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Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

1 – Trust Zelari

Current Status:

Small Young Black Tentacle
Health: 40/50
Energy: 630/1500
Overlord Energy 75
Abilities: Stealth I, Infest I, Symbiosis I, Aura Sense I, Perception, Influence, Ovipositor, Soul Bind
Status: Normal, Aid Tattoo
Host: Asabi – Greater Succubus, low energy (soul bind, symbiosis active, egged)

Time: Morning
Allies: Hul’jet (Floor 1 Sigil Crypt), Yorin Image (Floor 2 Astral Prison), Zelari (F2 North, egged); of Zelari: Cambor “Blades” & Ket (F2 North, both egged)
Known Entities: Runestone (F3 North), Purple Spawn and Necromancer (F3 East), Green & Blue Spawn (F1 South?))
Something in Zelari’s tone rings true despite your misgivings. If nothing else she’s right that betraying you now makes little sense. Given a better chance before, she played it for laughs. Or perhaps, to make her current ploy seem more credible. To be safe you plant a defensive trigger in Asabi’s mind before emerging.

“Gods, I still can’t believe you did that to me. Hold still for a sec.”

The harpy sits, gripping you gently but firmly in one claw while applying a clear salve with the other. Your flesh numbs pleasantly as it soaks in. Zelari traces an arcane pattern on top in some white powder. A rune?

You squirm with unease, turning to fear as you realize the harpy’s grip give you no purchase. You’re about to awaken Asabi when the talon withdraws to produce a small wooden box holding a strange aura within. The numbness isn’t spreading, and you feel no pressure from a control spell. Curious, you decide to wait. It’s excruciating for all the wrong reasons.

Zelari’s pose gives you perfect vantage to her feminine parts, the air between heavy with her scent. The urge to fuck her is intense; each little movement invites you towards her slightly-parted lips. Just surprise her with your tail and then dive…

No! Tempting as it was, the indulgence would antagonize Zelari and unbind Asabi in a single stroke. Still, the harpy doesn’t make it easy, inspecting every facet of her work like an expert jeweler. Somehow you endure until she finishes, but your valor goes unsung. Zelari’s so absorbed in her efforts that she seems not to feel the tension running through you.

“You may feel a bit of discomfort.” she quips, emptying the box above you. A single mote of witchfire drifts downward. The powder ignites in a flash when it lands, burning the pattern into your flesh. Aaagh! Thrice-damned harpy! You reel in pain, quickly retreating into Asabi as the grip relaxes.

The fading sting awakens the demon as you reconnect your link. “What happened?” she asks, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Zelari says “I gave your master something nice,” before you can respond, pursing her lips innocently, “You’ll see in a bit.” She winks as Asabi stretches, an unspoken promise between you.

“So I’m…free?”

“Yeah,” the harpy says, unaware of the question’s significance. “The door opened when you… you know.”

You weigh your words more carefully. The battle will be soon; you need her under control but not broken to get the most use out of her. Perhaps with time she would reprise her former role. You finally answer, “Yes, Asabi, you are free. I will show you freedom, I will take you to the limits of possibility. I’ll give you what you always sought. Will you follow me?”

You want her acceptance; you expose as much through your link. She shivers, a mix of fear and anticipation. You encourage her. A being like Asabi is far too valuable to waste as a puppet. Her heart rages. Waiting, you dredge up sensations from before, your wild infestation and the pleasure it gave her. “You need me,” you whisper, “you know you deserved everything I did. You wanted it. I will make you feel things you’ve never felt before.”

The demon is silent. Neither accepting nor denying your words, she follows Zelari through the door.

* * * * *​

Cambor runs towards Zelari, embracing her at the grotto’s entrance. Asabi melts into the shadows on cue, leaving the two alone together.

“What the hell happened Zel!? You’re bleeding!”
“I’m fine, just a scratch. How’s Ket doing?”
“I’m not asking about Ket, I’m asking about YOU!”
“Accident with a trap. You think something like this’ll stop me?” She cocks her head to the left, a nonchalant smirk plastered on her face.
“I worry Zel. I don’t want you to end up like before.”
At this the harpy’s face darkens. “Don’t pull that shit on me Cam. You almost died! You think I want that?”
“And remember how we made it? Together. I know you’re strong, but you don’t have to do it all alone. I’m here for you.” The warrior tightens his grip on Zelari, holding her close. Her eyes widen at his intensity, then close as she accepts his embrace.

“Seems clingy,” Asabi comments to you, “ she could do better.” It’s a challenge you can’t ignore. “Beneath your standards, Asabi? Tell me, do I measure up?” you ask, flexing against her. “Like a mountain before a fly,” she flinches, still sensitive from your last encounter.

Across the room Zelari is sitting on Cambor’s lap as he applies a balm to her wounds. “Good, you reply, “Then you’ll have no problem ignoring that ‘fly.’” Its clear where this is heading, and it will be a perfect test for your charge.

“So how were things here?” Zelari asks.

“Oh, you know. Kept watch, captured a snooping orc. The usual. Ket’s sleeping.” The warrior looks dubiously at the wounds on her claws. “How about you?”

Less defensive now, Zelari explains the highlights. She skips most of the final leg, concluding “So now we’ve got a deal with a tentacle beast and a demon to take out those casters. Don’t look at me like that, it’s the best chance we’ve got right now!”

Cambor gives an exasperated sigh. “Fine. But we’re going to have a talk with them. Both of us.”

“Can it wait?” Zelari asks, leaning sensuously across his chest and nuzzling him. “I missed you, Cam.” The warrior’s face flushes almost as red as his hair. He quickly finishes the treatment, sliding his hands up the harpy’s hips and balming the wound above. She follows his gaze. His face wasn’t the only place the blood rushed to. Not needing any more encouragement, she slips down his pants and strokes him to erection.

Cambor responds in force, pulling Zelari into a deep kiss. They sway together hypnotically, tasting each other, caressing, responding to each other’s pleasure. He reaches one hand down and fingers her, drawing a coo as she grinds her hips against him. The wet trail she leaves hardly goes unnoticed, and as they roll to the side he slides his cock into her.

Asabi eyes his throbbing member hungrily, idly groping her breasts as she watches. “Enjoying yourself?” you taunt. The succubus quickly lowers her hand, stammering a denial that convinces no one. Lusty moans draw your attention back to the lovers, both caught in a whirlwind of desire dragging them inexorably forward. The rune tattooed on your back grows warm. Energy pours into you as the mortals increase their pace, carrying a shadow of their feelings with it through the arcane mark.

“That’s cheating!” Asabi hisses. Her weakly-veiled arousal makes mockery of her aloof countenance. “I’m not the one who criticized the male,” you say, “but perhaps you’ve changed your mind about him?” Her only response is a disdainful snort.

Cambor’s sculpted butt clenches as he reaches climax, his primal cry drawing even the demon’s gaze. His lover responds in kind, wrapping her legs around his hips to pull him in deeper. “More!” Zelari shouts, “Harder!” She flips position to ride him, gyrating her hips and locking him in a messy kiss. It takes a moment for Cambor to catch up with the harpy’s pace. He does it with a vengeance, pinning her down and thrusting ferociously. He lightly bites her nipple, causing the harpy to squeal with delight. She uses her legs to push him harder, slamming his cock into her slavering cunt. Her hips sway in a circular motion all the while, further increasing her pleasure. You can feel how deeply they want each other, how they instinctively respond to each other’s desire. Even the fractional energy feeding you is impressive.

With a final cry Zelari hits her limit. She locks lips with Cambor to stifle it, breathing out hot lust as she drags him over with her. They reach consummation in unison, bodies wracked by ecstatic convulsions. Her body seems intent on milking every last drop of sperm from her human love, lithe muscles rippling across her abdomen in pace with her rapturous breaths. Cambor groans again, filling her with his seed until it overflows. Zelari doesn’t relent, riding her orgasm long and hard. Drops of blood appear on Cambor’s back where her claws dig into him, falling until the two collapse in an exhausted heap. The massive creampie that drools from her pussy when he withdraws makes Asabi lick her lips like a wolf.

Zelari lays on top of Cambor and closes her eyes, saying “Can you set up the wards babe?” before drifting off to sleep. He nods and complies, then joins her in repose.

Much strengthened by the liaison, you willing to accept the barrier as a fair trade. Your options are limited without leaving Asabi, and given her state of arousal you can think of better uses for the time. She endured your test, though not by much if her shaking knees are any indication. With a small push you could bend her further to your will. Perhaps after she’d be amiable to assisting you further.

With the mortals resting, you and Asabi are left to prepare.

First, to attend to her more immediate needs. Your binding will safely limit the power she can draw, but you decision is also a signal.

A.) Let Asabi indulge herself – give her the orc. She’ll need the energy for the battle, and it’s a chance to reward her obedience.
B.) Let Asabi indulge once she proves herself – if she can make the orc cum without touching him or using magic, she can have him. You, of course, will indulge in her.
C.) Asabi will know no relief until you reach the runestone. She will need it as much as you do.

Next, how will you spend the rest of your time?
1.) Speak with Asabi about the past and advice for the coming battle.
2.) Use Aura Sense to gather information about the Necromancer’s party.
3.) Try to recall something from your memories to aid you, perhaps an evolution?

x.) Evolve Telepathy (300 Energy) – it will make your talk with Cambor much easier.
y.) Evolve Body Slime (150 Energy) – being held by Zelari was not a pleasant experience, and you have no wish to repeat it if things don’t go your way.
z.) Nothing – save energy now, you’ll have much more to play with once you reach the runestone.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

A, to begin with. We already said we offer her freedom, having a second test for that one reward seems a bit against that to me. We definitely want her with more energy for the fight though, so C is probably a bad idea, since we may not have time to properly access the runestone, not quite sure.

2, I think. Consult with Asabi about what we discover, perhaps, but forewarned is forarmed.

X. The thing I want most about telepathy is the ability to use influence through it. All the benefits we love about nudging our host, to the entire group? Hell yes, yes please.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Shrike's got the right idea. A2X.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

3rd'd. A-2-x
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

I almost agree this time around A1x
A-I honestly just wanna read this scene :p well and we will need her in fighting condition sooner than we might think.
1-I was a lil on the fence for this one between it and 3. 3 mainly just sparked my curiosity, and the memory unlocked evolutions have been nothing but helpful. But, right now the most important thing is to figure out if we have already lost the race or at least how much time we might have. Heck who knows maybe Purple has gone way off track after something even better.
x-We have a nice stock of energy now and with us regretfully not infesting Zel anymore, we need this to make sure we keep her on our side. I am still a little apprehensive about this "Aid Tattoo." That could just me being paranoid i suppose.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

I'm with Shrike as well.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

A2X, as Shrike said, don't really have that many thoughts here. Also, saving Shrike time here, if the Succubus doesn't drain the prisoner to death, egg it as well.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

A, because that will be fun, 1, because that will be interesting, and Y, because it may just save our lives at some point.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

...Huh, actually, nothing's really stopping us from rocking two evolutions at once, right? I mean, besides the fact that we need that shit to control Asabi, and will probably burn a fuckload of it when we inevitably facedown Purple like we're planning to do eventually...

450 out of 630 is what, 180 left over? That still seems pretty uncomfortably low... but then again, just banking for "just in case" is a mite pointless... not to mention not-fun.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

i say we pick up body slime if we get another heap of energy from the orc, or if we get to drain some from the runestone before the encounter. we can evolve it if it becomes necessary before then, since we'll have the energy around.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

We don't always have the option, though. :x Like when Velari was holding us, if she was actually hostile we wouldn't have been able to wiggle out. Presumably it takes a moment to evolve, too, which might be bad in a fighty situation.

Waiting to see if we get some tasty energy to help fund it seems good though, though Musubi is probably looting all of it, as that's what we chose right.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Gentlemen, mentlegen, ladies, boys, etcetera et cetera......I bring bad news and thoughts. I would prefer to list these notes for everyone's attention, as I have been suggested to by Shrike, who has noted my sudden paranoia. These ramblings are for everyone's notice. And yes, I think in lists, apologies.

3A: Zelari knows Ket is compelled to go after our little thing.
3B: Zelari is -very- friendly with Ket.
3C: Ket has recently suffered wounds and is in a suggestable state/has magical ailments on her.
3D: Zelari knows we have messed with Ket either before or after the magical ailment.
3E: Zelari was only borderline like/hate with us before...what do you think that little revelation did to it?
3A-3C have been confirmed. 3D-3E are mere thoughts. I have thought up options to resolve this situation, and I have mentioned them to Shrike, I shall list them here with some minor editing to make them more lucid..

1: Break the toy. Obvious option, Tora will openly suggest this route when it gets to this point, you know the drill and the mentality, and you all doubtless know that I don't like it.
2: Fix the toy's hatred. Not-so-obvious option, I'm not sure if Tora'd list this or not, energy manipulation, push extra energy into Ket, note that Ket had recovered on the same day. Imply that we intended on using the energy to assist in breaking a mind-altering enchantment we'd discovered on Ket as repayment. We're playing biological buddy-buddy-brother-sister nonsense, and it'd be hard to pull off...but I think I can pull out a little mental speech that'd work. It'd be best if we brought it to the harpy's attention immediately, and cushion the blow if we're going this route. The main problem is that we'd be effectively pushing out MORE energy then we'd need to. However, it -might- earn us another loyal member, maybe even play on three below to imply that the other tentacle might have done the -first- manipulation and that we are attempting to fix it, rings less hollow that way.
3: Attempt to play off another tentacle. The Necromancers -have- Purple. If we act shocked or indicate that Purple has magical capabilities, we can point out that it was possibly mind-altering by him...unfortunately we've been playing things too straight, I'm afraid that we've injected -too much- honesty into our previous messages, and the lie might become obvious as we are -not- doing that.
4: Attempt to manipulate Ket. This is...difficult. If we go too far, we break Ket, and then we -destroy- our alliance, if we go too soft, Ket tells Zelari what we did, and then we -destroy- our alliance...however if we -do- manage it at just the right level, we can imply that we had -already- made a deal with Ket in this matter to assist the group.
5: Turn and run: Chicken route, they're all already egged, and none of them know they're egged to my knowledge, give them a few months with our spawn, ta dah. Unfortunately, this effectively -gives- Purple the Runestone, and I don't like that given how much effort we've put into it. However, if we wanted to suddenly pretend we're Green, this'd be the route to go, to my mind...if not for that 'aid' tattoo
6: Delude and Control: Similar to number 1, it is possible we could cloud Zel's brain so she simply doesn't notice these facts, between Asabi, ourselves, and our spawn, I suspect that three separate enchantments would weaken her ingenuity in this matter...I still don't like damaging toys though

I apologize to everyone in the crowd for bringing this to Tora's attention if it was not already there, I just suspected that this might be something to start preparing for...now.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

I should vote, shouldn't I? Okay, I'll go with A - 2 - x. I dunno if Cambor might've wanted to keep the orc for questioning or anything, but eh, evil tentacle overlord, yes? And the telepathy will be useful when it comes time to chat with Cambor, without having to make our way up his pooper first. :p

Gentlemen, mentlegen, ladies, boys, etcetera et cetera......I bring bad news and thoughts. I would prefer to list these notes for everyone's attention, as I have been suggested to by Shrike, who has noted my sudden paranoia. These ramblings are for everyone's notice. And yes, I think in lists, apologies.
3A: Zelari knows Ket is compelled to go after our little thing.
3B: Zelari is -very- friendly with Ket.
3C: Ket has recently suffered wounds and is in a suggestable state/has magical ailments on her.
3D: Zelari knows we have messed with Ket either before or after the magical ailment.
3E: Zelari was only borderline like/hate with us before...what do you think that little revelation did to it?
3A-3C have been confirmed. 3D-3E are mere thoughts. I have thought up options to resolve this situation, and I have mentioned them to Shrike, I shall list them here with some minor editing to make them more lucid..
1: Break the toy. Obvious option, Tora will openly suggest this route when it gets to this point, you know the drill and the mentality, and you all doubtless know that I don't like it.
2: Fix the toy's hatred. Not-so-obvious option, I'm not sure if Tora'd list this or not, energy manipulation, push extra energy into Ket, note that Ket had recovered on the same day. Imply that we intended on using the energy to assist in breaking a mind-altering enchantment we'd discovered on Ket as repayment. We're playing biological buddy-buddy-brother-sister nonsense, and it'd be hard to pull off...but I think I can pull out a little mental speech that'd work. It'd be best if we brought it to the harpy's attention immediately, and cushion the blow if we're going this route. The main problem is that we'd be effectively pushing out MORE energy then we'd need to. However, it -might- earn us another loyal member, maybe even play on three below to imply that the other tentacle might have done the -first- manipulation and that we are attempting to fix it, rings less hollow that way.
3: Attempt to play off another tentacle. The Necromancers -have- Purple. If we act shocked or indicate that Purple has magical capabilities, we can point out that it was possibly mind-altering by him...unfortunately we've been playing things too straight, I'm afraid that we've injected -too much- honesty into our previous messages, and the lie might become obvious as we are -not- doing that.
4: Attempt to manipulate Ket. This is...difficult. If we go too far, we break Ket, and then we -destroy- our alliance, if we go too soft, Ket tells Zelari what we did, and then we -destroy- our alliance...however if we -do- manage it at just the right level, we can imply that we had -already- made a deal with Ket in this matter to assist the group.
5: Turn and run: Chicken route, they're all already egged, and none of them know they're egged to my knowledge, give them a few months with our spawn, ta dah. Unfortunately, this effectively -gives- Purple the Runestone, and I don't like that given how much effort we've put into it. However, if we wanted to suddenly pretend we're Green, this'd be the route to go, to my mind...if not for that 'aid' tattoo
6: Delude and Control: Similar to number 1, it is possible we could cloud Zel's brain so she simply doesn't notice these facts, between Asabi, ourselves, and our spawn, I suspect that three separate enchantments would weaken her ingenuity in this matter...I still don't like damaging toys though
I apologize to everyone in the crowd for bringing this to Tora's attention if it was not already there, I just suspected that this might be something to start preparing for...now.

Chameon, I think my opinion on those matters is... "don't borrow trouble".

Ket made her way to above the runestone all by herself; digging down to the source of her magical soil may have been our idea, but coming to it was either her idea or whatever placed that first control spell. The only harm I can see coming to Ket from doing that digging is that we (or somebody else) will be draining the source of the magic, and thereby forcing Ket to find another place to call home. Since we, at least, will no doubt be using part of that power to finish patching Ket up, I think the good from us nudging her in that direction outweighs the bad of us nudging her. Zel seems plenty bright enough to follow this reasoning.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

A2x – Seize control of the situation as you can!

Current Status:

Small Young Black Tentacle
Health: 50/50
Energy: 500/1500
Overlord Energy 75
Abilities: Stealth I, Infest I, Symbiosis I, Aura Sense I, Perception, Influence, Ovipositor, Soul Bind, Telepathy
Status: Normal, Aid Tattoo
Host: Asabi – Greater Succubus, low energy, illusion, (soul bind, symbiosis active, egged)

Time: Morning
Allies: Hul’jet (Floor 1 Sigil Crypt), Yorin Image (Floor 2 Astral Prison), Zelari (F2 North, egged), Orc (F2 North, egged); of Zelari: Cambor “Blades” & Ket (F2 North, both egged)
Known Entities: Runestone (F3 North), Purple and Necromancer (F3 Northeast), Green & Blue (???))
“I have a gift for you,” you tell Asabi, pleased that she endured, “Take the orc, any way you like.” She smiles ear to ear and stalks closer, a predator on the hunt. You seize the opportunity to evolve your mental powers until the air itself becomes an extension of your mind, a window to the thoughts of those nearby. As Asabi approaches she shifts to the guise of an elf clad only in the barest threads of a rogue’s bikini, with dagger to match.

The orc starts at her sudden appearance, raging against his bonds and the stalagmite tied to them. You can feel the fear rising off him, the enmity for his race’s hated enemy and the feeling of powerlessness before her, the bravado he tries to mask it with and the baser needs it covers. Asabi holds a finger to her lips and the orc hesitates, confused by the turn of events. “We are not your enemies,” you speak to his mind, further disorienting the creature. Seeing this the demon reaches under his loincloth and giggles, “Don’t worry big boy. I’ll take care of everything.”

She stops mere inches from his face, stroking his cheek as her own hypnotic eyes meet with his. His resistance slackens at her idle strokes, male desire welling up to overpower his misgivings. With a knowing smirk she says, “Mmm, I’ve got exactly what you want,” squeezing his balls for emphasis. She’s enjoying every moment, excited as much by his musky virility as the thrill of the hunt. Her free hand lowers below her belt, hips now rubbing against his.

“You want this, don’t you?” There’s a wet schlik, and her captive grunts in agreement. “That’s a good boy,” she says, sultry as ever as she raises her gleaming fingers up to his lips. The orc looks down crosseyed, eyes glazed with desire. Asabi grips his chin and pulls his mouth to hers, coiling her inhuman tongue around his like a snake sliding down his throat. His monstrous cock instantly tents. With practiced ease she slides off his belt, leaving him completely exposed.

She pulls back, toying with him, and the orc strains against his bonds in pursuit. The sinews hold against his rippling muscles, and Asabi half-moans, “Tell me what you want, big boy!” Without pause she jabs a finger into the tip of his cock, making him gasp. “I couldn’t hear you.”

She continues teasing his quivering prick as the first precum gushes out, then straddles above it while still standing. The smooth curves of her ass taunt his needy member while her other hand takes free play of his body. Down his cheek, across his muscular flanks, around the taught muscles of his own butt. Her tongue joins in, licking his nipples with it’s raspy surface and bringing him to the edge. The energy pours off the male, narcotic in its effect on the succubus.

Time for a bit of my own fun. You can feel Asabi looking for more, more challenge, more excitement. Who are you to deny her? “I can give you what you want, and much more,” you whisper to the orc, “obey and I’ll give you even greater rewards.” The orc slavers his agreement in a lust-clouded haze, and you begin your work. Silently your ovipositor extends, emerging at stomach level while you host grinds against the orc. You scrape the edge against the ropes, fraying more with each motion.

“Now!” you command. With a roar the brute surges forwards, snapping his imprisoning cords and knocking Asabi to the ground. You whip your tentacle back through her folds, stunning her just long enough for the orc to grab her hips and plunge his cock into her. He bottoms out in a single stroke, taking out all his pent-up lust on her greedy cunt. Adrenaline surges through her veins at the sudden reversal, exhilaration heightening the pleasure. She contracts around his dick as he pounds into her, panting in pleasure while he fucks her doggy-style. Muscular hands grope her ample ass-cheeks and draw a cry of delight. The two sway together in a trance.

Finally the orc reaches his limit, spewing masses of cum into the waiting succubus. Her vagina clamps down against him, drawing as much sustenance as possible from her partner before relaxing its grip. Her body cries for more and you gladly oblige. Tendrils descend from her uterus, a swarm of tentacles engulfing the massive penis. You keep rubbing, pleasuring Asabi and her captor with every undulation. Its not enough, not for you! You drown both partners in desire, flooding the link with sensations and routing them to the orc telepathically. The orc reaches a fever pitch, grunts and moans coming in quick succession. Asabi can barely keep up, every corner of her body screaming “take me!”, begging you for more. Instinct clouds out reason. The two go at it like dog in heat, their moans rising to the roofs of the cavern. Guided by your tentacles the orc makes one last stroke, following you up into the demon’s womb as he finally fits his full length. The climax is inevitable. Asabi’s eyes roll back in her head, tongue lolling from her mouth in pure euphoria. The orc’s massive ejaculation bathes you in semen.

Your ovipositor glides through the sea of cum, twisting around the massive penis and triggering another spasm. The undulating flesh and burning heat draw out an egg which you promptly stick in his ass. Pushing deeper, you use your tip to stimulate his prostate. The brute’s faltering erection immediately returns, goaded by your psychic urgings. To Asabi’s shock he starts pistoning. The sensation is so intense that the demon loses her disguise, bat-wings and horns sprouting from her back.

The orc withdraws and begins to turn away. You’re still not done, however, and a slight nudge draws his gaze back, fixating on Asabi’s wiggling ass. Without ceremony he thrusts inside, drawing a shriek. A wave of sensation racks your host. Pleasure and pain mix together, the latter quickly fading as the orc finds his rhythm. Her entire body’s on fire, responding to sensations long deadened. Every thrust the orc makes pushes the eggs through her bowels, a set of ersatz anal beads stimulating places even his girth can’t reach. You add your tentacles to the mix, bringing Asabi to screaming orgasm as the orc pours out the last of his seed and sinks to his knees on top of her.

“Did you like my gift?” you ask.

“Mashter, it’s the besht!” she slurs. Every fiber of her body trembles in agreement. You can hear her blissful thought, “something new.”

* * * * *​

The orc departs unsteadily, and Asabi basks in the afterglow. Two delicate fingers dip into her honeypot, returning covered in thick milky strands. She curls her sensuous tongue around one and then the other, licking off every last drop and slurping it down. Finished, she rests a hand on her stomach and lips her lips with satisfaction.

You, however, have no such luxury. Your heightened senses can feel the necromancer just below, advancing inexorably towards the runestone. He’s yet there, but time is of the essence. Only one barrier remains.

Not wishing to err in haste, you extend your senses to the area around. The runestone itself is secure, still a soaring pyre of astral energy. It thrums with growth energy, fitting considering your plans for it. Better still, there are no obvious wards.

Your surroundings are quiet save one other point – above you. Directly through the ceiling you can feel a perplexing aura, always shifting, as if hidden in a deep fog. It’s like an astral maze come to life! You tentatively reach out with telepathy. The response is even worse – it laughs at you! The next instant it’s gone. More than a little disturbed, you ask Asabi if she felt it. She didn’t. Not good, considering her demonic acuity.

“What do you sense below?” you ask, seeking to confirm your read. If it’s that damn tattoo I swear—

Casting the thought aside you join with your host, working together to probe the necromancer’s party. Purple’s aura is there, along with several humanoids, but you can read it. It’s being concealed, and your and Asabi’s combined power have a hard time detecting it. Either it’s very weak or it’s enough stronger to overcome your detection. Neither thought pleases you. Your main concern, however, is the necromancer himself. His aura’s stronger since you last checked, even though he’s concealing it. Something dies. He burns even brighter.

“Master, this is dangerous,” Asabi warns, “I don’t have enough mana to face him in a spellcasting duel.” She awaits your decision, both terrified and excited by the prospect.

First, though, you have to deal with your other allies, now awaking refreshed for the battle ahead. Cambor in particular looks your way with suspicion.

1.) Dig, now! Offer anything to get them to move! If they die you don’t pay, and even if you’re stuck the Necromancer is worth the price. If they won’t be reasonable order Asabi to finish the dig without them.
2.) Negotiate cautiously, focusing on Zelari and Ket. You can’t manipulate them through the ward, but they were already leaning your way. You just pray the barrier holds the Necromancer long enough.
3.) Negotiate with a focus on Cambor, the main resistance to your plan now. Appeal emotionally – as Asabi noted, he seems protective, and if he’s worried you may be able to slip one by.
4.) You will talk to Zelari and Ket while Asabi tries to seduce and otherwise distract Cambor. If the group splits you’ll still have some allies in the fight, and you may manage to drag them all along. Hard feelings can be dealt with later, after you have power.
5.) Forget the runestone, retreat to the first floor and investigate. Try to goad the mortals to follow you out where you can influence them, warning (truthfully) that the Necromancer is coming, and the danger to Ket is greater here.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

This is more energy then I anticipated, and so it is time that I mention a trick. A toy that I thought up in relation to the skeletons

A while back, I grabbed the evolution Slime Shackles from Tora, on a whim when asked whether I wanted to go towards lair, infestation, astral, etc. Turns out I have decent instincts. This is a theoretical idea I've been bouncing back between a few friends for a while. If a skeleton has a single piece taken away, even if it's animated by dark energy, it's going to fall apart, especially if that piece is in the legs. If the rune stone has a singular entrance (which I must admit is too much to hope for and why I've been keeping quiet, but desperate times requires us to have a full arsenal) the energy cost is only what it takes to cover a foot in a straight line blocking that entrance. Maybe two feet. What I am saying is, we can effectively negate the skeleton minions simply by using slime shackles as a bloated foot-wall. Tear off a skeleton's foot with it, and it's done, the skeleton is falling face first into the ground, and probably smashing apart if they were charging at full speed. Since we are so badly outnumbered when you add in the skeletons the necromancer doubtless still has or has regained, I felt it might be best if everybody knew about this possibility...just a thought

Now for allegiances...

Ket controls Zelari controls Cambor controls nobody. If we rush down to the massive source of energy this runestone doubtless is, we risk burning our current resources for a greater investment. A questionably good idea, given just how bad a mass of forces we are likely to deal with, but a potentially worthwhile one. If we are charging downstairs, I would prefer to focus on either Ket or Zelari as allies, as they seem to have the most influence on others. Cambor's objections or announcements have been swatted aside by Zelari notably each time. Furthermore, Asabi would approve if we charged, as she would enjoy the strangeness of the experience, and I doubt the cowardice of retreating would prove amusing for her, best not to annoy the body we are currently in. Finally, Ket seems surprisingly vulnerable to our influence.

I vote for 2 and on an offnote...

I am uncertain as to if we can survive if our main body is destroyed but our spawn remains. If that is the case, then that is grand, we may survive even if this goes south. Uncertain.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

This is more energy then I anticipated

Good plan and good rolls. You hit the sweet spot. :cool:

BTW, if people have ideas for negotiation and strategy, I heartily approve!
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Blargh. I say 2 or 4 would likely be our best options.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Good plan and good rolls. You hit the sweet spot. :cool:

BTW, if people have ideas for negotiation and strategy, I heartily approve!

Oooh, for once I'm allowed to try playing charisma on negotiation and/or strategy? This never happens at my game table!....then again, I am kinda insane in a 'don't let him have the metal cutlery or the plastic cutlery or ok let's just let him eat with his bare hands' way...

As I stated above, Ket controls Zelari, she might not have even mentioned it, and she's obviously the one the most involved. If we could get the whole group together and talk fast, we might be able to persuade them all, simply because Ket controls the whole group in a way she might not even know about. So, here's my suggestion, we get Cambor to come with us, four wouldn't suggest this route because I'm not suggesting Asabi seduce him and create enemies immediately (I could see us getting -one- bad roll here and everything going ker-plop with Zelari seeing Asabi attempting to seduce her man...and we've inadvertently promised to keep her under control, even if it was non-verbally), and then when we start speaking, we reference the mind control spells we've noted on Ket and attempt to point out that it is quite possible we could resolve them with the reservoir of energy the stone would provide. Everybody above seemed into this style of choice, as people seemed to want to give her energy, and this route lets us do so from a flexible standpoint. Now, for dealing with worries/persuading in an intelligent way, they'll have objections, like Ket risking being injured if she hurries, or Cambor not being happy with the way we treated his prisoner (Going so far as to free it), and here's how I suggest we play these off, insane though it may be. Ket's injuries we've healed before. I might have misread it, but when we drained her, we actually put some of her own energy into covering up her wounds. They've doubtless noted that mentally, if only quietly, but if they have, then I suggest we point out that we can probably get her back to feeling 100% at the cost of some of our strength, and since I doubt Ket is a combatant [unlike us, who have shown abilities that help directly in combat], we can probably persuade them to wait until the injuries are apparent. Cambor's prisoner mistreatment is a simple matter of pointing out that, with a succubus and a tentacle beast in the group, we needed some energy and it's better then stealing from them. Best to put that politely, but honestly, we need to feed, and we didn't kill the thing...to my knowledge. Zelari will doubtless get irritated with how much of a hurry we want to be in, but will probably understand if we speak politely and put Ket's best interests at the front, as she seems to value Ket first and foremost insofar as I can tell. Cambor may be the deal breaker here, which is the only thing I don't like and why I want him in sight. Perhaps let him get in the wards first so as to make us seem more trustworthy, even if he doesn't know the slightest about our nature, he knows succubi can influence thoughts (or at least, they're likely to be profiled that way), and that will give us an advantage in terms of respect and propriety, especially if he refuses. Next off, we're going to want to try to tempt Zel with power and future strengths, perhaps suggest that we might be extremely thankful for this, don't promise anything directly, but point to our suggestion that we might make further dealings.

I need a cigarette after being allowed to play my favorite role like that.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

This is more energy then I anticipated, and so it is time that I mention a trick. A toy that I thought up in relation to the skeletons

A while back, I grabbed the evolution Slime Shackles from Tora, on a whim when asked whether I wanted to go towards lair, infestation, astral, etc. Turns out I have decent instincts. This is a theoretical idea I've been bouncing back between a few friends for a while. If a skeleton has a single piece taken away, even if it's animated by dark energy, it's going to fall apart, especially if that piece is in the legs. If the rune stone has a singular entrance (which I must admit is too much to hope for and why I've been keeping quiet, but desperate times requires us to have a full arsenal) the energy cost is only what it takes to cover a foot in a straight line blocking that entrance. Maybe two feet. What I am saying is, we can effectively negate the skeleton minions simply by using slime shackles as a bloated foot-wall. Tear off a skeleton's foot with it, and it's done, the skeleton is falling face first into the ground, and probably smashing apart if they were charging at full speed. Since we are so badly outnumbered when you add in the skeletons the necromancer doubtless still has or has regained, I felt it might be best if everybody knew about this possibility...just a thought

Now for allegiances...

Ket controls Zelari controls Cambor controls nobody. If we rush down to the massive source of energy this runestone doubtless is, we risk burning our current resources for a greater investment. A questionably good idea, given just how bad a mass of forces we are likely to deal with, but a potentially worthwhile one. If we are charging downstairs, I would prefer to focus on either Ket or Zelari as allies, as they seem to have the most influence on others. Cambor's objections or announcements have been swatted aside by Zelari notably each time. Furthermore, Asabi would approve if we charged, as she would enjoy the strangeness of the experience, and I doubt the cowardice of retreating would prove amusing for her, best not to annoy the body we are currently in. Finally, Ket seems surprisingly vulnerable to our influence.

I vote for 2 and on an offnote...

I am uncertain as to if we can survive if our main body is destroyed but our spawn remains. If that is the case, then that is grand, we may survive even if this goes south. Uncertain.

Bandwagoning on this. Too much logic. My brain aches after reading this.