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To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

As Rhep fell into the mud, he offered to carry her again, but before he could get the words out, she seemed in too foul a mood for him to finish, and he just let it go. Making his way to the town, when Bakan encountered the man with a strange badge, he couldn't help but tilt his head to the side. "Ah... Oh!" Bakan gave a start, looking to the man's face, "I read a note about some strange happenings in this area... And after destroying an alien tower, and being ambushed by a strange pack of alarune, I can't help but admit I'm strongly curious as to what might be causing all of this trouble... Although my friends and I don't seem to be the only ones bothered about this, as we had sudden help from another during the alarune attack. The alarune described this person as... A snake?" Bakan shrugged, telling the man all he knew.

"We're just here to help."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 118, PP = 44, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 70, PP = 51, EP = 51, Status = Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Fine

"Someone's finally come to help us eh?" the man said, and then looked Bakan and his two companions up and down, one of whom was covered in mud while the other was still soaking wet. Heaving a sigh, he continued; "Welp, I guess you can't cause too much more harm at least. I'm the sheriff here in Manmere Marsh, and if you're here to help I hope you won't give me any reason to tell you not to cause any trouble!"

Alexei raised an eyebrow at Bakan's explanation of what had happened on their trip through the swamps to reach the somewhat decrepit looking village. "That's odd... I guess they must be competing... C'mon, I can tell you more in my office," the sheriff added, and then turned and led the way over to a building about halfway through the town. On the way, Bakan could see that many of the buildings of Manmere Marsh were in various states of disrepair, mildew visible on the wooden walls in many places and some sections of mortar crumbling in the few buildings that were made of stone or brick rather than wood. A few people were busying about, all of them moving alone and not making eye contact with anyone. They wore shabby clothing, clearly very poor, and had bags under their eyes and appeared slightly sickly, as if they didn't get much sleep.

They passed by an empty tavern, a general store, and a few small shacks that likely served as homes before passing by the only seemingly successful business in Manmere Marsh, the apothecary, which was constructed of solid brick and mortar that showed no signs of crumbling. After that was a boarded up building, a blacksmith, a few more shacks, and finally the building that Alexei was apparently leading them to. Bakan, Cory, and Rhep entered a building constructed of aging oak that was nonetheless well maintained, the windows all shaded over with cloth hangings rather than covered with glass in order to keep the bugs out. Inside was a pair of empty jail cells along the right wall, the iron bars heavily rusted, and a single desk in the far left corner that was cluttered with crumpled papers. A workbench was set along the left wall about halfway from the door, a rifle half-disassembled on it, and a cot was stowed under the shelving used to hold the workbench's tools.

The man pulled a pair of stools out of the cell and placed them in front of his desk, and then glanced apologetically at the three of them and said; "Sorry I've only got two stools... I'm good to stand while we talk if you folks don't mind, I figure you're all pretty tired after trekking through the swamps." Cory and Rhep both sat down onto the stools automatically, and the sheriff offered his chair to Bakan. Once seating was taken care of, Alexei went on to say; "Alright, before I start, why don't you folks explain more about what happened on your way in here? The more you can tell me the better! What did the alraune that attacked you look like, what did they do, did any of them say anything that caught your attention, that sort of stuff. And how about this... "Snake" that one of them seems to have mentioned, and that you claim came to your aid?"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan nodded to the sheriff, and followed his lead while noting the general state of the village. Looking at the housing, and the sickly townsfolk, Bakan felt a pang of sadness in his chest. "These poor people... Can't something be done?" he couldn't help but ask. But still, he followed the man, feeling miserable at the very sight of the entire town's state. "Something will be done." Bakan promised in response to his own question. There was no questioning it, Bakan had to do something to help these people.

Once inside Alexis' residence it seemed, Bakan waved his hand at the man who offered him his chair. "Travel or not, it is clear who is in need of a chair more. I will help you and the people of this place, and I won't start by making a man stand while I take his chair, even if it was offered. I mean no offense, but if need be," Bakan sat down on the floor by the wall. "The ground is as good as any place for me to rest."

Nodding to the man, Bakan announced what he knew. "One of my friends, Rhep, was ambushed by the alarune, and when Cory and I came to her aid, we only ended up joining her, and found ourselves in their capture... To be frank, we were pretty much captured at that point. If I recall correctly, there were about half a dozen alarune, most of them green, with a single red one among them... An oddity I imagine. Then, before our fates were sealed... A fiery light came, and struck only the alarune. I could very easily have been hit as well, but only the alarune seemed to be the caster's enemy. After saving us... I never saw any signs of the one who casted that magic again. All I know of her is that the alarune seemed to be angry, shouting, 'Damned Snake!' before running off. It's clear that the two are enemies, though honestly, I know who's side I'm on." Bakan announced. "At the very least, only because this... Snake I suppose, saved my friends."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 118, PP = 44, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 70, PP = 51, EP = 51, Status = Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Fine

The man frowned and then nodded before taking a seat himself when Bakan refused his chair and sat on the floor instead. "Suit yourself," he said, and then listened without interrupting Bakan while he explained what had happened on the way there. He seemed troubled by what was said, and after Bakan finished he allowed a moment to pass in thoughtful silence. Finally, he began to respond; "The red alraune I recognize, unless there's two of them now or something. She's the one who's been causing a lot of our recent troubles around here, the queen of the alraune. I hear some rich fellah put out a bounty on her too, but if you want to help us, we need to be rid of her once and for all.

"The alraune were never too bad of a problem, but about three month ago they started getting a lot more aggressive. Not much out in the swamps is a threat to them, we don't have any big predators around here and they aren't bothered by the insects or the snakes, so they spread pretty much without opposition except from us. We left 'em to themselves so long as they did the same, and for a while that seemed to work, but then this one came along.... We don't know from where, but the others got pretty riled when she came about, and started attacking those that ventured too far out of town. They hit a few outlying houses too, hermits and those that lived too far outside the boundaries, away from everybody else. Took everybody, men, women, children... Everybody. Lotta good folk just vanished, taken into the swamps, and no searches turned up so much as a trace.

"That's not all though. One farm that wasn't hit, sitting on just about the biggest patch of land in the area that wasn't so fulla water that the only thing that'd grow on it is rice, they buckled up. The father of the family, Harnam Tate, he was a soldier in the army, an officer. Still had his sword and a couple of guns in working order, and his daughter Hailey was a good shot with a bow too. They figured they could hold off a plant attack, and they did when the things came for them one night. Took out a dozen of them before the damned things headed for the hills, turned the bodies into fertilizer and scarecrows in order to keep the rest of them at bay. Harnam, he came into town the next morning to tell us about it, and sell the darkhearts to Therna over at the potions shop so's he could buy a bit of ammo. I went with him to see if what he'd said was true...."

Alexei paused and frowned darkly, heaving a heavy sigh before he continued; "When we arrived, the place was burning. Already halfway to the foundations. We just stood there for a moment... And then I had to keep Harnam from rushing into the rubble. If anyone was in there, they'd have been beyond saving. When.... When the fires had burned down enough, I went in to have a look. Harnam was unconscious, I had to knock him out to keep him from going in, and... There wasn't anything left inside but charred bones, five complete skeletons, two of them sized like the poor bastard's younger children, two more for his wife and his oldest daughter, and one more for his father who was staying with him. Then, when I came out of the wreckage, I saw something in the bushes. At first, all that I could see were the eyes... Like gleaming amber, and then... A woman came out of the bushes, but it wasn't like any woman I'd ever seen before. She was... Half snake, from the waist down, but her top half.... She was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen!"

He paused to heave another sigh, "Anyway, I couldn't move and then... I just blacked out, and when I woke up, Harnam was shaking me, and my pants were undone. My head was splitting, and Harnam was raving about seeing a serpent breathing fire into the woods, white fire that didn't burn the trees somehow, and the red alraune running away before both of them vanished.

"After that, we came back into town and told everyone what happened. That was about a month ago. Harnam's been drunk off his ass ever since, and if you want to know more you ought to talk to him. I don't know how good is word is anymore, but there's something. Other than him, Gestriel should be in the tavern, he's the best tracker we've got left, but he's probably pretty drunk too, he just lost his wife to the alraune. Then there's Adria, the witch. She's over in the tavern, and both her sister and her ex husband were lost to the damned plants too. We found him with his throat torn out and his sword in his hand, probably one of the monsters that the alraune have taken to keeping with them, though they usually seem to prefer taking men alive like women. If you go out there, be careful that you don't get ambushed, as there aren't enough of us left to go out to rescue you!"

With that, the man settled back and was seemingly finished with his story.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan nodded at the man. "I figured that the red alarune was the one causing trouble. She seemed somewhat powerful, someone of influence. Although, I am thankful for what you've said. I think I should start by finding out where this serpent woman is. She sounds a lot like those succubus types that my mother taught me about, if what you say is correct. The energy you gave her may have been part of what saved us, so you may have accidentally saved us by getting caught by her." Bakan chuckled. "Do you know where she might be? Or who might know? It seems like she has the situation under control somewhat, at least."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 118, PP = 44, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 70, PP = 51, EP = 51, Status = Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Fine

The man raised an eyebrow, as did Cory, and the half demon was first to speak next; "You heard the part about her burning down a house and killing someone's family, right? Alraune don't leave skeletons, so it had to have been them that were found dead inside, and she was the only one there. We saw her use fire magic before, and she's one of the ones we were sent here to help protect this town from. Could you imagine the kind of damage she could do if she came into town?" The sheriff nodded, "She was the only one that could have done it, even the red alraune has never used fire before, and she's been seen plenty of times. Still, if you want to find the fire serpent, ye'd best be talkin to Adria, she saw the thing last, or Gestriel if you're thinkin to hire his services. It might take a pretty penny to get him to go out into the woods again though."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan shrugged. "I'm honestly speaking from personal experience, as too many times have I been accused of crimes by simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time." Bakan said with complete honesty, though he did raise a brow at Cory, who seemed easily convinced. "One thing seems clear to me though, this fire serpent and the alarune are not friends. And just maybe, the enemy of my enemy can be my friend, if that makes sense." he said, though mostly to Cory, who seemed keen on writing a good deal of suspicion on the snake when she still remains the very reason all three of them are safe. "I'll hold my thanks ready to give to her for saving my friends, and my judgement for when I see her in person, and learn the truth of her character." he stated. It took naught a moment after that to decide what he was going to do. "Let's talk to Adria about where this... Evil snake is," Bakan chuckled, "And I think I'll pass on the request to Gestriel. As a certain man with a yellow hat told me once, 'drunk on the battlefield ain't no way to be.' Which is advice I found wise."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 118, PP = 44, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 70, PP = 51, EP = 51, Status = Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Cory frowned, and Rhep picked her nose while staring absent-mindedly at the two empty cells. The half demon didn't try to refute Bakan's argument, simply shrugging, and the sheriff simply nodded and stood back up from his seat. "Good luck stranger. You take care of the red alraune and the fire serpent so's they won't bother us no more, and I'll have yer reward for yah!" he said, and then offered Bakan a hand to shake before doing the same to Rhep and Cory. Both accepted, but rather than shake their hands as he had Bakan's he kissed both of them on the hand, stooping low in order to do so to Rhep.

Both of his female companions left the jailhouse somewhat flustered at that, and neither said much of anything as they crossed the street and entered Adria's Den, the brick and mortar apothecary. Inside was a fairly dimly lit room with numerous natural surroundings placed inside, both faux and genuine, and many of them apparently taken from the swamps around Manmere Marsh. Potted plants made up the brunt of the foliage, though mushrooms were also present, and some of the plants even seemed to be growing up from the floor itself. Behind a wide wooden counter and standing in front of a number of shelves that were half covered in foliage was a woman with exceedingly pale skin and raven black hair, a low cut black dress showing off a good bit of fairly impressive cleavage.

Adria flashed a frankly lovely smile at the three of them, pearly white teeth and high, soft looking cheeks that were wide and almost childishly adorable as the three of them entered. "Hello~ Welcome to Adria's Den! I'm Adria, how may I service you today? We... I have a number of potions and poultices, as well as poisons, fertility drugs, birth control, aids against magical corruption, and even aphrodisiacs~"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"I'll do my best," Bakan said to the man, before something made Bakan twitch about the way he kissed Cory and Rhep's hands. The sensation in his stomach from seeing that almost made it feel as if his innards were twisting slightly. Her blushed faces didn't help either, and Bakan genuinely took on an angry expression, walking ahead so as not to see them all flustered over some guy. When he walked into the shop, he was still angry, and his words left his mouth on their own. "Do you have anything that will burn a man's lips!?" he suddenly asked, before growling, and shaking his head. "I mean... Do you know where the serpent might be..."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 118, PP = 44, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 70, PP = 51, EP = 51, Status = Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Though Bakan didn't see it, Cory and Rhep both lost their flustered expressions fairly quickly as they noticed him storming ahead of them, making his distress obvious. In the shop, the witch Adria merely smiled at his outburst, and during his growl she said; "Of course! Though why you would-"

She paused at his clarification, and then frowned slightly. "Well, I would ask what type of serpent," she began, "But by the look of you I'd hazard a guess that you mean the one that spits fire and murders children!" Despite her grim words, there was only a trace of bitterness in her voice, and she banished it from her tone as she continued; "I'm not sure where exactly she is, but I have seen her a few times when I'm going through the swamps for ingredients. She's never attacked me, but I'm usually under enchantments to make myself harder to see so that I can avoid the alraune."

There was a pause in which the witch sighed, and Cory asked; "What does it look like? So that we know what to look for..." The witched turned to her and gave them a quick description, "It looks human from the waist up. Dark skin, wears nothing but red cloths wrapped around its great big knockers, its waist, and its head. I'd say it's on the skinny side other than its chest. Its got messy, dark hair that it keeps wrapped up in a red cloth, and copper bangles around its wrists, shoulders, and the end of its tail.

"The snake half is grey primary and gold secondary in a diamondback pattern, if you've ever seen one of those. The tail's about one and a half times as long as its human body, maybe a little more than that, which is fairly short for a Naga. There are tattoos inked in red along its stomach and arms, they look like glyphs of some kind. I don't know what they are or what they mean, but I've heard of slaver bands that red tattoos on their members coming from the South. Finally... Don't look into its eyes. Great big golden things that shine like the sun, slitted like a snake's eyes ought to be, but one look can turn you to solid stone before you can blink. "
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan nodded at her instructions, and her information about what she looked like. "Barely wearing anything in such a place...? She certainly needs some kind of help regardless." Bakan commented. "So, regarding her location... You mostly find her near the town, wondering about with no specific location? If you could tell us the general location where you saw her most often, I would be grateful. If not, I greatly appreciate it anyway." Bakan told Adria. "Anyway, I'd best be off. I promise to do what I can to put this town's troubles to rest." Bakan swore. And upon saying goodbye, he set out of the shop with Cory and Rhep in whatever location Adria pointed them, randomly if none. "Turns us to stone... I would say not to attack first, but if she could do that in a single moment... Well, I surely hope it doesn't come to that. Let's just be careful." Bakan announced, before heading out to the swamp. "The problem lies out there, and not in the town, so forgive me if I seem a little headstrong." Bakan announced to Rhep and Cory. "I just have a feeling that we'll save more people if we go out there and find the problem ourselves... I likely imagine that the problem will come to us first though." Bakan said aloud with worry.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 118, PP = 44, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 70, PP = 51, EP = 51, Status = Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Fine

"Oh I wouldn't be too concerned for her, naga are generally fairly resistant to poisons and disease, so she probably has little to fear from the swamp itself. As for where it is, she tends to stay a ways away from town these days. Mostly she seems to be deeper in the swamp, which is also where the alraune seem to be mostly coming from. If you're going in that direction, I'd advise caution, and bringing a few of my potions and poultices. If nothing else, I've got something that will keep the bugs off of you, only five denarii!" Adria replied plainly, and then batted her eyelashes alluringly at Bakan while she leaned forward over the counter, exposing yet more of her already fairly apparent cleavage. She pouted slightly when he announced his departure, but her voice was still even and friendly as she replied; "Good luck sir and madames! Be safe out there!"

Cory and Rhep followed Bakan out of town, though they both frowned darkly at the foul, muddy expanse before them and glanced once back towards the somewhat desolate town. After they had trudged a short ways into the marsh and Bakan explained his motivations, Rhep offered only a quick grunt in reply while Cory said; "I suppose that makes sense, but I do think you ought to be more careful. We don't know anything about this serpent woman beyond that she seemed to save us. For all we know, she could have been attacking the alraune just so that she could have us to herself!" Rhep added, "If snake lady attack us, then Rhep and Cory will smash before she eat Bakan!" Cory smirked, but adopted a fiercely vindictive expression and nodded. "I'm not going to sit back and watch as you get raped again, not if I can do anything about it."


The three of them trudged through the swamp for hours, the twisted path that they were forced to take keeping them from really knowing where they were in relation to more or less anything. Twice they realized that they'd started wandering in a circle and had to figure out a new direction to take, and they eventually lost count of the number of times that one of them stumbled into a pit of quicksand, or a puddle of deep water or mud that they hadn't seen. The swamp's wildlife was even more hostile than their surroundings, as they were forced to contend with the constant buzzing of flies, mosquitoes, and wasps, the random appearances of spiders and leeches, and even the occasional run in with a snake. At one point Bakan nearly drowned while they were wading through a pool in order to reach the opposite bank, having stepped into mud that suddenly sucked him in and only very timely intervention on his companion's part managed to pull him out before he blacked out.

It was as they were recovering from that particular ordeal that Cory suddenly tensed and placed a hand onto the hilt of her sword. "There's something out there....." she whispered tensely, and Rhep climbed up out of the mud and readied her club, a wolf-like growl emanating from the filthy little goblin's throat. "Rhep will smash...."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

After a brief conversation with Cory and Rhep, as well as with the knowledge that the swamp's bugs will leave them itchy for weeks, Bakan was at first unconcerned with the thought of bugs before knowing the results of being bitten by so many. So, with that in mind, he fished into his pocket, wincing at how little money he had left before paying five coins to the woman over the counter; though he did hesitate when she leaned over the counter to make her breasts more apparent. Bakan's eyes, after taking exactly one second to take in what she was doing, glanced up to her eyes and gracefully gave her the money for the insect repellant. Her alluring expression made Bakan not only feel of course allured, but he also felt a little put off by the way she was looking at him, a mere customer. 'I suppose she may just be trying to be kind, but... Why... Does her expression seem more than just a kind one?' Bakan wondered. "Thank you." Bakan said once he'd get the insect repellant. When he moved to leave, he was again put off by the way she seemed... Disappointed?

'I don't understand what that was about at all.' Bakan thought to himself after leaving Adria's shop. The memory of her allure brought a flush to his cheeks that he most certainly displayed when he was right there, watching her. After leaving the shop and being answered by Rhep, Bakan was immediately bothered by the fact that he was automatically written off by Rhep to be the victim should the snake woman attack them, and did respond his protest...

Conversation inside
Bakan: "When was it decided that I would be the one to be eaten...?"

Cory: "The snake woman's a succubus. It's only logical that she would target you first."

Bakan tilted his head to the side in confusion: "But succubi target women more often than not, right?"

"No. Men are much easier for them to drain. If one got a hold of you, they'd be like that slime, and not let you go until they'd sucked out all of your energy."

Bakan scratched his head, "All of the ones I met previously all seemed to target girls over me, even growing things 'down there' to make it easier."

Cory: "It varies from person to person, but most that I knew would usually go for the men and leave the women to the more... Crude, demons."

Cory: "At least at first. It's usually the succubi that break in captives."

Bakan seemed to be fuming after Cory said she 'knew' demons who would do that as he grabbed her shoulders suddenly with a dangerous expression. "Names." he said simply.

Cory: "Uhhh.... The three sisters we fought in the tower for one. The Lady for another."

"Them?" Bakan seemed taken aback. "Strange, they didn't seem like bad people... irresponsible, but I didn't really feel threatened by them."

Bakan: "Well... The Lady is another story..."

Bakan: "I guess I'm jumping to conclusions. Everyone has their reasons... If given the chance, I imagine they wouldn't hurt people... I think. I suppose I should look before I leap more often..."

Cory: "Couldn't hurt~"

Bakan: "I guess I'll just have to give them a chance, just like with the strange snake lady!" he announced with a nod.

After having that conversation, traveling for hours, and nearly having a near-death experience, Bakan heaved to get some air back in his lungs. Before he could fully recover, and a noise was heard, Bakan quickly whispered to Cory and Rhep, "Hide," and waited for them to take cover, before standing up straight, and calling out. "Hello? Is anyone there?" he asked. At the very least, he'd be the center of attention should it be one of the evil alarune.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 118, PP = 44, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 70, PP = 51, EP = 51, Status = Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Fine

The bug spray has 10 uses,

Stealth (Cory) : ???
Stealth (Rhep) : ???

A hunting party of alraune spot Bakan and approach! The four of them are coming towards him and are roughly thirty feet from Bakan.

The insect repellent, while foul smelling, proved to be highly effective in keeping the pests of the swamp at bay, even keeping leeches from latching onto their skin. They didn't protect him from the other natural hazards of the swamp, however, and after he gave his orders Cory and Rhep both followed them instantly and without complaint, one diving to either side of him and getting into the bushes. Both had vanished from sight completely amidst the foliage by the time the approaching group appeared amidst the murky swampland ahead of them.

The first thing that Bakan saw were a pair of alraune, completely naked and partially covered in the muck that practically covered Bakan himself. Behind them came another two, separated by perhaps ten feet at most, but these two were... Different from the normal alraune, with dark brown skin that appeared rougher than the usual soft leafy flesh possessed by the plant-kin, and that skin had seemingly hardened fully into bark on the outer portions of their arms and legs. These two were followed by a trio of plant-like creatures that resembled lions made of mobile plant-matter, and each of them had a tentacle wrapped around its neck like a leash that was attached to a fifth alraune that looked more or less normal.

It was this final alraune that called back to Bakan's greeting, her tone both friendly and pleased; "Hello there! What might you be doing out here?"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan held out a hand to the approaching alarune. "Please do not come closer." Bakan asked politely. He made his voice loud, hoping that would draw attention away from any noise Cory or Rhep would make. "I came out here because I heard from the townsfolk that the fey around here have been strangely unkind to various travelers though these woods. The people there were in a lot of stress, and I just want to help everyone be at peace." Bakan reasoned to the alarune. However, at the sight of the strange plant lions in the back, he gripped his hammer tight. If the alarune were kidnapping people, Bakan imagined that they might be using those creatures to take down people like himself who were armed and dangerous. "... Do you know anything about the people who've gone missing? I think the people back home would like to see them come home." Bakan asked the alarune, even though his heart was beating rapidly. There was a good number of them... And no doubt, those creatures in the back were made from the women who were captured.

The thought of one of those creatures attacking Rhep or Cory made Bakan cringe. A bit of a psychotic twitch made him feel the strong urge to splatter them right now...
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 118, PP = 44, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 70, PP = 51, EP = 51, Status = Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Stealth (Cory) : ???
Stealth (Rhep) : ???

The alraune in the lead grinned and moved forward a little bit faster, but the one in back called back; "Hold!" Her companions seemed fairly surprised by this, but they stopped anyway, and waited as their leader replied to Bakan's questions; "Fey? There aren't any fey out in these woods... Just us! The fair folk aren't to be seen wandering such a "fetid place" now are they? Not even the satyrs or the kobolds will come out here for us to play with... That's why we take the humans instead!"

She paused to grin suggestively at him, "Don't worry about the ones that vanished.... They're in our care now, and most have already forgotten their old lives completely! We'd die out if not for them, so we won't be giving them back!"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"Why can't you resolve this peacefully?" Bakan asked. He'd taken some steps back when they began approaching him, but he wondered why the one in the back told them to hold when their views were so... Aggressive. "But... Alarune were included recently among the ranks of the fey. Are you saying you were not? While that is strange... I do understand that your kind need others, like the humans, but you're causing them a lot of harm and stress. That's no way to be." Bakan stated passionately. "Please, I'm here to help everyone walk away happy. I don't want to fight, but I will if you are just going to keep causing misery." Bakan stated, holding his hammer defensively. He knows that they can shoot pollen... And he braced himself for it.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 118, PP = 44, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 70, PP = 51, EP = 51, Status = Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Stealth (Cory) : ???
Stealth (Rhep) : ???

A look of disdain crossed the features of all five alraune at once, and their apparent leader replied; "We are not of the fey! We were never invited, not us! Just because some of us joined the wretched fairies doesn't mean that all of us did!

"And we are resolving it peacefully! It was the humans that started attacking us whenever we encountered them in the woods! We need them or all of us will die, and then they will be taken anyway, but what comes after us." They grinned, and the four lead alraune started forward once again, the ones that seemed to be covered in barking moving ahead of the other two as if to shield them. "You humans will never understand..." she began, and then shook her head and released the three feline monstrosities, which started bounding toward Bakan's position immediately, green drool oozing from their mouths.

"Watch out for the ones in the bushes!" she called as her allies charged, the alraune grinning and the plant-beasts growling hungrily. Cory and Rhep hadn't yet made a sound, at least not one that Bakan had heard over his own voice and that of the alraune, so how or even if she had actually detected his two lovers hidden in the underbrush was up to Bakan to guess.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"Damn you! Why the hell won't you listen!? No one will ever understand you if you act like this!" Bakan growled.

"Disappear from my sight, behind a wall of light!" Bakan shouted, desiring to keep his own mental nightmare from coming into existance by forming a shield over the plant beasts.

(Bakan uses holy wall on the plant beasts)
WHEN INTRODUCED TO FLUFFY TAILS: roll 1d4 to see if he gets stunned.

WHEN RECEIVING PLEASURE: Bakan receives +4 PP damage, and plus an extra 8 PP damage if Ashloriel is present during the stimulation. He has to at the very least know she's watching him for the added stimulation to count.


Fanged Warhammer: (2 Hound's Teeth, 6 Monster Fangs)
Total Damage: 2d8 + 58 = (2d8+5) + 12 + 29 + 10 +2 (Base Damage + Upgrade + Body + Heavy Weapons Specialist + Knight)
To-hit: (+72) +58 +12, +2 (Body + Skill with HAMMERZ + Knight)

Bakan's Stats:
Speed: 24(21)
Dodge: 41(51 Against succubus powers)
Armor: 10(28)
Resistance: 37(47 Against succubus powers)
Stealth: 10
Grapple: 58
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 110/118, PP = 44, EP = 80/84, Status = Fine, Holy Wall

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 70, PP = 51, EP = 51, Status = Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Bakan wall of light's, as is his trademark tactic.

Stealth (Cory) : ???
Stealth (Rhep) : ???

The two barkskin alraune attack! They use tentacle lash and shield bash!
Attacks: All four hit, despite the 20 point defensive fighting.
Damage (lash 1) : 8 + 11 + 17 - 28 = 8 damage. 9 TP damage.
Damage (bash 1) : 3 + 1 + 2 + 17 - 28 = 0 damage. 6 TP damage.
Damage (lash 2) : 6 + 10 + 17 - 28 = 5 damage. 8 TP damage.
Damage (bash 2) : 3 + 2 + 2 + 17 - 28 = 0 damage. 6 TP damage.

Total of 13 damage on Bakan, and his armor takes a total of 29 damage leaving it at 21/50 TP.

The other alraune pollen shot him while he is distracted!
Attacks: Both miss.

Rhep comes out of hiding.
Attack: Automatic Hit.
Damage: 3 + 3 + 44 - 8 = 42 damage. One alraune goes down.

The creatures try to bust out of Bakan's wall.
Resistance: Bakans wins.
Damage: 3 + 6 = 9 damage each.

Cory comes out of the woods behind the leader alraune and slits her throat like a navy seal.... three times.
Attack (Cory) : All three automatic hit.
Damage: I don't have to roll. One sneak attack would deal more than 65 damage even after the alraune's AV, let alone three.

A dome of white light appeared around the three charging plant creatures, and each of them collided into it with a strangely muffled shriek and a foul sizzling sound as the magical light burned them. They each scrambled away, but there was little room in their tiny enclosure and they ended up crawling over one another in order to stay away from the walls of the dome. The alraune didn't see this, however, as they were too busy charging at Bakan.

The two plantkin with barklike skin reached him first, lashing at Bakan with the tentacles sprouting from their backs and their thick, heavy arms, but he barely felt the quartet of blows between his armor and his own natural toughness. The other two alraune took the opportunity presented by Bakan's preoccupation with the two smacking him in order to send bursts of pollen at his face, but Bakan recognized the substance by now. A sweep of his arm brought his cape up, and the bursts of golden powder struck against the cloth and were stopped without ever bothering him. Another sweep harmlessly dispersed the substance just in time for him to see Rhep suddenly jump out of the bushes, unleashing a loud battlecry as she literally flew towards one of the alraune that had just attempted to spray Bakan with pollen.

A sickening crunch and a soft thump went almost unheard as Rhep's club smacked one of the plant women in the side of her head, and she dropped unceremoniously to the ground with a cracked head now leaking a strange dark green material. The other one looked horrified by this, but the goblin started advancing on her menacingly, a crooked grin on her face. The elder alraune did not fail to notice the predicament of her allies, but she never had a chance to intervene. Unnoticed, Cory appeared in the bushes behind her, rapier in hand, and silently crept up until she was within striking range. Just as the alraune opened her mouth to speak, the half demon attacked savagely, stepping up and clamping a hand over the plant woman's mouth in order to silence her. She slid her enchanted sword into the alraune's back once, twice, three times, taking out what would have been both lungs and the heart on a human, and then dropped the plant kin to the ground.