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Catherine (Tiffanian)

Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Power Attack (Catherine vs Gold Siren): 17 vs 8. Hit! 2 damage!
Attack (Weasel vs Gold Siren): 5 vs 1. Hit! 1 damage! Dead!

Pangs of arousal and the lulling mental song of the siren coursed through the archer's veins, bidding her to drop her bow and give herself to the sea. Even as she drew back her bowstring in what might be one final attempt to ward herself off from the fate that several of the sailors had succumbed to, some small part of her mind had joined in her body's insistent urging to leap overboard. Her arms trembled from a mixture of lust and the strength necessary to draw the bow so taut. But as she released the arrow, it was all worth it. The projectile smashed into the golden creature's shoulder with enough force to send her sprawling to the deck.

The weaselly sailor casually strolled to the prone devil, bending over her and wrenching her head upward by her hair. He was pitiless in finishing the defenseless enemy. The man's cutlass smashed into her neck, sharp edge first, slicing through her windpipe. He let go of her hair and she slumped back to the deck with a gurgle. With the vicious task completed, the man returned to his feet and turned to look at Catherine. He obviously noticed the trail of the girl's liquids down her leg, but said nothing of it.

An investigation of the battle around them revealed little. The deck was still covered in devils and sailors, battling each other. There were noticeably less crew members than there had been just moments before, but the sirens numbered even fewer. It didn't feel like a victory was imminent, however, there were simply too few dead creatures visible on the ship. Indeed, the archer noticed several of the golden sirens slithering to the edges and retreating into the waters. And the most dangerous thing, the tentacled creature that the increasingly-haggard captain was in the middle of a deadly duel with, continued to cause the boat to rock and lurch with its wrecking ball-like blows.

"Something's wrong," her ally-of-the-moment spoke up. "And the captain needs help. Don't know if we'll do much more for him up there than to provide that beast a few more targets. Got some cannons below deck, might be able to do some real damage to it," he offered. Though, the captain might not survive for the amount of time required to get a cannon ready to fire at the titanic creature. There was also the matter of Roger, it was hard to say where he was and it seemed that she wouldn't find him without searching. She might be able to gain the aid of the two men who had assaulted her the day before, the burly one would be invaluable in moving the cannons, at least, but that was a matter of whether she trusted them or not.

FP: 4/4
AP: 8/10
DS: 17

FP: 3/4
AP: 0/10
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Catherine could feel her arousal boiling under her skin, a little voice inside her head urging her to follow the song into the sea. It was growing, along with the volume of the song, and her knees knocked with weakness, her arms shaking as she stared at the Siren with barely contained lust. Of course, they were also shaking because she had never drawn a bowstring so incredibly taut. She let the arrow fly, and it flew straight and true, slamming into the golden monster’s shoulder and knocking it to the ground. The archer saw her comrade walk slowly towards the fallen Siren, and she turned away immediately, knowing she wouldn’t want to see what came next. A sick gurgling sound told her that she was right, and she focused herself on surveying the situation on deck.

The battle was still raging on deck, though there were fewer sailors and Sirens on deck. There weren’t enough bodies on the deck, morbid though it was to think so, and judging from the fact that the golden Sirens were slithering over to the side and jumping off it seemed that most of the monsters had simply left with their catches. The giant tentacle creature was still battling the captain, who was looking worn down, and with every blow it sent at him the boat rocked more. "Right" she replied to the weaselly sailor, seeing that the captain’s position was untenable, and not thinking either of them would be able to do more than scratch the tremendous beast. "We have to hurry!" Catherine looked around and found with her eyes the other two who had attacked her, and she called out to them. "Hey! Follow us!" she shouted, waiting for the weaselly sailor to show her the way in case the path to the cannons was different than the one she had been using to go belowdecks. She knew that at least the big burly one would be able to help them with the cannon, and would probably be able to do a good job of it. As long as he didn’t take advantage of her raging arousal… She almost wanted to take some time down there to masturbate and clear her mind, but time probably wouldn’t allow for it.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

The burly man looked at Catherine, befuddled. Next, his eyes went to the wheezing man, only to change at last to the weaselly sailor. The archer's unlikely ally offered a shrug, which the large former assailant mimicked, and so too did the first man who had attempted to push himself on Catherine. Then, the big man tossed a struggling siren that had been in his hands for the duration of the exchange overboard and the two came running to her side, the smaller one giving a kick to one of the devils that the weaselly man had slain.

They went racing down the stairs, past the crew's section of the deck. A slam from the tentacled beast nearly sent Catherine rolling down the stairs, but the brutish man at her back grabbed her and pulled her back as easily as a farmer might haul a sack of oats. They continued, until the smell of gunpowder was so strong that it was sickening. And, as the archer overlooked the cannon deck, she suddenly knew exactly why it didn't feel like the sailors were winning.

Saboteurs were on the lower deck, stacking crates of gunpowder and running a trail of the explosive stuff along the floor. They were unlike the sea creatures that were attacking the deck in that they had hands and feet, but they shared the same beautiful visages and naked forms. The outer portions of their arms and legs were covered in beautiful black scales that seemed to capture the light flickering onto them and banish it from existent. Skin matched the scales, pitch black, though their hair varied in colors ranging from black to red, with a blonde mixed in among them. They had athletic builds, with small, but pert, breasts. They each held a single dagger with a razor's edge. In her aroused state, Catherine noticed that their crotches were covered in the scales, as well.

They quickly noticed that they had been found, as one shouted an alert to the others in a strange language that the archer didn't recognize. The weaselly sailor was immediately ready with his cutlass, at least once he had smacked the still-wheezing man in the back of the head for gawking too long at the tits of the sea-women, and the brutish man was hustling for a position in the coming brawl. If Catherine's group didn't win there, the boat would surely be destroyed, but with her level of arousal, it would be a difficult fight...

(Dropped AP by 2 because arbitrary GM reasons of time traveled between fights, or something. That and this is going to be a hard enough fight without that big of a penalty. >.>)

FP: 4/4
AP: 6/10
DS: 17

FP: 3/4
AP: 0/10

FP: 3/3
AP: 0/10

FP: 2/2
AP: 0/10
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

The big man looked at Catherine for a while, sort of dumbfounded. All of her new, unlikely allies shared a look between them then, shrugging as if to push confusion aside. All the while a siren was struggling futilely in the burly man's hands, trying desperately to get out of his grip. It was a testament to his sheer strength that he didn't need to pay even the slightest bit of attention to her in order to restrain her with ease. Finally he chucked her overboard, and he and the wheezing sailor she'd punched out at the start of things ran over to her, the smaller, bitter little man kicking one of the dead sirens.

Once everyone was gathered they quickly raced down the stairs, past the crew section. At some point the large tentacle beast must have slammed the boat again, because it rocked mightily, and Catherine lost her balance, hurtling towards the ground. She was only saved from smashing her bespectacled face into the wooden deck by the burly man, who grabbed her shoulders and kept her upright. "Thank you" she muttered, continuing to run, though in her arousal she couldn't help but think about how strong he was... This was offset by the foul smell of gunpowder, which kept getting stronger and stronger. It cleared her head a bit, that awful smell.

And soon it became clear why the smell was so strong. There were creatures down here, stacking up gunpowder with the intent of exploding the ship. The perpetrators were much like the sirens on deck, though they had legs instead of tails and only one set of arms. They were just as beautiful too, covered in smooth, pitch-black scales that reflected the light perfectly. Their bodies are slim and firm, the form of an athlete, Catherine's eyes drawn to the little perky breasts and smooth, scaly crotch. Each of them carries only a dagger, but they seem dangerous...

And they quickly notice the group of them and ready themselves to attack. The stakes are so high... if we lose we'll all die... and I'm not in good shape to fight... Catherine thought, readying her bow. We need all the help we can get, and I do have that summoning skill... She turned back towards the stairs, shouting suddenly "Roger! Get over here, we need you!" and hoping that was how it worked.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Catherine summons. Success.

Attack (Roger vs Nightcrawler #1): 2 vs 4. Failure.
Attack (Weasel vs Nightcrawler #2): 4 vs 12. Failure.
Attack (Brute vs Nightcrawler #3): 13 vs 19. Failure.
Attack: (Wheezy vs Nightcrawler #4): 7 vs 12. Failure.

Jesus fuck.

Defense (Roger vs Nightcrawler #1): 10 vs 19. Hit.
Defense (Weasel vs Nightcrawler #2): 13 vs 4. Miss.
Defense (Brute vs Nightcrawler #3): 2 vs 1. Hit.
Defense (Wheezy vs Nightcrawler #4): 1 vs 7. Hit.
Defense (Catherine vs Nightcrawler #5): 14 vs 19. Hit.

Roger came bounding down the steps before the woman had even finished her plea. It was almost as if fate had led him there at that particular moment. "Catherine!" The sailor called. "I looked for you in your cabin. The last of them have retreated, it looks like we're..." His eyes had finally moved to the athletic creatures that had rigged the ship to explode in a fiery storm and the other three sailors who stood in fighting stances, ready to stop them. "Winning..."

The deck exploded into action. One of the scaled women went bounding over a cannon at the wheezing sailor, who had put the sizable bit of metal between himself and the creatures as a safeguard, and, in the same graceful motion, tackled him to the ground, before punching him in the face. The brute charged into the fray like a mad bull, but every single one of the women shifted out of his way with an ease that belied the intense rocking of the boat from the tentacle assault on it. One of the black-scaled women punched the man in the kidneys before he could reorient himself toward her. The other two set upon Roger and the weaselly man. Roger's cutlass found itself blocked by the small dagger, before he received a low kick to his inner leg which nearly sent him to his knees. The weaselly man was the only one of the four with any hint of success, as he managed to both turn aside the dagger that came at him and dodge the unarmed strike that followed it.

The last of the women managed to slip by the frantic melee and came for Catherine, herself. She couldn't match the lithe woman's movements, nearly artistic in nature, and was delivered a fatiguing blow to the stomach. After the attack, though, the opponent the archer had been faced with sniffed at the air and glanced at the woman's crotch knowingly. A wicked grin spread across her otherwise gorgeous features, and the scales covering her crotch began to stir noticeably. It seemed that it would soon be very dangerous to be a human woman below deck.

FP: 3/4
AP: 6/10
DS: 16

FP: 3/4
AP: 0/10

FP: 2/3
AP: 0/10

FP: 1/2
AP: 0/10

FP: 3/4
AP: 0/10

Nightcrawler #1
FP: ??/??
AP: 0/10

Nightcrawler #2
FP: ??/??
AP: 0/10

Nightcrawler #3
FP: ??/??
AP: 0/10

Nightcrawler #4
FP: ??/??
AP: 0/10

Nightcrawler #5
FP: ??/??
AP: 0/10
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Roger was quite prompt in getting there, arriving just as she was saying "need." The sailor seemed excited, relating that the last of the sirens had retreated, but then he saw the saboteurs and the brewing battle below-decks. At that moment the fight began, Catherine wheeling around just in time to see the wheezing sailor get tackled to the ground and beaten in the face by one of the athletic black creatures. Much the same fate befell the big burly sailor, and Roger as he joined the fray. Only the weaselly man managed to avoid being kicked around by the monsters, his swiftness protecting him.

Unfortunately one of those enemies slipped past the four of them, making her way to Catherine before the archer could notch an arrow in her bow. The beautiful female punched her hard in the gut, which again came out as mostly fatigue and very little pain, though it still caused the archer to stagger back a step or two. She noticed that the creature sniffed the air for a few seconds, and then took a long look at her crotch, grinning wickedly. Apparently it could smell the juices that soaked her panties, and it seemed to want to take advantage of it, as the smooth scales over her own crotch began to slide away. Catherine quickly let the arrow fly at the athletic figure’s midsection, knowing there wasn’t any way she could hold out if it started molesting her in earnest. She was still very aroused from the mental invasion of the siren above decks, after all.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

.Attack (Catherine vs Nightcrawler #5): 3 vs 4. Failure.
Attack (Roger vs Nightcrawler #1): 2 vs 13. Failure.
Attack (Weasel vs Nightcrawler #2): 16 vs 7. Success.
Attack (Brute vs Nightcrawler #3): 15 vs 18. Failure.
Attack: (Wheezy vs Nightcrawler #4): 16 vs 14. Failure.

Jesus fuck... again.

Defense (Roger vs Nightcrawler #1): 18 vs 5. Miss.
Defense (Weasel vs Nightcrawler #2): 9 vs 12. Hit.
Defense (Brute vs Nightcrawler #3): 19 vs 7. Miss.
Defense (Wheezy vs Nightcrawler #4): 2 vs 13. Hit.
Defense (Catherine vs Nightcrawler #5): 12 vs 12. Hit. Catherine gains 1 AP.

The melee continued without much difference. The brutish thug took a few swings at the sea-woman, who easily sidestepped and ducked his sluggish attacks. She kicked at his shin, but he checked her kick with the meat of his calf. The weaselly sailor took a punch to the face, which seemed to stagger him, but as his assailant attempted to take a second quick shot at him, his cutlass lashed out, burying itself into her upper arm. As he wrenched the iron away, her arm fell limply to her side, still attached but with a painful looking wound for her efforts.

The wheezing man was punched unconscious in short order, the creature that had straddled him quickly rising and seeking a new target, before settling on the brute and padding off toward him. Roger parried a short dagger thrust, but couldn't find an opening in order to launch his own attack.

Catherine's luck was no better. She prepared her arrow, but before she could pull back the string and loose it the woman pushed at her nocking arm, causing her to lose her grip on the arrow and sending it clattering to the wooden floorboards uselessly. The archer's assailant then grabbed at the woman's crotch, molesting her through her the increasingly wet panties. Fingers gracefully danced over her folds, sending waves of need through her body. The human girl felt the sea devil attempting to push her to the wall, if she didn't stop the creature soon then she'd be helpless before it.

FP: 3/4
AP: 7/10
DS: 16

FP: 2/4
AP: 0/10

FP: 2/3
AP: 0/10

FP: Unconscious.
AP: 0/10

FP: 3/4
AP: 0/10

Nightcrawler #1
FP: ??/??
AP: 0/10

Nightcrawler #2
FP: ??-1/??
AP: 0/10

Nightcrawler #3
FP: ??/??
AP: 0/10

Nightcrawler #4
FP: ??/??
AP: 0/10

Nightcrawler #5
FP: ??/??
AP: 0/10
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

As Catherine focused in on attacking the lithe woman who had come after her she didn't really notice the other goings-on, though she could tell by the sounds that things were going badly. The sailors all cried out in pain a number of times, only one such cry coming from a monster. Still, the archer had her own problems to deal with. She couldn't pull her bowstring back quite fast enough, and the black creature smacked her elbow, causing her to lose her grip on the arrow, and it fell to the floor harmlessly. In the same motion her swift opponent pulled forward and slipped her other hand under Catherine's dress, her slender fingers caressing the archer with a gentle skill that she had rarely felt. She let out a quiet moan as she stumbled back, her eyes darting to her opponent's perky breasts as the slender figure followed her step for step, those fingers continuing to dance over her moist panties. She would soon be up against the wall, powerless to fight back, and part of her wanted it badly. She wanted the creature to pull down her panties, to plunge those skilled fingers into her needy pussy as she pinned her up against the wall. The archer still had enough of her wits about her to resist that desire however; for the moment. She pulled out another arrow, this time trying to stab it into her enemy's shoulder as she screamed "help us!" up the stairs.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Attack (Catherine vs Nightcrawler #5): 2 vs 18. Critical failure. Catherine is countered for 1 damage.
Attack (Roger vs Nightcrawler #1): 7 vs 12. Failure.
Attack (Weasel vs Nightcrawler #2): 1 vs 8. Failure.
Attack (Brute vs Nightcrawler #3): 2 vs 9. Failure.

Defense (Roger vs Nightcrawler #1): 10 vs 19. Hit.
Defense (Weasel vs Nightcrawler #2): 9 vs 13. Hit.
Defense (Brute vs Nightcrawler #3): 4 vs 12. Hit.
Defense (Weasel vs Nightcrawler #4): 1 vs 6. Hit.
Defense (Catherine vs Nightcrawler #5): 6 vs 1. Miss.

Well, since the dice seem to hate you, I'll probably just roll the rest and post the smut (if applicable) on this next post, unless you have some fancy tactics to try out. >.>

The archer's effort was greeted with a slap to her wrist, sending the arrow flying away. There was some fortune in it, at least, although it might not have been classified as such by the overwhelming arousal that threatened to bring the human girl to her knees, the action distracted her lithe assailant from further molesting Catherine.

The battle continued without any success for the five humans. Weasel was flanked by the sea devil that had just knocked out the wheezing sailor, she nailed him with a vicious kidney punch; the one whose arm he had cut balled her fist and smashed it into his face as vengeance. The skilled fighter went down and didn't get back up. The brutish man and Roger fared no better, with Roger taking another hit and the brute on his last legs, visibly panting for air and unable to land any hits on his supernaturally quick opponent.

No help came at Catherine's call. All that came was the crash of several tentacles into the deck, the beast the captain was fighting now raining blows on the ship, almost as if to mock her hopes. And even if help did come, it might be too late for her, as two fleshy, bright red rods began to poke out from beneath the scales covering her attacker's crotch, leaking thick dollops of precum, the sea woman, or as the archer had just discovered: hermaphrodite, taking some very visible satisfaction in her struggles and shout.

FP: 2/4
AP: 7/10
DS: 16

FP: Unconscious
AP: 0/10

FP: 1/3
AP: 0/10

FP: Unconscious.
AP: 0/10

FP: 2/4
AP: 0/10

Nightcrawler #1
FP: ??/??
AP: 0/10

Nightcrawler #2
FP: ??-1/??
AP: 0/10

Nightcrawler #3
FP: ??/??
AP: 0/10

Nightcrawler #4
FP: ??/??
AP: 0/10

Nightcrawler #5
FP: ??/??
AP: 0/10
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Catherine's overhand stab attempt was quite sloppy and poor, and the nightcrawler easily swatted her wrist, knocking the arrow out of the archer's hand. As it skimmed across the deck Catherine's eyes wandered over the others, seeing that half of her allies were on the ground unconscious, the others clearly on their last legs as they fought the skilled, fit monsters. Her cries for help only brought the sound and feel of the heavy tentacles slamming into the upper deck of the ship, the whole thing rocking badly. The battle was all but over, and Catherine knew it. They had barely managed to scratch their enemies down here, and already almost none of them were in any shape to fight.

Even so, as the nightcrawler gripped Catherine's wrist lightly she was about to shake it off, until her eyes wandered back to the creature's crotch. There she saw that the scales had parted, and two little red tips were poking out of the jet-black flesh. The archer gulped hard, biting her lip as she watched the monster's twin red cocks slowly emerge from her body, twitching with arousal. She was captivated by the sight, standing there unmoving as those fleshy members extended out. They were already dripping with precum, the thick globs of liquid splashing against the wooden planks below the dark creature. Catherine couldn't keep herself from staring as her love juices continued to leak into her already soaked panties, the thought of those twin cocks plugging both her lower holes at once flitting through her mind. She had done a little bit of experimenting with anal at points during her life, but never with another person and never very seriously. Now, though, she was curious, and aided by the intense arousal caused by the earlier mind-invasion by the Siren.

The archer finally dragged her gaze upward, away from the nightcrawler's cocks and up her slender black body, lingering at her perky little breasts before finally looking into her eyes once more. Catherine whimpered, dropping her bow as her knees buckled; the creature seemed to be enjoying her prey's helplessness and feeble struggles. She couldn't take it anymore. She was so terribly aroused and in need of release, and the situation was so hopeless it hardly mattered if she continued to fight back or not. She slowly sank to her knees, allowing the monster to keep the weak grasp on her wrist and holding up her other arm, offering up her other wrist as she looked up at the victorious nightcrawler, desire and need prominent in her eyes.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Her victorious opponent looked down at her—more than just literally, she could tell. She pushed away the offered hand with a wicked grin, instead grabbing the archer's hair and wrenching the woman toward her. The pulling hurt, though it was obviously mitigated by the virtual nature of her environment. Catherine felt the grip on her other hand tighten. Before she knew it, the nightcrawler's two phalli were in front of her face. From up close, the two cocks looked gigantic. They smelled of a heady musk that went straight to the girl's loins, and literally dripped with slimy precum. It commanded something in a strange language that the woman couldn't comprehend, though it probably wasn't hard to venture a guess.

Before she could muster a response, whether that be in action or verbal, it wrenched her hair again, causing her to gasp in pain, which was all the invitation the hermaphroditic creature needed. Within the blink of an eye, she knew exactly what the two red spears tasted like, as the sea devil jammed one past her lips. The second slid across the woman's face and nose, leaving a slick trail of its fluids in its wake. The grip on her wrist and hair only grew stronger as her attacker began to slowly piston herself in and out of the archer's mouth, every motion claiming another centimeter for the appendage that was reaching her tonsils and still not fully in.

It might have been of some relief that the monstrous rod didn't gag her, another kindness of the EGG. This was of extra help when, spurred on by the feel of her victim's mouth around one of her cocks, the nightcrawler let go of her wrist, repositioned her newly freed hand on the back of the human woman's head, and began to enthusiastically fuck her face. All the while, the second phalli bobbed and clapped against her nose and eyes. Despite the lack of pain and gagging, the motions did little for Catherine's mounting arousal. And she was helpless as one particularly powerful thrust brought the tip of the creature's dick into her throat.

There was only distraction from fellating the beautiful yet cruel creature, who even then held onto her skull with a death grip like humping away at her like some cheap sex toy, and that was Roger. He had held out against the four others for a little while, but that ended once he caught sight of the archer on her knees. "Catherine!" He called out, trying to come to her side. His lack of focus on his opponents was his defeat. The four women took him down to the ground and knocked his weapon away, sending it sliding into a corner. They grinned wickedly at him and, once they had him on his back, spread-eagle, pulled his pants down.

But, Catherine was distracted again as the nightcrawler suddenly jammed the helpless girl's head into her crotch with a primal roar. The two cocks pulsated, one before her very eyes and one buried in her throat. Cum shot out, simultaneously slipping down her throat and soaking her head and hair. But there was more than just fluid, as she felt tiny little gooey pearls unload on her head and sliding into her stomach. There was only one thing to compare them to: fish eggs. After several seconds of standing there, one of her cocks firmly wedged in the archer, the nightcrawler allowed Catherine to slide off, though she still held her hair firmly.

Roger, in the meantime, had been restrained by two of the nightcrawlers, who held down his hands. The other two came to Catherine and exchanged a few words with the one holding her hair. It was a very lyrical and pretty language that they spoke in, but their tones managed to make it sound harsh and hateful. It wasn't long before one of the other creatures had taken her hair and the one who had deposited streams of the gooey eggs down her throat stalked over to Roger. Her two new attackers were about as kind as the first, with the one holding her roughly turning her around and using her hair as a leash. The second ripped away her clothing, leaving it in tatters on the floor.

They bent her over harshly, mashing her tits into the floor and leaving her ass in the air. One laughed derisively and swatted her ass before grabbing her by the hips. It didn't take much to guess what would come next. The two slimy appendages pressed at her pussy and ass and, without hesitation, buried themselves inside her. The one behind her had another vocal exchange with the one who had held her hair, but was now holding her shoulders to the ground, that sounded completely mocking. She obviously cared nothing for the archer's pleasures as she began to violate the woman, thrusting away at her.

Roger, in the meantime, had been mounted by the one who had already used Catherine. She rode him with practiced expertise, every motion sending a visible shudder through his body, but still he resisted. "Catherine," he muttered between pants. "I won't. I... mustn't..." The sailor seemed to be trying to convince himself more than anyone else present, as his words received more laughter from the sea devils, including the ones raping the archer. Even as he tried to resist, the violently aroused girl was starting to feel the beginnings of her own orgasm coming on, despite the rough fucking. The consistent thrusts alone were enough to push her over the edge, cumming hard on her rapist's cock.

Waves of molten pleasure rocked her to her core. It was, perhaps, the only time she hadn't received a derisive remark or laughter from her attackers, as the contractions of her cunny sent the sea devil over the edge as well. She felt gouts of cum erupt from the twin phalli and paint her inner walls. What must have been hundreds of the jelly-like eggs ended up in her womb and bowels, but they were so small that there was no noticeable difference on the outside. The nightcrawler pulled out, spent, allowing much of her accomplishment to drain free of the archer's abused holes.

As she recovered from her own orgasm, Catherine could overhear Roger getting close. He grunted, groaned, and denied it again and again, but the sailor couldn't hold off. Finally, he let out what sounded like a combination of a pained cry and a moan of pleasure, which the nightcrawler echoed as she rode him all the fiercer. The archer couldn't look away as he tensed and his body, despite his apparent wishes, thrust back so that his hips could meet hers. Even if she had wanted to avert her eyes, she couldn't look away because the assailant who had held her shoulders had chosen to make her face it.

The creature who had raped her mouth reached her second orgasm, apparently, as she drenched the sailor's thighs and stomach in a copious amount of her juices, though, curiously, no eggs. When the creature had recovered, she issued a command in her lyrical language which received what sounded like dissent from the other four. A short argument broke out, with several launching what sounded like accusations at the one who had made the command. Unfortunately, they eventually seemed to put aside whatever differences they had encountered in order to pursue the pastime they all seemed to enjoy, tormenting their two prisoners some more.

Catherine was hefted into the air the two that had remained with her and pulled over to Roger, who looked at her apologetically. "This is my fault, Catherine," he offered, sadly. Before he could add anymore, the archer was plopped onto the man in a sixty-nine position, though her head was short of his crotch and her breasts pressed against his muscled chest. The reason for this would probably quickly become apparent as one of the group of assailants who hadn't had a turn yet lowered himself on the man's crotch, eliciting a gasp from Roger into Catherine's stomach. They were obviously intended to be as close to each other as the cruel creatures could get them while they were both violated by their attackers.

The victimized woman could just barely see a second creature walk to kneel behind her, in her peripheral vision. There wasn't much that could be done about it, though, as the one bouncing atop Roger's groin pulled Catherine's face to her free phalli. The second penetrated the already-violated woman from behind mere moments later, much as her earlier captor had, and begun to piston into her with about as much gentleness as any of her assailants had held that day. It was this same roughness that led the one who had mounted Roger not to force herself into Catherine's mouth, lest the opposed motions do more harm to her crotch than good. But she still grabbed and yanked at the archer's hair with about as much concern for her well being as all the others, forcing her to watch as Roger was fucked and tempting her to lick the hermaphrodite's phalli. The other three, in the meantime, had taken up stroking themselves around the group.

Despite the complete lack of love or delicacy in anything that had happened to that point, it wasn't long before Catherine felt herself on the brink of a second orgasm. "It's okay Catherine, just pretend it's me, it's going to be alright," Roger whispered reassuringly, as if hoping to help her cope with what was happening. Whether it was as a result of the sailor's suggestion or otherwise, it wasn't long until the archer had come. The orgasm that ripped through her was intense enough to cause her to tremble while she was in its clutches. And, as she came, everyone else seemed to orgasm along with her. Roger groaned, signaling his loss to the pleasure. The siren atop him moaned lewdly and stuffed Catherine's throat full of one of her cocks, the sudden deposit of more cream and eggs in her stomach and hair proof as much as any that she had peaked atop Roger. The one behind her thrust forward one last time before releasing more of the jelly pearls into her innards. The remaining three seemed pleased enough with the spectacle that they came as well, releasing streams of slimy liquid onto the spasming archer and the sailor beneath her.

It also seemed to signal the end of her day, as fatigue caught up with her and her vision began to fade. And, as she passed out, she did so to another round of mocking laughter.

And, of all things, an EGG prompt.

You have been enslaved. -10 Destiny.

Fast Forward/Play through Enslavement?
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Catherine could feel the contempt the nightcrawler had for her oozing off of the monster, who simply slapped away her hand with an evil grin when it was offered. Instead the lithe woman grabbed a handful of Catherine’s long black hair and yanked it towards her, pulling the archer across a few planks as she tightened her grip on her wrist. It hurt a fair amount, though not nearly as much as it would have in real life, in keeping with everything else she had encountered in the EGG. Now the dual cocks were just inches from Catherine’s face, dripping slimy pre-cum down onto the deck just in front of her knees, and she stared at them again, captivated once more. The pulsing red members looked simply huge from here, and she was not convinced at all that they would fit inside of her. There was more than just the look of them, though; the air was thick with a musky smell, the nightcrawler’s pheromones filling the archer’s nostrils. She breathed it in deeply, finding it incredibly stimulating as she wet her panties even more with her juices. The moment seemed to go on forever, until finally the monster spoke to her harshly. Catherine didn’t need to understand the language to know that she was being commanded to suck.

The archer hesitated for only a moment, but it was apparently too much for the nightcrawler. It yanked her hair again, forcing her to let out a pained gasp, and then jammed its lower cock into her open mouth, the upper cock coming down on the bridge of her nose and her forehead, upsetting her glasses. There was a slimy, salty taste to the rod, not at all like a human’s and mildly disgusting, though something about it turned Catherine on more. The monster gripped her hair and wrist even more tightly, tugging on her scalp as it began to thrust into her mouth. A glob of precum oozed out onto her tongue, the somewhat unpleasant taste pervading her taste buds for a while before she swallowed it down, the tip of the cock rubbing back and forth on her tongue as it continued to thrust. The upper cock began to twist and bend the bridge of the archer’s glasses as it rubbed against her nose and forehead, until it finally twisted them off of her as a glob of slimy precum smeared into the skin of her forehead. It continued to thrust slowly, going a little bit deeper each time, the nightcrawler claiming Catherine’s mouth for its cock an inch at a time.

With each thrust the archer became more and more acclimated to the presence of the long, thick cock inside of her mouth, and she was quickly developing a taste for her rapist’s slimy pre-cum. She stopped trying to swallow the salty globs immediately after they oozed out onto her tongue, letting them settle onto her tongue for a while, letting the taste soak in before she gulped it down. Eventually the hard rod began to poke deeply into her throat, but she didn’t gag. Catherine had been vaguely worried about that; she had always hated it when her boyfriends had wanted her to deepthroat them, because she had hated the feeling of gagging around a cock. It was quite the relief that she wouldn’t have to experience that now, and probably ever in her time in the EGG. That worry alleviated, she found herself so terribly turned on that she couldn’t stand it. Even though the nightcrawler was still gripping her hair painfully the thick smell of its musk, its increasingly arousing taste, and the psychological effect were overriding the pain in a big way. The archer began to use her tongue on the monster’s cock, licking along the underside of her own free will, giving special attention to its head whenever it was shallow enough in her mouth.

The nightcrawler seemed to enjoy this, making slight noises as it began to thrust into Catherine’s mouth a little quicker. The human had to close her eyes to keep dribbles of pre-cum from seeping into them, her forehead thoroughly glazed with the slimy substance. After only a short while she opened them once more to look up with fuzzy vision at the beautiful black monster fucking her face, and the thick red cock rubbing just between her eyes. She was mesmerized by the sight as her tongue wormed against the nightcrawler’s lower cock, her mind briefly wandering to thoughts of it stuffing her gushing pussy, the upper cock hammering away at her untested asshole. She didn’t have long to fantasize before the monster picked things up a notch again, letting go of her wrist to grab the back of her head. As her arm flopped down to limply rest at her side, the nightcrawler started to fuck her face in earnest, thrusting harder, faster, deeper, the upper cock now slapping against her forehead. Catherine was so incredibly aroused by the whole package of what was happening to her that her panties were soaked through with her love juices, a trail running down her inner thighs and dripping slowly onto the deck below.

Her hands, which had been hanging at her sides, came up to grip the cups of her dress and flip them down, freeing her ample chest. The archer quickly went to work groping herself, kneading her pliant flesh firmly as she looked up at the cruel monster, using her mouth and tongue as best as she knew how to pleasure it. She wanted to really start to satisfy herself as she sucked the nightcrawler off, to plunge her fingers into her sopping cunt, but something stopped her from doing so; it just felt like the wrong thing to do for some reason. As such she contented herself with mashing her breasts. The monster was really into it now, gripping the back of her head tightly as it humped her with increasing force. It was using her mouth like a cheap sex toy, without the slightest bit of care, but she was far too horny to be bothered. A particularly strong thrust finally forced the tip of the monster’s lower cock into Catherine’s throat, and she began to roughly pinch her nipples in response, upping her stimulation of herself to match the nightcrawler’s. It kept up thrusting like that, using her entire mouth and some of her throat to pleasure its cock, its other member forcefully slapping her face with each stroke, and she gripped her breasts tightly as she rolled her nipples between her fingers, right up until she heard Roger call her name.

Suddenly Catherine’s eyes darted to the side to find him, her hands freezing in place. A feeling of guilt washed over her as she watched him try to resist, embarrassed both that she had surrendered and that she was openly getting off on being facefucked. Her heart sank as she watched the sailor get tackled to the ground, his weapon taken from him by the other nightcrawlers, but she didn’t have long to worry about it. With an intense, primal roar the monster slammed its cock as deeply into her as it could, until she gave its crotch a lewd kiss with her lips wrapped around its member, and it began to unleash its load. The archer let out a muffled moan, her hands squeezing her chest tightly again as she felt the warm, slimy substance pour down her throat and over her forehead and into her hair. She could feel that it was filled with tiny little beads, something approximating fish eggs as best as she could compare. She really had to close her eyes now to avoid the slime getting into them as the stuff ran down her face. The nightcrawler came for a few seconds, pumping the eggs into her stomach, before finally easing up a bit. Catherine slowly slid off the monster’s dick, her lips still tight around it, but she resisted the urge to clean its member with her tongue, Roger’s losing battle coming back to her mind as she let go of her breasts and began to wipe the cum away from her eyes. Though the creature eased off of her, it didn’t let go, keeping a firm fistful of hair as it turned its attention elsewhere.

Catherine also turned her attention elsewhere, looking over to Roger with a sad frown on her face as she saw him restrained. Even despite her intense arousal, she still felt bad about having left him out to dry like that. Two of the creatures then walked over to her and the nightcrawler that had just finished fucking her face, beginning to converse in a beautiful, lyrical language. Of course, their tone of voice was quite harsh, more or less ruining the sound. They seemed to be deciding what to do with their captives, which didn’t take them long at all. One of the lithe monsters took hold of the archer’s hair in place of the one who had fucked her face, that one walking over to Roger while the other two stuck around with her. The one holding her hair wrenched it hard, twirling her around on her knees as she groaned out in pain. Once she was turned the other way the second nightcrawler took hold of the back of her dress with its claws and ripped downward, tearing the leather to shreds that fell to the floor around her. Once her clothes were off her hair was yanked again, this time forcing her face and lower body roughly into the floor. This way her ass was forced up into the air, and she couldn’t help but push her butt higher up, presenting her dripping pussy to the monster behind her. She needed those cocks inside of her badly, her arousal nearly unbearable. Please, don’t keep me waiting… she thought, almost desperate to get off.

Catherine didn’t have to wait too long before the nightcrawler holding her hair shifted off to the side, using her shoulders instead to press her against the ground. This was much preferable, giving her the ability to raise her head up off the deck, though it did press her breasts tightly against the rough wooden floor. At almost the same time the transfer took place, the other monster slapped her ass harshly, laughing at her as she groaned in pain again. She was again thankful that the game was keeping the pain factor down, because she was sure there had to be a bright red imprint of a hand on one of her buttcheeks. Then the creature grabbed her waist firmly, and she felt those two slimy appendages pressed against bother her lower holes, and she gasped in anticipation; this was the moment she had been waiting for since she first saw those twin members. Almost immediately after she felt them they speared her, the nightcrawler hilting herself in a single thrust, slender, athletic hips bumping up against the archer’s plump backside. It was rough, especially for her first real anal penetration, but she was aroused enough that it felt good, causing her to let slip a lewd moan. This caused even more laughing, and the two monsters abusing her had a conversation over her, the tone making it clear that they were mocking her.

As she was penetrated, Catherine looked up just in time to see the nightcrawler that had raped her mount Roger. She quickly began to bounce up and down on his cock, her own hard members slapping against his toned stomach as she rode him. There was almost no pause between her being penetrated and the monster beginning to thrust roughly into her, pistoning swiftly in and out. It hurt the archer, her untested ass having trouble accommodating the thick rod inside of it, but the feeling of having her pussy stuffed full of cock was more than making up for it. As the thrusts came fast and hard, she could feel that the cock in her ass was making that feeling even better, the extra girth filling up her lower body and forcing her inner walls to clench tighter around the rod pounding her. She couldn’t help but moan out, which made the scene of Roger trying to resist the pleasure all the more heart-wrenching. She wanted to yell out, to tell him that it was okay to give in to the pleasure, but she couldn’t bring herself to. Instead she turned her head to the side, biting her lip to try and keep from making noise. It really wasn’t working very well, and she continued to let out slightly muffled moans with each thrust.

Catherine was actually somewhat surprised that she was getting off so hard on such a rough fucking. Maybe it was the fact that the EGG dimmed the pain, leaving her with a higher proportion of pleasure in the act. Maybe she had just a bit of a masochist hiding inside of her. Maybe it was more the psychological aspect that she was enjoying… she had never been dominated like this before, and it was possible that the way the cruel monster was slamming into her, only caring about its own pleasure as it mocked and made fun of her was turning her on. Whatever the case, she could feel herself rapidly approaching orgasm as the twin cocks pounded her needy pussy and tight ass, each thrust shaking her a little and making her stiff nipples scrape against the wooden deck.

Her hands were still free since she was being restrained by her waist and shoulders, giving her the ability to help herself along, and she couldn’t resist the temptation. One of her hands moved between her legs, starting to stroke her clit firmly as the nightcrawler pistoned into her. This drew even more laughing and derision from the monsters, but the archer didn’t care. She needing this orgasm more than she had ever needed any in her life, and she knew that it was going to be powerful. If she could make it even more so, then she was alright with humiliating herself in front of the cruel creatures to do it. She continued to moan lewdly, pressing hard on her pleasure button as the nightcrawler pounded her quivering holes, and it wasn’t much longer before she was rocked by the single most incredible orgasm she had ever felt. She squealed out in ecstasy, her fingers mashing down on her clit as her inner walls contracted rhythmically around the thick rod that was filling it up, forcing her love juices to squirt out copiously against the deck. Though she might have expected this moment to have drawn some serious laughter out of the nightcrawlers, it didn’t; her own orgasm was giving too much pleasure to the one fucking her, her contracting pussy milking its cock quite effectively. The twin members erupted inside of her lower holes, spurting egg-filled, slimy cum into her womb and bowels, filling her up quite full. After a few more seconds of spurting off into Catherine the nightcrawler pulled out, a significant amount of the cum flowing out of her overfilled holes and splattering onto the messy wooden deck. She continued to stroke her clit, now gently in order to enhance the afterglow of her orgasm and to keep herself warmed up and ready; they were almost certainly not done with her yet.

Of course, as she recovered from her orgasm the second nightcrawler manipulated Catherine’s view again, pulling her fuzzy vision back to Roger and the monster that had raped her face earlier. The sailor was grunting and groaning, fighting against his inevitable orgasm with all he had, and once again she felt guilty for having embraced the pleasure so fully. She stopped playing with her clit, dropping her arm to the deck in shame, but she also felt a certain amount of jealousy as she watched the scene. She wanted that to be her riding Roger, to feel his cock hitting deep inside her. Finally he gave in to the pleasure, crying out as he pumped his cum into the creature’s cunt, which only caused it to ride him faster, harder, its cocks bouncing mesmerizingly against his stomach. It wasn’t too awful long before the nightcrawler reached its second orgasm, egg-less cum spurting out of both of its cocks, covering the sailor’s stomach and dribbling down to his thighs and sides, a sight that the archer couldn’t help but find arousing. Once it was satisfied it seemed to issue a command, which got the others riled up. There was a short argument over who knows what, but it was resolved quickly enough that there wasn’t any hope of the five of them fighting and giving Catherine and Roger a chance of getting away.

Once the little disagreement was over the nightcrawler that had been holding the archer’s shoulders down tucked its arm up under her waist, the athletic creature lifting her effortlessly. It carried her over to Roger, who looked up at her apologetically, telling her that this was all his fault. "No… no, it’s mine…" she said, shaking her head violently. She was the one who had given up before she had to, not him. She was the one who had been so pathetically weak that she hadn’t managed to land a hit of any kind on the black creature attacking her. Catherine was soon laid on top of the sailor, and she briefly thought that the monsters were going to force them to give each other oral in front of all of them, though that was dispelled when she was dropped just short of being able to, her ample bosom pressed against his chest, her eyes level with his cum-covered stomach. She knew she was dripping egg-filled cum just beyond his head from her overfilled holes, she could hear it splattering against the wooden planks below, and she grimaced. She knew that they were probably both about to be violated, and she just wanted the nightcrawlers to hurry up and start so she didn’t have to think about it much longer.

They quickly obliged, one of the creatures that had sat out of the other sessions lowering itself onto Roger’s erection just in front of Catherine’s face. The sailor gasped out, clearly feeling the pleasure, and she couldn’t help but hope that he would give up for the moment, giving in to that feeling so that he wouldn’t make her feel bad about herself. At the same time she could barely see one of the nightcrawlers walking around behind her, to take her in both of her lower holes. She could hardly wait for it. In the meantime the creature that had already begun riding Roger grabbed a fistful of the archer’s hair, tugging it painfully as she pulled her head towards those bobbing, bouncing cocks. She groaned loudly, her abused scalp sore, as the members passed by barely an inch from her lips. At almost the same time the one behind her slammed its members into her all the way to the hilt, its entry eased by the slick cum that coated her inner walls. Her groan of pain transitioned into a moan as she felt the nightcrawler’s hips slap against her butt, her eyes fluttering closed and then opening again to look up at the beautiful black creature that was raping her lover.

It rewarded Catherine by continuing to yank her hair, this time straight up, for no other reason than to hurt her. At the same time the one behind her pounded her viciously, slamming its dicks into her with enough force to make her body rock back and forth, lewd wet slapping noises emanating from their coupling. It was rough and somewhat painful and quite a bit degrading, but the young archer couldn’t help but enjoy it. She gave in to the temptation offered to her by the nightcrawler before her and stuck out her tongue, licking the bright red cocks as her tormentor yanked her up and down by her hair, getting drops of slimy pre-cum smeared onto her taste buds. Her eyes darted side to side, noting that the remaining three monsters were stroking themselves off to the side, clearly enjoying the show. She wished that she knew Roger wouldn’t judge her for giving in a bit, because she wanted to reach out with her hands and stroke the nightcrawler’s members for it as she licked them, bringing it to orgasm faster. She also wished that he would reach out to her, wanting to feel his rough fingers playing with her clit and thighs.

It wasn’t to be. Even without Roger’s help, though, Catherine was soon on the way to her second orgasm, the rough pounding more than enough stimulation for her. When the sailor suggested that she pretend that it was him fucking her she groaned; there wasn’t any way he could slam her like this, filling both her holes to capacity at the same time. She didn’t want to imagine him being this rough with her anyway, it was just a weird and wrong image. It took only a few more minutes of this treatment to push her over the edge again, though it seemed like much longer to the archer. She screamed out her bliss, the nightcrawler in front of her taking the opportunity to muffle her by yanking her hair roughly, pulling her onto its lower cock as it moaned and began to pump cum down her throat and into her hair. At the same time the one behind her made one last hard thrust before shooting its own egg-filled load into her already sloppy holes. All the while Catherine twitched and writhed in the grip of an orgasm even more powerful than her last, her love juices and some of the slimy cum squirting out of her convulsing pussy, some of it onto Roger. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she felt the other three unleash their spunk onto her back, covering her almost completely in warm liquid. She wasn’t coming down from her peak, and could feel her fatigue coming through as her body continued to spasm on top of the sailor while the cruel monsters laughed at her, passing out quietly with her lips still wrapped around a thick cock.

In the darkness Catherine’s consciousness was stirred by a popup. The game informed her that she had been enslaved, and thus had lost well over half of her destiny score. It also offered her the option to either fast-forward through her enslavement, or play it out. She was torn by the decision somewhat. She wasn’t sure how she felt about this rough stuff, on the one hand. On the other, she had enjoyed that a fair amount with the help of the EGG, and she had been curious about slavery… it also seemed to indicate that it wouldn’t be permanent, and she would have a chance to escape. Of course, she was also worried that she might give in, and miss her chance. She didn’t want her game to end here, not this soon… still, she chose to play through the enslavement; she would simply have to be careful about it.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

(Bit of a short post, but had to get this out there to get over being intimidated by your last post. >.>)

Catherine's consciousness returned for a brief few moments after she made her choice. Her vision faded in and out. She could feel her cum-soaked body being picked up and slung over one of the nightcrawler's shoulders. The next thing she was aware of was a shock as the two hit the cold ocean water. The creature that had abducted her swum effortlessly for the depths of the ocean, even while holding the archer. Water began to enter her lungs, and her body reacted by struggling for oxygen, even though she could tell that she wasn't actually lacking for air. Still, the virtual water felt real enough entering her body to make her panic.

It lasted until the nightcrawler, apparently finally noticing her struggles, kissed her firmly on the lips. As the creature drew away, the human woman discovered that she could breathe again. Her body's natural reaction to what had very much felt like drowning had left her fatigued, though, and she quickly began to fade back into unconsciousness. She was already several hundred feet below the surface of the ocean, but she didn't remain awake to see the entirety of the trip.


The archer wasn't sure exactly where she was, when she awoke. It appeared to be the inside of a cave or something like it. Several small stones floated nearby, allowing her to quickly determine that she was still underwater. The stones gave off a bright light—the only light, as it was nearly impossible to see where they weren't found. Her clothes hadn't made the trip with her, though, perhaps amusingly, her glasses had. Her hands and feet were bound with something thick and fibrous.

As soon as she awoke, a shadowy form from a dark corner of the cave began to snake its way through the water at her. As it came into the light, she discovered that it was one of the golden-skinned, snake-tailed women who had accosted her on the deck. The one she was faced with had drenched locks of long, golden hair trailing behind her. The siren had a heart-shaped face with a small nose and wide, bright blue eyes. She came to within arm's of the archer and placed her hands upon the human woman's forehead.

Greetings, child, I apologize for the mental intrusion, but it is difficult to hold a conversation down here, a lyrical voice proclaimed in Catherine's thoughts. I am Priestess Meda, and I am here to assist you in accommodating to life on the ocean floor. She went on to explain; I will release you of your bonds once I confirm that you are able to remain calm. Some... struggle, or panic, when the shadows bring them here. But afterward she gave a diplomatic pause, allowing the words to think into Catherine's thoughts before continuing. You see, you are here as something of a guest...

Meda frowned. You can attempt to leave at any time you like. But, without our boon and our protection, you might not survive the trip back to the surface. Many of the surrounding fish have been corrupted since the shattering and require your kind to breed. They will breed you whether you desire such or not. And if you don't return to the surface before our boon wears off, you risk drowning or being crushed by pressure. Should you choose, instead, to remain here, we will keep you safe, in return for accomplishing some of the things that we are unable to do. Her expression became neutral as she continued. We are among those who have been unable to breed without your kind. In return for our hospitality, we will use you for this, and a few other tasks.

Are you still calm? Do you have any questions of me? She telepathically asked, almost obliviously.

Destiny Strength: 6
Power Attack - Trade accuracy for power in any type of attack.
Guard - Focus on guarding in order to avoid powerful or normal attacks.

Cautious Movement - Move slowly to avoid certain traps.
Spotter - Passively offers an increased chance to detect ambushes and traps.


[UNAVAILABLE] Summon: Roger (Costs 1 DS) - Summons Roger to rush to your aid as quickly as possible.
Adventurer's Resolve (Costs 1:1 DS:FP) - Heals yourself or an ally.
Triumph - Defeat your first enemy in the EGG!
The Path to Adventure! - Clear the lower deck tutorial stage and prepare to begin your adventure.
Baby Steps... - Earn your first skill.
You've Got a Friend In Me - Gain your first companion summon.
Love is in the Air
Feel Like a Woman - Have your first intimate encounter in the EGG
Therapy Not Included
The Old Ball and Chain
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Catherine returned to consciousness soon after she chose to play through her enslavement, her fuzzy vision slowly coming back. She felt one of the nightcrawlers sling her over its shoulder, beginning to walk towards the edge of the deck. The archer’s vision faded out again then, her body tired enough that she would continue to teeter on the edge of unconsciousness right up until the lithe monster jumped into the ocean, the cold water hitting Catherine face first and jolting her fully awake once more. Her eyes went wide as she realized that she was under water and swimming down. It didn’t make any sense. Did the creature want her corpse for something? She began to flail as much as she could, having not had time to prepare a breath and hold it. Her instinctive gasp for breath as she hit the surface took in only water, the stuff beginning to fill her lungs as she panicked. It was fairly obvious that she was only drowning in a game, but it felt so real that her body began to desperately struggle for oxygen.

Her flailing attracted the attention of her captor, however, and it paused in its swimming for a moment to grab Catherine’s head and turn it to face her, pressing its lips firmly against hers. She continued to gasp and flail as she was kissed, though she felt almost as if she could breathe… Sure enough, when the nightcrawler pulled back and began to swim in earnest again, the archer could breathe despite being underwater. It was kind of neat, actually, and she would have enjoyed it much more if the circumstances had been different. They were already hundreds of feet below the surface of the ocean thanks to the swift swimming of the monster, and Catherine was so very tired after flailing around when she had thought she would drown. Her vision went black at the edges, the darkness slowly expanding until it covered everything, and she went to sleep.

When she woke up again, Catherine looked around to try and figure out where she was. Oddly enough her vision was perfect again, and she could see the edges of her glasses in her peripheral vision. Her clothes, of course, were nowhere to be seen. She was in a cave of some sort, with little stones floating around in the water she was still in. The realization that she was underwater made her worry reflexively about her breathing, but she was in no danger of drowning at this point, for whatever reason. The little stones seemed to be the light source in the cave, as anywhere they weren’t was quite dark. Her wrists and ankles were tied together with something quite thick, and she knew after a few testing tugs that there wasn’t any point struggling against her bonds. Almost as soon as she realized this something began to crawl along the cave floor from a darkened corner, moving its way towards Catherine as she turned to look at it. As it came into the light she saw that it was one of the gold Sirens she had fought on the deck. When it got close to her it reached out with both arms, placing its hands on her forehead.

When that happened the archer heard a lyrical voice in her head, apologizing for being in her head. It identified the monster as a priestess named Meda, and claimed she was there to help Catherine adjust to being on the bottom of the sea. It went on to explain that she was a “guest” of some sort, and that she could leave at any time, though it made it seem as if leaving would be almost impossible, or at least, it would be difficult to survive. It also revealed that its kind was incapable of breeding without humans, and that in exchange for “hospitality” she would be required to breed with them, amongst other tasks. When asked if she was calm, and if she had questions, Catherine tried to focus enough to reply with thoughts. I am calm, yes she thought at the Siren, trying to infuse it with a neutral tone, though she wasn’t quite certain how to do so with thought. I don’t know of many people who kidnap their guests at swordpoint and tie them up, but I’m calm she continued, really trying to be neutral in tone with this one. She didn’t want to offend the priestess too much, only to point out the silliness of what she had said. I have a few questions also. First, where is the man you took with me, and what are you doing with him? Second, how can I breathe under water now?
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

I know not, child, she silently replied. I wasn't among the boarders. The shadows brought you back, they would know what came of any who were with you, but they are less... accommodating than many of us would be. The pause was particularly pronounced in her mind as Catherine could feel hints of the priestess fumbling for a diplomatic word to use. As for your other inquiry, since the shattering we have been capable of some magics. We evolved, you might say. Not all of the changes were to our benefit, Meda added as she eyed the archer's tummy.

We are capable of granting our boon upon your kind. A kiss is all that's required to allow you to breathe and survive underwater. It isn't permanent and you might require the boon more than once a day. It is a necessity for us to be able to utilize if we are to keep such honored guests. The siren let go of the archer and wormed her hands to the bindings which restricted the human girl. She untied them with practiced ease, allowing freedom to the archer's legs and arms. After Catherine was free, the golden hands returned to her forehead. Should you ever need to speak to me, or my sisters, you only need lay a hand on our bodies. Understand that only the priestess caste, us of golden skin, can communicate with your kind in this manner, the others might take such action the wrong way.

Are there any other quests or shall I show you around?

Destiny Strength: 6
Power Attack - Trade accuracy for power in any type of attack.
Guard - Focus on guarding in order to avoid powerful or normal attacks.

Cautious Movement - Move slowly to avoid certain traps.
Spotter - Passively offers an increased chance to detect ambushes and traps.


[UNAVAILABLE] Summon: Roger (Costs 1 DS) - Summons Roger to rush to your aid as quickly as possible.
Adventurer's Resolve (Costs 1:1 DS:FP) - Heals yourself or an ally.
Triumph - Defeat your first enemy in the EGG!
The Path to Adventure! - Clear the lower deck tutorial stage and prepare to begin your adventure.
Baby Steps... - Earn your first skill.
You've Got a Friend In Me - Gain your first companion summon.
Love is in the Air
Feel Like a Woman - Have your first intimate encounter in the EGG
Therapy Not Included
The Old Ball and Chain
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Catherine cringed slightly when told that the Siren didn't know where the Nightcrawlers had taken Roger. She hoped he wasn't being treated harshly somewhere. The answer to her second question made her nod thoughtfully, realizing why it would be so dangerous to try and leave; the boon seemed fairly short-lived, and if it ran out on her before she got to the surface she would be dead for sure. Thank you. If I need something in the future I'll be sure to try and one of you to talk to the archer replied mentally as she was told how to communicate with her captors. Her bindings undone, she stood slowly, letting the golden Siren keep the hand pressed to her forehead as she rubbed her wrists.

I have a dozen questions, but one of them seems more important somehow Catherine started out, not sure how to phrase this, and equally not sure how well it would go over. I don't want my journey to end here at the bottom of the sea. But at the same time, the risk seems... very large. And I wouldn't mind staying for at least a while. So, what I was wondering was if... hm... if I were to agree to bear a certain amount of your peoples' children, would you consider providing an escort for my companion and I? The archer looked at the beautiful monster before her with pleading eyes, though she managed not to seem overly nervous about the request. I'm not insensitive to the problem you have, and that's why I'm willing to stay and... allow myself to be impregnated. But I'm still young, and I want to go out and have real adventures, and then settle down and have a normal human family. I don't think I can do that from here without your help anymore. So... please, consider my offer.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

(Suddenly, all dialogue post. It's kind of hard to make her expressive when she's talking through Catherine's mind, though.)

This is not something that I am able to accept, I am merely a priestess. I am not even capable of taking you up on that offer, a noticeable blush colored the siren's unusual, relative to a human, anyway, skin. The young voice is the one that guides us and makes the grand decisions. But, it is not unheard of that one of my sisters would make a deal with you. You see, the waters above are dangerous to even us, alone. To travel with those of your kind who would leave long enough to keep you with our boon and see you to the surface is dangerous. If you should endear one enough to you, they might risk it.

Know now, though, that those of my kin not among the priestesses or acolytes will not always think much of you. I have referred to you as guest, not all of my kind will see you as such. Most will take their rights to you, whether you want them to or not, if you're not accompanied by a priestess, you are vulnerable. And my escort will only last until I have answered your questions and given you a tour, then my duties are to another guest. Your goal will likely not be easily achieved, but it is possible.

Have you anymore questions? Or are you ready for the tour?

Destiny Strength: 6
Power Attack - Trade accuracy for power in any type of attack.
Guard - Focus on guarding in order to avoid powerful or normal attacks.

Cautious Movement - Move slowly to avoid certain traps.
Spotter - Passively offers an increased chance to detect ambushes and traps.


[UNAVAILABLE] Summon: Roger (Costs 1 DS) - Summons Roger to rush to your aid as quickly as possible.
Adventurer's Resolve (Costs 1:1 DS:FP) - Heals yourself or an ally.
Triumph - Defeat your first enemy in the EGG!
The Path to Adventure! - Clear the lower deck tutorial stage and prepare to begin your adventure.
Baby Steps... - Earn your first skill.
You've Got a Friend In Me - Gain your first companion summon.
Love is in the Air
Feel Like a Woman - Have your first intimate encounter in the EGG
Therapy Not Included
The Old Ball and Chain
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Catherine listened to Meda's mental response quietly, frowning a little when told that the priestess didn't have the authority to make any sort of deal with her. Still, it was only a minor setback, and there seemed to be a way out offered to her. One that even allowed her to test out her settings, too... That's okay. Although... she replied, smiling a little at the Siren's blush as she laid a hand gently on her forearm, you don't need to be able to impregnate me to take me up on the spirit of my offer~ The archer tried to inject a coy, flirty tone to her mental words, again unsure if she did an adequate job of it, but with the context it had to be clear what was going on. I am willing to be a very good little... guest. To do what's asked of me without complaint, within certain limits. I hope to endear myself to more than just one of you with my willingness to serve. I just hope that's enough to see a reward after a while. She herself blushed a little at her assertion that she would serve them willingly, having no doubt what that would mean, though she was firm about it. It was the safest way she could see getting out of this mess, and besides, she was sort of looking forward to it. The bit about others of the Siren's kind made her frown again, though. Oh, I know well how your kind might treat me. The black ones that took me from the ship were quite harsh with me, in every sense that they could have been... I hope they'll at least give me some time to prepare before they "take their rights." In any case, I have no more questions for now. Lead on.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Yes, well, um, the gold siren replied through the link toward her chance to take the human woman up on the spirit of her offer, if nothing else, obviously flustered by the proposition. She made a sound through the connection that was something akin to the mental equivalent of clearing one's throat. With that attitude, I'm sure you'll endear yourself to at least some of my kin. The shadows might not be among them, sadly. Let's get on with the tour, shall we? Keep hold of me that I might explain some of the features of our community. Meda spun around, offering Catherine the chance to grab her shoulders, or elsewhere if she so desired. Once the archer was firmly attached, the serpent-tailed woman began to swim.

She would quickly be whisked out of the cave and into a surprising amount of light. As far as she could see in the water were the small stones that had filled the cave. In some places they floated in pairs, others were dotted by lines of single stones. In addition, a large number of them floated in a veritable cloud overhead. The latter of the arrangements seemed to be Meda's aim as she swam with her human passenger up and well over the underwater city the sirens had carved out for themselves. The ones dotting the craggy ocean floor and the cloud of them, previously overhead but the archer had quickly become level them, alike never seemed to move or shift more than an inch, as if held in place by some magic. They were located as to mark pseudo paths to and from buildings and places.

The buildings, Catherine discovered, were made of either garbage and the wood of sunken ships, or, more impressively, of marble. The latter type of building was always larger, all looked like they had been designed by master architects, and not a one was fully visible, with each marble creation having sunken into the ocean floor to varying degrees. The former looked newer, more shoddily designed, and outnumbered the other types of buildings by about a few-hundred to one. There were a few underwater caves dotting the area as well.

This is where we live, our home at large, Meda explained unnecessarily as Catherine got an overhead view of her captor's city on the ocean floor. The huts are the individual residences of my kind. They construct their huts when they're able to scavenge enough materials to do so. Our young – and our guests – remain in the cave systems until they are able to claim their own home. The golden woman began to swim downward again, taking Catherine closer to the city. It's considered a grand time in the life of my kin when they are able to take their own place and move from the caves. A celebration is thrown, one of my sisters comes and blesses the hut with a beacon to light the builder's way home, wherever they may go, and that builder is considered a true adult from that point on. The groupings of these huts tend to be segregated by caste.

The next portion of their tour took Catherine over one of the largest marble structures present. It looked like something akin to a romanticized courthouse in the real world. Its steps had sunken until only a few were visible. Marble columns at least twenty feet tall were spaced across the front of the building, holding up the massive overhang that stood over a grand, open entrance-way into the building proper. The archer could see golden-skinned sirens swimming to and fro around that entrance and, very rarely, a red-skinned one or one of the midnight-black ones that had abducted her. This is my home, as well as the home of all of my sisters. It is called the library, though there are no books. We of the priestess caste are taken here shortly after we're born and are fostered in a way to hone our magics, that we may communicate with the young voice and your kin and aid our people.

With that, she swum further out from civilization, to a dimly lit path. This, she began, is the path that takes us to the shrine of the voice. It is extremely dangerous for your kind, and even those of my kin who are not among my immediate sisters. Do not come here without one of my sisters accompanying you. Looking closely, Catherine could barely spot shadowy tendrils in a far away distance, thousands of them. They reached from the ocean floor for as high as she could see, potentially all the way to the surface of the ocean. And, deep within her gut, she knew that they could see her. Let's keep moving, Meda continued, nervously.

The next portion of the guided tour took her over one of the caves. You will be sleeping in one of these cave systems. Our young share the caves, as do your kind. Be warned, while I note that they're our young, this doesn't mean that they won't attempt to take you. Young, for us, merely means that they haven't built their own hut yet. The siren swam toward an ancient, ruined marble structure that looked like a Roman coliseum. Unsurprisingly, it had been a coliseum, if not a Roman one. This was the arena. We don't use it as such anymore. After all, can you imagine the difficulty in keeping combatants from simply swimming away? There was a bit of mirth present in her question, even noticeable within the archer's mind. We tried to use it for performances and the like, after one of our guests suggested that he was a singer on the surface, but the logistics were a nightmare. Moving on.

She swam toward two more marble buildings, directing the human woman's gaze toward them. One was simply an overhang, held up by several dozen half-sunken pillars. That is a temple. We have made no use of it since the coming of the young voice. Still, there is little else that can be done with it, given the nature of its architecture. You may use it to pray, if you have a patron deity, or may relax there. She pointed to a second, which looked as close to a standard home as anything Catherine had seen so far. It was guarded by several red sirens and a single golden one. And that is where we keep most of our stocks. We keep almost every community supply we have in that building. It will likely be of little use to you, but if you need medicine or something else in a pinch, you might try getting the attention of any of my sisters present there.

I believe that concludes the tour, unless you have any new questions!

Destiny Strength: 6
Power Attack - Trade accuracy for power in any type of attack.
Guard - Focus on guarding in order to avoid powerful or normal attacks.

Cautious Movement - Move slowly to avoid certain traps.
Spotter - Passively offers an increased chance to detect ambushes and traps.


[UNAVAILABLE] Summon: Roger (Costs 1 DS) - Summons Roger to rush to your aid as quickly as possible.
Adventurer's Resolve (Costs 1:1 DS:FP) - Heals yourself or an ally.
Triumph - Defeat your first enemy in the EGG!
The Path to Adventure! - Clear the lower deck tutorial stage and prepare to begin your adventure.
Baby Steps... - Earn your first skill.
You've Got a Friend In Me - Gain your first companion summon.
Love is in the Air
Feel Like a Woman - Have your first intimate encounter in the EGG
Therapy Not Included
The Old Ball and Chain
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Catherine smiled warmly at Meda as the Siren got flustered at her offer, patting her gently on the arm. Mm, well still, don’t hesitate to swing by wherever I end up staying the night, if you know what I mean she thought back at the priestess, continuing to give her the offer, though she didn’t expect it to be accepted. Well, why wouldn’t they like it? she asked at the golden monster’s assertion that her attitude wouldn’t endear her to the kind of creature that had abducted her. Do they prefer unwilling partners or something? That was definitely a possibility, considering how rough and harsh they had been with her. Oh, and real quick, can I open my mouth? As in, am I still protected if I open my mouth? I don’t want to have to keep it closed for as long as I’m down here… Once that was explained and it was offered she took hold of Meda’s shoulders, resisting the urge to wrap her arms around the Siren’s waist to tease her further; she was on serious business, and it would be best to focus.

With that, the serpentine creature began to swim forward at a pace much more rapid than any human could manage, out of the cave and into the light of the sea floor. The dissonance of that thought struck Catherine as she looked out, though it wasn’t much of a surprise considering that people lived here. The little stones that had lit her cave were everywhere, some on the level with them, but most in a cloud above their heads. Meda swam her way upward towards that cloud of lightstones, giving the archer an overhead view of the underground city. There were many buildings, most of them made of garbage and wreckage from ships, though some were made from beautiful marble. She listened quietly to the priestess’ explanation, taking in the information about their rituals regarding home ownership and adulthood, at least somewhat interested in the culture of her captors. She was intrigued by the lore the game had constructed for her.

Meda then took her above a particular building, one of the largest. It looked kind of like the state courthouse back home, though quite a bit grander. It seemed to have sunken into the sea floor quite a bit, though Catherine supposed it didn’t matter, considering they were under water. The columns were absolutely huge and very tall, and she was sure that if they were on the ground the building would look quite imposing. There seemed to be a lot of golden Sirens here, so she guessed before being told that this was at the very least their main place of business. You keep talking about this “young voice” the archer spoke up suddenly, inquisitively. What exactly is it? She assumed it was something to do with the religion of the sea creatures, especially since she was speaking with a priestess, but she wanted to hear the story.

Catherine’s question tied in well with the next part of the tour, when Meda took her to the edge of town, showing her a dimly lit path to the shrine where they communed with the voice. It seemed dreary and was apparently dangerous, and it definitely looked the part. There were shadowy tendrils far away, reaching up high to the surface of the ocean, and somehow deep within her the archer could tell that they saw her. It was a dreadfully creepy, unpleasant feeling, and she hoped to never be forced to get closer to that terrifying place.

Next up Catherine was taken towards the caves, and told that she would be sleeping in one of them. Hmmm… is there assigned sleeping quarters there, or will I just sleep with whomever takes me first? she asked, wondering what the sleeping arrangements were like. She hoped she at least got a cot, but she didn’t have high hopes for that. She would just have to hope someone generous enough to allow her to share their bed would snatch her up for the night. Next Meda swam to a ruined marble coliseum, pointing out that it was an arena. Well, I can think of other sorts of things you might use it for. Different kinds of performances the archer replied, a lewd edge to her tone. Even she couldn’t believe what she was thinking there.

On the last part of the tour the priestess showed Catherine the old temple, stating that had fallen out of favor when the young voice had come around, but that she might still use it for prayer or relaxation. The next was a building guarded by a few red sirens and one golden one, which apparently held the city’s supplies. Alright she said, the tour over, is there any way I might communicate with people other than your class? Accepted sign language or something? You’d think if there were lots of us humans around then something like that would develop. And is there any accepted way to request to speak with one of your kind? I would feel odd simply walking up to someone and laying my hand on them. Finally, where do I go to find out what happened to my companion? I’d like to make sure he’s alright before I start my other duties.