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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Even as Adelle did her wake-up with more caution this time when compared to the previous morning, there were still some tense moments to be had as Luna still was more than a little jumpy when interacted with during her sleep. The hexer bounced to her feet, purple fireballs appearing on her hands as she yelled something that the busty girl could not understand. The fire was intense in brightness if not in heat, but thankfully it went away as the sleep-addled witch realized what was actually going on. "Oh right, still here." she pondered before being reminded about the existence of the bed. "I WOULD HAVE IF I HAD NOT FALLEN ASLEEP ON MY BOOK. It's important but boring."

Afterwards, Luna set her book aside so it would not be in the way, considering the size of the counter where they ate was not too large. By the time Adelle had gotten the breakfast done, Buddy had rolled away from the couch and taken over her bed again to have some quality time with himself. Luna was still eager to eat, though she still ate quite lightly.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Whoa there girl, I'm a friend, no need to blast me with... whatever that is," Adelle said quickly as Luna jumped up ready to fight. "And you can read it in the bed too if you like Luna, I don't mind. I can usually sleep just fine even when there's light around, so long as it isn't too bright or anything," Adelle added before going back to getting breakfast prepared for them.

When she finished breakfast and set it out for them to eat, she put Buddy's on a small plate to the side and left it while she and Luna dug in for their own food. "So Luna... is there anything you'd like me to pick up next time I'm out? Like a book or some sort of favorite food or anything like that?" Adelle asked Luna while they ate breakfast, the busty girl curious about Luna's likes and dislikes, and wishing to know if Luna wanted her to get anything when next she was out.

Adelle figured that she would go see what jobs Samson had for that day, though she didn't know yet if she wanted to take a job that day or not, but never hurt to check she thought. She might instead check some other things out that day after she finished breakfast, it depended mostly on how she was feeling after they finished eating and whatnot.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Something specific..." Luna pondered the question for a little while, fiddling around with her food for the bit before she snapped her attention back to Adelle, the mania having surfaced again. "BEETROOT. That delightful, RED vegetable..." she drifted into who knew what thoughts for a bit after having mentioned the vegetable. But as quickly as it had come out, the crazy look went away. "And maybe some fish and spices. I can make something with those."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Beetroot huh, alright I'll see if I can find any for you. I've never really eaten the stuff myself, but I'm not overly picky about the food I eat. And I'm sure I can find the other things," Adelle replied with a smile and a nod.

After she finished eating and after Luna was through too, Adelle cleaned the kitchen up before going and getting her clothes out to travel in, where she told Luna that she was going to head over to the market to see if she could find any of the things she mentioned, and she'd ask if Luna wanted to come with her as well, offering to drive them both over there.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Luna too got back into her regular clothing as the heavy dress was more suitable to going out than a simple T-shirt, even as the temperature outside would have enabled it. Usually the temperature were quite comfortable unless there was rain or strong winds, which both lowered it a good bit, and there did not appear to be neither going on at this particular day. And as the clothing change would suggest, the witch was quite willing to leave the house for a bit, apparently not wanting to be a complete homebody despite her preference for the indoors for the majority of the time.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright then Luna, come on and let's head on to the market. We'll find you some of that beetroot and any other things you'd like to eat, since I'm gonna grab a few other things too to restock the fridge," Adelle said to Luna as she prepared to leave as well.

Adelle went out ahead of Luna to start the bike and let it warm up a bit, telling Lune on her way out that she probably ought to leave Banie unless she wanted to hold him and her as well along the way. Once Luna came out though, with or without Banie, Adelle waited for her to climb on and then she closed the garage door and locked up before heading on out with her new housemate.

"So Luna, is there anything else you'd like to have that's not too very expensive?" Adelle asked Luna before she pulled out of her driveway and started on to the market.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"No you. He is coming with us, and my lack of hands is not going to stop it." Luna announced her firm intent of taking the plush ghost thing along, sticking the motionless doll down the collar of her dress in a manner that only left his head out. It looked a bit silly to say the least, but would work good still as the dress was almost a turtleneck design."I dunno. I have enough clothes for a while and no real money. Food is the only concern I have, and this is what we are going to fix now, isn't it?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmhm, alright, was just wondering if you planned on bringing him too is all," Adelle said as Luna climbed on with Banie tucked down her clothing. "And aye, we're going to get some food to bring back and put up since I collected quite a bit of extra money yesterday after that job I went and did. This time I'll be able to stock up on some extra food for us," she added as she began driving off towards the market.

Adelle would take the shortest but safest route she could, and the least crowded as well to keep them from getting caught in traffic. When they arrived at the market area, Adelle pulled her bike to a stop at one of the food stores to grab some essential foods and stuff, like some flour, sugar, things like that, and then she grabbed some eggs and bread, as well as some more milk. After grabbing those essential foods, Adelle paid for them and then went to search for the beetroot that Luna wanted, getting some fresh beetroot if she could find some to use in cooking. She still had plenty of potatoes left for the time being so she left them out of her grocery list, but some other vegetables and fruits could be gotten for them to have too so she grabbed them a head of lettuce, a few tomatoes and onions, and then some apples, lemons, and bananas if she could find them too since she had plenty of money to buy them all with now.

Once all of the foods had been collected and paid for, unless Luna wished to add another place to go to, Adelle would get everything packed onto her bike and ask Luna if she could hold the things that couldn't be stuffed into the rear trunk on the back of her large bike, where she'd then drive them back home to offload the stuff and get it into the fridge to keep fresh. Adelle figured that she could grab some canned foods shortly so she'd have some extra stuff.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The market was still partially opening as the clock had not gone too far into the day, some merchants still preparing their stalls as the girls rolled in. There were no consequences for that though as everything that the ladies were looking for was already there, waiting for their money. It took some going around to fetch everything, but it was no major effort regardless, just a little further walking and picking things up. The packing issue was of little concern as well, though Luna had to hold a bag herself as not quite everything in their pile of food went into the bike's side packs, which were large but not too large. Back at home, the pair could take the stuff inside and pack it into the fridge, which looked quite stuffed after the refill. It might not need to filled again for a couple of days at least if the pair knew to ration the food properly. During the time they had spent away, Buddy had moved to the couch once more, idling the day away with the infomercials yet again for some reason one would not probably find out easily.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After returning and starting to put everything on up, Adelle saw Buddy had moved on to the couch once more and was watching the television. Adelle looked into the kitchen to see if he'd eaten the food she'd left for him earlier as she took the groceries into the kitchen. "Alrighty then. Well Luna, you know where all of the dishes and things are, so if you know how to cook those beetroots and stuff, you can use whatever okay... just try and not burn the house down please, I just got the place a few days ago," Adelle told Luna when they had finished putting everything up, deciding to laze about for a few minutes before she checked on how much money she had altogether, thinking that she might check out the wrestling place to see if it was back up and running, or she might check out that fight club Lacri showed her the other day to try and make some more with minimal effort.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"WOULD NOT DO SUCH A THING. DO YOU THINK I'M MY SISTER OR SOMETHING?" Luna raved a bit at the suggestion of her lacking skill in making food, after which she turned to the beetroots, eyeing them with equal maniac glee. Even so, she held off any approach towards them for now.

The food had left a little mark in the money, but it was still far from a bad situation, and the girls could hold their own for a few days easily without even managing the funds too tightly. Of course, more would not hurt in any way, so going out to look for more chances to earn it would not be a bad thing.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"No, I didn't even know you had a sister, though that does sound interesting to hear about. Do you miss her or anyone else from your home?" Adelle said to Luna, asking if she missed her old hometown or not.

Adelle would sit and listen to her new friend if she wanted to speak of it, but if she didn't then Adelle wouldn't press her any. If Luna decided not to talk to her about anything, then Adelle would tell her that was fine and that she was going to go out and see about doing some light work to earn a bit of extra money today, maybe check the bar out and see what Samson had lined up for everyone for the day. If Luna did decide to talk about her sister and hometown some, then Adelle would listen before doing the same and heading out after collecting her gear, though not taking her sub-machinegun today.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Not sure yet. I've never been much of a people person, and sis was not the most supportive sister you would have. She was always doing her own thing, pretty much like me. The majority of the other village people certainly liked her a fair bit better than me, what with her being a more upstanding citizen who did the usual thing unlike myself. She is a by-the-book type who learned her magic fast, and did not go to the places where I've gone in my study. AND STILL, SHE WAS A KITCHEN APOCALYPSE IF ALLOWED TO DO ANYTHING OTHER THAN BOIL WATER IN THERE. Always wanted to work in the kitchen too, despite being aware of her apocalypse status. I'm sure Banie would die if he ate something that she made, and everyone else too. Not sure why they have not banished her yet, that kitchen ability is a more serious threat to anything living than me." Luna explained the earlier statement a little, revealing a little more about her sister, who appeared to be quite the opposite of the witch herself.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle listened to Luna and nodded as she spoke of her sister to her, chuckling when she spoke about her sister's skill in the kitchen being total crap. "Heh, sounds like she was devastating in the kitchen then. And I don't know a whole lot about magic myself, so I don't hold anything against you myself Luna. I don't care if you learned magic from a fairy in the woods or some swamp creature, as long as you aren't using it to hurt people then you're alright in my book, and you're always welcome here," Adelle told Luna with a sincere smile.

After that, Adelle told Luna that she was going out for just a little bit and to keep an eye on the place unless she wanted to come with her, telling her that she was heading over to the bar to talk to Samson the leader of the hunter group she worked for, about another job, though a lighter one than the last few she'd been going recently. Once she had Luna's answer, Adelle hopped back on her bike and started out, locking the doors behind her if Luna came with her, or telling Luna to make sure to keep the place locked up and an eye out for anyone suspicious while she was gone if Luna stayed.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Luna was still a little unsure if she should be tagging along for any adventures, so the witch opted to remain behind and maintain the home, even as there was very little to actually do. It still looked like she would have something to do, catching up on her studies a little better to be actually able to sleep at night like a normal person instead of snoring with her face on a book.

Despite the possibilities of a gang war remaining strong, the city certainly did not look like that was the case, and Adelle made her way to the bar without any troubles coming her way. Things were looking quite like the usual, Shiulin having returned from her previous day's task of looking after her friend. But then there were alarm clocks ringing as the busty girl could see that Rosieta the maid was there too with the leaders, apparently seeking further help from the hunters for something.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hey it's fine if you don't wanna come with me. I was just asking if you'd like to is all, it's entirely up to you Luna. I'll have a look around for any interesting books for you too while I'm out," Adelle told Luna before heading on to the bar.

The drive over was pleasant enough with no worries, though after she pulled in and parked at the front of the Hunter's bar and went inside, Adelle noticed that Rosieta was there again and she felt her throat tighten momentarily as she gulped upon seeing her and the people with her. Trying no to make a scene about it though, Adelle went over to the bar, as close as she could to them to try and overhear them, while she ordered herself a scotch and took a seat at the bar to drink it.

It was still early in the day she knew, but after seeing Rosieta there she decided that she needed a drink, since she knew what she did and all about Rosieta's boss and all.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While it did look like her presence had not gone completely unnoticed by the two leaders or Rosieta herself, there was no prompting or attempts to get her into the table for work talk. "Already, huh. Did not think you were the type, judging from how you've taken your drink earlier." the barkeep wondered about the sudden introduction of early-day drinking, but did his job nonetheless and produced the ordered drink with the usual professionalism.

Remaining close to the trio appeared to produce little results as it looked like they had already discussed the specifics of the job earlier, most of what was being said being Samson giving guarantees that someone would come for the job sooner rather than later and that they would help Rosieta succeed. It was something that sounded like a general advertisement or similar, but also gave the impression that they might have been there for a while already. The usual clientele of the bar was less numerous so early in the morning, so it was understandable.

At times, Adelle could feel herself being watched, most likely by Rosieta herself from behind the cover of her large glasses.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Eh... every now and then I get a sip of something early in the day, especially if I may be heading out on a job of some sort. Helps calm the nerves and all you know," Adelle replied to the barkeep with a shrug.

Feeling the eyes of both the leaders as well as Rosieta drilling into the back of her head, Adelle sighed softly and composed herself before turning to their table and heading over, her usual smile on her face, figuring that sooner or later she would be invited over or something for them to talk to her. The slightly tense look on her face would tell the barkeep all he needed to know about what was making her want the early drink.

"So... what's up this morning you two? Anything interesting? And hey Rosieta. You doing alright this morning?" Adelle asked Shiulin and Samson as she got close enough to talk. "Went out earlier and stocked up on some groceries, which took a considerable chunk out of my funds, so figured I'd see what all there is to be done today, maybe get a job or two in if they aren't all that difficult sounding or dangerous," Adelle went on to say afterwards.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I'm fine, thank you." Rosieta spoke up once Adelle asked her, not going further into it as the busty girl started to explain her situation. The leaders were not surprised that she was looking for work, the fact that she had appeared to the bar suggesting as much. "Well, Rosieta has a job that she needs help with. It is another retrieval gig, she says. Want to take this one since you two have worked together already?" Samson came forth with a suggestion right away, probably not the best one for Adelle though when one considered her knowledge about the maid and her master.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm... I dunno. I was wanting to take a bit easier of a job today," Adelle said, worried that if she did take it then she'd be even more looped in with Miguel's gang and if they were attacked then she might be attacked too, but then again she was worried that if she didn't take it then Miguel would have her bumped off for betraying them or something.

"Can I have the details before I decide at least, and what we're looking for? Like where we're going, what the reward or whatnot is, you know. I mean after what happened last time you can't blame me for wanting to know everything about what I'm risking my own safety to retrieve," Adelle then asked Samson, Shiulin, and Rosieta as she took a seat with them, figuring it best to at least consider the job and listen what they're supposed to be getting.