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To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Perhaps every time he awoke in this bed, he would only feel worse. Finding himself awake in the bed he found so familiar, recalling the time before was almost nostalgic, a good feeling compared to now. There was no reason to get up. There was no objective to pursue. In his mind, he already knew how his allies fared. He saw what happened to them. He knew what he had almost done to Samarta with no logical reason behind it. It was just outright crazy, and inhumane. Twice, and in such short time, that odd evil overtook him and drove him to do something awful. The only true comfort was the thought that everything could have went so much worse. Even then, it was hard to call it a comfort, as even if he saw Samarta simply killed on the spot, that would somehow be a slightly better outcome. She survived to have been savagely raped twice, and he let Krovika down as well as Inka and the gruffs. In the end, the angels had to come and save him. In the end, Bakan was useless. He made no difference, led his friends to be raped, and then nearly killed Samarta with his own hands.

Laying there on the bed with his blurry vision, Bakan only stared at the roof above him, and remained silent. His one life objective he set out for was to protect good people from suffering. Time and time again he failed. During the demon invasion he was beaten until near unconsciousness and laid there defeated while watching a village woman he'd come to know be raped before his eyes, pleading for the help she was promised. He never saw her again, and he dared not face her family. Then, during the alien invasion... There was simply too many, and he was tasked with defending a farmer's daughter. Still, he failed. The daughter's parents tried to kill Bakan with naught but a shabby kitchen knife in their grief as they joined with the phantoms that haunt him now. Defeating the Demon Lord of that tower was his one true accomplishment, and his only one. He rode on that, filled with newfound hope after crying in the very tower he destroyed while trying to keep all of the grief in his heart in check. He ignored it for this long, thinking he could hold it, but beyond the kind village girl and the farmer, there were so many other faces he knew who were lost to suffering. He didn't want to see any more. There was no point in continuing onwards if this would be the result every time. Before he'd let himself become lost to the madness and depression he locked away in his heart for so long...

'I'll end it. This is the one thing I can truly do to prevent suffering. Before I hurt someone like Samarta... I'll end it all.'
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine?
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine?

Krovika: HP = 70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine?
Daryl: HP = 60, PP = 39, EP = 61, Status = Fine?
Jeff: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine?
Stephano: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine?
Ogg: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine?
Garakaius: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine?
Billy: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine?

After sitting as still as a statue for a long while as Bakan wallowed in his self hatred, Selenia's head slowly rotated in his direction, and upon seeing that he'd awakened she adopted a soft smile. "Ahhh, you're finally awake! I almost started to think that Castiel's diagnosis was off, or that your concussion was worse than he'd said. How are you feeling? I healed what I could, but there's only so much that magic can repair without letting your body do some of its own work," the angel asked quietly, making every effort to keep her voice low by all appearances. Bakan could hear other people speaking outside, their voices low and muffled, but the spirit of it seemed to be good natured and friendly rather than the quiet morbidity that might be expected given what he'd lost consciousness to.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Her information that he was healthy and in need of some natural recovery made little difference than if she told him he was going to die of some disease or wound. Without answering her immediately, Bakan rolled to his side, facing away from her. "Why was this bed given to me when there are surely others who deserve it more?" he asked coldly. As he moved, he felt his wing. It was still featherless, a grim and depressing sight that looked to belong more on a corpse than anything among the living. "All I did was watch..." Bakan said, those words making him cringe with an intense pain in his chest. "... I have no reason to lay here."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Jeff: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Stephano: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Ogg: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Garakaius: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Billy: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine

Bakan's words caused the angel across from him to roll her eyes and sigh. "Oh, don't be so dramatic!" Selenia blustered lightly, turning her body to face him and then standing up to come toward him. She gingerly lowered herself into a sitting position on the bed beside him, "Nobody else took a tumble down one hundred feet of what amounts to solid wood and chunks of rock~ Everybody else is completely fine, and Krovika and Daryl have already left! They couldn't stay long, so much to do Krovika said... But she told me to tell you; "Don't you dare whine about me when you wake up, this ain't shit." Or something along those lines!"

Reaching up, she brushed her fingers over Bakan's cheek for a moment, before shifting away and retrieving his glasses, which she placed onto his face firmly, allowing him to see in detail again. "Samarta, Inka, and your little cadre of goatmen have all been loafing around waiting for you! Thanks to you killing that red alraune, Samarta didn't even end up having any seedlings like Krovika did!" the angel said brightly, again reaching out to brush her fingers lightly over his cheek. "Your debt to Castiel is fully repaid, so you needn't worry about that. Mine on the other hand..." she trailed off and smiled wryly, before continuing in a hushed voice and mischievous tone; "You can call upon me again for that... When you're ready."

Leaning forward, she kissed him on the forehead, just as Ashloriel had done so many times before, and though she wasn't quite as curvy as his adoptive mother, Selenia's choice of clothing ensured that Bakan had a no less ample view of the angel's cleavage. When she pulled away, Selenia stood up and said; "Come on out, everyone's waiting to see you!" Of course, it would take very little movement before Bakan realized that he was naked beneath the bedding, though whether or not he bothered to rectify that was left entirely up to him.

Once outside, he would find all of the companions he'd gone to face the primordial god with assembled outside, taking turns playing a game involving throwing rocks at a piece of wood with some scrawls on it, save for Krovika and her mount. They all turned as Bakan and Selenia walked out, their reaction varying slightly depending on whether Bakan was clothed or not but warm and glad nonetheless. "Bakan! I knew you'd be alright bro!" Jeff said happily, coming forth to engage Bakan in a hug regardless of whether or not he was wearing pants at the time. Faeries tended to not notice those sorts of things very much. The other gruffs crowded around as well, though only Stephano actively sought so close an embrace, Ogg, Garakaius, and Billy each content to simply clasp Bakan's arm unless he went for more. Samarta and Inka, on the other hand, were somewhat less used to him being naked despite that they'd certainly seen it all before, but they were still quite happy to hug him anyway. Inka's skin, formerly the standard green of her kind, had become a deep dusky red, almost identical to the coloring of the leader of the alraune that had been causing so much trouble save that it was a little bit darker. Her hair was the same vibrant blue as before, however, making a sharp contrast to the coal black that that other red alraune had had, and her eyes were the same bright forest green as before. Along with her skin, however, her body had changed a bit, her curves filling out a good bit more beneath her leafy clothing than he remembered. Samarta, on the other hand, was completely unchanged from how he remembered her, showing not even a single sign that she'd ever left her cottage with him. "It's good to see how up and about! How's your head feeling?" the naga said, her voice tinged with genuine concern.

(Gain 2 exp for the fight before the boss, another 2 for the fight in which you summoned Krovika, and 2 for the fight that took place before that in which I also forgot to award you exp.)
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

The course of events to follow were not as dark as Bakan had come to think, and it began with Bakan being told that he was in fact the one who had it worst of all. A large number of emotions coursed through him at that moment, and so quickly that they didn't even have a chance to show. First was sheer outrage. To suggest that he was the one who truly deserved this the most? And after what he had seen? Next came doubt. Bakan's mind was easily impressionable, and so even sturdy beliefs were easily shaken by suggestion. To wonder if all his feelings of watching them suffer... Were simply him misunderstanding? And then, pure confusion, just as he was told that Krovika was impregnated. She had such a thing happen to her, and it was nothing? Wasn't such a thing a life damaging event? Then, he came closer to a conclusion. After having experienced what it was like himself, to be violated in such a way, and by women of all things, he learned the pains of it, and of knowing what spawn would come as a result of it. He didn't have to bear the children himself, but the guilt of knowing was a pain on it's own. Now, he saw those around him, Inka having a spirit invade her, and Samarta having such a huge thing shoved inside of her...

It made him wonder, was it not that he was too weak to protect those who were weaker? Or was he the weakest to begin with? For them to come out from such a situation as they were, the very idea of it left him feeling as if his whole world as he thought it to be was completely fake and built upon ignorance. The idea that women had such 'strength' of both body and mind was something he had never thought to be. He had always wished to be the guardian of peaceful lives, especially for those like innocent women, so that they would be shielded from the evils of the world.

'Was I about to kill Samarta out of sheer ignorance?'

Bakan never thought himself intelligent, but the true impact his mind could bring struck him harder than the fall itself, from the top of that plant. Harder than the hellfire he endured in that tower. At that point, some tiny feathers began to grow back, but they were a wild display of varying colors, representing the chaos that was going on in his mind, a jumbled mess of confusion. Then, as she began brushing her fingers along him, his small, growing feathers turned gray, a neutral gray. To be touched by this angel, who claimed to have been with him since he was little, in Ashloriel's form, gave him mixed feelings. When she leaned forth, and kissed him just as Ashloriel always did, the action went straight to his heart and he wondered just how many times did she kiss him just like that while posing as Ashloriel. Even more, he wondered if Ashloriel ever kissed him like that... Then, suddenly, he had to know if the sweet, motherly woman he loved so much since youth was never Ashloriel to begin with. The thought alone weighed heavy.

Urged to go outside, Bakan felt an eagerness to have all that he thought proven untrue. He'd fetch whatever cloths he had handy, minus the armor if that was also present, before going outside and being treated to something that left him confused. The gruffs gathered around him, hugging him and generally welcoming him, glad that he was okay. The fact that he was the focus of worry was completely beyond his realm of belief. It wasn't just Selenia saying it, it was true. Bakan was slow to return the hug, before Samarta was before him as well. "I just... I don't..."

'I just don't understand,' he wanted to say. But, with Inka hugging him, he turned his head, and looked at her directly. Friendly, happy, and smiling. Bakan trembled a bit, before he grinned wide, tears streaming down his face as he wrapped his arms around everyone as tightly as he could, his tears now acting as a liquified symbol of his relief. "I'm fine! Everything's fine!" he announced loudly, hugging everyone to himself, before his wings suddenly flourished out, as if with pride. They were pure white once more, and even shining in the light.

'I swear, I will never lose faith in my friends strength again.' he promised himself, before looking off into the horizon, and thinking about 'them'.

"Selenia, can I make one more request?" he asked. "Can you bring Cory and Rhep back from where Castiel took them? If you can't, that's fine... I just owe them an apology."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Jeff: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Stephano: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Ogg: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Garakaius: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Billy: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine

(Bakan wouldn't know that Selenia had posed as Ashloriel while looking out for him. I'm preeeetty sure that she never came out and admitted to shapeshifting into Ashloriel since I told you that out of character and Bakan had never seen Selenia before, and there were gaps in which Ash wasn't around long enough to account for earlier statements.)

A general gasp of surprise came from those around him when Bakan's wings suddenly erupted in pure white feathers once more, coming from everyone save for Selenia, who didn't seem surprised in the slightest, and Inka, who seemed surprised but was apparently still mute. When he turned to the angel and made his request, however, she frowned and seemed regretful to say; "I'm afraid that I can't. It's not a matter of your outstanding debt to me, and more a matter of having no point of reference by which to reach them. I've never met either of them, and Castiel told me while you were out that they'd already left Therion and started down the road South, so I wouldn't even know where to start looking. He seemed to think that they were coming to look for you in a place that they expected you to be though, so you'll probably have your chance to apologize soon enough."

The angel fell silent, and that was when Jeff suddenly piped in; "Oh yeah! That reminds me, we pulled this out of the plant's body!" He walked over to a rock and flipped it over with one hand, revealing a large, slightly tarnished crimson stone... Which was absolutely huge, larger than any that he'd ever seen. It literally pulsed with magic, and even seeing it caused Selenia to scowl and take a step backwards away from it. "Castiel told me that you needed to give it to someone, and that Cory and Rhep knew where you'd be taking it!" the gruff supplied brightly, gesturing to the thing and then pulling out a gigantic leather sack, which he unfolded and held out to him as he said; "So we made this for you to carry it!"

As Bakan would recall, he had come to Manmere Marsh in order to pacify the alraune and their kin, and offered 50 denarii to kill the serpent that had been plaguing the villagers as well. Given that he knew that Samarta was that serpent and that she'd actually been helping the villagers, he likely wouldn't be receiving that money, but he could still collect the 50 denarii from the village itself if he so chose. An attached note to the bounty flier had promised an additional 300 denarii for bringing the Darkbrain, the massive stone that sat before him, to 37 Brightearth Plaza in the city of Cheydin, which was to the Southeast of the marshes. Cory and Rhep were undoubtedly heading there, the half-demon having undoubtedly guessed that he would head there once he finished defeating the plant-kin, showing their faith in his ability to deal with the situation. If he wanted to collect the bounty for killing the red alraune, he would have to talk to Elder Davinforth Mc'Kinnon in the town.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

(My bad, the fact that she said she watched over him mixed in slightly with the ooc statements, but he still knows that she watched over him, and the kiss, in my opinion, would make him want to ask Ashloriel of the relationship between them. If that's not acceptable, let me know.)

Bakan trembled, but just for a moment. He wasn't going to break the promise he made to himself the moment after making it, though it took all of his effort to quiet the worry in his heart for their safety. If they got hurt during their travel south, his apology would not be enough. Despite keeping himself quiet about it, he felt a pain in his chest over the sheer worry that wanted to erupt and consume his thoughts. He took a deep breathe, and nodded to Selenia, but the worry was hard to hide. "I don't know when I'll be ready to repay you... I honestly think it might be a long time from now, for me to truly be ready... My heart has been feeling weak as of late. Rather, maybe it was always weak, and... Perhaps I just tried to make my body tough to try and shield it." he chuckled softly.

Suddenly brought the darkbrain of the plant beast. Before him, the heart of that monster, Bakan felt rage reawaken inside of him. Rather than take it for any reward, his first desire was to destroy it right then and there. That certain darker part of him threatened to swell up however, and so Bakan calmed himself, and used the leather sack to contain the evil stone. "Thank you, Jeff... Thank you, everyone." Bakan announced, looking to all of his friends. "I have to hurry and go to my friends. I can only have faith that they'll be safe when I get there, but faith alone isn't enough for me... So... Inka, Samarta..." Bakan rose his head to look at the two of them. "I don't know how to say how sorry I am for troubling you so much while returning the favor so little... But I have to leave and hurry to ensure the safety of my friends. If they get into trouble, I need to hurry... I'd sprint the whole way there if my body could handle it..."

Bakan let out a sigh before smiling at the both of them. "If this is your home, then I understand, and I'm sorry that I'm unable to make it up to you. But... I could maybe repay my debt to you if you came with me. I'll do anything in my power to make it up to the both of you."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Jeff: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Stephano: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Ogg: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Garakaius: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Billy: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine

(No worries, I didn't make it very clear when we were derping about it. Twas a simple misunderstanding.)

"That's fine," Selenia replied, smiling and waving off Bakan's assertion that it might take him a while to work up the will to repay her, "You need only call for me on a lonely night, when your heart aches for comfort.... And I will come to assuage your pains."

When Bakan thanked those around him after being presented with the massive crimson stone, Jeff encapsulated the feelings of those around him by brightly saying; "You're welcome bro!" Inka, upon Bakan's apology, looked mildly confused, while Samarta shrugged and replied; "You weren't any trouble really. In fact, you actually made things better! The local alraune have all been pacified now that their leader's dead, and their more dangerous relatives have been pretty depopulated." Inka frowned at the naga, and Samarta seemed to notice it instantly as she glanced at the red alraune and shrugged, "I know they're related to you, but you aren't always around to tell them to go away!" Turning back to Bakan, she continued; "The only thing that I'm worried about now is the town. They might send a hunting party after me if we don't prove that I didn't have anything to do with the alraune attacks, and I could still be in trouble for all of the collateral damage that I caused when I was trying to keep the alraune away from them."

Pausing, she glanced at Inka again momentarily, and then looked back to Bakan, "I spent a lot of time wandering around before I finally settled here... I don't know if I'm ready to up and leave just yet." Again she paused and glanced at Inka, who had an apologetic frown on her face, and upon seeing that Samarta let out a soft sigh. "...But I guess we'll find out, since Inka wants to go with you. Jeff and his friends have offered to take care of my house while we're away, so I guess we're going with you," the naga concluded, but then adopted a sly smile and added; "This means you'll have to provide my energy all by yourself though~"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

That made things worldly different. The invitation to call upon her when he is feeling lonely or distraught? In light of that, some part of Bakan wanted to call for her right then and there. However... That was hardly a repayment when he would benefit from it so much. Bakan didn't feel it right to be issued her 'request' and only benefit from it more himself. The time would be right when he could face it with a stoic attitude, and focus on meeting her request. Even then... The moment she kissed his forehead in such a way that it connected to his past so closely made him find Selenia's relation to his own life something of a mystery. It brought a certain anxiety, and a great many questions came to mind, and he knew that answers would not come easy, if at all. However, the strongest point that caused him discomfort, was the kiss. He wished he could tell himself it was just some bizarre coincidence, however, Bakan's heart would never agree. That kiss was something he associated with an angel he had come to love, and now links were breaking and trying to reform to this new angel... A woman Bakan would claim he had never met before.

Then, came Samarta's words of encouragement. Before the later bit about them coming, Bakan felt he had to make his feelings known. "I was of absolutely no help. The thanks belong to Castiel and Selenia... All I did was call for them, that's it. This whole experience has only gone to show how weak I truly am. I just..." he sighed, letting his shoulders slump. "I need to get stronger, or at the very worst, everyone around me will die and I'll be unable to stop it... I'm truly..." Bakan's fist clenched into a tight ball, as his wings flashed black for a moment. "... Truly sick of losing when it matters most." he said with a low growl. "Sometimes, I really do wish I had the power to destroy something in the blink of an eye, no matter how terrifying it may be. A simple wink... Wouldn't it be that simple? In a single moment, that plant, the wicked soul, everything... If it all vanished, and no one was touched..." Bakan chuckled, letting his tension go, knowing he was only imagining himself holding that power and playing with the fantasy of being so powerful. "The reality of it is much more disappointing."

Turning back to Samarta and Inka, he smiled softly. "Don't worry, Samarta. One day, I promise to return here with you and help you make peace with the people of that town." he promised, before looking to Inka, and suddenly bowing to her. "When I failed to alert everyone of the worst possible event, and exposed you to that, Inka... Apologies would only be a pathetic waste of your time as an attempt to make amends for that. Instead... I want you to know how truly grateful I am. Between the two of us, you're truly the better, for... Suffering through my blunder... I respect your strength." Bakan said, his tone as serious as could be, as in his mind, Samarta was of a status so far above him now, that he might as well be a worm. He still worried for her after suffering through that, but to stand like that and still seem like the same kind Samarta after going through what she did... Completely left Bakan in utter awe of her.

"I will do anything you wish, Inka. Please, I want to know of a way to truly make up for my awful mistake. I'll do anything, even take my own life if you asked it now. I want... I want to somehow make better what I've done wrong." he said, trembling a little as he spoke, as he felt pathetic enough to cry while on his knees before her, and recalling his massive failure.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Jeff: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Stephano: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Ogg: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Garakaius: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Billy: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine

"Would they have been here if you hadn't called them?" Samarta said casually during the pause in which Bakan slumped his shoulders, but then looked somewhat alarmed as his wings flashed black and he began to speak in a low growl. "Down that road lies a very dark path, Bakan Jeru.... Do not pursue it," Selenia interjected, her voice icy and lacking entirely the teasing mirth that she'd expressed previously, and if Bakan looked to the angel he would see a dark violet glow emanating from her once silver-grey eyes. "Such power would destroy you in ways that you cannot begin to comprehend. All that you have ever been afraid of would come to pass. Do not seek it. Do not wish for it. Do not even dare to imagine it, or it will open the way for evils beyond your comprehensions..."

Seemingly finished, the glow faded from the angel's eyes, and a moment later she blinked several times and adopted an annoyed look. "I hate it when that happens! Prophecies are always so bloody melodramatic," she said lightly while everyone continued to stare at her, which after a moment prompted her to sheepishly add; "It's an angel thing.... Don't worry too much about it! They're usually vague and scary and needlessly roundabout." Samarta stared at the angel for a moment before muttering; "Right...." Turning back to Bakan, she flatly said; "Everybody gets that way sometimes, but violence usually isn't the best solution unless it's the only solution. I'm sure we'll figure out a way to get the people of Manmere Marsh to leave me alone at some point. Maybe we could stop there on the way out of the swamp? It would keep anyone from wandering into the swamp trying to find me."

Inka, when he turned his attentions to her, looked increasingly perplexed the more he said. She'd waved her hands and shrugged while holding a sheepish smile when he apologized for failing to warn them of the danger that had resulted in her changed coloration, and then flashed a brief but bright smile when he compared her favorably to himself. She waved and smiled reassuringly when he offered anything to repay her for his failure, though a brief scowl crossed the alraune's face when he mentioned taking his own life for her. "That surely won't be necessary Bakan!" Samarta said quickly, "Inka's all recovered from what happened after you killed the leader of the alraune and the angels showed up, but I'm sure we'll find ways of making you work for us if you really insist!" Glancing aside for a moment, she looked back at him and added; "Maybe we should get going though, if you're worried about your friends. Unless... You still feel too weak to travel?"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

As Selenia looked to Bakan with violet eyes and spoke her warning, Bakan already knew everything she said to be true. The certain misfortune to follow should he follow such a path... But when he could do nothing to begin with, and the misfortune of his friends were sure to follow due to his own weakness, Bakan didn't see much of a difference, though he thought better than to speak his mind about that. However, the prophecy bit had him staring too, mostly in disbelief. That bit about the prophecy followed right after, so the prophecy was about him? That was something he found hard to believe, but then again, the way an angel could pick up on things was often strange, or at least that was the impression he got from Ashloriel. Though, it seemed everyone was still entirely concerned with him regardless. He didn't feel comfortable being looked at like someone who needs to be taken care of, and his own condition was always the least of his worries, even if one or more of his limbs were broken.

He felt a little ashamed as well when he received the scolding glance from Inka. "I just wanted you to know how serious I was," he said in reply, and such was the truth. "I made a horrible mistake that could have left your soul in a horrible way..." If it hasn't already, Bakan thought to himself. Ignoring the part of him that always worried was an immense chore on it's own. "And I want to make up for that." he said simply, before standing. "I'm more than fit to travel, so stop worrying about me." Bakan said firmly, sounding annoyed due to the amount of care being given to him. Of course he was bothered, he wanted to be the one asking everyone that question, but knew what the answers would be. Being asked if he felt too weak... Bakan sighed, and wondered just how undependable he seemed as he nodded. "That's a good idea, let's go clear your name if it means no one will foolishly get hurt in the wilderness trying to find you." he said, before opting to lead the way. If this was Samarta's cabin, then he'd know the way back.

But first, his armor and hammer, as well as his pack. He needed those.
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Jeff: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Stephano: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Ogg: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Garakaius: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Billy: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine

With that, there was little left to do but say their temporary goodbyes. "I'll be seeing you again soon enough, Bakan Jeru~" Selenia said, and then gave Bakan another eerily familiar kiss on the forehead before vanishing with a sound akin to fluttering wings, leaving behind only a puff of white feathers that floated down to the ground before vanishing as well. The gruffs issued their separate goodbyes with varying degrees of warmth, Ogg and Garakaius retaining their warrior's reserve while Stephano and Billy hugged him tightly. Each promised to take care of Samarta and Inka's residence while they were away, and offered their services if he ever needed warriors to fight by his side. Inka and Samarta gathered their own things while he returned to the bedroom, once more donning his armor and taking up his hammer, both of which looked to have been cleaned while he was unconscious. Putting his pack onto his back, Bakan stepped out to find Inka and Samarta still busy, leaving him to wait idly for a while as they fretted about, vehemently refusing any attempt he made to help them get their things together.

Some time later he set off, the naga and the crimson alraune in tow, towards the town sitting in the midst of the treacherous swamp. He only vaguely knew the way back from Samarta's cabin since they hadn't found their way all the way back to the town, but between him and his two companions they found their way eventually. Along their travels they spotted a number of alraune, albeit in groups that weren't nearly as large as those they'd been found in when they'd been under the elder god's control, and those that even took notice of them waved in a friendly manner to him and Samarta while looking to Inka with a fearful glance. She didn't seem bothered by it however, as she never lost her smile along the way, and eventually they reached the town just as night was starting to fall.

There were guards posted, and as they broke the treeline he saw a large tent erected in the center of town, its walls also guarded. The first person to spot him approaching with Samarta and Inka ran off to the sheriff's office, and a few moments later he came forth with four other men behind him, each of them carrying a rifle. "Hold it right there!" the man whom Bakan would remember as being named Alexei, and who had kissed Cory and Rhep on the hand back when he'd last been here. He was also the captain of the town guard, and while he and his deputies didn't quite point their guns directly at Samarta and Inka, they were pretty close to doing so. The two women, both capable of magic that could likely have brought down the entire squad in seconds, both scowled in their own ways, Inka frowning worriedly while Samarta gave an annoyed look, but held up their hands in a peaceful gesture. "How in the hell did you get both of them to just.... Follow you into town? Did they just give up?" he asked incredulously, while the people around them gathered, some armed and others just concerned or curious. Bakan noticed the woman who'd run the potions shop standing in the entrance of her shop, her eyes fixated on Samarta while she held a look of deep concentration.

All things considered, the reaction of the town was fairly unfriendly, but not yet outright hostile. He had just apparently brought a pair that they'd thought were terrorizing their town right into their midst, though they obviously lacked the details of what had happened out in the swamps. Samarta's word likely wouldn't be trusted by the townsfolk, but his was still viable given that he'd brought them in peacefully. Inka still couldn't talk.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan winced at the kiss, before tensing up. Just how many times would she kiss him like that, he wondered with slight annoyance. He shook his head. The concern didn't change. Either to Ashloriel, Selenia, or both, he'd try to find out the truth. But before that, he had to say his temporary goodbyes to his hairy friends. He gave each the respect and reactions he was given, but he did them all with a kind smile. It was a grin of a sort that he used not quite to convince others that all was well in his heart and mind, but rather, Bakan was aware of the power of suggestion. Bringing himself to smile like that and act as though he was happy brought no pain and was a welcome distraction from what troubled him. Sometimes, it was convincing enough for him to forget... But it never lasted forever. Soon enough he'd sink again and be suffocated by his worries. At first thought he wondered too if it was a mental illness, but there were logical explanations for it. It wasn't insanity acting as the root cause. The insanity that formed was a bud that sprouted from the true roots.

If he was the hero he truly wished to be, then this wouldn't be a problem of course. Even the confident acts and flourish of his cloak were all mostly to boost confidence within himself. It backfired harshly. The immediate concern of the true failure wasn't so much about him. Bakan could recall moments where he truly messed up, such as when he lost track of his hammer, the gift from his father. At that point, the only one suffering was himself, and it certainly wasn't as big of a deal as this. He didn't feel depressed. Even when he made such a blunder as not being careful over a high place, and nearly falling to his death. He did fall, but he lived. It was okay, because in reality, Bakan didn't care about himself at all. The body that he possessed and the soul within it, he could see death coming and face it calmly. He was even the type of person that would smile if it meant that his death would benefit good people. He'd even save death the trouble of taking his soul away, and others the trouble of burying his body. It wasn't a tragedy to him. If it benefited them, then he would treat it as casually as giving a gift.

But he never thought about the possibility that his death would bring others trouble. Only recently has he begun to consider it, and still, he'd like to ignore it. He truly didn't like 'the hard way', and killing oneself for the happiness of others is something like performing the simple press of a button for success to him. Still, he thought about it on the way back to the village. All of his objectives clicked into place...

"I have to live. I have to become stronger, but living and becoming strong isn't enough... My happiness and well being is important to others too." he thought, before Bakan groaned openly, no doubt causing confusion for the two walking with him. "Protecting myself too while protecting everyone else while trying to be happy all the same no matter what happens... If I was as strong as father, I wouldn't need to worry about all this. I could crumble an alien tower as if it were made of paper and make everyone happy, then it wouldn't matter if I was unhappy or if I was not well... No one would know."

With that, Bakan thought to his adoptive father. He wondered what he was going through in all his time. It seemed that even if you were almighty, you can never truly escape the troubles and worries of life. But that in itself brought another worried conclusion, that there was no way to truly succeed. The idea that you couldn't truly ever have the best outcome made Bakan feel quite bad, but then again, what was the reason he didn't give up entirely? Seeing Inka's smile helped him realize why. To expect a flawless result was asking for too much to begin with. Bakan realized that he was the kind of person to fawn over someone, especially a girl, even if they got something as minor as a scraped knee. Sure, it hurts, but such wounds heal, even if they become scars. They'll walk again, and they can look forward to many good memories... Hopefully; though, that line of thinking brought him to another sigh. There would be some cases that could not be helped. A scratch might turn into a deadly infection, and they might never know happiness again.

The uncertainty of it all was what truly made Bakan feel ultimately powerless. He couldn't decide the course of fate on his own, nor the good and bad happenings of those around him. Fate could be so cruel and he would be unable to stop it, but now it was no longer about them, now they looked at him, and he saw reflections of his own worry in their eyes. His objective became much harder now, perhaps even impossible to wholly succeed in. In light of that, Bakan knew what he last resorts were, and he questioned how good he would be at making the best of the worst situation. In short, he knew the answer was quite negative. He knew that despite how much he could train his physical body, his heart and mind were still like that of a child... Still hung up on that day, all those years ago... He never found the strength to move forward. That's when the need struck him once again, that request he made to Ashloriel.

"Help me find my brother..."

Before that memory could complete, which was for the better for it to be interrupted, a man was shouting him to stop in his tracks.

And it was him, the man who flirted with Rhep and Cory in such a casual manner. Somehow, Bakan was overcome with the powerful urge to mess with the man's head as he barely stopped himself from taking on a

"Why, yes!" Bakan answered suddenly, before extending his arms outwards as if trying to express how casual the act was. "You have no idea how much fun I've had these past few days! These two are the nicest people in the world! There's just sadly misunderstood, you see. For example, the 'terrible' and 'awful' fire serpent you got me so worried over." he said, before walking over to Samarta, putting an arm over her shoulder with a smile, before pointing at the gathered crowd. "When all those fires occurred, as I came to find out, it was the work of a different villain, who was trying to frame her! It was a conspiracy!" Bakan shouted, before holding his hand out to the crowd. "This woman was actually a friend of those victims, and the criminal knew this, so they burned them and their houses, knowing who everyone would decide the culprit was! Why..." Bakan wrapped his arms around Samarta, embracing her warmly and petting a hand along her head. "Can't you feel this poor, innocent woman's pain? Being falsely accused of her actions due to the act of some criminal? Ever since that day, she's been out there, secretly protecting you!" he announced, deciding to mix truth with fantasy. "So, I want you to understand... This woman's name is Samarta, and she is your hero!" he boasted. "BUT!" he held his hand out to the crowd. "The only payment she truly desires from you all, is friendship. So, I beg of you, look over the misunderstanding, and give this poor woman the friendship her heart's been longing for ever since being treated as your enemy."

After saying that, he came over to Inka, before putting a hand on his chin, walking as if he was a detective analyzing a crime. "After I found out Samarta's innocence, then came another problem, such as the violent alraune and who their leader was. Given that the supposed leader stands before you now, why isn't she attacking, you might be asking yourselves. And I see that many of your are on edge over seeing the suspected villain standing before you! HOWEVER! Keep in mind, that we were dealing with a villain of the most clever nature." Bakan announced. "What if I told you... That this woman was a prisoner, and the villain was an imposter who posed as her?" he asked. "Think about it, certain things don't add up. I don't know how much contact any of you had with the villain in question, but did you ever hear the red alraune ever speak? If you did, then there's your proof right there, because, I have news for you... This red alraune... CANNOT SPEAK!" he shouted. "The villain did something awful to her that she dared not even write to me about, I watched this poor woman break down into tears, begging me to clear up this misunderstanding and defeat the villain so that she, as well as Samarta, could come to this town and prove their innocence."

Then, Bakan smirked. "Needless to say, I found the villain... And I defeated her with the aid of my friends!" Bakan said with a wide grin, putting his arms over Samarta and Inka's shoulders. "It was a hard battle, but you see... It was to clear the names of these two girls and rid the evil villain's influence over you all, for you see..." Bakan paused for a moment, wondering what to call the villain. And he needed a good name for a proper villain...

"The evildoer was an alien who introduced herself to me by the name of ENIGMA!" Bakan shouted. That sounded like a pretty common evil name, and he hoped they'd buy it. Admittedly, he was having a little fun right now, even though he kind of felt bad for not being serious about this. "It was her plan to turn you all against each other, and the next stage of her plan was to place further imposters in your town, and create a situation where none of you trusted one another! However... You don't have to worry about that anymore!" he said with a smile. "The evil Enigma that plagued your town is no more, and is no longer able to use her mind control effects on the alraune with the aid of their shared thoughts. Go on, we can all step out of the village and wave to the now peaceful alraune! Whatever you get attacked by next, it is likely not to be an alraune! They're peaceful now." he nodded his head.

"With that said, I am hungry beyond belief! Can I get something to eat?" he asked with a big grin.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Jeff: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Stephano: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Ogg: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Garakaius: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Billy: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine

Bakan's initial response was enough to take the people around him somewhat off guard, and that included both Inka and Samarta as well, though it was possible that his proclamation at having fun was what caught them by surprise rather than the announcement of their innocence. His explanation, the further he went with it, only seemed to cause the townspeople to become more and more incredulous, and they certainly didn't seem to be dropping their guard despite the reassurances that he laced within his fabricated version of the events that had taken place in the swamp. His creation of a villain named Enigma certainly didn't seem to fool the sheriff, but a few of the townsfolk at least looked as if they might believe him, though by then Samarta and Inka were starting to look very nervous. They each shot him an annoyed look at one point or another, Inka when he said that she'd broken down into tears and begged to him and Samarta when he mentioned that the red alraune that had plagued the town couldn't speak.

"Now wait just a minute here!" the guard captain said after Bakan announced that he was hungry, treating the issue as if it wasn't finished, "I've heard the red one talk plenty of times! A lot of us have! And if, uhhhhh, Samarta there was so benevolent, why'd she burn down the Cotter's farm!? Their son died in that fire!" A lot of accusatory looks were shot the naga's way, and she adopted a look that bespoke sadness and shame in response, and after a moment she quietly replied; "It.... It was an accident... I was trying to help them! The alraune were attacking them, and I just.... Things got out of hand! I didn't want anyone to get... Hurt. I'm sorry!" The sheriff scowled darkly at the demure snake-woman, and spat; "That's not good enough! That you didn't mean for it to happen doesn't make that boy any less dead, and that you're sorry doesn't do anything for the people you hurt! Maybe you were trying to help, discounting this knucklehead's nonsense, but you still did a lot more hurt than good!"

He turned to Inka and simply glared at her for a second, but rather than saying anything to the demure alraune he looked back to Bakan and continued in a similarly angry tone; "Maybe some of that yarn you just tried to pass over us is true, since these two aren't being violent, but I don't know what yer trying to pull by it. Whatever your scheme is, and whatever happened to those two girls that went with you, I don't rightly care. The alraune haven't been a problem for the last few days, and if they haven't by tomorrow I'd say you've earned the bounty money. If you want it, stay in town. I'll bunk you in the prison, no locks. You want food, you can pay for it over at the Dancing Kobold like anyone else." With that he turned and simply walked back inside, the deputees all giving Bakan and his group an annoyed stare before following him inside. The other townspeople dispersed, giving Bakan and his companions as wide a berth as possible, but he would notice the potion shop woman looking incredibly relieved for a moment before she darted back inside.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan sighed at the man's reaction. He just turned and left after he was done too, and after saying something so outright cruel. Bakan was trying to keep light spirits after all that happened, but the attitude of the townspeople weren't helping. Any worse and all they'd do was instigate further conflict with the alraune, so he was thankful they were willing to sit and wait to see if attacks continued instead of doing something unneeded. "To talk of my own nonsense and then mention a place named Dancing Kobold..." Bakan groaned, something was silly about that name, as silly as his own story even. "I don't intend on sleeping in a prison, especially if it's close to that guy." Bakan said outright. "Come to think of it, I don't honestly care for the bounty money either." he said, before looking to Samarta. "If you'll forgive me for the false story, I'll be thankful. I honestly didn't want to tell the whole story and remind myself of the whole ordeal that I barely survived through. I just wanted to think in a more positive direction." he said with a sigh.

"So... I don't want to stay here." Bakan said flatly. "Rather, I'm thinking of my time with the alraune. There were other victims as well. If you want to stay here Samarta, since this is your home, then I will return for you. I plan on looking for those who were caught and returning them here, if they haven't already. I'll also have to scrounge up something from the swamp to eat... Since I was hoping for a free meal..." Bakan said, counting his denarii in his head by instinct as a means to save money.
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

"Ehhh.... I guess we can forgive you for it," the naga quietly replied as she glanced at Inka, who nodded. Looking back to Bakan, Samarta continued; "But next time you try something like that... Try to make it more credible. That was.... Even if that had actually happened, I wouldn't have believed it without some sort of proof."

She glanced at Inka again when Bakan asked to leave, and again the alraune nodded. "Yeah, I can't say that I'm comfortable staying here either.... Too much bad blood and too many bad memories. Hopefully it'll clear up in time, since we dropped off all of the captives that we found after the fight in the outskirts of town, so we don't have to go looking for anyone out in the swamps. If we're not staying in town, we might as well just get on the way to getting to your friends. Inka and I can scrape together enough stuff for a meal while we get out of the swamp."

If Bakan was alright with that plan, the three of them would depart from Manmere Marsh. The going was slightly slow since they paused regularly to gather some of various things that they found, like berries and mushrooms and the like, but they wouldn't let Bakan have any of it immediately. "Wait until dinner!" Samarta said sternly, and would hear no argument on the subject if Bakan attempt to make any. As such, their journey had only just taken them out of the swamp by the time night fell, despite that they'd been moving longer than Bakan had taken to get there with Cory and Rhep. Thankfully, no alraune intercepted them this time, and unless Bakan tried to push them to move through the night Samarta and Inka helped him make camp however he'd allow, though the naga wouldn't allow Bakan to cook, saying that she wanted to improve on her self-described abysmal cooking skills. Soon enough a meal was made, a pleasant stew with a salad to go with it, which Bakan found to be quite tasty and filling despite the naga's apparent distaste for it.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan couldn't agree with her plan more to continue on their way. He was happy to leave the marsh, and a part of him felt happy that Samarta didn't want to stay either due to the bad feelings. Sometimes, even if it was for a petty reason, it felt good to have a comrade when expressing personal dislike. For which, he was thankful. He was grateful as well for their forgiveness. He wouldn't try to justify what he did other than for selfish avoidance of the memories. In truth, he felt himself going back to a time when he would tell his brother make-believe stories about monsters and something great he accomplished whenever his brother wasn't looking. They were all lies, but Idian was the only person who ever believed them. It felt so happy to turn the boring woods around their cabin into a land of adventure and fantasy. At this point, he wondered how his life would have turned out if his parents hadn't been killed. He definitely wouldn't be here, most likely. However, that's not to say his whole experience has been a continuation of that nightmare, after all there were... Certain things to appriciate, he knew, while idly spending a moment watching Samarta's bust sway as she slithered along the ground. His stare didn't last long before he chided himself and placed the credit where it was truly due, which was Samarta, Inka, and Ashloriel's kindness. Speaking of Ashloriel...

'I really want to see her again,' he thought to himself. The discomfort from before with Selenia had never left, and he wanted to know more than ever about the truth. He had never seen Selenia before that moment, at least not with that appearance, so how had she seen him? Was it an altered appearance? Did she watch from afar? Everything was suddenly uncertain, and Bakan felt his heart waver constantly after the kiss. Eventually his thoughts reached 'that' conclusion. 'Was I really in love with Selenia the entire time?' he wondered, and such a thought made him tremble. All he could cling to was faith that Ashloriel was the one he felt love from, and felt love for. Moreover, an angel who's task was to have sex with her? That confused Bakan immensely. It didn't make sense. He expected a difficult task helping people, or accomplishing some victory over evil, but why was it sex? Shouldn't calling upon an angel be no minor thing? He certainly felt as if the price was extremely low, and continued to wonder why until he felt ready to pull his hair out in frustration as questions boiled up and mixed together with the knowledge that he'd share a bed with her soon... It didn't help that he was so uncertain about Ashloriel either, so the knowledge that he was about to experience intimacies with Selenia made him shudder at the thought that he was about to have sex with the woman who his heart belonged to.

'I don't even know who I'm in love with... Somehow, I think is a new milestone of stupidity for me...' Bakan thought to himself, beating himself up for the whole trip while they collected berries and the like. Just as Samarta requested, he didn't eat the berries. Though her comment on her cooking made Bakan laugh. "If you are any worse than me, you would be something amazing." he said lightheartedly, before assisting them with making up their camp for the night. Bakan offered to make the finishing touches to the camp, performing his natural habit of scattering what he called noise makers about the camp. They were no tool, just whatever he could find that would make noise once stepped upon. Twigs, leaves, even pebbles could make noise under the right situation. Once he was satisfied with his weak attempt at defense, he came back to the camp, and had a sample of what Samarta had to offer, before gesturing in surprise. "Delicious!" Bakan announced, and it was truly better than any abomination he created. Nine times out of ten, he'd burn whatever he was cooking. "I hope you made seconds!" Bakan laughed, before he showed his appetite that built up over time as he began to scarf down the food like a starving beast, eating the food as if he only had under ten seconds to do so.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Samarta blushed slightly at his compliment, but glanced into the pot and said; "There's still some stew left, but we're out of salad. You can have it if you want." She gave him a sly smile, and shifted her posture such that her ample bosom was a tiny bit more prominent, "I have other treats to indulge in later~" If he glanced aside, it was possible that Bakan would notice Inka giving him a blank look.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan happily leaned forward with a smile to gather more stew. "I'll be happy to indulge," he said, before taking some stew and eating that as well following his first serving. While eating, her note of being able to eat other treats later perked Bakan's curiosity. After swallowing a mouthful, he blinked at Samarta. "If you have other treats, why not share?" he asked, wondering what delicious thing Samarta may have hidden. His mind first drifted to a sweet. Perhaps sweetbread, or something related to honey. Those certainly sounded good.

The blank look from Inka brought those thoughts to a halt however. Looking back at her, if nothing happened, Bakan would stare back for perhaps an amount of time that would make the situation awkward, before he had to make an inquiry. "I... I was wondering... Why can't Inka speak? If I'm treading on a bad topic, I apologize..." he said carefully, worried for Inka.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Samarta blushed and chuckled at Bakan's response to her suggestive comment, glancing at the blank looking Inka once before looking at him with lidded eyes and replying; "Oh, I was certainly think of doing so... Inka's never had it before, and I think it's long past due that she received such a treat~" When he brought up the alraune's muteness following an extended staring contest with her, the blush upon both women faded slowly, and Samarta adopted an introspective look and shook her head. "Oh it's not something that causes us any discomfort," the naga said softly, frowning, "I honestly don't know why she can't speak. "

Inka, for her part, simply shrugged and shook her head as well, prompting Samarta to add; "I met her in the swamps before I'd decided to settle there, and she was mute then. She isn't deaf, just mute, and I've never been able to figure out why. I'm not much of a healer though, so there are definitely more qualified people to try and figure out why she cant talk." Inka shrugged again, frowning softly and then pointing to her throat, and then to her head, and finally holding her hands up in another shrug.