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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Ginny raises an eyebrow as Helena collects some of the slimes for herself, but doesn't say anything. Heading to the fridge, Ginny takes a look inside. "Let's have pizza to celebrate." She pulls out two ready made pizzas and puts them into the oven, which heats up quickly. "Sit down. Or up. They'll take a while to cook." Ginny herself sits on a chair, taking a comfortable position, and starts reading the news feed.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena practices her 0G movement by bouncing around the room, picking targets at random and trying to get as close as she can without actually hitting them, pleased at her progress.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Ginny seems amused by Helena's antics. 15 minutes later the pizzas are done and Ginny pulls them out, floating one towards Helena. She also takes a couple beers from the fridge for drinks. The beer tastes flat due to lack of CO2, but the pizza is good and the alcohol goes to her head hard even though it's only one beer. Ginny seems slightly unstable too. "I should get to writing, so we won't do any more tests today. You might want to write some too."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena thoroughly enjoys her meal and agrees, floating over the her terminal and logging everything that had happened over the last two days, everything from the test results to the critters to the friendly spiders. it takes awhile but the incredibly detailed report is finished in a couple of hours and afterwards she stretches and heads back out to find Ginny. There were still things to do and decisions to make, and if time permitted, a friendly spider or two to visit, maybe with lunch for them of some kind. it would also be nice to see if the little slimes were trainable at all. There was also the Carapace to consider. "Ginny, You said the carapace wouldn't make decent armor, what would you use it for" she asked curiously.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Just as Helena finishes writing, she gets a call that Jasmine is back at the station and heading to the lab, now. Ginny is in her own room, still writing. "I don't think you can make anything useful from it. Maybe a soup bowl?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"well I'll have to find a use for it regardless, Im gonna go grab Jasmine, see you in a bit"

Heading back out into the compound Helena moves quickly in the direction of the port, hoping to find Jasmine before she wandered off, there was no telling the fickle moods of a succubus and Helena would rather not chance it...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena hasn't gotten very far when she sees Jasmine. "Hello Helena. I was told that you wanted to talk with me." The succubus is wearing black leather corset and pants, with a sleek silk shirt that hints what it doesn't reveal. Last time they met, the succubus was full of energy, but this time the succubus feels... intense, somehow. More powerful, perhaps, and still full of energy. She doesn't reach out to touch Helena, but even her gaze sends shivers down her spine.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena hits the breaks at the feeling emanating from the succubus, "Ya, Ginny needed you, we found some extremely interesting results during our experiments..." The odd feeling makes Helena stop speaking and try to recover herself. "Are you alright Jasmine?" shes asks tentatively...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The succubus floats a little closer. "Well, let's go find Ginny, then. You've made me curious." Looking into Helena's eyes the succubus let's out a small laugh. "Oh, I'm better than just alright."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"O...Okay" Helena says stuttering a little as she suddenly recalls the last time the three of them were together. Without another word she heads off to the lab, kind of on edge because of the sheer outpouring of energy from the succubus...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The pair hasn't gotten very far when they see a small rope demon blocking the way, its coils hovering ready to lash forward. Before Helena has time to do anything, Jasmine reaches out with her hand and the demon curls around it, then sets on Jasmine's waist as a belt while part of it forms a whip handle, ready for her to grab. Without comment, Jasmine keeps floating forward.

A little later the pair arrives at the lab. This time Jasmine goes straight in and to Ginny's bedroom. "Hello again, Ginny. What do you want?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Leaning in close to Jasmine Helena whispers "You Have GOT to teach me how to do that, I can't imagine how helpful having one of those tamed would be..." Standing behind Jasmine she does her best to keep her eyes locked forward, and waits for Ginny's response.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena whispers to Jasmine, she hears an answer within her thoughts: *Taming a rope demon is easy even for humans. You just have to let one have its way with you.*

Ginny looks at the succubus, slightly startled at the appearance. "Hi Jasmine. I was just wondering, could there have been side-effects when you cleansed the test area of influences? We've been getting unexpected results, so I need to be sure of what's causing them."

"There is no demonic influence whatsoever within that area. It takes a very powerful demon to break through a warding set by another demon, and there are no demons more powerful here than I am." Jasmine slowly floats closer to Ginny and Ginny seemingly absentmindedly reaches out to grab her hand.

"What about other influences?"

"I don't think so. At least, I can't sense anything."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena professed knowing nothing about the chances of outside influences and made a mental note to find and claim a rope demon for herself, Jasmines very presence was distracting in all fairness. "Are there any other possibilities, Im not sure in any way shape or form what could cause anything were dealing with, but anything could be helpful at this point..."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"What is it you're dealing with?" Jasmine asks curiously as she floats behind Ginny, bringing her arms around her casually. Ginny doesn't even seem to be aware of what's happening as she answers: "We're doing tests on what effects does magical radiation have in microgravity. The test subjects turn into slimes." Jasmine directs an inviting, almost hypnotic gaze at Helena. "Interesting. What if it's not outside influence?" Ginny pulls Jasmine closer and her own hands start working on her bust, slipping the top of her suit open. "They..they appear to be exactly like... like normal slimes. So... Ginny lets out a little gasp as Jasmine opens her suit a little farther, slipping a hand inside. "So earth's slimes would be artificial?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"were not entirely sure, thats what were trying to figure out, among other things..." Helena says with a blush, turning her gaze to the floor and trying not to look into those stunning eyes. "Either your in a playful mood or want payment again, dont you jasmine..."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine's only reply to Helena's comment is a silent laughter and Ginny doesn't seem to even notice. "So you suspect another species is responsible. Antarctica?" Ginny's suit slips a little more open as she barely stifles a moan. "Himalayas." Though she directs her words at Ginny, Helena can tell that they're meant for her. "You've made me curious. Mind if I come along? It'll save you having to find a ride by yourselves." Before she can answer, Ginny orgasms loudly. Jasmine closes her suit and floats in front of her, as if nothing had happened, waiting for an answer.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I'm all for going and would appreciate the lift..." Helena said, still keeping her eyes low, the power in that gaze made her nervous. but the call was ultimately Ginny's and Helena waited for her recovering friend to answer...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Ginny shakes her head as if to clear it, looking perplexed. "What were we talking about again? Oh. Of course we'll let come you come with us, Jasmine. I...I think I'll try to finish my report now. Why don't you two see to packing?" Jasmine smiles at Helena's answer and starts packing Ginny's clothing and equipment, apparently knowing what she wants packed.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena heads to her own room and scrapes together her meager belongings, bringing the slimes as well for good measure...