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Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Of course it is, my Queen." Locke said, managing a weak grin. "You were getting too distracted with Mika though. I figured you needed some proper motivation."

He put his hand on Marla's waist. "There's a reason you're my number one mamono. I just wanted you to prove it again. Can you blame me?"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Yes! I can blame you to Heaven all the way to Hell!" she announced with his wings flourishing outwards. "I expect more loyalty out of you! You will rue this, Locke! You'll learn who's on top!" she said, sounding a little frustrated, before shaking a feather at him with such a strong motion that a couple feathers flew into his face, molting from her wing. "Capital punishment! You hear me!?" she swore, before taking flight. "Capital!" she repeated, before flying off.

"Capital!" Melsi mimicked Marla with a smile on her face.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Uwah... Marla, where are you going? Hey! Don't fly off! We're supposed to train today!"

Locke's shoulders slumped. He hadn't wanted to offend the harpy girl. Marla was a hot head, sure enough, but he liked her like that. And she should know that he was immensely loyal to her, he just liked to tease every now and again. Maybe that was the problem. She might not like the teasing very much.

Locke looked down at Melsi. "Well if she's not coming to town with us, I guess it's just you and me. I'll still sign you both up for some proper courses."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Melsi reshaped herself to look like Marla, putting her slimy wing to her chest with a smile. "Capital!" she repeated her again, before reverting to her original shape, and clinging to Locke.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke headed into town with Melsi clinging to him. She had apparently forgotten that she wasn't supposed to cling while he had clothes on, but he couldn't help but forgive her for it. He supposed it went with the territory of being a mamono rancher with a slime mamono.

Arriving at the training grounds, Locke signed up both Marla and Melsi for a week of training. For Marla, he wanted two Power sessions, one Skill, one Speed, and one Life improvement. For Melsi, he wanted two Power and three Intelligence sessions. He wanted to train Melsi to be better prepared for magic attacks against her, plus, improving her mental facility might make it easier to communicate boundaries to her.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Signed up, the girls would train for the week...

Marla: +6 Levels!
-Marla did awesome on her Monday Domino training! Though her instructor gave credit to her seeming state of rage during training.
-Marla aced one routine and failed none.
+9 Power
+4 Skill
+3 Speed
+3 Life

Melsi: +7 Levels!
-Melsi took one domino, and used it like a bat to smash all of the others to bits. The instructor isn't charging Locke for property damage.
-The next day, Melsi turned herself into a giant fist, knocking all the dominoes down again, in an equally crushing manner.
-During lessons, the instructor gave Locke complaints about Melsi eating the pages out of books, and often getting out of her seat during lecture, usually to harass another student. Melsi was given credit for actually attempting the training, but her trainer was disgusted.
+16 Power
+3 Intelligence
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

During the week, Locke would attempt to assuage Marla's attitude. Offering kindness and smiles and attempts at jokes to coax a smile out of the harpy.

He was also proud of Melsi's power training, but a little disheartened at her intelligence training. "I know you can do it, Melsi. Here, let's work on our letters again. Repeat after me, A, B, C, D...."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

At the end of the training, on Friday afternoon, Marla would suddenly respond to his kindness and smiles by pointing a talon at him. "Tonight. You." was all she said, before flapping away.

Then, as Melsi took lessons from Locke, she put on her game face, looking as ready as ever. When the words came out, she went a little too fast. "Aie-bwee-aie-dee-see... Um, ache-you-plea!" she raised her arms in the air, happy as could be, as if she did it. Or rather, was happy that she gave it her best.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Nice try, Melsi. Keep at it. You've done your best and I'm glad you did. Here, have a kiss." Locke puckered his lips and planted one on Melsi's cheek, grinning and then kissing her a bit on her lips as well before taking her hand in his and walking back to the ranch with her.

Marla seemed to have been planning something and Locke was certain that she was somehow intent on making him pay for his supposed transgression. He'd only been horsing around with her, he didn't see why she had to take it so personally. The way she spoke, he was starting to be afraid she really might hurt him. He didn't want that. More than anything he just wanted to make things up to her. Along the way back through the town, Locke stopped off at Auntie Verde's shop and bought an Apple Cake. Maybe if he offered her this treat she would realize he was truly sorry.

Bringing the cake home, he turned to Melsi.

"Melsi, tonight I have to go see Marla and try to make up for ruffling her feathers. Maybe you can go visit Raven and Celes and see how they're doing? You could show off what you learned in class!"

Assuming Melsi would be happy to show off her new 'skills' with language, Locke went in search of his harpy, hoping that she would like his gift to her.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Melsi giggled as she was kissed, hugging Locke affectionately in response, giggling happily. Again, she'd hug him the rest of the way home instead of holding his hand, until he told her to stop again. When Locke got back home regardless, his clothes were a dissolved mess as he'd find a set of clothes hanging on the wooden fence with a note tied to them with string.


I'm sure you'll find these slime-resistant clothes useful.

Best wishes, Venice


Handy thing, those clothes would be. Venice displayed again how thoughtful and observant she was over her city, before Melsi was happily off to see Celes with her newfound talents, immediately breaking into song, repeating what she sang to Locke. "Aie-bwee-aie-dee-see...!" she sang.

Then, holding his cake, Locke would suddenly find the cake stolen from him in an instant. A flash of red feathers went by his face as the cake was use as an instrument of 'there and gone'. After stealing the cake, the red harpy landed in front of Locke, eating the cake in front of him, Marla stood, with a condescending expression on her face.

"I haven't eaten much because I've been so angry at you. I don't know who that cake was for, maybe it was even for me, but you would only disappoint me if you think a cake would do anything to make up for how disobedient you were." she said while eating, devouring the whole cake with a nasty appetite. "But, you came right on time! It's time..."

"For your punishment." Marla announced darkly, as a shadow began to manifest from the dusk sun, eclipsing his own shadow, the dark shape, a straight figure with two triangles on it's head.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke smiled at the site of new clothes. He made a mental note to thank Venice the next time he saw her. The way Melsi so easily dissolved his clothing, he had quickly been worrying he'd have to become a naturalist just to avoid blowing the ranch finances on reoutfitting himself.

Waving bye to Melsi, Locke took his apple cake over in the direction of Marla's nest, but it was quickly swiped away in a rush of red feathers. Then the righteous harpy alighted infront of him, munching down the rest of the cake with a rapacious appetite.

"...It was meant for you. I didn't expect it to make anything up to you, but I thought it would be a nice place to start my apology. I had noticed you weren't having much food. Look, I... I am sorry, Marla."

He then attempted to hug the harpy tightly. "I hadn't know you'd take the teasing so seriously. I've never for a second considered you anything but my number one mamono."

Locke would ignore the darkening of the sun and the dire tone and promises of punishment and simply want to hold Marla.

"You will always be my queen. Really and truly. Whatever punishment you want to give me, however much you think I need to suffer, I'll take it. I need you, Marla. I can't make this ranch work if you're angry with me."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"You'll be forgiven once you've recieved your payback, and learned what happens when you think you can be on top." Marla said simply, before the shadow behind him seemed to get larger. Or rather, it was growing many great appendages of thick and fluffy nature.

"That was cute, little boy~" announced a ceremonial voice behind him. "I'll enjoy teasing you~" she said, her voice very familiar, before his legs were suddenly wrapped and held up, flipping him upside down, giving him full view of the accomplice aiding Marla.

"Remember Lotus, Locke? She just loves innocent boys like you~" Marla giggled, the pink kitsune smiling down at the upside down Locke with a look of pity towards something inferior, as one would look at a helpless little animal.

"Removing all feeling of power to instill a sensation of helplessness. Deja vu!" Marla giggled, relating to her own situation. "That cake was good, by the way. But I'm still not going to show any mercy." she said, before coming up to Locke, and kneeling, wrapping her wings around his head, and holding his face to her crotch. "Show me how sorry you are, and lick your queen's dirty place~" Marla said with an aroused growl, vengeance mixing with lust in her voice.

"Torture him, Lotus," Marla would say whether he obeyed or refused, before suddenly, the remaining eight of Lotus' tails began to tickle their tips all along Locke's body, which was removed of it's clothes to leave him hanging nude upside down. Given where his ranch was, there was little doubt he'd be seen by a great many people passing by.

"Are you ticklish, Locke? Seeing you squirm would be so lovely~" Lotus giggled.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke resigned himself to his fate before even seeing the kitsune, but once Lotus had him hanging upside down, he knew he was in for some trouble.

"Lotus, I didn't realize you were allowed to just show up to ranches and do this sort of thing? This really is a matter for me and Mar--"

Suddenly, his clothes were removed and Marla's cute, sweet and musky smelling muff was right in front of him. He grunted and stopped talking. It clearly wouldn't do any good.

"If... if this is what you want Marla..." He put his arms out and gently took hold of the harpy's waist, then planted a kiss on Marla's moistened nethers, trying to be tender and amorous with the way he treated her down there. This plan was quickly interrupted as the kitsune tails began to tickle his body. For the most part, he could handle it, but once a tail found the sides of his neck, he 'squeaked' and jerked his entire body around.

"Please stop that... I - I CAN'T! Aha ha... I can't CONcentraTE! ahah... mmf... Mmarla! C'mon this isn't FUnny!"

If Marla's goal had been to make him squirm, he was now wriggling like a worm on a hook.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Not funny?" Marla asked in reply, laughing in the process. "This is hilarious! Seeing you like this really makes me feel better!" she announced.

"It really is lovely~" Lotus giggled, though turned a slight tone towards serious. "I am a woman of opportunity, my dear boy. At any moment my beautiful tails could whither and fade with death. Should I feel my demise approach, I will have thought, 'I wish I had played with that boy when I had the chance'. So... Forgive me for being selfish~" she giggled, tickling him in earnest, making sure he received non-stop torture.

While tickling him, Lotus wrapped one arm around his waist as he felt her breasts pancake against his butt. With her other arm, he took his length in hand, and slowly began to stroke it, a strange surge of lust shooting through him as her touch felt unnaturally good. Just being teased by her hand made him instantly erect. "This cute little thing is what you used to bully that bird? I can't imagine it." she giggled, holding his tip with her fingers, playfully shifting it around as if it were a joystick.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Awwoooh, please! MerCY!!" Locke said, unable to properly 'apologize' anymore, so distracted was he by the kitsune's tickle torture. He swung his head from side to side as the blood pooled there. He was actually starting to get dizzy with lack of oxygen.

"Ca- Can't brEAth... can't... ahhh...haha....pl-please..." He was whimpering meekly, and completely without dignity now. He didn't understand why Marla would do this to him... he'd just wanted apologize. Why was she hurting him?

"Please..." he grunted. "Marla... I just wanted you... to be ha-..."

Locke started to curl up into a ball, his lungs on fire, his blood pooled head aching, no more breath in his throat to push out words. He could only wiggle uselessly.

The mystical draw of blood to his cock only served to make him more distracted and useless. He was almost catatonic now.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Once Locke had seemed to have had enough, he was laid down on the ground by Lotus' tails. "He began to faint faster than most who receive my Tickle Hell Technique~" she giggled.

"Thank you, Lotus~" Marla said with a smile. "I don't think Locke will try it again now~" she said with confidence.

"But I must say, don't be too cruel. Bad boys need punishment, but once they learn their lesson, you must be kind and reward their good behavior." Lotus advised Marla. "Too cruel, and they might run away from you~"

"Locke wouldn't leave me. I can do as I like with him." Marla said simply, dismissing Lotus.

"I wonder about that. Anyway~ Goodbye, little boy~" Lotus said to Locke, before leaving the Ranch, her task finished.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke was dazed and couldn't really hear what Lotus or Marla was saying as he struggled to regain his breath. He curled up into a fetal ball position and groaned as he held himself. He knew what had been done to him wasn't the worst thing that could have been done to him, but he still felt violated.

Had Marla felt like this? If so, he felt even more guilty now that full realization had dawned upon him. He couldn't look her in the eyes now. And kept himself on the ground, not moving.

He waited there, not saying goodbye to Lotus as she left. He wondered what Marla would try to do next to him.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Marla crouched down over the curled up Locke, her arrogance gone from her expression, now seeming genuinely worried as she displayed little experience in what vengeance brings. It certainly does not fix anything. "H-hey... Locke? Why... Why do you look like that? It wasn't that bad!" she said, suddenly fearful. "It wasn't that bad, right!? H-hey, I'm sorry!" she said in a panic, coming upon the realization that she may have done something terrible.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke didn't like this. Why should she trust him ever again? And now that she'd rebelled against him, it was clear that the relationship was broken. He'd failed completely with Marla. He'd been so blinded by trying to have fun with the new slime mamono that he'd been completely indifferent to Marla's feelings.

"I've been a horrible rancher. You deserve someone better, I see that now. If I feel this bad with tickling, then what I did to you... you must hate me. I'm so so sorry, Marla. I have no right to ask you to look at me, let alone... let alone love me. Please, you will be happier without an insensitive jerk like me around. I won't blame you if you leave..."

Locke shut his eyes, expecting to be hit, or perhaps raped. Mamono did that to men... but Locke realized he would deserve it.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)


What followed, was nothing. Marla didn't reply. It would have come as a shock then, when Locke was suddenly embraced by a crying Marla, her wings wrapping around him as she got on top of him, embracing him. "No! Don't say that!" Marla said in a shaky voice. "I don't want to leave! I-I just... I just don't like feeling inferior..." she explained, shaking as she hugged him. "Don't send me away! This is the only home I ever had! I... I-I never had family... Nothing like this... Please... Please don't talk like you're fine with me leaving!"