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One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 46/71, PP = 71, EP = 41/148, Status = Fine

The fallen angel raised an eyebrow at Anthriel's reaction to her goading and replied; "I bore chains of forced servitude far stronger and for tighter than yours were for just as long, dear cousin~ Mine were simply of the soul and of the mind rather than ones manifesting upon my body. Why should we care for the fates of the mortals? They are weak, stupid, frightened cattle, our inferiors and rightfully our slaves!"

Her mouth twisted into a smirk, "Oh I've told you, you cannot provide what I truly desire. My purpose for speaking with you at all after you destroyed that tower is simply to satisfy my own curiosity, and nothing more~ I wondered how you had fared under Michael's generous servitude, or if you had ever developed Insight. You clearly lack the latter, and have clearly suffered by the former. I do wonder yet whether your measured response is caused by self control or merely by cowardice, as I suspect it is given your somewhat legendary temper, but I fear that's a mystery which I'll have to wait for the answer to. For now, I bid thee, adieu, my cousin~"

The raven-winged woman gave a mocking bow, and when she straightened she also vanished, both physically and spiritually. Dori glared at the spot where she'd been standing and grunted; "Bitch." Turning towards Anthriel, he sighed away the frustrations brought upon by the conversation with the fallen angel and said; "Wanna head back to my place? We're not going to be doing much else here, and I'm not in the mood to perform manual labor right now."
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel snorted at the fallen angel's words, barely keeping her indeed legendary temper in check for the sake of Dori at least. Watching her vanish, using a power she once possessed, the twisted half breed sighed. She wished she had the powers of the empaths just for that one conversation, just to force the memories of her prison upon her cousin and show her what true despair actually was. To make her live, if even for the briefest of moments, in a world without substance or reason, up or down, strength or weakness, and utterly alone. Still, she was gone and the harrowing conversation was over, even better, they were both still alive.

There was no real telling where her 'Cousin' had gone, but Anthriel figured it was probably back to Acheron, the one place she had mentioned being safe for extended periods of time... It's where she would have gone where their roles reversed...

Pondering her final words, and doubting herself for a moment, she wrapped her wings tightly around her body and landed back on the ground lightly. Hearing Dori speak however shook her from her musings and she stared at the dragon in human form as if for the first time, taking in every detail of a man. A real man, one who could hold his head high for at the very least, being brave where others would have faltered. He had not hesitated, rising to combat an unknown enemy with all the strength his current form could muster and without a seconds thought for himself. A real man indeed, and like all real men, a complete and utter fool. Feeling herself get mildly aroused, which in truth shocked her, Anthriel faced him and snapped out her wings, her tail lashing from side to side agitatedly.

"You stupid, young, scaled, Idiot!" She shouted as she stomped towards him, "You handsome, strong, brave, complete and utter fool!" She said more quietly as she got closer, snapping her arm up to backhand him with admittedly little force, her physical body no stronger then any humans. "That was for acting like a moron!" She said fuming, stepping right up to him.

Her next act shocked her as much as it probably caught him by surprise, as she ran her hands up his chest and into his hair, drawing him in to kiss him passionately, her tongue diving into his mouth without reserve or a second thought, dancing with his own as she melted against him, holding it for as long as he would let her. After several moments she drew back, staring him in the eyes with her own. "That, was for acting like a man." She whispered, holding on to the young dragon, clinging to him and breathing in his scent, hugging his form like driftwood lost in the tides as she tried to make sense of all of it. "From now on, We act and fight together. You mean far more to me then you realise Dori" She whispered into his ear.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 46/71, PP = 71, EP = 41/148, Status = Fine

Dori's face twisted into an affronted snarl at Anthriel's insults, and as she approached him he offered an angry retort; "What the fuck? I was defending you!" He was silenced by her slap, something that he likely barely felt physically but which seemed to raise a very potent sort of rage in the dragon standing before her. "How are y-" he was cut off, perhaps thankfully, when she suddenly lunged forward and pressed herself against his chest.

There was a shocked expression on his face when her lips slammed into his, but his surprise barely lasted for a second before his arms were around her back, and his rage was rechanneled into the motions of his tongue and the force with which he responded to Anthriel's kiss. There was no effort made to push her away, and indeed he held the angel pressed against his chest with another force to cause her back to pop loudly. One of his hands came to rest against the back of her head, holding her mouth against his all the more tightly while his tongue danced with hers in the space between their two mouths, the flames present within his very being so potent that Anthriel could taste them in his mouth.

When she finally moved to pull away, he allowed her to pull away only slightly, keeping his arms wrapped around her and pressing his forehead against hers. The dragon was breathing heavily, panting while gazing at her with wide eyes and a flushed face. She could feel something hardened against her belly locked within his pants, but he remained still and quiet for a moment as Anthriel offered her admission of her growing feelings for him. Finally, he nodded silently, but a moment later said in a husky whisper; "Kiss me like that again, and I'll show you what I'm really like when I'm acting like a man."
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel answered his husky statement with her body, her wings wrapping around him as their lips met again in a fevered rush, the feel. Of him pressed against her, the taste of his inner fire, the sheer passion he had shown filling her with warmth. Giving in to her lust, Anthriel began pulling at his clothes without any conscious thought, wanting and needing to be as close to Dori as possible. Shuddering in his arms, her body ached for him to make good on his promise, the feel of his manhood pressing against her screaming for attention as she moaned longingly into his lips.

Unwilling to break the kiss on her on this time, all the confused and aroused angel could do was shake and groan in his arms, her inexperience showing in her confusion as to how to proceed. "Show me" she whispered, panting heavily, eager and willing to continue right where they were, not caring about anything other then Dori in her arms and the fire of her lust burning through her veins.

Time seemed to stand still for her as the, moment dragged on, her fingers pulling at the. Fastenings of his breeches, and pulling his clothing from his body with or without his help. Flushed and frenzied with her desire, unexpected as it was, Anthriel ground her body against his own, mewling softly, her hands clinging to his shoulders, feeling his body against her own fully, the light touch of her feathers draped around him, her breasts pressed against his chest as she almost literally tried to absorb him with her very being.

Regaining control of herself, she blushed heavily, her flower moist with her own arousal and her need to be taken by the man before her. "Im... I'm new to this... what should I do?" She asked Dori shyly, her own assertive nature pushed away by the way in which her maidenhood had been stolen, her naturally dominant posture gone for this moment as the normally proud angel turned her gaze away and submitted to anything Dori wanted of her, unusually vulnerable.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 46/71, PP = 71, EP = 41/148, Status = Fine

When Anthriel went in to resume their desperate kiss, Dori did as well. The result was that their mouths met with so much force that it hurt a little, but the dragon who's arms were wrapped around her didn't seem to mind at all. For a long moment they were locked together like that, their lips pressed together and their tongues tangling together in between their mouths. As she clawed at his clothes, Dori ran his hands all over the body that he'd been staring at for the better part of a day now, but unable to touch until now. The hand of the arm wrapped around her waist reached down and grasped Anthriel's bottom, cupping her rear in his palm and squeezing her soft backside. At the same time, his other hand slid up her front between them, treating one of her breasts similarly while she continued to claw at his trousers.

The brief parting of their lips in which she whispered a command to show her what he'd meant was responded to only by a growl as Dori took the opportunity to rip his shirt off over his head. A moment later his pants surrendered to her clawing hands, dropping around his feet and exposing his hardened manhood. Just as naked as she had been up until that point and wrapped up in her soft, feather wings, Dori's groping became a little bit more insistent while the hand on her chest fell away to grasp at her hip, pulling Anthriel closely against his chest while his tongue invaded her mouth more aggressively.

Their second parting caused a brief pause in the action as Dori seemed momentarily at a loss for what to do, and Anthriel got the impression that he was as inexperienced in this sort of thing as she was. He snapped from his stupor quickly, however, and responded in a husky growl; "Hold onto my shoulders." The very moment that she had placed her hands onto his shoulders, Anthriel would feel herself lifted from the ground as if she were as light as air, Dori hooking his arms under her knees so that her upper legs trailed down his sides and her flower was hanging next to his cock. As he easily supported her weight, Dori once more hammered his lips into Anthriel's, kissing her deeply while he attempted to shift his hips so that he could finally complete the act, and with her arms on his shoulders and her wings wrapped around his back Anthriel would find it easy for her to keep a firm hold of her lover's body no matter how hard he rocked into her.

It took him a few tries, but if she felt a whim to do so Anthriel could help position his rod against her petals, either using one of her hands or her agile tail. Regardless, once his engorged member was pressed against her entrance, Dori managed to get himself under enough control to slide into her sex fully. He was bigger than the demon who had forcefully taken Anthriel's maidenhood, and a good deal harder too, but her arousal allowed him plunge all the way into her depths with only a single thrust. He moaned aloud, into the air if she broke the kiss or into her mouth if she held it, as her soft folds wrapped around his manhood, her inner walls forced to stretch to take all of him, but the discomfort that Anthriel experienced was comparatively minor against the pleasure and fulfillment. Only once she had grown accustomed to his girth did Dori pull back and start to thrust up into her sex, his entire body coiled like a spring with tension and his teeth gritted to avoid letting out any sounds, as if he was ready to break and start rutting into her at any moment.
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Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel immediately did as she was told, locking her arms around Dori's neck and giving a squeak as she was lifted into the air, clinging to him for a moment before calming down and squirming a little to get comfortable and moaning into his mouth as their lips met again, his manhood pressing against her as he tried to reposition himself to complete the deed. To say it was a flash of inspiration would be a lie, it would be far more apt to say her tail acted entirely on its own as it curled up and moved his rod into position, the evil little demonic thing anchored to her tailbone giving her a helping hand, so to speak, and helped him finally push into her hungry flower, her petals stretching to accept his impressive girth, her body too in shock to really respond as she whimpered into his ear and her entire body tensed in both pain and pleasure, her back arching as her inner walls spasmed around him.

Thankfully he stopped and let her get used to him, because she needed it. Her second lay in her entire life, and the only one so far on her terms, was with a goddamned dragon, which the average person would have probably thought was insane... And for a moment, so did she, her mind reeling from the mix of overwhelming sensations as she shuddered against him, locked to his form as her breathing deepened and she squirmed, her tunnel still clenching around him as she sought out his lips again.

As Dori pulled back to thrust up into her with impressive strength, his hips slamming up into her, she cried out in pleasure, her bliss and surprise given voice for the first real time as she tried to buck against him, not able to move much as she was still latched to him like a lamprey and not letting go any time soon. Their bodies became one in an almost literal sense as they took each other in the open without a care in the world, Dori lost in his desire and Anthriel trapped in the same, locked in pleasure as he made good on his words and Anthriel just tried to hold out. She turned out to be surprisingly sensitive and in a few minutes she screamed as she threw her head back, her juices gushing around his length and with that powerful release, her timid attitude vanished. Her fire was back, her will was hers again, and she was no longer the vulnerable and to be honest, frightened creature that had thrown herself on him.

As she kissed him this time, he had the pleasure of feeling just how strong her soul really was, like kissing lightning, her hips now slamming down to meet his own as she adjusted her legs and her soul reached out to his in a very literal sense. As she had tasted his fire, now he felt spirit that pulsed through her body like liquid light, without form or color, begging for direction, eager for guidance and wrapping around his own soul and embracing it in a way that he would have trouble truly describing for the rest of his life, their essences literally becoming one for a the duration of their joining in the most loving sense that could occur.

Even in the short time that she had known him, Anthriel knew as her soul touched his own, that here, his body joined with hers, was someone that would stand by her for as long as he could, and she would him and with that revelation, he received a taste of how long she really had been alive, in one place or another, the pain, the bliss, the servitude and the glory, everything it meant to be both angel and human in a single being pouring into him as she screamed again in utter ecstasy, giving him everything she could and asking nothing in return, only wanting for this moment to last into eternity as she her body shuddered and her voice cried into the distance in pleasure and they both enjoyed a joining far more complete then either of them had dreamt or expected...
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 46/71, PP = 71, EP = 41/148, Status = Fine

Dori kept up his slow but powerful thrusts, causing Anthriel's body to shake every time his hips slammed into hers, right up until the angel came. The moment that her hips started bucking in time with his motions, her folds sucking him as the added tightness squeezed out a wave of her sweet juices, Dori seemed to enter into a wild frenzy. Where before he had been gentle, when she started bucking her hips onto his shaft he started hammering up into her with so much force that her entire body shook with every thrust, and the thrusts were coming at two or three per second.

At the same time that Dori and Anthriel mated like wild animals, their essences combined together, dragon and half-angel becoming one in both body and soul. As she showed him her age, and the anguish of her long imprisonment at the hands of her angelic relatives, she experienced the comparatively innocent confusion that the young dragon had experienced upon learning of his supernatural heritage. As she experienced first hand the light of her very existence, granted by her divine heritage, she felt the natural fury and pride given to Dori by his draconic heritage, given by his mother who was known as the Devastator and his father who was known as the Tyrant.

Their strenuous pace of their lovemaking was impossible to maintain for long, Dori's superhuman stamina counterbalanced by their rapid pace of their lovemaking and the zeal with which Anthriel's soft inner walls clamped around the dragon's manhood. "Ah... Anthriel!" he gasped softly just as his rod hardened and began to throb inside of her, his eyes tightly shut and a look of pure ecstasy upon his face as he pounded into her with redoubled ferocity, causing her to reach rapidly towards another peak. Seconds later, the final phase of their union was completed as Dori hammered himself up into her sex one last time, driving his rod all the way into her pussy and howling with pleasure. Liquid fire poured into Anthriel's body, Dori's potent gift filling her in a series of spurts that almost felt like a constant stream as it struck against the walls of her womb, the orgasm that his climax brought up in her only causing her folds to milk him even harder.

When the two of them came down from their mutual orgasm, their spiritual essences separating as Dori's seed came cascading out of her sex, squeezed out around the dragon's thick length. He was panting heavily, his burning breath heating her already flushed skin as it brushed across her cheeks. He was still hard as a rock even after filling her to the brim and beyond, and he opened his eyes once again to gaze into hers, his desire undiminished. "That was... Amazing... Ready for round two?"
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel's fervour appeared to be a match for Dori's raw power, but part of her worried her body wasn't. Still, as he hammered into her with a speed and strength that literally took her breath away, she shuddered and redoubled her own efforts, matching his pace to slam down into him with every motion, desperate for the release, lost in the pleasure and one with Dori in body and soul...

With her body tensing and quivering even as she moved, her flower clenching powerfully with every backstroke, eager to return the pleasure she was receiving, Anthriel was surprised as he sped up again, the angel unable to match his pace, simply bouncing with every thrust now as he plunged straight to her limit with every motion, the heat building in her core and spreading throughout her entire body as her muscles tensed and spasmed and she shook in his grip, her wings and arms holding him with every ounce of strength they possessed as he took her.

It was like riding lightning, lost in the power and the force of his lovemaking as she came closer and closer, squirming and gasping, her breathing heavy and labored until she arched her back, throwing her head back as he slammed up into her, impaling her as what felt like liquid fire poured into her core, making her scream in bliss as his potent seed flooded her womb only to fill her to the brim and spill around his length, her inner walls pulling and squeezing, milking his throbbing length for every drop as she shuddered and howled in ecstasy, trapped at her peak only to come down slowly, her inner walls still spasming around his rock hard member as she panted and gasped, staring at him with a mix of hazed glee and surprise, the pleasure delectable as she slowly started to relax... Until he asked for round two.

At the mention of another ride, her body painfully sensitive from the first, she felt her tunnel clamp down on him like a vice and she moaned lewdly, kissing him as she slowly began to roll her hips, moaning into his mouth as her tongue danced with his, theirs souls once again seperated, her own digesting all of the information his own had shared about his heritage, his parents, his shock and confusion and the pain in his existence for being an outcast by birth.

Bucking her hips against his own, she stopped, shaking only to release him and slide his engorged length from her slit, more of his seed running from her flower as she turned and dropped to her knees in front of him, her back to him as she layed her front down, wings splayed along the ground and thrust her rear into the air, her tail lashing from side to side excitedly as she waited for him to take the invitation, her tail playfully swatting at his hands when he came for her, her body bared to him, eager to feel him take her again, her appetite as insatiable as his own for their joining, to feel heat and bliss flood her body again and overwhelm everything else.

Shaking on the ground, still panting softly, her tail annoyingly teasing and swatting at him until he did something about it, Anthriel let him do whatever he wanted, her mind still hazed over with lust and pleasure as small tremors ran through her body, making her shudder and gasp softly...
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 46/71, PP = 71, EP = 41/148, Status = Fine

Dori groaned into Anthriel's mouth as she started rolling her hips onto him, apparently ready to take her again just like that, but when she pulled off of his he pulled away from the kiss and glanced at her. Upon her indication, her allowed her down and then groaned with lust at the sight of her on her knees with her ass in the air. Quick to follow her down, Dori grunted irritably as her tail swatted at him when he moved to line himself up. The lustful dragon wasn't one to take that sort of teasing so lightly, not when she put on a display like she was doing by bending over like that, and he roughly grabbed her tail by the base with one hand and used it to pull Anthriel backwards onto his cock, impaling her once more.

With how heated they both already were, Dori wasted no time in tenderness for their second round. Using her tail like a handle, the dragon started pounding into Anthriel vigorously from behind while his other hand shifted back and forth between smacking her on her upraised bottom and holding her by one of her hips. His balls slapping wetly against her sensitive jewel with every thrust, Dori started knocking away at Anthriel like a wild animal as he let out a series of low groans and grunts, once more assuming the dominant role in their savage lovemaking.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel grinned as she felt her tail swat at him and kept him at bay for a moment as Dori followed her down, the fact that she knew he was behind her and why making her bite hire lower lip and moan softly, right up until he seized the base of her tail, and she learned something new about the appendage right before she was savagely impaled again, and Dori learned something new about the tail.

As soon as he tugged on it to draw her back onto his length, Anthriel's inner walls clamped down like a vice and she arched her back, gasping breathlessly as a bolt of pleasure shot through her entire body, something so close to an orgasm that it may as well have been. As he shoved himself into her now exceedingly tight slit, she immediately came, screaming loudly in bliss as the angel clawed at the ground, her whole body shaking as he started to pound her like an animal, his hand never letting go of her tail, and therefore never letting her come down as he literally held her at her peak for the moment. There was no buildup for Anthriel, just wave after wave after wave of ecstasy as the climax just continued, leaving her twitching and gasping as her hips rolled on their own, her body now entirely out of her control as she layed there and he took her.

Something in the back of her mind told her stopping would probably be good, but she was having none of it as she continued to moan and cry out in pleasure with every thrust, her muscles locked around his girth with all of their strength as he used her tail like a handle, each smack to her rear sending another extra ripple of pleasure through her body, and the only thing providing a small break in the tidal wave of pleasure she was forced through. There was no spiritual joining this time, only the carnal lust between the two of them and Anthriel was going to be more then sated by the time this was over as her eyes took on a slightly hazed expression and rolled back a little, her wings twitching on the ground to her sides and her whole body shaking.

As excited as the angel had been about the moment, she was still no match for Dori's endurance it seemed, and all she could do was stay where she was and let him use her, her body aching to be filled again even as her mind broke in the forced bliss and her body took over entirely, holding her where she was, riding the wave to exhaustion and beyond it, refusing to give in until the very end, whenever the hell that was going to be. She was going to be useless for a time afterwards, and probably sore for even longer, if she could walk at all, which was starting to look questionable....
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 46/71, PP = 71, EP = 41/148, Status = Fine

Dori's moans and thrusts each adopted a fevered pitch as he discovered the sensitivity of Anthriel's tail, the added tightness of her sex around his length causing him to begin throbbing even more quickly than he had last time. All too soon his rapid pounding into her and her own return motions earned Anthriel exactly what her body craved, as she felt another wave of Dori's potent seed pouring into her womb as yet another climax tore through her. Unfortunately, the string of orgasms and the overall roughness of their coupling had left her almost completely exhausted, and after he pulled back and out of her a flood of their mixed fluids came streaming out of her abused pussy.

Dori sat back on his legs as their bodies parted, panting heavily while Anthriel's entire body twitched. She was slow to recover from her second time, likely courtesy of how rough Dori had been, and her body was gradually becoming more and more sore as she came down from her sexual high.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel was beyond screaming in pleasure as the coupling continued, Dori pushing her past any limits of endurance, abusing her body with the sheer power of his own until she felt another wave of heat flood into her and she arched, howling in bliss before collapsing on the ground, shaking and mewling softly as her body showed the signs of the strain. Sore and quivering as Dori pulled back, she curled up, only barely awake as she recovered slowly.

After several minutes, the stiff and battered angel slowly and unsteadily rose, twisting and stretching, her wings that last as they reached out to their full span and flapped experimentally until she shakily rose a few feet into the air, not trusting her legs to carry her very far.

Looking at Dori and blushing, she giggled and winked at him before lazily flapping her way towards the spring, even her tail drooping a bit as she moved, knowing the dragon was following her. If they reached the stream unimpeded, and Anthriel really hopped they would, given the state of her appearance now that she thought about it. She was glad her hair was short, although she was certain it looked a complete mess, nevermind the blood, and the fluids dripping from her and staining her thighs, she would flop into the water and set about cleaning herself completely, running her fingers gently through her wings as she dipped them into the water, dislodging the dirt and any dried stains that the pristine feathers had somehow accumulated.

Staying pretty quiet this entire time, Anthriel finished cleaning herself and then languished lazily in the water, sitting on the bank and relaxing, letting the water help deal with the soreness of the joining as she looked at Dori. "Feel better?" She said with a soft chuckle, flicking water at him. Although her demeanor was lighthearted on the outside, she secretly worried for Dori... She hadn't expected... To share quite so much, and not very much of the 5000 years of information jammed into his soul was very pleasant. Hopefully he would get it in bits and pieces. But one thing was for certain. He was now the one being in existence who knew more about her then anyone, hopes, fears, dreams, nightmares, pain, joy... All of it had been freely given to a man she had met less then 2 days ago. Maybe that was the joy of finding that rare person you could trust implicitly, to simply and truly unburden yourself for once and share that kindness with another soul. As she lazed on the bank of the stream, she pushed and pulled her wings, creating small waves in the water as she pondered his short life and the intensity of it all, not wanting to waste such a precious gift.
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Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine

Dori watched Anthriel raise herself off of the ground with a slight smirk, and then rose to his feet on slightly wobbly legs in order to join her over in the creek. They bathed together in relative silence, though the dragon's eyes never roamed far from Anthriel as he cleansed himself of gore and their mixed love juices. When she chuckled and spoke, he responded in a low, smooth voice that bespoke his current satisfaction; "Yes... Much better." There was no trace of any distress over the reception of her memories, not yet at least, and he completed his washing well before she did thanks to his lack of wings to clean. "You ready to get back home? I could use a nap!" he said as he rose to his feet, the shakes largely gone from his limbs.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel groaned a little as she rose with him, nodding. "Yes, a nap would be nice" She said as her legs continued to shake and her body and mind both cried out for sleep after that little experience. Snapping her wings out and flinging the water free of the feathers, Anthriel hovered into the air again, still to shaky to walk and too sore to care, floating a foot or so above the ground. She felt at peace, completely, which was shocking to her, and it showed, the mask flaking and peeling away in pieces of tarnished silver that littered the ground under her. Touching her face with a smile, she still glared at the chains that wound from the collar to her wrist. She was recovering, but whether she would make it back to what she had been completely was still uncertain. At least now the weight of the mask that had enshrouded half her face was gone and it was more comfortable then the alternative.

She didn't think about it too long to be honest, her only real thoughts at this point being sleep, and sleep was good. Floating along in a haze, she gently lowered herself to the ground and tried walking instead, having to droop a wing over Dori's shoulders to stay on foot, which conveniently let her walk very close to him. She hoped they got there soon, her eyes were already starting to droop.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine

(Also, Anthriel gains a mutation. :p )

Dori watched the mask slowly vanish from Anthriel's visage with a look of shock, but then settled back as she seemed at peace with the changes. When she landed and wrapped a wing around him, Dori wrapped an arm around her lower back, and the two walked closely together all the way back to Dori's house. They found the place empty, both of the dragon's adoptive family members gone out for reasons unknown, and the exhausted pair went into Dori's room, shut the door, and then were left to climb into bed together. Dori pulled off his clothes again, having hastily dressed before they left the stream, and then climbed into bed and awkwardly maneuvered into a position that would allow him to hold Anthriel without causing discomforting her wings.... Somehow.

Regardless, the two of them were out in minutes if not seconds unless Anthriel attempted to stay awake for some reason. When she awoke, an unknown amount of time later to the sounds of someone moving about just outside the door, as well as the wonderful smell of something being cooked. Dori was still asleep next to her, though if she looked in his direction she would see him smiling. The room had no windows, so it was dark regardless of the time of day and such information was impossible to glean without climbing out of bed and exiting the room.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel laid on top of Dori in the end, slightly off to the side, her wings splayed across the bed like a feathery blanket as she took a moment to kiss him one last time before sleeping, enjoying it far more now that her face was free. As she murmured something barely audible, she slipped straight into sleep, an dreams... In the first of several, she lived Dori's life from start to finish, completely digesting all of the information he had given to her during their joining in a single dream, feeling his joys and sorrows, and the power of his heritage first hand, truly knowing the glory and pride of being a dragon before her dreams took a far darker turn.

Standing there, shackled as a child staring at Gabriel in confusion, and at Michael in abject terror as she was cast into purgatory, a decision they had apparently reached at great length, and was never fully explained to her. As she fell through a hole in reality unending to become trapped in a white cell with no door, only 4 walls, a floor, and a ceiling of the most perfect colour that it was impossible to truly tell where one ended and another began, she wept in the corner, her mind breaking after years of utter and complete solitude, before reforming again, aging alone and helpless, cut off for what was later told to be hundreds of years, only visited occasionally and struck deaf blind and dumb whenever she was, knowing the searing pain of having her flesh branded and the collar bonded to her soul, of screaming with no one to hear until her voice and will broke, to rebuild themselves again, and to break again, the cursed sound of those voices only coming through her own screaming after the worst of her physical pain had left her crippled near the end of her incarceration... "Has her hunger been broken?" "Who knows, she will show us in time..." This was all she heard before pain wracked her body again and she retreated into herself to whimper pathetically in her cell, dried blood caking her flesh around the tatoos and from the ring of the collar which continued to bore ever deeper and drinking parts of her soul, stifling them with pain and misery on a level a mortal couldn't imagine, the cycle only starting again before she was released and set among her fellow divine. And even then the torment never truly ended. The healing alone from such an ordeal was a century in the making and the full recovery... That had never happened. She walked among her fellows and felt the askance gazes and whispered words, how the others would part around her and leave her as alone as she had been in the cell. She had stopped trying to reach out eventually, becoming nothing more then the twisted ball of pain and hatred that nestled in her soul, only Gabriel ever showing her kindness, and on rare occasion during her teaching and training. She had been completely robbed of her childhood, and her innocence long before her rape in the tower. And as she walked through the nightmares that plagued her as if the wounds were fresh and bleeding again, she wept in her sleep, silent tears that shimmered with a soft white glow, as if light itself had been trapped within them. She had never been told why, or what that snippet of conversation meant, the only response for the single time she had asked being a look from Michael that dared her to ask again, to give him the excuse he needed, and that look haunted her still, the eyes of someone who would relish her death, who thought it just and right, who thought your very existence was an insult to his own, and it had terrified her into silence, never asking about any of it again, not even of Gabriel...

Shaking in her sleep, Anthriel was forced to relive her entire nightmare from start to finish without mercy, everything as clear as it had been before, and with a gut wrenching certainty before she snapped awake, that something was very, very wrong, that she had every reason to be terrified, and that something was coming, something that struck a chord of fear and hatred in her that nothing could ever hope to match...

She awoke suddenly as she rolled out of bed, hitting the floor with a muffled fwump as she landed on her wing and hissing in pain, her body covered in a cold sweat and the dream refusing to shake free for several minutes as she laid there, eyes wide, breathing heavily as if she had just flown across the continent without break, the soft glow of her tears staining her face, her body and mind prepared to fight or flee at the slightest provocation before she finally calmed down, and quietly rose to her feet. In the end, it was the smell of food, and the presence of other people in the house that shook Anthriel from her shell shocked torment, and if Dori had awoken, which she fervently prayed against, she would turn her back to him to hide her tears as she struggled to quickly dry them.

Moving to the door, she remembered to cover her body with her wings and touched her face, remembering that it was Dori in the end who had freed her from the beginnings of that mask and smiling softly, drying her eyes and stepping out into the rest of the house, burying her pain for now to rejoice in the company of others and take her mind off of everything with other people and a good meal.
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Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine

Dori stirred when Anthriel tumbled suddenly out of bed, taking a moment to awaken but then staring at her with bleary eyes. Even fresh from sleep the dragon could not miss her glowing tears, and he awoke quickly as propped himself up. "What's wrong?" he asked softly as he reached out a hand to touch her, "Bad dreams?"

If she still proceeded to the door, Dori would follow her only after dressing himself once again, and despite her attempts to cover herself Anthriel didn't miss the quick glare that her lover's adoptive mother shot at the naked angel. Kari was sitting at the dinner table, fidgeting, and she blushed slightly before averting her gaze. When Dori came in, he was unlucky and took a scathing glare from both women, though he didn't seem to notice as he stepped over to a chair and sat down. "What's for dinner? I'm starving!" he asked, and his mother somewhat stiffly replied; "Pork and turnip stew."
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel gave a slight jump and nod when Dori came awake behind her and she failed to hide her tears. Tears... It had been so long since she had cried... Turning, the halfbreed helped him up out of bed and gave him a hug, holding him for a moment before kissing him gently and letting him get dressed without a word, simply taking the time to get herself under control and letting the pain fade for now, feeling safe again in Dori's arms for the moments she was pressed against him and breathing deeply while he dressed.

As they left the room and the other women there, his mother and sister made their apparent distaste shown, Anthriel opened a wing and shielded him from the glares as if they were physical blows, even if he showed no real reaction to their judgements. "If you blame anyone for this, blame me, and at the very least, trust me to watch over him as I trust him unquestioningly to do the same." She said quietly, addressing "Mom" more then Karie, although Anthriel gave her a look just as piercing. Even though Anthriel smiled softly, and her gaze was soft, there was something unsettling about her eyes. Lowering her wings, Anthriel lowered her wing and left the house and walked outside, floating up to the roof again rather then impose her presence on the family, whispering to Dori as she left. "I think they'd like a chat... Best do so."

Sitting up at the roof and watching the sky again, Anthriel waited for Dori or for the situation in the house to sort of resolve itself, not wanting to cause any friction between the family. She was also pretty certain Karie was going to come out and have a chat with her if the mood struck her, and this allowed her to address Karie privately away from Mom and Dori. Part of her knew this was probably going to happen. Grinning and shaking her head, sighing softly, Anthriel chuckled and simply relaxed, the clear sky calming her nerves.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine

Dori's mother blinked in surprise at Anthriel's words, and then blushed and averted her eyes in shame. "Oh don't fret over it dear... Only a motherly thing.... Someday you'll understand..." Dori and Kari both looked at the angel in surprise as she rose and excused herself, and Dori only managed to reply to her with a blank, "Huh?"

After that, she stepped outside and rose up to the roof, the evening sky displaying a myriad of colors as the setting sun reflected off of the clouds. It was a beautiful sight, filled with fiery orange and brilliant gold and even a bit of bright pink where the creeping darkness of night met the sun's rays, and it was peaceful. Save for the occasional formation of birds flying off to their Southern nesting grounds in anticipation of the coming winter and the slow movement of the clouds under the constant push of the upper air currents, the view was still, and the lands around her were silent and peaceful as well. Whatever argument occurred inside of the house beneath her, Anthriel caught none of it.

Her wait wasn't long, and a short while later Kari came out and looked around for her, glancing to the side of the house, and then the stream, and then finding her on top of the house. "Dinner's ready! Come on down and get something to eat!" she said, and then waited for Anthriel to come down with her arms crossed and a friendly smile on her face.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel watched karie with mild amusement as the girl looked for her, finally finding her on the roof. Hopping down, Anthriel smiled back at her politely and wrapped her wings around herself before heading inside for dinner and sitting down, not mentioning anything about herself and Dori for the remainder of the meal, simply listening.