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To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"Not getting stronger...? But Castiel said it would get strong enough to threaten the world if left alone..." Bakan replied, before his face went red when Samarta let one shameful thing after another slip from her mouth. Touched by Inka, and then watched during his sleep by Samarta, Bakan wondered if this woman was a lewd one, and was even so bold as to ask her himself. "You... Aren't a pervert, are you...?" he asked her slowly. Though even if she said yes, Cory and Rhep were perverts in their own ways, and yet they were loyal to him... "I guess there's nothing really wrong about... You know... Obeying your instincts, but..." Bakan trailed off, turning his head away.

That is, until she grabbed his hand. With a flush, he turned back to her, and went red in the face as she seemed to think the worst of what might have happened to Cory and Rhep. "N-no!" he insisted. "They were not taken, at least, to my knowledge... I tried to send them away when things began to look too dangerous. I do not know if they are in danger now, but... I sincerely hope they are not... I hope they stay safe..." Bakan said with worry. "This is why I have to hurry. I need to make this place safe so that I can bring Cory and Rhep back here without worry for their well-being, or at least, that was my wish initially..." Bakan looked down at himself. "Like this... I truly wonder who needs protection... I was so weak, and couldn't fight back against three mere alraune women... After all I've been through in my life, I still have nothing to show for it!!!"

Bakan shouted, and suddenly punched the bed even though it hurt him to do so. Anger began to find it's place within him once again, and the pain only made it worse. Weak, pathetic, helpless... All of these titles applied to him, and were the cage for the wild animal that wanted to be free. "I dreamed of being like my father. Whenever he is there, I feel like the problems of the world are so insignificant. I watched him destroy an entire alien tower on his own that would normally take many angels to do the same. Why can't I do that!? Why can't I be great like him...?" Bakan growled in frustration. Shaking his head, he sank into the bed. "In the end, when he gave me the hammer that was too heavy for me to carry, I think the message all along was his way of telling me to give up trying to take on such a task. While he was still great then, I struggled to lift a single hammer... I ought to die, stepped under the weight of something as great as he, like the miserable, weak little creature that I am..."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

"Who?" Samarta asked curiously at the mention of Castiel, but then she blushed and stared at him following his rather blunt question. "A... A pervert? No..." she trailed off, and after his further assessment that it was alright, she added; "But... I do have... Urges.... And sometimes, I can't control myself. I don't get to feed very often, and when we first brought you in... I almost couldn't stop myself. I'm already very low, but I don't want you to worry. So long as you're here, I won't try to feed on you."

She offered him a reassuring smile, and when he stated that Rhep and Cory hadn't been taken by the alraune the naga released a sigh of relief. "That's good, at least they're safe," she said, but then uttered a startled cry and slid back away from Bakan as he shouted and punched the bed. She was back at his side immediately after, however, and she gently caressed his face in a manner oddly similar to the way that Ashloriel had whenever she tried to comfort him.

"I don't know who your father is, but I don't think that was what he was trying to say at all! You eventually became strong enough to lift the hammer, right? Maybe he meant for you to understand... That eventually you would be strong, like him, but that it would take time?" She stared at him hopefully for a moment, continuing her caresses against his face, before backing away and releasing him. "No one will be stepping on you so long as you are here, under the care of Inka and I. You shouldn't give up so easily, Bakan Jeru... Tomorrow you'll be strong enough to move again, and then maybe we can see about reuniting you with your friends, wherever they are. For now, you need to rest, and recover your strength." With that, Samarta turned and began to slither out of the room, though Bakan could call out to her if he wanted to, as even after she vanished from sight, he didn't hear her leave the small house.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

When her hand gently touched his face, Bakan's cheeks went red. Her gentle touch, so much like Ashloriel's, put him at ease despite his upset behavior, and made him feel as if he was melting from her touch as the nostalgic feeling of such tenderness helped to ease him back down into the bed, leaving Bakan tame and subdued in the bed. When Samarta spoke, he laid in bed, silent as he listened to her. Her words of reason lit a candle to the darkness of his frustration. It is true that no great city was built in a day. With that in mind... He wondered if Matthias was ever weak? Was there once a time when even he was powerless to stop something?

'That's right... I'm still alive.' Bakan came to his realization. 'I may have suffered this, but I'm still alive! Cory is still alive, Rhep is still alive! They have suffered, but... They're so strong, while I was being so inconsiderate, they so strongly went out of their way to continue to protect me, who was so foolish... Oh, Cory... Rhep... I have disrespected you so terribly... If we see each other again, I will not be able to apologize enough.'

When Samarta went to leave, Bakan suddenly grabbed her wrist gently. "Samarta... My energy..." he began, speaking softly. "You've done so much for me... And saved my friends..." His face turned red. "... Take my energy... It's the least I can do... For you."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

Samarta stopped in surprise when Bakan grabbed her wrist and turned back to him as he made his offer. From his light hold on her, Bakan felt her shiver suddenly, and the naga's posture and expression underwent a fairly dramatic shift. A desperately hungry look came over her face, like that of a starving man beholding a feast, and her back shifted and arched, pushing her chest forward and causing her heavy breasts to strain at their wrappings in a manner that drew the eye immediately. She let out a sound somewhere between a whimper and hiss as her eyes shifted, going from their beautiful bronze to a deep, hypnotizing pitch black, and a wave of musk suddenly hit Bakan as she slithered closer to him.

Excitement suddenly coursed through him despite his body's protests, causing a small tent in the bedding under which he lay, and as Samarta drew near he noticed that the tips of her breasts had hardened beneath the thin veil of cloth that concealed them. She leaned over him, and a moment later her heavy breasts were pancaked against hist chest, and her mouth pressed against his to start a deep, sensual kiss. Though her actions were by no means any less lewd than those of a common succubus, she seemed content to start slow, flicking her long, thing tongue out against Bakan's lower lip rather than simply forcing her way into his mouth. If Bakan responded, she would gently slide her tongue into his mouth and begin to kiss him softly and sensually, both exploring his mouth and inviting him to explore hers, and after a few moments of that he would feel her hand pass over his cock from over the sheets, rubbing him lightly through the fabric and sending a mixed signal of pain and pleasure up from his abused member.

That rush was accompanied by another feeling, a familiar one that called up dark memories of the slime that had very nearly been his undoing, but like with the kiss, Samarta was incredibly gentle in comparison. It was as if a tongue was flicking out against his soul, licking up tiny portions of it and sending a shiver of a strange but erotic feeling up his spine each time. Every rub brought a small surge of this feeling, and the pain rapidly began to ease away in favor of the pleasure that her touch caused, but then, with a pained groan she suddenly pulled away completely and straightened. For a moment Samarta sat back on her tail, shivering, but then she opened her eyes to reveal that they'd turned to their natural color once more, and she quietly said; "No.... Not like this."

She gazed down at him sheepishly for a moment, working to get her heavy breathing under control, before clarifying; "Bakan... I know that you're trying to help me, and I really do appreciate that you made the offer even in your present condition, but... You're injured, and weakened, and me feeding on you would only harm you further. I can wait to feed, and if you're still willing, perhaps... Perhaps we can tonight, or tomorrow? But only after you've managed to stand on your own once again!"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan gritted his teeth as his member became erect against his will, and his mind became foggy with desire. He forced himself to endure Samarta's advances, knowing she was starving, and this was the only way for her to function in life. It was not her fault. He thought she would just attack him in her state, but gave a start as she suddenly kissed him. Her tongue seemed to so accurately find it's way between his lips, and Bakan did not fight back nor respond as her tongue slipped into his mouth. In his shock he only noticed her tongue after it was already inside his own, before he'd try to greet it with his own tongue, and welcome her tongue to it's home, albeit nervously.

When her hand touched his length, he shook underneath her, wincing from the mixture of pain and pleasure. The familiar sensation of having his soul eaten returned to him in memory, before he'd think, 'I can feel it... But she's... Different... From the others...' Bakan noticed. Her eating habits were different than the slime. But before he could feel her go any further, she pulled back, leaving him in his hyped up state as she pulled back and seemed to try and compose herself. Her words as she pulled away struck Bakan as odd. She acted as if she were doing something cruel... Though, when Bakan thought about it... Gender... Didn't seem to matter as much anymore. To her, taking advantage of him must be as difficult as it would be for him to take advantage of a horribly raped girl who was indebted to him. 'The difference between a man and a woman is much more thin than I imagined...'

"Even now, I'd be fine with it..." Bakan replied honestly. "If you get too hungry during the night... Don't push yourself... Okay...?" Bakan requested of her weakly. "I'm a lot more durable... Than I look... Heh..." Bakan laughed weakly.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

Samarta gave another twitch, but she seemed to have attained control of herself in full once again, as rather than attack him again she just sighed and replied; "I know you're okay with it... It's not that you couldn't take it, it's that it would cause you harm, and that I don't want to put you through that. When you've recovered.... I'll consider it payment for my care of you, but until you're strong again, I'll be keeping my hands and other body parts to myself."

Samarta offered him a reassuring smile before turning to leave once more, but once again Bakan could try and stop her if he wanted to. Even if he didn't, he was only left on his own for a few minutes before the naga returned with a pouch of water. "Here, have some of this and keep it near you. Loss of fluids is your second biggest concern at this point, and if you drink a lot of water it should help you recover faster," she said, handing him the pouch and once more settling at his bedside. "You said you were durable.... That makes me wonder what you do for a living, Mr. Jeru. Are you an adventurer out of the storybooks I used to read?" she asked lightheartedly as she leaned back, apparently getting herself comfortable.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

The more Samarta spoke, the more uncomfortable Bakan became with how she was acting like a gentleman treating a poor damsel with care. And given his state, he couldn't help but play the role. Even when she spoke of keeping her body to herself for his own sake, Bakan fought a losing battle against a blush that wished to form. When she left, Bakan unaware that she was returning, grumbled lightly once she was outside. "Stupid sexy snake... Acting so cool..." Bakan sighed, before closing his eyes, and seeking some sleep, that is, before she returned with some water.

"T-thank you..." Bakan said nervously. He was just continuously being treated well by Samarta, and that just seemed to further leave him like the helpless damsel in distress and her like the knight in shining armor, holding the weak girl (Bakan) in his (Samarta's) arms, and telling her that he's not going to let any harm come to her. Trying to shove that mental image out of his head as much as possible, Bakan drank the water eagerly, before letting out a sigh. Her question following her advice to consume lots of fluids made him look to her in wonder though. "An adventurer... I suppose that's not too far from the truth." he replied. "Although I'm not precisely seeking adventure... I don't want to have my name written down in history, or to be honored by all. Most of all, I travel around and try to help this land become a better place. I help who I can, when I can... It's all I can do, really." he sighed with depression. "And what is truly sad is that I fail often to give everyone that peaceful, happy place. Instead, most I leave behind are left with... Trauma..." Bakan recalled Elysia... She would likely never forget the abuse she suffered. There were too many things Bakan just couldn't fix nor help with. When all he can truly do is prevent further damage, how shameful is that, when he fails to do so?

"Sometimes... I just feel like going insane and making anyone who does such evil burn, and scream with agony... Sometimes I just... Feel the temptation to indulge in the chaos and destruction..." Bakan said, looking to the roof of where he slept with a blank expression. "But... I have to keep myself firm, and unwavering. I can't let myself simply join in the carnage."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

Samarta listened patiently, and following Bakan's explanation of his career choice and the urges he sometimes held, she gave a thoughtful grunt and tilted her head. After a moment, the naga softly said; "Everywhere seems to be in danger.... But giving up, and joining in the chaos would only make things worse. I'm glad that you've recognized as such. There's no happiness down that path, the path of anger... Not even for those that travel it. Enough souls working together can heal the wounds and see that no more are suffered, but only so long as they put forth the effort. So long as some of us keep trying to make things better, there is hope for a brighter future." After saying her piece, Samarta leaned back and sighed, before turning away once more.

As the serpentine woman once more slithered out of the room, she said; "You look tired, and you probably don't need to hear me whining... I'll leave you to your rest. Just call out if you need something." Leaving Bakan to his rest, he was able to fall asleep shortly thereafter. His rest went undisturbed, save for when his body demanded that he awaken to fulfill its functions. Samarta and Inka were constantly about, the former comforting him when she could while the latter beheld him silently and with a great deal of shyness. Eating and drinking were easy enough, as the two both fed him well and refilled his waterskin when needed, but going to the bathroom was a considerably more embarrassing affair. He was left with the choice of soiling the bed, which the other two would be forced to clean with magic, or ask them for help, as he found that he couldn't stand when he attempted to get out of bed. Falling helplessly if he attempted to do as much on his own, he was lifted between his two caretakers and taken outside, given privacy until he was finished, and then brought back in to bed. Both of them were unfailingly patient with him, and even attempted to sooth him should he become upset, though either would pull away if he lashed out in anger again.

The day passed uneventfully, and though Bakan felt his body recovering, by the time the sky outside had darkened completely he still couldn't stand unassisted. Inka had gone off to search for food, as she apparently did every night, leaving Bakan completely alone with Samarta. Though he could barely see in the darkness, particularly without the aid of his glasses, Bakan heard the naga slither softly into the room, and her voice rang out sharply into the still darkness, filled with highly suppressed but now nearly overwhelming need; "Bakan... Jeru..." Samarta sounded desperate with arousal and the inhuman hunger that spurred it, and through the dimness Bakan could make out the serpent woman's voluptuous silhouette. A chord of darkness was slowly unwinding from around her, accompanied by the sound of cloth rubbing against more cloth, and when it fell away and her busy shifted Bakan realized that the naga had removed the wrappings tied around her body.

The scent of her pheromones, intoxicating as they had been before, drew an immediate reaction from his body, and this time his erection came almost painlessly in addition to being much quicker. She stood over him for a moment more as the silhouettes, of her arms reached up, and the sound of cloth unwinding came again, briefly, before the bindings around her hair fell away as well. A long mane of spiky hair fell down, and just then a stray beam of light from the rising moon shrouded the waiting naga in soft, silvery light. The pale white glare reflected off of her shining dark hair and coppery eyes, but in the dim light coming through the window Bakan caught sight of something that forced his erection to pulsate fully to life, that of her full, massive breasts, and their tips standing at full attention at the peaks of those soft mountains of flesh. Still she waited, unmoving save for the soft shivers that ran across her body, and the adrenaline and testosterone suddenly flooding his system gave Bakan back a bit of fine motor control, allowing to move almost as he would have before the incident with the alraune had left him temporarily crippled.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

'Never in all my life did I expect to have beautiful women treating me with such care and pity...' Bakan thought to himself as he was lifted out of bed, and taken to where he could release the liquid waste from his body. The very act of asking for help was a struggle, and once they knew what he was asking, Bakan only hung his head quietly in shame. He gave no outburst, as he was struck silent by shame. 'Does it even matter if it's a private matter or not anymore...? They know what I'm doing... I feel as horrible as I would if they were just watching me do it while supporting me...' Bakan sighed, before he was done, and taken back. Such a horrible way to learn the reality of the real difference between men and women, or the lack thereof. Before he was saved, it wasn't the alraune themselves being hurt by what they were doing. So up close and personal with their true nature, they were truly enjoying themselves at his expense. That made him wonder... 'In what way do Cory and Rhep truly see me? They wanted to protect me against what I so stupidly threw myself into...'

He thought about it, and suddenly pictured Cory and Rhep as men, with himself as a cute girl with a hammer trying to be brave. 'THEY SEE ME AS AN IDIOT!' Bakan wanted to shout, but decide to think it instead and spare himself the pain. But then he noticed something about his own mental image. Thinking about himself as a girl, he hummed. '... Would I look that cu...!!!' Bakan suddenly went stiff, the pain in his body meant nothing as he was gripped with rage as he forced his mind to IMMEDIATELY alter his feminized appearance. Then, his alternate reality self became a seven foot tall woman with a mean, masculine face with scars all over that destroyed any beauty on her face if any ever existed to begin with. Imagining that, Bakan let out a happy sigh. 'Better~ Nice and ugly. That's what I'd look like if I were a girl. Ugly and mean, yup~!' he chuckled at his own fantasies.

Settling in as he thought to himself, Bakan eventually fell asleep. When Samarta entered the room, he awoke to the call of his name. "Huh... Samarta...?" he answered. Turning, and seeing her undress, he was hit with her pheromones, getting instantly erect. Quietly, he watched the moon's light reveal her naked form, and found himself taken by the pheromones she was releasing as he began to mentally lust for her body. Seeing her there, waiting, Bakan lifted up the covers a little. "If you're cold... It's warm under here..." Bakan invited her, a flush on his face perhaps visible from the moonlight for her to observe.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

Though Bakan's line might have been somewhat lacking in seductive technique, Samarta accepted his invitation regardless. With agility belied by her size, the naga leaned down and slid head first into the covers, vanishing beneath his blankets. Her form shifted slowly downwards as she descended further beneath the covers, her head meeting and passing the tent created by his cock without touching it, until the tip of her tail slipped beneath the blankets and she turned back around. He could feel her breath, and the warmth of her skin as she traveled back up his body while remaining completely submersed, slowing as she drew near to the tent created by his manhood.

Gradually, the lump of her head moved over and subsumed the one at his crotch, and Bakan felt the naga's hot breath wafting over his excited member as her hands settled upon his hips. Samarta's long, serpentine tongue flicked out, running over the tip repeatedly and causing his member to jump as pleasure shot up his spine each time. The pain faded so rapidly that, within only a few seconds of her attentions, Bakan didn't even remember that it had been present at all... And that was when the woman's mouth descended onto him in full. All of Bakan's concerns simply melted away as his manhood was sucked into the warm confines of Samarta's mouth, a wave of sensation sending him into blind bliss as the naga began to suck. The gentleness of her touch belied the pleasure that she could bring, it seemed as merely resting inside of her mouth, with her tongue coiling around his manhood, was very nearly enough to send him over the edge immediately.

Indeed, as Samarta drew back, her tongue rolling and tugging over every inch of him, it felt as good as an orgasm by itself even before the pleasure of having his spirit drained blended into the physical sensations. As tendrils of Samarta's soul blended into his own, sucking away at his spiritual essence, Bakan felt the same tenderness that he had before, but a part of him realized that, if the naga wanted to, she could suck the whole of his soul out in under a minute. As he considered this, Samarta hovered over his dick, her tongue wrapped around his length while the tip wrested in the warm wetness of her mouth, and after a moment the ecstatic pleasure eased, allowing him to think clearly once more. The way in which she hovered over him, sucking on the tip while her sinuous tongue squirmed about him, offered (or perhaps threatened) another burst of the blinding ecstasy that he'd just experienced at any moment, and Bakan knew immediately that there was no way that his endurance would take another trip into Samarta's mouth, but.... The naga seemed keen on leaving him on the edge, at least for a moment.

Slowly, leaving his rod throbbing almost painfully, Samarta's tongue unwound from around his length, and she pulled away and began to slide over his body once more. Her heavy breasts sliding up his front, Bakan soon felt one of Samarta's grasp one of his wrists, only to pull his hand to her chest as she came back out from beneath the covers. Her tail was lazily draped over his legs, but he was still able to move in full, particularly with the hormones provided by his impending orgasm, and as she pressed her lips against his, engaging in a passionate kiss, her entire body began to writhe. His member felt something warm and wet rub against it amidst her soft skin and scales, and all that it would take for him to sheath himself into her love tunnel would be a slight shift of his hips and a single upward thrust.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Curious... Very curious was he as he watched the snake woman slither and vanish under the covers. Feeling her move around, Bakan laid there and simply tried to picture where she was in his head. A few times he'd get an exact picture while most of the time he was guessing and his mental imagery vague. When she neared her head to his crotch though, his mental imagery became almost too vivid. Feeling her hands touch his hips, his hands went to embrace her own, reminded of his lessen with Cory that letting your partner know how you feel was quite important, unless you wanted them to feel as if they were displeasing or unwanted. So he rubbed her hands, occasionally running his fingers through her hair, in his mind, appreciating Samarta as much as possible.

When Samarta began to flick her tongue at his tip, Bakan twitched and made slight groans as he tensed from the slight pain he felt, though felt bewildered as that pain slowly faded. 'Gentle sex cures the pain from rough rape?' Bakan wondered with bewilderment. Such was all he could understand from what he felt from the attentions at his groin. He thought about that over and over, unable to bring to reason why her attention wasn't agitating his soreness, before his thoughts went blank as her lips swallowed whole what made him a man. Both of his hands immediately went to her head in that moment as Bakan gasped. She was so good with her mouth that Bakan felt ready to blow just from what little she did. His hands weren't rough by any means, but certainly they embraced her head and certainly they let her know how great an effect she was having on him.

When her tongue coiled around him and pulled back to thrill him with a sensation as good as any orgasm he's ever felt, Samarta would feel him tapping on her shoulder. The message he was trying to convey wasn't what she might think at first, but what was on Bakan's mind as he tapped her was, 'I give up!' And what he was doing was tapping out. Breathing heavy, Bakan felt overwhelmed to be sure, and seemingly knowing this, Samarta let his tip rest in her mouth while her tongue lightly squirmed around his length, keeping him erect with excitement. It was a welcome event when Samarta released his length from being a victim of her tongue. As she traveled up along his body, he let his hand be easily guided to her chest while his other hand moved on it's own to grab what would only seem to be her rear end. Regardless of what it was, he felt an attractive and familiar roundness to what he found, so his other hand embraced it while the one on Samarta's breast trapped her nipple between his fingers as he massaged her chest.

As worked up as he was, and having no reason to deny Samarta while having every reason to get as worked up as he can, Bakan eagerly kissed her back. Writhing against her scaly form and soft flesh, Bakan allowed himself to drown in the sensations of such contact with the lustful snake woman. Such contact lead him to feel something soft, and wet against his length. Though he did want to push up just from the opportunity, Bakan first looked at Samarta directly, his eyes inquiring her as his hips twitched slightly, the very skin of his tip pushing inside her. If she didn't deny him, Bakan would slowly bring his hips upwards.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

Samarta moaned into Bakan's mouth as he trapped the tip of her large breast between his fingers, and he found that the swell of her bottom similar to what he would have expected from a normally shaped woman save for the presence of scales on it. The naga pushed her bottom back into his hand when he rubbed and squeezed it, while also pushing her heavy breast into his other hand and against his chest, resulting in an incredibly alluring writhing motion. He felt the end of her tail curl around his leg, her grip light and not at all hampering his ability to move. The scaly portions of her body were no less soft and pleasant to the touch than her human ones despite their alien texture, and the feel of her weight pressing down on top of him and her body pressed against his was purely a comfort.

Her eyes gazed into his as he pulled away, and when he twitched his hips up into hers Samarta gently shifted and lowered herself, slowly taking his manhood into her warm, wet sex while he pushed his hips up to meet her. Her inner walls were incredibly soft as they gripped his cock, her depths easily accepting him all the way to the base as they squeezed around his shaft. She began to writhe slowly, her motions shifting to complement any that Bakan opted to make, not enough to make him cum quickly but still leaving his mind blank with sexual bliss as her velvety inner walls squeezed and released. Samarta kissed Bakan heavily again, writhing her tongue against and around his while they coupled in the most gentle manner that Bakan had yet experienced from any of his now numerous sexual partners. Every motion felt wonderful, heavenly even, and the pain left to him by his encounter with the alraune was completely forgotten. He could feel her draining his energy, but rather than the one way suction that he had experienced with the slime Bakan felt as if their essences were joining, his soul joining with Samarta's in a manner more intimate than he had experienced with anyone other than the most tender of moments that he'd shared with Ashloriel, and though she was still feeding on him, it felt less like a violation and more like a gift on his part.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

'This is dangerous...' Bakan would think as their intimate contact proceeded. 'She's really...' Bakan took a deep breath as her soft folds massaged his length, as if trying to gently treat his previous torment with her gentle caress. 'Really... Wonderful...' Bakan thought of her. He didn't think of her as being so gentle when he first saw her, given her appearance. However... He had no doubts that she'd make a wonderful wife with how well she's taken care of him, and how gentle and loving she is in bed. Though he moved his hips, he mostly only did so out of subconscious reflex. Mostly, he enjoyed the caress that helped to sooth away the bad memories and pain of the other day.

When she descended for a heavy kiss, her tongue swirling into his mouth, his tongue made it's way into her own, squirming as it became trapped within her long tongue's spiral prison. At the same time, he felt the strange difference that was her method of draining. Such a consensual experience it was, and Bakan didn't shy away from it. Instead, he willingly and gladly let her drain from his soul, embracing her where they were connected, and letting his blessing of existence flow to her. It didn't even matter so much that she didn't allow his climax. It was so wonderful, feeling her passion and gentleness.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

Samarta rolled and bucked, shifted and squirmed, every motion of her body either pulling away from Bakan or pushing back down, causing waves of pleasure to rise in tidal waves up his body even as he bucked back up into her reflexively. Every thrust felt as if he would melt away into bliss, just as her mouth had caused, but even so, Bakan could feel her inner walls beginning to tense and tighten around him as the throaty purr emanating from her steadily rose in volume. Even though every buck of the naga's hips was so pleasurable that it felt as if he were going to cum with every thrust, Bakan was held back from the edge by the slowness of their coupling for a short while. Samarta wasn't going slow anymore, however, and as her motions became increasingly wild, Bakan felt the pressure in his balls that signaled an oncoming orgasm.

There was no resisting it even if he wanted to, and even if he opted to warn Samarta the naga would only moan louder and clench against and around him more tightly. She let out a long, low moan as her inner walls clenched around him, reaching her own climax just before he did either way, and the spasming of her insides milked out what felt like every drop of semen from him as he was made to cum explosively inside of her. She continued to writhe and grind against him, leaving his length full embedded inside of her depths while he pumped her full of his seed. Their mutual orgasm also signaled the merging of their souls, becoming for the briefest instant as one as Bakan felt a deluge of alien thoughts and feelings even as he divulged a similar torrent of information back to Samarta. Though his came away feeling dim and empty, drained of much of his spiritual energy, Bakan understood on some level that he had been given something back, something more intrinsically valuable than any amount of magical power.

After the both of them came down from their orgasms, Samarta laid on top of Bakan for several minutes, her serpentine lower half curled around him as they shared their post coital bliss. They recovered after only a short while, but Samarta seemingly had no desire to move even after she had shifted to pull off of his manhood, wrapping her arms around him and smiling dreamily. The memories playing through his head were disjoint and confusing, but he received at least a vague idea of what the naga had been through in human dominated Badaria, where her very existence as a nonhuman, a mage, and a succubus to boot all marked her for death. It had not been pleasant, to say the very least of it, but she had fought through it, snatches of which he could glimpse even as the memories faded into his subconscious and exhaustion washed over him.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan moaned into her mouth as she became more excited with her thrusting, drawing out more and more of his soul. Bakan himself began to pant as the long awaiting climax began to finally be free of the restraints which Samarta had put on it. Bakan's larger balls prepared an extra helping just from how prolonged it was, while his hips began to thrust upwards, eager to squirt his spunk into Samarta's folds which milked him with such gentle sensations.

When it finally happened, and Samarta came while squeezing out his climax from his genitals, the sudden rush of memories from Samarta came as a surprise to Bakan. All of what she went through, and her struggles from the poor card life had dealt her made Bakan find it wondrous how Samarta became the kind of person that she is without resulting in a mere wild beast fitting to the descriptions the people from the town gave. Just with that tiny influx of information, fading as soon as it came to him, one thing he did remember of her.

'You're a wonderful woman, Samarta...' Bakan would now know without a doubt. The role of protector that Bakan himself had always donned in spirit, he now saw under the ownership of Samarta. A woman. Under recent circumstances, he was happy to hand the title over, and trust himself to her protection as he embraced her before losing consciousness...
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

His essence drained, his body soaked in sweat from passionate exertion, and still recovering from his ordeal with the alraune, Bakan was quick to find sleep in Samarta's comforting arms. He slept the sleep of the dead then, though his dreams were troubled by agonies that his subconscious mind was unable to recognize as not his own. The naga's memories were seemingly filled with heartache, the bright spots between the darkness rare and seemingly microscopic in the face of the horrors of the life that she'd lived. Bakan saw a familiar sight in his nightmares, but the men that came with fire and sword were not those that had slain his parents and seen him separated from his brother. They were more numerous, and they were coming for him, merciless hatred in their eyes, reflecting the flame that...

He saw the fey, beings of impossible beauty and seemingly limitless power, turning her aside for things that were beyond her control. She had wanted to learn, to understand... To gain the control that they said she lacked, but they would offer her nothing. Not after...

The aliens came. Merciless and hungry as they descended upon the tiny lakeside village that had been the only place she had ever called home. She fought, but no victory was to be had, not against such numbers, and she was taken. Her body squirmed as she was violated, and then she felt as if she were being lifted away, and she looked back to see her body still lying their, stuffed to capacity and beyond with tentacles as her soul was torn from it....

And then she was back, alive but forever changed, her soul unable to replenish itself as it had before even after she had been restored to her body by an angel's grace. Her home destroyed, she could do nothing... Nothing but run from the pain, unable to face it or bear it...

Such dreams troubled Bakan all night as he slept, processing the snippets of information that he had gained from his souls' binding with that of Samarta, but his sleep was still restful. When he awoke, the sun was shining, birds and frogs and insects sung cheerfully, proclaiming the life present in the grim muck of the swamps. Samarta lay curled around him, granting him limited movement but retaining the comfort she had offered him earlier. They were not alone in the bed anymore. Sometime in the night, Inka had climbed into bed to join them, and she now lay curled around the busty naga's back, a contented smile on her face. A similar expression was to be found upon Samarta's lovely face, as if none of the things that had happened to her in her past meant a thing in the world to her anymore. Regardless, Bakan was seemingly the first to wake, and though he felt slightly stiff at the moment, the pains that had troubled him the last time he had awoken here were gone in full.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Samarta and Inka slept with smiles, while Bakan awoke in tears. Samarta's whole life, rather than initially thinking it did not belong to him, truly seemed like a mirror image to his life, except, rather than be saved, in this alternate life, he was abandoned. There was no such thing as a savior. Feeling as if he was living this life, Samarta's life, a disconnection grew slowly, Bakan himself fading away from Samarta's life to eventually realize it was not his own. It wasn't a natural occurrence, it was simply a matter of strength... Samarta... Abandoned, turned away, and forsaken... She endured...

As the memories went on... As the fey turned their backs... Bakan felt his spirit crushed just from that. It wasn't as if Samarta felt no pain... But she was carrying on while he sank to his knees. When the aliens came, he was simply being dragged along. The things that happened to Samarta... They made Bakan feel his stomach turn upside down and fill him with the desire to puke. In the darkness of his dreams, he begged, begged for this torture to stop. It wasn't even he who suffered, but watching Samarta suffer like this was too much to even watch... A sense of attachment would only be found when Samarta was revived... Forever changed... Forever scarred... Running away... But still... Bakan was the one who was carried on. Even in such a transient place, he had not the strength to stand...

Awake, and free from those dreams... The dreams that Samarta carried with her, and will carry with her forever... Bakan trembled in a cold sweat. He was not ill or physically troubled from events prior to his shelter, but he was quite affected regardless. If he had to endure that hell any longer, he was sure he'd have gone mad and lost contact with who he was...

'Why am I the only one crying?'

The answer was clear enough.

'I don't have a right to be sad.'

Bakan compared their suffering as if it were a competition. And he lost.

'I can't continue on... I just can't... I can never forget...'

Bakan felt his weak heart tremble in his chest. The memory of his brother was a bleeding wound he never stopped. Every day since he was a child, the pain continued to fester, to corrupt him. Every single failure in his life allowed the wound to grow, and consume him. Rather than grow into a powerful man... He felt himself reverting back to the weak, pathetic child that he used to be.

Lately... Even his hammer felt heavier than usual. Now, Bakan felt as if he couldn't even lift his arm.

Fear... Fear, he knew, was at the center of his heart. He felt himself able to come up with a million reasons for it, but each excuse was flawed. It was a fear born from his trauma, one he could never, to this day, overcome. Each time that fear would strike, Bakan would feel his body become... So heavy... His thoughts uncertain... And his body glistened with his cold sweat.

'I'm afraid of being weak...'

It was such a petty thing to be afraid of. He figured anyone would tell him that, as if it were a joke. But to him, it was a truly frightening thought. Weak, powerless, and unable to do anything but cry as beloved faces turned into a scene of horror, their severed heads rolling along the blood soaked earth. Perhaps most horrifying of all, governed by a mystical fate or merely by coincidence... Was his father's head... Rather, his eyes...

When his father's head stopped rolling, he remembered it clearly. They were staring right at him.

'I could swear I heard my father, telling me to save Idian...'

The ending to that is already well known, and the memory of it became more vivid as Bakan thought to have found his strength, thought he could face his past... And failed... Failed... Again and again he failed. Cory could have died, she damn near did, her soul sucked right out of her body. He didn't even see the alien surroundings at that point. All he saw was fire... And the eyes...

'You let another one die.'

A cruel voice whispered to him after Cory seemed to have met her fate. And that was all that ran through his head, even after he knelt over Cory's unmoving form. He failed. His past came back, he had another chance... But the fire consumed it. Only through some grace did Cory seem to recover, but the mark left on Bakan did not. The wound he had learned to cope with deepened immensely, and he felt ready to die, ready to let the darkness take him... But with the last of his strength, he struggled to avoid letting himself sink. Into this forest, to save those who suffered needlessly... He could only hope he saved Cory and Rhep. The fact that his hopes rode on their safety allowed him that one final bastion of peace. That was when Samarta appeared...


Bakan felt himself desperate. He wanted to make a greedy request. He leaned his forehead against her's, and his eyes closed. He gave Samarta such respect in his mind that she might as well be a god before him. Her strength was the cliff he hung off of by his fingers above the abyss. He needed this curse lifted from him, and a woman who could smile after all she's been through... Someone truly so grand in comparison to him... Surely had the strength to lift him.

"Please... Stay with me..." he begged her in a whisper.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

Unaware of his pain, Samarta and Inka slept on beside him. Drawing the serpent woman closer caused her to murmur lightly and nuzzle against him, her dark hair tickling his skin as it brushed over his neck and chest. Her pheromones, while not nearly as intense as they had been last night, were still present, and her proximity exposed more and more of them to his system. It wasn't difficult to suppress the effect, especially in his current mental state, but as Bakan gazed upon the naga in his arms with his eyes full of tears, he noted two spots of color appearing before him as Inka's eyes slowly drew open. The alraune didn't move, either to draw closer or to hinder his grip upon Samarta, but he unmistakably had her attention. What that might mean for him, however, was impossible for him to tell accurately. Samarta was still sleeping soundly, and he could rouse the naga freely if he so wished, but with his strength restored it would be just as easy for him to slip from her embrace, and from her bed, entirely.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

In the bed, Bakan still felt mentally exhausted from the ordeal in his dreams, so he decided to lay with Samarta in the bed until the snake woman would eventually rouse from her sleep. Simple as that, he rested quietly.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

Lying in bed as Inka stared at him, Bakan only had to wait a short while before Samarta stirred to half-wakefulness, stretching and then curling away from him as she yawned. Seeing him awake and feeling Inka against her back, the naga smiled brightly and said; "Good morning... Did you sleep well, Mr. Jeru?"