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ACT [Kyrieru] Kurovadis (RE093841)

Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

I think Kyrieru likes red short hair, cause the hair from kuro and what looks like the most drawn char for the new game have the sameish hair.

Not that Im complaining, Id have to agree. But I also like the longer haired variant, and variety is always good.
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Could be his taste, could also be that short hair is easier to draw and animate. :p
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Hair is pretty easy to animate, actually. I just prefer designs with short hair.

As for the color, red hair just tends to work with most of the color schemes and designs I come up with. It also implies a strong willed character, in my opinion. I never plan on having red hair, it just seems to end up that way more than other colors. (though of the designs I came up with while brainstorming, almost none of them were blond)

The character at the bottom isn't necessarily the character design I'm going to use, by the way. I just put it there because I made it after I made the post initially.
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

I want to make epic games like kurovadis when i finish my classes in full sail university ^^ Did you go to school to learn video game design Kyrieru?
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

I want to make epic games like kurovadis when i finish my classes in full sail university ^^ Did you go to school to learn video game design Kyrieru?

I'll be waiting. I welcome all talent. H games need more... just more
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

full sail university

I'm so sorry. I really hate seeing people sucked in by the scams of for profit universities. They don't actually care about helping you learn, they just want your money.
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

I'm so sorry. I really hate seeing people sucked in by the scams of for profit universities. They don't actually care about helping you learn, they just want your money.

Oh i wasn't sucked in by a scam, im going to Full Sail because my cousin went there and two of my best friends are currently enrolled, and they said they love it there ^^
..... Plus its like a 20 minute drive (Excluding traffic) to disney land! :D Lmao jking.
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

I want to make epic games like kurovadis when i finish my classes in full sail university ^^ Did you go to school to learn video game design Kyrieru?
Nope, I'm self taught in all regards.
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Nope, I'm self taught in all regards.

That's really cool :D I've actually always dreamed of making a game made to look like traditional Chinese art, but i wouldnt even know were to begin with the concept xD
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Bought the game. Loving it. That first boss was hella annoying, Now trying to work my way through the castle.

I was wondering if anyone has all the sprite sex scenes. I think they are very nice, and I would like to see some over again.
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Oh i wasn't sucked in by a scam, im going to Full Sail because my cousin went there and two of my best friends are currently enrolled, and they said they love it there ^^
..... Plus its like a 20 minute drive (Excluding traffic) to disney land! :D Lmao jking.

Poor bastard. I got suckered in there for a few months. SO many better and far cheaper ways to get an education. Their teaching model is terrible if you weren't already at least fairly experienced in the subjects they were teaching (For christ sake, each semester is only a month, with two classes alternating each weekday, totaling only 2 weeks per class on major subjects that most schools would spend months teaching you to make sure you actually became proficient at it.).

Take my advice bro, dump them and get certified at actual tech schools. More respected by employers, and it gives you many of the latest trends of knowledge in the field to the point were you can self-educate yourself on the rest, and it's infinitely cheaper than the 8k a month rip off of Full Sail (You know something is up when I got a tuition quote that was practically 1/4th of Full-sail from Columbia University, an ivy league college.). The success rate for actually graduating Full Sail is abyssmal, and the actual employment rate is tragic. I learned my lesson a few months in and left while the getting was good.

If you want to make games like Kurovadis, grab some books, sit down, and have the discipline to teach yourself. It's not like you're designing Frostbite 2 from the ground up. There are tons of software out there for free (Or have cheap licenses if you want to actually sell your game.) and lots of communities out there willing to help you learn in their spare time. The internet is a powerful tool; Use it, my friend!
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

The guild for editing saves, It doesn't at all why:confused:? did I do something wrong?
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Poor bastard. I got suckered in there for a few months. SO many better and far cheaper ways to get an education. Their teaching model is terrible if you weren't already at least fairly experienced in the subjects they were teaching (For christ sake, each semester is only a month, with two classes alternating each weekday, totaling only 2 weeks per class on major subjects that most schools would spend months teaching you to make sure you actually became proficient at it.).

Take my advice bro, dump them and get certified at actual tech schools. More respected by employers, and it gives you many of the latest trends of knowledge in the field to the point were you can self-educate yourself on the rest, and it's infinitely cheaper than the 8k a month rip off of Full Sail (You know something is up when I got a tuition quote that was practically 1/4th of Full-sail from Columbia University, an ivy league college.). The success rate for actually graduating Full Sail is abyssmal, and the actual employment rate is tragic. I learned my lesson a few months in and left while the getting was good.

If you want to make games like Kurovadis, grab some books, sit down, and have the discipline to teach yourself. It's not like you're designing Frostbite 2 from the ground up. There are tons of software out there for free (Or have cheap licenses if you want to actually sell your game.) and lots of communities out there willing to help you learn in their spare time. The internet is a powerful tool; Use it, my friend!

Lol the money thing isnt a prob, military's covering it, but a half assed college plan wont do :( ill have to do more research >.<

And yea i could probably learn designing for games like kurovadis online, but my long term goal is to make a book i wrote into a fully interactive 3D game (hopefully online multiplayer xD) that's what the purpose for my game design courses really is, i was just saying it'd be cool to be able to create more innovative and original hentai games to release to the world ^^ and i ant to follow Kyrieru's example :D Hentai games shouldn't be created solely for profit, they should be made to share with the world ^^ Not saying they should be free, but they shouldn't be 40 dollars either. Power to the player! >w<

...Also sorry this is getting way off context from the thread, we should get back on track with worshiping Kyrieru, and posting our problems with getting save data xD
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Lol the money thing isnt a prob, military's covering it, but a half assed college plan wont do :( ill have to do more research >.<

And yea i could probably learn designing for games like kurovadis online, but my long term goal is to make a book i wrote into a fully interactive 3D game (hopefully online multiplayer xD) that's what the purpose for my game design courses really is, i was just saying it'd be cool to be able to create more innovative and original hentai games to release to the world ^^ and i ant to follow Kyrieru's example :D Hentai games shouldn't be created solely for profit, they should be made to share with the world ^^ Not saying they should be free, but they shouldn't be 40 dollars either. Power to the player! >w<

...Also sorry this is getting way off context from the thread, we should get back on track with worshiping Kyrieru, and posting our problems with getting save data xD
I'm also a veteran, and just a final heads up on the matter, it took them SIX MONTHS to process my 9/11 GI bill. I ended up blowing all of my savings on cost of living and school supplies because of them and the VA being a cluster fuck. I really think you should reconsider, but if you're dead set on it, I emphatically implore you to at least be fairly skilled in that field you're applying for, as the fast pace of 'classes' and their lack of student-teacher time and the break-neck speed of semesters is a recipe for disaster if you're new to any of the subject matter. It wasn't uncommon to see only 5-10 people pass a semester out of a class of 40 people. The projects you're asked to do are time consuming, and you'll have to juggle projects from both of your classes at once. Prepare for many, many sleepless nights and totally outlandish class schedules (Like having labs at 5 AM. I shit you not.).

Back on topic, Will the next game feature a 'gallery' mode upon completion? One of my only gripes about Kurovadis was that I have to mess with the save file then literally jump through hoops to get a sex scene.
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Tried the link to his blog but it seems the link is broken.:(
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

So... I bought the game! Because it's awesome!!!

But unlock.txt isn't working. There are still "demo" blocks and nothing seems to have changed.

I redownloaded the trial in its own folder, but that didn't help. =\

Edit: I redownloaded the wrong trial. lol. We'll see if it works now!

EDIT2: So. It's correct now! I think. But I can't actually FIND the next area! The demo blocks in the cave lead me to a beam of light I can't cross... so where do I go?
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Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

On the way to where the roll powerup was initially, there's a path that leads down. You need the flamethrower from the first boss to get through.
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Kurovadis keeps crashing on me for some reason. I've downloaded the V6 demo version from Kyrieru's site, but every time I either collect a power up or try to press Enter and pause the game freezes up - the hourglass appears, I wait and nothing happens, and if I try to click again I get the "not responding" message from Windows.

Well, not strictly every time; very occasionally it doesn't freeze up. I've no idea why, though.

I tried looking for other versions and found a download to a V4 somewhere, but that had the same problems. I got as far as beating some green tentacle boss with two shield generators without ever using the Enter menu (though it was pretty hard!) but then I was stuck in his room because I couldn't switch to the flamethrower without having to get into the enter menu which crashed the game.

Do I need to be in a particular compatability setting or something? I have the 64 bit version of Windows 7. Does it just not work properly in 64 bits? Or in Windows 7?
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Some video cards have some sort of issue with a particular line of code that's used in both cases

Use this version,

It's a modded version that removes the particular effect that causes the game to freeze.
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

You provide excellent support for your game. That's not something I see from most private developers. You really are one of the great ones. ;)