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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Really? You are basically at my mercy and still have enough guts to ask for favors?" the criminal spoke up as Adelle requested for her thing, the sheer audacity of it all apparently enough to pique the woman's curiousity. "Do ask then, I'll be interested in hearing this."

After the stuttered and cry-riddled answer, the woman took a look at what was most likely her bed, a kind of messy and dirty deal in one of the corners of the room. "Alright. Since you've been a good girl, I'll grant you that. And try to be gentle at first." she answered afterwards, probably surprising Adelle quite a bit with the agreement. Grabbing hold of the captive's arm, she escorted the busty girl next to the bed and let her go down onto it by herself, following onto the creaking and somewhat unsteady thing herself as well. "Now that we are here, turn around, on your belly." she told the captive, who undoubtedly went along with it. When the order was followed, she took it upon herself to make the next step herself, grabbing her willing slave by the waist and lifting her ass to the air while pushing her head down onto the pillows. Setting herself up, the eager lady once more slapped her cock onto Adelle, this time at her butt. But it was to be a only a brief delay, for soon the meaty member was prodding against the busty girl's virgin entrance, making a few teasing pokes with the tip before making a forceful entry. "There we go, one more virginity to the list..." the woman purred from her rider's seat, actually staying true to her word and being gentle in the initial entry and starting pushes to the first-ever time of sex that her captive was having. It was undoubtedly a relief for Adelle in her first time, that she was not getting rammed full force from the get-go and actually getting pleasure out from the deal, even as it was being forcefully taken from her.

The act went on for some time, only the sounds of the two audible as the woman increased pace slowly, getting Adelle into the act as well as far as pleasure was concerned. For some reason, there previous heat in the room had toned down, even as they were still going at it in force. While the position she was in had to be shameful and domineering, it didn't prevent her from enjoying the pushing that the thug was doing, the captor's skill becoming out again. Even better, it appeared that she got a bit more talkative while doing it. "Since I feel that I'll be enjoying you for a good while, might as well deal with this. Not sure what my actual name was, since I never met my real parents, but my adoptive parents called me Adria." the woman revealed her name to Adelle, the first friendly bit of talk in a while. "While you know that, you should call me mistr---- GAH!"

A sudden interruption cut off the captor, and even though she could not see what happened initially, Adelle could feel the penetrating member getting brutally yanked out, and soon saw the woman flying onto the ground some feet away from the bed.Some sudden force snapped the ropes from the girl's wrists and she was freed. Only a few seconds after that, there was another violent shove aimed at the thug, who had yet to recover from the previous one. The second one sent her to the wall on the right, and then to a pillar in the middle of the room. This already bruised her badly, but it was not to stop there, even in the face of her screaming protests. Five holes appeared into spots on her head, as if something sharp was piercing them, before she found herself lifted into the air and almost to the roof via those same holes. "Do you enjoy tormenting helpless people like this...? You sick creature..." a supremely feminine, almost tinkly voice adressed her out of nowhere, the reason soon appearing in sight.

It was yet another woman, appearing in a cloud of snow and winds, that held the criminal in her hand. No ordinary hand, one that sported claws instead of normal human nails. She also had a tail, one that looked reptilian yet still sported white fur. Most of her was white, skin, the long hair, the weird winter coat-like dress made from fur. Thick, bushy eyebrows of white stood up like icicles on her brow. The only thing that broke the whiteness on her were her eyes, which were brilliant green, casting a deep and accusing stare at the one who had just been raping Adelle. But the most astonishing thing about her was the sheer size. This exotic rescuer was the tallest woman that Adelle had ever seen, most likely some ten feet tall but slim in build, almost to an unhealthy degree. She also appeared to be barefooting across the place, as the brief glimpses of her feet showed when they passed under the trim of the fur coat. Letting go of the rapist as she was almost muffling the other with her hand, one that could actually cover the entire face, this sudden person dropped her down to the floor. "Are you even sorry about ever stooping to this level, you filth? To taking this girl's purity in such a low manner?" another question was presented with a point towards Adelle, to which the thug replied in a surprisingly cocky manner, flat-out stating that she was not regretting any of the young girls that she had used and abused.

The gargantuan newcomer seemed dissappointed at the response, a slight headshake visible. "It never seems to end... the hateful nature of humanity..." they commented as another poof of snow and wind happened, a gargantuan scythe appearing into one of her hands. "I was hoping for a chance... but you are too far gone... farewell, lost soul..." were the final words between them. Then, gripping the scythe from the handle parts, the rescuer swung it in a rising circle. The blade found it's way into the rapist, piercing through her clothes and skin, half of the blade eventually burying into the inside of her ribcage. The force was enough to lift her off her feet and continue on to the ceiling, where she was rammed into the concrete, the blade eviscerating her organs by that time. After a few seconds of eye contact between the two, the white girl discarded the now-dead thug to the floor, pulling the scythe out. The process had left her stained a bit with the blood, but it was hardly noticeable on such a huge person.

Not before long, she turned her head towards Adelle, looking at the busty girl over her shoulder. "Are you alright....?"

(Also, )
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When Adelle had made her request to her captor, she didn't truly expect her to accept it as she hadn't really been very gentle with her thus far. Though she was very surprised when the woman agreed to not one but both of her requests, which Adelle was very thankful for to say the least. “T-Thank you,” Adelle said, hanging her head a little as she was led over to the bed, where she was even allowed to get on it herself.

I-I'd rather be taken like a maiden for my first time... but... I don't guess I've got much a choice. Do I?” Adelle replied meekly as she turned over onto her stomach as per her captor's orders.

After that, when the woman grabbed her waist and pulled her butt up into the air, Adelle merely laid her head down onto the pillows, not really having much choice in the matter. When the hermaphrodite woman slapped her cock against Adelle's butt, the bust blue haired girl visibly tensed up, knowing what was soon to come and giving a little whimper while bracing herself as best she could for this. Then when she felt her captor move her cock and begin poking at her virgin folds, Adelle let out another whimper, as tears began forming in her eyes again, the realization that she was about to lose her virginity finally hitting home as her tight little virgin cunny was practically a waterfall of her juices now dripping onto the bed under her, signifying that she was very aroused after all that had happened, despite the fact that she was about to be raped.

When the hermaphrodite woman began pushing into her, Adelle tensed more so, her whole body shuddering as she whimpered in pain, but at least her captor was gentle in doing so, with Adelle now letting loose with her tears of pain from the loss her purity. “Ngh... iyaaa! I-It hurts,” Adelle cried out in pain and whimpered out to her rapist, her folds clamping down around the intruder tightly while her lips and the rest of her body quivered in pain.

The hermaphrodite woman was going slowly, which Adelle was greatly thankful for, as she didn't want her first time to be something that would make her shun sex afterward. As her captor started thrusting in and out of her, Adelle at first simply lay there, tears streaming down her cheeks and her virgins blood dribbling down her legs and onto the bed as well coating her captor's cock with it while the first twinges of pleasure started forming in her loins and she let out a soft moan. After a minute or two into her captor's thrusting however, Adelle was moaning louder and lewder, her now no longer virgin folds instinctively squeezing and massaging the hot hard meat inside them while her butt twitched with every thrust. As time went on, Adelle's hands were clenching and unclenching with every thrust, wanting something to hold onto as the busty blue haired girl began trying her best to buck her hips back against her captor's thrusts, feeling more and more pleasure as they went.

The lust clouding her judgment was now so great that she didn't want to escape as the pleasure was beginning to overwhelm her senses, Adelle now moaning in pleasure with every thrust of her captor's hips as that warm magnificent cock warmed her insides up. She felt a knot beginning to form, signifying that she was getting near to her own release, which Adelle was okay with despite the shameful position she was in, as the pleasure was blinding her to all else.

I... oh gods so good... I'm A-Adelle. A-And if you... AHHH... m-make me f-feel... t-this good e-every time... eek... t-then I d-don't mind... letting you d-do this all the t-time,” Adelle panted out in between her lustful moans just before the woman spoke, giving in completely to the pleasure as her pussy throbbed around that magnificent cock raging inside it, her toes starting to curl from the overwhelming pleasure now coursing through her poor inexperienced body, which had almost no hope of fighting the pleasure.

After the woman spoke, Adelle in her lust addled state was about to simply look back over her shoulder at the hermaphrodite woman raping her and give her a look of total submission and lust, calling the woman her mistress and telling her she was hers for as long as she wanted her, Adelle felt the woman's cock roughly yanked out of her tender folds, letting out a little whimper of need at the sudden stop of the pleasure and emptiness of her pussy. She barely noticed at first when her bonds were cut, her arms falling to her sides as her butt was still sticking high into the air, a couple of little drops of her virgins blood still dripping from her folds and running down her legs as her butt twitched as the loss of pleasure was bringing some of the pain and tenderness of her pussy back, which began unclouding her mind from the lust that had been filling it.

After a few moments and after the fighting had been going on for a little bit, Adelle finally glanced over to see what was going on, the loss of the pleasure that was overwhelming her and the return of the pain bringing her back to reality as she watched the scene before her. Taking in the features of her apparent savior, which Adelle thought was quite beautiful to be honest. She watched in amazement as the extremely tall and exotic woman pretty much just totally whipped her rapist's ass right there, almost as if it were being done just for her sake by the way she heard her savior talking. Adelle watched on as the tall woman then killed her rapist and pretty much discarded her corpse like day old trash, thinking it rather gruesome and feeling actually kind of bad for the woman. Because even though she'd been raped by the hermaphrodite woman, Adelle was still feeling a slight bit of remorse for her and did so for anyone that died, simply because that's how she'd been raised.

When the woman finally looked over her shoulder at her and asked if she were alright, Adelle, who had been caught up in the heat of the moment and all and had only just now truly thought about what had happened to her and what she had almost given herself completely in to finally just broke down into tearful sobs, unable to hold it in any longer now that her mind wasn't so clouded and now that she wasn't being used like a toy. She fell over and curled into a ball on the bed she'd been raped on, her tender and now no longer virgin folds aching, her pride shot and her body defiled, crying pitifully and unable to stem the flow of tears, and unable to even offer a word of thanks to her savior as she simply laid there and cried.

Aw, I was hoping that they would be able to finish at least once before rescue came, with Adelle getting her first orgasm through sex along with the woman and taking her load and whoever rescued her finding Adelle with the futa's seed dripping from her now no longer virgin cunny, but oh well. Maybe the next futa enemy can do that. ;) *pleads for at least a couple of futa enemies that can have some fun with Adelle sometime in the near future* Pleeeeeease since I couldn't make Adelle a futa I'd like to at least see some futa enemies, I don't even care if its an instant loss for her when running into them or she gets gangbanged by a few of them for a while until rescue comes.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The kind of broken reaction that Adelle had did not seem to suprise the white lady, who took a seat where the rapist had been. "I am sorry for your loss... I could not get here in time to prevent that from happening..." she offered her condolences before scooping the busty girl up into her embrace after setting the scythe aside, the whole process appearing to be pretty effortless on her part. It was a warm experience, the fur of the woman's strange coat providing a lot of warmth to the abused girl, the long sleeves making it almost a complete coverage. "Take your time... We'll move once you have processed all this evil..."
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle allowed herself to be scooped up without a fight, still sobbing pitifully, though as soon as she was in the tall woman's arms she wrapped her own around her savior's waist, holding her tight as she cried. The warmth provided by the tall woman's coat helping to soothe her pain as she buried her face in the woman's chest and continued crying. While crying, Adelle tried to tell her what all had happened, but simply couldn't get the words to come out properly and merely broke back into more pitiful sobs.

After nearly five minutes of near constant pitiful sobs, Adelle finally started calming down a little, though she didn't stop crying completely by any means. "T-They ambushed us... me and Lacri, and... oh gods... Lacri. We've got to help her... oh gods I don't know what they're doing to her... please, you must help me save her... I... I don't think I can do it myself," Adelle said in between sniffles, remembering Lacri still being there and not wanting to imagine what horrors they were doing to her. She started to get up and off the bed where she would get her clothes back on and look for her weapons, still crying softly to herself and sniffling, but thinking more about her friend than herself at the moment, unless the tall woman stopped her of course.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Yes indeed... They did mention that there was two of you... I'm not sure exactly where she could be, I came in here from the top... the woman replied as Adelle mentioned the nun sister, revealimg that she had made a rooftop entry. If this particular building was similar to to most in the city, it had been a decent climb to do. As for the equipment, getting it was not hard since the belongings of the two were still deposited on the table nearby. It took a simple reload and redressing the gun and sword holsters to get back to where the busty girl had been before. For her own part, the tree of a woman grabbed her huge scythe again, keeping it in one hand before the cloud of snow billowed up again and she vanished from sight. But it appeared that she did not go anywhere, for a large hand grabbed Adelle's shoulder and her voice could be heard as well. "Don't worry, I'm still here... Just using the element of surprise..."

Once she opened the door, Adelle found they were on the end of a hall with another open door right next to them on the other side. That particular room was empty, but there was another pair of doors on the opposite end of the hall, in addition to one which was most likely the door leading outside.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle sniffled as she got her filthy clothing back on while the tall woman spoke to her, then she got her weaponry put back on as well. She grabbed Lacri's gauntlet as well, since it was there too, not wanting to leave the probably pricey thing there as Lacri may end up needing it. She watched the woman disappear in the cloud of snow, whimpering as she thought she was being left to her own devices for a moment, but when she felt the reassuring hand placed on her shoulder, Adelle calmed down and even finally stopped crying.

"I understand... I've gotta get past this... I'll cry some more when I get Lacri and myself out of here. But please miss... who are you? Why did you come to my aid when you did? And how did you know that I was here? There was no way anyone could have known really. I'm Adelle by the way," Adelle asked the strange woman with a curious tone, though her voice was still a little shaky as well, and she also introduced herself to the tall woman, feeling that if she expected to get her savior's name she should give her own. While she was being answered, Adelle would go over and look over her now dead rapist's body and her things for anything of value that may help her, and if she had money or anything which Adelle could take as a sort of payment for what she went through to make bearing it a little easier at least. She even took a moment to close her rapist's eyes, her kind heart telling her that she couldn't just leave her captor like that no matter what she'd done to her.

After being answered, she would open the door, saving the rest of her questions until after she found and saved Lacri, dreading what may be happening to her, as she doubted it was anywhere as pleasing as what had been happening to her... not that it was all that pleasing as she had been raped, and lost her purity. But at least her rapist had been gentle and everything, which was more than Adelle probably could have hoped for from the other thugs.

When she got out into the hallway, Adelle drew her pistol from its holster in one hand and prepared it to fire while carrying Lacri's gauntlet in her other hand to toss to the nun when she saw her and got the chance. Creeping along the hallway, she made her way to the pair of doors and pressed an ear to both, searching for Lacri's voice behind either. Should she not hear Lacri at all, then she would make a choice and barely open the right most door, peeking inside to see if she saw Lacri, then checking the other door should that one be empty.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Priscilla... Is what I've been called... I learned about your peril from the local beggars and homeless... The ones always there but yet no-one notices them... They informed me about a mugging that had happened and someone was yelling for help... Directions led me to this place..." the invisible rescuer told Adelle as she asked her questions.

On the other doors, some looking around and careful listening showed that there was no life signs detectable beyond the door on the left. No light could be seen from the slight gaps on the frame either, so that room seemed empty. The one on the right was actually slightly open, enough that the busty girl could peek inside through the gap and get a decent view of the room. It appeared to be similar in dimensions to the one that she had just escaped from, though much more cluttered with things. The men appeared to live here, and indeed there was the remaining five that had assaulted them. Three of them were lazing about around a nearby table, without pants for some reason. But the reason became apparent as Adelle analyzed the room further. Suspended on an identical wheel system, Lacri too was held like the gun girl herself had just been, arms held high and tied together from the wrists with chain. One of the male thugs was leering over her, hammering her mouth at his pleasure. They had taken off the top of the nun's robe and exposed her chest, and now were busy coating her with their cum. The sticky stuff was all over her face and upper body, and more would likely be added soon. For all the abuse she had been subjected to, it appeared that Lacrimosa was not showing any signs of enjoyment to them.

Before Adelle could do anything rash, she felt Priscilla's hand on her shoulder again. "Let me handle this... I'll teach them the meaning of terror..."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle gave a silent nod to her new companion, letting her know that she'd heard her, but didn't really wish to talk, so as not to maybe alert anyone to them both. Upon getting to the end of the hall and checking the left door, she found that it was either empty altogether, or that whoever or whatever was in there was asleep, as it was dark. However when she saw the right door slightly ajar, she peeked in hoping to find her friend.

She found it was a room much like the one she'd been in, and she noticed three of them just sitting around with no pants on, then she glanced over a little more and saw Lacri was bound like the hermaphrodite woman had her. When she saw what they had done to her friend, and what one of them was still doing, and that Lacri was very much not enjoying herself any at all, Adelle felt anger welling up inside of her, to the point that she was about to just kick the door in and start shooting their dicks off one by one, as she had enough bullets to get them all before reloading.

Just as she was aiming her gun at the nearest of the thugs cocks to shoot it off, she felt Priscilla's large hand touch her shoulder again as she whispered, the invisible woman's strong hand giving Adelle's heart much reassurance that she would rescue Lacri. "T-Thank you, but if it looks like you'll need help any, I'm right there just so you know," Adelle said back to Priscilla, tears of anger and sadness in her eyes at what was happening to her friend.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yes... if something goes wrong, do not hesitate... but... I think that will not be needed... not knowing what you are facing and where the attack is coming from will teach these people..." Priscilla told Adelle before gently pushing her a bit farther from the door. Taking care to move the door as slowly as possible, she opened it enough to allow access for her large frame. It was more than your average person needed, but the white-coated lady was bigger than two average people combined. Eventually, she pushed the door back to where it had been, allowing the busty girl to witness what was going on.

The plan that Priscilla had started pretty much immidiately, a jerk at the foot of a chair toppling one of the bottomless male thugs to the floor. As one might guess, he started yelling at the other two at the table, who looked dumbfounded at the sudden rage.

The one that was attempting to get his release with Lacrimosa was suddenly pushed to the floor as the others argued, he too starting to blame his friend who had been waiting for his turn nearby, jerking idly to keep himself ready. A push to the waiting guy then sent him stumbling onto his tripped friend, who began to call gay at the other for jumping onto him like that. A flying chair then hit the two, turning them both on the trio at the table. Soon, there was a full-on yelling contest going on, all five gathered at the table. It only took that much for them to completely forget that they had a beautiful toy to use.

It seemed this was the position that Priscilla was waiting for, having all of them in the same spot. Much like she had done with the woman before, the towering woman became visible behind the one who had been mouthraping Lacri just then, a sweeping circle blow impaling him through the ass before he was splattered against the ceiling. Getting caught unarmed and literally without pants, the remaining thugs got unsurprisingly nervous and more than a bit panicky at the sight of their group member getting instanly gibbed, by something as unknown as Priscilla was to them. For her part, Priscilla seemed content to not move from her position, the manic scramble for weapons not bothering her in the least. Only when the remaining four were reaching for their things did she activate again, the corpse dropping to the floor in a blink as she vanished from sight. Now armed but targetless, the panic among the remaining criminals only reaching new heights as the guessing game started. Suddenly, one guy on the farther area lost an arm and his weapon along the way. There was a pocket pistol on one of the others, but his shot never hit anything. Even though she was big, Priscilla was hard to hit when she had room. The hunt carried on from there, one of the thugs receiving a harsh cut or losing a limb now and then. "How is it... to be like your helpless victims...?" the tremendously patient huntress asked them, the voice coming from all over the place and thus completely untrackable.

Eventually, it appeared that Priscilla got bored and decided to end this farce. A harsh blow clubbed one of the men down, one that had already lost an arm to the woman's scythe. Before he could even land properly, he was split in half from the waist, the upper portion flying to the others and scattering them. Having disposed of the pistolwielder, it appeared that Priscilla didn't see the need to be invisible anymore, appearing before the remaining three in full. Bending forward a bit, she set aside the scythe, instead placing a hand under her mouth and apparently blowing a kiss. But it was not simple as that, the gesture being a mere warning before a stream of freezing cold burst from her mouth, two of the remaining trio ending up as statues of ice which were smashed with an angry fist. Only a pile of red-tinged ice blocks was left behind. The final one tried to flee for the door, but the towering woman caught him by the hair. Clamping both of her arms around the last thug's head, Priscilla lifted him into the air for a terrifying final staredown with her. But it ended up with his head being crushed like rotten apple and splattered.

Just like that, all the remaining thugs had been eradicated.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle nodded to Priscilla when she spoke, keeping herself silent and moved back when she was eased out of the way some. She watched the tall woman slide into the room and close the door back to where it had been, leaving it so that Adelle could watch and help if need be. She watched as Priscilla yanked the chair out from under one of the thugs, making him start an argument at first, which nearly degenerated into a brawl as the one raping Lacri's mouth pulled back after being pushed.

She watched as Priscilla made herself visible and swung her scythe, shoving the end of her blade through his ass. Adelle watched as Priscilla only dropped the one she'd already pretty much gutted when the rest went for their weapons, disappearing again and then reappearing to go after her next victim, who lost an arm as she became visible again only long enough to attack. Adelle watched in amazement at the woman's rather gruesome display of her power, her eyes wide at just how strong Priscilla was. When the tall woman spoke to her prey, Adelle couldn't help but smile smugly at her words, thinking that these bastards got and were getting what they deserved.

Adelle kept glancing over her shoulder while watching the scene unfold within the room, making sure nothing came up behind her while it happened. She saw Priscilla make herself completely visible now, apparently not wanting to waste any more time with her prey. When Adelle watched her freeze the two and then smash their frozen forms, she gasped and let out an audible gasp, the sight of her doing so amazing Adelle even more so than she'd already been. When she noticed the last guy coming for the door, Adelle lifted her pistol to get ready to finish him off with a bullet to the head, yet Priscilla beat her to him by grabbing him by the head and eventually just crushing it with a splatter of brains, the sight of which nearly turned Adelle's stomach, but she was able to hold off with throwing up for now at least.

"Wow... that was just... wow is all I can say miss Priscilla. You're so strong, so much more than I am," Adelle said after Priscilla had finished, coming on into the room and immediately moving over to Lacri, continuing speaking as she made it to Lacri's side, blushing and hanging her head a little as she spoke her next words, "And you're really beautiful too. Much more than me I think. Especially now after... that."

After that Adelle turned her attention to Lacri, undoing her bonds and catching her if she needed to and gently laying her down with her head laying in her lap, starting to sniffle and tear up again at the sight of what had been done to Lacri, which reminded her of what had been done to her in the process. "Lacri... oh gods are you okay? It's my fault this happened to us. If only I'd been a better shot, or if I hadn't wanted to stay at the bar so late we wouldn't have been ganged up on. And this wouldn't have happened to you, and I... that woman wouldn't have..." Adelle said to Lacri while holding her, starting to cry more and more as she spoke until she couldn't finish and tell Lacri what had happened to her, sobbing again and just holding Lacri, blaming herself for what happened to them both.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Even though she had done the whole massacre in a very eager manner and well understood the evils of the dead men, Priscilla didn't seem too proud of her achievements. I've been called beautiful... I suppose that is true... but... no matter how one looks at it... murder is not beautiful... only a psychopath would think in such a manner..." she replied to the words, her gaze falling down to her bloodied hand, the sight taking her into a pondering state.

Free from her bonds, Lacrimosa was considerably calm and collected, rubbing at her wrists as she was allowed to move them properly again. "I'm... alright... I guess... Those men didn't treat me as bad as one would expect... I was not even touched in my privates... they were planning it for later... but... going along with their demands actually made them... somewhat kinder... And they said I was the best mouth they ever had... so they focused there... Could have spared spraying this stuff onto me though... They said it was to humiliate and make me more obedient... But... Not sure if it was all that bad..." she replied to all the concerns that Adelle was having, pretty much being the same low-emotion nun as always. Maybe all the history with abuse that she had gone through made the strongest of the sisters uncaring towards this kind of treatment. Adelle had seen her get beaten to a ragged, bleeding wreck before. But for all her passiveness, she did know enough to give Adelle the embrace she needed, even if it happened to be topless and cumsheathed. "Well... I am at fault here too... Even though they managed to knock you out... I could probably taken them out if I just let... you know... the other me... out for a while..."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle heard Lacri's and Priscilla's words while she cried again, burying her face in Lacri's ample chest, not caring how cum stained it was as she too was covered in spunk. She knew how Lacri was and that she didn't show emotion very much if any at all, so the way she acted didn't surprise her, nor did it anger her any, because that's just how Lacri was. But it did little to suppress Adelle's crying as the busty hunter girl sobbed into Lacri's chest.

"T-This woman had me... down the h-hall from here... and she had... a m-man's part between her legs a-as well as a woman's. S-She forced it in my mouth and made me s-suck on it... a-and then she held me down and forced it b-between my breasts... and then... and then she... stole my virginity. S-She would have done even m-more, and I would've ended up letting her i-if Priscilla hadn't s-saved me when she did," Adelle managed to say in between her pitiful sobs, clinging to Lacri if only to have someone or something to hold while she cried. Adelle would continue crying for another ten minutes or so after that, her sobs finally calming down some, as she knew they needed to hurry and get out of there, though she would still be sniffling for a while.

"And Priscilla, don't say that you're a murderer, you saved us. And yes... you are a very beautiful and good person, simply because you helped us and punished the wicked. At least you are to me," Adelle would say after she finally stopped crying enough to talk again, sniffling and turning to the tall woman with a serious look.

After that, Adelle would wipe her eyes and get back to her feet, where she would then offer a hand to pull Lacri up. Once up on their feet again, Adelle would go over and loot the dead men of their belongings, namely the gun she saw as well as any other valuable things, money and items she could maybe sell for money later on as a sort of payment for what happened to them. If either Lacri or Priscilla gave her a look of disgust or asked what she was doing, she would sniffle a few times and give them a look of wonder and simply tell them, "What? After what they took from me, I think I deserve all of their stuff, besides they won't be needing it anymore."

Once done looting the dead in this room and after she'd given Lacri her gauntlet back to her, Adelle would tell the others they should check the rest of the building in case they either missed any of the thugs, or in case they might have had other captives.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

All the explanation that Adelle burst into kept Lacri quiet. Maybe she didn't want to say anything in fear of making things worse or something to that effect, or maybe she was just being herself, not too good with these kinds of things. Still, even without words, one could tell that she was offering her deepest sympathies towards the crying girl.

When she did get past the crying and back into more cohesive action, namely looting for the belongings of the dead thugs, Adelle went to the pistol first. It was a very small type of , not all that powerful but had great concealability on it's side. Checking the clip, she saw that there was only two bullets loaded into the thing, and that it had a remarkably low capacity even with the small caliber. Other things included on the dead and the surrounding room contained a small amount of cash, some brass knuckles and nightsticks, smokes, empty bottles and a small amount of other varied everyday items. While she was looting, Lacrimosa had pulled out a sheet from one of the beds and wiped herself as best as possible. Still, it would likely be for the best if they showered.

With a quick inspection, the other rooms revealed not all that much. The one room opposite to them was a kitchen of some stripe and in pretty terrible condition. The room opposite to the woman's room seemed to be a trash dump, for it was littered with the remains of consumables and quite smelly as a result. The remaining room contained the dead woman and her own part of the apartment.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle pocketed the small pistol along with any bullets she managed to find, then the cash, some of which was probably what little she and Lacri had on them when they were taken. the brass knuckles and nightsticks she'd found for weapons she took as well, deciding that she could sell them later for some extra money, the cigarettes she pocketed as well. The rest of the stuff she'd leave unless it looked valuable enough to maybe sell afterward for some extra cash. While Lacri was wiping herself off, Adelle checked the rest of the building yet found no other people within thankfully, and nothing else of note, so she took a quick glance around the room the hermaphrodite woman had her in, to see if she maybe missed something, then headed on back to the room where the others were.

Once back in the room with her two companions, Adelle took the sheet from Lacri after she was through and wiped herself off as best she could as well. After she had wiped herself as clean as she could make herself, Adelle checked her pistol to make sure it was loaded again, then she would holster it, take all of the stuff that she could possible sell later, and then tell the others she was ready whenever they were, still sniffling about the loss of her purity, but wanting more than anything to leave the place now.

"Come on you two, let's go. There's nothing more for us to do here," Adelle said, still sniffling where the other two could hear her as she let them know she was ready to leave. She continued speaking after a moment and looked at Priscilla, "Um... Priscilla, what are you going to do now? Do you want to come with us and get some rest? And maybe a bath too, you look like you could use one as much as we do. And... how can I possibly repay you for all this?"
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

In that room of terrible treatment, Adelle could find the woman's very much dead body, the stun rod she had carried, some more cash and smokes, two untouched bottles of beer and the usual furniture and such.

While she managed to get her questions out, Adelle found only silence as a reply. Neither she or Lacri could find Priscilla there, even after looking into the rooms again. Instead, the door outside was wide open, a telltale sign of what had most likely happened as they were looking around the place. As big as she was, it appeared that the mysterious savior had talent in the field of stealth and speed.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When Adelle didn't hear a reply from Priscilla, she turned to see that the tall woman was gone after she'd looted the now dead hermaphrodite woman's things, however she finally noticed the main door standing open as she and Lacri checked the place out again. Adelle had really kind of wanted the tall woman to come with them and felt a little saddened by her departure. She hoped that maybe she would see her again sometime in the near future so she could talk with her some more, because she didn't appear to have many friends and Adelle thought she could use one, and that she herself could always use more friends, especially ones as powerful as Priscilla was.

"Well Lacri... I guess there's nothing left to do besides head on home for the night. So that I can nurse my pride... (Adelle sighs and sniffles again)... and cry myself to sleep I think," Adelle said to the nun, hanging her head low with the thought of what happened still very very fresh in her mind. Once Lacri was ready to actually leave, then Adelle would follow her, taking one of the cigarettes she'd found and lighting it up, taking a few puffs off it to help calm her nerves some so that she could manage the walk back to Lacri's place without breaking down again crying.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"That... is probably the best course of action here..." Lacrimosa agreed with Adelle's suggestion about leaving this dreadful place and never come back unless something came up. With those words, they left.

Outside, both of them could see that it was actually not a foreing enviroment. They had passed here many times, as it was along the way that went into Lacri's home. "I always thought this place was free from such hideouts... looks like I still need to study the surroundings a bit more..." the nun girl admitted that she had never noticed the place, even as she had been coming and going past it for a long time. The surroundings were dark, but the few streetlights still made it easy enough to move onwards. Not before long, they found their way into the nun girl's home. It appeared that even Zacharias needed to rest, for he was not there to greet them, most likely sleeping by then.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As they left the horrible place, Adelle noticed that where they'd been trapped was actually along the way to Lacri's chapel like home, which made Adelle feel even more depressed than she already was. The reason why, because they had been so close to getting to the safety of her home for the night for them to rest and relax after that long and exhausting trek through the deep tunnels to Blightown... it wasn't fair, Adelle thought to herself. It wasn't fair that they'd gone all the way down and back up through those fucking tunnels, only for her to be taken down and raped by some pansy ass regular old human thugs, to which she lost her purity to. It wasn't so much that she was saving it for someone all that important, because other than save maybe a few girls she didn't have anyone she liked enough to be willing to give it to, of course you couldn't give your first time to a girl because they didn't have the means with which to take it like that, or at least that's what Adelle had thought anyway. Boy was she wrong, hell she wasn't even in the same zip code with the assumption.

When Lacri spoke and stated that she hadn't really thought the place they'd been trapped in was that kind of place, Adelle actually couldn't help but feel a bit angry at her nun friend, thinking to herself that she'd lived there for however long and hadn't taken the time to look around and see if she lived near a place such as that, because if she'd known that those kind of people were around where she lived then they could have avoided them, . After walking for another ten seconds or so, Adelle conceded that Lacri simply may not have had the time to find out what kinds of people lived near her, thinking that her nun friend probably had no way of knowing. After another ten seconds or so of walking, Adelle thought to herself that maybe all of this hadn't happened and she was still knocked out somewhere about to wake up, or that she'd gotten a little more tipsy in the bar than she'd intended to, meaning that this was a dream and she'd never lost her virginity to that hermaphrodite woman, “Yeah that's got to be it, I'm dreaming. I'll wake up soon enough and find myself back in my bed at Lacri's place, or we just left the bar and I was too drunk to remember it,” Adelle thought to herself.

After half a minute of denying what had happened and convincing herself that it was just a dream in some way, Adelle felt a twinge of pain shoot through her loins, which caught her attention and made her look down. She slowly slipped her hand down into her shorts and decided to just see for herself if she was still a virgin, fully convinced that she dreamed that she'd lost her purity. She probed a finger into her tight folds, slipping it in to where her hymen was... then a bit further as it slipped past where it had been. Then it dawned on her that she did in fact not dream anything at all, that she had lost her virginity to the hermaphrodite woman in that old broken down building, and Priscilla had indeed saved her, though too late to save her purity. As the realization of it all finally slapped her in the face once again, Adelle's eyes teared up a little bit as she was forced to accept that she was no longer pure... that her virginity had been stolen from her by force. “Well Adelle... what's gone is gone... and you aren't getting it back, so it's time to just move on with your life. You'll still be able to find someone that will love you,” Adelle said to herself in her head, accepting what had done to her and wanting to hurry and get to Lacri's home so she could get cleaned up after what had happened and get some rest, hoping to feel better after sleeping.

By the time they reached the chapel however, Adelle was hanging her head again, her eyes downcast and looking at her boots. She didn't even feel like crying anymore at this point, she just didn't really care about much of anything to be honest. “Gods life is hard as hell. Why do people even try? I mean, what's the real point? You just get screwed in the end... or in my case raped. Hell it'd be easier if everyone just put a bullet in their heads, so they won't have to try so hard at anything... only to have it snatched away from them,” Adelle said aloud as Lacri opened the door, not sounding like her usual and cheerful self at all with her words and letting the nun hear how depressed she was... which was pretty damn depressed by the sounds of it. Adelle barely looked around at all when she walked through the door, and so barely noticed that Zacharias wasn't awake.

I hope I wrote that all good. Trying to have Adelle go through all 5 stages of grief in the span of about 2 or 3 minutes or so... denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance, though not in that specific order exactly. If you don't think I did good let me know and I'll just rewrite the whole post starting after the first paragraph or so.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Lacrimosa went about to prepare the bathroom for them to use, but had still paid attention to what Adelle had pondered aloud. Well... me and the sisters... we try because we want to better this place... Not sure if they told you... but we have a greater goal than simple riches or glory... Mariela or Rachaela can explain it better... I'm bad at these things... she replied, the sound of running water soon very much audible from the bathroom. "Do you want to go first... or me... or should we both go? Better get this sticky stuff off..."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle listened to Lacri talk in silence, hearing the words yet not caring much, as it didn't really help her any. She shook her head no when Lacri asked if she wanted to bathe first, then again when she said or herself, yet when she asked if they should both go, Adelle teared up again and nodded her head, sniffling a bit as she clung to Lacri's arm, not wanting to be alone again anytime soon.

"P-Please don't... leave me alone Lacri," Adelle said in a low voice, almost a whisper it was so low.

Once she'd spoken, Adelle would cling to the nun as they went to take themselves a bath, still pondering a great many things as they entered the bathroom. She kept coming back to what Lacri had spoken of, about her and the others wanting to make the city a better place. She'd also spoken of a greater goal that they had in mind and wondered what it was in the middle of her sniffles and soft cries. However it didn't matter what she thought about, her thoughts kept coming back to what had happened to her and every time the memory of that hermaphrodite woman popping her cheery as she thrust inside of her brought a fresh set of tears to her eyes.

"W-What kind of goal?" Adelle asked Lacri while she would all but have to lead the crying and sniffling Adelle to the bath.