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Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

After cumming inside of her, Locke simply squeezed Ripple with all of his strength, not wanting to move away from her. "Wow... Ripple... Ripple you feel so wonderful. You're amazing."

"Fufufu! Mika you should see that pathetic look on your face! You're gonna cum any second now, aintcha? Do it! Go on and cum! It'll just be proof how much you love the touch of Mistress Celes and Mistress Marla! We'll teach you to beg for this! Hnnh~"

Celes grabbed Mika by the scruff of her neck and brought her close for another kiss as she continued to grind her clit against Mika's relentlessly.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Mika's hands planted against the sides of the tub, her strength struggling against Celes, and failing as she was slowly brought in. "I... Ah-Nnngah!" she gave a start as Marla's assault continued while being brought in towards Celes' lips until their lips were just glancing off of each other. "I'll... J-just... Ahn! C-commit sex suicide!" she announced, before Celes caught her lips, and Mika began rubbing her clit against Mika and against Marla's tongue. Her eyes squeezed shut as her face went blood red. Her hips worked in a motion to please Celes as much as possible, while no doubt receiving incredible pleasure from both parties. Leaning against Celes, Mika suddenly let out a cry, before spasming on top of her, trembling as an orgasm shook her, the noise of her cry stolen into Celes' lips.

"Y-you too..." Ripple replied, panting in the afterglow as Locke's cum mixed around inside of her. "My first time... I... I fear for my virtues as a princess, if I were to become addicted to this..."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"You have my word, I won't tell a soul. Your virtue will be safe in the eyes of everyone." Locke promised foolishly, as if Celes, Raven, Marla, and Mika weren't aware of everything that were going on in the tub. "Ripple you don't need to be afraid. I promise I'll rid you of your demon. It's the least I can do."

"Ahh... there you ... hnnhg... hnnf! there you go~~ Lovely little creature..." Celes said as she teetered on the edge of her own orgasm thanks to Mika's sexual suicide. "I -- ooouhh... hnnh! You, you... ooh, damn! Ohh! Ooh! Oouuuaahhhh!!!~~"

Celes' cunny spurted beneath the sloshing water, her strong orgasm lost in the rush of mutual ecstasy that Mika and herself were feeling.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Marla broke from the water with a large gasp for air, just as Mika was going limp on top of Celes, and Marla was soon going limp against Mika; thus, they formed a Mika sandwich with Celes and Marla as the bread. "Hah... Hah... Ha!" Mika laughed weakly. "T-two on one...! I... I... I win..." she boasted weakly.

"What are you talking about~?" Marla asked as she brushed her cheek up against Mika. "I was stimulating Celes too~ You certainly need to learn who's boss around here~" the harpy giggled with a wide, intentful grin.

"Thank you, Locke... I knew it from the moment we met in the arena, that you could help me~" Ripple said to Locke with a happy smile. "I'll do my best too, to become a wife you'll be happy to marry!" she announced with a confident smile.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke smiled wanly at Ripple's last boast. "It will be a lucky man who marries you, Ripple. He will need to set aside time every day to thank the stars for aligning in his favor. If it is destiny that we marry, then I won't fight it. But my ranch must come first for the time being. I want to make my own way through this world, and stamp my mark on it. Becoming the best male mamono rancher is my goal. I know you won't stop me from my dream. You're too good a person for that. I can tell."

Looking into Ripple's eyes, Locke could confidently say it would be easy to simply fall in love with the royal beauty. But Locke couldn't take the easy path, and he had Celes and Marla and Raven to think about. Not to mention that he would be looking after many more mamono as soon as he could.

"Hnnfh... you... you didn't win, silly. Hah~ hooh~ You came first! And Marla took us both on. You have to do what Marla says~" Celes giggled wearily, and slipped a hand over to Marla's shoulder, patting the harpy. "Maybe you can take Mika for the night as your prize? I... I want to be with Raven."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Rippled nodded with a smile. "I will do anything I can to help!" she announced, still holding his length inside her, the slight shifting in the water causing his manhood to stir the contents of her pussy around. "It may sound selfish, but I want you to become as great as possible, Locke! So you can help me!" she announced.

"Wha-hey!" Mika cried in protest, before finding her body at the mercy of Marla's groping and rubbing. "I'll make a good harem member out of you~! Wee-hee-hee!" Marla made a most perverted laugh. "N-no!" Mika cried out. "T-there's something wrong with you! L-let me go!" she demanded, as if fearing for her life. Marla shook her head, holding onto Mika as she tried to escape from the bath. "You're mine! All mine! I'll lick every little inch of your body until you shine!" Marla announced.

"NOOO~!" Mika screamed, her hands holding onto the edge of the tub as Marla pulled her in by her body as if Marla was trying to pull Mika down into the depths of deep water in order to consume her.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke grinned. "I'm glad. Then we both want the same thing." He stroked Ripple's back tenderly, in no rush to separate himself from her lower half. She felt so good up against him - a real life princess of the sea. She was like something out of a story book, and the fact that she was so cute and vulnerable on one hand and so determined and beautiful on the other was nearly enough to take his breath away. How could he possibly deserve a mermaid like her to be with him? He was just a rancher... but hopefully with help and encouragement from mamono like herself and Marla, he'd be THE rancher one day.

"Mmm, well, you two have fun," Celes said to Mika and Marla before sliding over to Locke and Ripple. "As for you, Locke, I guess you and the princess have reached an understanding? I'm so glad."

Celes leaned over, turned Locke's face toward her and kissed him directly on the lips. The kiss was quick, but designed to be impressionable, and she pulled away leaving a small ribbon of saliva dangling out from the tip of her tongue.

"But don't forget, Locke, you're a part of Queen Marla's harem, as well as her partner. You can't shirk your obligations to her any more than you can shirk your obligations to me. Princess Ripple, you may think Locke is fine husband material - and you're absolutely right - but he belongs to more than just one woman. And he's only going to have many and more powerful suitors as he increases his prowess as a rancher. Capture his heart if you think you have it in you, but until then, he belongs to us all."

"Celes? I..." Locke seemed dumbfounded by how serious Celes seemed, even as she ran a hand through his soaked brown hair.

"Hush now. Ripple, nothing I've said is a threat. I think you're wonderful, and I'm going to fight just as hard as Locke to save you from this demon. I just want you to know that Locke's not just some man you can scoop up and bring to Atlantis. He's got so much to offer everyone. He has to shine."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Mika and Marla wrestled together in the tub, mainly with Mika as the victim of Marla's perverted assaults, as Ripple nodded firmly to Celes. "I am thankful to you all, truly. And if such bonds are present between you all... I..." Ripple's face flushed with shyness, before her eyes became as sharp as a hawk's. "I will... Accept myself as part of Queen Marla's harem!" Ripple announced.

Her declaration made Marla give a joyous reply, "Yaaay!" she cheered, leaving a molested Mika to herself at the edge of the tub, looking drained already from struggling with the perverse harpy, before Marla reached Celes and wrapped a wing around her shoulder. "Well done-well done!" Marla congratulated Celes, winking at her. "Enlisting a princess to the harem, I think you deserve a reward from the Queen herself!" Marla boasted. "Make a wish, any wish! And this harpy will grant it!" Marla boasted even further, clearly getting ahead of herself.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Celes grinned, "Any wish? Hmmm. Well, I want one day of each year set aside for me to get complete pampering from everyone on the ranch. Not just sex stuff... I want to be massaged and waited upon and given every kindness. It'll be Celes Day!"

"Oh, that'll be good..." Locke said wryly, but he was still thankful for the way Celes had handled the princess. His best human friend in the world was more than a pretty face. She knew that with all these mamono clawing for his affection, there had to be some sort of understanding put into place to deal with all the overflowing desires. Locke cared for Marla a lot, but he also wanted to treat Ripple with great respect and friendship. Celes was giving him a way to put Ripple and Marla on the same team, without any animosity between them.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Then let today forever be known in our kingdom as~!" Marla fanned her wing out as if beholding a magnificent display. "Marla and Celes day! Where all of the people treat Celes as great as they treat me, the queen!" Marla announced, before leaning in towards Celes, puffing out her lips. "Kisses for Celes!" Marla cooed, attempting to barrage Celes with kisses all over.

"I'm so happy everything turned out this way. There are no sad faces..." Ripple smiled, hugging Locke. "You are truly as wonderful as you are beautiful, Locke. I feel so jealous because I know that many other girls will come to like you... Sharing you will be hard." Ripple announced with a soft tone.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Celes decided to give into the kissing as there was no point in resisting, instead, she went aggressive and met Marla with a glomp of her own, pulling the harpy 'queen' down on top of her, smooching her generously.

Meanwhile Locke just went a little rosy in the cheeks at Ripple's compliment and shook his head.

"You're too kind, Ripple. I'm not that great. I'm just doing what anyone else would do..." He raised one of his fingers as if making a point, then stared at it, seeing how pruny he'd gone being in the water so long.

"Hmm, it might be time for me to get out of the pool before I shrivel up. Would that I were as comfortable in the water as you, princess, unfortunately, I need to dry out. Would you like to stay in the water or come out with me? We could have some drinks before I head to bed and you, well, you're free to sleep over of course."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Marla kissed Celes and giggled as she played with her, enjoying Celes and her affections.

"Ah, I shall stay then!" she announced, leaving the tub with Locke. "I am part of Marla's harem now, so... Doesn't that mean that we get to share a bed together?" Ripple asked hopefully.

"Yup!" Marla confirmed from where she can Celes were loving on each other.

Raven, meanwhile, was holding her belly with a wing, focusing on what was developing inside. "My first time... Laying my eggs into another instead of keeping them warm myself in my nest..." she murmured, her face blushing. "It will be embarressing..."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Celes' ears perked up at what Raven said and she stopped kissing Marla for a moment to stare at the black feathered harpy.

"Egg? You mean you've got an egg ready?" she asked, biting her lip. "When... when will it be ready to come out?"

Locke sighed, but not in an unhappy way, as Marla confirmed for Ripple the details of her overnight stay.

"Very well, you'll share my bed tonight. Come on, we'll go up there first while the harpies finish celebrating the first Celes Day."

In a sudden spark of inspiration, Locke scooped up the awkward Ripple and carried her light body back into the house and up to the bed. "I know you can walk outside of the water, but I felt like helping a cute fish out of water, so no arguments about me carrying you, okay Ripple?" he grinned.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

She shook her head, "No, I do not have an egg ready. But, I can feel them growing inside me. Next week for sure, I must lay them, either into a nest, or..." Raven blushed.

Ripple gave a squeak as she was lifted out of the water, her golden fin flapping, sending water everywhere before she settled into Locke's arms, and let her fin turn back into human legs. Blushing, she smiled up at Locke. "You're carrying me like a knight would a princess..." she noted, her fingers covering her mouth in a bashful gesture as she looked up at Locke with a small, happy expression. "Leaving my kingdom was the best idea I ever had~"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Oh. Well, we'll be looking forward to it. Isn't it wonderful though? Soon a little new harpy will be entering the world. Oh... we could make a whole nursery wing for the ranch and raise baby harpies! They'd be soooo cuuute!" Celes went starry eyed for a moment, thinking about playing mum to a bunch of little Marlas and Ravens - ignoring of course any of the stark realities of what that vision might entail. "And of course, you could lay them wherever you think might be... um... most ideal."

Celes tittered and blushed a bit as she said that last comment, before burying her face in Marla's bust to hide the redness betraying her inner thoughts.

Meanwhile, Locke took the now two-legged Ripple into the ranch house and up the stairs to his bedroom. He chuckled at the princess' comment.

"I don't know about that knight bit. I think I'm a bit too lowborn to ever be a knight, but you're certainly a princess, so I guess you do make me feel like a knight. Anyways, you're a slim girl, so it's not that difficult. Just let me know if you're not comfortable."

He placed the princess onto his bed as gently as possible, giving her his own pillow to rest her head on. He then looked at her body, still nude, and thought he should do the gentlemanly thing and cover her with a bedsheet, so that's what he did, tucking her in before finding a towel to dry off his damp body. He knew she might make his bed a little wet, but he didn't want to risk suggesting the mermaid princess 'dry herself off.' It could have negative connotations to an Atlantian.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Raven embraced Celes, a bit of a shocked expression on her face, as well as a blush. "Ah... Yes..." she replied nervously. "But you are not concerned at all... To take my eggs inside you... I cannot understand why you are so excited... You are truly not an ordinary girl." Raven observed.

Meanwhile, Ripple giggled at Locke's modesty. "A knight is any man willing to defend royalty. You are my knight, Locke~" Ripple announced, smiling happily.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Celes blushed that Raven had come over and had addressed the issue so bluntly, her normally confident demeanor completely reversed as she looked down and away.

"I don't know, I guess if I really think about it, I might be a little scared, but... but it's done a lot around here, right? And... and if other girls are willing to do it, then why should I not do it for you? You deserve as much loyalty from me as you are willing to give to this ranch and... and I should be honored to help care for your egg. So yes, I want to do it, even if it hurts... will it hurt?"


Locke blushed. "Oh? I didn't know that was the definition. But then, I can't conceive of many men who wouldn't want to protect you. You could make knights simply by waving your hand."

He shrugged and then decided to boldly snuggle up to the princess. After all, he'd already accepted her as a sexual partner, and damned himself for any possible repercussions from the girl's mother, so he might as well enjoy his 'crime.' He gave Ripple a comforting squeeze, and then put her blue-haired head on his chest and stroked her hair.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Raven smiled at Celes, before wrapping her upper half in her feathers, drowning almost all light from between them as she leaned in, and whispered. "It won't hurt." she promised, before giving Celes a gentle kiss.


Ripple happily snuggled up against Locke, closing her eyes with a smile on her face. "No... Few men would defend me like you..." she replied with a whisper, her nude leg wrapping over his frame.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Celes shivered with the intimacy that Raven gave her, and could only nod meekly at the intimidating harpy's reassurance. When kissed, Celes melted forward into the black harpy, her heart skipping a beat with how tender and emotional Raven was being with her. Her arms tightened around the feathered frame and she gulped back tears of joy to know that she had found an amazing friend and lover in the beautiful, stoic Raven.

"For my first Celes Day wish, I want to go to sleep with just you tonight," she told the black harpy. "Can you fly me to your nest?"


Locke shook his head with a smile to match the princess' but did not push the argument further. He settled into a comfortable position, and simply caressed Ripple, content to let the princess fall asleep next to him. He didn't know what she expected, if she wanted more from him tonight or not, but he would let her decide that.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Grab onto my talons." Raven instructed Celes, taking flight, separating from Celes' embrace to fly above her, and open her talons for Celes to grab onto. Once she did, Raven lifted off, carrying Celes through the air, and to Raven's nest, where she set Celes down, and with a blush, settled with standing on the edge, her talons gripping the side while Celes stood in the middle. "I'm a little inexperienced myself... Would you care to... Practice?" Raven inquired.

Meanwhile, Ripple was soon sound asleep with Locke.