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Daily Masturbation


Demon Girl
Aug 6, 2010
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Hi guys and gals, I'm pretty much a lurker here I guess. I've contributed monetarily here and there to some of the game dev's, so I don't feel too terrible about lurking, but anyway...

Daily masturbation! Since I was 14 (I'm 32 now), I haven't gone a day without whacking it. With the exception of the 6 weeks I was in boot camp, which made me totally believe that "rumor" that they put saltpeter in the Gatorade. So my question to all of you is...

Do you masturbate daily? What's your record in one day? (girls don't count for that second one, you ladies get it good there)

Me, obviously daily and 6 times in one day.

Also, sorry if this thread's been done, I tried searching for one and did not find one. So, come on folks, let's get personal! :D


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Daily Masturbation

How do we get it good there?


Mega Ultimate Jungle Girl 2000 Redux Z
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Daily Masturbation

Despite how many times I hump people in the shoutbox, I don't always masturbate daily
Record is 5 or 6 times I think. Not to mention those occasional stupid retarded fucking boners that refuse to go away no matter how much I fap

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Daily Masturbation

Average of about 3 to 4 per week, though varying with both occasional more active periods and also quiet spells.

Active periods can mean once every day, but there's nearly always at least one "day off" per week where I don't. Less active periods can sometimes mean none at all for a week, but more often probably still averages at around 1 or 2.

My daily record is 3, just once, and very rarely do I ever go above once a day.

My preferred time and place is 95% whilst in bed, whilst mentally playing out fantasy material, sometimes collected from specific inspirations, but most times just imagined up more or less from scratch.
The other 5% of the time is either in the shower or at the computer when a particular H game might set me off. It's quite rare for me to do this really, partly due to one of the two siblings (that I share the rent with) fondness of kicking my bed room door down even after midnight because they're in the mood to talk about a new imaginary alien they invented or some random bullshit. And partly just because I've never got into fapping at the PC.

When in bed my average time is somewhere between 20 minutes and an hour. In shower it's obviously quicker (hot water is expensive), and at the computer... varies I guess.

Sometimes I feel like the overall quality of my fantasises has dropped over the last two years. Lack of originality and too many repeats. I used to come up with actual continuing stories before. It's a little concerning.

Bony fingers are not the kindest lover.


Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
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Re: Daily Masturbation

So frequently that I probably have ejaculated more sperm than my body can produce in a lifetime...


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Daily Masturbation

Usually once a day, but with the weather not permitting much work lately it's risen to twice daily. As for the most in a day... 3 sounds right, anymore and it's really too painfull to bother with anymore. As for time...??? Don't know maybe an hour to and hour and a half, but my record would be somewhere around 4 hours of constant fapping


Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
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Re: Daily Masturbation

Usually once a day, but with the weather not permitting much work lately it's risen to twice daily. As for the most in a day... 3 sounds right, anymore and it's really too painfull to bother with anymore. As for time...??? Don't know maybe an hour to and hour and a half, but my record would be somewhere around 4 hours of constant fapping
Oh right, my record? Hrm, I think it was something over seven hours continuously. I was quite upset at how much video games I could have been playing in the time I spent fapping for that long...


Demon Girl
Aug 6, 2010
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Re: Daily Masturbation

So frequently that I probably have ejaculated more sperm than my body can produce in a lifetime...
I'm right there with ya!!!

And sorry to the ladies, I wasn't trying to be insulting, it's just...you ladies could easily beat us guys on the "record in a day" if you really wanted to. Generally speaking.

Love the responses so far! Mine are mostly in front of the computer, although the first time was to some really crappy VHS porn which I would consider quite vanilla compared to my current requirement for release.


Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Daily Masturbation

I'm right there with ya!!!

And sorry to the ladies, I wasn't trying to be insulting, it's just...you ladies could easily beat us guys on the "record in a day" if you really wanted to. Generally speaking.

Love the responses so far! Mine are mostly in front of the computer, although the first time was to some really crappy VHS porn which I would consider quite vanilla compared to my current requirement for release.
I don't see why you'd exclude women from the record in one day, though... I'd simply remember that female orgasms and male orgasms are apples and oranges. Besides, there are some unfortunate women who claim to have never, EVER had an orgasm, even into their thirties!

As for me, I've never kept a record. It would have to be at least six, but I'm thinking more like seven or eight. I've "quit" masturbation and pornography for short periods (before caving and beating it like a horny monkey), I've abstained from it for a while if I thought I'd met a special girl (I perform better when I haven't beaten it lately) and I've had to go several days sometimes without jerking off when I couldn't find privacy, and also at officer candidate school. But generally it's at least twice a day.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Daily Masturbation

Same @Usqui. I try not to as it makes my clothes(undies) sticky and makes me feel dirty and ick. Which means I have to take a bath or shower immediately afterwards. I'm kind of OCD. :/ I actually have been known to go up to aweek without fapping. But sometimes I just get bored, stressed out, can't think to post or some shit and my brain immediately falls to teh pr0n and fapping.


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Daily Masturbation

I'm right there with ya!!!

And sorry to the ladies, I wasn't trying to be insulting, it's just...you ladies could easily beat us guys on the "record in a day" if you really wanted to. Generally speaking.
You know the girl thing is easily solvable by just saying how many times do you masturbate in a day instead of how many times do you come?


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
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Re: Daily Masturbation

Back when I was unemployed, I would fap all day and get off nearly five times. I got to ten in a day a few times. Thinking back, that's actually kinda pathetic and amazing at the same time. When I took up theatre, my libido took a sharp drop, as it had again when I got this job. I'm down to about three faps every two days, and I'm still trying to cut it down. I just don't have time or energy, but if I don't do it at least every morning, I pitch a tent when I get on the subway.


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Daily Masturbation

Mmm. On average? Four to Six times a month. I've not been feeling it lately, got too much to do, I guess. And it's often hard to orgasm even when I do. (There's a nerve damage issue)

I think the most in one day... three... maybe two, actually. I'd rather be productive. Speaking of though... I have a test in an hour so that's what I'll be doing right before.


Grim Reaper
Dec 11, 2010
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Re: Daily Masturbation

1-3 times most of the days in the week. I think I still remember the first time I fapped. The day I started to become a man, or atleast a pervert.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Daily Masturbation

I think my first ever times were in the shower. Though before that I do remember this odd thing I used to do in bed involving pushing my (still flaccid) penis inside my body whilst lying on my front, and just kind of thinking sexy thoughts whilst holding it in to prevent gaining a full erection. Somehow it was arrousing or something I guess? Doesn't work anymore. I guess that just kind of evolved into my current normal habits.

Almost never fapping during normal wakeful hours means that more than one each night would cause me to lose sleeping time.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Daily Masturbation

Pretty much once a night for me, sometimes more if I'm feeling particularly horny. Most in one night was seven times in four hours, when I first starting playing Demon Girl back in my teens.


Demon Girl
Aug 6, 2010
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Re: Daily Masturbation

Man, I wish we had this kind of porn when I was in MY teens! :D I remember downloading my first nude pics of women on the 2400 baud modem, those movies...yeah...they aren't joking about how long it took. And my first "online" movie was black/white and so bad in resolution that is was tough to make out much, felt like I was watching those "blocked" channels on cable TV (which I did that also as a teen).

I agree about the apples to oranges statement, again I apologize to the ladies I may have offended.

Hey, 10 times in one day, that's the record so far in this thread, you should be PROUD! I'm a pervert and proud of it irl, I often share my collection size with strangers as well as coworkers (which is about 1TB of doujin and 5TB of videos).


Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Daily Masturbation

I've been fapping a lot this last week actually... This tuesday, after much sexytimes, my girl had to go home... I never got to come...

Usually this kind of blueballing will result in intense hornyness for one maybe two faps for most people, but for some reason it wouldn't subside... So the last three days have been the olympics of random erections... And much masturbation. (average prolly 5 a day for days straight, maybe more...)


I got sore...