, Aezralia would grin knowingly, and replied, "I think I can spare an extra day or two~" In the meantime, Mithra would leave them to it while they returned to Eva's borrowed house, still exhausted from the birth of her twins. The elven warrior would enjoy a meal alone while Eva and Aezralia ate together, and the rest of the night in which their assorted lovers departed with their children would pass uneventfully save that Aezralia would slip into Eva's bed that night and start slowly stroking the sidhe's cock, grinning knowingly as she worked to get it hard. "Mind if I start with a mouthful? Or do you want to get right to the main event?" she asked, her tone equal parts blithe and seductive as her fingers worked up and down over Eva's rod, toying with it.

The next three days would pass similarly, with Aezralia departing on the second, stating that she had something to do but that she would stop in from time to time. Mithra would be placed back on active duty by that point, and Eva would have settled into life in the small elven village fairly well, using her magic to earn her keep with them. They would see their daughters again then, the day after Aezralia had left, but only briefly before the sidhe had to depart, Cremily not with Felicia and Sindel. Their daughters were healthy, but still babies, though they had grown a good bit already.

Another week would pass, uneventfully, while they settled back into a normal life. Mithra's village would receive good news, that forces from the Academy and Therion had retaken Gods-Reach from the orcs, but that would come with its own set of problems as that meant stragglers from the battle were filtering away from the fortress, and the day after the news came in was when Mithra and Eva would be summoned together again before the council of elders.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Alright dove, I'd like that. We should indulge some if we can, no reason we can't since we are recovering some still I'd say," Evangeline told Aezralia when she stated that she could stay another day or two in the town.

Eating together, the pair chatted about things while finishing their meals, and afterwards later that night Eva would feel Aezralia slip under the covers with her where she felt the angel's hand grasp her member, which stiffened up quickly in her grasp. "Mmm, go ahead dove, do whatever you like. I'm sure I'll enjoy it as much as you will," Evangeline replied to Aezralia's question, giggling and cooing as the angel toyed with her member.

Evangeline would lay back and enjoy the feel of the angel's touch as they had each other, with Evangeline letting Aezralia take the lead for the first half before switching out with her and taking the top for the second half of it, if Aezralia let her that is. The next morning, Evangeline would wake first and make breakfast for them both to enjoy together before cleaning the dishes up. She would make the most of her time with Aezralia for the next couple of days, spending what time she could with her and when it came time for her to leave, Evangeline would sadly say farewell for the time being.

"Aw, I wish you didn't have to go. But I understand that your work is important too. Just do me a favor dove and don't get those wings clipped alright. And do come back to see me sometime, I'll probably be around here helping these people out however I can, though if I'm not around when you might come by do leave a message okay," Evangeline would tell Aezralia when she prepared to leave.

After Aezralia was gone, Evangeline would settle into the town while using her powers to help them as best she could. Though she wasn't entirely sure what she could do to help them that they couldn't already do themselves, so she did odd jobs and the like around the place, mostly helping the healers with healing as she had some powers that could help them out a lot, and with her help she was positive that there would be fewer wounds getting infected and things of the sort.


When Sindel and Felicia brought her's and Mithra's babies back to see them, Evangeline was actually a bit amazed that they'd brought them back so soon, having expected them to come maybe once every couple of weeks at best and certainly not after only 3 or 4 days. Taking Rose from Sindel, Evangeline would spin around while holding her in the air before kissing her on the cheek and looking over at Sindel.

"Hey there you, didn't expect you to bring her by to see me so soon. How come you brought her on by already? I kind of expected maybe once every fortnight at best to be honest," Evangeline said to Sindel after loving on Rose a bit.


After a week or so, Evangeline heard about the fall of Gods-Reach to the combined forces of the Academy and Therion, and she instantly thought that Aezralia might possibly have been at the battle and that was why she'd insisted on heading on out sooner rather than later. Hopefully she would get to see her again and her angel friend/lover hadn't met an untimely end as many of her kind seemed to do. Rejoicing though over the retaking of Gods-Reach, Evangeline would join in any celebrating over the news that came their way, though she would also begin preparing and helping the healers to prepare for any incoming casualties that might be heading their way.

The next morning she would head over to the council of elders when summoned, meeting up with Mithra along the way and wondering what they were being summoned for. She figured it was likely something to do with the news from the day before, and if she had to guess probably either scouting or something similar, but she couldn't be entirely sure until they spoke with the elders on the matter.

Basically have Evangeline work with the healers as she has Lay on Hands, and she can and will summon sirens and or sorceresses to help with healing as well if they need extra help, whichever would be the better choice of those two. I'm assuming she'd make a little bit of denarii from working to help the healers out too, though that's up to you really if she does.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra was just testing and wishing badly to give a peek on what her daughters could do at the future, if they had earned more spirit powers than magic, but for what it looks that spells still cant do its work even in babies. She then passed to heard what Felicia could share with her about the usual training for the younger ones, it was not too much new info but at least she get by the last than the Sidhe looks to get instinctively knowledge what is usseful because how fast they grow up.

Once the swordswoman and the Sidhe give a last good bye the time to return to rest at her home come and so the elven leave the others girls to do what she have in mind for today.


The next days were mostly normal at the town and after do her best to get in her usual shape, Mithra was ready to do what she could until suddenly Felicia comes with an unexpcted visit. Mithra's soft smile couldnt hide the joy to see her family so soon, she went to theirs arms and receive Felicia with a kind passionate kiss before check her childrens who looks to had grow a little after the last time than she saw them a pair of days ago. Welcome back, Felicia. Its really appreciate to see all of you here again, im so glad... Please let me carry them, these two beautiful ladies are so charming and are so lively, certainly you have a lot to talk about them, if you have the time i could prepare you something to eat. Mithra said wishing than Felicia could have the time to say her some of theirs daughters or at least pass a brief moment with her as she serve something to eat before her journey back to the sidhe's lands

Soon or later the tiem to leave again for Felicia comes and Mithra let her go with a smile and a family hug as she suppose than when Felicia could return they could have a time together as before she had the babies or maybe the little girls will be able to talk for themselves, it was completely a mystery what she will see in her next visit or when Felicia will try to place her seed on her again, but Mithra dont have the time to lost herself in her throughts and as the days passed she continued at her regular service, for what it looks all had not caring at all about her little adventure and she suppose than maybe that was just so normal.


With Aezralia out, she suppose than Evangeline would need help to get fit on the village and also a helpful hand, yet of course not for any innapropied need. The news fly and soon at her pointy ears comes the notice than finally Gods-Reach has been recovered, this could be a New celebration day and they would had been in joy if the recovery of these lands donts mean also than Orcs forces than had escaped could be trying to cause any trouble as a payback. A town with so few warriors in it cant put its guard down and soon she heard than the elders had requested her presence.

Once at the sage's place Mithra will follow the ussual manners and be guided to the room where she and Evangeline will heard the request than mostly the elven was glad to receive as she was getting a little bored.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine

Aezralia would smirk mischievously at Evangeline before sliding beneath the covers, her wing holding the blankets up so that Eva could see as she brought her lips down onto the sidhe's stiff rod. At first she just kissed and licked the tip while stroking it like she had before, but after a few moments her lips would part further, and Eva would again feel the angel's mouth sliding down over her cock to the point that it poked at the back of Aezralia's throat. She would give it a few slow, sensual bobs before pulling back and licking the shaft from tip to base and back a few times. That pattern would repeat itself for a while, the angel switching back and forth between sucking and licking without ever stopping her slow strokes, until Eva had begun to throb in her grip and was fully covered in saliva. Kneeling on her side, the angel's sex would be within arm's reach if she wanted to return the dark haired angel's teasing in some fashion, which she would be quite vocally appreciative of, but before she could cum Aezralia would stop and pull away.

The blankets she had crawled under were tossed aside, and she spread her ivory feathered wings and climbed into place over Eva, planting her feet on either side of the sidhe's hips and aiming her cock up at the angel's damp petals. "I was going to let you finish... But I think I'd rather you feed my other mouth with your cum~" she cooed as she teasingly slid her damp petals over the tip of Eva's cock, and then slowly slid down, moaning softly as she took Eva's rod into her tight, damp folds inch by inch. About halfway down she threw her head backwards and unleashed a louder moan, her hand releasing the lower portion of Eva's cock so that she could lean forward and plant her hands on Eva's breasts, allowing gravity to speed the rest of her descent. She couldn't quite take the entirety of the faerie's length inside in one go, the head nudging against her cervix with only an inch left, but Aezralia would continue to push down, forcing her passage to deepen until her nether lips were wrapped around the base of Evangeline's cock.

Eyes closed and her mouth wide in an ecstatic expression, Aezralia would hold still for a moment, leaving Eva to enjoy the soft fluttering of her tightly clenched folds, but only for a moment. Her hips rose until only Eva's tip was still inside of her, and then Aezralia dropped down, her inner muscles clenching hard to milk the young sidhe's cock all the while. "Ahhh~ Fill me up!" she cried as she made her third ascent, and then suddenly started moving furiously, her bottom jiggling as it smacked wetly against Eva's hips every time their bodies met. It would be hard to keep from cumming quickly with Aezralia moving like that, but if she managed to last at least a minute Aezralia would join her in the throes of orgasm once Eva's hot load started spurting into her depths, and either way she would drop down to the hilt and let her quivering folds milk Eva's cock for all it was worth as it gave up its seed.

She would slide off once Eva had finished cumming and plop down on her side next to Eva, panting heavily, but if the sidhe proved able for another round she would happily let Eva take the lead for it.


The day that the sidhe brought their children proved to be a peacefully enjoyable day, even if the visit was brief. Felicia would hand their daughters over for Mithra to hold, and Eva would get to hold Rose as well. "We had a bit of free time," Felicia said brightly to Mithra, and Sindel would say the same to Eva, "we had some free time, and so I thought we'd stop by."


(Both get 2 exp, and Eva gets 9 denarii on top of having her room and board taken care of for working in the healing quarters.)

The day that they received the news of the battle at Gods-Reach and both Mithra and Evangeline were called to the meeting of the council, the two of them were left to their own devices for a while, but eventually would be called into the chamber. The council of elders was present in full, Elindor the sorcerer, Korin the prime elder, Blindel the strange mystic, Davinforth the warleader and Mithra's direct superior, and Krisklein the master of secrets all seated at their appropriate places. It was gruff and taciturn Davinforth, a grey haired and well scarred warrior who had seen battles against the enemies of their people since before Mithra was born, who addressed them from Korin's right hand side; "Commander Mithra, Lady Evangeline, thank you for coming promptly. As you have no doubt heard, our ancestral fortress, Gods-Reach, has finally been freed from the foul orcs."

Though it was surely an event worthy of a festival of celebration, Davinforth wasn't smiling, and his words displayed no joy. Strangely, the other elders were equally grim, even the normally cheerful Krisklein, and the reason for the would be revealed when Davinforth continued; "This would normally be joyous news, but the aftermath of the battle is not yet sorted, and the forces that retook Gods-Reach are still securing it. Orc warbands managed to escape the battle, and we have learned that one of them.... Is heading here. They are only two days away now, and our scouts say that they are over two hundred strong. Our defenses are not ready to receive them.

"They must be warded away from the village, and annihilated to a man if possible. You will be leading a strike force of scouts and hunter to ambush their vanguard and delay them, but should avoid engaging their full force at all costs. Since you have worked with her before, and if she will consent, we would have Lady Evangeline be your magical support. The rest of us will prepare the second and third lines of defenses, so you will have only limited support. Pick your force, you will have fifteen fighters including yourself and Evangeline, all that we can spare from readying our full defenses, and make ready to leave immediately. Delay them and lessen their numbers as best you can, but return here as soon as you can to join the second line of defenses, where what forces we have will meet them. Then, if we must, we will fall back to the third line of defense, the village itself."
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra dont take so much time to get ready and see the elders in the meeting room, see each of the elders in a so serious state made her understand how much danger the town is facing, it was almost impossible to notice any single drop of joy for that memorable victory to retook Gods-Reach.

At her place close Evangeline, the blonde elven nodded and gives a correct affirmation to had heard about the great victory, leting her superior end his speech. Davinforth is a trustworty warrior and the plan than he have in mind to defend the village looks to be the best than her people could do to repel theirs foes, two days was also not much time to ask for help and maybe others warbands of these foul beings could be menacing the closer cities around this village. There was too much to elaborate and prepare the battlefield.

The elven woman never has feels like now, as always she was ready to give her life and there were enough posibilities to make her suppose than she would be alive, but there was also a little cold fear in herself a worry than she never has meet before. Mithra closed her eyes for a moment calming her inner self before recover her usual self. Understood, we will follow this plan and join the second line of defense once we had fulfill our duty of earn some time. After said this she turn to Evangeline and continue. Ours forces should go to prepare the battlefield after gatter the enough info and supplies, it will be an honor to fight at your side again Lady Evangeline. The elven let her friend decide if she wanted to go to that fight, Mithra wonders internally if the Sidhe would be fine killing orcs as the woman has show some kind of appreciation for this race when the aliens were defeated.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

As Aezralia began teasing her by sucking and licking her member, Evangeline lay there for the first few seconds and let her go at it without moving much save to arch her back some. However after a half a minute or so into the teasing, Evangeline's hand went to tease and play with Aezralia, rubbing the angel's tender folds gently a few times before inserting her middle finger inside up to her first knuckle. "Mmm, that's good dove, it feels so nice," Eva said to Aezralia, her other hand drifting down to run her fingers through Aezralia's hair.

By the time Aezralia had finished sucking and licking Eva's dick enough to her liking, Eva had the angel's pussy dripping wet with her juices with her hands, smirking when Aezralia looked at her once she'd finished up. Eva watched with anticipation as Aezralia threw the covers off of them, her member throbbing and aching with need as the angel positioned herself over her. "I'll do my best to give it a healthy portion then my little dove," Eva said with a smile, feeling almost giddy that she was about to have this lovely angel here and now like this, just the two of them with no interferences from anyone or anything.

Cooing softly as Aezralia rubbed her folds up and down her rod, Eva watched, almost wanting to just throw Aezralia down on the bed and fuck her silly, but she held herself back, watching as inch by inch she slid down her meat. When the beautiful angel threw her head back about halfway down and let loose with a loud moan, Evangeline felt herself getting really riled up, even more so than the last time she got to have some fun with Aezralia. Eva returned the kiss and held onto the angel's butt as she descended the rest of the way down upon her length, giving it a squeeze as her dick was pushing against Aezralia's cervix. She saw that Aezralia was having a little trouble getting her entire length inside, and the tightness enveloping her was almost too much to bear without cumming right there, but she held back and gently pushed down along with Aezralia to get her whole length inside, all but reveling in the warm tightness surrounding her cock as the angel's lips gripped the base of her member.

"Gods you're so tight dove... almost too tight to stand, but fuck it's good," Eva cooed in Aezralia's ear as she stayed motionless for a few moments.

Giggling lustily as Aezralia lifted herself up until only the tip of her dick was inside, Eva gave a little squeal with each motion until the angel cried out to fill her up. Evangeline's body nearly gave in again right there, giving a larger squirt of her pre-cum, and she was throbbing like mad too, but somehow she barely managed to hold on, though if Aezralia changed her pace in any way Eva knew that she'd cum right then and there. After only a minute she felt Aezralia sink down to her hilt and grip so tightly she nearly fainted from the overload of pleasure, that tight pussy forcing her to cum for it. Letting out a cry of passion, Eva spurted her seed directly into the angel's womb, her eyes rolling up as she did so and wrapped her arms around Aezralia to hold her tightly against her.

Laying there panting madly as Aezralia slid off of her love pole, Eva looked over at her lover and smiled. "Wow... that was amazing... I want more dove. I'd like to enjoy you while I have the chance, since you're leaving and all," Eva said to Aezralia, looking incredibly happy at having the chance to more sex with her, and feeling more than horny enough to keep going as well.

With that, Evangeline maneuvered around so she was behind Aezralia, unless she had any objections, where she'd slide her length up and down between the angel's butt cheeks a few times before pulling back and gently thrusting her dick into that sweet angelic pussy again for round 2.

Eva thrust in and out eagerly, feeling almost as giddy as a schoolgirl as she went at it, moaning softly as she went. She wouldn't go easy on her either, puling back and thrusting back inside all the way to her hilt with each thrust, intending on pounding her angel's pussy for all it was worth. After a few short minutes, Eva would erupt inside of her again, not pulling out until her dick had injected all of her seed into Aezralia's womb, a look of pure ecstasy on her face as she finished.

If Aezralia didn't try to stop her, then Eva would switch positions again for a third round, sitting down with Aezralia in her lap facing away, with Evangeline bouncing her up and down over her dick, enjoying her angelic lover in this position until they both climaxed again, where she'd again cum inside. After that third round though, Eva would start to calm down some and would pull out, though she definitely wanted to keep going, especially after watching her seed leaking from Aezralia's folds.

"Please dove... you have to come back and see me now. You've gotten me all addicted to your sweet luscious body," Evangeline cooed to Aezralia when they finally finished, laying there holding her in their bed as she got the covers pulled back up over them.


"Well thanks Sindel, I appreciate it, and I'm glad you brought her by, been a little lonely around the house since Aezralia left," Evangeline told Sindel as she took Rose when they arrived.

Evangeline would play with Rose for a while, showering her with love the entire time she was there with her. When it was time for her to go though, Eva would kiss her on the cheek and hug her before letting Sindel take her. "I'll play with you some more soon sweetie, you be a good girl now you hear," Eva told Rose before handing her on back over when it was time to leave and all.


After they arrived to where the elders were so they could speak to them, Eva just kind of milled about until they were ready to see them both, where she followed Mithra in. After Davinforth began telling them what they'd been summoned for, Evangeline noted that he wasn't smiling over the news of God-Reach being retaken from the orcs, which could only mean that it had in turn endangered the town here. Upon hearing what it was that was heading their way, Eva narrowed her eyes a bit and looked equally disturbed by this news.

"Of course I'll help elder, that's the whole reason I came in the first place after all. I may even be able to summon up enough help to stop them completely at the first line, though... payment would be required, and not to me, but the help I'd summon. A minor cost at best, depending on what I'm asked or what I'm forced to summon," Evangeline replied once the elders had finished and Mithra said her piece, looking serious about the summoning. "Some of the things I may be forced to summon may require payment that I cannot pay just on my own. So could I have you ask for a few volunteers from among any willing and able bodies men and women please, just in case? It would lessen the strain on our own forces here to have my summons do as much of it for us as possible, as they can lure them away in different directions and even make them believe they're being attacked on all sides by a much larger force. Though I still have other methods of attack of course, that is just my best probably," she added in an equally serious tone, waiting for a response to her request on possible volunteers to help her pay her summons if she has to call in some more sidhe to help, which she was likely going to need to do if they had any hope of defeating this invading force, and she showed no qualms about killing orcs to Mithra, so the elf didn't need to worry about her maybe going soft on them.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine

Aezralia, after their first round, would let out an excited coo and gladly take the demanded position, putting her head into the bedding and raising her ass high, her wings spreading and her taught rear waving back and forth while Eva got into position behind her. Aezralia cooed in eagerness as Eva teasingly slid her rod between the angel's round cheeks, and then she was gifted the sweet sound of her partner's voice risen in a moan once more as she slid back into her pussy, squeezing out some of her cum from the angel's folds as she did so. The angel was as tight for their second round as she'd been for their first, and returned Eva's thrusts in kind, bouncing her rear back so that they collided with wet smacks, no longer having any apparent trouble taking in Eva's large cock. She would moan eagerly as she received every thrust, her folds growing tighter and tighter by the minute until Eva's furious pace finally brought them to a second mutual climax, Aezralia going over the edge first and squeezing around Evangeline's rod so hard that it milked her cum right out of her, the angel's womb drinking up every drop.

Even then they were not satisfied, however, and Aezralia gleefully climbed onto Eva's lap, her pussy quickly descending onto the sidhe's rod once more as she began to bounce in Eva's lap. Reaching between her own legs, Aezralia slipped two fingers into Eva's pussy as she bounced, adding even more stimulation for her to go mad from even as her pussy continued its delectable squeezing. This time it was Eva who came first again, though Aezralia wasn't far behind by any means, cumming a moment after she felt the first spurt of Eva's third batch of sperm erupting into her pussy before her folds milked as much of the sidhe's cum out as she was willing to donate.

After they'd finished their third round, Aezralia pulled off and bent over again, allowing Eva to watch all the cum she'd shot inside of the angel to leak out of her pussy. "You filled me up so much~" she gasped, panting heavily as her folds slowly emptied, producing a puddle on the bed. "Mmmm, I'll definitely come and visit.... For another turn on that big cock~" she purred, looking at Eva over her shoulder. After recovering for a moment she would turn around and start licking Eva's cock clean of their mixed juices strip by strip, pausing on occasion and swirling her tongue over the tip. After a minute or so her lips parted over the tip, her cheeks dimpling as she sucked the leftover semen out of Eva's cock, and after a moment began to slowly bob up and down. She would be able to bring the covers over them still, allowing her to see Aezralia's head moving up and down on her dick through the lump on the blankets as she started taking in more and more of Eva's rod, intent on sucking one last load of sperm from the faerie's mouth at the very least.


The elders listened to Evangeline's explanation about her power to summon and the prices it would cost. The commander, Davinforth, opened his mouth to reply, but then the cloaked sorceress spoke, "the fae should not be brought into our troubles. Debts to any help that would win us the battle with ease would be greater than we could afford, particularly if those debts are to the Court from which they would be called in Crolia. You are permitted to aid us because you represent your own interests, not those of your kin, and while we appreciate the help, we cannot condone accepting aid unless it is freely given or if individuals choose to aid you in repayment. I would advise limiting the conjuration of aid, for your own good and for ours. Besides, this is an issue between us and the orcs. Others should not be involved."

It was obviously rare for the woman to speak, something that Mithra would know, and while it was slightly limiting to Evangeline, the other elders all nodded following her words with varying degrees of hesitancy. Turning to Mithra, Davenforth replied; "Very well.... May the gods go with you, Commander Mithra. You will have your choice of troops for your strike force, I suggest that you pick them now and be on your way as soon as you can. Supply packs are already being prepared for you."
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

As Aezralia's butt shook enticingly at her, Eva watched it waving back and forth as she licked her lips hungrily, then without any further adieu she slid inside after sliding her length up and down between her cheeks. Taking the plunge inside, Eva began eagerly fucking the lovely angel in her arms and enjoying the tightness that enveloped her dick. As they went on, the wet slapping sounds of their skin filled their room along with their moans of ecstasy as Evangeline hilted herself with every thrust into the gorgeous angel.

"Oh f-fuck yeah... so tight... g-gonna cum s-soon dove," Eva panted as she went, only giving another slight warning of her impending orgasm as her cock twitched several times inside Aezralia's pussy before she erupted, thankfully drawing out her angel lover's orgasm too.

Without even pulling out for more than a few seconds to maneuver around, Eva pulled Aezralia down into her lap and slid her dick right back inside those tight folds, with the angel seeming to absolutely enjoy her length pounding her. With how horny and sensitive she was, Eva let out a squeal of joy when she felt Aezralia's fingers delving into her own tight folds, her pussy clamping down upon the intruding digits as Aezralia's did the same to her dick. It didn't take long for Eva to cum again, and she came just as hard as the times before that, her joy at having this lovely angel even making her spurt her load prematurely that's how much she was loving this. Aezralia would be able to tell that Evangeline had just as much to give this time around as the previous times, her seed painting her inner walls even more white.

Flopping back onto the pillows, Eva lay there panting like mad to catch her breath, wondering just how much more time she'd have with Aezralia. When Aezralia leaned forward though as she lifted herself off of Eva, Evangeline watched her seed slowly leaking from the angel's pussy, which made her dick throb with need a little more at the sight. As Aezralia looked over her shoulder and spoke up again, Eva smiled at her. "You'd better come back, I'll have to give you another injection of my cum when you do... hmhm, and who knows maybe I'll even put another baby in there. Gods just look my poor dick, you've got it so excited with how gorgeous you are that it won't go down even after having a few rounds with you," Eva told Aezralia with a giggle, pinching her butt before the angel began turning around and going underneath the covers.

Gasping as she felt Aezralia's tongue running up the underside of her cock, Eva laid back and relaxed as the lovely angel got to work cleaning her member. She pulled the covers up over her lower body as Aezralia got to work and began bobbing up and down on her shaft, sucking her off real good, but after a minute or so she stopped her. "Hey... I don't feel right not making you feel good in return. So spin that sweet ass of yours around and I'll make you feel good again too, you deserve to be cleaned up as well," Evangeline told Aezralia, placing a hand on the top of her head to stop her before flipping the covers back down and urging her to bring her body around to the 69 position.

Once into the desired position, Eva began licking Aezralia's folds clean of her seed and the angel's succulent juices, making sure to make it noisily done with slurping and sucking sounds. When they finished cleaning each other up, with Eva not stopping until she brought another climax from the angel, she would then pull Aezralia close to her and snuggle as they went to sleep, unless Aezralia wanted more, in which case Eva was more than ready to give it to her.


Looking over to the cloaked woman, Evangeline merely sighed at what all she had to say on the matter of what Evangeline offered and shook her head a little. "Very well then, but this will hinder my fighting capabilities to a degree and I shall be unable to lend my full powers to aid to you, because I perform summons to aid me and my allies in combat and bolster our numbers and strength. If we can get our enemies to cluster close to one another though then my powers will be much more effective," Evangeline replied to the elders with another sigh as she agreed not so to summon a lot unless there were people willing to help her with payment. "If you can include a potion or two in my pack to rejuvenate my energies in battle then that would be very helpful, because without using my summons I'll burn through it quickly most likely and be of no use at all and only dead weight," she added when commander Davinforth mentioned their supply packs.

"I will say this though... if the need arises and I am forced to do so for my own safety and that of my friends here, I will summon what I must in order to prevent my capture, and the capture of my friends. Because I will not be a slave to some ugly fucking orc man and I won't let my friends be one either," Evangeline said as an afterthought to the elder council, letting them know if things went south for them too badly to the point they couldn't escape that she would do whatever was necessary to survive and get out of there. She was a bit... well a bit pissed really that they would tell her such a thing, thinking it a bit silly for them to blindly cast aside an easy means of combating the orcs closing in on them, who could and likely would do far worse in her opinion than her kind would to them. But it was their decision, she thought to herself, so until they asked her for her summoning help, she'd not do so save for herself and Mithra, and anyone else that was willing to help with payment if it came to a mass summons of sorts.

Once that was done, Evangeline would head back to her place and collect her gear before coming back to get her supply pack that was being prepared, leaving Mithra to decide who else to bring with them. "I suggest a mix of ranged and melee fighters Mithra, though more ranged than melee, because if we get bogged down in a melee skirmish for too long then we won't be able to retreat quickly and could get overwhelmed," Evangeline suggested to Mithra on her way out to get her things.
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

There was not any attempt from part from Mithra to go against the customs of people, her mind was confused and worried by what the future would bring. However once Davenforth take the word she tried to get focused on the actual meeting, trying to use the ussual manners in this kind of events she give the honors than her superior require and then heard to what Evangeline answer. Mithra remain firm and mostly in agreement with Elindor, giving a soft nod as this wise woman have to share.

For her part she was against the idea to ask all this help than Evangeline have in mind, as certainly they will be the target of the orcs in the battle and certainly her town could not support so huge debt with the winter sidhe clan. After the last discussion with her ally Evangeline, the skilled swordswoman decided to dont give her point of view in front of the elders, as this only will prolong this unneded discussion.


Once ended the meeting she then moved to prepare theirs equipment and check than all were in order so there werent any unneeded surprise. The town should have all the needed for the fight and the casters of her forces should requiere some of the few potions than they had manage to earn, but even then the blonde elven will try to find anything useful for Evangeline so the sidhe dont lack of mana in the fight.

Mithra has already requested a quick stealthy troop to do this work, but she just nod with a soft smile when Evangeline come and said her opinion about what they could need. Indeed, we must do the major damage and then retreat without enter in a direct fight. I dunno how much time we will have to prepare the traps or summon the needed help.

Mithra then hold her partner's hand before proceed with a kind yet serious tone to express her worries for what could happen. Evangeline, ours foes will aim for you when they notice than you are a magic user and any summon who could use spells will also be their main target, please dont let Felicia join this fight and if you see than you are in danger get out of there.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"I know they'll target me Mithra... that's partially my plan actually, to get them to cluster and then pound them into the ground with my spirit powers, because while my summons are my primary means of attack I still have other ways to do so... I just need the orcs to cluster more for the greatest effect with is all," Evangeline told Mithra as they walked out, smirking a bit yet still upset that her full aid was being brushed aside. Hopefully they wouldn't need her summons, but she was serious when she mentioned that she'd summon whatever need be in order to prevent herself and Mithra from being taken captive along with anyone else. "Don't worry though Mithra, I won't summon Felicia. Mostly as I doubt the sidhe of the winter court would help in any case against the orcs, not without a lot of extra payment at least... most likely. A few here or there might, but not many would be willing to," she added to Mithra, knowing the vast majority of the sidhe even from the other courts wouldn't help most likely.

With that, Eva went to collect all of her gear before coming back and preparing to leave with all of the others, knowing that they'd need a lot of luck for this to go their way. Once Mithra and the others were ready to leave, Evangeline would head out with them, keeping a wary eye on their surroundings to make sure nothing crept up on them unawares.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine

"Mmmm~" Aezralia purred around Eva's cock, before popping off of it to speak while her hands continued steadily stroking the faerie's rod. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?" the brunette angel purred softly, momentarily letting her tongue slip free to swirl over Eva's tip, licking up leaking pre, "to put a child in me.... Were you trying tonight?" Her mouth descended again, giving a few quick bobs onto Eva's cock before going as deep as she could and then slowly drawing back, holding the head in her mouth as her tongue swirled over the head. Popping her mouth off of Eva's tip once again, she gave the underside a lick from tip to base and back before continuing; "You certainly seemed to have tried~ You shot so much into me!"

Of course, Eva's lewd suggestion didn't go on deaf ears, and the angel quickly flipped her around, putting her finely sculpted rear hanging over Eva's face, including a sizable amount of her seed leaking from the angel's folds. Evangeline would be able to taste plenty of her own seed as it leaked from Aezralia's flower and into her mouth, squeezed out and lapped up as she worked her tongue into the winged woman's folds, and once she was thoroughly and noisily cleaned working purely to pleasure her. Aezralia gave at least as good as she got, alternating between bobbing steadily onto Eva's cock and lapping at it with her tongue until the only fluids dirtying her shaft were her own precum and the angel's saliva. Both would eventually work another orgasm from the other, Eva getting a mouthful of Aezralia's honey mixed with a bit of seed dribbling from the angel's womb while Aezralia drank down a final load of baby batter, swallowing every drop she spurted out directly into her stomach until she sucked out the dregs of Eva's final release with a few more quick bobs, taking those onto her tongue.

Finally contended with their session, Aezralia settled in to rest beside Eva for the night after one last decidedly lewd kiss, allowing their respective flavors to mix one last time before settling in to sleep for the night.


It was not the cloaked woman who answered Evangeline, but the war leader Davinforth, who simply said; "You can take what you need from the alchemist's stock. Gather what you need, but do it quickly." Her angry words regarding the orcs did not earn much of a reaction from the council, most of whom simply agreed with her assessment, but it did earn and answer from the prime elder, Korin; "Your mission is not to confront the orcs directly, but to harass, to weaken, and ultimately to slow them. Pick off their scouts, lead them away from us for a time, and lessen their strength."

After they were dismissed, Mithra would have her pick of the village's warriors, though those were few and far between. Many of their best fighters had gone to join the Theronian resistance forces as rangers and scouts, or joined the Falling Leaves and surrendered their futures for the immediate survival of the elven people, leaving only novices. Young hunters were their scouts and archers, militia fighters barely out of training and with no real experience were their line infantry, and the young apprentices of their elders were the only magical support they had available. Most of them were teenagers or just barely beyond such. Their resources were likewise limited, though Mithra would be able to acquire a handful of potions that might aid them, though she wouldn't be allowed to take all of them before the proper battle had begun, with a half dozen healing droughts and just as many energy potions available.

After Mithra had assembled her force, she would have a choice of routes to go down, being acting commander. The main road just outside of the woods that hid her village would take them to the orcs faster, but that would mean confronting them on unfamiliar ground. If they were successful there, it would buy the elves left at the village the most time to prepare their second and third lines of defense, but if they failed they would be beyond any help and do little to stall the oncoming orcs. Fighting directly in the woods beyond the village, the route through which the orcs would certainly come, would be the simplest and the safest, allowing an easy retreat into allied arms if things went poorly, and the elves knew the woods better and would be able to fight where they wished. Alternatively, a series of canyons and hills ran just a ways to the South that would allow even easier ambushes, but redirecting the orcs in that direction would take a bit of work in and of itself, and would prove risky in and of itself. Of course, there might exist a fourth option, if the orcs heading their way proved to have a singular leader, and that would be for Mithra to go out and challenge their leader directly, but if she were beaten it could jeopardize the entire defense, and even if she won it might turn out to be simple clanless rabble who wouldn't stop just because she'd bested their strongest fighter.

Basically, Mithra's village has very limited resources.

She can pick up to six potions, with 6 healing potions and 6 energy potions available, and whatever she doesn't take for the raids will be available at the final defense.

Likewise, she can take up to 10 people.

Her options are the more competent NPCs like the ones she brought to the tower fight, or the less experienced but more expendable ones. The differences will be minor, to be honest, but it will make a difference now and later.

There are scouts, basically stealthy archers and duelists who are better at quick ranged ambushes but have light armor and will fold under direct combat pretty quickly. There are line fighters, basically soldiers with better armor and swords and shields or polearms, but who aren't quite as sneaky and who still won't stand up to proper orc warriors one on one all that well. Finally, she can take up to two mages, a nature mage and an aether mage, but whoever isn't there won't be helping set up defenses, and the nature mage can also mix more potions if he gets left behind. Mithra gets to pick, but Eva can offer advice if she wants.

Mithra and Eva's party

Back at the village
5 journeymen rangers
16 novice rangers
4 journeymen militia
22 novice militia
1 novice aether mage
1 novice nature mage
9 healers
68 assorted civilians who can at least help put stuff together
Elder Davinforth, former knight and warmaster
Elder Elindor, sorcerer
Eldor Korin, prime elder
Elder Krisklein, spymaster
Elder Bindel, mystic
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Mmm, believe me, I thought about it dove, I really did, but I figured that it was best to not do so tonight since you did just have your child with Cremily not long ago, and I figured that you were wanting to get out of here so that you can continue your work... whatever it was. But you're so gorgeous dove, I'd love nothing more than to keep you all to myself, and I'll admit when Cremily got to have you and put a baby in your belly, I was jealous, because I wanted to do that," Evangeline said before getting Aezralia to spin around into the 69 position, where she licked at her folds despite her own seed leaking from them.

After licking and suckling on Aezralia's pussy and clit enough to throw her over the edge one last time while pumping her seed out and into the horny angel's mouth, Evangeline felt finally content and gently pulled Aezralia close for them to sleep, after she got turned back around on the bed to do so.


"Very well elder, thank you, for I'll need all the help I can get to replenish my energies. And I understand about not confronting them directly. We need guerrilla tactics in order to win, quick hit and run strikes against them to thin them out and scatter them some if possible. I do have a few tricks up my sleeves that don't involve summonings," Evangeline replied to the elders before following Mithra out. "I believe though that everyone should be prepared to flee northwest towards Therion though just in case elders, for if the orcs make it this far and we can't stop them, our only hope is to flee I believe. I understand that this is your home, but life and freedom is better than what the orcs will do to us should we stay and be overwhelmed," Evangeline added to the elders as an afterthought, giving her opinion on what should be done if they couldn't stop the orcs and they managed to break through their second and third lines of defense.

After leaving the elders with Mithra, Evangeline got her things together and then saw who and what they had to work with in the form of rangers and whatnot. Looking to Mithra, Evangeline leaned in close to whisper where no one else could hear. "Hey Mithra, I say we take a couple of the more experienced rangers and a half a dozen of the novices. We'll put either of the more experienced ones in charge of a team of 3 of the novices and one of us can stay with either team to support them m'kay. That sound good to you?" Evangeline whispered to Mithra her suggestion since Mithra was the one technically in charge. After whispering that, Evangeline would look about to see the rangers that they would likely be working with.

"I'm going to take a couple of those energy potions with me okay Mithra, but I don't think we'll need any healing potions since I have healing powers and all and can administer first aid to those who need it, and I can also fight too so I can work independently from everyone if need be," Eva whispered to Mithra after they gathered which ones Mithra planned on taking, whether she took Eva's advice and only brought 8 with them or not didn't matter to her.

"Alright I suggest we try and engage them in the woods as it's the safest place to do so since we know the terrain better and aren't as weighted down with heavy armor and stuff, and that we lead them into some ambushes to thin as many as possible out before the second and third lines of defense are reached, which I can definitely help with some of my powers by bolstering you all some if we end up needing to, but we can't rely on it too much okay else I'll drain myself dry and be of no help. Now we'll need to funnel them right into the ambushes okay folks, but don't try and be heroes now alright, because the fewer of us that come back the fewer there are to protect the village... so remember that. We'll need to keep some distance between us and their front line people too, so fire no more than two volleys of arrows at any groups you see, unless I'm nearby and you see any groups, pin them down with arrow fire and force them to cluster into a shield wall if you can alright, because if you can force them to cluster in real close to each other I can blast an entire group with some big spirit energies and take out entire squads, so if we get into a pinch I'd say that's gonna be our trump card. And if need be folks, cluster around me if we're about to be overrun and can't retreat and I can teleport us back here to the village, so try to not get out of my sight unless you want to risk possibly being left behind alright," Evangeline said once their group had been gathered, explaining the tactics that they ought to use in order to prevent getting pinned down and defeated before they could even deal any damage, and if everyone was in agreement, Evangeline would grab a couple of the energy potions from storage to put them into her pack to hang onto while waiting for Mithra to prepare herself and talk to their force if she wanted to.
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra was getting all ready for their crucial battle in order to save her people, she has fighted before against these foes and her race have a long time dealing with this problem, however she know than they dont have the enough force to deal with this menace directly, it was like a joke from the gods than just when she was close to desire a peaceful life this could be happening.

After their time together as allies Mithra was ready for Evangeline way of react after that agitated incident with the elders. She just sigh and let the sidhe talk all what she needed, the elven dont blame her for her lack of experience in a battlefield and her idea given at the hall mostly was what the elders have in mind, but her townspeople attemp to escape from the orcs close the winter could be so deadly as stay by some of the villagers thanks for the crtical environment close the mountais, but once again Evangeline dont have the fault for dont be informed, even teleport them would be against the will of many of them who wait for theirs beloved ones to return, the skilled elven dont need to focus on this as the elders will mostly take charge of her people.

Yes, im fine with that number, because our this really dont matter in the first line. We must be fast and invisible as the wind to fulfill our duty. The swordswoman then ended to choice the warriors than would follow them, the truth is than she would preffer take care of all this in a duel so nobody of her sisters and brothers wouldnt need to put theirs lives in risk, if she havent been so taken by her feelings maybe she would be even stronger than what she is now, maybe she would be able to kill any orc in charge, but now after just has recovered her usual power she was not so sure.

Take them, you must survive at all cost and in this battle you must focus on kill as many foes as possible and your safety instead of defend us, these beings can kill you in an instant by focus their range attacks at you. Mithra dont care to dont wishper it, for what it looks Evangeline dont know than she will be a main target for these beasts.

The preparations were soon ready and then the group started to move before Evangeline decide to give her speech. I will consider your suggestion Miss Evangeline, but before continue let me introduce you with what we could see at the battlefield, we will find first their advanced force, they have snipers around their troops, these soldiers have maybe a formation to defend of spells, taking some distance from each other. If we place them in a position to focus their forces it will be the best but for do it we must guide them to a narrow road. You should summon something before the battle but let it outside our force and use it to support us from the distance.

Remember we must avoid a frontal fight so prepare a trap before the battle will be our first goal, then we must take care of the snipers or theirs weapons so we can escape easily, i will help in this last then i will go to face any in charge or destroy theirs lines. The blonde warrior made a soft smile, the idea to slay as many orcs as possible still remain at her mind as a great hobby, maybe they were strong and possible smart but for her they were just nameless targets than she will enjoy killing.

take a healing and an energy potion
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine

(Since you didn't put a decision in your post, I had to ask Flayer what you were taking in regards to additional fighters. Having to scrape for information that's relevant to my post when you could have included it in your spoiler is incredibly annoying, especially given how many threads I have to deal with, so from now on every time I explicitly ask for information both in character and in the ooc spoiler and you never give it anywhere that I have access to, the difficulty of the encounters you're going to face is going to increase. I know I've spoken to you about this problem on more than one occasion before, and you had almost a week to edit in what Flayer told me you intended.)

Collecting a force including a pair of more experienced rangers, Mithra ended up with Belle and Dinara to serve as squad leaders if she so chose, able to lead groups of the eight novices that she also selected for their small strike force. How she wanted to organize that small force was up to her, but they would be equipped and ready to go out on Mithra's command. Her strategy to find a narrow road to fight them on would be difficult to fulfill, with the nearest similar choice being the canyons, but how Mithra would lure the orcs there would be a problem. Confronting them in the woods farther out and pulling them in that direction would be the simplest but also the most dangerous, requiring a rapid and possibly fighting retreat all the way there before they could risk any real combat. Alternatively, they could try baiting the orcs out, showing themselves to a few scouts before retreating and hoping that the orcs would make chase, but given that the ones they were to confront were fleeing a battle they might simply ignore them or even move away. That might be an advantage in and of itself, pushing the orcs away from the village entirely, but that wouldn't end the threat that they represented to the rest of Crolia, and doing so would not satisfy Mithra's thirst for bloody against her people's ancestral enemies.

On one their journey out in the woods, they would find their journey slowed by a light snowfall accompanied by a fierce and bitter wind coming off of the mountains to the East. Eva would barely be bothered by the weather at all, but Mithra and the other elves would need to seek shelter early, burn fires brighter, and generally keep their cloaks clutched tightly around them. They would not find any signs of their enemy for over three days, but on the fourth day one of the novice scouts returned to camp late into the evening, his teeth chattering so heavily that he needed to warm up for a minute before he could articulately deliver his report. He had found the orcs, first a scout but then their main camp. They were camped in a section of woods they'd cleared out in order to weather the mountain storm, roughly three and a half miles from where they had set up their own encampment, with a large, barren hill with a crumbling ruin on it located to the North and a particularly dense patch of woodland situated directly between their camps that stretched South for several miles. A partially frozen stream separated them about halfway between their camps, the water about ten feet from bank to bank at its narrowest ford and only about three feet deep at its deepest point, which went Northwest to Southeast.

A note for me:
There are scouts, basically stealthy archers and duelists who are better at quick ranged ambushes but have light armor and will fold under direct combat pretty quickly. There are line fighters, basically soldiers with better armor and swords and shields or polearms, but who aren't quite as sneaky and who still won't stand up to proper orc warriors one on one all that well. Finally, she can take up to two mages, a nature mage and an aether mage, but whoever isn't there won't be helping set up defenses, and the nature mage can also mix more potions if he gets left behind.

Mithra and Eva's party
2 journeyman rangers (Belle and Dinara)
8 novice rangers

Back at the village
3 journeymen rangers
8 novice rangers
4 journeymen militia
22 novice militia
1 novice aether mage
1 novice nature mage
9 healers
68 assorted civilians who can at least help put stuff together
Elder Davinforth, former knight and warmaster
Elder Elindor, sorcerer
Eldor Korin, prime elder
Elder Krisklein, spymaster
Elder Bindel, mystic

Supplies Remaining
3 Energy Potions
5 Healing Potions
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

The talk ended soon without too much more focus on their plan to take down this menace, they needed first to know what kind of enviroment would be around so they could prepare a more elaborated plan.

Belle and Dinara where nice welcome to their team, Mithra just hope than they will return safe to their town without any of them turn into a casuality Lets organize in groups of three, but this could change when the battle start is a better tactic is needed, from now on we must avoid any accident and have all in order to move faster. Mithra said to the group so at the end Dinara, Belle, Eva and her could take care of two rangers, to see their state and... Eva will get two males so she couldnt try to seduce someone.

The time passed and soon a pair of days too, the snow and wind made their trip be a challengue just it alone but at the end they reached to find their target. With the news coming from the poor ranger almost frozen after do his job, Mithra do her best to make him get recovered so he could say his report as soon as possible. The words from the elven made her wish than she would had been the one finding that scout, it would had been easy for her slice his head and hide that vile body in the snow.

We must first try our best to remain out of their sight, kill any nearby scout if needed, then we will focus on find a way to guide them to a perfect place to reduce theirs troops. If only we could find a way to use this weather to reduce the force of their army or at least give more time to the people at our town to prepare all. Mithra said after give a warm drink to the soldier and then get all ready in case of a battle.

A snowstorm will reduce their visibility so we could tild and tie trees at the ground to block passages, turning theirs choices for a path reduce to one without they notice it. If we can guide them to a close path at the mountain we could cause an collapse of rocks over them or place a trap on the floor before shoot at them. Said this she waited for the opinion of the troop.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"I'd prefer everyone in groups of 5 myself, with Belle and Dinara both leading one group each, and you and I both for support for them. Because cold weather will be harsh on you all unlike it will me. But you're the leader here Mithra so I'll follow you for now," Evangeline said as Mithra gave out her orders to their group of ten. "If worse comes to worse, I can lure them away with a bit of my spirit powers. But... hopefully it won't come to that. Alternatively I could do... something a little drastic and force them away, but I'll need to think on it a bit before I attempt it, to see what the situation will be when we end up running into them all, because there could be some repercussions, what those could be though I don't know," she added to everyone in their group, already starting to think of ways she could use her powers to drive the orcs away or simply make them not even want to continue this way because it's too dangerous, or just anything like that really.


Heading on out when they were ready, Eva stayed around the center of the group, mostly as she was able to act more of a support fighter than anyone else here, so she figured that would be for the best. She also noticed shortly after leaving the light snowfall that began and knew that it would be tougher on her elven comrades as they traveled along, as it would be quite cold on them. When they finally made camp later that day, Evangeline helped to gather firewood and to keep them from wasting time with using a flint and steel which likely would be much tougher thanks to the snow, she used some of her powers to conjure up some flame to get their fires started.

(Using Pyrokinesis each evening to make their campfires at the lowest cost to get the campfires going so they needn't worry as much about getting them started with wet wood.)

Evangeline, since she needed much less sleep and all than the others all did if any at all since she wasn't exerting herself any, took the watch during the night time after a couple of hours or sleeping, having the others wake her to take over for them and watching out for any wild animals that might happen upon them or the orcs by some chance if they happened across their camp. If Mithra or any of the others told her she ought to get more sleep, Eva would simply tell them that she needed hardly any at all and that she knew when she'd need sleep.

Finally on their fourth day out from the village, Evangeline and the others heard one of the scouts coming back from his position to bring them some news. "Come young man, warm yourself up first and take a moment. Then tell us," Evangeline told the guy as she helped him to sit next to the fire to warm up a bit.

After hearing what the ranger told them, Evangeline immediately began thinking of a plan of action. She didn't know the area very well to be honest, so she'd have to rely on Mithra and the others on that front, but she did know how to fight and plan. "I believe it's best to not let your racial hatreds rule your actions okay. If you must fight that's one thing, but don't go out of your way to kill any of them when their loss might easily be missed, unless you can easily dispose of the body... alright. We don't want them to know we're here until we're ready for them to know remember. So throw any racism towards orcs away for the time being, because it'll only lead you to make the wrong decision and get us all caught and possibly killed... or worse enslaved, and then there would be even fewer people to protect the village and the children. I don't like the orcs from eastern Crolia myself all that much, and I hate the slaver ones, but the orcs and half orcs from Therion were by and large decent folk, and I was rescued by a couple when the city was attacked by the aliens a couple of years back, so I know they aren't all bad," Evangeline told everyone there, making sure that they all agreed to not let their hatred for orcs interfere with their mission, because she was not wanting to make any mistakes here and cost these people their lives or worse when they could just go into this calmly and carefully.

"Now like Mithra said we can use the storm to our advantage. They'll all be in heavier metal armor, which in this weather will make it harder on them out here than it will for us, even if they are hardier than elves. They'll also be less mobile than we are as well because none of us wear anything heavy in terms of armor, so we can fall back easily. If it comes to a fight with quite a few of them, remember what I said back in town alright, pick off the outer ranks first and make them cluster in larger groups okay, the larger the group is, the greater amount of damage I can do, and with some really good luck we might even be able to take down enough of their force here at this line of defense to drive them off and make them not want to come this way any further," Eva then said to everyone after taking a breath, looking around to see if they agreed with her any or not and also to see how they were handling their situation. "We'll probably need to move camp too and all, but with any luck we'll be able to make sure they don't come near our camp. Best way to do that would be to hit the opposite side of their camp I think, but you all know the terrain better than I, so I'm relying on you all for any good places to set up ambushes and whatnot," she added.

OOC: (Sorry I've been letting this go a bit recently, just been lazy about it.)