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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The black haired girl blushed as she see the futa girl taking away her last part of armor, but then Celine give her the last outfit and the girl could now understand what the elf try to do. Thanks... but after be free of that creature i stop to feel it. Maybe the creature was the one making me feel strange after all. The girl continue hearing to Celine as this dress herself, she dont have an ample bust like the elf and the tool to fill her pants, but at the end the clothes looks to be close her size.

Nice to meet you Celine, the true is than i dont feel so well and i cant remember too many things, even my fingers looks to be used to touch myself, but im fine and we can continue if you want, i dont want to see that monster again. Celine looks than this woman is not at her 100% and any of them dont know the side effects than the creature could have place on her after being using her all this time. Rest will Myrtle could be a good idea, but she was a little afar of her home now than she was close to leave the swamp, so they could find something worse than the last monster.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine noticed the girl seemed to still be a bit weak from her time with that monster and decided to help her get back to hers and Myrtle's little home, though it was quite far away now, she figured it would be for the best to try and get her to a safe place to rest for now. She could use a little rest herself after that, plus she may be able to repair her clothing the monster had damaged while they rested.

"If you can manage it, I'll take you to my home. It's safe place to rest, but it's on the other side of the swamp here," Celine told the girl. If the girl accepted her offer, then she would lead her back across the swamp to hers and Myrtle's home, while keeping a watchful eye out for anything suspicious like the monster they had barely gotten away from.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The girl doubt than this were the best choice but she must accept than she dont know this place and Celine looks to be a good fighter, so both could be ready for anything than could face them... she suppose. Once the blonde elf help her to get up, both walk toward the plant girl house, Celine know exactly her path toward it and she had seen these lands from Mytle house for a long time than it will be hard to her to get lost. They were at middle way when suddenly she heard something moving close them using the flora to hide themselves, the sensible elf ears easily notice the soft steps in the mud and from a tree a gree phanter jump over the girl and pinned her at the floor, Celine dodge a second creature and now she must decide her next move before something bad happen.

Celine hit first, but the girl lost iniciative against the beasts. It will be a prinny first rules battle

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine and the girl were on their way back to hers and Myrtle's home and when they got about halfway, they heard something moving close by, using the flora for cover. Celine's elven ears easily noticed the soft steps in the mud and something jumped out of a tree over her.

"Hang on, I'm coming!" Celine cried to her new companion.

Celine's drew her sword and slashed it at the thing holding her companion down, trying to get her free as she'd promised to help the poor girl to get somewhere safe, so she couldn't simply let her be attacked like this without helping her. Should she free her new companion, Celine would press her attack on the creature that had been holding her, stabbing at it.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine hit

girl miss

p1 hit

p2 fail

Celine hit

BG hit panther 2 before Celine hit p1

Both panther hit

The panther over the black haired girl whine as the sword slice a side of his body, it moves away the enough to dodge the kick of the girl on the floor and then before the elf try to hit the wounded one, the other jump over her and make her hit her face in the muddy floor, Celine heard a yelp when her partner hit the panther and free her, giving her the time enough to attack and wound the right leg of the damaged panther, but this groan in pain turnning Celine into the target of both felines who bite slash her upper clothes until nearly turn them into only rags, now with a last hit Celine see herself bellow one of them with her lower torso unprotected this could be her last moment without be raped by these creatures

Celine 2/5

Girl 4/5

P1 2/4
p2 3/4

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine managed to cut the one holding her companion down and force it off of her, though the outcome of that was that she herself was now pinned under one of the panthers. When she'd hit the one on top of the girl, both of the panthers managed to retaliate against her by biting and slashing their claws at her, which destroyed most of the rest of her clothing in the process.

Celine grunted in pain as she hit the ground, but she still didn't give up and struggled to get out from under the panther on top of her by putting her knee right into its genitals, then she would stab it right through the throat once she'd gotten it off of her to kill it. All she could really do was hope that the girl could hold the other panther off until she dealt with this one.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine hit

Girl fail

P1 crit fail

P2 Crit hit

With a direct hit in the lower precious area of the panther, Celine manage to get up as she expect to put an end to the misery of the poor beast, but what she found was a heavily angry creature who jump over her, making the elf hit her head against a tree, losing slowly the consciousness as she feel hot the creature place her sword away of her after bite her armed hand.

The last than Celine saw before fall sleep is the other girl fighting against the other panther some feets away of her.


When she wake up she saw her clothes completely destroyed and turned into little rags, but at least she notice the other girl trying to protect her as she wake up, she looks to have Celine's sword but for the way of how she wield it, it looks than she dont know how to use it.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

From the way you wrote that, I'm assuming that we didn't totally lose the fight, so I'm writing this accordingly.

Celine managed to knee the panther right in its moneymaker, but as she was about to stab it, it jumped over her and knocked her head against a tree. She felt the panther biting her hand, which forced her to drop her sword. The last she saw was the girl fighting the other panther a few feet away.


Celine woke up some time later, she didn't know how long, but assumed it couldn't have been that long as the girl was standing next to her holding her sword and trying to protect her. Celine noticed her clothing was completely gone now also and pretty much reduced to rags.

Celine tried to will herself to get back up. If she was able to do so, she would let her new companion know she was okay.

"Are you okay?" Celine would ask as she raised up, should she be able to do so that is. If the panthers were still attacking them, then Celine would quickly grab her sword and ready herself to fight again.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Yes you won... well the npc, but you help her a lot

Celine could still feel her head have a huge headache, but this problem could dissapear with the time. Once she asked about the health of the girl this nod and slowly return her sword to the elf, Yes im fine. I dunno how but i manage to defeat them, but it take me a time, im so sorry than you lost your clothes trying to protect me The girl looks to be a little wounded and the bite on Celine's hand could take a time to heal alone or in the worse case it could infect her with something.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Alright, just making sure.

Celine shook her head a little at the girl's words.

"No don't be sorry, it isn't any fault of yours that I lost my clothes," Celine told her, then she gave a depressed sigh at her own uselessness in the fight.
"I should've done more to help, I told you that I would protect you and you ended up protecting me instead. It's shameful to my honor."

Celine would check herself for wounds and the bite on her hand seemed to be the worst of it other than the bump on her head from where she'd been knocked unconscious. She decided to not even bother with trying to salvage her clothing yet and looked back up at the girl.

"We should hurry on and get back to my home here, my friend Myrtle can help us get cleaned up once we get there, and she can get us something to eat as well." Celine told the girl as she got back up and ready to go, wanting to hurry back so she could clean her wounds more thoroughly in a safer place than this.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The girl frown when Celine show her discomfort at how all just happened, but she suppose than an elf must think like that. Oh, don't worry to much about that, its not so important who is the one than protect the other, we just need to be safe as we reach your home. The girl then follow the blonde nude girl, as Celine could feel how the warm breeze turn her a little aroused and shamefully she start to display to everybody her slightly erect dick.

The young woman try to turn to other side but, she can deny than Celine member call too much the attention to avoid see it. Celine notice this and how the black haired girl blush, but finally the elf can see the high tree where Myrtle live, however she also notice a huge creature resting close their path and easily they could be in middle of other fight

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I suppose you're right about that," Celine said when the girl told her not to worry so much about it.

As they went on, Celine felt the warm breeze starting to cause her to get a little aroused as her cock shamefully began getting slightly erect. The young woman tried to turn her head the other way, but Celine's member was simply calling too much attention to itself. Celine noticed the girl trying to ignore it to keep her savior from getting embarrassed about it, and when the girl saw Celine glancing over at her she blushed.

Eventually they came to the large tree that Myrtle lived in and she was about to go over and call out to Myrtle to reach down her vines and get them. Before she got out of the woods though, she noticed a large creature resting close to their path to the tree and they might not be able to reach the tree without fighting it.

"Let's try to sneak past it okay," Celine whispered softly to her companion as she slowly began to start creeping past the creature.

Should they make it past the creature, Celine would try to get Myrtle's attention to reach down and get them with her vines.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

After the girl nod, both tried to pass unnoticied by the huge creature, their soft steps slowly pass close the terrible creature, who looks to sleep peacefully until suddenly it looks than the creature detect something when Celine pass close him, maybe the smell of the panther or her little precum starting to leave her manlike member looks to alter the beast.

Luckily they get away of it at time and Myrtle vines are everywhere detecting any possible predator, without had passed too much time the beautiful green woman looks to have heard them at time and she send vines to both girls.

The black haired girl was close to scream but the elf looks to know what she is doing and imite her. Of course than once they get up the poor girl scream loudly and pass out by the sudden wave of the innocent plant girl.

C-Celine, is that human your friend? i fear for our childrens.

Myrtle also get scared and stay away of the uncouncied woman.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

While they were sneaking past the sleeping creature, Celine noticed it stir in its sleep and her heart began beating faster. She glanced down at herself and saw a small bit of precum starting to leak from the tip of her member, figuring that the creature must be able to smell her or something. The two hurried up and were luckily able to sneak away before the creature noticed them, then when they got far enough away, Celine noticed many of Myrtle's vines hanging down to detect any possible predators in the area.

Celine led the girl over to some of Myrtle's vines and Myrtle must have heard them because she sent a few vines down to lift them up into the tree. Celine's new companion was about to scream when Celine hushed her and softly whispered to her to follow her. Once they got up into the tree though the girl saw Myrtle waving at the two of them from the corner and this time she couldn't help herself and did scream, then she fainted a moment later.

"Don't worry about her Myrtle, I found her on the outskirts of the swamp being raped by some big rock looking creature. I couldn't just leave her there, so I figured I'd bring her here to rest and recover. She doesn't really remember much before getting grabbed either," Celine explained to Myrtle.
"I don't think she was expecting you though honestly."

Celine would move over to give Myrtle a kiss on the lips to greet her, then she'd get her bedroll out and help the girl into it. When she got the girl into the bedroll, she would try to find something to cover herself with so she wasn't naked.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Myrtle forget her fears once her lover get close to kiss her, the couple have a moment to be together, before Celine place her woman to rest.

This is a great surprise, it had not passed a day and we are together again, i hope than she also have a kind soul... Celine! are you fine? let me see your hand [/color] Myrtle get close and get worried by the wound made by the panther, she start to made a special medicine using some plants and mushrooms and place it in the wound using a small piece of cloth.

Meanwhile Celine find a pair of ragged clothes than she repair the enough to make a male underwear and a top than nearly cant hide her big breasts, with these small rag clothes she looks like a forest elf. Once Myrtle end her first haid, she notice the girl start to waking up.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I think she's an okay person, I mean she did save me earlier when we got attacked by a couple of panthers," Celine said in reply to Myrtle's words about the girl being an okay person. Then Myrtle noticed Celine's hurt hand and asked about her hand.
"Oh this... well those panthers I told you about, one of them knocked me out and bit my hand. She protected me while I was out, so that's why I think she's an okay person."

Myrtle set about making some special medicine for Celine's hand and then wrapped it in a small piece of cloth. After that, Celine was able to find a set of ragged clothing that she was able to repair enough to cover herself with, though her top wasn't covered half as well as she'd like it would serve for now. A few minutes later Celine and Myrtle noticed the girl waking back up.

"Hey... are you okay?" Celine asked the girl as she woke. then she gently brushed the girl's hair from her eyes and tried to keep her calm as she woke.
"Don't worry, you're safe here. Myrtle won't hurt you."


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Then i will be as friendly as possible with the person who saved you, my beloved Celine. Said Myrtle whe she heard than Celine is here thanks to the other woman. Once the girl was close to wake up, Myrtle hide herself behing the slimy pool where rest the seeds, there she wait until Celine end to prepare her friend.

The girl opened her eyes and found herself in a strange place filled with vines and a green wall Celine, where are we? she said before be calmed by Celine for some minutes. That creature is Myrtle!?... is she your house? exactly what kind of relashionship do you have? So-rry to ask too much
Last edited:

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Thanks sweetie," Celine told Myrtle when the plant woman said she'd be as friendly as possible to the girl that saved her beloved Celine.

Myrtle then moved over to hide herself behind the slimy little pool that the seedlings rested in when she noticed the girl waking up, waiting until Celine prepared her new companion to actually meet Myrtle instead of just screaming and fainting.

The girl slowly opened her eyes and found herself in Celine's and Myrtle's home, which had green walls and was filled with Myrtle's vines. She asked Celine where they were and Celine explained where they were and everything.

"It's okay Myrtle, you can come out now," Celine called out to Myrtle when she'd explained where they were to the girl. When the girl saw Myrtle she asked if Myrtle was Celine's house, what their relationship was, then she apologized for asking so many questions, all of which made Celine laugh softly.

"Yes this is Myrtle and don't worry she's my friend and she won't hurt you. As to your second question, no she isn't my house, I... don't think. Would you technically be the house Myrtle?" Celine began saying to the girl, then she glanced over her shoulder to ask Myrtle. Regardless of the answer that Myrtle gave her, Celine continued her explanation to the girl.
"Anyway though, me and Myrtle are lovers I guess you might say. Don't worry so much about asking to many questions though, you're in a strange new and unfamiliar place, so we understand."

"Can I ask you a question though? What's your name? I can't remember if you ever told me," Celine asked the girl when she'd gotten her calmed down enough after seeing Myrtle.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Thanks to the whole explanation, the black haired girl looks to be more calmed in order to be able to resist see the strange plant girl. Uhm Hi, im Myrtle. Thanks for save Celine of the beasts, im really grateful... lets be friends. Myrtle said as she get close Celine, like trying to protect herself from the human without notice it. Hmm... i dunno how explain it... i made this place when i was a child and has been growing with me all this time, so its more like a part of me, also i use it to absorb nutrients and help this tree to grow, its really usefull.. The girl stay looking confused to Myrtle who begin to feel ashamed by dont give a concrete answer, no doubt than both feel a little weird in this moment.

Celine continue answering the girl questions and certainly it was a great impact when she said than both were lovers, Myrtle nearly jump to her and the woman opened her eyes and get stunned a moment before Celine ask her name.

My name?

Sure, i guess than my name Cassandra
Said the girl after a moment, then she take a moment before ask something more. Thanks to bring me here, i dunno how can i pay you for what you have done to save me, can i ask what will you do now? maybe im scared to fight my way out of this swamp, but i must try to help you at least a little.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine watched Myrtle trying to be friendly to the girl, thanking her for keeping Celine safe from the beasts they ran into earlier. Myrtle explained to them about the tree and how she'd been there since she was a child... in the end she told them that the tree was more a part of her than she was a part of it. The girl's eyes went wide when Celine told her that she and Myrtle were lovers, but she soon recovered when Celine asked her name and introduced herself as Cassandra to Celine and Myrtle

"Well I was really just exploring the area around here when I found you Cassie. Can I call you Cassie?" Celine said to Cassandra, asking if she could use the shortened version of her name. When Cassandra answered her question, she would continue.
"I was going to explore the mountain, mainly because this slime girl a little ways up there told me there might be something interesting up there and asked if I would check it out for her. You can help me if you like, but before we decide anything we should get some rest."

Celine would then explain about her time with the slime girl and why she'd done things the way she had, mainly because she didn't want to fight unless she had to.

"I hope you aren't mad about that Myrtle, but I didn't want to fight unless I had to and she said if I just let her feed on my juices then she'd let me go afterward," Celine tried to explain once she'd finished telling about the slime girl, hanging her head a little in shame and hoping that Myrtle wouldn't get mad.
"I guess I'm just weak when it comes to pleasure."