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ACT [ ankoku marimokan] アンコクマリモカン Splatter School スプラッタースクール ~横スクロールエログロリョナアクション~ RE092968 RJ092968

Re: Splatter School

i like the graphics and the characther,there's more from the author of this game?
Re: Splatter School

I like the art work the most. I played a little using the full save, its so/so for me its simply a matter of ?WHY? whats going on and can we try moving a little faster sweety things are only trying to kill you and worse rape you after all. its a nice game but I think a little more time and thought could have helped.

side note all I thought about when playing was, when is Pyramid-Head going to show up and rape me?
Re: Splatter School

So, out of curiosity, with everyone posting comments about how to edit the save and everything . . . Am I the only one who noticed that the game itself includes an omake folder that contains a complete save.ini with instructions?
Re: Splatter School

So, out of curiosity, with everyone posting comments about how to edit the save and everything . . . Am I the only one who noticed that the game itself includes an omake folder that contains a complete save.ini with instructions?

lol guess so...suppose everybody was too busy trying to beat the game to see the extra folder. good catch haha
Re: Splatter School

i like the graphics and the characther,there's more from the author of this game?

The circle that made this game actually made several other games. However, only splatter school and legend of kokage seem to be side-scrollers. The others are Text/CGI games and/or RPGs. The most well known of their games that I'm aware of, aside from splatter school and legend of kokage, is: (鉄刃少女ブレイザ). There's a thread for this game here: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=18646

Here's a list of all their works on DLSite (some are just CG colections):

Re: Splatter School

Since nobody's done this yet and the gallery is in japanese, I made a list of what each animation is in the "Dead Anime Gallery". Just compare numbers to see which is which.

The list in an attachment on this post.

I was hoping the boss would do something to her after the whole breast expansion thing, but it's only shown in the game over CG for it. Oh well.

So, out of curiosity, with everyone posting comments about how to edit the save and everything . . . Am I the only one who noticed that the game itself includes an omake folder that contains a complete save.ini with instructions?

I don't remember but I think they did something like this for a previous game too(Legend of Kokage) I can't recall correctly since it's been a while since that one came out.
Re: Splatter School

Not a bad game.

It's replay value isn't very high though.

By far my favorite enemies are the two pairs of legs that are connected and the muscular zombies that DP her.

The game's a little slow, but generally not THAT difficult until much closer to the end.

I think it's well done, sound could have been better.
Re: Splatter School

Yeah the game is ok...although it is pretty short and not as challenging as Kurovadis. The Boss fights including the final are really easy to beat once you figure out their attack patterns and strategy. So here's a list of my review which does contain spoiler:

Story: 5/10

I didn't really see any interest in the story but it is pretty straight forward. A faculty member brought evil into the school by reciting the pages from the book which kinda reminds me of Evil Dead from the necronomicon. A student named Jessica got knocked down from her after-school nap by an unknown force then she checked the corridor only to find people getting slaughtered or turned into monsters. Armed with only a box cutter, she decided to flee the school while fighting for her life but in the end she manage to save the school from evil and things turned back to normal. FYI the ending sucks and we don't get to see her in it :p

Gameplay: 7/10

Similar 2D Side-Scroller gameplay mechanics from the splatterhouse series which brings back the good old days. You start out as Jessica with 6 lives and unlimited continues. There are only 5 stages in the game, 1 - 4 has 3 areas while 5 has 5 areas and it gets harder as you move along. The basic controls are just like in the series. You press Z to jump, X to attack, A to attack with any weapons you pick up and S to pause the game. You simply have to fight your way through various enemies while avoiding traps till you reach the far right end which will take you to a new area. Weapons placed along the way can be a bit useful but are very limited. There are some clothing damage for the loss of 2 lives and you can't restore them after eating donuts dropped from the ghost mustache so you will remain naked later on. When you are down to your last life, you get a nice gore or rape animation from enemies which makes it up to Demonophobia and a CG game over screen when you choose not to continue. There is no continue or stage select at the menu unless you've completely beaten the game which means you have to start over after the game over screen, now some players could find this frustrating.

Sound: 4/10

The music seems alright but the SFX can be annoying, repetitive and most don't really sync well with the sprite animations. When you see Jessica getting blown to bits, there doesn't seem to be an explosion sound added along with few other sprites. Too bad you don't have the option to adjust the sound and music volume so you could either play the game in silent while listening to your favorite music album without being pissed by the SFX or as it is.

Design: 8/10

The CGs, sprites and backgrounds are well designed by the author just like the previous games. You can unlock CGs in the gallery after losing to the enemies with a game over screen as well as Dead Anime Mode which will give you a good look at the sprite death animations. The CGs look gruesome and quite a bit scary compared to the sprites with some censorship.

Overall: 6/10

Since this game does bring back good memories from splatterhouse, it doesn't really fit right. It seem that the developer is focusing more on the design than the game. Due to the short gameplay with minimal challenge and cheap scares, most players with moderate platform skills can easily finish the game in around 30 - 45 mins. The Bosses are a piece of cake other than facing group of enemies with traps in the way can be a challenge. The game can be a bit slow on low end machines especially when you have plenty of sprites on-screen. There are also some noticed bugs and glitch in the game where the protagonist gets stuck in an idle animation in some way after losing your last life forcing you to start over and the damage dealt to the 3rd boss doesn't always fit through up close. Bad SFX play mostly during death animations than your regular playthrough. We also noticed missing SFX in some sprite animations so hope we might get to see them in the future updates as well as fixes and other improvements. If you are a splatterhouse fan then you could give this game a go while others might wanna stay away from its unfair $16 price tag on the Dlsite unless you have a fan buddy who owns the game or have them share the CGs for you at least.
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Re: Splatter School

The music seems alright but the SFX can be annoying, repetitive and most don't really sync well with the sprite animations. When you see Jessica getting blown to bits, there doesn't seem to be an explosion sound added along with few other sprites. Too bad you don't have the option to adjust the sound and music volume so you could either play the game in silent while listening to your favorite music album without being pissed by the SFX or as it is.

That's funny, because that's exactly what I do. I just start the game up, then go to my volume mixer, and mute just the game. Works wonders for me.
Re: Splatter School

Despite not being much of a guro fan, I found this game rather entertaining :)

It's not very difficult, and playing through it will not take much time. While most of the animations are guro-based, there's also some sex-based animations that I enjoyed (the two pair of legs being a favorite).
Re: Splatter School

I played that up to the Loli punching part. I thought I was going to be raped(Yay) and then I got punched.... and then punched some more, but he never kissed me. I deleted it right after that.... but this game should be a lot better.
Re: Splatter School

Any good suggestion on how to get through the hooded guy with the knife?
Getting to it is rather easy, but the mofo just won't die!
Personally i use a combination of normal attack and immediatly low attack, trying making it so fast that i actualy hit him two time and throw him back before he can get me... but if you miss the timing even of a fraction of second, you get screwed, and not in a good sense!
p.s. does this boss only have guro scene? no sex scene?
Re: Splatter School

Any good suggestion on how to get through the hooded guy with the knife?
Getting to it is rather easy, but the mofo just won't die!
Personally i use a combination of normal attack and immediatly low attack, trying making it so fast that i actualy hit him two time and throw him back before he can get me... but if you miss the timing even of a fraction of second, you get screwed, and not in a good sense!
p.s. does this boss only have guro scene? no sex scene?

An easy way is to use the shotgun you get in the same stage. It carries over when you go through the next area. It has a limited amount of shots, so you should just save that for the boss and kill the smaller enemies with your normal attack. Also, no, there are only guro scenes for the 3rd boss: Stabs you over and over, cuts you in half vertically, or impales you through the stomach then rips your skin off. I just realized that in Demonophobia, the butcher enemy, or Lucifer I think it's called, can also tear your skin off as a death scene. I guess that's why it was mentioned in the credits along with the other obvious one, Splatter House.

Also, I just now got all the CG scenes by myself. It wasn't hard, it just took an extremely long time to do.
Re: Splatter School

Another tip, should you not have the gun with you when fighting the hooded guy. Go to the left and wait for him to get as close as you can, then just bombard him with jump kicks and attacks which will force him backwards till he is off screen. Then rinse and repeat, I only took 3 hits the entire fight, but I also wasn't willing to do it flawlessly either.
Re: Splatter School

I found a bug in the game. Whenyou get to the guy in glasses with the book, i thoght it could be a smart idea to get imediatly the gun and finish him off, so i took a cople of hit and got the gun, then i turned around and shoot the tail of the motho 'till i was out of bullet. Then the game froze: the lizard-thingy kept going left and right, the pg stood still, and none of the command keys worked anymore.

I'd also like any good way to deal with this freak, couse i'm tired of getting raped by him....
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Re: Splatter School

I found a bug in the game. Whenyou get to the guy in glasses with the book, i thoght it could be a smart idea to get imediatly the gun and finish him off, so i took a cople of hit and got the gun, then i turned around and shoot the tail of the motho 'till i was out of bullet. Then the game froze: the lizard-thingy kept going left and right, the pg stood still, and none of the command keys worked anymore.

I'd also like any good way to deal with this freak, couse i'm tired of getting raped by him....

The 4th boss, right? Well, he only does two attacks and doesn't really come near you. He just shoots maggots, well they kinda just fall from his mouth, and he extends his neck to hit you. There really isn't much strategy for this boss, but I just jump kicked his face until he died. Just avoid the maggots and his neck shoot and you should be ok. There isn't any need to be under him either, so as long as you keep kicking him in the noggin and keep your distance when he attacks, it should be a piece of cake.
Re: Splatter School

If u think he's a motherfucker..u shud see the last boss..