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ranger Test Thread

Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli shook her head and replied dismissively, "Don't worry about it, just take me to the children." Later, as they surged out to meet the woman whom Revalli had met upon entering the town, Revalli surveyed the children carefully in search of signs of injury, and continued to do so silently as the woman saw to them. Without preamble, Revalli pulled off the pack containing her supplies and handed them to the knight's sister before pulling the injured man off of the bear. "He should pull through, but I'm just going to make sure. I'm going to find the ones that did this, but the cat I summoned should be by with more food soon enough. You'll have to dress it and cook it yourselves, but it's the best that I can do. Be careful about who you approach if anyone else happens by."

With that, Revalli took her summoned bear and departed, staying only long enough to offer replies if such was necessary and departing as quickly as she could otherwise. A warband large enough to do this wouldn't be able to move quickly, she hoped, and with luck she might be able to evade detection. Along the way, Revalli cast a spell or two in order to help herself prepare for the coming battle.

Casting: Eyes of the Cat, level 2 nature spell to allow her to see in the dark. Also Radiance, a level 2 Light buff that increases Perception. Gotta see dem orcs and whatnot. Both would cost 4 EP total and have no upkeep, and Radiance would add +20 to Revalli's Perception. Then, go and hunt some orc. Try to be sneaky. And also hide behind the bear.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli casting checks pass no contest
Revalli perception 47 vs 42 Success!
Bear Perception 36 vs 42 Fail!
Revalli stealth 33 (5+10+18{giant bear bonus}) vs 31 Success!
Bear stealth 36 vs 31 Success!

Revalli found it easy to track the rampaging Orcs as they did little to cover their tracks and it was only a matter of time before she caught up with them. Judging by her heightened senses there seemed to be about 40 sets of feet all together with a large group of 25 or so sticking close together and the other 15 surrounding them. Doing some quick mental math she judged the strength of the raiders to about 20 over all. With the losses at the town she figured that 15 orc raiders remained and with this many captives a quite a few of them would be making sure that their captives stayed put while she engaged them. Guessing that they would need at lest 5 orcs to keep the prisoners confined that still left 10 of the brutes for her to deal with. It wasn't long before she came across their outer parts of the camp they had set up. Noticing a guard in a tree from smell before sight Revalli was sure she had gone undetected for the moment.

Eying the camp she noted another two sentries around the encampment in trees similar to the orc nearest her. The large group of captives looked to be huddled together in the center of the little clearing the orcs had picked for the night. An additional 5 orcs seemed to be guarding the captives while the rest rested in tents. The largest tent was alight and Revalli could plainly see the shadows of a large orc taking a female prisoner doggy style the noises of which where drowned out by the rain. Revalli calmed herself as she planned her assault on the orcs her pulse quickening at the though of the coming confrontation.

Hp: Max 47/47 Pp: Max 72/72 Ep: Moderate 44/69
Hp: 88/88 Max Pp: N/A Ep: N/A Condition: Warm fuzzy and hungry
Active spells:
Eyes of the Cat: Night Vison
Radiance: +20 perception
Power of Chaos +20 Dodge
Spirit of the Bear: 88 Body, 44 Dodge, 13 AV, 30 Perception/Stealth/Speed, 44 Resistance
Natural Attack: (+88) 2d12 + 37
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Re: ranger Test Thread

'That was pretty easy... Now for the hard part!' Revalli thought silently to herself as she came across the orc encampment. She'd guessed that they were about twenty or so in number, or at least had been before the attack on the village. Now she would have guessed about fifteen, but the only way to be sure would be to start the attack and see how many of the beastmen came out of the woodwork. That many orcs wouldn't have been a huge problem for her if she'd been able to let loose with her magic, but as she had the captives to worry about she would require a more conservative approach. Her eyes flitted over the central tent for a moment, where the outline of a woman being taken from behind by one of the orcs was plainly visible by the light of the fire. 'If I'm not careful, they'll be doing that to me!' she reminded herself swiftly, and then prepared to attack.

The very first thing that she did was carefully position herself as close to the leader's tent as she could, using her summoned bear as cover in case any orcs should glance in their direction. Hopefully, they would only assume the beast to be scavenging the outskirts of their camp and not look hard enough to spot her. If she could find a decent hiding spot, she would send her bear off into the woods to make its way around the other side of the camp, where it would be ready to act when the time was right. Of course, if she were spotted, her only choice would be to kill whichever orc discovered her with a bolt of fire and flee, hoping that they would try to pursue her to a battleground more to her advantage, relying on her magically enhanced senses and the luck spell she'd cast on herself to keep her safe.

Of course, if everything went as planned, she would concentrate for a moment before conjuring a particularly deadly white rabbit, possessed of magically granted might unbecoming of a creature of its size. Staring down at the tiny white fluffy thing, Revalli couldn't help but be comforted from the rain and the anxiety caused by the coming battle. 'This will definitely work! No one ever expects a bunny!' she thought to herself before assuming control of her powerful summon and sending it forth into the orc camp, using its eyes to guide the little creature silently into the first of the tents that she couldn't see into, searching for orcs to eliminate.

The plan: Get sort of near the tent where the orc is fucking the one prisoner doggy style, send the bear to the other side of the camp while it hides in the woods, hopefully to ambush one of yon orc guards when the time is right.

If all goes according to plan, summon Fluffem's the Destroyer.
Spirit of the Rodent (Summon) [This creatures gets a +20 bonus to its Stealth stat, a +10 bonus to its Speed stat and the Stealthy Talent.

A level 1 Nature spell, Empowering it for 8 EP and combining it with her Conjurer Talent to make it effectively a level 5 summon with the following stats:
Body = 16 per level, total 80 Body.
AV = 5
Stealth = 53
Perception = 28
Speed = 38
Dodge = 40
Resistance = 40
Attack = +80, 2d12 + 27

Cost = 8 EP.

If, at any point, Revalli is spotted, Han Solo whoever sees her and book it into the woods, keeping the bear with her and moving at full speed to a point well away from the camp before she turns to face them. Maintain all buffs at all times.
If she has to blast someone, use Flaming Sphere, yon level 3 Bolt spell from the Fire element.
Damage: 2d4 + 10 + 2 = (2d4 + 12) * 3

Cost = 4 EP.

Her casting and such is all on her character sheet located in yon Test Thread Character sheets thread.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli casting check: no contest
Revalli stealth 31 vs 21 success!
Bear stealth 37 vs 21 Success!
Fluffem's the destroyer stealth: I win no orc has enough perception to notice

Revalli moved as quietly as she could muster given her lack of wilderness experience well lacking her magical improvements she usually prepared for herself when doing this type of exercise. Thankfully the bear she was travailing with seemed to cover most of her noise with more natural animal ones. Finding a suitable place to initiate her attack Revalli soon focused her energies to bring Fluffem's the destroyer to the world. Gently petting the small white ball of fluffy death comforted Revalli slightly. Issuing the commands for her bear to circle around the camp she sent Fluffems in to the first dark tent.

Taking on the visual reference of the small rodent at first was a little disorienting not to mention the little odd feeling of seeing yourself seeing yourself but Revalli/fluffy soon had their barrings straight and entered the first dark tent. Inside the tent (which was rather large) stood about 6 bedrolls and assorted gear. Three of the bedrolls had sleeping orcs while the other three where empty.

Hp: Max 47/47 Pp: Max 72/72 Ep: Moderate 36/69
Hp: 88/88 Max Pp: N/A Ep: N/A Condition: Warm fuzzy and hungry
Active spells:
Eyes of the Cat: Night Vison
Radiance: +20 perception
Power of Chaos +20 Dodge
Spirit of the Bear: 88 Body, 44 Dodge, 13 AV, 30 Perception/Stealth/Speed, 44 Resistance
Natural Attack: (+88) 2d12 + 37
Empowered Spirit of the Rodent aka Fluffem's the destroyer: 80 body, AV = 5, Stealth = 53, Perception = 28, Speed = 38, Dodge = 40, Resistance = 40
Attack = +80, 2d12 + 27
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Re: ranger Test Thread

Looking through the rabbit's eyes while keeping her own closed, Revalli silently commanded the tiny creature to silently kill the three orcs before proceeding to the next tent. While a normal rabbit might find this task impossible, the vast amounts of magical power inherent in the tiny spirit beast allowed it to move with power and stealth rivaling those of her bear. Fluffems would silently tear the throat from each of the orcs with its front teeth, a display that would be terrifying in the light of day made silent and unseen by the darkness around them. If the rabbit was successful, it would move on to the next tent, and do the same until it was discovered or all of the tents besides the one containing the leader had been cleared.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Fluffems stealth vs perceptions: 53 vs 26, 34, and 32 Success vs all!
Fluffems attacks: Auto hit (not that he needed it) 84dmg (3+12+27 *2)
(not going to drag this out Fluffy has enough stealth and damage to kill the current orcs in the tent without being spotted)
Revali stealth vs perception: 30 (10+10+10(good hiding spot and weather)vs 21 success!
Bear Stealth vs perception: 34 vs 32 success.

Revailli issued her command to Fluffems and the small bundle of death hopped over to the nearest orc which rolled over placing its hand on the white rabbit. A groggy voice simple said kitty and petted the small creature before rolling back over. Wasting no time the bunny of doom ended the orcs life before he was touched by its dirty hands again. Fluffy moved on to the next and the next the silent bunny assassin no longer white as snow but red as blood.

Revalli's bear on the other hand was no where near as quick as fluffems and was only 1/2 way to his check point when a loud crack nearly startled orc sentry nearest his position. The guard gazed about but quickly dismissed the noise and soon continued on with his watch. Oddly enough he was scanning the skies.

Hp: Max 47/47 Pp: Max 72/72 Ep: Moderate 36/69
Hp: 88/88 Max Pp: N/A Ep: N/A Condition: Warm fuzzy and hungry
Active spells:
Eyes of the Cat: Night Vison
Radiance: +20 perception
Power of Chaos +20 Dodge
Spirit of the Bear: 88 Body, 44 Dodge, 13 AV, 30 Perception/Stealth/Speed, 44 Resistance
Natural Attack: (+88) 2d12 + 37
Empowered Spirit of the Rodent aka Fluffem's the destroyer: 80 body, AV = 5, Stealth = 53, Perception = 28, Speed = 38, Dodge = 40, Resistance = 40
Attack = +80, 2d12 + 27
Re: ranger Test Thread

The sight of the orc turning over and petting her summoned rabbit was only mildly offputting, even seen through the diminutive animal's eyes. Still, the relatively innocent gesture was somewhat troubling to Revalli coming from the beastman, and she almost regretted seeing the conjured rabbit tear his throat out. Almost. The first tent was cleared of orcs in short order and without incident, and Revalli quickly directed the blood stained bunny to the next one to continue doing the same while she remained hidden in the bushes.

The sudden tenseness in the sentries was reflected in the elven mage's own stance, as she gazed at the man carefully, her two summons almost freezing in place before she quickly directed the bear to act naturally while the rabbit began creeping towards the sentry. Before Fluffems got into the light of the fire, however, she saw him relax and then, oddly, glance towards the sky. The orc doing so caused Revalli to cautiously do the same, wondering what he might be worried about. If she didn't see anything, however, she would continue on with her original plan, having her bear give the camp a bit wider of a berth while her rabbit moved from tent to tent, slaughtering the orcs one by one... And only the orcs, which she was quite careful of.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli stealth vs perception: 33 (10+13+10) vs 21 success
Flufflems stealth vs perception: 63 vs 29,36,23,33, and 29 success vs all
Bear stealth vs perception: 44 vs 32 success
Revalli perception vs stealth: 24 vs 16 success
Orc perception vs stealth: 20 vs 16 success
??? perception vs stealth: 33 vs 33, 26, 39, 39, Success vs Revalli and Orc sentry number 1 fail against the rest.

Revalli gazed upwards to the still raining sky catching little until a brief flash of lighting in the distance revealed the outline of a large winged creature flying over head. Revalli wasn't the only one to see it either the orc sentry closest to her in the tree looked to be reading a rifle for the creatures next pass.

Meanwhile fluffems had entered another tent with five sleeping orcsies and slowly began his assassin work on the helpless orcs. It would take a little longer but the enhanced stealth of the rabbit and supernatural strength would prove far to much than these orcs could handle. Also her bear had finally reached the point she had ordered it to be and silently awaited his next order.

Hp: Max 47/47 Pp: Max 72/72 Ep: Moderate 36/69
Hp: 88/88 Max Pp: N/A Ep: N/A Condition: Warm fuzzy and hungry
Active spells:
Eyes of the Cat: Night Vison
Radiance: +20 perception
Power of Chaos +20 Dodge
Spirit of the Bear: 88 Body, 44 Dodge, 13 AV, 30 Perception/Stealth/Speed, 44 Resistance
Natural Attack: (+88) 2d12 + 37
Empowered Spirit of the Rodent aka Fluffem's the destroyer: 80 body, AV = 5, Stealth = 53, Perception = 28, Speed = 38, Dodge = 40, Resistance = 40
Attack = +80, 2d12 + 27
Re: ranger Test Thread

The bolt of lightning revealed something in the sky, something that Revalli didn't recognize immediately... But likely didn't mean anything good judging by the sentry's reaction to it. That the orc was holding a rifle didn't so much bother the elf. He had no idea where she was or what she was doing, and she had never been on the receiving end of such a weapon before anyway. What worried her was the sound that it would make, as she doubted that anyone or anything could sleep through a rifle report. Even so, she could do nothing but wait and hope that sticking to her plan would pay off. Tipping the beastmen off now would force her to fight all of them at once, which she was hoping to avoid via the method of her attacks.
Re: ranger Test Thread

??? vs Orc #1: 70 vs 35 hit! 120dmg ((4+4+4)*10)

Fluffems hopped around the tent completing his grisly work unfortunately the orcs in this tent where further apart from each other but none the less 3 of the 5 beastmen had met their end while remaining two would soon follow suit. Revalli's bear awaited orders while it did at lest what it thought normal bears did.

The Orc sentry his eyes to the sky was in no condition to spot Revalli She was completely safe and undetected until a bright bolt of fire came lancing through darkened skies instantly slaying the orc as most of his upper body was burned to ash right before Revalli's eyes. This of course didn't go unnoticed by they other sentries as random and uncoordinated return fire started to fill the sky. The sudden racket and numerous gun shots soon caught the attention of the big orc in the tent who viciously slapped what ever poor woman he was tormenting aside and rushed out completely naked a massive greatsword in his hand. The five sentries on the ground soon took up kneeling positions near the prisoners pulling their own guns free and firing blindly into the sky. All the while the large naked orc did his best to restore order to his men.

As sour as these last few moments had turned out Revalli was at lest glad to see none of the orcs in the tents had made it to the combined defense. And with all of them looking up Revalli suddenly had a little more freedom to do as she willed.

Hp: Max 47/47 Pp: Max 72/72 Ep: Moderate 36/69
Hp: 88/88 Max Pp: N/A Ep: N/A Condition: Warm fuzzy and hungry
Active spells:
Eyes of the Cat: Night Vison
Radiance: +20 perception
Power of Chaos +20 Dodge
Spirit of the Bear: 88 Body, 44 Dodge, 13 AV, 30 Perception/Stealth/Speed, 44 Resistance
Natural Attack: (+88) 2d12 + 37
Empowered Spirit of the Rodent aka Fluffem's the destroyer: 80 body, AV = 5, Stealth = 53, Perception = 28, Speed = 38, Dodge = 40, Resistance = 40
Attack = +80, 2d12 + 27
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Re: ranger Test Thread

Everything was going smoothly. Several of the orcs were already dead, and she was well on her way to thinning their numbers enough that she could attack more openly. Her summoned spirits were doing their jobs exceedingly well, the bear acting bear-like off in the woods and distracting the orc guards while her rabbit went about slaughtering the orcs like... Well, like helpless rabbits. And then... She didn't even know what, but one of the orcs was cut in half by a bolt of flame that came out of nowhere, and the top half was nowhere to be found! Revalli had to clamp both hands over her own mouth to keep from crying out, and she forced her summoned allies to go still as the orcs started firing wildly into the air. The sight of the burly orc charging out of his tent while still bare naked was only distracting under those circumstances, as Revalli scanned the skies for signs of what might have perpetrated the sudden attack.

A very strong part of Revalli urged her to flee, but the elf knew that she had to keep the prisoners from being hurt, and whoever or whatever was attacking the orcs might not be so friendly to them either. That said, she didn't attack yet either, instead instructing her summons to hide as best they could and watching the ensuing carnage unfold. The very first thing that Revalli wanted to find out was just what the hell was attacking the orcs, and that in mind she scanned both the skies and the treeline in search of the mysterious attacker. The attack left her with an opportunity to attack, but she wasn't initially sure that she wanted to. She was safe in the bushes, at least for the moment, and finding out whether she ought to let the orcs and the mysterious attacker soften one another up before finishing both sides off, or whether she should step in to help was paramount in the startled elf's mind.

Dis Cowardly Flaw.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Orcs fire lots of shot but the uncoordinated fire didn't hit the target (even gave them a percent die for the sheer amount of shots)
??? vs Orc sentry 2: 69 vs 45 (35+10) Hit! 90 Damage! (3+2+4)*10

Revalli waited hand still covering mouth to see how things played out. The uncoordinated fire of the orcs didn't seem to deter the aerial attack as soon another bolt of fire incarcerated another sentry in a tree his rapid fire clearly exposing his position. The big bozz ov da Orcz (sorry couldn't resist) seemed to be getting his men under control and Revalli doubted the attacker would have free reign of the skies much longer.

Hp: Max 47/47 Pp: Max 72/72 Ep: Moderate 36/69
Hp: 88/88 Max Pp: N/A Ep: N/A Condition: Warm fuzzy and hungry
Active spells:
Eyes of the Cat: Night Vison
Radiance: +20 perception
Power of Chaos +20 Dodge
Spirit of the Bear: 88 Body, 44 Dodge, 13 AV, 30 Perception/Stealth/Speed, 44 Resistance
Natural Attack: (+88) 2d12 + 37
Empowered Spirit of the Rodent aka Fluffem's the destroyer: 80 body, AV = 5, Stealth = 53, Perception = 28, Speed = 38, Dodge = 40, Resistance = 40
Attack = +80, 2d12 + 27
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Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli frowned behind her hands as the orc captain rallied his men, their seemingly random fire becoming more concentrated. Though another of their number was turned into a burning ragdoll by their mysterious attacker, the beastmen didn't break or panic, and the elf was getting over her initial shock at the sudden intrusion as well. Seeing what was happening, Revalli realized that there was no more time for indecision on her part, not if she wanted her mysterious assistant to remain among the living, and she decided that she most definitely wanted that. Plus, if she sat still and allowed things to play out, it might get more kills than she did! Trying to rally herself around that thought despite how repulsive the idea of taking any life was to her inexperienced perceptions.

Gathering herself, Revalli drew her silver short-knife from her belt and gave herself a tiny cut on her arm, one of many in varying stages of healing over. It was a somewhat rare talent, and often frowned upon in civilized lands as her parents had said, but as she was neither in particularly civilized lands nor particularly visible while hidden in the bushes, Revalli had no problem with using Blood Magic. Allowing some of her life force to enter into the spell made it less of a drain upon her more conventional energies which she was already starting to tax, and also served to make the spell more potent. Knowing that remaining hidden after chucking a spell into their midst, Revalli tensed just before hurling her fireball into the largest cluster of orcs that she could without great risk of hitting any of the captives that they guarded, targeting the leader in particular if she could, and at the same time signaled both of her summons to charge into the fray.

It started off as little more than a speck of flame, barely larger than a grape. When it reached its destination, however, the ball of flame suddenly expanded with a thunderous roar, bursting out into a brilliant crimson star that burned for a few seconds and then winked out, the only sign that it had ever existed the damage that it had wrought. She aimed in particular at the orcs as Revalli smoothly came out of the bushes, hoping that her magical armor, her allies both summoned and mysterious, and the general confusion to protect her from harm.

Revalli casts greater fireball, a level 4 fire Spell that costs 6 EP. She modifies the spell with Blood Magic, thus paying half of the spell's cost in HP and half in EP, or 3 HP and 3 EP each. This also increases the spell's level by 1 because it deals damage.

Revalli has 38 Base Casting and Focus in Fire which raises her casting to 48, so it's not likely that she'll fail to cast the spell.

Attack: d20 + 60
Damage: (1d6 + 1 + 8 + 2) * 5
20 foot radius, so pretty big.

Chuck so as to hit as many orcs as possible without hitting any of the captives or either of her summons.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli casting check auto success:
Revalli attacks a group of orcs: 62 vs 35 Hit! 60dmg (65-5a)
??? nukes the final sentry: no contest
Orc Boss takes on aspect of the dragon

Revalli's plan was flawless the only downside being the Orc boss was just out of range of her attack. Still the orcs couldn't have been in a better grouping for her attack. As the blinding flash and heat wave hit her as well as a few other things Revalli knew from the cheer and gasp that her attack was successful. So when her blindness cleared Revalli could see a smoking pile of devastated corpses lying before the first row of villagers haveing almost to a man wet themselves from fright. Turning her gaze to the Boss Orc her summons halted their charged as the Orc captin began to change. The naked orc was growing bigger and larger taking on more draconian features as the final touch being the large dragon wings that erupted from his back. Looking at Revalli his eyes full of rage he simply spoke. "You win today elf!" With that the large dragon orc took off into the sky.

As Revalli stood in awe the freed prisoners swarmed her with thanks at their rescue. However Revalli noticed the drama was far from over as the night sky erupted into flames of red and yellow. In a all to brief exchange over their heads. Revalli could finally make out the aerial attacker. A heavily armed angel exchanged bolts of fire and physical strikes with the dragon until it caught her in mid pass with itss fire breath sending the angel crashing into the ground off in the distance a single white silver tipped feather gently falling down to where Revalli stood seemingly the only thing left.

Hp: Max 44/47 Pp: Max 72/72 Ep: Moderate 33/69
Hp: 88/88 Max Pp: N/A Ep: N/A Condition: Warm fuzzy and hungry
Active spells:
Eyes of the Cat: Night Vison
Radiance: +20 perception
Power of Chaos +20 Dodge
Spirit of the Bear: 88 Body, 44 Dodge, 13 AV, 30 Perception/Stealth/Speed, 44 Resistance
Natural Attack: (+88) 2d12 + 37
Empowered Spirit of the Rodent aka Fluffem's the destroyer: 80 body, AV = 5, Stealth = 53, Perception = 28, Speed = 38, Dodge = 40, Resistance = 40
Attack = +80, 2d12 + 27
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Re: ranger Test Thread

To say that Revalli was stunned by the effectiveness of her attack was to put it mildly, but even if she had had the breath left to do so she couldn't have argued with the results. All of the orcs, every one of them, was down to a pile of dust that would soon blow away in the wind, but even with the foul nature of the creatures she still felt a cold chill run down her spine as she used her power to snuff out so many lives at once. It was in that half-stunned state that the elven magus received the orc leader's words, and that snapped her out of it just long enough for her to spit back; "Damn right I win!" Of course, then he took to the air, and she shouted up at him; "Oi, where do you think you're going? Get back here!"

By then he was off, and the frown on her face became an outright scowl. But then, the prisoners that she had just rescued swarmed around her, blocking her view even though she aimed to finish him before he could get away. And then.... He was intercepted by something that Revalli had never expected to see, a figure with pure white wings and equipped for heavy combat met the transformed orc in mid air, and they began exchanging bursts of magic. Of course, that meant that she couldn't intervene without risk of hitting her ally, and as such Revalli was left to push through the prisoners in an effort to get a better angle. She was forced to watch, helpless, as the angelic figure took a nasty hit and vanished from sight, marking the spot where they landed.

First thing's first however.... "Yeah right, like I'm letting you get away!" she spat, and then opened her palm with one quick cut of her pocket knife. She raised her hand as her blood spilled out, but rather than flow down her arm it rose into the air, forming an orb the size of a man's fist of pure destructive magic. "Take this to bed and fuck it, asshole!" she grunted, and then released the bolt to seek its target: the flying orc. It couldn't miss, not so long as she could see him when she sent it out, and what's more, it was far more powerful than a normal instance of that otherwise simple spell....

Empowered, Blood Magic'd magic missile, effectively a level 5 bolt spell that cannot miss and deals -2 damage after multiplication. Casting is as if it were a level 1 spell still too, and half of the cost is paid in HP, so 4 HP and 4 EP.

5 * (2d4 + 10) - 2 = damage on yon orc man.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli casting check: Not going to bother.
---Revalli's nuke missile: auto hit 64dmg = [5*(3+1+10)-2]-4a thanks to angel attacker its enough to kill.

Revalli grunted a little from pain and a little from effort as her blood enhanced magic missile streaked towards it target leaving a fading red glow in its wake. The missile corrected itself to its target as the Drgaonform orc tried to dodge and shake the attack but it was hopeless and all the orc gave was an interesting but brief light show before it impacted with a red burst sending him spiraling down into the woods. Revalli looked the sight her face grim even as the peasants cheered around her knowing that if the magic didn't kill him surly the fall did.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Though she saw the orc go down from her spell, Revalli didn't celebrate as the humans around her did. Even with the fall and the powerful bit of magic on her part, there was at least a chance that he was still alive, and she marked where he landed in her mind as she had the angel. Then, she turned towards the humans at large and said; "Stay here! I need to go find that winged woman before she dies from her wounds, but I'll be back as soon as I can! He'll watch out for you until then," she gestured towards the bear, which had rumbled into the camp and was then idly nuzzling and sniffing at a crispy orc, "Don't worry about him, he won't hurt any of you. If you want to repay me and help yourselves at the same time, strip this camp for anything valuable or useful, particularly food. Your village looked like it took a lot of damage."

Not waiting for any reply, Revalli spun on her heel and headed off for where she'd seen the angel go down. "Fluffem's, come!" she called as she charged off into the woods, calling her summoned death rabbit to her in case there was trouble. She didn't exactly expect any, but she kept her summons and her magical enhancements up anyway, not trusting to the idea that the orcs were the only threat in the area.

Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli made her way as best she could threw the forest with Fuffems at her side the sounds of the peasents tearing down the camp slowly fading. It took some time due to the wild nature of the forest but Revalli soon found the collapsed form of the angel. She was unconscious and injured one wing obviously broken from her fall. She was wearing medium armor and had a shield with a blade nearby. The angel's silver colored hair was matted with blood but the only obvious wound was the broken wing. Two bloody streak's marred the point of injury maybe the angel had tried to set her wing and passed out from the pain? Still regardless of what the angel had been trying to do the important part is Revalli had found her and she was still breathing.
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Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli had never seen an angel before. Her parents had told her about them of course, told them of their power, and of their majesty, and of their heroism. They had neglected to tell Revalli that angel's blood was as red as her own, or that they felt pain like anyone else, but the elf had evidence enough of both right before her eyes. "Some angel.... Why'd you have to go and get taken out by a damn stinky orc?" Revalli grumbled beneath her breath as she set about examining the injury. The angel's armor was in the way, and after setting aside the shield Revalli started carefully removing that next, leaving Fluffem's as a guard while she work. "Gotta make sure I don't make this any worse..."

Very carefully, Revalli set the unconscious angel's broken wing as best she could before she started on her healing magic's, not trusting her magical skill to repair the damage when she wasn't familiar with the anatomy of her wings. Her energies were already starting to wane, but she had enough to ensure that the angel survived the night at the very least, and she cursed inwardly as she realized that now she had no one able to carry the battered woman. Closing her eyes, Revalli concentrated on the cat that she had summoned to watch over the people at the orphanage, seeing through its eyes and trying to ascertain whether anything had happened while she was gone.

Fluff healing and then cast Healing Grasp, level 3 Nature Spell, Touch.
Mechanically, it costs 4 EP and heals (2d6 + 14) * 3 HP per casting. She won't knock herself out with it, and won't cast it more than 3 times unless it looks like the angel really needs it.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli tended the angels wounds and found none that where life threatening but obviously painful. The wing was another matter she set the bones as good as she dared and even made a crude splint to keep it from moving until she felt confident that she wouldn't hurt the angels ablity to fly by using healing magics. Taking a moment to rest she looked in on the children threw the eyes of her cat and found the beast outside watching for intruders. Her brief mental connection to the cat let her taste the blood of its recent kill a deer of some sort but she quickly broke the connection so she could focus on her location. When all was said and done she had an unconscious angel leaned against a tree with a broken wing and no way to move her. She could always leave and guide the peasants back to the village or maybe enlist their help and get the angel back to a safe location but then their was also the orc she had seen crash into the woods he could still be alive as well.