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Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

As the demon suggests that that fae are less than honourable, Lily's back stiffens and she steps away from the demon and closes her eyes, suppressing the sudden urge to kill the demon - well, to hurt her anyway, she HAD as much as given her word not to kill the knight as long as the demon co-operated. Figuring that it would be best to let non-fae do the talking, the sidhe steps away and circles to where she can see the demon's face to better observe her.

Cringing inwardly as Garrett goes on to show his general ignorance, Lily continues to listen, her eyes glimmering towards the demon while she leans against a tree. When Garrett proclaims his reassurances, however, the sidhe starts giggling uncontrollably while trying to speak but getting the words out only one at the time: "Oh... so... THAT'S... why you'll... watch her? That's just adorable!"
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

"Sh-shutup. Stop laughing..." The burning in his cheeks was unbearable, and his attempt to tell down Lily only came out as an embarrassed mutter.

"Just cause she tells the truth doesn't mean she still can't try anything." He turned his head away in an attempt to hide his face. His intentions weren't that perverted, but Lily's laughter only pointed out to him just exactly how silly it really was.
The only thing I plan to do with my right hand is pull a gun on her if she tries anything funny. Haven't tried it out yet ever since I got this thing. Hell, almost forgot I even had it. His finger traced the concealed pistol's hilt hidden inside his robes pocket.
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Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Laena rolled her eyes a little bit when Garrett told her she’d watch, to see to it that the demon didn’t “try anything funny.” If she tried something funny she would be crippled for life, if not simply killed. And she was tied to a tree. Just what was she meant to try? It quickly made Lily giggle, so at least this time she wouldn’t have to jump on him herself. The fae handled that for her nicely… The harpy wasn’t about to untie the knight, so the second option was what she was interested in. She couldn’t believe she was going to do this, though… in front of all the others, too. Still, she told herself that it was necessary to get the demon to work for them, and though her face was bright red she began to slip her brown panties down from her hips, letting them slide down her legs, and then stepped out of them towards the demon. "Try not to make me pass out. It’s not a deal breaker if you do, but I’d rather not" she said quietly, taking slow, ponderous steps towards the tree before turning around and slowly lowering herself down, until her lower lips were just barely above the demon’s, flesh just visible between the soft brown feathers that covered her from waist to knee. She was quite obviously not aroused, at least not yet, and she tried not to look at anyone as she hovered there, waiting for the knight to begin.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 77, Status = Fine

Laena: HP = 71, PP = 58, EP = 48, Status = Pregnant,

Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 38/62, Status = Fine

The goatmen of assorted types turned and departed from the clearing as Laena began to slip her panties down, giving her a tiny bit of privacy. At that point the only ones that were present for the harpy's feeding of the captive demoness were Garrett, Lily, and the nymph. "No promises~" the knight cooed softly, and then waited for the half-naked harpy to move into position with an eager look. Feathery though her bottom might be, the demon didn't seem to mind as she began to slowly plant kisses outlining her sex. "I've never tasted a harpy before~" she whispered softly between the light kisses that she used to circle her flower, for now merely teasing Laena rather than providing any real stimulation. That kept up for several long minutes, the demoness apparently trying to slowly work the harpy towards arousal, before she gave Laena's outer petals a long but soft kiss of their own, stimulating her for the first time and stealing the tiniest sliver of her essence in the process. It was an odd sort of feeling, but not an unpleasant one by any means, and the demon's second, more adventurous kiss against her womanhood brought it again, this time more intensely while the woman causing it looked up at her curiously.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Still giggling, Lily slowly regains her calm as Laena removes her panties. Falling quiet though still with a playful smile on her lips, Lily leans against the tree again, though she averts her eyes from Laena, focusing on Garrett instead.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Garrett was averting his eyes, trying to keep his mind on other things. Without moving his head he'd momentarily look up and then glance sideways.
This is stupid. He told himself that over and over again, yet he couldn't help deny that he wanted to get a look see now and again. Out of chance perhaps, on one of his glancing, he noticed nobody in his peripheral. He looked about, concerned that suddenly everybody had left.
They were probably embarrassed... Hopefully they've gone to keep an eye on the other girl.
That's what he planned on doing himself, if things began to get too hot and heavy for him to keep his hands from his pants. Noticing Lily looking directly at him, he couldn't help but ask.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Laena hadn’t expected the various fae to leave them, but she was glad to see them go. It was bad enough to be doing this at all, doing it in front of a crowd definitely wasn’t to her taste. Even Lily and Garrett turned away as she slowly lowered herself atop the demon. The knight, for her part, immediately began to tease the harpy with little kisses at the soft, downy feathers that ringed her sex. It was kind of nice, and the demon seemed quite willing to take her time and build Laena up to the experience. Over the course of a few minutes she began to let out quiet gasping noises, settling herself down a little bit more… a slight flush came to her cheeks, a hint of moisture to her lower lips. The first direct stimulation to her sex made her squirm just a bit on the demon’s face, biting her lip to keep from making noise. Something was different about this, odd… it felt good, sure, but there was a sensation that was foreign to her mixed in. The harpy realized after a bit of thought that it was the feeling of her soul being drained. It wasn’t unpleasant at all, and in fact she felt she might be able to get used to it… The second time she bit her lip a little harder, wetting the knight’s lips slightly with her juices, her body ready and willing for more.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 77, Status = Fine

Laena: HP = 71, PP = 58, EP = 48, Status = Pregnant,

Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 38/62, Status = Fine

Seeing that her teasing had had the desired effect on Laena, the bound demoness opted to continue doing so for another few moments, swirling her tongue around the harpy's netherlips while giving them only the lightest of touches. She did as much for only another moment, however, before opening her mouth and giving Laena's flower another soft kiss and swirled her tongue around, lapping up her juices and sending bolts of pleasure rushing up her spine. She licked at Laena's sex for a few seconds before her tongue coiled, and slowly slipped past her lips and into her depths, honing in on and hitting the harpy's sensitive spots. Once she found them, the demoness was relentless until Laena's squirming got under control, at which point she'd move on to another.

Eventually, after pushing the harpy close to her peek and holding her there as she fed from her soul, the demon knight's tongue pulled out and coiled around Laena's clitoris, squeezing it and pushing her over the edge. She felt her essence flooding out of her as she came, a sensation that only seemed to intensify her climax, and the more she took the more light headed she felt. The demoness held back just enough to keep Laena from passing out, however, and pulled her mouth away from her sex and grinned up at her, her face coated in Laena's juices.
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

A teasing reply instantly appears on Lily's mind, but she suppresses the urge. After all, she'd have to share the man's company, so aggravating him TOO much wouldn't be a good idea. "Oh, nothing. Just enjoying the view." Giving Garrett a pat on the shoulder, Lily chances a look at Laena before heading after the other fae.
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena managed to hold back her noises as the demon kept teasing her, but that didn’t last too long. The more direct attentions to her lower lips made her gasp out again, a little louder this time, and she quickly bit her lip harder to try and stifle it. Knowing that Garrett was watching this made it so embarrassing… Thankfully Lily too was leaving, one less person in the audience to make her feel strange later. Soon she felt the tongue delve deeper into her, easily finding one of the most sensitive bits of her insides and attacking it with great skill. Much to her displeasure the harpy let out a moan quite against her will, blushing bright red as she began to squirm slightly atop the demon. This knight was good… really good. Laena could feel her soul draining from her body as she wet the demon’s tongue and mouth, the pleasure swiftly building inside of her. Every time she got herself under some semblance of control again the knight would switch tactics a little, finding a different point of attack to make the harpy squirm and moan out.

The demon was good enough to tease Laena to the very edge of orgasm and keep her there without pushing her over for some time, something that frustrated her greatly. She just wanted it over with so that she could go on being embarrassed for a while and be done with it. Of course, she also wanted to cum… She was starting to get tired as her soul drained away too, to have a bit of trouble holding herself up, her feathery legs trembling around the knight. Finally, though, when the harpy didn’t think she could stand it any more, the demon’s long tongue pulled away a bit to wrap around her clit and squeeze tightly. She had been moaning before, but now she let out a squeal of pleasure that made her blush even more darkly, but what followed was simply incredible. Her juices gushed from her quivering sex, but her soul gushed out with it, making the pleasure even more intense than it would have been otherwise. She felt dizzy and lightheaded and incredible, just at the edge of unconsciousness when the demon finally let up. Feeling the experience over but the aftershocks of orgasm still running through her Laena stumbled forward a few steps and then sat down, folding her legs beneath her and sitting with her back to the knight in a posture that suggested a mother hen sitting on her egg. She was breathing heavily and trying desperately not to look at any of the others, trying to recover herself before anything else.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Laena: HP = 71, PP = 58, EP = 48, Status = Pregnant,

Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 38/62, Status = Fine

With Lily leaving, that left only Garrett watching her as Laena allowed the bound demon to feed from her, and when she turned away with her legs barely able to support her the human was beside her immediately, all but forcing her to lean on his shoulder while he shot the demon knight an angry look. "Are you alright?" he whispered to her, his grip on her strong as she adopted the biologically familiar pose in order to wait out the aftermath of her climax. "Feeling alright sweetheart?" the demon knight asked smugly, prompting Garrett to shoot another angry glare her way before looking back to Laena with concern in his eyes.

Lily, in the meantime, found herself with her kin, who were largely idling about with little to do until Laena and the demon were finished with their dealings.
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena took the opportunity to lean on Garrett when it was offered, her head still swimming a bit, though she made sure to look up at the forest canopy rather than at anyone. "I’m… fine" she replied quietly, "tired and a little dizzy, but fine." She didn’t acknowledge the demon, not just yet, taking another few moments to recover. It took a little while for her breathing to return to normal, and she could tell that she would need some time before she felt “normal” again, so when she was as good as she was going to get she carefully stood up again and addressed the knight. "Does that cover it?" the harpy asked, rustling her feathers a bit and tilting her head to one side and then the other, her wee little feathery tail flicking a bit behind her as she got her bearings.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Laena: HP = 71, PP = 58, EP = 48, Status = Pregnant,

Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 38/62, Status = Fine

"Yup," the demon knight responded simply, prompting Garrett to glare at her some more.
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Looking around, Lily notices that the others seem to be just waiting for Laena to finish. Shrugging, she walks over to the captured mage, looking at the demon thoughtfully. It was almost a pity that the knight had proven so co-operative; Banshee would have enjoyed interrogating the wizard.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Laena: HP = 71, PP = 58, EP = 1/48, Status = Pregnant, Low on Energy

Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 38/62, Status = Fine

The mage initially appeared to be unconscious, but after a moment of careful study Lily would realize that she was very much awake, and had been watching for who knows how long. Garrett, in the meantime, approached the bound demon knight and drew his sword. The faeries adopted a somewhat guarded stance at that, unsure of the unpredictable human's intentions, but as he approached he said; "You had best keep your part of the bargain, demon!" He would then proceed to cut her loose, a completely unnecessary act given that the nymph could have simply commanded the vines to release her.

"I will!" the demoness replied brightly, hopping quickly to her feet, "Irena! Get your good face on! We're going back to camp!" The bound sorceress promptly melted right before Lily's eyes, forming into a swarm of buzzing insects that she would quickly realize were a strain of extremely toxic wasps native to the jungle. No attack came, however, as she merely floated to the center of the glade and reformed, good as new and no longer bound. "I'll be having my sword back as well," the knight stated calmly, gesturing to the gruff that had dug it out of the streambed that it had been knocked into. The goatman glared back with a derisive and defensive look, but she merely gestured with her fingers and gave an impatient look.

"Does it harm you any to return it now? You have our cooperation, and you aren't even strong enough to use it," the sorceress stated plainly, the first time she'd spoken in their presence, and unless Lily or Laena offered some complaint the gruff would grudgingly hand the weapon back to its rightful owner, who would slowly strap it back into place. "Shall we then?" the knight then asked, gesturing toward the North where the demon camp lay.
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena sighed when the demon approved of her part of the bargain, relieved that she wouldn’t have to be doing anything more. She watched as Garrett drew his sword, about to say something, but thankfully he didn’t do anything stupid, instead freeing the knight as promised. The harpy’s eyes were drawn to the swarm of wasps that the bound sorceress seemed to explode into behind her, jumping backwards as she recognized what they were… but the woman simply reformed in the middle of the clearing they were in. That was an interesting trick… Laena would have to remember it could be done in the future. The only counter to it seemed to simply be to take no prisoners, of course. In the meantime the knight demanded the return of her sword, the gruff who held it looking quite reluctant to give it up. After the demon had finished speaking, the harpy spoke up herself, saying "Give it to her. If she’s lying it won’t make any difference whether she’s armed or not" flatly. Indeed, she was just one demon among many, and if they were walking into a trap by heading to their camp there wouldn’t be much hope either way. She was ready to move on, though, time was wasting, and she didn’t like standing around down here just hoping things would go right.
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

As Lily notices that the sorceress is awake, a wry smile twists her lips. Well acted, not that it did you much good. As the sorceress transforms, Lily reflexively takes a step back, but the moment soon passes and the sorceress returns to her presumably normal form.

"Well, let's go, then." Lily says as it appears that everyone is ready to leave, gazing around in the glade before her eyes return to the sorceress' back for another moment.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Laena: HP = 71, PP = 58, EP = 1/48, Status = Pregnant, Low on Energy

Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 38/62, Status = Fine

The goatmen turned his frown upon Laena at her insistence, offering the harpy a brief glare before reluctantly turning over the weapon. The demoness adopted a look of complete satisfaction as she reclaimed her sword, and examined it for a moment before putting it back into the sheath hanging over her back. "Thank you," she said appreciably, giving Laena a brief nod before turning to Garrett and saying; "Are you and yours ready to be on your way then?" In response, he glanced at Laena and frowned for a moment before looking back to the demoness and nodding slowly, "Yes."

Before they set off, however, the sorceress seemingly noticed Lily's gaze, as she glanced back over her shoulder with an inquisitive smile, meeting the sidhe's gaze as she walked. She had already possessed a noticeable sway in her step, but it became more pronounced as she watched Lily, further displaying her generous assets to the following faerie. "See something you like? Free samples are available!" she said teasingly, prompting the knight to look back at them with a bemused smirk and shout; "Now now Irena! You don't know where that faerie's been!" The sorceress turned back to her companion without replying, merely offering a chuckle, but she made no effort to stop tease Lily unless the sidhe opted to start ignoring it.

And thus off they were, the other lesser fae following along after them as they went towards the ruins were the demons held their main camp. The journey was uneventful, completely so, until they walked into one of the demonic patrols led by another demon in black armor. This one was man judging by figure, and such was confirmed when he stopped his patrol, almost identical in size and makeup to the one they had ambushed, and shouted at them from across the path; "Halt! Where is your patrol, Letris? And who are these people?" The demon knight they'd captured, her name now revealed, smirked at him and promptly deadpanned; "All dead save for Irena here! Killed by these people, in fact. The people that are coming with me of their own free will into our camp, on my word that they will not be harmed for it." The other knight and much of his patrol seemed somewhat taken aback, and Garrett offered the demoness a warning scowl that she opted to ignore completely. "Oh..." the male demon would reply, before gathering his wits and speaking up in a more affirmative tone; "Well then! We were just out looking for you after you failed to report in, so we'll happily escort you into the camp as well."

Letris smiled broadly and shot a sideways glance at Garrett, "I think that that would be lovely~ Don't you agree?" Laena saw her lover's scowl deepen, and he looked as if he were about to refuse. The faeries had tensed around Lily, particularly the gruffs who looked about ready for another fight, and the demons were quick to catch onto this and prepared themselves to give the same.
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Lily casts Arcane Brilliance on herself for perception. 70/6+1=12.66 for 38 total

Somewhat amused by the show the sorceress is putting on, Lily opts to continue paying attention to her, but not before muttering a quick incantation to heighten her other senses - promises or no, there was no guarantee that the knight wouldn't endanger them somehow while sticking to the letter of her word.

After a while the group faces another demon patrol, and Lily feels herself tensing up. Though she makes no visible preparations, the forms of a devastating spell appear in her mind courtesy of Banshee who seems to be very much on the edge. The other fae and Garrett tense up as well, and Lily forces herself to relax, stepping between Garrett and the demons. Giving a sharp look to Letris, Lily replies sharply: "The more the merrier."
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena glared back at the gruff, not because she was unhappy at him, but because she didn’t want to show him any weakness in this situation. She wasn’t exactly a leader natural born and didn’t necessarily want to come off that way, but she didn’t want to be the sort of person who backed down when challenged. They got going then, the harpy popping up into the air to glide slightly above the rest of them, and besides a little bit of taunting from the sorceress there weren’t any incidents along the way. It was actually sort of peaceful in the forest, even walking with the two demons. Eventually, though, they came across another of the patrols the demons had been sending out, and Laena perched herself next to her mate. It was very similar to the one the group had attacked earlier, though apparently the knight was a man. He asked the knight they had captured, apparently named Letris, what was going on, and her answer rather annoyed the harpy. She didn’t like this woman, her tone or the way she made light of everything. It even seemed to confuse and startle the other demon a bit. The fae tensed up at the idea of being escorted by this second patrol into the demon camp, seemingly preparing themselves for a fight with the bunch, and Garrett was none too happy. Laena sighed quietly and hopped forward a few steps, saying "calm down, people. There’s no need for any trouble." At least Lily didn’t seem too perturbed…