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One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Anthriel's death stare and frosty reaction to his comment about her ass only caused Dori to chuckle, and he stepped up to walk beside her even as she wrapped herself up in her wings. "We're a little ways North-West of my village, maybe about two miles. As for where to go... You wanted to go North, so lets go North! I hear Crolia is.... Freezing this time of year," he said jovially, but his smile couldn't weather her foul temper or her woes for long.

Dori gazed at Anthriel with a frown as she fingered her chains, and her command regarding her fallen feather caused him to glance at it before stowing the precious item further into his pocket. "I won't lose it," he said softly, and then went on to say in a more proud tone; "We'll find a way to get them off of you." He spoke the words as a promise, gazing right at her eyes if Anthriel cared to meet his stare, and when she declared that he was her first as well, disregarding the demon that had raped her, Dori smiled again.

This was no cocky grin, however. The difference was like that between a painting of a sunrise and the real thing.... The former might be able to show the emotions, maybe even show them well, but it was still nothing more than an imitation when compared to the brief glimpse of adoration that the young dragon sent her way following Anthriel's proclamation. He gently reached out a hand, and if she took it Dori intertwined his fingers with hers.

Whether she took his hand or not, Dori said nothing for some time save what was needed to properly guide her through the woods. They hiked through the woods for many miles, heading to the North towards Crolia, but passed nothing more dangerous than what the dragon identified as a shorn weed, which he gave a fairly wide berth. Dori seemed quite adept at woodcraft despite his sheltered life, and if asked about such he would explain that he and Karie had learned from a trapper in town, but that he had died a short while ago. Regardless, they walked until night fell, moving through the largely quiet woods, before Dori started searching for a place for them to camp while grumbling about the inability to adequately prepare themselves for the trip. It was as he was looking about that the voice of a woman suddenly startled sounded from behind them, and a fairly potent spiritual presence made itself known as well; "Alright, normally I wouldn't bother random travelers and leave the assisting to the nymphs and satyrs, but.... This is just... Too weird!"

Dori spun immediately, but then gaped and looked away as a blush colored his face, and if Anthriel turned towards their mysterious speaker turned out to be a fairly curvy woman possessed of shining amber eyes, dark green skin, and long, curly brown hair. She was smiling at them in a manner that was both friendly and interested, her back leaned against a tree and her arms crossed over her ample bosom, though it was by no means an attempt to conceal her modesty. "What are an angel and a dragon doing in my woods, traveling together on the ground, hrm?" she asked, tilting her head and gazing from Anthriel to Dori and back.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel saw something that made her heart sing in her chest, a real smile, from Dori, for her, something precious to be cherished and remembered... Some mortals said that love for another is what gave a man his smile, and that the death of that flower of emotion is what stole it away. Seeing it now, Anthriel softened and took his hand, leaning in against him a little and giving it a squeeze. "Thank you" She whispered softly, not saying another word as they continued to walk through the forest heading north for no real reason then it was just the direction her panicked mind had pointed her in.

Calm again, and grateful for the comfort that Dori's presence alone inspired in her Anthriel still doubted that anyone could remove her chains, but the thought of it amused her greatly. Her? Free? Michael would have a fit the likes of which would go down as legend among the heavenly host, and that alone made the endeavor worthwhile. As they moved, Dori seemed to be quite at home within the forest, and managed to steer them around something he pointed out as a shorn weed, an odd looking plant that seemed fairly harmless as far as Anthriel could tell. Ceding to his experience however, Anthriel didn't question it, although she did make a little mental note to get a closer look if she saw one again. Hours and Miles passed, and Anthriel listened carefully to Dori as he told her of a family friend that had passed away recently, and that had taught him what he knew about woodcraft, not saying anything, simply letting him enjoy the memory as they moved. In fact, Anthriel had become so accustomed to the odd peace they had found themselves in, that when someone else made their presence known, she barely reacted, a little too flat footed to even so much as speak, simply looking at the new arrival. This had conveniently occured when Dori had started looking for a place to bed down for the night meaning that the traveling was over for now, but the knew arrival put an odd little twist into the evenings plans.

Staring for a moment at the strange woman, who Anthriel had sensed rather then seen at first, Anthriel quickly deduced that she was a Fey rather then anything else based on her words and her declaration that this forest was indeed hers. A Fey lord? A Sidhe perhaps? That would be odd, and possibly fortuitous. However, looking at a nude and beautiful woman, Anthriel first noticed the green tint to her skin before anything else, a Dryad? She admittedly didn't know much about her Fey cousins, but she liked them a great deal more then other angels and was grateful in a strange way for her presence. Allies were always better then enemies and the truce that the angels and the Fey held would extend to her, despite her half blood. Although she was certain that members of the courts higher up the food chain knew what she was.

Her eyes were noticed next, a shining amber as opposed to Anthriel's own black and gold dusted orbs and Anthriel did what was only polite, she smiled back, and bowed slightly. "It is a little strange isn't it. I am Anthriel, this is my friend Dori, and if we are trespassing I apologise, it was not intended as an affront or an insult so please do not take it as such. It is an honour to meet you. As for the strange circumstances, I can offer a great deal in the way of explanation, but I'm hesitant to do so. Us remaining something of a guarded secret for everyone is important, although the Fey will always be friends and allies. Dori is my lover? partner?" Blushing, Anthriel fidgeted a little for a moment before picking up steam again.

"Dori, what are we? a couple? betrothed? Fuck it, titles are unimportant, he is precious to me and that is all that matters in the end." Anthriel finished, slightly flustered but pleased with her own assesment of their relationship, becuase it really didn't matter what it was called, as long as the feelings were there, and real. And they were.

"So, we are traveling along the ground to stay hidden, and we are moving through your forest to put distance between us and the possibility of pursuers, and to protect others we care about from the danger our presence puts them in. But now a question for you, Which court do you belong to, and what exactly are you? because despite everything, I can't make heads or tails of it and although ignorance is no excuse, it is a current and regrettable truth at the moment." Anthriel wasn't exactly sure what this little meeting meant, but it seemed mainly to sate the curiosity of the lord of this forest, which was fine, she suspected herself and Dori made quite the odd pair to anyone who could really see, and that thought made her giggle to herself for a moment.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Anthriel's blushing and immediate admission of her relationship with Dori to the fey, a perfect stranger, earned a raised eyebrow from their host and a stutter of surprise from the dragon standing beside her. She was allowed to continue, however, and only when she had fully offered her explanation and her questions did the fey woman leaning against the tree offer a response; "For starters, I am sidhe, a lady of the Summer Court, and guardian of this region. And if danger follows you, then it is my duty to guard you against it to the fullest extent of my power, given your rank as knight of another Court. That protection extends to your lover as well, of course." Her gaze flitted to Dori, a smile that Anthriel had seen often on the faces of the fey in her occasional encounters with them playing across her expression, and the peace of mind that he had acquired after Anthriel had decided on their title vanished in favor of an extremely nervous expression.

Turning back to Anthriel, the fey woman said; "Be welcome among us, angel and dragon alike, and find what peace you may. I know all too well how spare such moments can be in dark times such as these, and I would offer you sanctuary such that you might cherish a moment of peace together, at the very least." The sidhe smiled softly, and while such an offer of sanctuary would have been extremely costly to a mortal under all but the most extreme of circumstances, Anthriel knew that the faerie was being honest with her. Angels, as a separate court, were all considered at the rank of knight among the other Courts, even though many of them were a good bit more powerful. Archangels were generally considered Lords, save for the eldest of them who were treated with the deference owed to one of the fey queens themselves. It was unlikely that the faerie would opt to protect her from Michael if he showed up, but she would have protection from just about anyone else.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel bowed her head slightly at the gift, for a moment not entirely sure what to say, but then it was if all of the ettiquete that Gabriel had pounded into her head, that she never used was finally within her reach again. "The gift is both welcome and accepted Lady of the Summer Court, I hope to be able to return such kindness some day." She said quietly, turning to Dori and patting him on the shoulder. "Come on then, lets get set for the night, a fire would be welcome."

Moving into the center of the clearing, Anthriel waited for Dori to pick a spot, before clearing the area away and getting it ready for a small campfire, something to rest near and to banish the darkness in their unexpected and welcome moment of peace, staying close to Dori for the rest of the night unless something prevented it. That smile however played on Anthriel's mind for quite awhile and Anthriel found herself looking up at the stars quite a bit over the course of the night, always peering through the shadows of the trees to see the candlelights that shimmered in the sea of darkness that was the night sky. "Dori, For future reference, because most don't know, All angels hold the rank of Knight within their court in the eyes of the Fey and are usually treated as such, we do not need to worry, they are friends and we can trust them. But that aside, what are you thinking about?" She asked her Draconic companion, her eyes never leaving the sky until she spoke, to rest on his own.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Oh, I'm sure you two will be able to repay me in full," the fey woman replied brightly, her eyes flitting briefly to Dori once again before settling back onto Anthriel, even giving her body a suggestive sweep. When Anthriel and Dori started setting up camp, however, the sidhe quirked an eyebrow and said; "What are you doing? You are our guests... If I were going to let you sit out in the wilderness, I'd have sent a satyr or a nymph, not come myself. Come on!" The green woman didn't bother to wait for them to approach before grabbing each of them by the hand. Dori didn't seem to know what to make of this, as he blushed and glanced about for a moment before eventually settling his eyes onto Anthriel, apparently deciding that staring at her naked was better than staring at the faerie.

Their host didn't start to move, however, instead grinning at the two of them for a few seconds before Anthriel felt the stirring of energy. There was a tug, as if someone had pulled her up by a string wrapped around her midsection, and then Anthriel found herself in another place, a very dazed Dori and a smirking faerie standing beside her. It was warm here, and the moon and stars shined down upon them brightly, joining the multitude of fireflies in over a dozen different colors that circled the knee-length grass in which the stood. Mountain flowers that bloomed only under moonlight were interspaced throughout the wide glade, and the noise of a stream and the distant sound of rich, joyous laughter filtered through the cries of insects and night birds. Though they might have been so in another context, there was no sense of menace from the laughter or the sounds of night creatures, and a sense of peace filled Anthriel as the fairy lord quietly said; "Welcome to my home~"

Dori, recovering from the disorientation caused by teleportation, gaped at their surroundings in a mix of wonder and confusion, his mouth literally gaping open at this point. "Where... Did you take us?" he asked, and their host giggled and responded; "The world as it ought to be~" Anthriel knew that they'd been teleported, and also that she'd been taken to a grove, one of the sanctuaries maintained by the fey. Few creatures other than the fey that lived there could even reach the enchanted woods that the faeries maintained without being invited, and those few mortals that stumbled upon such places were the source of many of the legends concerning faerie kind.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

"Thank you for the welcome" Anthriel said quietly, looking around at the grove with a mix of pleasure and gratitude. She knew what this places was, had even visited a few while on other missions and they were always such peaceful places, places where balance was shown in it's purest form and she took a deep breath as she tried to prepare to answer Dori's question as best she could.

"Dori, this is a Grove, and as our host has said, it's as the world should be, or rather... what it could be. This place is every bit a sanctuary as it is beautiful and you should hold this memory dear to your heart as such a gift is rare indeed. Think back to our fight in the tower, this is the difference between that place, and the vision the fey have for the world, small places that they have jealously protected in the best possible way from everything that has happened to this world. Despite everything, they remain holy places" She said quietly, smiling at Dori and squeezing his hand.

"But we have another matter to discuss don't we Lady of the Summer Court." She suddenly added, a little more loudly. "Such a hospitable act cannot go unrewarded, and judging from the look in your eyes, you already have something in mind, or rather, something playing at the edges of your mind. But before we get to any of that~ How about your name." Anthriel said, walking out into the grass slightly to gaze around at the grove, taking in everything it was and spreading her wings, stretching and showing off just a little for their host who she was pretty sure was more interested in Dori then she was herself, regardless there was something planned for the evening and Anthriel had to admit she found herself incredibly curious.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine, Pregnant

The faerie beamed at Anthriel's description of the grove and advice to Dori, and Anthriel's answer seemed to satisfy the dragon as well. "Well, so long as you think it's safe... It's probably a helluva lot nicer than sleeping on the ground out there. Where are the beds? And the houses?" Their host giggled in response to his words, "We don't have walls or beds here, save those built by nature herself~"

Dori frowned slightly at that, but then Anthriel addressed the fey woman with her assessment of the looks she'd been shooting the two of them. "Oh.... I wouldn't say the edges of my mind~" she replied lightly, and then gave Anthriel an exaggerated wink. She became marginally more serious after Anthriel asked for her name, but still rolled her eyes and gave a playful sigh before replying; "Ahhh, that's right... I sometimes forget that you angels are like the mortals and the dragons.... Always naming things! So silly! But, if you must call me something, I prefer the name given me by my last lover... You two may call me Sanya~"
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

"Names are powerful things Sanya, already you associate this one with the memory of your last lover and with us as well when our stay here is through, maybe you'll even grow so fond of this name that you keep it, and thus brand this chapter of your life by it until circumstance changes as it has a way of doing. However, if physical enjoyment is what is on your mind, I can honestly say I'm not a frequent enjoyer of such, although I could certainly acquire a taste for such. Who would you prefer to share the night with? Dori? Myself? Or perhaps both of us together. I'm torn over this personally, I've never been involved in such a thing before and am nervous" Anthriel said, surprised at the length of this monologue, and chuckling slightly when she realized she was blushing.

Looking at Sanya curiously Anthriel was utterly unsure as to what to do given her experience, she was also jealously protective of Dori and wasn't all the sure she liked the idea of having to share her draconic lover, though she wasn't entirely averse to the idea either. Sitting down in the grass, she sighed and shook her head, trying to get her thoughts in order.

Ultimately, she turned to Dori and spoke "Dori, anything we do tonight is up to you, it's your choice honestly without any second guessing or worry from me. I'm honestly at a loss as to what to do or really think about this so I suppose it's down to you. I don't mind one way or the other." The words were oddly freeing, and this shamelessly let her figure out if Dori was interested in another or multiple partners, Anthriel being comfortable in knowing his feelingss for her were for her alone, and that was enough for her to be alright with whatever he decided. Honestly she could probably use the physical release as well, but was too inexperienced to ask for it or even really recommend it on her own.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Anthriel's statement about names drew little more than a roll of the eyes from the faerie, but she didn't bother to assert otherwise. Her statement that she wasn't a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasures drew a curious eyebrow, however, and after Anthriel finished her first monologue she gave a soft chuckle and said; "Well, I wouldn't want to drive a wedge between two young lovers, so anything we did would be decided between you two~ I'd prefer both of you of course! But... A dragon's seed or a night spent in the arms of an angel would be sufficient to satisfy me."

When the decision was left in Dori's hands by both women, however, the dragon paled. Despite his lack of experience, it seemed that Dori recognized a trap when he saw one, as he hesitated a moment before he answered. When he did speak, it was in a frank tone; "Well... To be honest, I would prefer Anthriel to remain my only for now... No offense meant to you of course! But... I don't think I like the idea of her spending the night with someone else either, woman or otherwise, so... I guess you get the both of us this time." He chuckled nervously and glanced sideways at Anthriel, and the faerie gave a delighted musical laugh that bounced and echoed through the trees.

"Excellent~ It's not often that I get two worthwhile prizes at once!"
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

"Well... Then that's settled" Anthriel said chuckling and smiling at Dori, continuing to gaze at the sky for a moment before bouncing up and heading over to give the dragon a hug. Glancing at Sanya, Anthriel was at a loss as to what to do really, the idea excited her a little but... How did you even do that? 12 limbs and all the rolling about and... chaos, that's what it was, carnal chaos.

"So you get both of us, or we get you.. or... Waagh! Fuck it!" Anthriel said after getting flustered, yanking Dori into an abrupt kiss and wrapping her arms around him, figuring if no one was going to do anything that she was going to have to before this became so akward that no one did anything at all, and she spent all night wandering around the grove like a putz. Moaning softly as she pressed against her draconic lover, Anthriel breathed in his scent, and it set her hair on end, the touch of brimstone and scales and fire that had brushed against her soul brought back to her in a moment that sent a thrill up her spine and warmed her body quickly, her lust building as she remembered the feel of her powerful lover taking her, panting softly as her tongue slipped into Dori's mouth and wrestled with his own, her own flesh sensitive and soft to the touch as her body writhed and put on quite the show for their host.

Breaking away, Anthriel stared into Dori's eyes for a moment, before smiling and looking back at Sanya. "You coming? I'm getting impatient" She said giggling slightly as she blushed a bright red, her wings and tail fidgeting in her own excitement as she was determined to enjoy this.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Dori hesitantly wrapped his arms around Anthriel as the angel strode up and gave him a hug, offering her a sincere smile. He smirked at her sheepishly as she began to speak, but her sudden kiss caused him to stiffen in shock.... At first. He fell into the spell of lust just as quickly as she did after the first few startled heartbeats of their embrace, his grip around her waist becoming more firm as he pulled her against his chest and returned her passionate kiss in kind. Sanya offered a soft chuckle from behind them, but her presence was momentarily ignored as Anthriel and Dori sunk deeply into one another.

His tongue writhed against hers slowly and hungrily, their souls intertwining once more as they embraced. His member hardened beneath his trousers immediately, pressing against her belly as his hands began to trail up and down her sides. When she pulled away from the kiss and turned to their host to speak, Anthriel drew another soft chuckle from the sidhe before she sauntered forward, joining their little puddle of writhing flesh. She pressed her breasts against Anthriel's back, joining Dori's wandering hands with her own, but she went a little bit lower with one and looped the other around to Dori's front. It was hard to tell how she did it so quickly from here, but she had Dori's belt unbuckled, and his pants undone and dropping to the ground in about a second. Her other hand gave Anthriel's bottom a good bit of attention while the faerie started to rub her hand over Dori's cock, causing Anthriel's lover to shiver against her front, letting out a soft moan as his manhood was stroked and rubbed against her belly.

However, after giving her cheeks a light squeeze, Sanya reached a little higher... And gave Anthriel's tail a light squeeze right around the base.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel was determined not to act like a doofus during this little encounter, but the feeling of Sanya's breasts against her back made her skin tingle softly and her breathing deepened in excitement as her hands joined Dori's and their gentle strokes and light touches made her shudder softly between them, her tail looping around Sanya's thigh lightly and stroking slowly, the damned thing still well out of her own control. Moaning softly and now fully commited, she didn't even bother thinking about how Sanya had gotten Dori's pants off, only happy that she could feel his length pressing against her stomach as her ass was groped and she glanced down to see her stroking her lover's shaft slowly.

Pushing her ass out into Sanya's hand and her chest against Dori's, Anthriel reached up to pull him into another kiss, her hand sliding around his neck before she shivered as she felt the touch to her tail, gasping softly. As it was tugged gently, Anthriel was so shocked at what happened, that her entire body tensed and she whimpered in pleasure as her pussy spasmed and her juices ran down her thighs, an orgasm washing through her body instantaneously. Her own writhing hips caused her to pull on her own tail in the Fey's grip, and a second climax washed through her body, more powerful then the first, pushing her form against the pair as she writhed and cried out, now not giving any kind of fuck at all what pleasured her, only that something did, and now.

Need was a pathetic way to explain things, it was like an addiction, she needed to be filled but couldn't get her hips forward and onto Dori's cock while Sanya was holding her tail, her chest heaving as she panted with wanton lust.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Anthriel's reaction to having her tail pulled drew a soft chuckle from the woman behind her and a slightly confused look from her lover. "Wh... What did you just do?" Dori demanded, though he was still shivering from the continued stroking and rubbing of his cock, allowing the lust-stunned Anthriel to feel a dribble of his precum as it rubbed against her taught stomach. Sanya softly kissed the back of Anthriel's neck, drawing a circle around to her front, pausing briefly to nibble on the angel's ear before Anthriel would feel one of the faerie's hands curl around her and gently grasp her by the chin. Before she could recover from the climax she brought upon herself by pulling away from the fey's grasp upon her tail, Anthriel's mouth was tilted aside, and Sanya pressed her soft, luscious lips against hers in a devastatingly passionate kiss. While Dori might have been able to express more power with his tongue, dominating Anthriel's via sheer will and desire, Sanya had the grace of a swan and the speed of a viper, flicking and darting and dancing with near-perfect control as it played in Anthriel's mouth.

Though their rubbing had briefly stopped while the faerie kissed her (save for the constant stroking she laid upon Dori's increasingly excited manhood at least) that kiss kept Anthriel at the peak of her arousal as surely as if Dori had simply lifted her and impaled her onto his manhood. It was a slow thing when Sanya finally pulled away, her tongue pulling Anthriel's past her lips by the sheer lewd invitation of its dance, and Dori gave a grunt and a soft twitch against her belly just at the sight of them kissing like that. "Teasing her darling~ This thing must be connected to something important to make her writhe like that! Now she really wants you~" the faerie purred softly, and her head shifted Dori's length to the side and down, so that it stuck between her legs and rubbed against her now soaking flower. That brought another lewd grunt from Dori, who's hands had fallen to her sides, in the interrum, and Sanya shot him a knowing grin.

"Don't worry~" the sidhe woman began in a lewd purr, "She's more than fine! Now, catch!" Anthriel suddenly felt herself lifted by the fey woman, displaying strength belied by her feminine frame, and Dori sputtered for a second before catching the angel in his arms, hid elbows hooked beneath her knees and his hands quickly clasping behind her back. That position caused her breasts to be squashed against his chest, but with no hands free the dragon couldn't shift his member to penetrate her. That was where a third pair of hands came in.... Well, handy, as Sanya quickly trailed kisses down the back of Anthriel's neck, down her spine and between her soft, feathery wings, over the roundness of her shapely rear (which she paused to nibble on for a moment) until she was kneeling beneath the both of them. "Mmmm~! You both look so ready for this!" the faerie called from beneath them, and that and a moment of warm breath was all the warning that Anthriel received before the other woman's tongue invaded her sex.

There was a moment of teasing, followed by a quick curl around her clit that very nearly made Anthriel cum again all by itself, and then Sanya's impossibly dextrous tongue pushed past her lower lips and into her sex. Anthriel's inner walls yielded easily to the faeries agile muscle, and if she'd thought that the kiss had been the extent of Sanya's ability with her tongue, Anthriel was proven wrong almost instantly. Pleasure unlike anything that the angel had ever experienced, indeed even imagined possible, surged up from her quivering sex as the sidhe's tongue seemed to touch every single one of her sensitive spots all at once, as if it were some sort of storm come to lay claim to her. Anthriel lasted for maybe a quarter of a minute, perhaps twenty seconds, but it was a subjective eternity as waves of delicious, torturous pleasure stole up her body courtesy of Sanya's attentions. The faerie ended it by attacking a particularly sensitive spot more aggressively for a few seconds while her lips and the base of her tongue rubbed against her clit, sending her into a blinding, mind-shattering orgasm that took up another year or two before she could come down from them.

"Wh... What are you doing down there? That was... She just..." Dori asked, his voice muffled by the pounding in Anthriel's ears and the constant waves of pleasure still pouring through her, even her afterglow orgasmic in its potency. She felt Sanya's touch ease away as the sidhe removed her tongue, but the ghosts of it still sent sparks of sensation up the angel's spine. "Treating her to proper faerie hospitality~ Your turn!" she replied breathlessly, and Anthriel began to recover just as Dori suddenly gave a shiver, followed shortly thereafter by a long, drawn out moan. As her vision cleared and the pounding of her own heart ceased to deafen her, Anthriel found Dori's face mere inches from her own, his forehead resting against hers while an expression of blind lust painted his face. Her lover was gasping with wanton need, and his entire body had begun to shake even as he continued to support her in his arms.

"Oh.. Shi... Holy.... Oh fuck....." he groaned, many of his words unintelligible, and though she couldn't see below to be sure of it, the soft slurping noises and the low feminine moans coming from beneath them gave the angel at least something of an idea of what was happening to him. The expression on her lovers face was one with which Anthriel had only recently become familiar, but she recognized it instantly as the one he wore just before he orgasmed. Sanya somehow seemed to recognize the danger of this, however, as she suddenly pulled off of him with an audible pop. "Tasty as you are, you've got two other mouths to feed with that first~ Maybe I'll take another taste if you last that long!" she heard the sidhe say beneath them, and Anthriel was then just lucid enough to perhaps say something in response to the faerie's words, before she felt Dori's tip pressing against her nether lips.

A hand on her bottom pressed Anthriel down, and her sex swallowed that of her lover in seconds as he released a long, low moan against her. Anthriel's tight inner walls could seemingly feel every curve and contour of her draconic lover's member, and every inch of it was was wonderful to her hypersensitive nerves as her heavenly folds were undoubtedly making him feel in return as they wrapped around him. Though a woman would normally be in a largely submissive role in this position, the freedom of her arms given Dori's strength and the added leverage offered by her wings would allow Anthriel considerably more movement in this case. "C'mon you two~ Make me jealous that I'm not the one up there!" Sanya said encouragingly, and Dori hardly needed the added incentive at this point. He simply started pounding into her, going from hilt to tip and back with every thrust, each of which put the tip of his throbbing meat against her cervix and drove another spike of wonderful pleasure up Anthriel's spine. He'd already been rock hard and throbbing when he had first penetrated her, and even if she wasn't responding with her own return motions it likely wouldn't take very long for her to cause Dori to empty himself into her by the sheer tightness of her pussy alone.
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Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Whether it was her quivering body, her dripping folds, or her deep, lusty panting, Dori spoke up about the odd reaction but Anthriel hardly heard him, shaking in his grip as she rolled her hips, trying to get to his cock and failing as Sanya's every touch kept her body on fire, her nerves alight with pleasure as she clung tightly to Dori and time slowed to a crawl. Her head turned, Anthriel didn't quite comprehend what was going on before Sanya had kissed her, and her tongue, her slithering, agile tongue evaded her every attempt at control, anthriel moaning into her lips lewdly as she tried to match it's movements but was doomed to failure from the start, tremors of lust wracking her muscles as she twisted and gasped.

She was hot, and unpleasantly needy, she Needed release, and her twisting hips couldn't get the leverage she needed to get herself onto Dori's thick cock, what she really wanted. But she grew completely still as she felt Sanya trail lower, kissing her way down her spine, making her arch her back and throw her head back, moaning and whimpering softly as her ass was teased and nibbled. And then for one blessed moment, the teasing stopped.

The hot wash of breath over her dripping folds made her shudder, and she only had a moment to recover before Sanya's incredible tongue teased and twisted around her clit, the spike of pleasure making her gasp and press her lips against Dori's simply to muffle her voice as that tongue pushed into her dripping slit. As her muscles quivered underneath her flesh and her inner walls spasmed in bliss, Anthriel was completely helpless under the onslaught, before, with an ear shattering scream of pleasure, Anthriel came, her juices rushing from her cunt as she bucked and writhed wildly. Thankfully, it seemed for the moment at least, that her torment was over.

Tossed into Dori's arms, Anthriel thought that perhaps, now she got to be filled by Dori, but she was wrong, again. And against her lover, pressed tightly against him, panting raggedly as she recovered, she took a strange joy in seeing the look on Dori's face as Sanya took his probably throbbing cock into her hot and inviting mouth, Anthriel knowing the agility of her tongue all too well already... But Dori didn't get to cum yet, and the look on his face as she pulled back, was even more enjoyable, a special kind of delicious.

About to comment on the subject, Anthriel gave a low and sultry moan as she mashed her lips against her lovers, his cock felt against her folds before Sanya shoved her down and impaled her on it, her tongue not as skilled as Sanya's but giving all it was worth as her inner walls spasmed violently around his cock and she used her arms, her legs, her wings, and anything else she had, to match his wild pounding, slamming herself back down onto his cock with every ounce of strength she had, her moans and gasps now turning into muffled screams and outcries of bliss as she clamped down around his cock like a vice, wanting more. She was so fucking close again, and so was he. Every contour of his throbbing meat could be felt and she held on tightly and rode him, her tail wrapping around his balls and the base of his shaft tightly, moving like a possessed whip to help them both.

She knew that he was going to empty himself into her core soon, knew it in her bones and desperately wanted to feel the rush of heat again, and the tidal wave of her relief that would surely follow it. And there was still more to come of this night, but what and how was still a mystery and Anthriel would probably need a moment or two to recover after this next peak if she didn't pass out completely...
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Anthriel's tail, though perhaps beyond her control, was possessed of the same perception of touch that her fingers possessed. As such, when the agile little whip-like appendage wrapped around what made Dori a man, she could feel every pulse of his beating heart through his rock-hard shaft as it pounded into her. Her hold on his sack allowed her to feel some help coming from Sanya, who was sucking vigorously on her lover's balls even as they writhed together in near-perfect rhythm, the faerie noblewoman given an uninhibited view of Dori's cock vanishing into Anthriel's pussy. Driving up into her with ever increasing power while she pushed back with every muscle in her body with ferocity to match his, the two of them coupled with wild animalistic passion.

Their lips pressed together and their tongues dancing wildly between their mouths, Dori and Anthriel, dragon and angel, two of the most powerful beings in all creation... Rutted like wild animals for what felt like years as pleasure wracked both of them to the core, but was really little more than five minutes. Really it was something of a wonder that Dori lasted even that long after experiencing the faerie's heavenly mouth, particularly within Anthriel's incredible tightness. But then, after a string of minor orgasms through a subjective eternity, Anthriel felt a telltale throb both through her tail and her increasingly sensitive inner walls just as Dori' moaned loudly into her mouth. The rush of heat as his sperm erupted into her pussy sent her right over the edge, into a climax that caused her insides to spasm and milk wave after wave of his cum into her depths, fulfilling her desire for his heat at long last.

Coming down together just as they'd ascended, Anthriel's body was still quaking with aftershocks of her orgasm. Dori was quaking to, threatening to topple over completely, but after a moment she felt a sharp smack on her rear, originating from the faerie still kneeling beneath her. "Mmmm~ You two were messy, but delicious when mixed!" she said, giggling softly as she rubbed the angel's bottom where her palm and fingers had rapped against it, and a moment later she felt the woman's mouth join it in a slow trail of kisses and nibbles against the softly curving flesh of her ass before it reached the point where she and Dori were still joined. A momentary absence of the touch of Sanya's lips and a soft groan from Dori signaled that her mouth had moved to her lover, but Dori only took a few moments of her attentions before Anthriel felt them slowly pulled apart, another moan from her lover possibly joining her own, and then Sanya's mouth was on her pussy again, licking up the mixture of juices that flowed out of her flower and sending wicked shivers of pleasure up her spine.

The faerie's tongue, while not nearly as large as Dori's rod, was a great deal more dextrous, and it hit all of the right places to have Anthriel fully aroused again as it explored her cum-filled depths. Even with her skill, however, the pleasure wasn't quite enough to force her to cum again immediately, not even when Sanya's agile little appendage started flicking over her clit, but then the other woman's hand reached up and rubbed over the base of her tail, and Anthriel was pushed into another powerful orgasm whether she liked it or not. Sanya kept her attentions on the angel long enough to ride out her peak to satisfaction, but then she turned to Dori. A soft moan of satisfaction from Sanya mingled with a soft slurping sound, and then the dragon in a man's body groaned as if he were at peak arousal again. Anthriel was treated to the sights and sounds of Dori being sucked off by the amorous faerie once more, Sanya's moaning and slurping joining his own grunts as she felt him twitching wildly against her.

And then, all of a sudden, Dori's endurance was broken, as he toppled over onto his back with a moan that quickly turned into a startled cry. She fell upon him in a tangle of limbs, though she wasn't harmed by the fall and neither it seemed was he. The sudden fall made the rich laughter from their host all the more clear, but if Anthriel turned around she would find that the other woman's face was a mess of juices, likely as a result of her front-row seat for her and Dori's earlier coupling. The faerie crawled up and gave Anthriel's backside another soft smack, causing her rear to jiggle pleasantly even as a red mark in the shape of her hand appeared on the angel's pale flesh. "Mind if I have a turn? I'm aching to see if he saved any for me~"
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Ahhh, this was paradise, heaven and hell and love and lust all colliding together in a massive and twisted ball of pleasure settled in her core as she pounded herself down onto Dori, feeling through her tail, all the motions, contours, and throbs of his balls and length as he met her passion with his own. She knew she'd be bruised after this, but she didn't care, and as Dori moaned into her lips lewdly in his release, Anthriel threw her head back, and screamed into the sky in bliss, her body locked to his as she shook in his arms. The scream of pleasure turned into a strangled mewl as she bit down on her lower lip and buried her face in his shoulder.

An eternity, that was why it reminded her of the pit and the sky, the passage of time warped and broken by the violent spasms of pleasure that bolted through her muscles as she milked Dori for every drop, completely forgetting Sanya for the moment before she came down from her peak. Tremors, small aftershocks of the experience coursed through her body as the winged woman calmed down, panting raggedly as she heard their host speak below them.

Her own reply was cut off as she moaned loudly, the feeling of Dori leaving her sending another bolt of pleasure up her spine, before she mewled and bit down on Dori's shoulder, the feeling of Sanya drinking Dori's release and her own from her folds, her agile tongue, making Anthriel shake anew, her fingers drawing red lines in her Dori's back as she arched her own. The feeling of that tongue diving into her folds had her ready for more, ready to dive off the cliff again and into hedonistic release in moments, and she was almost there, at the edge... Sanya paying attention to the jewel of her clit for a moment almost did it, and Anthriel was left a panting, writhing mess in Dori's arms before the touch at the base of her tail made her cry out lewdly again, body tensed. She hadn't even noticed Dori getting some attention from Sanya, so mixed up in her own pleasure at the moment that it had passed by in a slow moment as she recovered.

But she noticed this time, and her gaze drifted down to see Sanya, still kneeling, as she took Dori's length into her mouth, before Anthriel closed her eyes and tried to recover, the sound of Dori moaning into her ear, and the slurping of Sanya below making her skin tingle. And she stayed that way, content before Dori gave a cry and toppled over, and Anthriel's little Eep of panic was lost in the confusion, before she rolled off her lover, laughing along with Sanya.

At the Faerie's Question, Anthriel answered with a floppy arm wave and a nod, "Guh, go ahead" She said, giggling lightly as she turned a little to rest, and watch, already planning mischief of her own.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Sanya gave a pleased moan at Anthriel's agreement, but if Dori thought he'd gotten off easy with the arrangement between the two women he was sorely mistaken. His hands trailed after Anthriel as she climbed off of him and laid herself down to rest, one coming to rest on the back of her head and pulling her slowly into a deep, passionate kiss, while the other softly groped her chest, moving over her breasts and squeezing them each in turn. His actions only lasted a few moments before the grinning faerie took hold of his full attention again, however - by way of taking the entirety of Dori's cock into her mouth and holding it for a few seconds. Dori groaned into her mouth, his eyes opening and going wide even though they were completely blank, and his grip on her bosom gradually increased in force as the pleasure of the faeries mouth caused him to tense.

Giving a lewd coo, Sanya began to bob her head up and down, and Dori broke the kiss to watch her work, lying fully on his back with his mouth gaping wide even as a series of grunts and groans passed through it. The speed of her motions was a good deal quicker than anything she'd subjected Anthriel's lover to previously, and the sidhe was anything but silent herself as she sucked him off, a series of coos, grunts, murmurs, and moans melding to create an undercurrent beneath the slurping of her mouth as it passed over his cock and the pleasured noises that Dori was constantly making. "Oh my gods...." He lasted for maybe a minute before his grip on her tightened and Anthriel spotted the telltale throbbing of his length, but just after his eyes rolled up into the back of his head and Dori gave in to what looked like a world-shattering orgasm to her, Sanya pulled off and squeezed his shaft, effectively shutting off his climax just as it was about to start. He gave a low whine, but she merely flicked her tongue back and forth across his tip, licking up the constant stream of precum that it was excreting.

"Sorry~ You don't get to pop just yet!" she said as she climbed up onto him, straddling him and then taking his shaft in her hand and giving it a few gentle strokes while she directed it towards her slick folds. "Last until I'm satisfied, and I'll - ahhhhh! Nnnn~sobig.... I'll not only suck you 'til you're totally dry - ohfuckyou'resohard - but I'll teach your girlfriend how to do it too~" Sanya had sunk down onto Dori while she spoke, her petals stretching snugly around his thick shaft as she smoothly took in every inch of him, the second interruption coming when she'd reached the base. Biting her lip but doing nothing to stifle her lewd moans, a tiny roll of Sanya's hips pulled her up until only the tip remained, and then a second roll sunk him right back down into her until his balls were pressed against her ass. "Ohfuckyes~" she moaned, throwing her head back and starting to roll her hips just as she had before.

Dori's moan joined Sanya's as the sidhe rode him slowly and sensually right before Anthriel's eyes, and after a moment she grabbed the hand not currently softly groping Anthriel's breasts, which he'd been using to dig into the ground when she was using her mouth on him, and gently guided it to her voluptuous rear. The rolls of her hips slowly increased in pace as their moans rose to match, and eventually Dori's hand left Anthriel's chest and joined the other on Sanya's bottom, leaving her untouched while her lover and her host coupled right next to her. Sanya even dropped onto him, pressing her breasts against his chest just as Anthriel's had been not long ago while the pleasure hell of her mouth dropped down and claimed his in a deep, passionate kiss that seemed to take Dori by surprise.... Until he started responding to it in kind. From her position off to the side, she could see him thrusting back up into her, see his fingers sinking into the soft flesh of her bottom as his tension rose, but for the moment Anthriel herself was all on her own. The two were steadily humping each other towards a mutual crescendo, but if Anthriel wanted to involve herself the two were sufficiently distracted that she could do almost whatever she wanted.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel abandoned her thoughts of mischief as her lover rolled over a little and teased her chest, drawing her into a kiss that left her moaning softly. But his grip tightened in the softer moment an left Anthriel squirming slightly and gasping as he reacted to the pleasure Sanya was now heaping onto him. It was something to watch really, Anthriel found herself completely captivated by all of it, seeing Dori writhing around in bliss from this angle, but what really caught her attention, was Sanya denying him his release in a completely cruel manner that brought a chuckle from the half breed angel as she scooted out of his reach, leaving him to fend for himself after that.

Rolling onto her front and resting her head in her arms, Anthriel took distinct pleasure in watching Sanya enjoy Dori's size, and her lover's reaction too all the joy that Sanya heaped on him, even the fey surprised by the size of her lovers cock as she took him into herself. The sights, the sounds, it was marvelous in it's own way, and Anthriel found she wasn't really jealous in the slightest, enjoying the sounds of their mixed bliss with the tremors of pleasure still arcing through her body in her after glow.

She wouldn't get between them or interfere either, quite happy where she was, and willing to let her own lust cool if and when they finished, her tail lazily waving around behind her as she laid there. Anthriel was pretty sure her part in this was done, and after how sore she'd been after her first coupling with Dori, she was quite happy to just let Sanya wear him out, the sidhe seemed insatiable.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Sanya and Dori's mouths didn't stay together throughout their coupling, as after a short time the faerie pulled her mouth away and allowed their lewd moans to spill forth in full. By then their bodies were slamming together with force enough to send ripples across Sanya's softer flesh, the faerie's skillful rolling gone and replaced by the wild pounding that Anthriel had come to expect from her lover. She didn't seem to mind, however, as their sidhe host was moaning like a whore in heat as she bucked down against Anthriel's mate, reveling in his roughness just as much as Anthriel had only a few minutes before. "Ohfuckinggods...."

Anthriel could see the throbbing of her lover's shaft as it vanished into Sanya's stretched petals, and that combined with his rising moans notified her that he'd be filling the fairy with his seed shortly, and indeed after another moment of furious pounding he groaned out warningly; "Unnn... Sanya... I'm gonna..." Before he could even finish his sentence, the faerie loudly moaned; "Ohfuckyes! Do it! Gimme!" Once her last word was spoken, Sanya lowered her mouth to his and began bucking her hips all the more furiously, her breasts pancaked against his chest and his grip on her bottom tightening steadily. A few seconds later their mouth's parted again just as she dropped down and held, all motion stopping save for their mutual quivering and Sanya's head being thrown back, both of their eyes rolling up into the backs of their respective heads as faerie and dragon reached mutual climax together.

They shook together like that for almost a minute, Dori's sack shrunken inwards as his balls emptied into Sanya's clenching flower, likely pumping his potent gift right into the sidhe's womb, just as he'd done to Anthriel herself every time they'd coupled. Even after their moans died down following the conclusion of their mutual orgasm, both Dori and Sanya continued to tremble together, intertwined and still connected by the presence of Dori's cock pulsating inside of Sanya's love tunnel. Another few moments later, the faerie bit her lip, muffling the moan she emitted as she slowly slid her sex off of Dori's still engorged member, displaying that his shaft was, other than a tiny bit leaking from the tip, clean of his seed. "That was fantastic~" the faerie purred, drawing an agreeing grunt from Dori, who could do little more than pant in exhaustion.

"I think you've definitely earned a treat~" she added, giggling as Dori let out a pained groan. Glancing at Anthriel, Sanya added; "Care for that lesson I promised, or will I be partaking of dragon alone tonight?"
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

It was all fascinating to watch really, and Sanya was just as wild and reckless about fucking Dori senseless as she had been. The sight of his balls emptying into her was what set her hair on edge though, a war between jelousy that it wasn't her he was pouring his heat into, and lust pounding through her for a moment as the pair recovered.

Then Sanya did the unthinkable, she asked if She wanted a lesson, and implied that poor Dori wasn't done yet! How much more could he... Fuck it, Anthriel was in the mood for more now, and she nodded, sliding over next to Sanya. "O yes, I'm more then interested..." Still not quite believing that Dori could take any more of this, but not really caring overmuch, it was revenge for talking about her ass! That was it! Yea! Sweet Revenge!

Well, that was how she was going to pass it off anyway, and now there was a light in her eyes, a curiosity that practical begged Sanya to take advantage of it, and Dori.