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Lost in the Jungle

Re: Lost in the Jungle

I'm sorry. I assumed that seeing that seeing the words 'very bravely' got you all in a frenzy, and missed the sarcasm.

Also, I really dont like that vote.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Nope. The Monty Python humor... I seen it. :)

And as I said, for the lulz.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Nope. The Monty Python humor... I seen it. :)

And as I said, for the lulz.

I am British. Is that an excuse? ;)

Anyway, I'll be updating in 7 hours. Ish. You might want to decide amongst yourselves what you want to do before then. :)
Re: Lost in the Jungle

OK, the 7 hours was a bit optimistic. That's what I get for expecting any extra replies. ;)

So Option C has the most votes, I think.


With the sound of screaming and crying still tearing through the night, Eve begins to leap from roof-top to roof-top, closer to the main battle. She practically flies over the wooden roofs, quick and insubstantial as a fleeting shadow.
The devastation is vast; the enemies' siege weapons are doing terrible amounts of damage to homes and buildings. Fires break out here and there, although thankfully the wood seems to be more fire-retardant than expected - perhaps imbued magic, Eve suspects.

Within minutes of leaping and clambering across the houses, Eve comes upon the main battle at the entrance to the town. The twin pillar-esque doors, which stood so tall and resolute earlier, and both burning. One remains standing, connected to the adjacent wall, but the other (the one behind which the guard stood earlier) has collapsed inwards, squashing more than a few buildings in the process.

And the army are pouring in. If indeed it can be called an army - to Eve's trained eyes, it looks more like a ramshackle collection of different species. Orcs, blood eyed and pointy eared; minotaurs, clad only in loincloths and swinging maces and broad axes; a collection of giant, swarming spiders, each the size of her forearm (eugh); spherical creatures, wandering in on tentacle legs; and many more. Ordinarily, half of these creatures would've turned on each other in ten seconds flat - something stranger is at work here, Eve concludes.
The size of the army is also alarming - the press of bodies goes as far back into the jungle as Eve can make out in the low light, but the number of torches tells its own story.

Although the army have indeed breached the defenses of the town, the entrance point is quite narrow, and only limited numbers can enter at once. The guards have, finally, grouped together and are fighting fiercely to stem the worst of the flow; swords glint and flash, bayonets crack, organs and body parts fly gleefully through the air. In the chaos and confusion, it's rather difficult to tell which side has the upper hand.

For a moment Eve considers the situation... whilst it certainly is tempting to lay waste to the defenders and join in with the conquering of the town, a township that hero-worships her as a 'saviour' will perhaps provide more benefit than a smoking pile of wood.

Ah well. She's two stories up on a building, with a great view of all the fighting going on in front of her; how hard can it be to defend a simple town?

Best to start basic. "Brisingr!" Eve shouts, unleashing a third level fireball (knew that spell-book would come in handy). The orb of fire, only slightly smaller than Eve herself, flies straight and true, exploding upon the group of enemy soldiers piling in over the knocked-down door. For a few seconds the sound of battle pauses, as the combatants look up at her, standing tall, illuminated from behind by the blazing town.
Then of course reality ensues, and lots of soldiers, both beast and human, die to a surprise blow from their quicker-to-recover partner. Battle resumes in earnest, although for some reason the opposing army seems rather hesitant about plowering through the charred remains of their roasted colleagues.


Half a mile away, the generals of the opposing army gather. Bipedal, tall, creatures, they have an sickly grey skin tone covering their bulbous heads, fat, long fingers and tiny, shrunken eyes - and they're rather bizarrely dressed in crumpled, black suits and ties. They stand together in a group.
"Yes... that is her! She chose not to flee... Now is the moment to capture her. She must not make it to the Fountain, or all will be lost!"
"Perhaps...?" begins a second individual.
"Yes. Release the Djinn and Night Elf."


The battle's going well for Eve. Hindered by the narrow entry, the encroaching army is dying in their hundreds to a variety of her magical attacks. Behind Eve the sound of wailing and panic is slowly being drowned out by the cheers of the revitalized soldiers before her (although the harsh, acrid smell of burning is as strong as ever).
Every so often a more imaginative solider - usually one with sticky enough tentacles - attempts to just climb over the walls towering on either side of the door, but as soon as they come into view Eve strikes them down with a precise Thunderbolt.
And a most happy accident occurred earlier - after dodging an arrow rather cruelly shot at her, Eve took a blast of magical fire straight on the breastplate. Rather than suffering any damage, however, she found herself suddenly brimming with energy, her capacity for magic fully recharged! Another sound investment.

Something's wrong. A 6th sense kicks in, and Eve ducks. A high-pressure jet of water blasts through the town's new opening from the other side, sending soldiers of both sides sprawling. Springing lightly through the gap it just created comes a Djinn - but different to the one Eve encountered before. Instead of fire, its head resembles a huge, magnified drop of water, floating above its torso with no apparent physical connection. The water drips down its otherwise naked body (male), pooling on the floor. It sees Eve (somehow) and gargles a challenge.

Taken by surprise, Eve recovers and readies herself - but not before a second visitor arrives through the gate. Lithe, muscular, yet full breasted and with a pretty face - and dressed all in black, sword attached to the hip... pointed ears...

Night Elf.

"Wraith!" she calls out, her voice practically dripping with a strange combination of power and lust, even in just that one word.
"You fight for the wrong side! Join us, and you can still be saved!"



Unless there is great demand for a traditional set of options, the next step is up to you. Suggest your own course of action.

HP: 48/50
MP: 110/110
Corruption: 49/1??
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Well, I was honestly under the assumption that we were going to end up fighting on the side of the invaders when I cast my previous vote, so I'd just as soon go ahead and actually join them now that we've been officially offered.

My Vote: See what benefits they're offering for us to join, and if its more substantial than simply not killing or enslaving us, JOIN THEM! :cool:
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Blow 'em up and take their stuff!

Destroy Everything! Say "FUCK You! I will conquer this world and destroy everything... Gods... let them all be destroyed! Demons? Destroy! Goodness? Destroy! Anything that moves is entertainment for you to destroy! Let all taste of your sweet entertainment... Proclaim "This town is for myself to destroy not you!" After all of the enemies die, turn on the township and destroy it...

Go down the Asura's Path that ends in the Worlds Destruction..
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Pick a side and stick to it has the most votes, just about.


"No!" cries Eve, her defiance echoing around the silent battlefield. No-one trusts a traitor - might as well see this whole 'protect the township' thing through the end. "I'll never willingly serve you!"

"I was hoping you would say that." replies the Night Elf, a wicked smile curling her lips.
A quick nod at the Djinn, and it springs forward. In one massive leap - water spraying behind it - it makes it up onto the building where Eve has been stood and draws its sword.
Wasting no time, Eve unsheathes and flicks her blade at the creature's chest, hoping to catch it off-guard. No such luck; it blocks the blow with ease and responds with a brutal two-armed smash with its own sword (a curving falchion, of all things) which Eve only barely avoids. Darting back, she cuts at the Djinn's arm, but he twitches, and the steel only opens the very shallowest of cuts on the bicep. Unaffected, the Djinn fires a kick at Eve's knee - a cheap tactic she was not expecting, and she only narrowly avoids. The Djinn presses his advantage, a quick flurry of blows that forces Eve closer and closer to the edge of the rooftop.

It's very tempting to use magic, but Eve remembers all to well what happened last time she tried that on the fire Djinn; an event that she doesn't want to have to repeat. It must be possible to defeat the Djinn in swordplay - but they're just so bloody fast.
"Damn it, I really hate fighting you guys!" she calls, blocking a strike that would've pierced her heart otherwise.
The battle in front and below of her has resumed in earnest now, although as it takes all her concentration to avoid being cut into thin strips of flesh, it's impossible to tell which side is winning.

To make matters worse, the Djinn is leaking water all over the rooftop, making it slippery and even harder to keep balance. His attacks just don't seem to relent - a blow aimed at the head, a chop at the arm, a slash across the breastplate that produces a horrible keening screech of metal on metal.
Thinking quickly, Eve lowers her guard slightly. The Djinn attacks violently, sure that he's close to victory... and making himself more vulnerable. Eve prepares for a vicious counterattack to the face - only to feel her legs collapse from under her.
It seems to take an age to fall; her knees buckle from a strange impact, her head tips up and she catches sight of the sky - midnight black pinpricked with stars, burning billions of miles away - and then she crashes the floor. Within a second, two swords are levelled at her throat.

Wait, two swords?

"Forgot about me, did you?" crows the Night Elf. Her voice drops to a seductive whisper: "Maybe I'll have to try harder to be more memorable...". Smirking, she traces her fingers daintily up Eve's arm...


Option A) Surrender to the pair completely, but ignore the sexual advances.
Option B) Lead the Night Elf on, engage in sexual intercourse with her, and escape (somehow) after.
Option C) There has to be another way out... perhaps a shatter spell on the building we're lying on? A bit risky, but it's certainly got the element of surprise...

HP: 45/50
MP: 110/110
Corruption: 49/1??
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Blow the shit out of the building sending shards of rock right into their faces! Ruin that bitches face and scar her like the slut she is! C
Re: Lost in the Jungle

C I don't care much for flailing the other woman, after all, a mutilated sex slave is much less sexy. However, a victory against us is always going to bitter and pyrrhic.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

C. Yeah that sounds good maybe we'll fall into a network of tunnels under the city and escape that way.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

C. Yeah that sounds good maybe we'll fall into a network of tunnels under the city and escape that way.

Escape you say? Through the tunnels or... (gasp!)... the sewer? THE sewer where the mighty Xblierg ravages its victims with its gargantuan shit-cock? You must be joking, right? :D
Chinese proverb: What has been seen cannot be unseen :)
I told you to stop clicking the Spoiler button :p

Don't click the Spoiler button, you have been warned ;-)
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Natrually, I was overpowered by curiosity. Also, how could it have got worse? xP

Well then at least you learned that "what has been seen cannot be unseen" :D

No... must resist...
I... must... not... click...
Well it could have gotten worse...
Are you serious you want to know?
Shit-cock monster could have sprayed his manly shit-semen into her vagina making her pregnant with shit and she could give birth to a great one-eyed shit-tentacle which would go down to the sewer, eat and drink EVERYTHING and then come out and flood the planet with unstoppable shit-torrent suffocating everything with his foul smell and taste :D
Last edited:
Re: Lost in the Jungle

... You bastard. Those buttons, they're so inviting. My mental scars now have their own scars forming.

I feel that we have overrun this thread slightly, maybe we ought to stop for now. I'm sure people have had enough of non-progressive updates :p