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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse


Reason is because so far we haven't been looking out for #1 US wandering willie nille and helping every poor sod that comes to us isnt in her/our character she is a loner and a hunter thinking back to before this event we should have guessed what would happen when we broker deals with these monsters / tentacles.

might as well go in a blaze of gore for one last hurrah to the legacy that we leave behind.

just caught up in reading all your cyoa's amazing stuff keep them "coming"
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Really sorry for the lack of content on this lately, ive been extremely busy. ive tried putting stuff together and then looked back at what ive wrote over the past couple of days and thought it sucked.

One of the challenges of making a CYOA with such a large scope is to take everything into consideration, so far ive introduced probably over 30 characters in this CYOA, each with their own personalities and objectives, creating and maintaining the mythos is also important, because id like for this to be a story and a world as well, Perhaps the biggest challenge is creating a story which is not only a real story, but is also erotic at the same time.

Lets face it, Ella would like to avoid being raped if at all possible in every situation, and you as the player may see it as being 'punished' for a bad decision you have made, however that is simpy not the case.

Creating a story where Ella doesnt get raped at all, and the tentacles simply endure a crushing defeat due to your every 'correct' decision is not only boring, but difficult to write.

As Ella becomes more and more powerful, the opportunities for the tentacles to capture her will decrease significantly, thus creating a story which is more about killing tentacles after you have become a level 99 overpowered bitch.

Back when i was writing 'Tentacle Lair Escape' i encountered a problem where One of the characters was in a situation where she was too 'safe' as a tentacle rape cyoa (where vigorous exploration of the genre is at the heart of the production), it was unacceptable that any of the characters would finally become immune in some way to the original purpose of the story, therefore an immediate change of pace had to be implemented, as it was no longer fun or worth trying what was inevitably becoming a hokey romance between the character and the tentacles.

Im not going to make the same mistake again, and while many of you will complain that "no matter what choice you make, you still get raped!", i would submit to you the original reason you came was likely to read about tentacles being shoved into various orifices, and that if given the choice between splintering off into a heroic quest for vengeance and justice or being humiliated and forced to endure several instances of rape by tentacle, as an author i gotta say id rather the latter.

That isnt to say that our glorious hero wouldn't be able to save the day by the end of the story, but only that rather than being mounted on her gold plated steed in a full suit of diamond armor carrying a sword of lightning enchanted steel isnt as likely as our hero limping from a tentacle lair covered in cum and dripping from every orifice as the last of the tentacle menace has been dispatched by her veteran hand.

now i PROMISE to have SOMETHING................'soon'(tm).
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

now i PROMISE to have SOMETHING................'soon'.

You forgot to put the TM next to it, Seri. XD

But it's cool, take your time, and while I have been distracted to vote recently, I don't have any complaints about the story thus far. Keep up the good work.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I agree your stuff is amazing and i'm glad that you continue it.

And I see why she is constantly getting raped and I know that is why we all read so she can continue doing it. getting raped in a world overran by these things is as common as looking for leaves on a tree:p. I dont see it as punishment simply a unavoidable conclusion only that I wish we would show a little more backbone before getting boned.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

No point in complaining about being fucked one way or another, you ignored a warning:

Given that Olivia told us "Find a place to rest in the forest, you'll need your strength", I vote A.

Going B(l)ack would probably mean running into some other tentacles and getting another abortion and impregnation which would just weaken us further (for example if we bump into green they might take us to the lair never to see the light of day or if we bump into purple we will get really badly tortured).


Btw, I vote A.

Talking to Sarah won't accomplish anything -- we removed the black tentacle egg so we don't have a bargaining chip, not to mention that Sarah will be mad because of what we did and she already hated Ella before that. Furthermore, Ella would rather die than have anything to do with Sarah, remember? You spat on her.

Finally, talking to Rachel is pointless too -- she is a queen and she won't change her ways or show mercy.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

finally done with all the parts before and registered, love the story

I have to go with option D

We might be able to find some means to escape if we can distract them by talking, Maybe Sarah still thinks that Ella is still carrying her egg or having the after effects of her cum and could underestimate her thinking she is more disabled then she is, this is also most in character for her

Since black and green are quickly working together to try and get her they are probably scared since blue got involved, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Olivia wanted her to get captured and give birth in a rival lair, but if she does manage to get away for now, with two princesses on her tail, take some advise and go meet with blue
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Maybe Sarah still thinks that Ella is still carrying her egg...

I think that it is reasonable to expect that tentacle princess can smell or otherwise sense the change so that path is likely going to fail and lead to more humiliation than siding with Zoey.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

First time poster and I just wanted to say I have overall enjoyed the entire tentacle saga and I'm happy to finally have read up to the point where I can give suggestions and not be noobish.

Any way the choice is D its not so much to distract but to hopefully to pick up some information that will help later down the line.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 14: Samantha

"Dont worry, you're safe now" Samantha said as she put her arm on the shoulder of the young woman at the entrance to Samantha's lair.

"I heard all of the rumors, but i cant believe it.....you are an overlord?" The woman said with surprise in her eyes.

"Yes, im the overlord of the blue tentacles, and i have been for hundreds of years now"

"amazing" the young woman said, in awe.

"so tell me your story" Samantha asked seeming genuinely interested

"I've been running for years, scavenging what i could, ive been raped more time than i could count, and i started feeling that hunger for their.....stuff....it just doesn't go away"

"Tentacle semen is a powerful substance, it nourishes the body and invigorates you, but it clouds your mind and it is easy to become addicted to it" Samantha noted

"I finally decided to give in, to submit myself to an overlord, and i heard that the blue and pink tentacles were the kindest....so i walked south and evaded the other tentacles as long as i could"

"We're glad to have you, we will treat you as well as we can, but we have rules that you must follow"

"Okay" the girl said, as she looked down

"Firstly, no violence. we have a peaceful community, where human and tentacle live side by side"

"Alright, im not a violent person anyway" the girl said

Samantha nodded at the girl "Secondly, you are allowed to feed from any tentacle in our community at any time, and they are allowed to feed from you at any time"

"What if im sleeping?" the girl asked, a bit confused

"Tentacles have different needs than humans do, some of the younger tentacles must feed several times per day in order to grow strong enough to survive on their own, tentacles do not sleep, they gather energy from the human body and use it as their own source of power, if a tentacle needs your energy, you will give it to them, whether you are in the middle of sleeping or doing anything else, dont refuse them."


"Lastly, you will be expected to become impregnated with tentacle spawn at some point, a young girl like you would be a great host for their eggs, at first the process is mentally taxing and exhausting, you can expect to feel incredibly weak for the first few times you are pregnant, tentacle eggs drain alot of your energy constantly in order to incubate the egg"

"What do the tentacles provide for us...if you dont mind me asking?" the girl asked

"Sure, i dont mind you asking at all, it is a valid question after all" Samantha leaned against the side of the lair entrance with her arms crossed and continued.

"The Tentacles provide everything you need to survive, food in the form of their semen, shelter in the form of these lairs, which are scattered all throughout the plains here in the south and protection"

"Protection?" the girl asked

"There are hundreds of blue and pink tentacles spread throughout the plains, watching and waiting for predators to enter our lands so that they may protect us"

"What kinds of predators?"

"Other tentacles mostly, who try to sneak in and grab a couple of girls out of our lands or grab a quick free meal"


Samantha nodded "Thats all you are to most of these creatures, a meal for them to them, but blue and pink tentacles are differant, you'll see. They see you as their property, a valuable resource to be collected and protected, the only differences is, we choose to view them as our property as well"

"interesting" the girl said, imagining what kind of community this would be.

"Come with me, ill show you around" Samantha said, and she stepped away from the wall and started to walk into the depths of her lair.


"This is my lair, it is home to thousands of women and tentacles alike, we form a community unlike any other in the world, helping each other achieve our full potential"

"I've never been inside a tentacle lair before.....is it always this warm?" the girl asked

Samantha motioned for the girl to come closer "place your hand here"

The girl placed her hand on the meatwall, feeling its living feeling as the warmth radiated onto her palm.

"incredible, is this place alive?"

"As alive as any tentacle creature"

"kind of strange....isnt it" the girl asked, removing her hand and rubbing her fingers together, which were partially slimy from the meatwall.

"You'll get used to it, the warmth of this place will allow you to get comfortable, you'll sleep better inside of here against the warm caress of the meatwall than you would out in the cold world"

Samantha led the woman into a large room with hundreds of women and tentacles in it, each doing their own thing, many of the women were relaxing or casually feeding from the tentacles, some of the tentacles were carefully fuckng some of the women, a low undertone of moans of pleasure filled the room.

"This is your new home" Samantha said, with her pointing outward

"very impressive" the girl said

"Are you hungry?"

"yes....i kind of am"

Samantha led the girl to a corner of the room where a lone tentacle waited.

"Let me show you how its done" Samantha said as she walked over to the tentacle creature, its tentacles raised from the floor in anticipation.

"Spread your legs open and face the creature" Samantha opened her legs, revealing her juicy pussy to the creature before her.

"then simply sit down on the creature, or fall down on it"

Samantha sat down on the creature, its tentacles slithered up underneath her, sensually gliding up underneath her ass.

"The creature will catch you and bring you in gently, in response to your act of submission"

The creature tentacles slowly looped around Samantha's arms and ankles.

"What is it doing now?" the girl asked

"It is making sure i cant escape, it is a natural instinct of a tentacle creature to grab all of its victims like this, but as i am submitting to the tentacle freely, its grip is very loose"

The tentacles continued to swirl and spin around Samantha's body, holding her in a locked position, a free tentacle slithered up across her chest and planted itself in front of her face.

"Whether you are submitting willingly or being raped, a tentacle will almost always offer its tentacle for you to feed from"


"Perhaps it is another instinctual thing, the creature knows that if you become addicted to its semen, it wont have to hunt so far to find you again, you will likely be looking for it in due time"

Another tentacle started to slide up Samantha's leg and it positioned itself just outside of Samantha's pussy.

"There is it, if a tentacle creature wishes to feed from you, it will fuck you. just lay back and enjoy it, blue tentacles are masters of pleasure and try their best to ensure that their victims feels it"

The Tentacle penetrated Samantha, and started slowly fucking her, thrusting in gently and retracting slowly, the squishy sounds of their combined juices filled the area.

"whew....now you try" Samantha said to the girl, as she lunged her mouth forward and put her lips around the tentacle in front of her.

The girl looked around until she saw another lonely tentacle nearby, she walked over to it timidly and stood before it, her hands behind her back as she blushed before the creature.

"Go easy on me.....ok?" the girl said as she walked into the creature.

the creature's tentacles slowly caressed her body as she sat down on the creature, its tentacles making way for her butt as she sat down onto it.

the tentacles slowly enveloped the woman, softly coiling around her legs and ankles, gently putting her legs open as more tentacle came to caress her inner thighs.

a tentacle came to her mouth, slowly floating to her as Samantha said it would, the girl reached out and grabbed it greedily with both hands, pulling it to her into her mouth.

her tongue wrapped and massaged the phallus of the tentacle, its slow flow of gooey semen started to flow and it lit up all of the taste-buds in her mouth, her brain started to ease as the semen entered her system, calming her nerves as the sweet elixir made her whole again.

Below, the tentacle started to slowly move towards her, gently caressing her inner thigh as it moved across her and slowly pierced into her, the pleasure shot up the girl's spine as she laid back with her eyes closed, the tentacles behind her catching her and giving her back a warm massage as they reclined her body.

The girl was soon lost in a sea of pleasure, and from that moment on, she didnt care if she was a slave to the blue tentacles now.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I think that it is reasonable to expect that tentacle princess can smell or otherwise sense the change so that path is likely going to fail and lead to more humiliation than siding with Zoey.

That is for the GM do decide, I don't think Sarah can tell, but in any case it would be in Ella's best intrest to try and hide that it is in fact a blue egg or pretent like you know nothing about it.

In any case I put some thoughts out there and not going to argue or try and prove others wrong. If I manage to give the GM an idea by voicing a thought or two then all is good.

Kitty out, can't wait to see what happens next >^-^< <3
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Well said, and welcome to the non-lurky part of the forums :D
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Hopefully I won't get too much flak for this, but there are some things I find disagreeable

I'll be short about it, the "princess/queen" thing is entirely detrimental to the story for me, what initially starts out every time as a story about tentacles molesting women always turns into "negotiating with tentacles/their avatars (princess/queen)

It becomes less about "escape" and more about talking your way into favorable conditions with whatever locals are encountered, just looking at the most recent options, there's only one out of four options to run like hell or fight, despite the character allegedly fighting until she's completely incapacitated she barely struggles when captured.

From a story perspective I just get the feeling the character has given up, attacking her enemies with little more than bad attitude and resentment. Is this the character that killed several overlords, spent months untouched in a world overrun by the damn things, sure player choices aren't helping (like who would pick a scythe?) But thats another point that could possibly improve the story, the character being a master at arms should give some indication as to what she would use the chosen tool for or doubt's she has regarding certain circumstances for example: Scythe; a weapon with a very small danger zone (i.e the amount of space around you that you "threaten" with the weapon) and taking a large amount of space (you need a large arc all around you) and being rather difficult to swing (the weapon relies heavily on momentum and once it stops its hard to get going again).

In short, what (to me anyway) started out as a "run or rape" cyoa keeps turning into a "bartering" cyoa, and I'd love to see more effect out of the special abilities of the character. It's your story of course, do with it what you will, but I hope you can take some of this into consideration at the very least ;)

tl;dr: Less talk, more action.

Keep up the great work

*minor edit* I guess it should be plenty obvious that
my choice is C :)
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse


Fuck, i'm no more the only one who voted C now :( ...
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

You do not always have to like the way the story moves and the choices made in the past are done and gone.

I for one welcome the princess jumping in there to give us problems, without that the story likely would not move and we would just run around like stray dogs not really getting anywhere while we slowly age away or run right into a lair where we get into a situtation that that get's us sealed in with an overlord and it's princess with a wall of tenticles blocking the only exit

If Elle and/or the player is never forced into making hard choices we're never going to get anywhere with the story and everyone will likely get bored with it
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

You'd have a point if any of that were true, so far the pattern is this:

Brilliant opening, tentacles be raping, girl be escaping
Encounter intelligence (here the bargaining starts)
More and more new characters (becomes less about what the character does and more about how it unfolds; "what flavor will you be having today princess")
Writer gets fed up by how things are going, soft-resets the premise (overlord in first one, lazuli death in second)
Story spirals out of control and dies

It should be noted the second story was the worst in my opinion, it was brilliant up to the point where the princess and lazuli became equals and it once again became more "interacting with tentacles" than "escaping from tentacles" (or in this case, tentacles chasing tail) The ending was particularly hilarious (Backstab by black tentacles! It was the humans all along! *Gasp* The robot did it!) and I found it amusing that toward the end even the main character seemed fed up with it all.

Again though, this is my view on things, I came here for, and mostly had, an excellent read on tentacular sex (virtue of those things being that they don't damn well talk out of their arse during rape, hate that) and this is good to the point where I feel the need to speak up if it in any way helps.

If you disagree, thats fine too, this is a CYOA after all, I'm simply stating my choices and preferences in this adventure.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

It sounds like your looking for a story where the tenticles are nothing more then mindless animals and if that is the case your in the wrong place. You want to complain that it turned out to be the humans/robot behind the whole thing in ch2 but it became the logical conclusion with the choices that were made. The basic RP rule that that in one way or another you will make it from point A to point B and it is up to the player how they get there, assuming of course you don't meet a bad end on the way.

I enjoy Serifyn's writing style or i would not bother to read, it gives makes it feel more planed out and adapts it when the need comes, if when he comes in to see votes or prepare the next page and all he see are people complaining about what he writes then the rest of us might end up loosing out on the rest of his story when you make him give up on it.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Looks like you need to learn the difference between a complaint and feedback, like I said in my previous post, this is a CYOA and as such I merely state my preferences, good or bad are relative depending on the viewer and you are nothing short of insulting by insinuating that Serifyn is so small-minded as to be offended by feedback.

As for tentacles being mindless beasts, thats kind of the point isn't it?

You really need to pay more attention to what you're reading, you seem to be missing a lot of information (I won't yet conclude that you're simply too stupid to properly think things through, prove me wrong) The point of my issue with chapter 2 is that it was all over the place, things changed fast and constantly with no real reason or trigger (what was the point in having the robot be the main villain? Why did he need to go through all that nonsense to get what he wanted when easier alternatives were readily available etc etc) If you really want to claim that this was somehow a logical follow-up to the choices that were made, you better have some damn strong reasoning to back it up.

However, for the sake of preventing even more clutter to the thread simply PM me anything more you wish to say to me, like I mentioned before, I stated my preferences and its up to Serifyn to decide what, if anything, to do with that, not you.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

And ... What about we wait the answer of Serifyn ? It's his CYOA, he'll have the last argument (and if we dislike his path, we can quit).

We don't need silly and useless fights.