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The Island of Professor Rio

Re: The Island of Professor Rio

D6 we need to better explore the island now that we have the time and 29 in better shape starting on the smallest going to the biggest should let us complete at least one full island before fate decides for us to end up as some ones or things new toy.

lolz on the fact that we gave her wings that double as clothes
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

C1, and eat something of substance.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

Actually I kinda like it when we are a bit feral 40+ is pushing it but it allows our succubus nature to overcome any 'morals' or 'common sense' we might have...
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

E: Look for 15 around the cove.

Random Encounter DC10: 14+3=17, Pass

Holy crap, looking back I just now realized I failed to use a Super Pass Re-roll when trying to track the Pack…My bad! >.<
I will throw an extra re-roll into the pot to make up for it, unless there is something everyone would like instead?

With little trouble you roll out of the hammock on the side opposite 29. Her feet come loose from it and she falls the rest of the way onto the ground, her horns digging up dirt as she flops onto her side. She had taken the plush to bed with her and she still has it clutched tightly in her smaller claws. You wash up while you let her wake up on her own. Last night was fun and rough but you have no clue what to do today. The morning sun shines through the tops of the thick canopy surrounding the clearing; you face the sunrise and soak up the warmth as you stretch your wings out. 29 has woken up already and has been watching you, she is mesmerized by the vibrant colors given off by your gossamer wings as the sunlight evaporates the morning dew that had collected on them.

“Gee those wings can be pretty pretty, even with the scary skull and all. 17 always said 15 was a beautiful girl, but I wonder if it is just because of her wings? I bet hers are nowhere near as pretty as yours.”

With honestly nothing better planned for the day you decide…

“Challenge accepted! Let’s go find 15 and see what’s what.”

29 doesn’t miss a beat as she starts tugging you towards the woods, but you do miss breakfast.

“I know right where to go to try and find her. Mama said the cove is where she likes to hang out, it’s just past the graveyard a good ways.”

You arrive safely at the beach near the cove with a clear view of the northern shore of the island in the middle and the opposite shore. You think you can make out what looks like the signs of a river delta letting out into the cove to your left and the beach continues south towards 22’s small island a good ways off to your right. You realize that you came out onto the beach much further north than when you went to explore that island. Suddenly you spot a glint of white across the bay. You try and cup your hands around your eyes as you peer out across the water, the glint bobs in the air heading for the island in the middle.

“There she is, that pretty little spec has to be her.”

You remove your hands from your face and turn to look at her, she is still trying to get a better look at the glint dancing in the sky but is having trouble cupping her claws around her face with her horns and shell helmet in the way.

“Well we came this far, might as well go see for ourselves.”

You reach you hand out and unfurl your wings, powdery scales swirling on the ocean breeze as your give a gentle flap. 29 finally notices what you are doing and seems a little hesitant as she is tugging on her bottom lip with one finger…digit on her lowest left claw while she takes your hand with both her right ones.

“Trust me, flying is so liberating. Just breathe and it will come to you. Even if you can’t manage your first time, that’s what I’m here for. I promise I won’t let you fall.”

She gives you a slight nod while she still has her finger at her lip. 29’s small wings uncover her small breasts and slender hips and thighs as they spread to her sides. To be perfectly honest with yourself you don’t see how those little wings will be able to carry all that bone and shell armor she is sporting, if nothing else she will make it easier to carry her.
You give her a nod in response and start running towards the water and after a couple steps you start to flutter off the ground slowly picking up speed and height till you are tugging on her arms. You watch her small wings catch the wind and with one downward motion she is lifted skyward just as her odd bone covered feet start to hit water. Once you both are air born you notice how strange it is that her wings don’t seem to actually move that much to keep her in the air as opposed to the affluent wing beats you must make. You put it out of your head as you watch 29’s face light up at the excitement of soaring in the sky. After a few moments of making over the fact that two of you are actually flying together you decide to take the initiative and start to head towards the island in the middle of the cove. After a while you feel comfortable enough to let go of her hand, 29 doesn’t even seem to notice as she starts flying circles around you effortlessly. Even though it’s wrong for you to think it, a small part of you is a bit jealous and angry that she doesn’t have to work at all to fly faster than you.

It is a short and pleasant flight across the cove to the relatively small island, as you approach the beach you see the white glint beckoning you to land. As you get closer you see more colors dancing in the morning sunlight, hues of red, blue, purple, and gray. You touch down on the sandy beach shortly after 29, whom promptly has her jaw standing wide open gawking.

An absolutely astonishingly stunning girl stands before you. The first thing your eyes are drawn to are her beautiful wings, which unlike yours dawn a more traditional insect appearance. The edges of her gossamer wings are lined in brilliant white with lines running horizontal that separate the sections of color as well as forming the centers of four large “eyes”. Most of the horizontal sections are a mix of gray and blue, with a lighter shade towards the top and darker as it nears the second underlying set similar to yours ending with an almost black color. Dull red vertical bands run the length of the wings separating the white lined border from the rest of the wings, while a vibrant red accentuates the white “eyes”, with some deep red patches where the wings join with her back. The blues and purples make up a small blotch near the tips of the wings along the white border. Two smaller “eyes” lined in brilliant blue overlap the dull red lines and dingy purple creates another set of vertical lines along the border of the deep red patches near the base of the wings. Your eyes are quickly drawn to a slight bounce as you look to her head and face, out pokes a long bushy antenna that lays back across her hair, you assume there is a matching one on the other side but her brunette hair is covering it with how she is carrying it. Her hair is rather long with thick natural curls, it hangs thrown over her left shoulder reaching her stomach. The chestnut locks cover the left side of her face, obscuring her eye and possibly her other antenna from sight. You were almost too caught up in the shine of her natural curly mane to notice the fact that around her neck and shoulders is a large white fuzzy collar, much thicker and fluffier than the short fuzz covering 17’s body. Her lips pull you in as the key feature to her face, while her face is nothing to laugh at, it is those big, puffy, wanting, lips that steal your focus. The tantalizing red of her lips is even further emphasized by her naturally pale skin like some kind of porcelain doll. Quickly glancing over the rest of her hourglass frame you notice that she has no other noticeable mutations, your eyes do make a pit stop at her supple breasts that just scream “C cup handful”. Like everyone else on this island, clothes seem to be little of a priority as she stands naked before you with her number brand visible on her left hip, 15. You notice her light brown eyes akin to golden honey that stand out against her pale skin catch you checking out her body. She places her hands on her hips after giving a small hair tussle to her left.

“So are you both just going to stare at me all day or what?”

29 breaks the awkward silence first with a slightly pouty, envious face.

“Gee what Mama 17 said was true, you are beautiful. Awww…and you have pretty wings like 36.”

“…and you are”

“Oh silly me, there I go again. I’m 29.”

She strikes her signature head clonk and raspberry.

“That is just so cute!”

“You should have seen her the first day I met her. Anyway it’s great to meet you, another friendly face is always welcome.”

“Speaking of friendly, I want to be upfront with you. I have a small problem, something that requires someone with 29’s obviously scary talents.”

She gingerly flutters over to you barely off the ground with her tip toes barely disturbing the sand. She hovers in front of you and quite abruptly runs her hand along your face and down your neck. Her hand, an actual human hand for a change, quickly runs down your cleavage and midriff and gropes your twin package secured under the corset. 29 is positively foaming mad at this brazen display as she pouts and stomps the ground while you are taken aback by it and stunned for a moment. She lets go and flutters back a few steps.

“I noticed what extra equipment you have and if you do this favor for me…I..will…”

She runs her hands up her body and around her fuzzy collar, ending with her pulling seductively at her lower lip with one hand then as her lip pops off of her fingertip she slowly licks each finger on her other hand.

“Give you the best blowjob of your life.”

“Oh come on now!”

29 bubbles and foams as she pouts and rages while 15 quickly regains her composure.

“Or if there is something wrong with getting off from these sweet lips…I could always show you a few tricks I bet you didn’t know you could do with those astounding wings.”

“Hold on now, there has to be a catch here somewhere. What is it exactly that you want done?”

“After that storm, I was driven from my home. Until then there was never anything dangerous on this island, but now a Matriarch Gorger as set up her lair in my home and started laying eggs. I want you to clear out the old building on the south side of the island.”

“Old building? You mean something constructed, manmade?!?”

“Indeed. I found it abandoned about a two weeks before the storm. I wouldn’t mind if you had a look around the place after you clear it.”

An interesting proposal either way, but what to do.

A. Agree to help her.
B. Agree to help her, but try and talk her into giving you the blowjob or training first. [Manipulation Check]
C. Agree to help her, but on the condition that she tags along to fight as well. [Manipulation Check]
D. Decline her offer.
E. Decline her offer, but try and talk her into giving you the blowjob or training anyway. [Manipulation Check]
F. Fuck talking, rape the bitch!
G. Head back North and search for the Pack. 1. Meet them openly. 2. Stalk them to try and find where they actually camp, if they have one. 3. Ambush and attack them. 4 Ambush and attempt to subdue them. 5. Attempt to get one of them by themselves, who and attack or subdue? 6. Suggest something else. (For options 3-5 you can opt to have 29 or yourself act as bait while the other ambushes or just both try and ambush at the same time.)
H. Still plenty of sun and time to kill, put the offer on hold and head out. [Explore one of the following locations: 1- forest to the north or east, 2-cove, 3- beach heading west, 4-22’s island to the south east, 5- Mid sized L-shaped island to the west, 6-Tiny island to the west, 7- Mid sized island in the middle of the cove, 8- Swamp far to the north, 9- East side of the island (follow beach or traverse forest).
I. Try and find someone else you know about. ( 19, 26, or 9.)
J. Go for a “romantic” fly with 29. [Please select a direction, location, or general area such as over water or high as they can fly]
K. Hmm…I just don’t know what to do. (Suggest your own action.)

Health: 60/60
Hunger: 40/80
Strength: 2
Intelligence: 3
Agility: 2
Stamina: 1
Genetic Corruption: 25%-Stable-Succubus Type, Mutagen carrier(Type-B)
Restricted Flight- You can fly for only two time frames before having to rest, if you carry one full load or one person you can only fly for one time frame before resting. If the wings become soaked they must wait one time frame before being usable again. Can be used in battle to escape or perform aerial attacks, while air-born you are less likely to be targeted. Special attacks can be unlocked.
Lesser Intimidate- The grisly visage evident on your wings can be used to scare simpler minded foes. Success causes 1d4 rounds stunned, Critical Success causes the target to flee.
Flexibility- Your body can bend far beyond what a normal human can without any discomfort or risk of injury. This has a variety of uses: hiding in small places, use during naught fun time, feigning an injury, etc…
White Lace Corset: Custom made by 17. Highly resistant to rips and cuts while still allowing sensations of touch to most areas. Decreases both of an opponent’s damage dice by one. (Currently Equipped)
Bow: A makeshift bow that can be easily used with minimal practice, currently trained. Agility is used for Damage Calculations instead of Strength. Ammo: 30 Basic Arrows. (Currently Equipped)
Fang Dagger: Small weapon made from a tooth of some unknown animal. Increases one damage die by one.
Relationship: Worship – Compelled to follow and protect 36 for unknown reasons.
Health: 89/120
Hunger: 18/100
Strength: 2
Intelligence: 1
Agility: 1
Stamina: 4
Genetic Corruption: 69%-Stagnant-Water Type
Lesser Burrowing- Can burrow into loose soil like sand. Can be used to hide or ambush. Cannot move while buried.
Lesser Swimming- Gains gills that allows breathing underwater without any bonuses to underwater movement.
Vile Bone Armor- Further reduces damage from combat or other injuries by one damage die. Attackers take 1d4 damage.
Rear Guard- Immune to back attacks and some special attacks.
Personal Flight- You can sustain flight if you are not carrying anything other than equipment, if you carry one full load or one person you can only fly for one time frame before resting. While other wings require room to maintain lift, i.e. flutter or buzz, the Hip Wings allow flight as long as there is room enough for you to stand or walk. Can be used in battle to escape or perform aerial attacks, while air-born you are less likely to be targeted. Special attacks can be unlocked.
Egg Laying III- Able to lay large clutches of tiny sized eggs. Eggs hatch into Minions of the default mutation type as the girl that laid them after two days. Gestation takes two days. The Egg Laying ability can be toggled on or off, by default it is set to off. If the girl is in the middle of gestation, it cannot be toggled off. Note: Minions are not children and will not mature into humans, they are servant creatures only such as worker bees.
Milking Tentacles- The cilia like tentacles force any partner to last an additional time past their Stamina Limit if the holes housing the tentacles are used.
Assets and Allies
Assets are objects or places have uses, some might not be evident or available when you find them but at some point they will come into play.
Allies are girls that do not follow 36 around all the time but are still willing to help her. They will maintain their own Hunger and Health, but you have access to their stats and abilities. Certain allies can be given assignments via messages left at 17's shop. Messages will be conveniently delivered and received during the same time frame, unless it is unreasonable for you to make or send it to the shop.
Assets: 17's Shop, Salt Mine, Torchlight Beetle breeding ground, Guano pool, Graveyard.
Relationship: Loner
Allied Actions:
Surveyor- Will explore areas from the air revealing notable items, locations, enemies, or girls.
Chameleonbatgirl Signal- Can be called into battle anytime from Evening to Late Night.
Item Delivery- Can be used to send items back to camp so you don’t have to carry them around or to have item brought from camp.
Effect: Blind.
Strength: 2
Intelligence: 2
Agility: 2
Stamina: 2
Genetic Corruption: 60%-Stable-Wind Type
Active Camouflage- Grants first strike every round in combat regardless of initiative in low light settings. Grants a +1 to initiative.
Sonar- Able to see surroundings using sound, loud noises will disrupt vision.
Sustained Flight- No restrictions on amount of time during flight or carrying capacity. Can be used in battle to escape or perform aerial attacks, while air-born you are less likely to be targeted. Special attacks can be unlocked.
Nocturnal- Preference to being active during the night or in dark places. Receives a -2 to all rolls during the day.
Camp, Key Items:
Camp: Crab Cave
While offering great protection from the elements and predators this shelter has only one entrance that can only be accessed by swimming. Must pass a DC5 check to hold breath, failure risks injury and losing the rest of that turn to recover. Having gills will nullify this check.
Key Items:
Juice Jar- During any sex scene this can be added on to use on someone, please mention when who/how/when to use it. One jar contains two doses, both can be used at the same time or saved for use later. Currently Owned: One of 15, Two of 17, One of 19, One of 20.

Lulla Extract: Can be used to tip arrows or coat food to induce sleep. 45% effect chance. One jar supplies enough to tip ten arrows or coat five meals. Currently Owned: One jar.
Silken sheets and pillows- Providing all the comforts of home that are quite distant on this island, these items were a gift to 29 from 17. A little stained.
Essence Plush of 36: Small stuffed doll fashioned to look like 36 when she first arrived on the island, complete with Glider Veils and Kung-Fu Cock Grip action. Given as a gift to 29, it has a pouch in the back for placing herbs or extracts to affect the owner while they sleep or just hold onto it for extended periods of time.
Torchlight Beetles- Provides light and warmth so long as they are kept fed.
Woven baskets- Makes storage of goods easier. Six on hand, two used. Two regular assorted fruits.
Stagna-cide: Potion created from the petals of the rare flower you brought to 17. Eliminates the Stagnant genetic status and changes it to Stable. Two doses per jar, only one jar available.

Time: Morning
Weather: Partly Cloudy
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

Hrm i assume that Gorgers or at least the matriarch is not simple enough to be intimidated by our wings yes?

I vote for B and C if possible- if not then just B.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

A we won't want to share anything we find in there also is the Gorger part of a pack and how big?

Edit: changed my mind I don't want to waste our free reroll on a map and jeaously roll
Last edited:
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

I vote for B and C if possible- if not then just B.

This, but choosing training. Use the reasoning that with better abilities and numbers, it'll be easier and faster than without.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

Hey everyone, been a busy but im starting on the update today and come to find a vote lock.

Next post cinches it for A or B(training), or B+C.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

B & C: Agree to help on the conditions she trains you and goes with you.

Manipulation-Training- DC10+3: 10+3+1(Hidden Bonus)=14 Pass
Manipulation-Accompany- DC15+3: 7+3+1=11 Fail, Super Pass Re-Roll: 2+3+1=6 Fail, Free Fuck-up Re-Roll: 16+3+1=20 Super Pass!

After some minor contemplation, you decide that helping her would be a great benefit to have access to whatever is inside the only man-made building you’ve yet to even hear about on the island. The only thing that bugs you that is if clearing out one Gorger was such a difficult or bothersome task for her to do alone, there has to be some catch to it.

“You have yourself a deal 15, but…

“But what? Is what I’m offering not good enough for you? I suppose I could throw in a pearl polish for your friend here.”

15 gives 29 a little wink and quickly licks her bottom lip.

“There has to be more to it, you seem rather capable and I was able to easily scare that last Gorger we fought with my wings. Yet you say you know even more tricks with them and you still can’t handle this by yourself? Now hold on, don’t get angry. I said we would help you out, but I’m not about to put 29 back into another dangerous position after she just recovered from that blood loss. Not without a bit more assurance we can handle this quickly and safely.

“You think I would try and trick you? Sure there is no telling when her eggs will hatch or how many she laid, but I wasn’t about to send you on a suicide mission. I just don’t especially want to mess with them, nor do I want to run the risk of going by myself and getting outnumbered. I don’t want to end up a smorgasbord for her and her ilk. See, nothing to it for a dynamic duo such as yourselves.”

15 squeezes her breasts together on the word smorgasbord.

“I want you to teach me a trick or two, to put the odds in our favor. You can ask 29, I’ve never gone back on my word in case you think I’m just trying to welch out on helping you. It’s not like I’m saying ‘Hey give me a blowjob before I do anything for you.’ I just want you to help me help you get your home back. So we got a deal?”

With a small sigh she nods her head and walks up the beach giving her room to show off.

“I do have to warn you that if you use these in a fight you won’t be able to fly for a little while. I don’t know if you realized it or not, but these wings are remarkably similar to butterfly or moth wings. A butterfly wing is made of a thin membrane webbed with veins. Overlapping scales cover the membrane. The scales strengthen and stabilize the wings. If we lose a lot of scales, the underlying membrane may become more prone to tears, and that could affect our ability to fly. I, at least, seem to regenerate scales fairly quickly so using these attacks or getting them wet isn’t a crippling effect for too long.”

“Ah I get it, that’s why there were all that glitter in the water when we were…uhh nevermind. So how can you use these restricting things in a fight?”

“Just you wait and see…”

She begins to flutter the wings lightly, enough to get a bit of lift off the ground, with a wink she starts to spin in place slowly. 15 picks up speed on the second rotation and on the third she pulls her arms and legs to her chest. The third rotation finishes with her closing the wings around her like a ball and as she starts to drop to the ground the wings pop free from their overlapping position releasing millions of shimmering scales into the air around her. 15 strikes a pose as she lands softly in the sand with her hands on her hips leaning to one side. She raises her right hand up to her face and kisses two fingers; with a wink she blows you a kiss. With a quick back step fueled by a giant wing flap she sends the scales flying through the air towards you. 29 is absolutely mesmerized by the dancing tiny sparkles where as it just really obstructs your vision.

“Using the wings themselves to rub the scales off, you can create a wide assortment of effects. The cloud of scales around me makes it a bit harder for someone to hit me or you can send them directly into one enemy’s eyes to make it even harder for them to hit you. Then there are always some side effects, like how your friend is captivated by my wondrous display. You can safely use the scale powder three times in a fight before you weaken them enough to be damaged. How you use them is up to you, I’m sure you can get the hang of it rather quickly…so off you go now.”

Congratulations! You have unlocked special attacks for Gossamer Wings!
Shield Powder: All attempts to hit you receive a -1, lasts for 2d6 rounds.
Blinding Powder: Target gains -5 to all chances to hit, DC10 save ends.
???? Powder: Using your own special talents, inflict ???? on target. Use it to find out more.

“Whoa now, hold up. I know I already said that was all we needed, but I really would feel more comfortable with you coming along. There stands a chance that even the two of us could be outnumbered. I’m not asking you to outright fight, just come as backup or a very desirable distraction.”

“Hey that was never part of the deal. Why in the world would I put myself in that situation if I’m bothering to ask you to do it for me!

“Fine, if you really must know. If things go south, I want you to be able to get 29 out of there. You can use your wings to give you a chance to drag her out; I don’t want her to suffer any more for my choices. We’ll do all the dirty work, I promise you won’t get hurt.”

You can almost see the gears turning in her head as she mulls over your statement. She bites her lower lip as she looks like she has made a tough decision.

“Fine, I’ll go with you. I will even help you fight them, but with one condition myself. Let me hold onto that knife…I would feel much safer with more than my wings to rely on. I just can’t make the two of you do something I’m not willing to do myself, even with her looking like some kind of living weapon.”

Without hesitation you toss the Fang Dagger to her feet.

“I’ll be needing that back.”

With everyone in agreement, they party heads out with 15 leading the way south through the small forest. The trees are denser which causes less light to make it past the canopy, not enough to not be able to see but enough to tell the difference from the other forests. The dense canopy would provide cover from anything flying overhead to even have a chance at spotting you, so there are some advantages to it. After a good twenty minute brisk walk, 15 starts to slow down and begins to slink between the trees for cover. She signals to you both to try and keep quiet. Within another uneventful minute of sneaking you come upon the building. The building itself is built in a cut away section of a small rocky crag that breaks through the canopy. Sleek grey stone walls obviously detail the shape of the building with only two sides visible, and six visible windows; two on the side facing the group and four around on the other exposed face with the door. From the looks of the windows it is a two story building. All of the windows are shattered and the door lays on the ground off its hinges, possible damage from the storm or from the Gorger insurgent. A few of the windows are blocked with some kind of greyish blue looking slime, not really sure what that means.

“We haven’t come across any hatchlings, so it might just be her we have to deal with…or they are all waiting inside with her.

The group slowly slinks over to the side with the door, 15 stops under a window and waves you both on to the door. You ready your bow with an arrow notched as you peer around the corner of the door. You easily spot your prey. The Gorger Matriarch looks slightly different than the one you fought earlier, roughly a quarter bigger with three larger thick tentacles that run the length of its back instead of one while the other needle tipped tentacles remain the same. You also see noticeable bulges along the length of the three middle tentacles, most likely eggs.

The interior of the building looks like just a normal office with three rows of computer desks. The left corner of the room is a strange sight; the slime seems to form some kind of pillar. You keep watching the beast as it lays at the base of the pillar, its three large tentacles depositing eggs onto the sticky surface. Suddenly movement catches your focus as two tiny Gorgers step out from underneath one of the desks. Barely the size of a small dog or large house cat with only two short tentacle tails, they begin to play near the dormant Matriarch. You will only get one chance for a free shot at it, better make it count.

Taking careful aim, you signal to the others to be ready and line up your shot. Just behind the shoulder, big target, lots of gooey organs to hit, perfect. Slowly you exhale. Twack, the arrows sinks in to the beasts side.


It shrieks as it jumps to its feet, its tentacles begin to flail and one of the eggs that was in the process of being laid goes flying across the room and splats against the hard wall. The two little ones being to scurry around its feet, one of them gets batted to the side and knocks a desk over, the computer equipment crashes to the floor. Out of the corner of your eye you spy two more full sized Gorger’s come tumbling down the small stair case, almost fighting one another to get by. Without thinking you let something slip.

“Aw fuck.”

The Matriarch instantly zeros in on the doorway and with another shriek the two little ones charge the door.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

Battle Begins:
Initiative Order:
15: 16+3=19 1
36: 15+2=17 3
29: 4+1=5 7
Gorger A: 11+2=13 5
Gorger B: 8+2=10 6
Gorger Hatchling A: 18+1=19 2
Gorger Hatchling B: 3+1=4 8
Gorger Matriarch: 13+3=16 4

15: 60/60
36: 60/60
29: 89/120
Gorger A: 60/60
Gorger B: 60/60
Gorger Hatchling A: 20/20
Gorger Hatchling B: 20/20
Gorger Matriarch: 73/80
Surprise Round Results:
36 used Basic Shot on Gorger Matriarch. 8+2=10 VS. 11-5=6, Hit 2d10=7
15 takes the initiative and springs up placing herself in the doorway. She beats her wings hard against the sides of the door causing a swirling mass of glittering scales to burst from her grand wings. As the first of the little monsters charges out the door, 15 dodges backwards while spinning taking the shimmering cloud along with her from the currents causes by her wings. The beast misses tackling into her and it keeps running for a bit before it skids around to a stop some twenty feet behind the group. 36 quickly notches another arrow and lets it fly into the building, with little time to aim and react she catches the Matriarch in its flank. 36 watches in disbelief as the Matriarch stabs four of its tails into one of the full grown Gorgers. It didn't resist the attack but then it started to trash about with a mad rage till it noticed 36 still peering into the doorway. Blindly it charged at her as she back away from the door the wall shook slightly as the beast slammed its body into the doorway where she once was, bending the doorframe. Then came the sound of shattering glass from behind 36 as the other full grown leaps out the window, with a small skid the creature quickly adjusts and throws its back end forward as the needle tipped tails rocket towards 15. She manages to evade most of them but two manage to land in her upper thigh, quickly she yanks them out as green liquid spurts out onto the ground. 29's head darts back and forth, unsure of what to do she rushes back towards the little Gorger that had ran past them. She manages to bring both of her pincers against the creatures side, sending it flying a few feet but it recovers quickly. With 36 distracted from behind, she doesn't notice the other little one standing right in front of her. Out of the corner of her eye she just barely catches it as the thing pounces and jabs her straight in the gut bowling her over and knocking the wind out of her. The second small creature now on the other side of her by the broken window.

Round One Results:
15 used Shield Powder. 1d6=4 Rounds Active.
Gorger Hatchling A used Tackle on 15. 9+1-1=9 VS. 12+3=15, Miss
36 used Basic Shot on Gorger Matriarch. 16+2=18 VS 14+3=17, Hit 2d10=11
Gorger Matriarch used Rage Venom on Gorger A. Gorger A is Berserk and Poisoned.
Gorger A used Basic Attack on 36. 8+2-5=5 VS. 4+2=6, Miss
Gorger B used Paralyzing Sting on 15. 11+2-1=12 VS. 7+3=10, Hit 1d6=4. Stun Chance 45%: 67- No effect.
29 uses Crab Hammer on Gorger Hatchling A. 17+1=18 VS. 6+1=7, Hit 2d10+1d6=14. Stun Chance 25%: 44 - No effect.
Gorger Hatchling B uses Tackle on 36. 15+1=16 VS. 12+2=14, Hit 2d4=6, Knockdown Chance 30%: 12-Knocked down.
15 notices the first Hatchlings attention is now directed towards 29. She seizes this opportunity to strike at the beast, as she quietly glides across the ground it doesn't even notice her approaching till the Fang Dagger is sunk deep in the neck. With a twist, turn, and yank the critters neck splays open and blood gushes onto the ground. With a gurgle and a few twitches it falls dead. 36 struggles to quickly get to her feet, being prone and surrounded by these things would end nowhere but badly. The only problem is you didn't pay attention to which direction you rolled when you got up, placing you square in the doorway. Realizing it just in time as what seemed like countless thick needle tipped tentacles jutted out the doorway, falling back out of the way and scurrying to your feet once more you watch as they slowly retract back towards the Matriarch. No sooner than the tenta-tails retract than the enraged Gorger comes barreling out the door. It skids and turns while zeroing in on you once more. Once more you fall backwards, still haven't managed to get all the way to your feet yet as the creature swipes at you with one of its claws. Amazed at the force of the blow as it dents the wall of the building. The second Gorger has been watching as you dance in the grass and dirt, just as you manage to get to your feet another array of tenta-tails comes for you.
"Come the fuck on, seriously?!?"
You shout as you try and fall back again, but it seems your luck as run out as the Gorger had predicted the same your fall meets one tail stabbing deep into your thigh. You start to feel groggy and promptly black out. The Hatchling that had tackled you joins in on the fun as the charges then beings to swipe at you with its claws. It's attacks barely make a scratch as most of them are dampened by the Corset.
Round Two Results:
15 uses Basic Attack on Gorger Hatchling A. 11+3=14 VS. 3+1=4, Hit 1d8+1d10=7. Gorger Hatchling A is Dead.
36 gets to her feet.
Gorger Matriarch uses Deadly Poison Sting on 36. 8+3=11 VS. 17+2=19, Miss.
Gorger A uses Basic Attack on 36. 12+2-5=9 VS. 10+2=12, Miss
Gorger B uses Paralyze Sting on 36. 14+2=16 VS. 9+2=11, Hit 1d4=3. Stun Chance 45%: 8, Stunned 1d6=2
29 uses Gore on Gorger B. 18+1=19 VS. 12+2=14, Hit 2d10=13, Bleeding Chance 30%: 22- Bleeding.
Gorger Hatchling B uses Basic Attack on 36. 36 is stunned, Automatic Hit, Hit 2d6=3.
Slinging the excess blood from the dagger 15 looks up to see your lifeless body being quickly surrounded. With effortless motion she glides across the ground ending up behind your body, she turns with her back to the Gorgers and puffs out her wings to full extension. The baby Gorger is utterly terrified runs off into the woods, while one of the Gorgers is shocked in fear of the unnatural display. 15 is, however, unaware of the fact that the enraged Gorger didn't flinch in the slightest. The Gorger lurches forward and swipes at you once more, this time there is no it could miss as the beasts powerful claws catch the ground near you it creates a small crater. The impact is so intense your lifeless body goes soaring into the side of the building leaving behind a small dent and flopping onto the ground below. 15 turns around and taken aback by the sight of your ragdoll body. 29 screams bloody murder as her new wings uncover her body, she jets across the ground barely skimming just a foot above the grass. With a look of mixed anger and fear she launches a devastating blow, bringing both her pincers to her left side she slams them into the Gorger's face. The beast reels and falls on its back, not moving. 29 lands with thud as her crab legs dig into the ground, placing herself in between you and everything else.
Oddly enough a sound like unto that of splashing water can be heard from inside the building.
Round Three Results:
15 uses Lesser Intimidate on Gorger A, Gorger B, Gorger Hatchling B. 15+3=18 VS. 18+1=19, Miss.9+3=12 VS. 4+1=5, Hit. 20+3=23 VS. 10+1=11, Critical Hit. Gorger B is Stunned 1d6=3, Gorger Hatchling B is scarred off.
36 is stunned.
Gorger Matriarch uses Incubate on eggs. Turns till hatching reduced by 2d4=2.
Gorger A uses Basic Attack on 36. 36 is stunned, Automatic Hit 2d20=24. Berserk: Ignore Damage reduction bonuses.
Gorger B is stunned.
29 uses Crab Hammer on Gorger A. 9+1=10 VS. 2+2=4, Hit 2d10+1d6=17. Stun Chance 25%: 17- Stunned 1d6: 1.
Gorger Hatchling B ran away.
Taking this chance to try and deal some damage, 15 walks slowly forward causing the other Gorger to back away with each step she takes until she is standing over the fallen Gorger's body. She beings to rain dagger trusts down onto its exposed chest, It quickly wakes from the sudden pain and starts flipping out. 15 back steps just as it gets to its feet. The Gorgers recovery is only met by the sharp horns of 29 as the skewer into its neck and shoulder, she pushes off as it stumbles into the building with large streams of blood flowing down its front. Half asleep you finally get back to your feet, feeling like you've been hit by a bus, you take a moment to assess what has transpired.
The sounds of water can still be heard this time accompanied by the faint noise of cracking wood. What is going on in there.
Round Four Results:
15 uses Basic Attack on Gorger A. Gorger A is stunned, Automatic Hit 1d8+1d10=11.
36 is stunned.
Gorger Matriarch uses Incubate on eggs. Turns till hatching reduced by 2d4=5
Gorger A is stunned.
Gorger B is stunned.
29 uses Gore on Gorger A. 14+1=15 VS. 7+1=8, Hit 2d10=15. Bleeding Chance 30%: 28- Bleeding
Gorger Hatchling C enters combat.
Gorger Hatchling D enters combat.
15 has hopes of finishing off this mad beast right now as she brings the dagger down with both hands aiming for its head. The now conscious creature leaps forward into the attack, leaving the dagger to sink into its back. The Gorger wraps its paws around 15 and they begin to roll away in a flurry of glittering dust and blood. She attempts to stab the beast more, with little to no effect. The tumble ends with the Gorger looming over 15's pinned body, it beings battering with swipe after swipes of its claws. Till finally it backs off and coils all of its tails around her and lifts her restrained body up, followed promptly by an earth shattering slam to the ground. 29 jets across the ground again in another attempt to subdue the beast, but she misses the mark. Her intervention was enough to get the thing to let go of 15. Battered, bruised, scraped, scratched, and just plain hurt she manages to get to her feet.
"This is why...I needed the help..."
She manages to eek out between pants.
During all of this you decide the best course would be to take to the sky and provide support from there, you push off from the side of the building and fly up near the canopy, readying your bow once more.
A huge splash of water can be heard, followed by loud cracking and breaking noises this time.
Round Five Results:
15 uses Basic Attack on Gorger A. 14+3=17 VS. 6+2=8, Hit 1d8+1d10=7
36 soars up high to avoid combat.
Gorger Matriarch uses Incubate on eggs. Turns till hatching reduced by 2d4=8!
Gorger A uses Basic Attack on 15. 20+2-5=17 VS. 11+3=14, Critical Hit 3d20=40
Gorger B is stunned.
29 uses Crab Hammer on Gorger A. 3+1=4 VS. 15+2=17, Miss.
Gorger Hatchling is stunned.
Gorger Hatchling is stunned.
Gorger Hatchling E enters combat.
Gorger Hatchling F enters combat.
Gorger Hatchling G enters combat.
Gorger Hatchling H enters combat.
15 slowly follows suit, ascending to the skies more out of cowardice or fear than planned support. You let an arrow fly towards the ground, hoping to finish this nuisance once and for all, sadly the arrow narrowly misses and sticks in the ground. Wind conditions and currents are different from up here, you'll have to try and adjust for the next shot. You don't have the time before the mad Gorger strikes at 29. It charges forward and tackles her, she tries to dig into the ground but the beast just keeps pushing. It just keeps going till it slams her into a tree nearly splitting, you watch slightly horrified from 29's scream of pain as she turns into a jet black pin cushion. Spikes jut out from every inch of her body that is covered in the boney armor, skewering the beast countless times it finally collapses. 29 still has her back to damaged tree, when suddenly needle tipped tails stab into her exposed stomach. It seems everyone forgot about the other Gorger. Not to be put down, rips the tails from her and pushes off from the tree, giving it the final push to break and fall backwards. Jetting across the ground she dodges between tail lashes and stabs till she finally connects with both pincers in an upward swing to the Gorger's chin. It reels from the blow and falls backwards, but it gets right back to its feet. Out of the building come two more little Gorger's running full speed towards 29, with ample time to prepare she easily avoids them.
Even stranger cooing and gurgling noises can be heard from inside the building now...this is getting very strange.
Round Six Results:
15 soars up high to avoid combat.
36 uses Basic Shot on Gorger A. 10+2=12 VS. 14+2=16, Miss.
Gorger Matriarch uses Nurture on Gorger Hatchling H! Both are stunned for 1 round.
Gorger A uses Basic attack on 29. 17+2-5=14 VS. 11+1=12, Hit 2d20=17. Vile Bone Armor deals 1d4=4. Gorger A dies.
Gorger B uses Poison sting on 29. 14+2=16 VS. 4+1=5, Hit 1d4=2. Poison Chance 45%: 89 - No effect.
29 uses Crab Hammer on Gorger B. 9+1=10 VS. 1+2=3, Hit 2d10+1d6=16. Stun Chance 25%: 54 - No effect.
Gorger Hatchling C uses Tackle on 29. 5+1=6 VS. 8+1=9, Miss.
Gorger Hatchling D uses Tackle on 29. 12+1=13 VS. 17+1=18, Miss.
Gorger Hatchling E,F,G, and H are all stunned.
While keeping to the air 15 tries to get the new little ones attention to keep them off of 29's flank. She soars down low and gives another spectacular display with her spread wings, causing one of the Hatchling to stop dead in its tracks and cower while the other starts a dash for29 again. You take the time to study the wind and steady your aim on the remaining full grown Gorger. For a moment you hold your breath and stop flapping as your release your next shot it flies straight and true to your mark. The arrow buries itself in between the creatures shoulder blades, you can't even see any of the arrow sticking out. No sooner than the arrow connected than the stumbled and collapsed lifeless. 29 turns and gives you what assume is her attempt at a thumbs up with her small claws before she jets off towards the oncoming Hatchling. She easily jukes around it and brings her pincers over her head as she reaches the other Hatchling. With an echoing thud she actually crushes the things skull, grey matter splatters everywhere. Three more, yes three, Hatchlings rush out the door again, making a bee line for 29. You whistle to 29 and turns with just enough time to dodge the first, but the second hits her in the shin and she falls forward. The third tries to pounce on her but it doesn't seem to do anything as its strikes just bounce off the hard shell on 29's back.
The cooing ends with a loud screech.
Round Seven Results:
15 uses Lesser Intimidate on Gorger Hatchling C and Gorger Hatchling D. 15+3=18 VS. 13+1=14, Hit. 11+3=14 VS. 16+1=17, Miss. Gorger Hatchling C is Stunned 1d6=3.
36 uses Basic Shot on Gorger B. 20+2=22 VS. 12+2=14, Critical Hit 3d10=19. Gorger B is dead.
Gorger Matriarch is stunned.
29 used Crab Hammer on Gorger Hatchling C. Gorger Hatchling C is stunned, Automatic Hit 2d10+1d6=24. Gorger Hatchling C is dead.
Gorger Hatchling D uses tackle on 29. 8+1=9 VS. 14+1=15, Miss.
Gorger Hatchling E uses Tackle on 29. 11+1=12 VS. 14+1=15, Miss.
Gorger Hatchling F uses Tackle on 29. 12+1=13 VS. 4+1=5, Hit 1d4+1d6=5. Knockdown Chance 30%: 9 - Knocked Down.
Gorger Hatchling G uses Basic Attack on 29. 29 is Knocked Down, Automatic Hit 1d4+1d6=8. Check to see if Crab Shell absorbs damage. 50%: 23 - Damage Nullified.
Gorger Hatchling H grows into Gorger C!
15 flies down low and corrals the Hatchlings and quickly shifts to full displaying the confusing image on her wings. They all begin to cower and huddle up together, suddenly one of them breaks off with a whining whelp towards the woods. Thinking the huddle mass would be an easy target you let another arrow fly and you end up spearing one of them in the hind leg.
"We are just going to keep losing ground at this rate, We have to take out the Matriarch."
"Leave these little ones to me, I'll keep them pinned down while you handle Her."
You and 29 look at each other and give a slight nod, both of you head back towards the building. You stay hovering outside while you ready another arrow, while 29 wastes no time rushing back in the open battered doorway. She makes it inside just in time to see the tails of the Matriarch pop free from anther full grown Gorger, spewing red liquid as it does. She doesn't waste the momentum she built flying in here and slams right into the chest of the Matriarch under her neck. Her horns find their mark as fountains of blood rupture from around the thick bone spears. It reels and cries in pain as it pulls free from the lodged 29. The new Gorger begins to thrash about and 29 is easily able to avoid its crazed advances.
Round Eight Results:
15 uses Lesser Intimidate on Gorger Hatchling D, E, F, and G. 14+3=17 VS. 11+1=12, Hit. 7+3=10 VS. 8+1=9, Hit. 18+3=21 VS. 15+1=16, Critical Hit. 12+3=15 VS. 4+1=5, Hit. Gorger Hatchling D, E, and G are Stunned 1d6=2, Gorger Hatchling F is scared off.
36 uses Basic Shot on Gorger Hatchling D. Gorger Hatchling D is stunned, Automatic Hit, 2d10=7.
Gorger Matriarch uses Rage Venom on Gorger C. Gorger C is Berserk and Poisoned.
29 uses Gore on Gorger Matriarch. 13+1=14 VS. 9+3=12, Hit 2d10=9. Bleeding Chance 30%: 19 - Bleeding.
Gorger Hatchling D, E, and G are stunned.
Gorger Hatchling F ran away.
Gorger C uses Basic Attack on 29. 8+2-5=5 VS. 11+1=12, Miss
15 Keeps up the display and keeps the Hatchlings huddled in fear while you dip down out of the sky and let a quick shot fly through the open doorway. Before you even see if it hit you soar back up not wanting a repeat of the last time you stayed in this door. With a satisfied smirk from a loud yelp of pain, you assume you hit something. The Matriarch isn't going to go out without a fight though as she lurches all but her main middle tail forward, 29 attempts to dodge but with so little room inside the building sure enough she gets stung. The larger needles were already pumping green fluid and even though she jerked the needle right out a large amount of it still got into her system. She began to feel very flushed and light headed, but she wasn't about to let 15 or you down. As the tails recoiled 29 sprung forward and brought her heavy pincers together onto both sides of the Matriarch's head causing it to stagger and fall over. The raging Gorger was still easy to dodge, it was just doing more collateral damage than anything.

Round Nine Results:
15 uses Lesser Intimidate on Gorger Hatchling D, E, and G. 16+3=19 VS. 10+1=11, Hit. 11+3=14 VS. 15+1=16, Miss. 8+3=11 VS. 14+1=15, Miss. Gorger Hatchling D is Stunned 1d6=3.
36 uses Basic Shot on Gorger Matriarch. 14+2=16 VS. 11+3=14, Hit 2d10=8.
Gorger Matriarch uses Deadly Poison Sting on 29. 13+3=16 VS. 9+1=10, Hit 1d4=2. Poison Chance 45%: 12 - Poisoned. Poison Chance 45%: 33 - Poisoned Badly.
29 uses Crab Hammer on Gorger Matriarch. 17+1=18 VS. 10+3=13, Hit 2d10+1d6=14. Stun Chance 25%: 3 - Stunned 1d6=2.
Gorger Hatchling D, F, and G are stunned.
Gorger C uses Basic Attack on 29. 14+2-5=11 VS. 16+1=17, Miss
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

15 is still keeping up the display trying to keep these beasts off of 29 while the two of you finish off the Matriarch. You duck down to the door again with another arrow ready, this time you take a moment to see that there is another crazed Gorger in there with them.
"Oh please let this work..."
You lower the bow and bring your left wing up to the door facing, raking across it you send a flurry of shiny scales into the room. Letting out a small whistle the Gorger turns just in time to take the scales to the face, not only blind with rage but just plain blind. 29 gives you a little wave as she looms over the knocked out Matriarch, she brings both pincers up and start slamming them down onto the beast queens chest until the other Gorger's flailing cause her to back out of the way.
Round Ten Results:
15 uses Lesser Intimidate on Gorger Hatchling D, E, and G. 6+3=9 VS. 12+1=13, Miss. 12+3=15 VS. 7+1=8, Hit. 16+3=19 VS. 14+1=15. Gorger Hatchling E and G are Stunned 1d6=2.
36 uses Blinding Power on Gorger C. 17+2=19 VS. 14+2=16, Hit Blinded.
Gorger Matriarch and Hatchling D, E, and G are stunned.
29 uses Crab Hammer on Gorger Matriarch. Gorger Matriarch is stunned, Automatic Hit, 2d10+1d6=12. Stun Chance 25%: 47 - No effect.
Gorger C uses Basic Attack on 29. 15+2-5-5=7 VS. 12+1=13, Miss

15 draws in closer to the tightly grouped Hatchlings and pumps up her wings, the increased display is too much for one of the stupid critters as it scurries off into the woods, the remaining two just crowd closer together. Quickly trying to take advantage of the downed Matriarch you notch another arrow and let it soar into the room, you rushed your aim and only manage to catch her in the leg. 29 nimbly dances around the blindly swinging Gorger and tries to take another crack at the Matriarchs chest, but she manages to recover before the blow connects. 29 manages to save the blow and connect with its haunch as it pivots to its feet.
Round Eleven Results:
Gorger C save VS. Blind DC10: 1. Fail
15 uses Lesser Intimidate on Gorger Hatchling D, E, and G. 4+3=7 VS. 12+1=13, Miss, 20+3=23 VS. 14+1=15, Critical Hit. 7+3=10 VS. 15+1=16, Miss. Gorger Hatchling E is scarred off.
36 uses Basic Shot on Gorger Matriarch. Gorger Matriarch is stunned, Automatic Hit 2d10=4
Gorger Matriarch is stunned.
29 uses Crab Hammer on Gorger Matriarch. 17+1=18 VS. 13+3=16, Hit 2d10+1d6=7. Stun Chance 25%: 71 - No effect.
Gorger Hatchling D is stunned.
Gorger Hatchling E ran away.
Gorger Hatchling G is stunned.
Gorger C uses Basic Attack on 29. 12+2-5-5=4 VS. 10+1=11, Miss.
15 turns after hearing the footsteps running away a moment ago, finding only two Hatchlings left she decides to change things up. She flutters gently very close to the ground and as she approaches them the two back in different directions, picking the nearest one she follows it till it simply cowers in place. With one hearty beat she closes her wings on the beast head, a puff of scales it released causing the Hatchling to snort, sneeze, and some semblance of a cough through its suction tube mouth. She leans down floating almost flat along the ground, she reaches up and cups the beasts chin while her arms push her breasts together creating a very prominent cleavage right in the beasts face.
"Be a good boy and I'll let you suckle from mama."
Accentuating the word "suckle" by squeezing her tit flesh together more and letting them bounce free as she pull the beasts face closer. The biggest surprise is that it seemed to understand exactly what she meant. and instantly too an aggressive stance, placing itself between her and the other Hatchling. It only takes a moment before the other Hatchling races off towards the building.
Not wanting to waste another shot, you take careful aim only to find 29 and the other Gorger obscuring your view with their battle dance. Thinking quickly you look around and notice the window one of the Gorgers broke earlier. No good, this view is even worse. Quickly you glide around the building to the next window and then to the last, perfect line of sight. You take your aim and watch as the others fight and dodge. The Matriarch paces and watches 29 dodge, waiting for the right time to strike. Right when 29's crablike legs skid from a back step, she lowers her body and sends all of her needle tipped tails straight for the distracted 29. With a loud 'fwip' noise your arrow goes flying, the noise causes 29 to turn her head and she nearly stumbles back as she comes face to face with a wall of needles no more than a few inches away from her head. The matriarchs body just slumps to the ground as her entirety goes limp, 29 spots the reason an arrow skewered straight through her head, eye to eye.
"Great shot!"
29 yells back as she pans the room and spots you out the window, turning her back on the Gorger. In that moment it raises on its hind legs ready to bring both claws down onto her.
"Watch your back!"
She turns to see the beast falling onto her, acting quickly she steps into its fall and spears its chest on her horns while you let out a small sigh of relief. They struggle for a moment until a Hatchling comes racing into the room and does a leaping charge knocking 29 free but not down.
Round Twelve Results:
Gorger C save VS. Blind DC10: 8. Fail
15 uses Glamour Powder on Gorger Hatchling D. 12+3=15 VS. 10+1=11, Hit Charmed 1d6: 5.
36 uses Basic Shot on Gorger Matriarch. 20+2=22 VS. 15+3=18, Critical Hit 3d10=16. Gorger Matriarch is dead.
29 uses Gore on Gorger C. 15+1=16 VS. 9+2=11, Hit 2d10: 8. Bleeding Chance 30%: 19, Bleeding.
Gorger Hatchling D awaits orders.
Gorger Hatchling E uses Tackle on 29. 11+1=12 VS. 4+1=5, Hit 1d4+1d6=4. Knockdown Chance 30%: 64- No effect.
Gorger C uses Basic Attack on 29. 18+2-5-5=10 VS. 13+1=14, Miss.
With only a stern pointing gesture, that causes her tits to jiggle slightly as her arm snaps straight, the charmed Hatchling races off towards the building. 15 follows not far behind but instead of heading inside she hovers over near you with a smug look of accomplishment. You wave her back while you try to take aim for shot on the last big Gorger. You whistle and tell 29 to sidestep, exposing the beasts flank to 36 as it follows 29. You let the arrow fly true into the side of the creatures chest, it winces in pain and makes an awful gurgling noise. That wince was enough chance for 29 to strike back, she sidesteps back around to the side that was just shot with a mid air spin she brings her pincers to the beasts side with tremendous force, shattering and driving your arrow into the Gorger further. To your pleasant surprise you watch as a Hatchling rushes past 29 and slams right into the same spot as you both just hit, toppling the much larger beast. With a confused look on your face you turn towards 15, her snarky grin even wider now and she gives you a slight wink and blows a kiss. You roll your eyes and try to ready another arrow as you watch the infighting among the critters, the other Hatchling turns on the charmed one clawing away at its head. It only takes a moment for the large rage filled Gorger to get back to its feet.
Round Thirteen Results:
Gorger C save VS. Blind DC10: 14, Pass.
15 directs Gorger Hatchling D to attack Gorger C.
36 uses Basic Shot on Gorger C. 9+2=11 VS. 3+2=5, Hit 2d10=13.
29 uses Crab Hammer on Gorger C. 14+1=15 VS. 12+2=14, Hit 2d10+1d6=17. Stun Chance 25%: 88- No effect.
Gorger Hatchling D uses Tackle on Gorger C. 18+1=19 VS. 8+2=10, Hit 2d6=7. Knockdown Chance 30%: 13, Knocked Down.
Gorger Hatchling E uses Basic Attack on Gorger Hatchling D. 8+1=9 VS. 5+1=6, Hit 2d6=11.
Gorger C gets to its feet.
She just keeps hovering around you with that smug look, almost as if she is trying to garish some kind of praise from you. It affects your aim without being able to concentrate fully and you shot goes wide hitting the far wall. 29 is relentless in her assault as she feints left then sidesteps with the same mid air spin slamming both pincers into the same spot followed by a large cracking noise and more gurgling from the Gorger before it falls flat. The two hatchlings continue to scrap.
Round Fourteen Results:
15 waits.
36 uses Basic Shot on Gorger C. 3+2=5 VS. 14+2=16, Miss.
29 uses Crab Hammer on Gorger C. 20+1=21 VS. 16+2=18, Critical Hit 3d10+2d6=28. Stun Chance 50%: 97, No effect. Gorger C is dead.
Gorger Hatchling D uses Basic Attack on Gorger Hatchling E. 13+1=14 VS. 13+1=14, Miss.
Gorger Hatchling E uses Basic Attack on Gorger Hatchling D. 15+1=16 VS. 1+1=2, Hit 2d6=6
Trying your best to ignore 15 you try to line up a shot through the window at the rolling Hatchlings, with another mighty fwip you manage to strike the non-charmed one. 29 has a harder time trying to pin them down as her pincers fall to nothing be ground swing after swing, finally she steps in and pins the critter to the floor with her pointy foot and finishes it off with a skull smashing hammer blow. The other Hatchling just stops, sits and wags its baby tenta-tails, then runs back out the building and does the same in front of 15.
Round Sixteen Results:
15 waits
36 uses Basic Shot on Gorger Hatchling E. 15+2=17 VS. 13+1=14, Hit 2d10=9.
29 uses Crab Hammer on Gorger Hatchling E. 17+1=18 VS. 10+1=11, Hit 2d10+1d6=14.
Gorger Hatchling D waits.
Battle re-cap:
36- HP: 19/60 Status: Fine
29- HP: 35/120 Status: Badly Poisoned (1-5 damage per round. 10 Damage per time frame.)
15- HP: 10/60 Status: Fine

15 softly lands, folding her wings down behind her she uses her arms to squeeze her tits together as she kneels in front of the only remaining Gorger. She beings scratching it under the chin with her right hand while her left arm is cupped under her breasts. As the Hatchling rolls its head back in her hand there is a sudden gurgle and gush of red mist. 15 had been hiding the Fang Dagger in her left hand, it now dripped red with blood as the beast fell softly to the ground with it's neck splayed open.

"Good boy, now play dead. Aw, who's a good boy."

She taunts the corpse as she wipes the blood splatter from her face and chest. Although wounded and exhausted the girls manage to haul all of the corpses into one pile outside the building. 15 notices that 29 is having some trouble walking, after effects of the venom she was exposed to. She races upstairs without much warning and quickly returns from one of the upstairs windows carrying a small tale tell silken shopping bag.

"I have another deal for you. We split the bodies and I give you some Expellant Herbs. If I'm going to try and get this place into a livable state, then I'm going to need some trade fodder for 17."

With very little hesitation you agree after looking at how 29 is carrying herself. Suggesting that you even have someone to easily transport the load of corpses to 17's nest, once it gets dark that is. 15 gives you a slight puzzled look before going to tend to 29. She also suggests that you now would be a good time to examine the interior of the building while the others rest. You slowly walk into the building, the main room is a wreck there are a set of six computer desks all facing the same way towards the right wall where there is a large dry erase board, a door, and a stairwell. The left side of the room is covered in the Gorger Matriarchs gunk and crushed egg shells litter the ground. The far wall from the door has a large bar with what looked to be lab equipment, but is now totally smashed. At the end of the bar are a set of large file cabinets. The two closest desks are destroyed from the fighting and upon closer inspection of the other four you find they are fairly pristine, whatever power source this building used has been cut off or run dry. If you just had some way to generate an steady electrical charge you could use the computers. The dry erase board has some smudged chemical symbols, but not enough to really make out what was being written and as you walk by the door you give the door handle and experimental tug only to find it sealed shut. When you first step into the stairwell you have to double take and back out into the room. The largest filing cabinet has a small red blinking light on it. You step closer and look it over. Swooning from a sudden head rush, you find that you actually recognize what this actually is. A high security storage cabinet for sensitive documents, designed with an internal power supply, a six digit password, made from extremely durable alloy, and complimented with a failsafe designed to destroy everything within it if tampered with or once the power supply runs out. There are three large drawers: the top labeled "Phase One: Initial Subjects. 1-9", the middle labeled "Phase Two: Batch One Subjects. 10-19", and the bottom labeled "Phase Two: Batch Two Subjects. 20-29."
DC10: 16+3=19, Pass
The low power light is flashing and you need to decide if you wish to try and figure out the pin number. As you lean forward sunlight catches the pad and you notice the way the dust has settled on some of the numbers. There are obvious finger smudges on some of the keys while the rest are covered in thick dust. In some combination those must form the pin. Even if you figure out the pin there is most likely only enough power left to open one of the drawers. Again, too bad you don't have some means of generating a sufficient electrical charge to charge the power supply and keep the documents safe. On the other hand you could just ignore this thing and keep exploring the building.

A. Attempt to open the cabinet. In numerical order the numbers with smudges are: 0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 9. Each person gets one chance to guess the password, if you do not want to guess then you can pass it and the next person posting gets two guesses. There is NO penalty for an incorrect password.
B. Ignore the cabinet and explore upstairs.
C. Ignore the cabinet and attempt to find a way to open the sealed door.
D. Forget about the entire building for now and just leave. [Explore one of the following locations: 1- forest to the north/northeast/northwest, 2-cove, 3- beach heading west, 4-22’s island to the south east, 5- Mid sized L-shaped island to the west, 6-Tiny island to the west, 7- Swamp far to the north, 8- East side of the island(follow beach or traverse forest), 10- Head Home.]
E. Forget about the entire building for now and go back on your promise/deal. 15 is in such a weakened state you could easily make the building yours and keep all the bodies. [1. Kill 15. 2. Rape and attempt to break 15. 3. Rape then kill 15.]
F. Forget about the entire building for now and hunt down those few Gorger Hatchlings.
G. Forget about the entire building for now and just rest and recover.[Will progress time to Late Evening.]
F. Hmm…I just don’t know what to do. (Suggest your own action.)
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

With the state everyone is in, I'm going with G, possibly with some happy fun time.
Afterwards, A-013479, because, let's face it, someone has to try it. Who knows, it might be a Space Ball moment. ( )
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Re: The Island of Professor Rio

A might as well give it a shot..
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

A. 4-7-0-3-9-1
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

A. Attempt to open the cabinet.
Intelligence-Crack Code- DC15: 6+3=9 Fail, Super Pass Re-Roll: 10+3=13 Fail.

You ponder for a moment while staring at the keypad, the red light flashing in front of your eyes beckons at least a small attempt. You start entering strings of numbers.
Buh-buh, the machine buzzes twice at the failed attempt.
Frustrated you give the floor a skirting kick in dissapointment, but determined to get into these files you give it another random shot.
Buh-buh, the red light begins to flash quicker. The blasted power supply won't hold out much longer. Even more frustrated you rub your temples while you have your eyes closed trying to think, with a sigh you shrug and give it another shot at random.
BUH-BUH, it buzzes louder followed quickly by the light going solid for a moment then out. Once the light fades out, you hear a hissing noise and curiosity gets the best of you. Leaning in you can hear sizzling coming from inside the secured lockbox then a pungent smell tickles your nose. When you recoil from the stink you see a bit of smoke or stream escaping through the cracks.

"Fucking hell, a chemical burn...isn't that a bit over the top."

You grumble to yourself after a sigh. Realizing now that even if you forced the cabinet open you would only find a melted mess, the information stored within is gone forever. Frustrated beyond belief you decide to just see how the girls are doing outside and forget about this damn place. Just before you make it out the door to outside, you stop and turn after realizing something small but kind of important. This place has chairs! Actual cushioned rolling computer chairs, it might just be a small comfort but hot damn are you going to enjoy it. Wheeling two chairs outside, you give one to 29 and the other to 15 near what looks to of been part of a fire pit at some point. Heading back inside to fetch one for yourself you are stopped by a loud cracking followed by a thud. When you turn back to the girls, you see 29 on the ground her chair broken underneath her. She has her pincers slumped in between her thighs and her legs spread while her smaller claws just hang limp. 29's face just seems so sad and pout as she bubbles at the mouth while fighting back tears. A tiny smirk comes across your face as you continue into the building.

When you come back out to the sniffling 29 you flop one the seat of one of the chairs broken during the fight next to her on the ground and land next to her one the ground. Leaning into her you give her a hug and put your head on her shoulder. The hug is awkward at best because of her crab shell, but you think she gets the idea as she slurps up her bubbles and gives you a great big smile. Everyone just tries to relax for awhile, talking about idle things. 29 even makes it a point to go over the fight in exaggerated detail citing just how awesome she was and that crazy through the eye shot you pulled off, every so often you happen to notice 15 fidgeting in her seat rubbing her thighs slightly together. The day slips away slowly, everyone had the chance to recuperate some and at some point you remember to ask for the Fang dagger back.

Once night has fallen you tell 29 to give 22 the signal, like before she lets out an ear splitting whistle. At least you were prepared this time. A couple minutes pass then feel a sudden gust followed by a slight thud, you look around but see nothing for a moment till 22 drops out of active camouflage. A few more minutes of idle chit chat before you instruct 22 to haul the bodies back to 17's nest for you, she starts by taking the Matriarchs corpse. By this point 15 has a small fire going and offers for the two of you to stay the night, either sleeping out here by the fire or in the barrack like bunks she mentions that are on the second floor.

A. Take 15 up on the offer.
1. Camp out.
2. Indoors.
Sleep? [Y/N]

B. Brave the night and go exploring by moonlight. [Explore one of the following locations: 1- forest to the north/northeast/northwest, 2-cove, 3- beach heading west, 4-22’s island to the south east, 5- Mid sized L-shaped island to the west, 6-Tiny island to the west, 7- Swamp far to the north, 8- East side of the island(follow beach or traverse forest), 10- Head Home.]

C. Spend some quality time with 29.
1. Right here, right now in front of 15.
2. Romantic flight. [N/S/E/W]
3. Romantic swim. [N/S/E/W, River, Pool at Home]
Stagna-cide? Egg Laying? Jars? [Y/N]

D. Hmm...I just don't know what to do. (Suggest your own action.)

Health: 33/60 (+14)
Hunger: 50/80 (+8)
Strength: 2
Intelligence: 3
Agility: 2
Stamina: 1
Genetic Corruption: 25%-Stable-Succubus Type, Mutagen carrier(Type-B)
Restricted Flight- You can fly for only two time frames before having to rest, if you carry one full load or one person you can only fly for one time frame before resting. If the wings become soaked they must wait one time frame before being usable again. Can be used in battle to escape or perform aerial attacks, while air-born you are less likely to be targeted. Special attacks can be unlocked.
Lesser Intimidate- The grisly visage evident on your wings can be used to scare simpler minded foes. Success causes 1d4 rounds stunned, Critical Success causes the target to flee.
Flexibility- Your body can bend far beyond what a normal human can without any discomfort or risk of injury. This has a variety of uses: hiding in small places, use during naught fun time, feigning an injury, etc…
White Lace Corset: Custom made by 17. Highly resistant to rips and cuts while still allowing sensations of touch to most areas. Decreases both of an opponent’s damage dice by one. (Currently Equipped)
Bow: A makeshift bow that can be easily used with minimal practice, currently trained. Agility is used for Damage Calculations instead of Strength. Ammo: 19 Basic Arrows. (Currently Equipped)
Fang Dagger: Small weapon made from a tooth of some unknown animal. Increases one damage die by one.
Relationship: Worship – Compelled to follow and protect 36 for unknown reasons.
Health: 65/120 (+30)
Hunger: 28/100 (+8)
Strength: 2
Intelligence: 1
Agility: 1
Stamina: 4
Genetic Corruption: 69%-Stagnant-Water Type
Lesser Burrowing- Can burrow into loose soil like sand. Can be used to hide or ambush. Cannot move while buried.
Lesser Swimming- Gains gills that allows breathing underwater without any bonuses to underwater movement.
Vile Bone Armor- Further reduces damage from combat or other injuries by one damage die. Attackers take 1d4 damage.
Rear Guard- Immune to back attacks and some special attacks.
Personal Flight- You can sustain flight if you are not carrying anything other than equipment, if you carry one full load or one person you can only fly for one time frame before resting. While other wings require room to maintain lift, i.e. flutter or buzz, the Hip Wings allow flight as long as there is room enough for you to stand or walk. Can be used in battle to escape or perform aerial attacks, while air-born you are less likely to be targeted. Special attacks can be unlocked.
Egg Laying III- Able to lay large clutches of tiny sized eggs. Eggs hatch into Minions of the default mutation type as the girl that laid them after two days. Gestation takes two days. The Egg Laying ability can be toggled on or off, by default it is set to off. If the girl is in the middle of gestation, it cannot be toggled off. Note: Minions are not children and will not mature into humans, they are servant creatures only such as worker bees.
Milking Tentacles- The cilia like tentacles force any partner to last an additional time past their Stamina Limit if the holes housing the tentacles are used.
Assets and Allies
Assets are objects or places have uses, some might not be evident or available when you find them but at some point they will come into play.
Allies are girls that do not follow 36 around all the time but are still willing to help her. They will maintain their own Hunger and Health, but you have access to their stats and abilities. Certain allies can be given assignments via messages left at 17's shop. Messages will be conveniently delivered and received during the same time frame, unless it is unreasonable for you to make or send it to the shop.
Assets: 17's Shop, Salt Mine, Torchlight Beetle breeding ground, Guano pool, Graveyard.
Relationship: Loner
Allied Actions:
Surveyor- Will explore areas from the air revealing notable items, locations, enemies, or girls.
Chameleonbatgirl Signal- Can be called into battle anytime from Evening to Late Night.
Item Delivery- Can be used to send items back to camp so you don’t have to carry them around or to have item brought from camp.
Effect: Blind.
Strength: 2
Intelligence: 2
Agility: 2
Stamina: 2
Genetic Corruption: 60%-Stable-Wind Type
Active Camouflage- Grants first strike every round in combat regardless of initiative in low light settings. Grants a +1 to initiative.
Sonar- Able to see surroundings using sound, loud noises will disrupt vision.
Sustained Flight- No restrictions on amount of time during flight or carrying capacity. Can be used in battle to escape or perform aerial attacks, while air-born you are less likely to be targeted. Special attacks can be unlocked.
Nocturnal- Preference to being active during the night or in dark places. Receives a -2 to all rolls during the day.
Camp, Key Items:
Camp: Crab Cave
While offering great protection from the elements and predators this shelter has only one entrance that can only be accessed by swimming. Must pass a DC5 check to hold breath, failure risks injury and losing the rest of that turn to recover. Having gills will nullify this check.
Key Items:
Juice Jar- During any sex scene this can be added on to use on someone, please mention when who/how/when to use it. One jar contains two doses, both can be used at the same time or saved for use later. Currently Owned: One of 15, Two of 17, One of 19, One of 20.

Lulla Extract: Can be used to tip arrows or coat food to induce sleep. 45% effect chance. One jar supplies enough to tip ten arrows or coat five meals. Currently Owned: One jar.
Silken sheets and pillows- Providing all the comforts of home that are quite distant on this island, these items were a gift to 29 from 17. A little stained.
Essence Plush of 36: Small stuffed doll fashioned to look like 36 when she first arrived on the island, complete with Glider Veils and Kung-Fu Cock Grip action. Given as a gift to 29, it has a pouch in the back for placing herbs or extracts to affect the owner while they sleep or just hold onto it for extended periods of time.
Torchlight Beetles- Provides light and warmth so long as they are kept fed.
Woven baskets- Makes storage of goods easier. Six on hand, two used. Two regular assorted fruits.
Stagna-cide: Potion created from the petals of the rare flower you brought to 17. Eliminates the Stagnant genetic status and changes it to Stable. Two doses per jar, only one jar available.

Time: Late Evening
Weather: Clear