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Homelands (Guan Yu)

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Going the most safe route appeared to be working, even the deflection did not manage to completely keep Tomoe away from the offensive, as she herself exploited a shoddy retaliation attempt from the other Easterner. Quite willing to give Kei what she wanted, the priestess decided to push her attack harder as it just might end up with her overwhelming the opponent before anything unwanted could happen.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 44/107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Wounded, Weakened x3 until next turn

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Taken 114 damage.

Tomoe attacks again. Kei uses 20 defensive fighting and defensive stance again.
Attack: 18 + 83 = 101, barely hitting AGAIN. Your luck is unbelievable.
Damage: 11 + 67 = 78, 75/2 = 39 damage.

Just gonna do the next round here to save time. If Tomoe hits, Kei would have been down finally.
Tomoe attacks again. Kei uses 20 defensive fighting and defensive stance again.
Attack: 10 + 83 = 93, miss, and Kei's defensive stance finally activates.
Kei uses lightning strikes with Weakening Strike applied.
Attacks: All three hit, with rolls of 8 (the min needed to hit) 17 and 17.
Damage: 9 + 46 - 6 - 8 = 41, 41/2 = 21, meaning 21 damage per hit. Tomoe gains 3 instances of Weakened that go away at the end of her next turn.

Tomoe's next strike landed harder even than the last, caught on the edge of Kei's sword but blowing past her defense to land a hit against her collar. The wind was knocked from her, but still Kei didn't fall, merely recoiling only to step right back in, her narrow straight-bladed sword at the ready as she seemed to prompt Tomoe to attack again. This time, however, the priestess's intended strike would be caught with the tip of her blade close to the guard of Kei's, and the redheaded wanderer would suddenly switch her grip slightly and pull Tomoe's blade out so that her strike missed and her momentum put her completely off balance. This time, Kei's counterattack would come into Tomoe with the miko's guard broken, and it would come fiercely.

The first strike landed against the back of her knee, forcing the limb to bend inward painfully, and had their blades not been guarded by Rhoswen's magic Tomoe would likely have been crippled for life by the attack. As it was, the limb lost feeling and strength below the knee, and suddenly the already off-balance priestess was even more so. The next attack was with the point, which though guarded by magic would still hurt a good bit more as it jabbed against Tomoe's side, hitting her harshly in the kidney as her opponent gave a cruel giggle. The last hit was another jab, this one higher, and were it not for the faerie magic guarding her blade it would have slipped through her ribs and into her heart. Tomoe was left stumbling and in great pain, but her discipline was still enough to see her through it even with the numerous aches. Kei still had the advantage for the moment, however, and if Tomoe didn't do something to raise her defense her early advantage might have been left for naught, as Kei looked ready to launch another barrage of strikes against her exposed back.
Last edited:

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

For the third time, things seemed to go in the direction that Tomoe intended, the defense that Kei was mounting against her failing somehow yet again. But it did not go to the ending that the shrine maiden was hoping for, as her intended finishing blow went awry after a string of successes, giving Kei the opportunity she had hoped for. The following barrage of attacks brought a painful reminder as to what might result from pushing luck too far in a serious situation. Left in a weakened and exposed state, the miko stepped it up as she pondered what was so funny about this whole thing. Taking a roll forward, she quickly turned to face the other Easterner while focusing hard mid-maneuver already, stirring up the spiritual forces within as she turned before unleashing them in full as she got completely serious about this whole thing. With her increased awareness and speed, it would be harder for Kei to do things the way she wanted. Assuming that she got to go that long, the miko would step back into the thick of things once she was ready, hoping to take the redhead out with a vicious horizontal swipe.

(Activate Battle Aura at 15, then attack normally the following round if still possible at the time.)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 0/107, PP = 51, EP = 61/76, Status = Defeated

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Taken 114 damage and spent 10 EP.

Tomoe activates Battle Aura X = 15.

Kei, capitalizing on Tomoe's present weakness, uses lightning strikes for a total of three attacks and Spirited Warrior for 10 EP to give her +20 attack. Tomoe's Dodge with her Battle Aura and her 3 instances of Weakened is 58 - 30 + 45 = 73.
Attacks: All hit.
Damage: 11 + 46 - 6 = 51, 51/2 = 26 damage per hit. Also I fix my retarded math from last round. That's a total of 78 damage, meaning Tomoe is defeated.

Tomoe suddenly blazed with power and rolled forward, light flaring from the priestess's form as she suddenly moved with supernatural speed. Her aura didn't ease the pain of Kei's well-placed strikes, however, and even though she quickly came up from her diving roll and then turned in readiness she couldn't anticipate the ferocity with which Kei followed her. She could barely get her blade into a position for the horizontal swing she'd intended to make before she had to shift it into a position from which she could intercept Kei's straight blade as it flicked towards her face.

It had been a ruse. Her weapon caught, Kei suddenly shifted her momentum with similarly inhuman swiftness and discipline, and the strike that would have been sent skyward instead slid down Tomoe's blade toward the guard. The hilts of their blades quickly touched and locked them into a contest of strength, but Kei had a more balanced position that more than made up for Tomoe's two handed grip and the effects of her spiritual boon. Kei shunted her sword down so that it pointed at the ground, and then her blade slipped free of the lock and hacked away at Tomoe's now vulnerable body.

Kei's first strike hit Tomoe in the side of the knee, causing a shock of pain to run up the priestess's body that caused the limb to cave inward limply, all of its strength briefly stolen. The second hit came after a sidestep that artfully shifted Kei's momentum without draining it enough to leave the swing that landed against Tomoe's elbow any less painful, and after the strike the miko's right arm was left to hang limply at her side even as her injured leg began to crumble under her. The final strike, delivered just as she was falling to her knees after Kei gave a rapid spin to put herself behind the falling miko, struck Tomoe in the back of the neck and was so painful that it very nearly caused her to black out completely. It did blank her vision for a moment, and when her vision cleared she found Kei standing before her with a sadistic grin on her face as she held her jian under Tomoe's chin.

"I win!" she grumbled triumphantly, her face breaking out into an even broader expression of pleasure. The point of her sword pressed painfully into Tomoe's throat, and even with the protection of the faerie magic around the sword it was beginning to dig into her flesh and draw blood. "Enough!" Rhoswen declared from the sidelines, and she and the gruff that had come to act as a healer if he was needed were standing on the edge of their makeshift ring now. "She is beaten, stand down! There will be no bloodshed in my glade!" she declared once Kei had shifted her attention, but the redheaded warrior briefly looked as if she were going to explode with a sudden intense rage and caused the two faeries to step back in shock. Kei quickly got herself under control, however, and her smile returned as she shifted her gaze back towards Tomoe.

"Yes.... I did win, didn't I? That means..." she said, and her sword slowly slid down to the part in Tomoe's robes, which stood just over her recently enhanced bust. "You didn't disagree," she said, and then the point of Kei's blade slid down to take Tomoe's robes with it, sliding between her cleavage and exposing more and more of it as that maddened expression steadily returned to the other woman's face.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Just barely managing to get some distance, the intended plan that the miko had going did little to better her situation, even with all the increased power and agility that she had conjured up. Before she could try to get some offensive going, Kei was already coming at her full force, forcing Tomoe into the defensive, which she thought had succeeded at first as their weapons met in a clash. But the test of strenght was a trick that she should have seen coming, and again, the other woman knew to punish her for the mistakes that she made. Not even the spiritual boon could save the priestess from the oncoming onslaught, and before she could hit the ground, a slew of hard hits brought the situation to an end that was not quite the one she had visioned. It certainly was not this kind of painful defeat that the miko had speculated.

But even in the current physical abuse that she had already caused did not appear to be enough for Kei. The redhead appeared to be intent on taking the miko's life right then, the point of sword starting to break through the skin and towards the exposed veins of Tomoe's neck, which she was pretty much powerless to stop, considering that she was barely able to stay conscious from all the cracking blows against her body. Rhoswen managed to prevent the blatant murder with her interference, but somehow it looked that it had been completely Kei's own doing that the priestess managed to keep her life. Still, it looked like the situation had not finished completely as it took a turn for the perverted. Putting a tremendous effort into it, Tomoe fought back against the pain as she tried to stop Kei's blade from going any further than it already had gone as she grabbed hold of it. "What do you... think you're... doing...?" she posed a question to the other woman, looking back at her with an expression that didn't do much to hide the mixed desperation and slight anger that she was feeling at the moment. Losing to the redhead was not all that bad, even with the pain, but this was not something that she would take just like that.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 0/107, PP = 51, EP = 61/76, Status = Defeated

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Taken 114 damage and spent 10 EP.

"I did win," Kei replied quietly, seemingly utterly lacking in shame at her own actions as her blade slowly slid further down to expose more and more of Tomoe's cleavage, "and you never said no~ I offered to fight you under faerie rules, in a faerie glade! I won, and that means I get to have whatever fun I like with that body of yours!" The tip of her sword reaching beneath Tomoe's cleavage as it forced her robe to part more and more, it slid to the side, exposing the curve of one of her heavy bust and whatever she might wear beneath her robe to cover it, or eventually the tip if she had nothing besides her robe on.

"She didn't exactly agree either!" Rhoswen protested, "and I don't even think she knew what you were implying when you made that bet! This would be rape, which I will not suffer in my glade!" Again and look of anger came over Kei's face, but this time it was a cold and calculating anger different from the blind rage that she had displayed a few times before. Glancing at the faerie, she remarked; "Oh? I suppose that I can understand your protests... Though, I cannot help but question if you would speak so harshly to one of your own had they done the same. The fey are known for their trickery, are they not? Why, I think you wouldn't even have protested at all had one of your kin done something similar to Tomoe here."

Rhoswen's expression went equally cold at Kei's suggestion, but the faerie kept silent and after a few seconds a smirk spread across Kei's face. Turning back to Tomoe, she dismissively said; "I thought that would be your response." Tilting her head as her blade began to glide up over the curve of Tomoe's breast, toward its peak, she continued; "So... You wish to back out of the bet, do you? Are you a coward? One to go back on your word at your convenience, perhaps? Or will you make use of Rhoswen's so easily provided excuse and say that you did not know the terms under which you fought?"

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

(She does wear a sarashi, you silly Tassadarrrr. If you are not sure what that is, it is basically a chest wrap made from bandage. Not using one is for lewd miko.)

"What?... That's not what..." Tomoe aired her disagreement as she failed to keep any level of control in the situation, the blade that she was trying to stop still doing what it wanted like nothing was going on. It did not go to right to the embarrassing parts thankfully, the sarashi that the miko wore still keeping her from being shamefully exposed. Before there could be any further dialogue between the two, Rhoswen interrupted Kei yet again as she appeared to be losing more and more of her composure as things kept going along. This time, the redhead had more control of the situation than before, managing to shut the noble fairy down without too much trouble. The whole conversation troubled the priestess, who could still manage to take in what was being said and done despite her predicament. Would they really allow this like Kei said? The silence was enough of a telltale sign that it might just be true, and she did not like that at all.

Once she had cleared the problem, Kei turned attention back to Tomoe, knowing quite well how to handle her honorable mindset. As much as it pained the miko to do so, she could not bring herself to disagree and go against the the other Easterner's plans, no matter what they would be. Letting go of the blade, her submission was an unspoken one.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 0/107, PP = 51, EP = 61/76, Status = Defeated

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Taken 114 damage and spent 10 EP.

"Mmmmm, not even any more protest?" Kei asked in surprise, and then with a swipe cut down Tomoe's robe, leaving the garment mostly hanging off of her. With a second swipe the bindings around her chest that she wore beneath her outer clothing was severed as well, little more than a red mark on her skin where the straight sword had deftly destroyed her clothes. "I knew that you were really just a slut at heart~"

Her bindings fell away, leaving the miko's impressive bust slowly laid bare for Kei's wandering gaze, and after a moment her opponent would commandingly say; "Take off your clothes. All of them. Now. But stay down on your knees." She would then watch imperiously as Tomoe did as she commanded or protested, and if the miko did the former she would roughly grab her by the chin and force her to tilt her head upwards.

"Open your mouth," she said, and after Tomoe obeyed she would sharply instruct; "Wider!" She would glare down at Tomoe until she obeyed to an arbitrary degree, and would then snort derisively and say; "You look like you love to suck cock, just like a good slut! Have you had a taste yet? I'll bet once you start you won't be able to stop! Too bad, no cock for you today~ But I think you will get a taste of pussy!" Bending down, she suddenly pressed her mouth against Tomoe's, engaging the miko in an aggressive kiss in which Kei was most definitely the dominant one while Rhoswen and the gruff healer were left to wait and watch the miko's violation at her companion's hands.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Just like the redhead said, there were no protests after Tomoe had made up her mind to not try anything and just go through what she had agreed to. Going against it now would be like going against her very nature, so there was little to be done besides sucking it up. Even the destruction of her clothing did not cause any sort of negative reaction, only a serious blushing from shame as being indecently exposed in a somewhat public place was still a major bother for the priestess. Once instructed to strip, she could pretty much shrug a few times to get everything off from the top as it had been cut up already, but the bottom took a little while as there were several knots to be opened on the various parts of her hakama. After that, it was as simple as opening up the knot on the side of her underwear to complete the order she had been given, the state she was now in only serving to further the depth of shame that the shrine maiden was feeling.

With everything removed, there was little time to think about what would happen next as Kei barked out a new order, which Tomoe submitted to with the best of her ability, despite the somewhat strange nature of the whole order. The miko hesitantly went as wide as she possibly could, listening to all the smack talk while she did so. It looked like this would be another strange experience to go through, with Kei actually being your usual woman instead of some strange and magical nature entity like the fey from last night and that flower lady Wistaria. While the redhead threatened her with pussy, it did not start out like that as she came in with a ferocious kiss to dominate the priestess' luscious lips. With all her determination, Kei kept on making out with her as Tomoe's eyes wandered, making the situation all the worse as she saw that the fey had done nothing to give them privacy. Maybe it was that fey nature, which had strong interests towards these carnal activities. The miko gave what little she could manage into the kiss, but it was basically nothing with all the lust that Kei was bringing to the table.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 0/107, PP = 51, EP = 61/76, Status = Defeated

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Taken 114 damage and spent 10 EP.

Finding the miko unresistant only seemed to spur Kei on in her aggressive kiss, her tongue quickly coiling around that of the inexperienced priestess. Whatever her experience level when it came to sex, it seemed that she was at least more skilled than Tomoe. Pulling away from her fallen opponents mouth, the redhead descended upon the miko's ample chest next, not bothering with teasing and instead falling right to one of Tomoe's nipples and taking it between her lips. Despite her rough demeanor, Kei was initially relatively gentle as she sucked on the sensitive nub, forcing it to harden if it hadn't already before her tongue began to languidly bathe it in light licks. The miko would also feel a hand slip down between them, trailing over her taught lower abdomen before reaching her womanhood, the deft warrior's fingers slowly trailing down over her nether lips, rubbing against them one by one and then repeating the motion.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

With no resistance to stop her, Kei continued to dominate Tomoe, showing quite clearly that she had at least some past experience in this kind of thing that she could use for her advantage. After a brief bit, the redhead pulled away, but the priestess knew fully well that it would not end this fast, as much as she might have hoped for it to happen. Having finished up with claiming the miko's lips, she went down a bit to access her chest next, which did not help any attempts to keep calm and try to take all this with at least some dignity and restraint. It was easy enough to get her all stiff, only a little work being required to achieve what the other swordswoman was looking for. By the time she had gone further down to start work on the shrine maiden's lower bits, Kei had already broken a part of the resistance that Tomoe was quietly trying to put up against the ongoing sexual assault. After a few motions, there was easily detectable gasping going on as the miko fought herself in an a losing effort to not show such signs to the redhead. They would surely only serve to further drive the other woman into greater lewd behavior.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 0/107, PP = 51, EP = 61/76, Status = Defeated

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Taken 114 damage and spent 10 EP.

Merciless as she was, Kei would persist until she heard the small gasps that signaled Tomoe's reaction to the other woman's rough ministrations. The miko would feel the triumphant grin spread across Kei's face, and her teasing attention to her flower would become a little bit more intense as her digits passed between her outer lips and began circling her hole. Her tongue also changed from its slow circles around Tomoe's nipple to a steady flicking motion, rubbing back and forth against the sensitive nub as she began to suck much harder. That added suction produced a reaction in Tomoe's body, her recent pregnancy with Ryuji causing her ample bosom to leak her mother's milk into Kei's mouth. Apparently she quite liked the taste too, as after a low murmur the redhead began to suck a little bit harder, her lips lightly tugging on the sensitive bud to prompt it to surrender more of its bounty.

Soon enough, however, Kei's second bout of teasing would end when her twirling finger slowly slipped into the miko's depths. Her thumb would find its way onto Tomoe's clit and begin gently stroking over the miko's hooded jewel, providing easily the most intense stimulation she'd received so far. It was quickly to receive competition, however, as the other warrior's finger began to squirm inside of her folds, easily hitting numerous sensitive spots in its own right as it went through its slow but undoubtedly effective motions.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

As expected, the sign that she was having success with her actions made Kei go into more serious depths with her actions. Not content with simply teasing Tomoe, she proceeded with what was mostly a thought-out plan of humiliation, or at least that is what the miko herself thought as the fellow Easterner began to methodically drink all she wanted. It was truly curious that the pregnancy had such an effect on the shrine maiden's body, considering the difference of species between her and the father. It only served to further the image of possible danger that the alien species presented in her mind. "W-what are you... a baby...?" she managed to ponder aloud at what the redhead was doing before being silenced again by the increasing debauchery. After being subjected to the increasingly strong sexual torment for a while, Tomoe was failing at keeping herself under control, and Kei could get those sounds she was clearly looking for to come out from the miko. It was getting hard to make any sort of resistance against it with all the mounting arousal that the redhead was piling onto her.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 0/107, PP = 51, EP = 61/76, Status = Defeated

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Taken 114 damage and spent 10 EP.

Her outwardly announced musing prompted Kei to scowl up at her, and Tomoe would briefly feel the redhead's teeth lightly pressing against her sensitive bud as she continued to suckle at the priestess's breast. No further repercussions came as a result of her speech, however, and within only a few seconds the minor discomfort due to her teeth was replaced by a return to deft flicks on the part of Kei's tongue and a continuation of her gentle suction. Her fingers, in contrast, hadn't even slowed their motions, and with a steady build up and unceasing stimulation Tomoe's resistance was broken down bit by bit, until sounds of her arousal were spewing from between her lips.

All too soon, Kei's squirming fingers would find a sweet spot against the miko's inner walls that forced her entire body to tense every time it was touched, and once she found it she would attack it without mercy. For several minutes she would continue like that, switching her attention to Tomoe's other breast at one point but otherwise slowly but steadily forcing an orgasm to build in the pit of the priestess's stomach through the slow motions of the redheaded wanderer's fingers dancing over that sensitive rough patch and clitoris.

"Mmmmm... About to cum for me soon, aren't you?" Kei purred suddenly after releasing the tip of Tomoe's breast from her mouth, and whether the priestess wanted to admit it aloud or not, that much was true. Every second brought her closer to her peak, and when Kei suddenly started rapidly slamming her fingers into Tomoe's pussy that final journey was all too brief. Waves of intense pleasure rocked the miko's busty body, spurred on by Kei's continued pumping, for several moments as her intense peak was drawn out to the fullest degree that it could be.

Her victorious opponent's finger would slowly slip out of her sex once Tomoe had come down from her peak, and as the warrior priestess recovered the redhead would bring her honey-coated digits up to her mouth and slowly lick them clean. "Mmmm.... Not bad~" she purred, "but now it's my turn!" The redhead rose to her feet and undid her belt, the black haori that she commonly wore like a cloak left on while the slim grey dress that she wore beneath it was left to slide down her body. There was nothing beneath to cover the redhead's modest bust, but she did wear a pair of white undergarments identical to Tomoe's, which quickly joined the dress pooled at her feet. Rather than descended back to the ground, however, she stepped forward and pressed her hairless crotch against the miko's face while looping a leg over Tomoe's shoulder.

"Lets see if you know what to do without me having to tell you!" she declared, and her tone suggested that there would be punishment involved if Tomoe didn't do as expected with the pink flower being forced into the reach of her lips. In the background, Rhoswen and the goatman healer continued to watch the encounter impassively, the former still scowling at Kei's antics while the latter's expression was impossible to read, though he certainly wasn't looking away from the lewd scene.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

While she certainly had no confidence that her words would not do anything to stop the ongoing assault, Tomoe was still fairly surprised that Kei even paid attention to what she had to say at this point, not that she had any liking towards the pinch that she earned with that remark. But it wasn't a terrible punishment, and the redhead was back to her main plan after that single nip. Soon enough, there was development that took the attack on an entirely different level as the other Easterner found some sort of weak spot which she started to exploit pretty ruthlessly. Since there was no denying what Kei had to say, Tomoe did not try to go against it, no matter how much she did not want to. Not before long, the redhead broke the priestess' defenses down completely, reducing her to a moaning wreck as the climax wracked through her body. Feeling like she should just collapse down to the ground, the shrine maiden did not get the option as Kei was still leaning against her and keeping her up.

Not too interested about what happened next, Tomoe was looking down into the grass after Kei had finished. But she did see the clothes that began to pile at the redhead's feet, and knew that this was not over yet. There were threats that needed to be lived up to, after all. Before there could be much more said or done, the other Easterner had already come forward and set herself up in a way that made the miko feel awkward in more than one way. "Uh... okay... I'll try..." was all that Tomoe had to say before she got to work on her companion, starting to lick all over the flower that was quite literally pushed against her face at the moment. It would be somewhat of an awkward experience as the priestess had little idea as to where specifically she should be going for, and she was certainly not going to ask.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 0/107, PP = 51, EP = 61/76, Status = Defeated

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Taken 114 damage and spent 10 EP.

Kei let out a low, purring growl as Tomoe stuck out her tongue and began to lick at the redhead's womanhood. Her juices were already flowing, signalling her initial arousal, but she barely made a sound as Tomoe made her amateur efforts to please the violent wanderer. "Pathetic!" she grunted after a few moments, her voice full of anger and impatience, "you're pathetic! Do better!" Her grip on Tomoe's hair grew stronger, painfully so, and while her work might draw a light flutter or two from Kei, it wouldn't be enough to please her unless she tried something else.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

The unskilled effort that Tomoe did to try and appease the redheaded assailant did very little, showing only slight success at first and then going into the realm of the useless, which earned her a rather harsh tugging of the hair and a command to do better than that. Not really being sure how to do these things herself, the miko had an idea that just might work. Considering how almost all training was mimicry of another's actions at it's core, it was this basic thing that the priestess decided to employ. Taking cue from what Kei had just used on her to cause that climax, the miko used one of her hands to slip a couple of fingers inside the wet hole right there on her face, having been somewhat shy about using her hands earlier but now having the courage to do it. Just as the other Easterner had done, she too would poke around inside the folds and follow the reactions that she got from different touched areas to gauge the best places to touch while simultaneously carrying on with the tongue work that she was doing. Once the best possible spots had been located, she would attack those spots mercilessly and hopefully make it good enough for the redhead.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 0/107, PP = 51, EP = 61/76, Status = Defeated

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Taken 114 damage and spent 10 EP.

"Ahhhh~" Kei moaned in satisfaction as Tomoe slipped a pair of fingers into her folds, the redhead's slim form shuddering above her as the grip on her scalp briefly tightened again only to then loosen a bit. The removal of some of her discomfort and the signs of her opponent's pleasure were presumably enough to encourage her to continue, and as her digits pumped into the woman and her tongue worked in the ways that seemed to inspire the most reaction, Kei closed her eyes and tilted her head back to revel in the sensations. After a few moments of fumbling Tomoe would find the wanderer's clitoris, the sensitive nub peeking out from its protective fleshy sheath and causing Kei to shiver visibly whenever Tomoe touched it with her tongue.

"Mmmmmm, ahh~ Much better! That's a good slut!" she purred, but then idly pushed Tomoe's head away for a moment. She gracefully slid down to her knees and then onto her back, her legs parted and the hand remaining on Tomoe's head dragging the miko's mouth right back to her sex, "keep going! Mmm.... Make it good for me, and I'll be nice for what comes next!"

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Once she really put her heart into it, albeit still quite reluctantly, Tomoe found that she was now managing to get results that did not earn any further ire from Kei. Not having any reason to stop, the miko went with what she had learned and kept going as much as needed. After a moment or two, there was some development as the redhead stopped her from carrying on, shifting position while promising that this would not be over just yet while also throwing an insult in there. As she was set into position, the shrine maiden carried on with what she was doing with slightly increased gusto, which was strange as she did not really feel like she should be. The promise of not having the most tiresome punishments thrown at her might have been the thing doing it, as she was not really looking forward to what the other Easterner had planned. As per instructed, she kept going, hoping to end this humiliation as soon as possible.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 0/107, PP = 51, EP = 61/76, Status = Defeated

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Taken 114 damage and spent 10 EP.

"Mmmmmm, that's right~ Like that!" Kei would moan as Tomoe returned immediately to her efforts, her desire to please the wanderer born of her desire to have done with the lewd encounter no less effective than genuine passion might have been. The redhead's hand quickly found its way back to the back of Tomoe's head, encouraging her actions in a forceful manner, but it was far gentler than it had been before. After a few moments, Kei would begin to slowly buck into Tomoe's mouth, and rather than look down with her manic smile she would lean her head back and begin to let out regular moans, completely ignoring the faeries watching voyeuristicly at the edge of the glade. The grip on the miko's hair grew harder, and her opponent's folds began to squeeze in pulsating motions around the digits that she was pumping into them. Another couple of minutes later and Kei would shudder, letting out a final long, loud moan as her sweet juices suddenly exploded from her sex. The redhead quivered and shook for several long moments as her love honey squirted out, into Tomoe's mouth or onto her face if she opted to pull away.

Once the lithe warrior's peak was finished, however, she wouldn't lie contentedly in recovery for long. Grinning maniacally once more, she would roll onto her knees and then climb to her feet, releasing Tomoe's hair in the process. "Stay~" the wanderer purred, and then brazenly strolled while fully nude over to her discarded traveling pack. She bent down and retrieved something from it, performing the act with such pronounced grace that she might well have been deliberately showing off, before glancing back towards Tomoe with an even broader smirk. "Come... And keep on your hands and knees!" she said, directing Tomoe towards her while keeping the object she'd retrieved hidden behind her back.