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Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)



Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 29/68, PP = 52, EP = 37/52, Status = Injured, Flight, Invisibility, Phasing, Battle Dance

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 50/52, PP = 52, EP = 14/118, Status = Fine, Fell Might X = 5

Aezralia: HP = 62, PP = 55, EP = 80/109, Status = Fine

Advanced Elven Scouts
Agnes: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine
Dinara: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine
Belle: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine

Mage 1: Fine, spent 4 EP.
Mage 2: Fine, spent 31 EP, taken 20 damage
Mage 3: Fine, spent 4 EP.

Eva attacks with Devil's Lightning X = 5, risen to X = 8 by Master Blaster, plus an extra 2 EP for Energy Shaper to keep from hitting the two captives.
Attacks: Both hit.
Damage: 4 + 4 = 8 * 8 = 64/2 = 32 damage on each of the slimes. Both of them are destroyed.

Mithra attacks the hunter and the gemini cultists!
Attacks: All automatic hits.
Damage: 1 + 5 + 25 + 2 - 6 = 27 * 2 = 52 damage per hit. The gemini is killed by the two hits, the hunter is technically not but I'll call him killed anyway for maximum laziness.
Drain Through Pain: 6 + 2 = 8 EP per hit drained.

Note @ Plmnko: A looooot of those things have changed since you updated your sheet last.

The slimes partially released their captives at Eva's words, but their reaction came far too late to prevent themselves from being caught up in her deadly lightning blast. A line of carefully controlled black lightning swept across the two slimes without harming their victims, disrupting the magic holding the gooey creatures together and eventually shattering the cores that contained their essences. The two slimes dissolved into goo, leaving the two men whom they'd been feeding off of hanging nude from the tower's fleshy walls.

Mithra, in the meantime, quickly rushed towards the other two monsters in the room, drawing her sword in one smooth motion. A quick slash took the lizardman's throat before it could even react to Eva's dramatic entrance, and then she stabbed two holes into the chest of the strange alien-woman that stood in the center of the room. Both of them died gurgling, leaving the two of them alone with the captives, though Eva still couldn't see Mithra.

A series of bangs, blasts, and other assorted battle noises rang from the other doors, the sounds of their allies fighting against whatever they'd found waiting for them no doubt. No calls for help came, and a few moments later there was a brief silence before everyone called out in turn, reporting that they were alright and that they'd found survivors. What Mithra and Eva wanted to do from there was up to them.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

As Eva unleashed her unholy lightning at the pair of slimes, she noticed that they looked like they were about to release the two men, but at this point she couldn't risk not blasting the pair of slimes no matter what, as the two men were likely already on the verge of death from draining. Her lightning arced across the pair of slimes, very accurately hitting only the two of them and missing the men altogether. Her blast hit their cores she noticed, which ended up destroying them completely and killing the two slime girls, the men they'd been draining going totally limp in their bonds.

She was about to turn to prepare to fight the other two beings when the strange woman and the lizardman both suddenly had wounds that left them both dead, the lizardman's throat was sliced open and the woman suddenly had a pair of holes right in her chest. Looking around the room, Evangeline couldn't see anything at all to tell why the two had just suddenly died from major wounds sustained from what could only have been a blade of some sort. While she tried to figure out what had happened, Evangeline then heard sounds of fighting from the other rooms and she moved towards the door of the room she was in, listening to see if any of the others needed help. When they each called out to her, letting her know that they were alright and had found survivors, Evangeline heaved a sigh of relief as she let her spiritual energies she was burning dissipate before she knocked herself out. The whole ordeal had left her relatively empty on her spiritual energy reserves, and she knew that it would be dangerous to call upon any more of her energies until she rested, meaning she was stuck using her sword for now, or her crossbow.

"I've got four captives in here girls, two men and two women, and it's all clear here as well. I'm not sure but I think that's the last of them, around here at least," Eva called to the others, letting them know how many prisoners had been in here with her. Evangeline then went over to the two women, where she cut the tentacles away one by one, catching them as they fell loose, where she would carry them over as best she could to near the door, setting them gently down so she didn't wake them yet. The men on the other hand would be a little tougher to release and get over to the corner. But she went ahead and started cutting them loose anyway, putting all of her body's strength into catching them when they fell loose, where she would then drag them over to where the women were to rest along with them.

"How many captives did you girls find? And what condition are they in?" Eva called out again after getting the men and women all carried and or dragged over next to the door, wanting to know how many prisoners they'd have to escort and or carry out of here so that they could better prepare before leaving.

Dropping Fell Might before taking the upkeep hit and finding ou how many captives were found by the others.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

As fast as she could, her blade slash through the aliens's skin, the deadly wounds soon made them fall inert at the meat floor as the life at theirs eyes vanish without notce who kill them. Mithra cant denny the great feeling than slice these creatures was giving her, for her this will make her town people life safer and the snow forest once again will be pure without these creatures. She made a serious smile and accept her feelings as right ones and even she could feel her soul get stronger with each one of them falling bellow her.

Just after kill both creatures, Mithra notice than Eva has already defeated the two slimes, so she suppose than there was not any creature there, she was close to leave and search for more aliens, expecting than Evangeline will free the four poor victims, but then she manage to heard many combat noises, her attempts to join her allies were not so fast and soon the whole 6 rooms were clean.

Evangeline start to try to talk with the others, but Susan know than maybe some of them could be already mindless, all her team will be busy taking care of them, so she decide to give some words before search around.

Before leave check if they still can be saved, take care as they could secrete an aphrodisiac slime, meanwhile i will check a last time. Also try to get recovered Evangeline, in case than we need to leave quickly

Mithra then stop her flying and search around using a buff spell to increase her chances to find anything than she cant see, she tried to focus in her eyes and floor bellow her to find more foes or persons trapped.

Activate Nature love increasing perception and turn of flying
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 29/68, PP = 52, EP = 31/52, Status = Injured, +10 Perception (Nature's Lore), Invisibility, Phasing, Battle Dance

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 50/52, PP = 52, EP = 14/118, Status = Fine

Aezralia: HP = 62, PP = 55, EP = 80/109, Status = Fine

Advanced Elven Scouts
Agnes: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine
Dinara: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine
Belle: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine

Mage 1: Fine, spent 4 EP.
Mage 2: Fine, spent 31 EP, taken 20 damage
Mage 3: Fine, spent 4 EP.

Examining the captives they'd found, Eva found that none of the four were beyond recovery, and thus cut each of them down. Mithra, in the meantime, didn't see anything that she'd missed previously. There were no signs of movement or further danger around them, suggesting that the tower was completely clear.

"I found a small group, two elves and three humans!" Aezralia reported, "All female and pregnant! I'm bringing them out into the main room!"

Dinara called out; "We found two bodies and one survivor, an elven man!"

Sindel was next to report; "I found six men and two women, all orcs! I'm bringing them out now." She reported that as if it were unimportant that the survivors were orcs.

"I've got a pair of women.... They look like sisters, and I think they're su-ku-ta! I'll bring them out in a moment!" Felicia called loudly, being the farthest away from Eva and Mithra as far as they could tell.

Finally, Cremily called out; "I've got a dozen, mixed between elves and humans, half male half female in here. I might need some help carrying these out!"
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Just as she was about to make to start releasing the captives from the tentacles holding them to the walls, Evangeline heard Mithra's voice in her ears, which frightened her quite a bit to say the least. She drew her sword back out and looked around the room for Mithra. When she saw no sign of her friend, Evangeline warily started cutting the captives free as the others called out who and what they had found in their rooms. She was thankful that the captives in her room here weren't beyond the point of recovering, because she didn't want to have to end their lives right then and there if she could help it.

"Alright girls, let's get all of the prisoners out into the main hall there so we can take stock and everything. We'll have to decide on what to do with them all before we leave," Evangeline called to the others to bring out their prisoners, while she went back in and began carrying the two girls out and then dragged the two men, with whoever wished to help her do so. When they had all of her's out into the main room, Evangeline moved to help Cremily to get the dozen she said that she'd found out into the main room.

Once they had everyone out in the main room Evangeline looked them all over a moment, finding that the ones Sindel found were indeed orcs. She didn't like the fact that they were orcs in the least, and looked up at her kin as well as the others. "So what do we do with them you think? I mean we can't just kill them outright can we? They are still people that were captured by the aliens after all. I don't know what we should do with them though, I mean I've met orcs that weren't bad before back in Therion that were from a couple of different clans that lived near the city, clans that didn't really keep slaves or anything and were actually quite peaceable for the most part, as they traded and everything with us," Evangeline said, unsure of what to do exactly with the six orcs. "I mean what if they're from one of those clans that aren't hellbent on conquering all they can. We should at least see I think before doing anything to them or with them, and if all else fails I can always teleport them away from here and then come back I suppose," Evangeline added, giving an option to them that kept them from having to do anything rash, if the others agreed that is.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

The blonde elf dont take too much time at the room, dont paying attention to Celine reaction, as she focused at check every place in order to spot hidden passages or hidden foes, even then she dont stop to hears the others, so she get ready to help them in case of need her. After a moment the others started to bring the prisioners to the room and even when the notice than they could get recovered was great, have orcs among them create a sudden effect on Mithra. She was close to move silently and kill the persons of the dammed people than has sleved her race, but suddenly Evangeline start to scrw it, Mithra tried to reach at time, but looks like she was not fast enough as Evangeline has already stoped to talk.
She then get visible for her allies and without take too much time talked in a serious but slighty pissed tone. First, Please stop talking in that way in front of them to don’t give them an alibi and information about us . Then we must seal and secure them, after that we must interrogate them to get as much of info of what these aliens leave at them. Once done all this if you want to maintain them alive just take them to your lands, far away and keep an eye at them.

After that Mithra tried to calm herself, but then she add. If you want to talk more about this lets do it in private once all the standar protocols had been made


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 29/68, PP = 52, EP = 29/52, Status = Injured, +10 Perception (Nature's Lore), Phasing

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 50/52, PP = 52, EP = 14/118, Status = Fine

Aezralia: HP = 62, PP = 55, EP = 80/109, Status = Fine

Advanced Elven Scouts
Agnes: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine
Dinara: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine
Belle: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine

Mage 1 (Felicia) : Fine, spent ?? EP.
Mage 2 (Cremily) : Fine, spent ?? EP, taken 20 damage
Mage 3 (Sindel) : Fine, spent ?? EP.

(Plmnko, you need to stop fucking up the names. That's two posts in a row now. This time you called Eva Celine, and last post you referred to your own character as Mithra. Get your head in the game man.)

Everything went fairly smoothly, the unconscious being carried from their fleshy prison cells out into the more open chamber of the alien tower, up until the subject of the orcs came up. "Of course we're not going to kill them!" Sindel, the first of the fey to reply to Eva, said rather vehemently. She actually looked angry at the suggestion, but before she could speak again Felicia opened up with a more diplomatic tone; "They are the prisoners of a mutual enemy... And as you should well know, the sidhe do not take sides in mortal conflict." Mithra's appearance in their midst caused something of a stir given the elf's venomous words regarding the orcs, something that her subordinate archers all nodded sternly to.

Her suggestion as to what she intended to do to the orcs drew a deep scowl from all three of the sidhe, who's eyes all suddenly blazed with power, as if they intended to call on their magic if need be. "The conflict between your people and theirs is irrelevant here. They are no less victims than those of your own race, and they will be treated as such. Exactly as such," Felicia stated calmly, her voice possessing absolutely none of the warmth and kindness that it had displayed previously. "You will interrogate no one. The likelihood of them even having any idea as to the location of this place, much less that of your home village, is negligible. They are no threat to you, or to your people," Cremily hissed coldly, as the dragon-like sidhe was quite apparently the most willing to commit violence to defend the handful of orcs. "To allow you to harm them would be a stain upon us," Sindel stated calmly, backing down somewhat from the more combative stance she'd held earlier.

Aezralia stepped in between the sidhe and the elves after glancing at Eva, offering the youngest sidhe to make her opinion on the subject known. Turning to face Mithra and her soldiers, the angel crossed her arms over her chest and said; "I'll see to it that they're taken back to their own personally. Besides, Cremily isn't wrong. They probably don't even have the slightest idea of where they are, and even if they do they don't know how to get to your village from here. Hell, YOU don't even know how to get to your village from here, given the way Eva's been teleporting us back and forth. This isn't worth coming to blows over, and they're most definitely willing to if you try to push the issue.... And I'd be obligated to help them. So, can we just get these people out of here and have done with all this?"

Only if Mithra was willing to agree to the set terms were the sidhe and the angel willing to back down, but if she did they would drop the matter totally in favor of carrying the unconscious people outside. The sidhe each called upon an earth elemental to help ferry the captives of the aliens outside, pausing to make sure that each could be saved and thus confirming their initial diagnosis. With their help, it would only take one trip to get everyone outside, and out of the sticky, cloying atmosphere of the alien sanctuary. The two slimes would peeks their heads out of the bushes at the first sign of Eva, an act that would almost get them both destroyed by the sidhe before Aezralia and possibly Eva herself told them to stay their hands.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

getting the prisoners carried out and speaking to the others, Eva found out their opinions on the matter of the orcs quite quickly. Before she could say anything more, Mithra dropped her spells or whatever to make herself visible to the others again and made her thoughts on the matter of the orcs known, which her kin as well as Aezralia all seemed quite against... almost to the point of conflict. When Sindel backed down a slight bit, trying to be more diplomatic about everything, Eva reached up and scratched her behind her wolf like ears, giving her a little smile of thanks.

When Aezralia stepped in between the two sides and gave Eva the time to say her thoughts on the matter, Evangeline nodded her head to her. "I... agree with my kin. They are likely in no fit state to tell where we're at right here, let alone where the village is at. They are no less victims here than we or these others here are, regardless of race. I have met many orcs in my time that are good, ones that helped some of my kin among many more retake Therion when it was overrun by these aliens," Evangeline said, agreeing with her kin on the matter at hand, though she didn't draw her weapon, seeing no reason to as Aezralia started talking, also agreeing with her. "Aye, I only came to the hidden village early today myself, so I still don't know how to get to it from most anywhere at all save the place I first met Mithra really. But since I have been there, I can teleport myself back there along with a few others at a time. If need be I could probably even teleport all the way back to Therion, though it would likely drain everything I have even when I'm at full strength... I'm not entirely sure though," Eva added when Aezralia spoke, nodding her head at the angel's words and making her stand on the matter known in full.

Eva stood beside her kin at this, feeling that they spoke true on the matter at hand about the orcs, that they couldn't just kill them or take them prisoner. "Look you four, I know what some of the orcs have done here in Crolia, believe me I do. But we can't hurt or kill them, else we are no better than these aliens... and I've seen what both the orcs and the aliens can do and I must say that the aliens are a far greater evil than the orcs. So please, drop it... for everyone's sake, ours and theirs. I speak true though when I say that not all orcs are like the slaver ones. Besides, even if they were my enemies, which we aren't even sure yet if they are bad orcs, I wouldn't attack them when they are in that shape there," Evangeline said afterwards, trying to convince Evangeline and the other three elves to not try harming the orcs.

If Mithra and the other elves backed down at all four of the sidhe's and the angel's words, then Eva would breathe a sigh of relief before moving over and helping to begin taking everyone out of there. Before she did though, Eva saw her kin summoning up an elemental each to help carry the captives out of there and she figured that she had enough of her own energy reserves left to do so and decided to summon a little more help herself, deciding on a fey sorceress or two much like the three she'd already summoned, though a lesser sorceress instead, as she doubted that she could manage a more powerful one at the moment. Once her new summoned help was, Evangeline smiled at them both. "Hello there ladies, I have need of your help in more than one way. I am severely weakened myself and need some energy, but first we need to get these people all out of here and to a safe distance away if you would be so kind," Evangeline said, telling the two newcomers what she needed their help in doing as she felt it drain almost all but the last dregs of her energies.

With that, Evangeline told the two new summoned fey sorceresses to help carry the orcs out, having them grab the closest and smallest of the female orcs so that Mithra and the elves wouldn't have to get near them if they didn't wish to do so. Once they got everyone out of there and into the sunlight again, Evangeline noticed Violet and Lavender peeking their slimy heads out of the bushes and giggled, moving in front of her fellow sidhe and stopping them from blasting the two into oblivion. "It's okay you all, these two are friendly... amazingly enough. I know it may seem hard to believe, but they are friendly, because they helped me, Mithra, and Aezralia escape when they could have easily sucked us dry," Evangeline said to her kin, staying their hands from killing the two slimes.

Summoning 2 tier 2 sorceresses to help carry the prisoners outside to safety, should only cost 12 EP, leaving Eva with 2. If it costs more for some reason then she'll only summon 1 instead.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

As the sidhnes women spoke, Mithra remain still, ready to blow all the orcs if this get worse not caring if she get killed by the elders later. However she calm herself after know than they will not be taken to her village. There are ways to interrogate them without hurt them, but if they will be taken to other land then, i dont see why we should continue talking of this and the ussual protocol to do it correctly. However all of you are understimating them, but i understand it, as all of you havent passed the nightmare of see your race turned into the primary target of them to get slaves and of course see how ours lands are taken loosing ages of history in just some years. Beside, im sorry to say this Miss Aezralia but from this place i can fly directly to where my town is even with my eyes closed. The blonde elf said with a serious and calmed tone, not looking why suddenly all get upset by her common words.

She and the others elf help to lift the victims, but Mithra will not leave them touch the orcs, there was not need for more words until Evangeline spoke.

You had said it, we dont know if they are bad people, but would you risk the ones than you love? With just one of them getting the enough to find our town all what we live for will be turned into ashes. Even if they are good slowly the rumors of them will reach a vile slaver ears, sometimes i had see theirs soldiers around these lands but thanks to our work and the gods blessing our village has survived. And before you continue this, i give you the choice of do what you want to them no matter if we find than they are a possible menace, so i dont see why all get so upset

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Well Mithra, I would at least give them the chance to show which side they're on before blindly killing them or just taking them in their weakened state and putting them through something like what you're wanting. But I've seen worse then you have when it comes to slavery Mithra... I watched those aliens destroy a good deal of Therion and its people... taking them and turning them into their own, which is what they were going to do here to all of these people. So don't think I haven't seen what war can do or anything like that, because I have," Evangeline said to Mithra before performing her summoning of the two lesser fey mages, her eyes getting slightly wet with tears as she remembered the horrors of Therion during the invasion. "I watched those things take two of my cousins and my two best friends right before my very eyes and I could do nothing to save them and I likely would have been taken and turned along with them had I not been hiding like they made me to do. The five of us were always together before that, playing and talking, and now... I'm the only one of the five of us that still lives. I was only saved when a squad of some of the orcs that live around Therion came in and slaughtered the aliens in there, which they had found me by that point and were about to pull me out and turn me as well, but those orcs... they destroyed them, though it was too late for my family and friends that were there to be saved sadly. So before you go asking if I would risk the ones I love... know that I've already lost a lot of those that I do love," Evangeline went on to say, tears of anger as well as sorrow starting to stream down her cheeks a little at Mithra's words and her own damn memories of the past.

"We won't interrogate them regardless of what you say Mithra, we'll ask them who they are and where they're from once they awaken, in a nice and friendly manner. I used to dislike orcs a lot too just like you, but after that squad of them rescued me, along with several other people I changed my thoughts on them. One of them even stood her ground and protected me and risked her own life when we got ambushed on the way back to the safe areas of the city. So before you just assume that these ones here are evil or anything, you should take a moment to think, because you never know... they might surprise you, I know that I've been surprised by people before now," Evangeline said as she prepared to make her new summons for the extra aid in getting these people out of here quickly, wiping her tears away as she tried to talk logically and convince Mithra and the other elves that they couldn't just automatically assume that just because there were orcs here that they would be ones that were from the slaver clans without talking to them first, though with the way Mithra was talking she doubted that would happen.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra was trying to just calm all but she dont expected than Evangeline would remember that damn moment when the whole world get in crisis. The elf tried to be compasibe with her ally but she also had her own demons from that moment.

I see, so that is why you get upset, my apologize, i know how lost someone closer mean. But at least you find a helping hand that day, unfortunately some of us were not so lucky. Mithra stop there and just continue carring the victims than she could take, she was just not at mod to try to make a compasion contest with all of them when they should take all away before destroy this tower.

Look, is great than that moment make you a more kind person, but one of these days someone will backstab you when you less expect it. Even in the nature are depredators than hide theirs intention until their prey get close enough. Sorry, but many inocent lives are at my charge to take the risk, i cant be so softheart like you. After sll the said, Mithra expected than Evangeline will try again to persuade her with her sad story of that day, one than remember to Mithra the tragic ones of the same day of others warriors than still live or not and fighted at her side, but after all the pain at the war these years, the humillation than she feel by had lost so many lives and all the posibilities of her race getting lost in the time

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"(Sigh)... Well Mithra I'm sorry about what has happened to you and your people here in the hidden village in the past. But logically speaking, if you and your people were in that great of danger, then you should have moved closer to people that could help you, such as Therion or somewhere else. No offense intended here, but was foolish to remain here in such a dangerous place when you have so little in the way of protecting this place... in my opinion at least anyway," Evangeline replied to Mithra, shaking her head sadly at the elven woman because she was such a racist towards orcs. She must have never had any good experiences with them before now, Evangeline thought to herself. "But... I'm not asking you to be softhearted, I'm asking you to show just a little compassion to some people that are in need at the moment, people who could very well have died if we'd taken any longer than we did," Eva added as she finished gathering her power to summon her extra help.

"I'll tell you what you really need to do though Mithra, it isn't learn compassion or kindness or anything such as that, even though you should know how to show those. What you really need to do, is learn how to let go... to let go of the past and leave it there where it belongs, before your hatred consumes you one day when you might have to rely on an orc to help you. And think about this for a minute... put yourself in their position, severely weakened and raped half to death by the aliens. What if it was I, my kin, Aezralia, and these orcs here that had come to do battle with the aliens and we found you and your kin here instead of the other way around? Would you not want us to show you the same kindness that I'm asking just a little of here of you?" Evangeline said seriously, sighing a little before continuing. "I think you all would want us to at least. So before you're so quick to judge someone for the actions of others of their race, think about the repercussions and remember that not everyone can be held accountable for their entire race. You think all orcs are a risk to your village... well I can say the same about elves also, because I've met quite a few bad elves in my time as well. With that hot headed attitude of yours Mithra you could very well be just as much a risk to your village as you think these orcs are, if not a greater risk. If it turns out that they will be a risk to the village, then we can handle it when the time comes, for now though they should be under all of our protection, at least until we can talk with them and maybe send them on their way. Innocent until proven guilty if you would Mithra," Evangeline went on to say to Mithra, where the other three elves could hear her as well as her kin and Aezralia, hoping that would put an end to their foolishness in wanting to kill these orcs. Though she was of course not stupid enough to think that there was no chance that they were from the evil cruel slaver orc clans, but at the very least they should be given the benefit of the doubt for the moment.

With that, Evangeline was through talking for the moment to give Mithra time to think more on what she said, then she went on with her summoning to get a little extra help in getting all of these poor people out of this horrible place, telling the two new lesser fey mages to carry a couple of the female orcs out for them whilst the elementals her kin summoned carried some others.
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra tried hard to dont get upset with what Evangeline was saying and all what she could nearly be an insult. After let her talk she answer turning of her buffs as this looks to take a while. All the world needed help at that moment, Evangeline. We sended ours warriors to help our kind in the war against the orcs and also the near cities asked for our help, it was more safe our hidden village at that moment. Now many of our people are waiting for theirs beloved ones than still are away of our land, some of us would stay there even if we leave the place, we cant just leave them there without protection.

Then Mithra tried to think in how she feel if orcs would save her but she just frown and sigh before answer. First, the aliens dont kill you, they turn you into a mindless servant, just like the two than we killed close the entrance, so if we take away the lust, headache, lack of energy and throughts i will be glad to had been saved, but i will dont notice your kindness. Mithra sigh and shaked her head, trying to stop herself of say the next. In the invasion days it happened something similar to me, i was in a mission to find my friends, i found than a Over Lord had taken control of them, after a terrible day, i save them, as also others women, i even forgiven the live of a demon soldier... we were leaving the cave but some wolves attack us at the night, i tried to save them all but they beat me and... i passed what feels like weeks with them, but then someone save us, i dont notice too much but after a while i awake in a bed at a huge mansion, all looks so great until i discover than the owner of all was a fallen angel and even when she looks to be good and wishing to help the other people there than was rescued from the invasion from the last days, the truth was than she turn them into theirs loyal servants using her supernatural mind powers, luckily i dont get fooled by her and after save my friends from the mind control we escaped to just see half of the world in ruins by the aliens, so sorry if i cant answer you exactly how you expect about how i will feel if some orcs rescue me, after all my combats i noticed than the most dangerous persons thread you kindly to hide their true intentions to you, so they can control you.

After said that Mithra turn to the elves than they had found at the tower and continue this time trying to just put a end to this conversation than will not help anyone of them. Anyway, you are missunderstaining my attempts to protect our town with an insane hate to the orcs. But maybe you are right about my focus on them this time, thinking better we should ask to the elves too, they could had been kidnaped by the aliens at the same time than the orcs, then we should ask the others victims too, maybe one of them could remember anything about what they were doing in the middle of the forest Answer Mithra trying to dont insult anyone, yet she really expect than if there is any vile creature among the victims it will not confess.
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Injured

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 52, PP = 52, EP = 118, Status = Fine

Aezralia: HP = 62, PP = 55, EP = 80/109, Status = Fine

Advanced Elven Scouts
Agnes: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine
Dinara: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine
Belle: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine

Mage 1 (Felicia) : Fine
Mage 2 (Cremily) : Fine
Mage 3 (Sindel) : Fine
Nymph 1 : Fine
Nymph 2: Fine

When the conversation about what to do with the orcs turned into an exchange between Mithra and Evangeline, the rest of the fey and elves opted to remain out of it until it was done. They all payed attention of course, the elves looking nervous and the fey appearing various varieties of irritated, but the brunt of the group's attention was left centered on the exchange between the two. Some relief came when the tension broke as the argument concluded favorably, and when Eva separated from Mithra, Aezralia approached her and quietly said; "Well spoken." She moved away to see to the orcs afterwards, giving Eva only a moment in which to respond, but seemed genuinely impressed by Eva's handling of the situation.

"I don't recognize any of them, but even so, I doubt that all of them are from the same place," Dinara said to Mithra once she turned to the elves they'd rescued. Belle and Agnes nodded their agreement, and the latter added; "We'll probably have our resources stretched thin caring for so many, but we can't just leave them out here. Hopefully they'll recover quickly once we get them back to the village." It was then that Cremily interjected, a tiny bit of contempt detectable in her voice; "You needn't worry about any of them turning. We've already examined every one of them and determined that they're salvageable. Those that weren't, we put out of their misery inside the tower rather than drag all the way outside. You have four elder sidhe and an angel looking out for dark magics, if you think you can do better... You're wrong, and a bit pigheaded to boot." The arrogance evident in the draconic sidhe's tone when addressing Mithra was fairly hypocritical, enough so that even her two comrades stared at her flatly.

"They were all heavily drained," Sindel interjected quickly, her wolfish ears flat against her head, "They won't awaken again for several days at least. None of them, orcs or otherwise, displayed anything to suggest magical potential, and we checked just to be sure. We'll deal with the orcs so that you don't have to risk the location of your home, as Aezralia has suggested. You needn't worry any further about it. For now, lets just get everyone out of here so we can destroy this tower."

When she went to summon a pair of sorceresses, Eva quickly heard a pop, and standing before her were a pair of women that looked to be twins. They were clad in the characteristic green robes of a nymph, or in other words ones that ended about midway down their thigh and were cut low enough to display the pleasantly rounded curves of their breasts. They both had light green skin and symmetrical, angular features that made them appear regal and proud, an idea enforced by their posture if not their outfits. One was slightly taller and had hair a shade or two darker, but otherwise the brunette, blue eyed nymphs were practically identical. "Hello!" said the taller of the two. The shorter nymph quickly added; "How may we service you?" The duo winked in unison at her, and the shorter one's question had been laced with lewd suggestion. "You really are in pretty deep, aren't you?" Felicia said teasingly, "I hope you weren't planning on doing any walking tomorrow~" The two nymphs giggled at the sidhe's statement, but when told of their task they nodded and got to it. Like the sidhe, the nymphs employed magic rather than working with their bodies, moving the unconscious victims of the aliens with bundles of sentient vines that they conjured from the ground.

If everything went off without further argument, the group would find themselves outside of the tower with all of their rescued captives in short order, at which point Aezralia said; "Mithra, could you and the summons take those we've rescued out into the woods? Let the nymphs handle the orcs. Eva, would you care to help us in bringing down this tower?"


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

After the long talk with Evangeline and the possible talk back of her ally, the others elves soon get close to Mithra and started to give theirs points of view.

So they could not be of these lands, oh well maybe once they get recovered we could find more about where they come. Answer to Dinara after this talk to her. Mithra was lifting what she could with her small wounds on her body still healing so she dont pull herself too much and just lift two victims or three if they were enough small.

Once Agnes added, Mithra just focused on answer to her not paying any attention at all to Cremily or any other summoned words and just focusing in solve the food reduction than they could have, fortunately this avoid any other unnesesary discussion. We will find a way to get more food, we always do it. Also we could ask help to another town if we need it, but i doubt than we reach a so critical moment, maybe with just collect some resources as i make my rounds will be enough.

At least we have enough space for all of them. Said as she remember the empty houses. Then Mithra then turn to Evangeline and turn the conversation to her once she summoned more help. Even when all the little incidents it was great to meet you Evangeline, i guess than you can leave if you want in order to take care of that group, try to remember to take care of the aliens inside them and if you want you can return to our village when you need it. The blonde swordswoman said specting than the sidhne would just stay with them until they awake. However Evangeline dont stop stop with just saying than she will return, what glad Mithra but she even start to talk again of hate, it nearly make Mithra facepalm herself by how Eva dont stop of doing it, maybe this useless talk will end if Mithra say her than she gladly would kill any kind of creature than menace her people, even evil high elves, sidhnes or fallen celestials. Instead this the elf just sigh and shake her head trying to dont start to think than maybe she should reshape her ears to dont heard more of this.

After carry all the bunch of survivors what was more easy thanks to the others two new somoned girls, Aezralia come and ask to carry them inside te forest. Yes, i can do it, just try to be ready to aid us if something bad happen. She add remembering the huge incident some years ago where she lost all the survivors, she must avoid than that happen again as best as she can, the worst than could happen is than more aliens are returning from the forest or a bunch of beasts get close the group when the women give birth to more outsider creatures, turning to where should be her summon hidden she add. All the summons, follow me inside the forest and please dont drop your guard, also we must warm the place around the group or the victims could die by the low temperature. Mithra would only say the last if they were in a dangerous temperature for the full raped nude people.

Strength (Buff) [Perception]
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

After her talk with Mithra which seemed to have ended rather suddenly with Mithra seeming quite hostile about orcs from what Evangeline saw. She could understand her fear and or hatred of the slaver ones, but the entirety of the race... well surely she couldn't hate every single one of them. Could she? It was a question for another time though, because they needed to hurry on up and get out of here. When Aezralia whispered to her that what she'd said was well spoken, Eva smiled at the angel and nodded her head. "Thanks, I appreciate that. I see this as an opportunity myself, to maybe end the fighting between the two peoples and turn all of their anger against each other towards the greater enemy here... the aliens," Evangeline whispered back to Aezralia with serious look in her eyes.

When Dinara stated and the other two elven archer girls agreed, that none of them knew who the elf captives were and that they likely weren't from the same place, and then that they would be hard pressed to feed them all, Eva felt a little bad for Mithra's village, feeling that she was a bit of a drain on their small bit of resources perhaps. But she knew that she couldn't feel bad about it now, because she was already there now and had to help as she promised, though taking out a fortress like this of the aliens was a massive bit of help indeed, Eva thought to herself.

Evangeline couldn't help but agree with Sindel and Felicia both about Cremily's sudden arrogant outburst like that, feeling that she was a tad out of line, but she didn't say anything about it since Sindel jumped in quickly and saved it from turning into another argument, which wouldn't help them at all really. Evangeline reached up and petted Sindel's head, scratching her behind her wolf like ears as they flattened against her head, leaning up and kissing her on the cheek and muttering a thanks to her where nobody else could hear her.

After she'd summoned the two lesser sorceresses to help them out with getting everyone out of there and seeing what they looked like, she couldn't help but almost instantly pop a boner in her robes. Gods they were sexy as hell and the mere thought of them riding her dick like crazy while Sindel fucked her brains out already had her sensitive and ready to go. Once they had both said hello and asked what Eva needed of them, she gave her orders to them and they prepared to set off out of there. "Heh, well I'm a sidhe too remember. So I think I can handle it. The question you should be asking though is. Did you three plan on walking much tomorrow? Because... I have lots of stamina, more than enough for me, these two, and Sindel to all go for a good long while," Evangeline said, giving the sorceresses all a naughty wink as she spoke.

When Mithra said what she did to Eva while they were getting everyone out of the tower, Evangeline couldn't help but feel in a way that Mithra was telling her to leave the village for some reason, but maybe she was just reading too much into Mithra's words. "Um, thank you Mithra, but I didn't really plan on leaving the village just yet, I'm only going to maybe go with Aezralia shortly to take these orcs away from here and we'll be right back afterwards surely. But, if for some reason we don't come back right away, I do hope that we'll meet again in the future... and that you'll have a bit more of an open mind about orcs. But I digress about that, because I can understand your hatred in a way, so there's no need to get into that again I think... at least not now, it's not the time or place to," Evangeline said to Mithra as they made their way out with the captives.

After getting out of the tower and everything, with Eva finally recovering her energies along the way and sitting down for a moment, she got back up as Aezralia told Mithra to take everyone save herself, Evangeline, Sindel, Felicia, and Cremily off into the woods a ways while they stayed there and destroyed the tower. She couldn't help but think that Mithra, one, or maybe all of the elves there might try something on the orcs they had rescued, but surely they wouldn't. Would they? She sincerely hoped that they wouldn't at least, but who knew. Silently, where nobody else could hear her, Evangeline reached out with her mind to Aezralia, whispering telepathically to her so nobody else would know what she was saying, if the angel accepted the connection that is. "Hey Aezralia, you sure sending them on with Mithra is wise? What if she maybe tries to go invisible again and tries something on those orcs? You sure those elementals and the sorceresses can handle it if she tries it? I mean I'm sure she's a good person all things considered, but she really really seems to hate orcs," Evangeline said telepathically to Aezralia so none of the others could overhear her, sounding slightly worried that Mithra could try something.

Activating Telepathy with Aezralia only, spending the 2 EP for it of course. The last bit of dialogue is only if Aezralia accepts the connection with Eva, if she doesn't accept it, disregard the dialogue from Evangeline.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 48/52, Status = Fine, +10 Perception (Strength)

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 52, PP = 52, EP = 116/118, Status = Fine, Telepathy

Aezralia: HP = 62, PP = 55, EP = 109, Status = Fine

Advanced Elven Scouts
Agnes: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine
Dinara: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine
Belle: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine

Mage 1 (Felicia) : Fine
Mage 2 (Cremily) : Fine
Mage 3 (Sindel) : Fine
Nymph 1 : Fine
Nymph 2: Fine

'They'll be fine,' Aezralia replied reassuringly to Eva's mental message, her face remaining completely neutral and betraying no signs of their mental communication. 'Her people are at war with the orcs, but her kind are not savages. Besides, she won't be alone with them long enough to cause any real harm.'

As Mithra, the elves, the freshly summoned nymphs (who were still grinning broadly courtesy of the reaction they'd inspired in Evangeline,) and the elementals carrying the injured were taken off into the woods, the sidhe and Aezralia moved into positions circling the tower from the edge of the glade. "We'll destroy the tower, section by section, starting at the top!" Aezralia said as she reached what was presumably her chosen position. They formed the majority of a circle, leaving a place open for Evangeline to assist them in blasting the fleshy building away while Lavender and Violet hovered near the path that Mithra had taken the others.

In the meantime, Mithra and her group arrived at another, smaller clearing near the one containing the tower, where they'd be able to wait for the others to finish destroying the alien stronghold. Her kin spread out to cover the small army of unconscious figures they had with them, but for the moment nothing was directly threatening them.

Just throw up whatever power you want to use for blasting and how much EP you wanna pump in per blast.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

As Aezralia answered her through the telepathy, Evangeline did the same as the angel, her face remaining totally neutral so that nobody could tell that she was telepathically speaking with Aezralia. "Alright then, if you say so, then I'm sure it'll be fine. I'm just a little worried is all from the way she spoke before, but you are right about her people not being savages, or at least nowhere near as much as some orcs are," Evangeline said through the telepathic link.

As Mithra and the others went on, Eva noticed the nymphs grinning at her because of what she'd said most likely, so she gave them a naughty wink and grinned back at them as they went on, reaching out and pinching them both on the butt as they passed her. Once they were gone, Evangeline followed the other sidhe and Aezralia over back to the tower where they took up positions around the edge of the open area the tower was set on. "Alright then, let's take up positions so that were an even amount of space away from each other, like in a pentagram shape since there's five of us that'll be doing this," Evangeline said to everyone as they split up to take up positions. "Alright girls, I'm ready when you all are," Evangeline called aloud to the others when they were ready to go, the young sidhe ready to destroy this evil place and do something good to help the world out.

Once they were all in their respective places, with Evangeline taking up a position around the clearing that had some large rocks at it, she reached down into her energy pool within and decided on what she was going to use in order to take this thing down with, where she then aimed up at the top with the rest of them. When the others were ready to send forth their powers into the tower side, Evangeline would release her energies as well, grabbing hold of some of the boulders behind her with her powers, which she would chuck at the top of the thing, hoping to take it clean off along with the others powers, where she would then follow their blasts down the length of the tower with another boulder, destroying it literally piece by piece as she made sure her boulders struck the thing after their powers weakened the structural integrity of the entire thing.

I'm assuming that the tower only has like 5 sections or 6 maybe at most and that they'll recover their EP again once it's gone. Regardless, she's going to use Telekinesis using the 1st variant of it to launch large boulders at each of the tower's sections timing it so they hit after everyone else's powers do to weaken it first. She's spending a total of 12 EP per section which along with Master Blaster makes it an effective total of 15 EP, which should turn out to a total of 2d4 * 15 force dmg. If it turns out that there's more than 5 or 6 sections, then she'll only pump in a total of 10 EP per blast, for an effective total of 13 EP with Master Blaster, coming out to 2d4 * 13 force dmg.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

There was not time to lost, soon Mithra make a perimeter around the victims, trying to spot any possible menace, as the many summons follow her orders who were very basic to do, just protect them all and check for possible menaces. Her eyes noticed how the slime women were close the path than they had taken, she suppose than they werent dangerous at the moment, unless they were trying to follow them to theirs village, once Aezralia and the others leave with the orcs.

Lets hope than they end soon and dont make too much noise taking down that tower. Mithra said to her elven allies. At least its not night, any of you can make a warm spell to protect this people from the enviroment, we could also clean them a little, it could help us to carry them better. Said turning to the two new fey girls, maybe if she is lucky they will not start a long useless discusion, Eva must be only the one doing it and not all her kind, Mithra hopes.

If all goes right, the blonde swordswoman will try to heard the inform of her mole summon as this remain hidden for most of the people, except maybe also the elves.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 48/52, Status = Fine, +10 Perception (Strength)

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 52, PP = 52, EP = 116/118, Status = Fine, Telepathy

Aezralia: HP = 62, PP = 55, EP = 109, Status = Fine

Advanced Elven Scouts
Agnes: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine
Dinara: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine
Belle: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine

Mage 1 (Felicia) : Fine
Mage 2 (Cremily) : Fine
Mage 3 (Sindel) : Fine
Nymph 1 : Fine
Nymph 2: Fine

And so, the five of them began to bombard the fleshy tower in unison. Cremily unleashed blasts of fire that left whole sections of the tower blackened and burned, while Sindel worked magic that seemed to cause entire chunks of the flesh to simply rot away, and Felicia unleashed combinations of cold and force that shattered the tower's walls. Eva's hurled stones tore off large chunks of flesh, ripping away entire levels as her comrades left them damaged with their own spellwork. Aezralia was the most devastating of them by far, however, as she flew to the pinnacle of the fleshy tower and directed her attacks downward, unleashing long lines of burning flame that charred their way down through multiple levels of the tower. Despite their powerful assault, however, it still took several minutes of bombardment to completely eradicate the alien tower, after which they were all left more or less completely exhausted.

The destruction of the tower, as it turned out, was anything but quiet. The noise was practically deafening, and the brilliant flashes of light and loud booms coming from the bombardment could likely be seen and heard for miles around, though given the potency of the awesome display, it was difficult to imagine anything that would come looking to investigate. All too soon it was over, however, and a few moments later Eva, her summoned sidhe, and Aezralia returned to the clearing looking somewhat haggard. "It's done," Aezralia grunted softly, "The tower's gone. It's time for us to get someplace safe. Are you all ready to start heading back?" Everyone else nodded, leaving Mithra and Eva to indicate their readiness and perhaps decide on an order and method of departure. Lavender and Violet were still hanging out in the background, waiting to be noticed and staring at Eva hopefully.