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ADV [7th Dream] Pretty Warrior May Cry RJ086864

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Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the *updated* First Post)

Does this mean nobody cares if we share the game now?

Or are we still supporting the (dissapeared) devs?
you might as well share it I guess I was planning on buying the game because of the hype it was getting, and it looked interesting to me, but since they are being sued, and no longer working on it then well I am not going to spend my money on something like this.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the *updated* First Post)

Can someone pm links of the full version of the game because mine has missing textures and to some cg pictures says that i have the demo version and its irritating because i paid the game thanks in advance
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the *updated* First Post)

If you paid for it, you should be able to easily re-download it from DLsite.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the *updated* First Post)

If you paid for it, you should be able to easily re-download it from DLsite.

doesnt let me re download it i send them a mail and still didnt respont
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the *updated* First Post)

If there is some site where i could get this game, with paying by paypal, would someone point me to the rightway ?
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the *updated* First Post)

Well, there is apparently a sequel. It just hit DLSite today. It looks like a upgraded version of the last game with a more cartoony appearance. The website is still down, but it looks like 7th Dream is doing okay after all.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the *updated* First Post)

Well, there is apparently a sequel. It just hit DLSite today. It looks like a upgraded version of the last game with a more cartoony appearance. The website is still down, but it looks like 7th Dream is doing okay after all.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the *updated* First Post)

I can't help but feel a little urked by this. It's not a sequel, it's a "Enhanced Edition."

..Which basically has all the stuff that were supposed to be in updates, the whole reason I bought the game in the first place. I won't be buying this one, so hopefully someone can come up with a link somewhere.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the *updated* First Post)

oh fuck yea, and basicly this is the "expansion" they promised. 125 animations sounds a shitton more than what the first one had and the price aint that bad tbh.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the *updated* First Post)

Seriously though, this looks awesome.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the *updated* First Post)

I can't help but feel a little urked by this. It's not a sequel, it's a "Enhanced Edition."

..Which basically has all the stuff that were supposed to be in updates, the whole reason I bought the game in the first place. I won't be buying this one, so hopefully someone can come up with a link somewhere.

I think you got your money's worth from the first one, frankly. I know I feel that way. I just don't see how you could feel cheated by it; it had some great content at a reasonable price for that sort of thing.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the *updated* First Post)

WTF? They have pasterized all 3d movies and images?

I j=ut bought it and I cannot fap on this (((
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the *updated* First Post)

Removed in respect of the publishers, still not buying the "Enhanced" edition.
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Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the *updated* First Post)

Thanks for that.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the *updated* First Post)

The update site for original Pretty Warrior May Cry is still up, but its still stuck at 1.3.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the *updated* First Post)

I'm a bit torn on if I want to buy this or not...

On one hand, I really enjoyed the first game, and I definitively consider it one of the best buys I made on DLSite.

On the other hand... If they did actually steal the actual model files from another company, I can't approve of this. Models inspired by another I don't have an issue with (especially since it's all indy)... But outright ripping model files built by another company is a different thing.

Plus, I mostly liked the game itself: This "enhanced" version seems to deal mostly with adding new animations. There's a few gameplay tweaks listed with no new unit on either side.

But on the other hand, I really liked the original and simply fixing the "useless" units would definitively help the game a lot and I honestly wouldn't mind going through the game again. User-created storyline can have a bit of potential if a few of us make some...
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the *updated* First Post)

Wow... just wow. I'm very conflicted over this.

I'm excited that there's this amazing 'new' game, but pissed as hell that I got screwed over. I got the first game expecting some updates and additional content. Although there were, what, two updates - there was no new content added. Ok, I can live with that - I bought it knowing that was a possibility. I could have waited but I didn't.

But for them to turn around and release this.... why the hell would I buy the first game? I would've gladly waited for much more content and bought this instead. I even went to the extent of not sharing their first game (despite being a huge leecher, especially around here) because I supported them. Well fuck me.

And I'm not a complete retard, I understand where they must be coming from. You can't put this much work into something and just give it away for free. I wouldn't expect them to, ether. But surely they must realize they've royally screwed everyone who purchased their first game.

It would've been better if they just named it as a sequel - then I wouldn't have felt as cheated. But "Pretty Warrior May Cry - Enhanced Edition"? They might as have well named it "Pretty Warrior May Cry - Fuck You Edition" - the edition you were promised, in a different game (and yes, you have to pay full price for it).

I feel like a chump for feeling bad for the company for being "sued" although they totally deserved it for stealing sprites. Pron game are cool, stealing others hard work isn't.

So, yeah. Awesome the company is ok and there's this new awesome game. But I think I'll wait for a link or something.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the *updated* First Post)

could someone please upload the NEW game?

if some of you already bought it and you dont mind to share.:)
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the *updated* First Post)

I'm surpised they released a Enchanced Version when their Site is down or whatever happened to their site.

But oh well. I bought the game itself and showed my finger to my skeptism. Think like the Enhanced Version like a total Remake, putting a lot more effects, like SUPER BLOOM to it.

Whats so funny about it. Is that they've kind of like upgraded it with a new little toy for us to play with. For Horny Gamers, that is. Making your own Stories. I thought it was a joke first. But damn...they should of thought that out from the start.

All i'd be happy now about. Is that they'd open/repair their Site back up. So i could donate some for them. Not just because of their Games. But because they actually (literally) just smacked my hands first from their Site. Then kissed me on my cheek. Giving me thereafter a Enhanced Version of it after all my time of doubt. This calls for Constructive Criticism! Or...maybe not. Never mind that and just hump a pillow while playing it.

I got the game myself, as i said i paid for it. But it would be wiser if people started to buy the game itself to support 7th Dream. Instead of cheating their way of Copies. Or 7th Dream may close down for sure, due of lack of Money Donations/Money Payments from Buying their Releases.

Also. In this new Version. They've HEAVILY improved Balances and Corrections to the Game itself. Making it not too easy, or too hard. So you won't feel like the game denies you your current Difficulty Experience fun.

Before i approve this. They created Gangbang mode as well. Two of them is a Regular Starter ones. Two of the others is Multi-Monster Combinations. There's only four of them so far. But better then nothing, right?

Now then. I say: APPROVED!!! Now, shut up and buy it if you want it. Or don't do it for all i care.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the *updated* First Post)

i bought the original.. dont think its fair to pay full price for enchanted version..
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