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Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

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Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"It might be a little rough. If we're well fed before leaving and don't waste any more blood than needed we should be able to make it. I think."

Aubrey answered optimistically, though still a little distant.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn nodded. "I hate having to do that to other petitioners, but if that's what it takes, then okay." She said slowly, agreeing with him. The vacant stare was starting to make her uncomfortable though. "Hey, you alright Dear?" She asked, a tone of worry entering her voice.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Aubrey shakes his head furiously as if trying to clear his mind of a distraction. Finally after a moment the distracted look fades from his face, he looks into Jocelyn's eyes and nods. The roguish smile from when she had first met him returns as he says.

"I'll be fine, I guess it's just all the distractions in this room. I just can't help but think about making things more fit for my queen in such a place. Would you rather hunt on your own or come with me while I finish securing the payment?"
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn nodded and smiled, accepting his explanation with the compliment. "Oh, I want to come with you! I was so afraid you'd left without me, I don't want to let you out of my sight for a while." She told him, smiling and hugging him again. "Should we go now, or wait a bit?"
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"We should probably go now, the night won't last forever despite it's youth and we both know what has to be done."

He said trying to avoid the subject of feeding from the petitioners, though she knew what he meant despite his attempts to cover it. He turned to Rebekah who was sitting peacefully in a chair watching them happily and asked.

"Unless of course our gracious host has further need of my help this evening?"

Rebekah shakes her head and points to the door, simply saying to be careful and that they were welcome for one more night in her haven. Urchin waves as if saying goodbye as he shuffles out the door as well.

"Urchin be back later. Urchin heads off to beg at city gates now."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn nods, turning to Rebekah and listening, offering her thanks again before they left. She does much the same for urchin, offering her thanks and wishing him luck.

She waited until after they left to ask the obvious question. "*Further* help? What else have you been doing, Dear?"
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Leaving Rebekah behind they leave the hospice and head down the alley to get to the main thoroughfare of the city. Stopping to decide where he should try to earn some coin he listens to her question and smiles.

"Oh nothing much, she knew that some of our clan of petitioners is good at divining the meaning of visions. She was originally going to ask you if you could do it but for some reason she thought I would be better at it. Probably because I am a bit older.

She was able to make it so I wasn't quite so distracted while we talked with the Prince earlier, I might not have sang so well otherwise. I think it would be better if we tried one of the busier taverns down here near the docks. It'll be easier with a larger crowd."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn followed along, slipping an arm around his and nodding as he spoke. "I see. Okay, a tavern sounds fine, sure."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

They try the first bar they come to and find a lively crowd of sailors and travelers enjoying themselves. It's a little messy but Aubrey is able to focus enough to ignore the distractions. Another bard is already up on the stage strumming a lute. Aubrey leans over and whispers into Jocelyn's ear as he lets her arm go.

"I've been here before long ago, the bard doesn't have the best voice. So I might be able to convince him to let me earn some coin as accompaniment. I know you don't want to do it my queen but there are plenty of petitioners here you could feed off. Just be careful."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn bites her bottom lip a bit, stepping off to the side of the main path in. "I'll be careful, Love. See you soon." She says, giving his arm a squeeze before letting go. Once he strides off to go earn them the coin they needed, She took a look around before deciding to simply sit at the bar for a few moments. Gave her time to think, and her dress usually meant rowdy menfolk would approach her, which eased her conscience about what she was here to do somewhat...
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

While Aubrey goes off to speak with the bard Jocelyn takes up her seat at the bar to think things over. While she's sitting there fretting over the need to feed from the petioner's a lone sailor walks up and leans beside her. The thin scar along his cheek actually manages to make his already rough features even worse as he smiles at her and asks.

"Hello what's a pretty lass such as yerself doing here without a drink."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

See, that didn't take long. Salt of the Earth when he was alive too, I betcha!

Jocelyn slides away from the man a bit, trying to use her shyness even as she had to force herself not to just find some other excuse. "Haven't decided if I want one yet." She said slowly. "Why?"
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"Well maybe ol' Warwick could buy you one. That is if such a pretty young lady would like one. So what do ya say, milady."

The less than attractive sailor asks, with his gap toothed smile.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn twitched the tiniest bit, then replied in the sauciest voice she could muster, and with a sultry smile. "That would be very nice of you, Warwick. Ooor..." She says, drawing it out with a look to the back door.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Warwick's eyes brighten just a tiny bit as if he doesn't quite believe what Jocelyn is suggesting. He scratches at the stubble on his face and nods his head with a wink.

"Aye, the ol' Warwick charm be a bit too much for you, eh lass. I guess it wouldn't harm anything to take a bit of a walk with such a comely lass."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"Yes, that must be it..." She agreed slowly, fighting to keep the smile on her face. She looked around slowly, finally settling on the back door. "You head out there, I'll follow you in just a minute. Then we can take that walk, 'kay?"
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

The filthy sailor looks mighty proud of himself as he saunters to the back door after giving a nod and a wink to Jocelyn. Opening the door he takes a step outside just as Aubrey begins singing a song to the accompaniment of the other minstrel. The other patrons seem almost as enamored with his voice as she had been the first time she met him. He gives her a nod and a smile as if to reassure her in the task at hand.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn smiles back at him before he vanishes out the door, then turns in her seat a bit to listen to Aubrey. His voice was amazing, she loved him so much...

The nod and smile brought her back to the present, and she smiled back, a little sadly, before getting off the stool and heading for the back door, looking around for Warwick once she was outside.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Warwick's arm is around Jocelyn's waist almost as soon as she steps from the door. His face is close to hers as he smiles and begins leading her away from the tavern slowly. Surprisingly he isn't all that rough or as grabby as she had planned for.

"So lass what can ol' Warwick do for ye while we take a bit of a stroll under the moonlight."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

The lack of expected behavior threw Jocelyn for a bit of a loop, and she took a moment to respond. "Umm... Just... I dunno..." She said a bit shyly, looking around at the mostly-empty street.
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