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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The maid seemed to be following Adelle as she approached, but made no effort to stop her or anything as she took a seat and asked for jobs. "It does seem a bit odd, with none of those dress girls here with you. You guys have been pretty much inseparable the past few days, from what I could see. But I do have a job that you might like, and I'll let you have this one since you were the first to come." Samson spoke up when asked for things. He was about to continue, but the maid cut her off. "¿Está bien este tipo de tareas?" she seemed to be asking from Samson, who was already prepared for it. "Sure she is. Adelle might be new, but she has a lot of heart. I trust that you can manage, if she wants to go with you." The maid spoke up again, the Hispanic language not really visible in her face or skin. "Si usted lo dice." she replied in what was most likely Spanish before switching attention towards Adelle herself. "I am Rosieta, a servant to the once-great Lovelace family." she introduced herself, the English sporting a very noticeable Hispanic accent. Rosieta had her hair tucked into two thin braids that would most likely go about dramatically if she was pushed to move in any sort of athletic ways. That seemed to be hard in her get-up, but the goth loli sisters had little trouble in theirs, so this one might not be too much different. A crucifix hung on her chest, likely signifying some sort of religiousness about her.

After the two had exchanged intros, Samson moved on to brief Adelle about the situation. "What we have here is a retrieval assistance type of job. Since the place you'll be going to is located on the surface and in a relatively safe neighborhood, I think this should be easy enough with just you going along with Rosieta. You are to get a briefcase of important historical and business-oriented papers from a long-defunct Lovelace factory. There should be no real threat from squatters or other kinds of rogues, since the place is... well... a former factory of sex-related things. Toys, clothes... anything like that. Even as it is a pretty large factory, the place has mostly been abandoned for the longest time. Occasional people have scavenged there for things to use in their relationships or simple personal use, but none of them remained there longer than that. The place should be as safe as one could be, but we still should have more than a lone person going in there, so this is where the master of the family asked for an escort to their servant. Even though we are bounty hunters by description, these kinds of tasks are not uncommon."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle sat down next to Samson as the maid woman watched her, the busty young girl listening to Samson talk before the maid interrupted him. Adelle listened to the talk between the two without butting in any, waiting for them to finish, with Adelle looking at the maid's attire and accessories, thinking to herself that this woman looked rather... religious, though maybe not as much as Lacri, it was hard to tell.

"I'm Adelle, Adelle Ashlyng. It's a pleasure to meet you miss Rosieta. I hope I can be of service to you," Adelle replied to the maid woman, offering her hand and shaking Rosieta's should the maid accept.

After that, regardless of whether or not the maid accepted Adelle's offer of friendship with a handshake, the busty girl would then listen to Samson's briefing about the job. When he got to the part about her going to a factory that made sex toys and clothing and such, she couldn't keep from blushing, especially considering what happened to her the night before. It was almost like the gods were laughing at her by this job being offered to her at this time and she inwardly rolled her eyes where the two couldn't see. She shook her head a little as she listened to Samson finish.

"So it's really just me keeping an eye on Rosieta here while she finds whatever it is she's looking for? Sure yeah, I can do that I guess, or I'll do my best at least, as it doesn't sound too hard a job altogether," Adelle said after Samson had finished briefing her, then she stopped and thought for a moment before adding, "What's the catch? There's always a catch to an easy job like these. Also what am I looking to get paid for this? I'd like to know even though I've already decided to take the job."
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"No, you don't need be of service. I am a maid, serving is my side of the deal. We will be partners on equal terms." Rosieta replied to Adelle, not showing much emotion but still accepting the busty girl's offer. Her handshake was strong as her tight physique suggested. As the maid seated herself again, Adelle could see that she was not a mere servant, for she could see a brief glimpse of two holsters behind her back, partially concealed by the bindings of her apron.

"I don't think there's anything to this. The scouts have reported that the place is quiet, so I think it should be easy hunting, unless something has set up base there just recently and they have missed it. The Lovelace master has offered the one who goes through with this the double amount of pay, and possible future favors from them." Samson spoke up as Adelle asked for possible underlying purposes or risks. But as Rosieta's attention was shifted somewhere else, the old man quickly leaned in a bit closer so he could whisper and not catch the maid's attention. "When she says family... It is a family. That certain kind of family, with a godfather. The one type you see in old movies. That could be a good or bad thing, but they are approaching us like this, so there is little reason we should deny this request."
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As Rosieta accepted her handshake, Adelle thought the girl seemed a little like Lacri in that she didn't show much in the way of emotion, but her grip was powerful and reminded Adelle of Priscilla's the night before. After the handshake Adelle noticed that the maid woman had a pair of gun holsters somewhat under her apron and figured that she wasn't really needed to go on this sort of mission, not with how well armed Rosieta was... and she also thought that this woman was not a maid for some reason, it was just something nagging at her.

"Hmm... well okay if you say so Samson. I'll try and be careful of any people maybe setting up shop and... double pay you say... and possible favors from a rich family," Adelle began saying, stopping mid sentence as her eyes and face lit up with the prospect of double pay and some possible favors, not caring that it was favors from the mob. As Samson continued in a whisper after noticing that Rosieta was looking around and wasn't listening, Adelle replied in as low a whisper to the old hunter, "Why would that matter? I don't really care what family they're from, especially if I'm getting paid double. Have they made many requests like this before per chance? From now on pass any of them by me first if you don't mind, I don't mind getting my hands a little dirty from time to time, but nothing that'd be against the law of course."

After Samson had answered her however he intended to, Adelle would nod, have a quick drink to steel her nerves for her first job without any of the girls, then she'd glance over at Rosieta and tell her that she was ready whenever she was. Once her companion was ready to leave, Adelle would get up and follow her out and towards their objective, keeping ready for any... threats that might come after her charge and keeping her from harm.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Okay okay... I just thought it best to let you know. Not everyone here would agree to this if they knew about that, but I want to be as honest and open to you guys as possible, so I'm telling you. Nonetheless, I'm glad to know that you're fine with this." Samson told her as the last bit they could manage to get out before Rosieta's attention was once again on them. While the maid seemed to be very much looking at what was going on in the immidiate surroundings, she did not seem to have any problems towards Adelle taking a quick drink. For the most part, she seemed to have little to say until the glass hit the table again, urging her into action. "Let us leave. We have nothing to gain from further sitting."

On the street Adelle could make out the fact that some of the people, mostly the more sneaky and criminal-looking types, were actively veering away from her and Rosieta. The maid was confident in her walk and didn't really do anything out of the ordinary, but there was probably a reputation that was known to the underworld types.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After finishing up with her drink, which she was glad Rosieta didn't mind her getting as it relaxed her nerves a little for this job, she followed the maid girl on out. "You're right, let's go. The sooner we get this done the better. Right?" Adelle said as she got up to leave.

After getting outside, Adelle followed Rosieta down the streets of the city, keeping a close eye on everything as it was her job to ensure Rosieta's safety and such. It took her a few minutes to spot it, but after a short while she finally started noticing the fact that some of the people she was picking out as thieves and such were keeping away from them, likely because of what Samson had told her about the family Rosieta served, Adelle thought. "So how far is it to this factory Rosieta? Will it take very long? Not that I've got any other plans or anything of course, I'm just curious," Adelle asked the maid as they went, deciding to relax a little bit and walk more like Rosieta was, as she her mere presence seemed to be keeping anyone bad away from them both.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Not too far, in the industrial district right next to this commercial one. It's located almost at the middle of the area." Rosieta replied as she kept going along the crowded street.

A brief separation came between the two, the crowd getting pretty immense and hard to move in. Their trek proved to be as peaceful as it had been before though, just more cramped. A sudden yelp did stop them shortly, as Adelle saw Rosieta holding onto the wrist of a random person near her. The other's expression and tugging showed clearly that the maid was not gentle, most likely applying as much pressure as she could. Most likely some newbie pickpocket had terrible target recognition. The crowd quickly backed off from the scene, leaving the two face to face. "Así desvergonzado, pateando la ropa a una mujer inocente para su propio beneficio..." Adelle could hear the servant talk in her native language as she applied further force onto the wannabe thief, forcing them down to the ground. A swift backhand finished the laydown, and Rosieta proceeded to nonchalantly walk over the pickpocket, the step on the side of the head being a simultaneously painful and humiliating act towards the crook. From that point, it was pretty easy for the two of them to move, for the crowd now moved away from them as a whole and not just the underworld types.

Some walking later, the crowd dispersed as they arrived at the edge of the much less populated industrial district. The reduced bustle gave them more freedom to move faster, which was exactly what Rosieta did. Soon, they were faced with a larger than expected factory building, a small shop window and neon sign telling them that they were there. It was a somewhat odd style for a factory like this to have a on-site store, but there it was. The sign sported the family name, hearts and a long strip of frilly lace being styled into the desing to further the image of a sex product store.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As they walked, Adelle listened and nodded at Rosieta when she explained where they'd be going exactly. While they walked, the crowd began growing little by little until it managed to separate the two of them from each other, though they were still within earshot and sight of each other, then Adelle stopped when she heard a scream. She glanced over to where she'd seen it at and noticed Rosieta holding the wrist of somebody that Adelle hadn't seen before. She saw the other person trying to get free to no avail as the maid had an iron grip on them. She also noticed the crowd backing off as she moved over to the maid. When Rosieta spoke in her language, Adelle simply stood there, wondering what she'd said exactly as the maid smacked the failed thief and knocked them to the ground, where she then put her foot to his head and pressed it to the ground for a moment or two.

"Wow... you're pretty strong Rosieta. Hell you probably don't even need me to come with you," Adelle said after the started moving along again towards their destination.

After they got a little more maneuverability when the people began dispersing and such, Adelle moved a bit faster to keep up with the maid, going into a slight jog at some points whens he was falling behind. Finally, they arrived at the factory, which was a lot larger than Adelle had been anticipating. She noticed the sign on the front of the place and couldn't help but blush when she remembered that it was a place that made and sold things of a sexual nature.

"Well I guess this is the place huh. Do you know exactly where what we're looking for is at by chance Rosieta? Or will we have to search the place over for it?" Adelle said, looking up at the sign with her cheeks slightly red as well as marveling at the sheer size of the whole place. Once Rosieta was ready, Adelle would follow her on in, her gun at the ready now after going in.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Better safe than sorry." was the brief and to-the-point reply from Rosieta towards her strenght.

At the factory's on-site store entrance, the two of them looked around the front as Adelle asked further things. "I do not know of specifics... but we do need to look around. Supposedly, one of the former family heads was trying to get out from the place at the beginning of the war but never made it outside and died at this place. They had an attaché case or briefcase with the papers inside. That one should be easily identifiable as it has the family crest on it, along with the deceased one's initials. But since I can't know for sure where he was hiding, there might be need for a full sweep of this place. Or that is what I've been told by the Master." the maid told her as the guns from behind her back were drawn out in remarkable speed. They appeared to be pretty standard Colt 1911 models, though there was a slight difference of color between the two guns, one looking slightly darker and more worn than the other. Without too much hassle or concern, she proceeded into kicking the door to the store open and getting inside.

Once inside, the two girls were faced with what one would expect from a porn shop as dedicated as this one. Lines upon lines of different things were set on display, some of it now pretty unceremoniously dumped on the floor at this point, making the place somewhat messy as a result of the few looting actions that had happened. There were two ways for them to pick, a door behind the counter on their right and another on the opposite side of the entrance. The shelves were low, so they could be jumped over and did not obscure sight across the room.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(I'm assuming it's a shop that didn't just sell toys, and sold many different things like lingerie, bondage suits, and other such stuff. Also though Adelle is embarrassed as hell for seeing all of the sex toys, she's also very... curious about them now that she's seeing them, wondering what all they could be used for since she doesn't have to worry about her virginity anymore. ;))

Adelle listened to Rosieta respond to her question, as they went up to the door, where Rosieta kicked the thing open and Adelle followed her inside the place. "Hmm... well hopefully we can find it quickly and get it back to your boss," Adelle said, aiming her gun into the place and checking the corners after Rosieta kicked the door in.

After making sure the area was relatively empty, Adelle looked around at the place and blushed, seeing many different kinds of sex toys all around her. While she looked around the room, she tried to ignore the toys in there, but while sifting through it all as she looked around, hoping to maybe find what they were looking for in there, Adelle started noticing some sexy lingerie amongst the toys and couldn't help but start looking for a few bras, thongs, and g-strings in her size, wondering if she would be sexy looking in those types of lingerie. Should she find many of any of those things that would fit her, Adelle would stuff them into her pack to try on later, trying to pick out silk and lace ones mainly, but taking what she could get if she couldn't find any in her size of those materials.

As she sifted through the stuff in there, Adelle couldn't help but succumb to her curiosity as she saw all of the sex toys, finally coming to the decision of grabbing a few of the toys in there to try out later to relieve some stress and help her gain better sexual experiences than what happened the night before when she'd been raped by the hermaphrodite woman. Picking out an assortment of toys, she grabbed a couple of different dildos for vaginal and anal pleasure, a couple of strap-ons, a set of anal beads though she didn't know exactly what they were herself and thought they just looked cool for some reason, some nipple clamps and a suction device of some sort should she see one, a double ended dildo, and if she could find any that worked she'd get a couple of different vibrators. She tried to do all this as stealthily as possible, not wanting Rosieta to see her grabbing any of them, trying to make it look as if she were looking around for what they were looking for.

After gathering her... prizes, she noticed both of the doors in the room, and decided to check the door behind the counter first. Adelle started towards it, getting Rosieta's attention by poking her arm, then pointing towards it. "If he was the head of this place then what we're looking for is probably back through there in the back of the place. At least that's where I'd have had it if I were him," Adelle said to her companion, heading over that way unless Rosieta wanted to go in the other direction, which she would then follow her that way instead.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Yep, it is a complete, kind of high-class sex store dealie, not just a pile of dildos and vids in a corner somewhere.)

While Adelle's curiousity was getting the best of her, Rosieta looked around the counter and dressing rooms for possible hints or even the main price. Yet it looked like she didn't find anything. The sheer volume of all the stuff enabled Adelle to pretty much find anything that she looked for. But as she was snatching away the last of the dildos that she was wanting to take along, Adelle could hear a slight "O dios mío..." from the side. It looked like she had not quite managed to stealth it up properly to evade the maid's scrutiny. Yet, nothing further came from it, Rosieta apparently not seeing anything against taking all the toys and other stuff. With that issue now safely in Adelle's pack, the two of them advanced into the room beyond the counter door.

The area behind the door proved to be a small hallway with the doors right next to each other. One was an office area, as it was clearly written on the glass of the door, while the other one was open and seemed to have a combined locker room and employee resting area. The size most likely indicated that the spot was only for the store employees. The factory probably had separate bits somewhere else.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(So I'm assuming she found everything then she was looking for. :p)

As Adelle was quietly grabbing the last of the toys she was wanting to take with her to... study later and... find out what all she could do with them, she noticed Rosieta speak, and as she heard her the young busty girl stopped dead in her tracks, the last dildo she was getting still in hand. As Adelle glanced over to the maid, she realized she hadn't been as stealthy as she'd wanted and had been spotted. While she waited there holding her breath for Rosieta to say something more, Adelle watched on as the maid apparently didn't care one bit about her taking any of the toys, despite Adelle looking like the cat that ate the canary with her mouth hanging half open and a dildo in her hand, and her cheeks about as red as blood from embarrassment.

After that Adelle quickly put the thing on into her pack and zipped it up, where she then followed Rosieta on beyond the door behind the counter after saying they should check behind the door that way. As they went down the hallway behind the counter, Adelle decided to check the office first rather than the break looking area, figuring that'd be the most likely place to find what they were looking for. Of course knowing her luck they'd have to go as far into the factory as possible to find what they were looking for.

"Rosieta... I hope you don't... think badly of me for taking some of those toys, gods I feel so embarrassed," Adelle said as they started towards the office, her face still beet red as she stared at the floor, looking quite ashamed of being caught taking something like that.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The question about her little "bonus" stuff got Adelle the usual look of non-emotion, which was harder to estimate than Lacri's as the maid accompanying her wore those big mirror glasses and kept her eyes hidden. "It's not my concern what you do on your free time, and everything here is fair game for looting, so there is nothing for you to be concerned about. I've met far worse people." Rosieta replied as she tried to knob to the room. It appeared to be locked, but that was not going to stop her from entering. A strong elbow to the glass shattered the fragile pane, which was nothing more than ordinary glass. Reaching over to the other side, the maid opened up the door and went in.

Inside, there were a few mannequins with different types of clothes on them, as well as a lot of equipment for making clothes from different materials. Two of the four wore leather deals that were pretty much dominatrix equipment, the two other ones were the servants and sported male accessories to match, harnesses and tight leather pants and gimp masks. It looked like the manager of the store was one who liked to design things on their own as a side job, for those things were not the most ordinary-looking clothes of their type. On the opposite end of the room was the desk of the manager, and the person too appeared to be there, only long gone and dusted away into a skeleton lying behind the desk. It appeared that they were holding something against their chest, but it was not a briefcase of any kind.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After asking her question, Adelle found this maid girl was harder to read than Lacri was because of those glasses she wore, making Adelle slightly fidgety until Rosieta finally answered her. The way she talked made Adelle think for a moment, she said she'd met far worse people, which made Adelle think that she thought she was a pretty bad person. Surely she didn't think she was that bad a person though, she'd allowed her to come with her on this job after all. It was troubling to Adelle as she thought about it, watching the maid slam her elbow into the glass of the door to reach in and unlock it for them to go on in.

Once they went on into the room, Adelle was met with several mannequins that wore a few different types of clothing and such, there was also quite a bit of other stuff in there as well. She noticed the dominatrix outfits on the mannequins and wondered if either would fit her while she looked a little closer at them, as they were leather after all, and she liked leather a lot. The other things looking like they were more for males she kind of just ignored, as there was really no reason for her to look into it any, as she wasn't a man. After admiring the dominatrix outfits some, Adelle would begin looking for a briefcase, thinking to herself that if either would fit her she'd come back on their way out and grab one of them or something maybe.

"Hey, looks like the owner's desk is right over there, and... the owner too apparently. Well we might as well see what he's got over there, might be something useful that we could use or maybe the briefcase is over behind the desk somewhere," Adelle said as she started towards the desk. She moved closer to see what was being held against the skeleton's chest, though she noticed it wasn't the briefcase they were looking for, but then again maybe Rosieta and her info was wrong and this was what they were looking for.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When she did get over to the long-deceased person, Adelle found out that what they were holding was a picture frame, likely as old as the corpse itself. On the picture, a man and woman were depicted on the yard of a large house, but it was not sure which one the manager here was of the two. More importantly, there was a set of keys on the ground between the skellie and the back wall. If any common sense applied, those would be of use to the girls for moving about.

A sudden swing from Rosieta quickly turned Adelle's attention away from the dead person as the maid hit one of the mannequins with the butt of her gun. The busty girl had little time to react as she was grabbed from behind, something trying to full nelson her. The mannequin that the maid had hit was moving towards her again, so it was likely that another one of those was being grappling with her.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As they went closer to the skeleton, Adelle saw it was a picture of some sort it was holding, she took it up and looked at it, seeing a man and woman standing on what was likely their front yard with their house or mansion rather behind them. She didn't know if the manager here was the man or the woman though, but if she had to guess she'd say it was the man. Behind the chair the skeleton was sitting in was a set of keys, which she thought to herself would be good to have, as they'd likely be able to open any locked doors they encountered.

Just as she was about to start towards them however, she heard something behind her and turned to see Rosieta had swung at one of the mannequins, slamming the butt of her gun into the thing. She was about to ask the maid why she'd done that, but before she could even open her mouth she felt herself grabbed from behind, whatever it was pulling her into a full nelson hold. Adelle yelped as she was grabbed, and then she saw the mannequin Rosieta had hit getting back up and coming towards her again, which caused her to let out a little scream of fear, not knowing how or why these things had seemingly come to life and attacked them. Adelle figured since Rosieta was fighting a mannequin herself, that she was likely being held by one too, but it didn't really matter to her as she began kicking and struggling to get free, where she would whip her sword out and try to hack the thing's limbs off so that it couldn't grab her anymore.

"Get off me, get off me dammit. What the hell are these things?" Adelle cried out, her voice with a bit of fear in it as she struggled.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While Rosie most definately heard what Adelle said, she seemed at bit too occupied with the assailant facing her to put up a conversation. Seeing what she was up against, the maid quickly sheathed her guns and instead pulled out a big trench knife. Adelle had not seen that earlier, but it too was somehow hidden behind her back. The knife went out in a hurry, outright lopping the moving mannequin's head off, but that was not an issue with it apparently as it stepped forward to grapple with the maid.

For her own part, Adelle fared somewhat better, breaking away from the hold and getting her sword out just in time to avoid another grapple. The dummy going for her remained close, but did a sudden duck as something flew above it and lashed painfully at Adelle's chest in surprise. The female types had also gained sentience, but these ones were armed with whips unlike the male counterparts. The other was having difficulty attacking Rosieta with it's partner still holding onto her, so it just remained behind and looked for a possible spot to take a swipe at her.

Adelle 4/5 FP 0/10 AP Rosieta 5/5 FP 0/10 AP (Grappled)
Male Mannequin x2 (3 HP an 2 HP (grappling) ) Female Mannequin x2 (3HP each)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle wasn't too sore about being ignored by Rosieta, figuring she was focusing too much on their enemies to worry about talking at the moment. She noticed the maid pulling out a trench knife that she hadn't seen before when they first met and she'd been sizing the maid up, then she watched Rosieta take the mannequin's head off with it, but it didn't seem to deter the thing from coming at her and managing to grab her.

Adelle herself managed to break free of the one holding her, taking her sword from its sheath quickly before it could come at her again. However her foe remained close, trying to keep her from getting too far from it as she stepped back. Suddenly something swung out over the thing as it ducked, and Adelle had barely half a second to see it was a whip as it cracked her across the chest, making her yelp in pain and likely leaving a red welt on one of her breasts where it'd hit. That was when she noticed the female mannequins had come to life as well and made the fight 4 on 2, reminding Adelle of the numbers the night before when her and Lacri had been ambushed by all of those thugs.

"Dammit... I am not going lose, I'm not going to let that happen to me again damn you," Adelle growled at the two mannequins, tears forming in her eyes as flashes of the thugs attacking the night before went through her mind. She was intent on not losing as she hacked at the male mannequin attacking her, hoping to get rid of it fast so that she could get rid of the other one before going to help Rosieta with her two foes should she still need help.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Swinging her sword at the attacking plastic man, Adelle too managed to quite handily chop off it's head, along with a piece of the shoulder. It was easy to cut such lightweight things using the blade. The thing was not affected too much and still pressured the busty girl with another lunge at her, making her move backwards where there would sooner or later be a wall. The female form was too far away now and only managed to ineffectively lash at it's partner's back, which only poked it forwards a bit.

Rosieta was faring worse than Adelle against her two opponents. While she had shown her strenght earlier, it seemed she too was struggling against the supernatural force that pushed the mannequins. The male grappling her switched position, quickly moving itself behind the maid and pinning the knife hand against her back. The second female then moved towards them, a quick swipe of the whip hitting Rosieta too, making her flinch at the painful hit. Once the whip had retreated, the grappling male reached up and grabbed the maid's chest, beginning to molest her.

Adelle 4/5 FP 0/10 AP Rosieta 4/5 FP 1/10 AP (Grappled harder)
Male Mannequin x2 (2 HP an 2 HP (grappling harder) ) Female Mannequin x2 (3HP each)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle swung her blade at the male mannequin and easily lopped off its head much the same as Rosieta did with her foe, though Adelle managed to take some of its shoulder as well. These things seemed to be fairly frail and easy to damage, though she wasn't sure just how strong they truly were. She saw she didn't need to worry about the female mannequin against her as its whip merely hit the male one fighting her. When she saw Rosieta faring fairly badly, Adelle knew she needed to help her, but to do so would cause leave her open to attack. She had to make a split second decision between helping her companion or making sure she wasn't taken down herself. Adelle couldn't in good conscience not try and help Rosieta, remembering what had happened to her the night before she wanted to ensure it didn't happen to anyone else.

"Hang on Rosieta, I'm coming," Adelle cried out to the maid, letting her know she was coming to her aid. Adelle bullrushed into her male foe to knock him out of the way as she charged at the male one holding Rosieta, hacking at its arms to force it to let her go.